The Do's and Don'ts of Rent Agreement Drafting

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The Rent Agreement is a highly essential contract that grants several liberties to both parties. The owner's property is secured, while the renter receives evidence of address.

To legalise the house leasing procedure, the tenant and landlord must put their verbal agreement in paper and have the document registered.

Before Drafting The Rental Agreement, There Is An Important Clause

Before drafting a rental agreement, you should be informed of the many types of rental agreements and their clauses. Some of the important do's and don'ts while drafting a rent agreement are listed here.

The agreement should include specifics about your stay duration (tenancy period). Rent payments' frequency and date. When your lease will be renewed. Also included are provisions for repairs

Why are most rental ag reement for 11 months ?

Landlords typically avoid making 12-month leases since the Rental Control Act mandates the registration of documents and imposes heavy penalties.

Before signing the tenancy agreement, make sure to read the paragraph carefully. If there are any missing terms and conditions, it will be difficult for both parties to resolve any conflicts without referring to the rental agreement that the two parties signed.

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