G-Vegas June 2014

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Each year, G-Vegas Magazine searches Eastern North Carolina for the area’s most beautiful women. Over the course of 5 bikini contests, girls are chosen for the Emeralds of the City Calendar.

LIST OF EVENTS & TICKET LOCATIONS ROUND-1 @ HOOTERS OF GREENVILLE Greenville, NC - SATURDAY AUGUST 09, 2014 ROUND-2 @ THE BELLAMY - POOLSIDE Greenville, NC - SATURDAY AUGUST 16, 2014 ROUND-3 @ THE LANDING - POOLSIDE Greenville, NC - SATURDAY AUGUST 23, 2014 ROUND-4 THE PROVINCE - POOLSIDE Greenville, NC - FRIDAY AUGUST 29, 2014 FINALS GREENVILLE, NC - SATURDAY OCTOBER 18, 2013 Contestants arrive at 12pm – Contest at 3pm HOSTED BY: DJ DOG Sup Dogs - Hosting a Hot Dog eating contest at each event! The Stylists from Alexander Paul Hair Institute will be providing the hair and makeup for all our contestants at each round! Sign up online to enter the contest www.gvegasmagazine.com Free Tickets Available At G-Vegas Magazine 116 East 5th Street, Greenville, NC 252-227-4313

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JUNE2014 1 ON THE COVER 3 Party Pics



Kevin Howard - gvegasmagazine@hotmail.com

Design Eduardo Vargas - www.vargas-design.com evargas@vargas-design.com Photography Trey Singletary - treyfromecu@aol.com Randy Moore - rpmoore1@wmconnect.com Mark Manna - mrmannaphotography@yahoo.com Contributors/Writers Mick & Blando - blando@99thex.com Barefoot Wade - barefootwade11@yahoo.com Trey Singletary - treyfromecu@aol.com Nithin Bhagwandass - nithinbhagwandass@gmail.com David Jury - davidjury12@yahoo.com Arran Wright - oncuepr0m0ti0ns@yahoo.com Brian Goings - poet_antidote@yahoo.com Christina Bogart - christinaebogart@yahoo.com Nathan Black - nblack252@gmail.com

G-VEGAS Magazine

116 East 5th Street, Greenville, NC (252) 227-4313


5 Godzilla Review 7 X-Men Review


9 COUNTER.POINT 11 Healthy Living 13 The Playhau5 Barbies 14 Album Reviews 15 Party Pictures



16 Party Pictures 17 Welcome to Tinder 19 Rebels with a Cause 20 World Cup 2014 21 Brew Bern 22 Brain Teasers



23 Summer Cocktails 26 Party Pics 28 Party Pics 29 June Events 30 VENUES





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I can’t stress enough that this review will have spoilers in it. I considered not doing this but the problems I had with this film warrant the need to get into some of the films lesser points. That being said, I realize we’re talking about a Godzilla film and not the newest Paul Thomas Anderson film or something that won first place at a festival most people have never heard of except maybe on NPR. When it comes to Godzilla we should expect almost no real depth in our human stars, the last time human concern was relevant in the series was possibly during the first movie and now, after fifty years, all sense of character development and story structure has gone the way of the dinosaurs (pun intended). But, with Bryan Cranston at the helm of this newest feature, we were given the possible, almost expected chance that there might be a pinch of depth to this story and maybe even somewhat of a comment on nuclear energy, reviving the original energy of the first film. It seemed at first this was the intention, and honestly I considered for a second if Christopher Nolan had not been consulted for notes on how to make this wild idea work. There is a dark serious here that has worked in other films and with the sleeper success of Pacific Rim not completely smothered out yet, audiences seemed to have their interest peaked just enough to make anything seem possible. So where did this film go wrong? Well, for starters don’t kill the only actor we were hoping to see. Ambitious as this movie was with it’s misdirection as to who we were following in the movie it oversteps this desired shock effect when it started to be the only real trick played upon us. The things most people want to see are only teased at in samples which after while completely thwarted the tension through unnecessary cutaways and clouded camera work. Most of the movie I found myself waiting for the pay off only to be returned to the actors who I was about half interested in and most of that being Cranston’s relationship with his son. Even Ken Watanabe, who is a more than capable performer, isn’t given enough screen time to establish any real reporie. Instead his recognized face is used to convince us that something incredible is constantly happening. But everytime he begins to learn something we (the audience) seem to know less. It is apparent from trailers where the story is leading to but to imagine people with no knowlGVM | 5

edge of Godzilla this would probably be frustrating and in terms of storytelling is just insipid. Spoilers! When Cranston’s character is killed off we are left following his son and while there is some nobility and drive to his story it is still not enough to cover over that hole of what we were promised going into the picture. We are left to deal with a simple character trying to get back to his family, which is never bad, but this story at it’s beginning appeared to promise so much more and even alluded to trying to say more, which is a very disappointing. With all its faults in the characters and human interaction out of the way, I will say that the kaiju battles, when they finally came into focus, were jaw dropping and everything a long time fan like myself could’ve asked for. My only request, if I could ever get my hand above the rest of the crowd, would be to not tease us with the build up to that moment. Considering the finer points of Pacific Rim, which didn’t have the greatest human elements either, there should have been a few fights along the way to interest us and show what would be brewing for later at the end. This would’ve given some deeper sense of rivalry between Godzilla and all the other baddies. Alas, this was not the case, and a bit of a missed opportunity. Still the closing fight was memorable and almost made up for all the teasers we got. The sad point here when thinking of this film is some of the trends this film followed. In terms of suspense it appears model after Cloverfield when it probably should’ve been more a straightforward action film, sans anything to do with Michael Bay. It is not all bad though, it certainly dominates over its 1998 predecessor and death rattle of Matthew Broderick’s career. Compared to the first American Godzilla this newest release is a tremendous success and could inspire possibly something even greater, but a return to the Chris Nolan notes on how to make something unbelievable seem believable needs to be considered and maybe something as simple as a survey on what people want to see in a Godzilla film should be considered. I would recommend people see this as it is a good first attempt at what could bring back a much loved character.



X-Men: Days of Future... At Last X-Men: Days of Future Past is the latest in the series of XMen movies, following the previous success of X-Men: First Class, and much like the one before, is set in the 70s with the backdrop of political and social unrest. First Class began almost as a refocusing of direction in the series as X-Men: The Last Stand (a giant bomb, hated by most fans) killed off many characters. With First Class audiences got to witness how and why the X-Men came together and why they fight the villains they do. The power of the film came in how well the connections came together despite conflicting viewpoints and difficulties that were faced. They felt like real characters dealing with real problems, the rub being they had superpowers and flashy costumes. The boldness of Days of Future Past is how well all the high points were hit again from that previous film and even more than we could have ever expected. Days of Future Past not only springboards off the great energy of First Class but revives the intensity and awe of even the first few films. There is a complete bridge from the past to present here, along with new images and ideas that we could not have expected. The source material for which Days of Future Past is eponymously named strays so far from the path, but it doesn’t matter, the film completely stands alone without barely having any connection to the original work, except for the bare bones tropes: time travel, dystopian future, one lone character being sent back to stop a politically important event, and sentinels (giant robots). Outside of this almost everything else is different. Notwithstanding character choices and retcon changes, Days of Future Past goes above and beyond the source material to introduce new characters, new challenges, and even greater development in the characters that we thought we already knew, this making their origins even more complete than ever before. One of the greatest things about this film as opposed to some others is the attention to little easter eggs of information from the comics peppered in. Without being familiar with the comics or having a background in them, some of these points might be lost, which (once again) is ok because some of them come across as jokes or things one could discover later. These serve more as fan service to the long time fanatics of the comics, and a great way to show appreciation for them considering X-Men has been in print since the early 60s. The final point which should be made is since the return of Bryan Singer (the original director of the series) it appears he has thunderously come back to sweep away all the mishaps of the films before his reprieve. Singer, through Days of Future Past, brings back many of the characters central to many of the more important stories in the X-Men series, and gives a chance for lesser known or even lesser liked characters a second chance to shine. Now that the past is changed the future is open to even greater X-Men stories that have not even been touched upon yet, of which there are many. It could be said that the future of X-Men is here at last. This movie gets my highest nod: A++, a new classic is born.

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Waiting in line at will call to pick up our weekend passes, after a long and stressful drive, the excitement and anticipation builds to an almost palpable level. Everyone is antsy and ready to get inside the gates. It’s late Friday evening and Pretty Lights is almost ready to take the stage. Wristbands are finally in place, security check complete, and we make the long and winding drive down a dusty dirt path to one of the biggest music festivals of the year. Counterpoint is in full force and you can hear music and see lights every bit of the way to park. The camping gear can wait, we have to get inside. In the long line to bag check you can feel an air of euphoric bliss as everyone prepares themselves for the bright lights to hit them while the bass rocks them to the core. The laser lights surround us and through every tree and hill as far as you can see. Once we hit the park, the trek to the stage begins. No one seems to be in a hurry. This crowd is more about the enjoyment of being in this beautiful place than being in a race. I go with their flow instead of feeling rushed like I did before. I make it just in time to see the incredible set that Pretty Lights put on. I see just enough to know that this is unlike any concert or show I have ever been to. This is going to be a good weekend. I walk back to the Steeple Stage with plenty of time to have Rich Homie Quan make me feel some type of way. The lights shine out of the crowd as everyone sings along and feels every word that he says. I look out and see totems floating above and I’m entertained to see some of things that people created. A big red jelly fish made of an umbrella immediately enters my view (I eventually see this person at every single stage throughout the weekend). While everyone is continuing to enjoy the show, my anticipation is building because Krewella will be taking the stage next. I’m so tired from the drive, but I know I can push through for them. I catch a second wind when I see them and I know that every ounce of exhaustion is going to be worth it. I am right. Krewella rocks the house. Everyone sings along as their hits g-vegasmagazine | 9

“Killin It” and “Alive” make sound waves that travel across the entire festival grounds. When the crowd is lit up I look around and see only one thing....joy. The show is over but the night doesn’t end. Silent Disco goes on into the wee hours of the morning. The campground is buzzing with stories of the day. My only goal at this point is to set up camp and get some sleep. Saturday is sure to be a long day and I know I need to prepare. I wake up from a chilly evening to a relentless sun that blazes the entire day. I walk around the park and see so many artists including Five Knives, Hucci, and The Polish Ambassador. They are all amazing and the crowd relaxes while enjoying the music surrounding them. Most try to catch some shade from the sun under a tree that looks like it’s crying. It’s beautiful even during the day. The hammocks hanging from its branches make it easy for people to rest up for the night to come. As each act takes one of the four stages spread throughout the festival grounds the crowd swarms and grows larger and larger as the nights headliners, Foster the People and Above & Beyond, get closer to their set time. As Foster the People make their way in front of the gathering of thousands before them, the lights shine out, the bass hits, and then the melodic voice of singer Mark Foster rings out around us. The stage is amazing, the sound is incredible, and the feeling of happiness reaches an all-time high. I feel like nothing can top this moment. As “Pumped Up Kicks” ends, I start back to the Steeple Stage to make sure I don’t miss a minute of Above & Beyond. From the second they take the stage the crowd is captivated. Every epic moment of their set building up to the acoustic version of their most famous song “Sun and Moon” took my breath away. They are easily my favorite as the entire audience tears up and sings along with the beauty of the lights enveloping us. Sunday starts just as beautifully as Saturday did, but as I’m enjoying

the day and the music, the sky opens up and puts a small damper on the event. Not one person lets this get them down. Once the venue opens back up, spirits are still high and the excitement is still there. Despite this being day 3 of a long festival, people gather all of their energy to carry on. I immediately realize how worth it is to not let the rain destroy my vibe. With some of the best artists saved for the final day, I literally struggle to decide who I want to see more. Of course in my mind I know I have to see the main act of the entire festival... Outkast. After 10 years, Outkast returns and blows the crowd away with their multiple hits and their unique performance. The entire hoard of festival goers flood the field to make Outkast the most watched performers of the entire festival. Flux Pavilion closes out the show in a big way booming his infectious beats including his hit song “I Can’t Stop� and the crowd simply screams along and goes crazy. The set ends at two in the morning leaving everyone wanting more. Most stop at the silent disco or head

back to their camp, but I make my way to the car to start the long ride home. While the campground fills with people who are ready to continue the party, the rest of the crowd knows that they have to work on Monday and make their way back down the long muddy path to head out. The festival is over, but I made new friends and got to have the experience of a lifetime. It is something I will never forget. Thank you to everyone at MCP and the people of Counterpoint for giving me the opportunity to have this incredible experience. It really changed my life and I hope to do more things like this in the future. To see more pictures and information about Counterpoint check out the website at www.counterpointfestval.com. Make sure you look for more events from Insomniac Media. Upcoming events include Electric Daisy Festival-New York on Memorial Day Weekend, Electric Daisy Festival-Las Vegas, Electric Forest, and many others.



5 Summer Steps for Healthy Living In the warmer, longer, lazier days of summer, the living may not be easy, but your life probably feels less chaotic. Even adults tend to adopt a “school’s out!” attitude in summer. That’s why this is a perfect time to improve your health in a fashion so seasonally laid back you’ll barely notice the effort. 1. Give Your Diet a Berry Boost If you do one thing this summer to improve your diet, have a cup of mixed fresh berries -- blackberries, blueberries, or strawberries -- every day. They’ll help you load up on antioxidants, which may help prevent damage to tissues and reduce the risks of age-related illnesses. Blueberries and blackberries are especially antioxidant-rich. A big bonus: Berries are also tops in fiber, which helps keep cholesterol low and may even help prevent some cancers. 2. Get Dirty -- and Stress Less To improve your stress level, plant a small garden, cultivate a flower box, or if space is really limited, plant a few flower pots -- indoors or out. Just putting your hands in soil is “grounding.” And when life feels like you’re moving so fast your feet are barely touching the stuff, being mentally grounded can help relieve physical and mental stress.

3. Floss Daily You know you need to, now it’s time to start: floss every single day. Do it at the beach (in a secluded spot), while reading on your patio, or when watching TV -- and the task will breeze by. Flossing reduces oral bacteria, which improves overall body health, and if oral bacteria is low, your body has more resources to fight bacteria elsewhere. Floss daily and you’re doing better than at least 85% of people. 4. Get Outside to Exercise Pick one outdoor activity -- going on a hike, taking a nature walk, playing games such as tag with your kids, cycling, roller blading, or swimming -- to shed that cooped-up feeling of gym workouts. And remember, the family that plays together not only gets fit together -- it’s also a great way to create bonding time. 5. Be Good to Your Eyes To protect your vision at work and at play, wear protective eyewear. When outdoors, wear sunglasses that block at least 99% of ultraviolet A and B rays. Sunglasses can help prevent cataracts, as well as wrinkles around the eyes. And when playing sports or doing tasks such as mowing the lawn, wear protective eyewear. Ask your eye doctor about the best type; some are sport-specific. SOURCE: www.webmd.com

Source: www.huffingtonpost.com g-vegasmagazine | 11



Open a ‘barcode scanner’ app on your Smartphone. Point your phones camera at the code and scan.




At G-VEGAS Magazine we have some of the most intelligent and beautiful girls working for us. They come from everywhere and have various interests. Three girls in particular spend their time outside of G-VEGAS in the most awesome way. Alissa, Melissa, and Ashley don’t just attend raves, they are part of the show. They perform for a troupe called the Playhau5 Barbies, and they spend their weeks prepping for shows and their weekends living out their dreams. Playhau5 Barbies is a performance company that started in Texas a few years ago. These girls are part of the North Carolina troupe that just began in July of last year. Ashley Amberlynn started dancing with the group in December of 2013. Her first show became her favorite experience with the group and Alissa and Melissa agree. “A Mad World: Winter Wonderland was my favorite because of all the energy and new faces,” Ashley says. “Alissa and I worked very hard on all the costumes for this show. The founder (Jaimi GVM | 13

Leighann) visited all the way from Texas to meet and perform with us. I also really enjoyed dancing for Bobby Doque and Fyer. Their music rocked!” Melissa added. Alissa,who has become the ambassador for the NC sector, says that “being a part of Playhau5 Barbies is a great way to build experience and professionalism, which is what you need if you want to continue with this in life. We work hard at event,” she explains, “and what we gain the most from it is experience and growth.” Alissa, Melissa, and Ashley hope to gain more experience throughout this year by performing at the A Mad World series taking place at Southland Ballroom on June 6th and again on August 8th. Each of these shows has a unique theme that the girls prepare for from their costumes to their makeup. With these events under their belts, these amazingly talented ladies hope to start performing at festivals next year. The girls hone their skills by practicing everyday, Melissa does poi, Alissa hoops, and Ashley

is a go-go dancer. I’ve personally seen these ladies in action and what they do is nothing short of spectacular. The dedication it takes to be a part of something like this is astonishing, and they don’t just do it to persue their dreams. They enjoy the looks of joy on people’s faces as they take the stage and show off their hard work. “I like being a Barbie most because we don’t just dance, we interact with everyone to make sure the people are having the best experience possible,” Ashley says. With that being said, if you are a hardworking and dedicated performer, if you want to have a great time while doing what you love, Playhau5 Barbies are always looking for people to help build their name and presence. To be a part of the team you must fill out an application and submit photos and video of you showing off your skills. Make sure to be a part of the magic and check the Playhau5 Barbies out on Facebook and at event near you.



Iggy Azalea: The New Classic Def Jam/Grand Hustle


Iggy Azalea grew up in Australia, but you’d never know it from her accent – a curiously affected drawl that could come from Atlanta, Houston or nowhere at all. Once, such weirdness might have disqualified her from rap stardom, but that was then. Iggy swaggers through her first LP with all the zero-fucks-given zest of the Nineties baby she

Michael Jackson: Xscape Epic Michael Jackson has been more prolific in death than he usually was while alive. For his second posthumous studio LP, weighing in at an ungenerous eight songs, Timbaland and Jerome Harmon lead a team of producers who’ve added bulk and even dubstep eruptions to Jackson’s unfinished tracks, originally laid down between 1983 and 2002. “Loving You” (recorded during sessions for 1987’s Bad) follows the wonderful, breezy legacy of “Rock With You” and “The Way You Make Me Feel.” But it’s an exception: Most of these songs rot and sway with fear. In “Chicago,” Jackson rails at a harlot who seduced him, despite being married with kids. The Dangerous outtake “Slave to the Rhythm” details an ugly marriage, and the EDM surges of the astounding, audacious “Do You Know Where Your Children Are” chronicle the grim fate of a preteen girl who runs from an abusive stepdad. Even with such dark subject matter, though, it’s a joy to hear the joy in Jackson’s voice. Female sexual predators and the abuse of children were frequent Jackson themes. So was his sense of martyrdom. In “Xscape,” he uses his array of percussive gasps and clucks to describe how TV cameras (and, inevitably, a greedy woman) plague his life. In the second chorus, he slips in a chilling ad-lib that’s easy to overlook: “I’m dying.” Souce: www.rollingstone.com

is, trumpeting her story on underdog anthems like “Work” and “Don’t Need Y’all.” Savvier still, she dresses them up in the kind of shamelessly poppy hooks that make Top 40 programmers giggle in delight and “real hip-hop” heads shake theirs sadly. If this is the future, it’s one strange place.




Hello folks! I’m here to introduce an already wildly popular app for those of you that may have been living under a rock this past year. Tinder is a swipe happy hook up site for those who are sick of grenade catching or bar trolling. Tinder acts as a modern day hotor-not and allows you to see a persons very limied profile in order to determine whether you are a fan or not. If you both like each other then it is a match. Just swipe left for no, swipe right for yes, and converse with only those you match with. Sounds perfect right? Well, I’m here to tell you that, after using the app for quite a while myself, there are a few rules for both guys and girls that should be followed. Guys: 1. DO NOT MAKE YOUR MAIN PICTURE ONE OF YOU AND ANOTHER GIRL. Big mistake! Girl’s tend to be a little more picky than you guys are. We see a pic of you and another girl and we are going to assume one of two things: taken or player. Either way it’s a definitely swipe to the left hand side. 2. NO GROUP PICTURES. In case you have missed it, the “cheerleader effect” doesn’t work for boys. We are going to assume you are the ugly one of the group, and nine times out of ten we are going to tap that big red x before we even look through the rest of your pictures. 3. ENOUGH WITH THE MIRROR SELFIES. We GET it! You are proud of your body. While we find it sexy that you work out, we would rather see your face before we see your abs. Save that kind thing for your last picture or for Snapchat. 4. NO MEAN MUGS. Smile. Mean faces are an instant lefter. No one wants to swipe right on a guy that looks like he may kill us when we decide to meet. 5. NO FISH PICTURES. We understand that this may be your

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favorite hobby, but women are not impressed by the size of your.... fish. Girls: 1. YOU ARE NOT THE ONLY GIRL ON TINDER. Please don’t get offended if you decide to meet a guy from Tinder and realize that he is still using his index finger for more than texting you. Tinder is a great way to meet PEOPLE not just you. 2. FEEL FREE TO START THE CONVERSATION. This is the 21st Century. Guys do not always have to make the first move. If your match doesn’t talk back, it isn’t a big blow because there are hundreds of other matches waiting. 3. DON’T GET TOO EXCITED WHEN YOU MATCH WITH EVERYONE. Boys tend to get a little overzealous with their swiping finger. They will spam like to get as many matches as possible and then weed them out later. This isn’t all guys, but I would venture to say it is most of them. 4. DON’T GET SWIPE HAPPY. Make sure that you take your time. I know it can be fun to just go crazy with the swiping, but remember, once you say no...there are no backsies. A potential match could be gone forever. 5. KEEP IT REALISTIC. While there are some guys out there looking for a relationship, Tinder is a site where you meet a lot of people all at once. If a guy simply sends you a message suggesting that he wants nothing more than a hookup, don’t put your outraged face on. This is Tinder after all, not match.com. Now ladies and gents, make sure you get out there and download Tinder if you haven’t already. Get to swiping! You’ll never know if you never try.




All you hardcore rockers out there if you weren’t at Charlotte Motor Speedway the first weekend on May then you missed out on (there really just is no other way to say this) ONE HELL OF A WEEKEND. After a very long and tiring ride from Greenville to Charlotte we finally made it to the camp ground around 4am. I was so pumped and so excited I could barely sleep. I was the new guy the year prior to this. never done a huge event. so Carolina Rebellion has a special place for me. This year’s record breaking event of 60,000+ took place on May 3 and 4 at the Charlotte Motor Speedway for the second year in a row. After three previous shows (at three different locations), this venue has seemed to have made a perfect fit for this event. The Camping and shower houses is very well kept (though the general store is priced a tad high so pack wisely) around 9am we start making our 1/2 mile walk to the speedway. as you approached the gates you see the excitement and pressure building in the crowd. general admission opened at 11am, I however had to be there at 10am to set up our work station where myself, Cosmo gaming and Dawn of the underground set up a multi media outlet interview process just to make life easier for all. you can watch all the coverage at www.cosmogaming.com Headlined by Kid Rock and Avenged Sevenfold, the event brought plenty of heavy rock acts to two main stages. While rain shut down much of the second day last year, the weather this time around was perfect - high 70s and low 80s with plenty of clear skies. Day One this year was kicked off by Sweden’s own Truckfighters on the Jager stage and the energetic trio quickly established that this weekend was going to be jam packed full of excitement. Denmark’s Volbeat was one of the band’s that cancelled last year, but it made up for it by practically stealing the show with one of the strongest sets of the day. Kyng’s performance left everyone scratching their heads in confusion on how so much sound and intense energy was possible out of only three guys. They also did a sick cover of Van Halen’s “Hot for Teacher.” the day continued on with amazing performances by countless bands and acts closing out with an as always over the top Rob zombie performance and ending with by the far a mind blowing Avenged Sevenfold performance. when they closed out day

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one and it seemed as if not a single person had left as the crowd was simply massive. you could not see where it ended and the darkness of night began. and as the concert came to an end for the night the partying did not. it simply faded back into the darkness itself and over to the camp grounds. you heard music from previous acts playing at random camp sites, or a mellow 311 beat in the background from somebody’s car as they prepare for the lineup the next day. the campgrounds were alive all night. sleep was barely an option. Day Two was kicked off by Gemini Syndrome on the Jager stage. The crowd turn-out for these guys rivaled that of some of the bands on the bigger stages over the course of the weekend. They were for sure a crowd favorite and just the nicest guys ever. I had the chance to sit with them backstage. Hellyeah kicked off the Carolina stage with a loud and rowdy set with lead singer Chad Gray sporting a Mohawk that was equally as loud.. Staind was very blah, not too much energy. 311 which is my favorite band of all time brought the day to a pretty chill afternoon right before the final big acts occurred..... Five Finger Death Punch, whom many in attendance felt should have headlined day two, closed out the Rebellion stage with a set that was perfection in the typical 5FDP fashion. I also had a chance to meet with these guys. they were so humble taking photos with fans and just really putting in time with the people who love their music. People love to hate on him, but if there’s one person who always looks like he’s having a great time, it has to be Kid Rock. The guy’s a showman, plain and simple. He tosses his mic around, jumps on a whim and never looks like would rather be elsewhere. Over the period of two days I met so many people I cant even remember who all I did meet. I was a once in a lifetime chance. I worked with some amazing photographers and media outlets. Thanks to all those involved. Please stay tuned to Gvegas Magazine for a series of interviews from the 2014 Carolina Rebellion lineup. Exclusive one on ones with Dale Stewart of Seether, Rick Dejesus of Adelita’s way and his take one fatherhood. Plus many much such as Volbeat, Theory of a Deadman, Fozzy, Gemini Syndrome, and dozens more.




Starting June 12th through July 13th!Come and support your nation! Without question the World Cup is the biggest sporting event of the year! But where and when? In my opinion four of the best soccer watching venues are: PEASANTS PUB: (downtown) A must for USA American Outlaw fans who want to get loud and proud!Also good for other games with great food/drinks and a knowledgeable bar staff when it comes to soccer! AJ MCMURPHYS IRISH PUB: (near Bells Fork,behind Food Lion) My own personal favorite.A great place to watch the England games with an Irish Pint(what could be better),also a good place to watch all World Cup games with great staff,drinks/food! CHRISTYS EURO PUB: (near ECU) A great soccer watching pub.Good location for ECU soccer fans. On the Patio or inside with good food, staff and drinks! THE PUB AT KUSTARI: (Stanton Square,near the Hospital) A new British Pub with traditional British food as well as Indian food!Also good drinks/soccer staff! Big games to watch: USA vs Ghana,Monday 16th June 7pm USA vs Portugal,Sunday 22nd June 6pm

USA vs Germany,Thursday 26th June 1pm!...Go USA...American Outlaws!!! Also:The opening events, Thursday, June 12th followed by:Brazil vs Croatia:game starts at 5pm. England vs Italy,Saturday 14th June 6pm England vs Uruguay,Thursday 19th June 4pm England vs Costa Rica,Tuesday 24th June 1pm.OY!...go on me old chinas! also:Spain vs Netherlands,Friday 13th June 4pm/Germany vs Portugal,Monday 16th June 1pm/Brazil vs Mexico Tuesday 17th June 4pm/Belgium vs Russia Sunday 22nd June 1pm! There are many other great games i have left out! Go to FIFA 2014 for more info. Don’t miss out Round of 16 (ie: the second round) Sat 28th June 1pm and 5pm/Sun 29th June 1pm and 5pm/Mon 20h June 1pm and 5pm/Tues 1st June 1pm and 5pm - Quarter Finals are Friday and Saturday 4th/5th, June at 1pm/5pm - Semi Finals Tuesday 8th/Wednesday 9th July both at 5pm! - And the World Cup Final:Sunday 13th July 4pm!

Have a great World Cup 2014! Cheers!

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BREW BERN BEER FEST New Bern will be hosting their fifth annual beer festival at the
 Riverfront Convention Center on 28 June 2014. This 45,000 square foot venue is a first class,
state of the art building located downtown in the city’s historic district on the Trent River waterfront. The festival will focus on 50+ American craft and regional micro breweries with over 150 beers being offered. There will only be one tasting session with three tickets options. The VIP ticket is $40 if purchased before 7 Jun, $50 after that date/day of the event and will give you admission from 1 - 6 PM. The General Admission ticket is $25 if purchased before 7 Jun, $35 after that date/day of the event and will give you admission from 2:30 - 6 PM. The VIP and GA ticket includes unlimited sampling of all beers offered. The Designated Driver ticket (available online only) which is $10 and will give you admission from 1 - 6 PM. There will only be 500 VIP and 3000 total tickets sold. This event will sell out so ensure you get your tickets as soon as they go on sale. Ticket sales will start at 8 AM on Saturday, 3 May 2014. Sign up and become a member of BeerArmy.com so you will be notified when tickets are released. Becoming a member is free, quick and easy, so join today. ALL proceeds to support local charities. We are excited to be associated with and raising money for the Museum of the Marine and the Beer Army Vigilant Guardian Foundation.
 We hope that you can join us on 28 June for this exciting festival!




COOL DOWN SUMMER COCKTAILS CUCUMBER PINEAPPLE TEQUILA COOLER Ingredients 1 cup fresh pineapple cubes 2 limes, skin removed 1 seedless European cucumber, peeled, plus cucumber slices for garnish 4 ounces silver (blanco) tequila 1 1/2 cups ice cubes, plus more for serving 1 tablespoon agave nectar Pinch kosher salt Directions Prepare a vegetable juicer (or blender if unavailable). Run the pineapple, limes and cucumber through the juicer, letting all the juices combine. Pour the tequila into a cocktail shaker or pitcher, and then add the juices, ice, agave and salt. Shake or stir vigorously until chilled. Line up 4 tall Tom Collins glasses filled with ice, and pour the tequila cooler over. Serve with straws and cucumber slices for garnish.

GVM | 23

RED SANGRIA Ingredients 1 bottle (750 ml) dry red wine 1/4 cup brandy 1/4 cup orange liqueur 2 tablespoons sugar 2 sliced oranges 1 sliced green apple 1 1/2 cups seltzer Directions Mix the wine, liqueur and sugar in a pitcher, stirring to dissolve the sugar, then add the fruit. Refrigerate at least 1 hour and up to 1 day. Add the seltzer just before serving.


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Each year, G-Vegas Magazine searches Eastern North Carolina for the area’s most beautiful women. Over the course of 5 bikini contests, girls are chosen for the Emeralds of the City Calendar.

LIST OF EVENTS & TICKET LOCATIONS ROUND-1 @ HOOTERS OF GREENVILLE Greenville, NC - SATURDAY AUGUST 09, 2014 ROUND-2 @ THE BELLAMY - POOLSIDE Greenville, NC - SATURDAY AUGUST 16, 2014 ROUND-3 @ THE LANDING - POOLSIDE Greenville, NC - SATURDAY AUGUST 23, 2014 ROUND-4 THE PROVINCE - POOLSIDE Greenville, NC - FRIDAY AUGUST 29, 2014 FINALS GREENVILLE, NC - SATURDAY OCTOBER 18, 2013 Contestants arrive at 12pm – Contest at 3pm HOSTED BY: DJ DOG Sup Dogs - Hosting a Hot Dog eating contest at each event! The Stylists from Alexander Paul Hair Institute will be providing the hair and makeup for all our contestants at each round! Sign up online to enter the contest www.gvegasmagazine.com Free Tickets Available At G-Vegas Magazine 116 East 5th Street, Greenville, NC 252-227-4313


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JUNE EVENTS SATURDAY 14: - Blue Soul Redemption @ King’s Cup Tavern in Ayden @ 8pm - Vennavar @ The Tipsy Teapot @ 8pm - Soul Psychadelique @ City Bistro @ 10pm SUNDAY 15: - Those Meddling Kids @ Peasant’s Pub @ 8pm MONDAY 16: - Open Mic Night @ Peasant’s Pub @ 8:30pm TUESDAY 17: - Psylo Joe @ Peasant’s Pub @ 9pm WEDNESADAY 18: - IBX Improv @ Tiebreakers @ 7pm - Team Trivia @ Peasant’s Pub @ 8:30pm THURSDAY 19: - Stand Up Comedy @ Tipsy Teapot @ 8pm

Find out what to do any day of the week, from live music to trivia in Greenville NC. email us your events at gvegasjams@gmail.com MONDAY 23: - Open Mic Night @ Peasant’s Pub @ 8:30pm TUESDAY 24: - Psylo Joe @ Peasant’s Pub @ 9pm - David Dixon @ AJ McMurphy’s @ 9:30pm WEDNESDAY 25: - The Wet Boys @ Tipsy Teapot @ 8pm - Team Trivia @ Peasant’s Pub @ 8:30pm THURSDAY 26: - Stand Up Comedy @ Tipsy Teapot @ 8pm - Tiny Boxes @ Peasant’s Pub @ 10pm FRIDAY 27: - Spare Change @ The City Bistro @ 10pm - Aqueous @ Peasants Pub @ 10pm - Carson Alley @ Tiebreakers @ 8pm

FRIDAY 20: - Mikele Buck Band @ The City Bistro @ 10pm - The Fireside Collective @ Tipsy Teapot @ 8pm - The Deluge @ Peasant’s Pub @ 10pm

SATURDAY 28: - Trainwreck @ The City Bistro @ 10pm - Brief Lives @ Tipsy Teapot @ 8pm - Bootleg Dynasty @ Peasant’s Pub @ 9pm

SATURDAY 21: - The Emily Minor Band @ The City Bistro @ 10pm - Dance Fitness with Jessica @ Greenville Convention Cente @ 8am-2pm

MONDAY 30: - Open Mic Night @ Peasant’s Pub @ 8:30pm

SUNDAY 22: - Those Meddling Kids @ Peasant’s Pub @ 8pm

SUNDAY 29: - Those Meddling Kids @ Peasant’s Pub @ 8pm




TOTAL PACKAGE A L L- I N C L U S I V E ST U D E N T L I V I N G electricity, internet, cable, water, sewer & trash included with no cap

S AV E $1 5 0 W I T H Z E R O A D M I N F E E

GREENVILLESTUDENTHOUSING.COM Fees & utilities included are subject to change. Limited time only. See office for details.

GVM | 29


olina, r a C t s a E o G or Don’t !G!o At All

List of entertainment venues, Restaurants, and nightclubs In Greenville NC. ■ Tavern on 4th

SAT. OCT. 19 10PM 252-227-4313 www.EastCarolinaTravel.com

110 E 4th St Greenville, NC 27858

■ Halfway House 420 Cotanche St. Greenville, NC 27858

■ Scullery

431 South Evans Street, Greenville, NC 27858 (252) 321-1550

■ Winslow’s Tavern

120 West 5th Street, Greenville, NC (252) 364-892 www.winslowsdeli.com

■ 5th Street Distillery

120 East 5th Street, Greenville, NC (252) 757-3034

■ Chico’s

521 Cotanche Street, Greenville, NC 27858 (252) 757-1666 www.chicosrestaurant.com

■ Club 519

519 Cotanche Street, Greenville, NC (252) 752-4313

■ Hard Times

209 East 5th Street, Greenville, NC 27858 (252) 752-0430

■ MacBilliards

■ Sup Dogs

213 East 5th Street, Greenville, NC 27858 (252) 752-7682 www.supdogs.com

■ Christy’s Euro Pub 301 S Jarvis St Greenville, NC 27858 (252) 758-2774

■ Tie Breakers

1920 B Smythewyck Dr., Greenville, NC 27858 (252) 439-0555

■ Live

2120 East Fire Tower Road, Greenville, NC 27858 (252) 756-8474

■ A.J. McMurphy’s 1914 Turnbury Drive, Greenville, NC 27858 (252) 355-7956 www.ajmcmurphys.com

■ Hooters

316 Greenville Blvd SW, Greenville, NC 27858 (252) 353-5995 www.hooters.com

■ City Hotel and Bistro

517 Cotanche St. Greenville, NC 27858 (252) 752-6728

203 Greenville Blvd SW, Greenville, NC 27834 (252) 355-8300 www.cityhotelandbistro.com

■ Pantana Bob’s

■ Varsity Club

513 Cotanche Street, Greenville, NC 27858 (252) 757-3778

■ Stilllife

511 Cotanche St. Greenville, NC 27858 (252) 329-9991

■ Rum Republic

218 East 5th Street, Greenville, NC 27858 (252) 758-9000

123 E. 5th Street. Greenville, NC 27858 (252) 355-0344

■ Michaelangelo’s Pizza 200 East 5th Street Greenville. NC (252) 227-4425

■ The Side Bar

■ Peasant’s Pub

■ Buffalo Wild Wings 426 E Arlington Blvd Greenville, NC 27858 (252) 758-9191 g-vegasmagazine | 30 GVM | 30

114 E 5th St, Greenville. NC (252) 364-2367

111 E 5th St Greenville, NC. (252) 752-6688

GVM | 31

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