Shift Lab 2.0 Final Report

Page 132

SHIFT LAB INNOVATION PROJECT MANAGER CONTRACT DESCRIPTION Why are we seeking a Shift Lab Innovation Project Manager and What is it? At present many Social Innovation labs in the world struggle with the ‘implementation side’ of interventions that emerge from lab processes. The implementation side involves further refining, testing, and adapting a prototype to get it ready for pilot and eventually adoption. The Edmonton Shift Lab is purposefully investing in implementation by creating this innovation manager role. A manager facilitates the implementation to emerge. As innovation manager you will be responsible for helping ensure prototypes move from ideas to action of minimum viable pilots. Things you will need to consider as a Shift Lab Innovation Project Manager: What minimum resources are required to pilot an intervention? Some prototype teams will want to only implement if a large and fully developed pilot is possible. This will be an obstacle to navigate. Very often a way forward is to come up with a minimum viable implementation that considers the integrity of the core ideas of the prototype and doesn’t get held back by thinking you need a very complex and expensive roll out. Who might be best to implement? It is often assumed that Social Innovation lab collectives will also implement promising prototypes, pilots or interventions that emerge from a lab process. Keep in mind that labs implementing a pilot is not always the best way forward, as often a lab team is not necessarily the right group to implement an intervention. They may not be best to implement because an intervention might be best hosted and managed by a group whom the lab team is not directly connected with. Consider who the intervention serves, and who in the challenge domain ecosystem might be good champions to steward a pilot. You might want to consider that a couple people from the lab team be a part of helping steward the transition between the lab and implementation hosts.


What are the readiness factors for organizations piloting an intervention? If an organization is deemed to be the best steward of a pilot, the lab team will need to consider the culture and readiness of the organization to adopt and roll out an intervention. Consider how the intervention will disrupt business as usual approaches of the organization and what is needed to safeguard the implementation process. How much more iteration is required? You will still need to be tweaking, gaining feedback and adapting a pilot or intervention. Remember that all innovations/interventions have a life cycle. What lean startup principles and tools can be used to support implementation? Lean startup principles and tools can sometimes be useful at the implementation stage for honing interventions coming out of Design Labs and Social Innovation Labs. Tools from lean startup methodologies that might be used at this stage to help clarify “asks” and cases for support might be: • Business model canvas • Value Proposition Design • Minimum Viable Product

Articles inside

6. Shift Lab Innovation Manager Contract Description

pages 132-136

5. Lab Challenge Briefs

pages 124-131

4. Call to Join Shift Lab 2.0

pages 121-123

2. General Tools

page 115

1. Core Shift Lab 2.0 Activities, Outputs, Outcomes

pages 111-114

Shift Lab 2.0: Evaluation

pages 90-107

Tensions and Shared Key Stewardship Learning

pages 72-89

Now What, So What, What’s Next?

pages 108-109

Reflections on Centering Indigenous Knowledge

pages 64-71

The De-Escalators

pages 60-63

Reflection Pool App

pages 52-55

You Need This Box

pages 56-59

Exploring Wahkohtowin

pages 48-51

The Shift Lab 2.0 Journey

pages 44-45

What Emerged from Shift Lab 2.0?

pages 46-47

Going Deeper

pages 38-43

Systems Thinking

pages 36-37

Design Thinking

pages 34-35

Indigenous Epistemologies

page 33

Our Triple Helix

page 32

The Sleepy Middle

pages 30-31

Shift Lab 1.0 to Shift Lab 2.0

pages 18-21

Discovery Phase

pages 22-27

Theory of Change and Methods

pages 14-17

What is Shift Lab?

page 5

Challenge Scope

pages 28-29

Our Context

pages 12-13

Shift Lab Bios

pages 8-11


pages 6-7
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