
Page 1

004 > 005 foreword 007 ufo ∞ 008 > 025 what will our future look like? × ESSENCE 030 > 043 genera027 tive outter space / plasma 044 + 062 generative interludes 046 > 061 matter from outter space / disruptive matter 064 > 073 lab. oil part 1 074 > 085 lab. exp. 086 > 091 transfusion food × I

MACHINES 096 + 105 + 129 093 mechanical interludes 098 > 103 healthy cities 106 > 115 virtual violence 116 > 122 purpose economy 123 > 127 computer machines × CREATURES 134 > 145 oil part 2 128 146 > 153 hybrid flora 154 > 161 nuclear divinities × 162 > 163 musique non stop ∞ 165 ufo × II



ISSUE 1 | 2008 - 2020 SAMPLES

– What is reality? – One of the many possible illusions. Robert Scheckley 1975


Each project will be punctuated by quotes. Here and there, they'll add another dimension or bring a new perspective to the visuals alongside, inviting the reader to further reflection.


"Foretaste" is a small archive of possible futures. This selection of projects made between 2008 and 2020 provides a few lines of inquiry. But there will be more questions asked than answers given. "Foretaste" is above all a visual exploration to whet your appetite and curiosity, a collection of carefully placed clues for the explorer you will become while leafing through its pages. Are your neurons hungry? Here’s the menu: As an "amuse-gueule", we’ll taste some futuristic nuggets found on Google, an unavoidable source in our time. Together, we will then leave for outer space, where everything begins and where the essence of everything originates: matter. Several starters await us. First a spatial exploration, allowing us to approach the fine line between the real and the artificial. Then, we will dive into the macroscopic, searching for possible traces of extraterrestrial life. We'll keep on analysing samples but this time in our materials library, and we'll play with them just as bioengineers will shape new beings in their labs. Our main course will be mechanics. We will look at the famous machines to which humans like to compare themselves. We'll enjoy snap shots of a few motors. We’ll analyse the topography of smart cities before proposing an allegory of our digital egos. We will also consider whether computation and the financial markets may have already transformed humans into simple robots. We'll end on a sweet note, leaving the virtual world of pixels to return to the tasty flesh and evoke the figure of the cyborg through three exquisite brand new species...


The miracle is that the universe created a part of itself to study the rest of it, and that this part in studying itself finds the rest of the universe in its own natural inner realities. John C. Lilly 1972


UFO 4538 photography, digital collage, plastic toys 2009


what will our future look like ? We asked the question to Google Images. Here are some of our favourite answers/predictions. (Research made on June 12th 2020).


We'll work and live in giant fragrance bottles.


We'll finally drive fancy concept cars.


We'll be cruising in the air.


We'll have transparent touch screens and fancy glasses to work like Tom in Minority Report.


We won't eat much.


We'll be good swimmers.


We won't need glasses anymore.


We'll be able to genetically design our babies.


We'll drown.


We'll be more beautiful than ever.


Robots will start to think and therefore they'll be.


Sexbots will arch their backs for us.


We'll live in bubbles.


We'll live in bubbles under water.


We won't live anymore.


Google is no longer of our world anymore. Or more precisely, it has built a world that, each day, is a little less ours. Bruno Patino 2019




Generative outer space : what is real, what is artificial? plasma | 030 > 043

Generative interludes 044 + 062

Matter from outer space : what will we find out there? disruptive matter | 046 > 061

Step into the lab : an introduction to future materials ; the essence of cyborgs? oil part 1 + exp. | 064 > 085

Step into design fiction : intensifying flavours in the food of the future. transfusion food | 086 > 091



To gaze far into the sky is to gaze into our most distant past. Jean-Claude Ameisen 2012


Let's start our journey with some proper exploration: an unknown planet whose surface is covered with a mysterious liquid. What does it contain? A tangible entity or a generated artefact? "Plasma" is a short video created in 2017. The generative visuals were made in Adobe After Effects. The video was exhibited at the 2018 Generate!° Festival in Tübingen, Germany.


Let's start our journey with some proper exploration: an unknown planet whose surface is covered with a mysterious liquid. What does it contain? A tangible entity or a generated artefact? Plasma is a short video created in 2017. The generative visuals were made in Adobe After Effects. The video was exhibited at the 2018 Generate!° Festival in Tübingen, Germany.






Outer space: a hostile environment yet the origin of all things. Will our search for extraterrestrial life ever be fulfilled? Let's analyse a few samples. Part of the visuals were created for Qiio Magazin's "Disruption" article published in 2019.

P.047 DM_0043 photography, ice, 2019 P.048 DM_0413 photography, digital collage, glass & ice, 2019 P.049 DM_0397 photography, glass, 2019

DM_0263 photography, glass 2019 DM_0379 photography, glass 2019

The entire universe is getting colder and colder. And for that reason, it will probably end up in ice.* Jean-Claude Ameisen 2012 * "For around seven billion years, the expansion of the universe has never stopped accelerating. And if the expansion of the Universe accelerates, the galaxies and their stars, the sources of light and heat in the universe, move farther and farther away from each other."


DM_0051 photography, ice 2019

DM_0125 photography, ice 2019 DM_0080 photography, ice 2019



DM_0074 photography, ice 2019

DSC_0082 DM_0082 photography, ice 2019


The non-existence of aliens is a far more disturbing idea than that of their existence... What a staggering thought. And at the same time what a responsibility. […] "We may be alone in the universe and if we fail, there will be nothing left anywhere." Bernard Werber 2004



Oil part 1

BlackOil_01 photography, x-ray film 2012

What kind of materials will we develop in our labs? Will they be bioengineered? Will they come alive?


BlackOil_02 photography, x-ray film 2012


BlackOil_06 photography, x-ray film 2012 tra0039 photography, polypropylene, spray paint 2008

O1 photography, digital collage, x-ray film, 2008


creature20 photography, digital collage, polypropylene, spray paint 2008 mat0087 photography, x-ray film 2008



The ability to manipulate bits, atoms, neurons and genes makes it in theory possible to control almost everything, because it gives the keys to understanding the informational code of matter at all levels. F45

creature53bis photography, digital collage, xray film, motor 2008


creature53bis photography, digital collage, Marina Maestrutti xray film, motor 2008


F45 creature53bis photography, digital collage, xray film, motor 2008


Take a glimpse into our materials library, where the matter comes alive.

MP2 melt_0127 photography, polypropylene 2008


MP1 melt_0104 photography, polypropylene 2008

MP1 melt_0103 photography, polypropylene 2008

MP2 melt_0105 photography, polypropylene 2008


MP2 melt_0122 photography, polypropylene, spray paint 2008

MP1 cut_0007 photography, polypropylene, cut 2008

MXR1 melt_0083 photography, x-ray film, spray paint 2008


Being able to manipulate one by one the components of matter will undoubtetly mark the start of a second industrial revolution. We will witness a flourishing of molecular factories dedicated to the manufacture of new materials hardly imaginable today. Michio Kaku 2011

MP2 melt_0011 photography, polypropylene 2008

MP2 melt_0013 photography, polypropylene 2008


Nanotechnology has given us with the tools [...] to play with the ultimate toy box of nature – atoms and molecules. The possibilities to create new things appear to be limitless. Horst Stormer Nobel Prize Laureate

B52 melt_0052 photography, polypropylene 2008

B75 melt_0075 photography, polypropylene, spray paint 2008


MXR1 melt_0061 photography, x-ray film 2008

MXR1 melt_0063 photography, x-ray film 2008

MXR1 melt_0059 photography, x-ray film 2008

Oil part 2 > P. 134 The experiments were applied to a worldbuilding project: the materials morph into sensual cyborgs.

creature_53 photography, digital collage, x-ray film, motor 2008


What will we eat in the future? And how? Will our portions decrease but the substances and flavours increase? Developed in 2008, "Transfusion Food" came with a fictitious menu invented for the Mugaritz restaurant, "based on a techno-emotional cuisine, applying science to cooking" to quote chef Andoni Luis Aduriz. The idea: suck and sip from elegant containers filled with original recipes for a new sensuous experience.




Design fiction is somewhere in the space between the science of fact and the science of fiction, which is, I’m suggesting, where the science work all happens anyway. Julian Bleecker 2009

65 091



Mechanical interludes portraits of iaa motors | 096 + 105 + 129

Will our cities behave like living entities? healthy cities | 098 > 103

What impact does the virtual world have on our inner selves? virtual violence | 106 > 115

Will future systems be more ethical or will posthumans be reduced to simple "postconsumers"? purpose economy | 116 > 122

Will our brains stand a chance against the processors of the future? computer machines | 123 > 127


IAA Motors - Portrait n°1 photography 2017


The label "smart" is a keyword that embodies the fantasy of connected life. A ticket for the future. A synonym for intelligence, agility and above all connectivity. Experts even speak of ubiquity to describe these living organisms, reactive and manipulable in real time, that are becoming cities. Blaise Mao & Thomas Saintourens 2016

088 098


The label "smart" is a keyword that embodies the fantasy of connected life. A ticket for the future. A synonym for intelligence, agility and above all connectivity. Experts even speak of ubiquity to describe these living organisms, reactive and manipulable in real time, A topographic that are becoming cities. metaphor of these Silicon Valley | United States (recto & verso) © 2018 Google Maps

Blaise Mao & Thomas Saintourens 2016

giant organisms in which we might soon live.

The visuals were produced for Qiio Magazin's article "Healthy Cities" in 2018. On the side you can find satellite views of some of the most "modern" cities on the planet.

098 088

Tokyo | Japan © 2018 Google Maps

Singapore | Singapore © 2018 Google Maps

Songdo | South Korea © 2018 Google Maps

Abou Dabi | United Arab Emirates © 2018 Google Maps

Cities are obvious metaphors for life. We call roads 'arteries' and so forth. Geoffrey West 2011


Technology is an extension of what we are as humans. If you explore technology, you also explore the human condition. It is the same thing. David Cronenberg 2019


IAA Motors - Portrait n°2 photography 2017

Who is hiding behind these glitchy silhouettes? Dangerous hackers or anonymous heroes? Distressing predators or gullible prey? When playing too much in the digital jungle, one has to be careful not to lose one's soul... The visuals were produced for Qiio Magazin's article "Virtual Violence" in 2018. The models (Shaun & Julia) were photographed and then digitally "destroyed" by a glitch generator. The results were then recomposed into final compositions. A video animation was also created.

Everyone's online preferences provide an increasingly personalized log and build an ever finer portrait of our digital alter ego, like an Impressionist painting in pixels. Blaise Mao & Thomas Saintourens 2016


If they ever are endowed with consciouness, will machines be more caring and ethical than the financial system humans have put themselves into? The visuals were produced for Qiio Magazin's article "Purpose Economy" in 2020. Shot at the Altes Museum in Berlin, these antique Greek philosophers' busts were then recomposed with stock market graphics.

The ability to insert a sensor and an Internet connection into anything and everything, including our body, makes it possible to transform it all into merchandise and give it a price. The information provided by connected objects promotes the development of new liquid markets, in which citizens can monetize the surveillance they impose on themselves. Morozov 2015


The consumer society exploits the plasticity of the brain by aiming to make specific cerebral circuits automatic : in this case, plasticity plays a role that we can describe as suicidal because it reduces itself by making the impulse for consumption irreversible. Lamberto Maffei 2011



A2 28993 289

00 0011 0101

98930 001101 01A0 EU 8983

2304 2305 2306 2307 2308 2309 2310




4783 2890 2306 2803 7843 9011 1890 AP

988.03 980.22 099.83 001.22

0101 1101 1001 1111

AO 0999

010010101 000000010100101 0100101 00




A2 28993 289

There was now a vision of the minds of humans as devices for storing and processing of data, as neural code running on the wetware of the central nervous system.

98930 001101 01A0 EU 8983

UO 02 AH 43 9820 9930929876281 AO P9 0134 5677 3899 29

2445 8493 0023

2783 6723 1096

2890 0038 9180

2102 8392 2291

2100 2901 8732

2019 4563 8923

2893 4567 9082

2304 2305 2309


2781.9902 0090.8244 4005.0988





0101 1101 1001 1111

AO 0999

010010101 0000 00

A2 B8 B6 B9 B2

0100101 0100010 1011011 0100101 0100010

98930 001101 01A0

1 1

A0 98



988.03 980.22 099.83 001.22



Mark O'Connell 2016

00 0011 0101

COmPUTer machines Computation is the new religion. Machines have become our models. But is our brain really able to compete with them? The following visuals are part of the graphic research used for Qiio Magazin's article "Smart Contracts" published in 2019.


A2 28993 289 98930 001101 01A0 EU 8983

UO 02 AH 43 9820 9930929876281 AO P9 0134 5677 3899 29

2445 8493 0023

2783 6723 1096

2890 0038 9180

2102 8392 2291

2100 2901 8732

2019 4563 8923

2893 4567 9082

2304 2305 2309

988.03 980.22 099.83 001.22

0101 1101 1001 1111

AO 0999

010010101 0000 00

ON A2 B8 B6 B9 B2

0100101 0100010 1011011 0100101 0100010

98930 001101 01A0

1 1

A0 98



8935.2271 1902.3829

2781.9902 0090.8244 4005.0988





00 0011 0101

0999 ON A2 B8 B6 B9 B2 98930 001101 01A0

A2 B8 B6 B9 B2

0134 5677 3899 0134 34 5677 3899 30 013

0134 5677 3899 0134 33 5677 3899 29 0134 567 0134 5677 3899 32

98930 001101 01A0

0134 5677 3899 31 0134 5677 3899 30

A0 98

0134 5677 389 0134 5677 3899 50

0134 5677 3899 49

0134 5677 3899 29 B12 898433 2390

0134 5

1101 1001 1111

786630 799871 90H9

0134 5677 3899 9 013 0134 5677 3899 90

010010101 000000010100101 0100101 00


00 0011 0101

A0 98


0134 5677 3

0100101 0100010 1011011 0100101 0100010

1 1

0134 5677 3899 89

Around me shines the bits and in me are the bytes. Blessed be the data, the code, the communications. Forever, Amen. Anders Sandberg 2006

89983 39938 39930 29039 19992

0134 5677 0002 40 0134 5677 0002 39 0134 5677 0002 38

200 276 390

0134 5677 0002 37 0134 5677 0002 36


0134 5677 0002 35


0134 5677 0002 34 0134 5677 0002 33

Y8 8938 739

0134 5677 0002 32 0134 5677 0002 31 0134 5677 0002 30 0134 5677 0002 29

D3 73829 289 930392 001101 189292 189292

9893 0011 01A0 EU 8

988. 980. 099.

0134 5677 3900 00 0134 0134 5677 3899 99 0134 5677 77 3899 52 0134 5677 3899 98 0134 5677 3900 99 51 0134 5677 3899 97 0134 5677 3900 07 0134 5677 3899 96 0134 5677 3900 06 0134 5677 3899 95 0134 5677 3900 05 0134 5677 3899 94 0134 5677 3900 04 5677 3899 93 0134 5677 3900 03 3899 92 0134 5677 3900 02 91 34 5677 3900 01

34 5677 3899 53


30 101 0 8983

.03 .22 .83

5677 3900 10

AO 0999

3900 09



A2 B8 B6 B9 B2

00191 01992

98930 001101 01A0

0134 5677 0004 02

A7728 29930 98

0134 5677 7844 90 0134 5677 8393 01

A0 98

0134 5677 2789 28 0134 5677 4658 31

Technology has made communications between humans faster, but those between neurons have remained the same. B12 898433 2390

Lamberto Maffei 2016

B12 898433 2390

C20 389203 99380

29019 38928 10920 29019 00102 ZYIZU

28983 28902 90493

38929 28983 38929 28902 38929 90493

007 B22


839393 928839 01A0

110 001 010 010

29910 29911 29912 29913

1 0 0 0

7 2 1 2








A2 28993 289

00 0011 0101

98930 001101 01A0 EU 8983

2304 2305 2306 2307 2308 2309 2310




4783 2890 2306 2803 7843 9011 1890 AP

988.03 980.22 099.83 001.22

0101 1101 1001 1111

AO 0999

010010101 000000010100101 0100101 00


A2 28993 289

If the incalculable complexity of my natural pathways and processes could somehow be mapped and emulated and run on a platform other than the 3.3 lbs* of gelatinous nervous tissue contained inside my skull, in what sense would that reproduction or simulation be "me"? UO 02 AH 43 9820 9930929876281 AO P9 0134 5677 3899 29

2445 8493 0023

2783 6723 1096

2890 0038 9180

2102 8392 2291

2100 2901 8732

2019 4563 8923

2893 4567 9082

2304 2305 2309

98930 001101 01A0 EU 8983 988.03 980.22 099.83 001.22

0 1 1 1

AO 0999

0 0

ON A2 B8 B6 B9 B2

0 0 1 0 0

98930 001101 01A0

1 1

A0 98



Mark O'Connell 2016

8935.2271 1902.3829

2781.9902 0090.8244 4005.0988




2873.5652 8822.8399

* 1.5 kg

0 0 0


You observe – with sadness, or horror, or detached curiosity – the diminishing spasms of that body on the operating table, the last useless convulsions of a discontinued meat. Mark O'Connell 2016


IAA Motors - Portrait n°3 photography 2017



What kind of cyborg companions will we create? oil part 2 | 134 > 145

Will nature merge with the artefacts, waste and remains we leave behind? hybrid flora | 146 > 153

Will our newborn creations overtake us and become powerful gods? nuclear divinities | 154 > 161


Oil part 2


"Oil" introduces a set of cyborg creatures which seem to share few similarities with our Earth's own abyssal fauna : their world is quiet, their textures delicate and their movements graceful. A question still remains : were they made in our own sterile labs or do they come from the depths of a yet unknown planet? Released in 2008, "Oil" was my first worldbuilding project. It came along with a few texts - a glimpse of a story. The creatures were inspired by the "Abysses" exhibition in 2006/2007 at the National Museum of Natural History in Paris.

Oil part 2

The hidden deepsea environment dwarfs all other earthly habitats combined. It is the ultimate reservoir from which life everywhere draws sustenance.

Oil Robert D. Ballard 2000

P.135 creature_1 photography, prolypropylene, 2008

creature_16 photography, digital collage, prolypropylene, motor 2008

creature_64 photography, x-ray film 2008


P.138/139 creature_6 photography, digital collage, prolypropylene, spray paint, motor 2008

O7 photography, digital collage, x-ray film, 2008

Nowadays, the cyborg is not mechanical but essentially biological. It is hybridized with the clone and, even more, with the avatar [...] ; it is a body that has been raised [...] and into which one uploads one's spirit. From metal and electronics we have moved on the flesh – in other words, we are back with the Golem and Frankenstein. Richard Leydier & Stéphane Pencreac'h 2012


creature_60 photography, digital collage, prolypropylene, motor 2008

creature_8 photography, digital collage, prolypropylene, spray paint, motor 2008


creature_59 photography, digital collage, prolypropylene, spray paint, motor 2008


In the future, we will make the transition from being passive observers of the dance of nature, to being the choreographers of nature, to being masters of nature, and finally to being conservators of nature. Michio Kaku 2011


Flora" reminds us In the "Hybrid future, we will humans that no matter make the transition how hard we try, we will never be able to utterly from being passive destroy Earth. The planet observers of the will always evolve and move danceforward of nature, to us. with or without question is : how? being The Will the ecosystem merge the choreographers with our waste? Will humans still beto around to witness it? of nature, being masters of nature, and finally to being conservators of nature. The visuals were produced for Qiio Magazin's article "Eco-Identity" in 2018.

Michio Kaku 2011

P.147 Telopea Truncata photography, digital collage, telopea truncata, motor 2018


Strelitzia Reginae photography, digital collage, strelitzia reginae, motor 2018 Ranunculus photography, digital collage, ranunculus, motor 2018

Lilium photography, digital collage, lilium, motor 2018

Thus naught of what so seems Perishes utterly, since Nature ever Upbuilds one thing from other. Lucretius 1st century BC


Eremurus photography, digital collage, eremurus, motor 2018


Telopea Truncata photography, digital collage, telopea truncata, motor 2018

The threat that weighs on us is not to see the emergence of machines of superior intelligence – it is to see ourselves become beings of lower inteligence. Hubert Dreyfus 1984


"Nuclear Divinities" The threat that weighs introduces a series on us isofnot togods seeendowed the cyborg with nuclear superpowers. emergence of machines Were these implemented of superior intelligence – by humans who then found it is to themselves see ourselves overthrown, or are these entities become beings of simply aliens from lower inteligence. another world? Hubert Dreyfus 1984

The series was produced for the first issue of the French fanzine "L'incident" with the theme: "Everything is irradiated". It was published in 2011.

P.155 Nuclear Divinity 09 photography, prolypropylene, 2011 P.156/157 Nuclear Divinity 14 photography, digital collage, prolypropylene, motor 2011


There is probably no known society to date whose members have not had to confront all kinds of artificial entities which they had invented or appropriated, and to which they gave total autonomy and agency generally much higher than those of the human race. Denis Vidal 2016


Nuclear Divinity 05 photography, digital collage, prolypropylene, motor 2011


Nuclear Divinity 04 photography, prolypropylene 2011


Nuclear Divinity 12 photography, digital collage, prolypropylene, motor 2011


Step into the future with our "foretaste" playlist available on Spotify.


Amateur Dance Amnesia Scanner Andrea Arca Barker Basement Jaxx Baauer The Black Dog Blanck Mass Blank Banshee Body-San Chihei Hatakeyama Clarian Cliff Martinez Computer Data Com Truise Cubicolor Daniel Avery Datassette Disasterpeace DJ Kose Elijah Gesaffelstein Helm Holy Other Jackson And His Computer Band James Welsh Khotin Kode9 Kraftwerk Kritical Audio Kurt Baggaley Laarsen Lanark Artefax Leftfield Legowelt Lone Loods Maelstrom Max Cooper Medasin Mirwais Moderat Monolithic nthng No Moon Ocoeur Onra Para One Prequel Tapes The Prodigy Pye Corner Audio Pyramid Roland Tings Roman Poncet Rone Sasha Senking Siriusmo Skee Mask The Spaceape Special Request Straight Razor Surkin System Olympia Voyage Yves Tumor and more… 163

The future does not arise. It does not happen. It is as we will make it, as we will create it, it is what we will contribute to. Joël de Rosnay 2016


UFO 2367 photography, digital collage, plastic toys 2009



003 Robert Sheckley, "Options", Jove Books, 1975 006 John C. Lilly, "The Center of the Cyclone: An Autobiography of Inner Space", Ronin Publishing, 1972 025 Bruno Patino, "La civilisation du poisson rouge", Grasset, 2019* 031 + 052 Jean Claude Ameisen, "Sur les épaules de Darwin Vol. 1", Babel, 2014* 060 Bernard Werber, "Nous les Dieux", Livre de Poche, 2006* 74bis Marina Maestrutti, "Imaginaires des nanotechnologies: mythes et fictions de l'infiniment petit", Vuibert, 2011* 079 + 146 Michio Kaku, "Physics of the Future, The Inventions That Will Transform Our Lives", Doubleday, 2011 081 Horst Stormer, quoted by Michio Kaku in "Physics of the Future" (ibid.) 091 Julian Bleecker, "Design Fiction, A short essay on design, science, fact and fiction", 2009 drbfw5wfjlxon. WebEdition.pdf

098 + 115 Blaise Mao & Thomas Saintourens, "Cyber Fragiles, Enquête sur les dangers de nos vies connectées", Éditions Tallandier, 2016* 103 Geoffrey West, "The surprising math of cities and corporations", TEDGlobal 2011 talks/geoffrey_west_ the_surprising_ math_of_cities_and_ corporations 104 David Cronenberg, interview in Usbek & Rica N°29, feb. 2020* 122bis + 127 + 128 Mark O'Connell, "To Be a Machine: Adventures Among Cyborgs, Utopians, Hackers, and the Futurists Solving the Modest Problem of Death", Granta, 2017 117 Evgeny Morozov, "Le Mirage numérique", Les Prairies ordinaires, 2015*

142 R. Leydier & S. Pencréac'h, artpress2 N°25 – "Cyborg" (Cynema, p.57) may 2012 151 Lucretius, "De Rerum Natura" (Book 1), William Ellery Leonard. E. P. Dutton. 1916 154 Hubert Dreyfus, "L'intelligence artificielle. Mythes et limites", Flammarion, 1984* 158 Denis Vidal, "Aux frontières de l’humain", Alma Éditeurs, 2016* 164 Joël de Rosnay "Je cherche à comprendre, les codes cachés de la nature", Babel, 2018*

* Quotes were translated from the french publications to english by the author with the help of David Levitz.

120 + 125 Lamberto Maffei, "Hâte-toi lentement: Sommes-nous programmés pour la vitesse du monde numérique?", FYP Éditions, 2016* 124 Anders Sandberg quoted in the third part of Frank Theys' documentary series "Technocalyps", 2006 www.filmsforaction. org/watch/technocalyps 135bis Robert D. Ballard, "The Eternal Darkness: A Personal History of DeepSea Exploration", Princeton University Press, 2000


imprint Thanks to Eric and Adam for their precious advices. Thanks to Karsten & Steffi for allowing me to work quietly from their studio. Thanks to David for his help supervising my english skills. Thanks to my parents, my DSAA teachers and my DSAA schoolmates for their support, energy and motivation. Font : Code Pro family designed by Svetoslav Simov and published by Fontfabric. Printed and bound in Germany in August 2020 by H.Heenemann GmbH & Co. KG with the supervision of Book Book Printed on: Cover - Chromosulfatkarton zweiseitig gestrichen 300g/m2 001 > 008 - Metapaper Extrarough white 120g/m2 009 > 024 - Envirotop U 80g/m2 025 > 106 - Metapaper Extrarough white 120g/m2 107 > 130 - Bilderdruck glänzend gestrichen 135g/m2 130 > 166 - Metapaper Extrarough white 120g/m2 All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any mean, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writting from the copyright owner. ©2020 Edouard Duvernay

Edouard Duvernay (born 1986) is a French visual designer. He studied applied arts at the Duperré School in Paris, where he did his master’s degree on the imagery of cyborgs and robotics. He has since dedicated his career to futuristic topics. Alongside his work for brands like Adidas, Aldebaran Robotics, Ambion, Asics, Audi, Genesis Robotics and Nike, he develops aesthetic experiments mostly exploring hybrid figures. In 2019, he created pré, a platform with weekly links to articles, videos and books that focus on the future, hybrid sci-fi and the latest news from the technological, digital and scientific fields.

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