Edmontonians Spring2013

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www.edmontonians.com Published by: Cedar Publishing Corporation President Moe Najmeddine moe@edmontonians.com Editor Barb Deters bdeters@edmontonians.com Sales Manager Joe Nashman info@edmontonians.com Columnists Jey Arul • John Berry • Ben Block • Linda Bodo John Chwyl • Cheryl Croucher • Marty Forbes Lynn Fraser • Kelley Keehn • Nejolla Korris Norman Leach • Barbara Ashley Phillips Erin Rayner • Charles Strachey Ian Wachowicz • Mark Wardell FEATURE WRITERS Barb Deters • Paula E. Kirman

in this issue...

Volume XXIV Number 1 Spring 2013


Marty Forbes lauds impressive Edmonton women................................................................................. 4

Sizzling in the City

Erin Rayner visits Poppy Barley.............................................................................................................. 6

Social Scene

Preview: 33rd Annual Consular Ball will showcase Lithuania................................................................ 24

BUSINESS Business Briefs

Norman Leach highlights LPGA and Sloan Fellows............................................................................... 16

Legally Speaking

Ian Wachowicz reviews Supreme Court ruling on face coverings......................................................... 39

Mergers & Acquisitions

Jey Arul discusses rise of women entrepreneurs.................................................................................... 9

Professional Development

Mark Wardell provides advice on global expansion............................................................................... 18

You & The Law

Ben Block urges insurance claimants to provide documentation.......................................................... 35


Charles Strachey provides job application tips...................................................................................... 29


The Women at the Corps—

PHOTOGRAPHERS Avonlea Photography • John Berry • Bruce Clark Cheryl Croucher • Quincey Deters

Barb Deters meets the women of Edmonton’s Consular Corps............................................................. 22 Edmonton Consular Corps Contact List................................................................................................ 26


Audrey Brattberg: Academy of Learning................................................................................................. 9 Norma McNalty: Aloette Cosmetics...................................................................................................... 30 Catherine Broomfield: Human Youth Society....................................................................................... 11 Drs. Mélanie Robinson & Alysha Somji: Optimum Wellness.............................................................. 32 Monika Lidicky: Rock It Out Salon....................................................................................................... 28 Lisanne Lewis: Shaw Conference Centre............................................................................................. 17 Pauline Lavallee & Lyndsay Webster: UA Local 488........................................................................... 21

All rights reserved by Cedar Publishing Corporation. Reproduction or transmission of all or any part of this publication by any means whatsoever is strictly forbidden without prior written permission from the publisher. Although great care is taken to avoid errors in the preparation of advertising material and editorial content, any errors or omissions on the part of Cedar Publishing Corporation are limited and dealt with solely by printing a retraction statement and or correction in the following issue. Edmontonians Newsmagazine is a product of Cedar Publishing Corporation.

Women in Business Profiles


Linda Bodo upcycles computer parts.................................................................................................... 13

Home Envision

Elissa Scott suggests experts can narrow choices................................................................................ 33

Life Balance

Lynn Fraser’s twist on pole…pile dancing............................................................................................ 10


Chef John Berry dines out in Vancouver............................................................................................... 12

Walking the Talk

Barbara Ashley Phillips points out the impact of family patterns ......................................................... 27

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Nejolla Korris raises red flags about security firm................................................................................. 14


Momentum Coaching/Abe Brown......................................................................................................... 31 CosaFina............................................................................................................................................... 34 Fast Track Real Estate........................................................................................................................... 19 Robinson Insurance Brokers................................................................................................................. 15


Cheryl Croucher meets author Wayne Arthurson, and features research projects................................ 36


Marty Forbes


his spring edition of

Edmontonians features Women in Business and my column highlights a few I know who are impressive, unique, involved in the community… some are media folk with wide and various interesting lifestyles. I posed one question to each of these dynamic women focused on their current jobs and/or work in our city.

With Marty Forbes (such as hospitals and universities) are now entering the fundraising mix, the result has become a saturated donor market. We find ourselves having to be more assertive than ever before. A dollar can only go so far, and I think we’re at the point where we realize we just have to do the best job we can.”

just couldn’t settle. I wanted to offer my clients more, and I’m an entrepreneur at heart. “Am I happy being my own boss? Most days. It would be easier to just have a job, that’s for sure. I almost need a split personality to kick my own butt and hold myself accountable. “My Dad says, ‘You can’t manage results. You can only manage your activities.’ If I was to be completely honest, I do miss winning awards for my work. I’m an athlete. I love to win! My happiness now comes from building my business with the passion I have for my clients and in helping them win through word-of-mouth marketing in social media.” Lite 95.7 morning show co-host Jamie

Kimberly Allison (Dickie) is a veteran media sales lady who had a great list of clients on two highly successful radio stations… in other words, a Everybody knows very healthy salary and job Deb Cautley, situation. She now owns leader of Youth Marketing Rx which is Empowerment and billed as a “luxury social Support Services for the past 13 years. media marketing for 12851 - 56 Street, business”. Deb has won many Edmonton, AB T5A 0C9 “Kimberly, you left awards for her a very good job to go it work with youth, Tel: (780) 701-3715 on your own in the new including the Fax: (780) 454-3222 How big T H E P E R S O N A L I YWCA T Y OWomen F B U S Idigital N E Sworld. S IN T H E CKA imPbeIrlTyAAllL R E G I O N a decision was that and of Distinction, ison are you happy that Alberta’s y e tl u a C b De you are now your own Centennial boss?” Medal, the Queen “It was a major decision and it took me over a Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal, year to finally pull the trigger and leave Rawlco Global TV’s Woman of Vision of Award, and Radio. Actually, I remember it clearly when Grant MacEwan College Outstanding Alumni Attention: Date: my husband was online booking our trip to Award. Fax:“Deb, you run a venture that is extremely Toholidays Appear in:Jamie O’Connell Bermuda and I said, ‘I don’t have any left’ and he said, ‘Exactly.’ It was at that moment important to Edmonton, and constantly Date Purchased: that I made up my mind in need of funds. how hard is it getting to leave and gave my For a good time call now to raise money in an ever changing resignation within a week. environment?” Michael 780.909.2973 It was difficult because michael@mysticsound.net “The fundraising environment has changed I was very successful dramatically in recent years. The major issue • Over 29 Years Of Experience as a radio advertising now is that there are so many very worthwhile • Complete Show Including executive. I loved my charities all asking for help. Often donors are Lights, PA And Anything clients, made well over six faced with the question of ‘Who should I give You Need To Make Your Function Right figures, and the company to?’. Competition between charities for limited treated me well. But I am • All Types Of Music resources is becoming stiff. Add to that the fact And Functions passionate and driven and that many previously grant-driven organizations



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Royal University PR yearbook, her classmates O’Connell is a mom raising children. She wakes J’Lyn Nye and Ted nominated her as ‘most likely to run her own PR up at an ungodly hour, and sleeps with her coagency’ one day. That day came in the spring of host. Thank goodness, it’s her hubby Dan. It’s a 2011, when Natalie left the agency world to start gruelling schedule in a highly competitive radio her own independent public relations practice world. And then, there’s her other life. She quickly acquired clients like CKUA, Craig “Jamie, simple question: How do you Moritz, the Command Sisters and Open juggle all this and maintain your sanity?” Sky Music Festival. As her company grew, “I’m a proud Edmontonian and have been in she expanded her roster to include corporate the media biz my whole life, since high school. I companies, including Canadian retailer, London decided to go into broadcasting because I didn’t Drugs. Natalie’s departure from the agency want to be waitress trying to get an acting gig so world enabled her to contribute to community it seemed like the logical second choice. I started causes she was genuinely out in TV, fell into radio and never left because Natalie Ha rper passionate about, and it was way too much fun! I met my hubby and she believes in giving co-host Dan while in high school, working at back through her practice. a small town radio station in Southern Alberta. 12851 - 56 Street, She sits on the advisory But, we didn’t hook up until I was at SAIT… board for Cats and Dogs we got married a few years later while we were thank goodness, we have a nanny Edmonton, AB T5A 0C9 International (CANDi), both working at small radio station in Canmore, to help out around the house. As Tel: (780) 701-3715 supports Edmonton’s Alberta. challenging as it is, we wouldn’t Brain Care Centre, and “We’ve been married for 13 years and change a thing. They are ourFax: (780) 454-3222 has contributed more than as IaN morning forE12.CIt A took Plus, O Fworking BUS E S Sshow I Nteam TH P I T Agreatest L R Eaccomplishments. GION $100,000 in PR services a bit to get used to. I was too comfortable with kids are great show prep!” to eight local and national him, which came off as boring. I quickly had to Successful in television, J’Lyn charitable causes since she learn to fake it for him. Nye moved into a high risk started her business. In 2010, “I’m past the faking part, now I just tell him morning show position at Fresh FM a few years Natalie was a finalist for the Deloitte Women of what to do. Happy wife...happy life! Generally, back: morning co-host and heavily involved in Vision Award in Edmonton. working with my husband is awesome. We share the community including Corus Radio’s annual “Natalie, how did you get to be viewed as the same brain but, I tell you, there are days... Date: Stollery Children’s Hospital Radiothon, a leader in the public relations industry in “We sometimes take our quarrels to the air To Appear Angels Anonymous Connection, Canadian in: town?” but if it’s really personal we ‘discuss loudly’ Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and she is a Patron “I’m both a new entrepreneur and a PR between breaks and put our spat on hold, do our of the Edmonton Garrison Military Family practitioner, which means there are no 9-to-5 job and go back to ‘working it out’. Resource Centre. schedules in my world. I haven’t had a true “Another wrench we’ve thrown into the mix “J’Lyn, how important is it to be heavily vacation in almost seven years, but I can’t is the decision to have kids. I always wondered involved in community work in Edmonton?” imagine what I’d do if I had a week to just why many female morning show hosts didn’t “I believe it is incredibly important! For me, relax and do nothing. I thrive on being busy— have kids. Now I know why. Sleepless nights it’s about giving back to a community that has and running my own company certainly allows mixed with a 3am wakeup call is tough. Now, given so much to me. It’s how I learn about me to thrive. Every day comes with its own as our two kids get older, five and 10, we find Edmonton, those who call it home and are we are running two separate lives—ours and working hard to make it a better place. It’s a way new challenges, and I’m constantly learning about the business end of running a company. theirs. From school pick-ups to driving them to share my knowledge and experience with It’s not easy, but the rewards are bountiful, to all their afterschool activities and play dates, others, and a wonderful way to network! and I look forward to the future for Harper “In the words of PR. I’m so focused on doing great work for famed tennis player my clients, I didn’t realize I was perceived as Arthur Ashe, ‘From a leader in the Edmonton PR industry, but I’m what we get, we can guessing it’s a result of my commitment to make a living. What we helping as many people as I can through my give, however, makes a skills and practice.” life.’”


Badlands: Mile Zero Dance

Tracy O‛Camera Photography www.tracyocamera.com EDMONTONIANS SPRING 2013

If there’s an event happening in Edmonton chances are that Natalie Harper is doing the PR for it. She is literally everywhere and a18 to 20 hour day, seven-day work week is normal for her. In Natalie’s Mount

All these women have a few things in common. They are dynamic, confident, smart… obvious risk-takers…lifestyle strong… and totally involved in the community. And that’s why they get the Forbes nod of approval as Women in Business in Edmonton. √ Marty Forbes is president of Radiowise Inc. Contact: marty@edmontonians.com – and on Twitter: mjforbes


These boots were made…


s I walked up to the office

of Start Up Edmonton and the home of custom footwear company Poppy Barley, I realized I’d sprung a leak. I’d been in denial for most of the winter, but my favourite boots were nearing the end of their lifespan. I kept taking them in for new heel caps and soles but, as I went to meet the boot-makers, it became abundantly clear that my once beautiful, tall, black leather boots were now seriously lacking. I paused in the lobby wondering if I had a spare pair of shoes I could change into because the girls of Poppy Barley would surely be analyzing my boots the second I stepped through the door. I imagined it to be a job hazard of running a made-to-measure boot company. Sadly, I didn’t have a change of shoes and so my meeting with 2010 Sizzler Justine Barber (29) and sister Kendall Barber (30) was the end of the road for my favourite black boots. Thankfully, they did not judge me by the quality of my well-loved boots. Poppy Barley is a new take on an old concept – made-tomeasure boots that actually fit. After much research and due diligence, the sisters have brought a new-age cordwainery to Edmonton. According to the Poppy Barley website, 60 percent of women struggle to find boots that fit due to mass manufactures using only standard measurements for length and width. I certainly am one of the stats: I have narrow, boney, flat feet and—so I’ve been told—very ‘delicate’ ankles. Most of my boots have bunching and slumping issues. I know many women who vocally share their frustration about calves that stubbornly defy manufacturers’ specifications, or arches so high any closed-top shoe can pose a problem. Justine Barber and Currently, most Kendall Barber of the company’s business is done on-


line with customers being led through a series of eight self-conducted measurements: foot length, width, heel, arch, ankle, calf width, calf height and boot height. With these measurements, an individual pattern is made and boots for that customer are made from her specific pattern. Poppy Barley has five styles of boots with customizable options like leather colour, accessories and sole type, starting at $450 a pair. But the adventure began long before the first customer ordered a pair of Poppy Barley boots. The idea began on Justine’s trip to Bali where she fell in love with a pair of boots but was disappointed when the shop owner didn’t have her size. She was shocked when he said he’d make her a pair… she could pick the leather, accessories and style… he would ship them to Edmonton. “It was a great experience and we saw a similar business model on-line in IndoChino... I thought it would work (here),” says Justine. I was curious; while Kendall had previously thought of being an entrepreneur, Justine had never had dreams of joining the league of business owners. So, how did she ‘pitch’ the idea to sister Kendall?

with Erin Rayner

Kendall laughingly remembers the e-mail that started it all. “On the trip, Justine also got engaged. So she wrote this e-mail that said, ‘Connor just proposed to me, we’re so excited Justine.’ It was like a two-liner. “And then the next e-mail I got from her was, I think, the longest e-mail she’s ever sent me… Not that she wasn’t excited about the engagement, but how much her mind space was there [on the idea for a business] that she sat down and wrote such a long e-mail.” But Kendall wasn’t onboard immediately. “Being sisters and wanting to think through that and think through the idea and, as Justine said, she had never wanted to start a business before so I didn’t know if this was on vacation and just an idea. But she came back and spent the first three months working on it basically alone.” Once Kendall saw the level of Justine’s commitment, she was more open to the concept. Both did a lot of research before leaving their day jobs for the entrepreneurial world. Kendall left her role as Marketing Account Manager with AMA in November 2011 to temporarily help her husband’s business. Justine, who left her position with the City of Edmonton in June 2012, says “I remember thinking it should have felt triumphant but it never did. I really liked the people I worked with and I really liked the work. You’re still in a way letting people down when you leave because they have to train a new person so I felt bad and it was also a scary thing to do.” But she dealt with it quickly. “Once I did it, I quit my job, spent the weekend being sad and scared, and since then I’ve been fine.” Poppy Barley officially launched in November 2012, But how do these new entrepreneurs deal with the risk involved? Like many of us, they’ve learned to find a certain amount of comfort in the uncertainty that is part of business ownership. “You have to be able to live and work and thrive in the uncertainty,” admits Justine. But it’s not all uncertain. She wants to be clear that the risk was calculated. “We only





self-proclaimed goal-driven person, quit our jobs when it seemed it had this recommendation, “I did an was probably going to work. We’d found our studio, our boot designer, exercise where I listed all the things that I wanted to stop doing. Saying both made an investment to figure ‘no’ a lot more and realizing that out if it would work.” saying ‘no’ is creating the space It seems that they’ve mitigated Date: to say ‘yes’ to something that is the financial risks and are coping Attention: coming. “ well embracing uncertainty. But, as Fax:Live the marathon and pace To Appear in: with all entrepreneurs and career yourself. These sisters learned driven people who love what they Date Purchased: early on what took me a long time do, I wondered what impact this to sort out: You can’t have it all and adventure was having at home. balance is a fluid concept. Kendall Justine’s fiancé Connor was shared their philosophy “Instead impressed with all the research and of thinking about having it all planning she did before leaving now, thinking about our lives as a her job. marathon… what we can do now Kendall’s husband, Ross and what can we do in the future McKenzie, a doctor and business and balance more that way.” owner himself, brings a supportive Surround yourself with the ‘devil’s advocate’ voice to the table. “Yes, there’s the support but when I best team then delegate to them. Justine cautions against taking go home and have these big, grand on too much, and recognizes that plans and [our] vision, he’s the first busy-ness can sometimes be more person who gets out his note paper about ego and the inability to let go and realistically [figures out] ‘how is this going to work?’… and really of control. “I think a lot of that is the team that you bring on and that chats through a lot with me.” you train, and how much capacity She goes on to talk about the you build in them.” army of friendly voices that keep Design your life so it supports the sisters grounded. “We have a starting a business. This was few people we have surrounded something that came up frequently ourselves with who we lovingly call the ‘dream killers’, people who and is a great piece of advice for anyone starting a business. Sure, sometimes bring you back in. My you may not have the same boss husband does that but he’s also or a strict schedule, but there is incredibly supportive. He also has often a ‘life’ cost to the uncertainty his own business and understands Approved With Corrections ❑ 2nd Proof Required Signature: ❑ Approved entrepreneurship that gets lost the long hours—the problems that ❑ of in entrepreneurial enthusiasm. prevent you from sleeping at night. Kendall and her husband have It’s really nice to have someone made choices support her new or additions back as soon as possible to: (780) 454-3222 who can relate to that.” • Please fax toyour changes adventures, such as “choosing not Aside from leather, buttons, we do have any an changes back by 4PM, we will assume to build a bignot house or driving soles and very comfortable boots, • If older car are choices we make what does the future hold for these to not worry too much about not two and their budding business? getting cheques.” Well, as a female entrepreneurs, Deep thoughts from the they’ve done their due diligence, ‘soles’ of two new, well prepared as much as one can, when it also entrepreneurs. comes to planning for a family. Now, to figure out how to They have arrangements to allow measure my foot and order my for short maternity leaves when the soon-to-be-new-favourite-boots! √ time comes, and are about to start collecting their first pay-cheques Erin Rayner is president from the business. When it comes to balance, they were quick to share of ED Marketing and Communications Inc. their lessons so far: Contact Get up close and personal erayner@edmontonians.com with the word ‘no’. Kendall, as



❑ Approved ❑ Approved With Corrections ❑ 2nd Proof Required Signature:




Women Entrepreneurs


with Jey Arul

oday, more women

Another inspiring component that many NETWORKING successful women entrepreneurs share is are breaking free from the Recent studies also indicate that women the fact they have the tendency to balance traditional, gender-specific roles entrepreneurs are assembling themselves family life and career. Many people may and venturing into the business into groups. The reasons behind this trend have had doubt in this ability when these world. Not only are they holding have to do with the desire to establish solid women first entered the field because of high corporate positions but they are also women business networks, where members the long work hours, but these reservations successful women entrepreneurs who own can collectively pool resources and expertise have often been proven wrong. It is no almost half of all small businesses in Canada. together. wonder that many successful women The steady rise in female entrepreneurs can Even though many female entrepreneurs entrepreneurs have an amazing ability to be due to many different reasons, most of have home-based and service-related multitask, properly balancing both personal which share the same rational as their male businesses, they are unafraid of technology. and professional life with their goalcounterparts—passion for their ideas, the They are more likely to use social media sites approach. desire to become their own bosses, and the 12851 - oriented 56 Street, to seek resources and support. Women entrepreneurs have become a need to address philanthropic causes. Edmonton, ABstrong T5A driving 0C9 force in today’s corporate One distinct reason not in common with FINANCING world. Not only are they able to equalize Tel: (780) 701-3715 their male counterparts is the desire to balance The fact that more women entrepreneurs have their duties of both motherhood and work and family. This is especially true for (780) 454-3222 risen in the past few years hasFax: been made entrepreneurship but they also comprise of women with young children. Often in their possible in part by the availability of capital. almost half of all small businesses owned desire to stay home longer with their children, Women entrepreneurs tend to finance their today these women start their own business, hence startups with different sources of capital, While female entrepreneurs continue the rise of ‘momprenreneurs’. including “bootstrap” finances (personal to look into starting or buying their own In this article, I thought that it would be money from savings and credit cards) and business, make no mistake, the percentage fun to report on some interesting facts about business loans. Today, there are more grants of women entrepreneurs will continue to women entrepreneurs that I have learned and business loans available to women climb. The research shows that the growth during the past 10 years I have financed and/ Date: entrepreneurs that provide funding that ever of female owned businesses is increasing or sold women-owned businesses. Tobefore. Appear in: at twice the rate of male owned ones. The more women take the leap and open their DEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS businesses, the more others will follow Studies have shown that successful women INSPIRATION in line. And because of these advantages, entrepreneurs start their businesses as a second Much of a woman’s drive to pursue or third profession. Many have experienced entrepreneurship is due to the immense passion among others, they should have a pretty good chance of succeeding! √ a considerable amount of dissatisfaction with she has for her work. Many are not afraid of their previous careers and in working for taking risks and are two times more likely others. Often times, these innate desires to be to make above average risks than their male Jey Arul is president of VR Business Sales in their own bosses are the driving forces that equivalents, making monetary gain a less likely Edmonton, AB. He started the mergers and motivated them to pursue entrepreneurship. factor in their business pursuits. Instead, they acquisitions company in 2007 after leaving his In addition, because of their previous careers, possess very strong business ideas and seek position as a senior commercial banker for a women entrepreneurs enter the business world any and all means to share their ideas with Canadian Bank. Jey holds a BA in Psychology later on in life, around 40 to 60 years old. others who may benefit from their discoveries. and an Executive MBA. Visit www.vralta.com



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Academy of Learning and Digital School Career Colleges Educational entrepreneurs getting women in business By Paula E. Kirman


12851 - 56 Street, Edmonton, AB T5A 0C9

Education is often the key to success. Academy of Learning Career Colleges and Digital School offer the opportunity to learn new skills and take those first steps towards a rewarding and fulfilling career. Over P E Rprograms S O Nin A I T Yof Office O FandBBusiness, USIN E S S Health IN THE twenty theLfields Accounting, Care, Information Technology, and Web Design are available at the many Academy of Learning campuses across Alberta, while Computer Aided Design and Drafting programs from Digital School in Edmonton lead many to fantastic job choices throughout the province.


Tel: (780) 701-3715 Fax: (780) 454-3222


Women have a focal point in these educational institutions with three Attention: Academy of Learning campuses in Edmonton, two in Calgary, Red Deer and Fax: Medicine Hat. Graduates have a positive representation in the work force; many staff members are women who graduated from these campuses; Date Purchased: and, the very effective management team

Date: To Appear in:

incorporates professional and accomplished women.

Audrey Brattberg, M.Ed., helped to lead the way, when after 34 years of enjoyable teaching and administrative experience, she decided to retire in 2000 to work with her husband. Brattberg’s involvement in education goes beyond teaching. She utilized the knowledge gained from her Masters studies at university when she became a curriculum coordinator with the Edmonton Public School Board for a number of years, and was one of the first women to become a junior high vice principal with the EPSB. In addition, she was principal of a rural elementary school for many years. Although she enjoyed teaching very much, Brattberg decided to retire in 2000 to work with her husband Elmer who had started an Academy of Learning career college in downtown Edmonton. “The Academy of Learning was a new experience with a new learning curve,” Brattberg explains. “It was very rewarding as it was easy to see that we were changing peoples’ lives by presenting them with new opportunities for new jobs and careers.”

a very interactive and successful e-training platform for online learning,” Brattberg explains. The many successes of the graduates and a strong management team, which includes many women, are behind the success of Academy of Learning and Digital School, which has received numerous awards and accolades. “The Academy of Learning was very proud to receive the Edmonton Chamber of Commerce Small Business of the Year with 50 to 100 employees in 2011,” says Brattberg. In addition, the Academy of Learning has won the prestigious Consumers Choice Award of Excellence in both Edmonton and Calgary for the past twelve years. Susan and Holly Brattberg were recognized in the Sizzling Top 20 Under 30 for Edmonton in 2012 by Edmontonians, and Holly won the FuEL (Future Entrepreneurial Leader) Award for young entrepreneurs under 30 across Canada in 2012.

“While we are proud of awards we have won, we are equally proud of the With her input, the number of programs offered and the number of campuses fact that we, as a team, have changed the lives of many people by offering them new opportunities with the skills they have learned at our campuses,” throughout the province increased. Graduates may be Payroll Accountants, says Brattberg. “We have over 1500 students attend our campuses each Healthcare Aides, Legal Administrative Assistants, or Computer Aided With Corrections Signature: � 2nd � Approved year, with 97% of our graduates finding employment in such a wide variety of Drafters � andApproved Designers. Many of these women in business are Proof efficient, Required fields. Women can take advantage of the Alberta economy and find excellent effective, and responsible employees and leaders in their industry. jobs such as drafters in the construction industry with an indoor job, no steel-toed boots, and an excellent wage. We meet the needs of industry and of Learning and Digital are very much a family operationas- possible • PleaseAcademy fax your changes orSchool additions back as soon to: (780) 454-3222 job placement assistance is available with each program. Many businesses women-driven - at its core. The Brattbergs’ two daughters, Susan and Holly, • If we have do joined not have any changes back by 4PM, we will assume the ad may appear contact us directly to find employees.” and expanded the team. Both have Executive MBAs from the Haskane School of Business with the University of Calgary. It was these two young women who expanded Academy of Learning with the purchase of two For more information about Academy of Learning, Calgary campuses. They also introduced Global e-Training, “which takes the visit www.academyoflearning.ab.ca and also visit Digital School at AutoDESK courseware instruction of Digital School worldwide by developing www.digitalschool.ca.

www.academyoflearning.ab.ca EDMONTONIANS SPRING 2013

Edmonton Downtown


Edmonton South


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Red Deer


as is.



with Lynn Fraser

The most fun you can have

with your clothes ON!


recently read an article

entitled, The Most Fun You Can Have with Your Clothes ON! That caught my attention! The company claimed that its service saved marriages, was fun and invigorating, was a great form of exercise along with music and made you happy. Can you guess what they’re talking about? I couldn’t. Pole dancing. All of those benefits? It got me thinking. What could I offer you that provides similar or even more benefits?


When I want to save my marriage (well maybe just for this week)… do something invigorating… move to music while exercising… and feel happy, I clear a pile of paper clutter. I’m not kidding you! Scouts honour. Imagine your pile of clutter is the pole. Are you slithering up or sliding down it? Have you lost your grip? Or fallen off completely? How would you like to be dancing on the pole (or the pile), having fun and feeling in control? Defeating that dreaded paper pile on your kitchen table or desk can make you literally dance over your new found freedom—and it takes a matter of minutes.





TOP 10 TIPS TO TAKE CONTROL OF THE POLES… I MEAN PILES IN YOUR LIFE 1. Groove to some music while you’re tackling that pole… Oops, I mean pile. 2. Get out your supplies. Line a garbage bin with a recycle (blue) bag so you can toss envelopes and paper in as you go. Plug your shredder in and put a kitchen catcher in it. Now it’s ready to shred any papers with your personal ID on them. One caution: Check the Duty Cycle for your machine. Mine is 2 minutes on and



5 minutes off. I already burned out one shredder by overusing it. Set a timer so you know when this task begins and, most importantly, when it ends. 15 minutes is a good chunk of time to start with. Reset timer as needed. Quickly sort papers into three piles: To Keep, To Decide On, and To Throw Out. Do the latter pile as you go—after all, you’ve got your recycle bag and shredder right there. Bag and toss by the door. Pat yourself on the back. You’re making great progress up that pole… er, pile. Take your To Keep and To Decide On piles and whittle them down to one pile. Psychology professor, Dr. Vic Parliament said, “By disposing of things, you create a sense of freedom and the space to create other memories. Nature sheds its skin. We need to do the same thing.” In your final pile, assign everything to one of three categories: To File, To Act On, and To Scan Through and decide whether it’s a To File or To Act On. Go through this pile and give everything its final assignment. 7. Now you’re ready to set up your filing system. If you use binders, find or buy binders, plastic page protectors and dividers. For file cabinets you need file folders and a black marker. If you’re just starting your filing system, you’ll need to set aside more time (and a budget) here. It’s worth it! Having an efficient system will save you time and money immediately. For the binder system, pop items from your To File pile into plastic page protectors and label dividers with your different categories. For the file cabinet, slide papers into file folders, and label and organize either alphabetically or numerically. Put the items To Act On in your To Do file and on your To Do list to take care of within the next seven days.

9. Take out the recycle bags and bags of shredded paper. If you don’t have office or home pick-up of recyclables, collect bags of paper and take to a recycling depot, or roofing tile company (phone first to check what they accept and their hours). Shredded paper goes in with your regular garbage here in Edmonton as it helps with composting household garbage. 10. Dust off your table or desk and enjoy the space you’ve made!


One thing you know for sure: You can concentrate better in an organized space. Organized surroundings = organized mind. So how about a little “pile dancing” this week? Apply the “Top 10 Tips” to one of your dreaded paper piles and experience the freedom and control of dancing on the pile. You will focus better at a clean desk, improving your productivity. Similarly at home, you and your family will benefit from a clear kitchen table. You’re more likely to choose to set the table and eat dinner as a family. Did you know that children of families who eat together more often have higher grades, less obesity and less substance abuse? Plus, everyone’s stress plummets. Increase your productivity, have fun, feel in control and save your marriage and your family from numerous ills. You can’t beat that! Not even with pole dancing. √ Lynn Fraser, The Practical Life Balance Expert with Balance Your World Training & Coaching. is an enlightening speaker and a whole-hearted coach. She works with individuals, as well as corporate and association teams, who desire to become “healthy focused people attaining sustainable results”. Visit her website at www.lynnfraser.ca. EDMONTONIANS SPRING 2013

12851 - 56 Street, Edmonton, AB T5A 0C9


Tel: (780) 701-3715 Fax: (780) 454-3222


Attention: Fax: Date Purchased:

Date: To Appear in:

❑ Approved ❑ Approved With Corrections ❑ 2nd Proof Required Signature:

• Please fax your changes or additions back as soon as possible to: (780) 454-3222 • If we do not have any changes back by 4PM, we will assume the ad may appear as is.

• •




Chef John with daughters Heather and Ashley

with chef John Berry

Braised lamb shank

Cardero’s covers culinary bases


admit it: I’m a seafood nut.

I know some might say, “But, John, you’re in Cattle Country!” Absolutely! There is none better than Alberta beef. I cater with Sterling Silver… I feed it to my family and friends… and I’ll go to any length to promote it. But I still love my fresh seafood. In late January, we headed to the Wet Coast to commemorate a couple of birthdays: Mine is the day before my daughter Ashley’s so it’s extra special. When we arrived, Dine out Vancouver was in full swing. This world class festival of all things food and wine (some beer and spirits too) is Canada’s largest celebration of eating out. It is produced by Vancouver Tourism and involves hundreds of restaurants offering three course menus: appetizers, entrees and dessert, matched with wonderful BC Wines. There are unique dining adventures, food and cocktail hours, cabaret dinners, wine and beer tastings, and street food markets. Now before anyone gets their back up, thinking that I’m about to bash Edmonton, I’m not! But boy does the Edmonton Downtown Business Association, the local sponsor of a similar festival…er... program in our city needs to take a look at Vancouver’s extravaganza. With our talent pool of world renowned chefs, NAIT’s world class culinary program, wonderful musicians, and some of the best venues on the continent, it begs the question: What are we doing here people? Rant over! Back in Vancouver... For my family, seafood was at the top of everyone’s list. Imagine my surprise when we passed through the doors of Cardero’s, one of North America’s top seafood restaurants, and found that out of four main entrees only one was fish!


“What we’re trying to do is offer a wide variety. There’s poultry, fish, red meat and pasta, our vegetarian offering. We’ve covered all our bases,” according to Andy Crimp, the manager on duty the night we were there. Mom always told me, “If you’re in a fish house, eat fish. You want beef, go to a steakhouse.” Sound advice, indeed. But, we decided to put Cardero’s Executive Chef Jason Kleinfeld to the test and mix it up. Our table ordered the braised lamb shank, the cedar plank salmon, and the steak which was not part of the four entrees offered. “What I bring to the dining room is nothing but the freshest ingredients, wonderful flavour and consistency. We will pay a premium price for higher quality ingredients just to keep our customers happy,” explained Chef Jason. And that they do. To say our meal was superb seems like such a cliché, but it was that and much more. The raw oysters on the shell were succulent… the lamb melted in the mouth… the salmon was excellent… the steak juicy and done to perfection. And the ambiance? It felt like home. With 10,000 miners expected in that city a few days after we dropped by, Cardero’s definitely was ready… its bases expertly covered. Next time you are in Vancouver, check out Cardero’s. If you arrive without reservations, expect a wait of up to two-and-a-half hours in the summer, about an hour in the winter. Now if we can get the Edmonton DBA on track for a festival of this magnitude. Wow! √ Chef John runs his own in-home catering company, John Berry’s Celebrity Kitchen Catering. He can be reached at chefjohnb@shaw.ca or 780.473.3339.

Executive Chef Jason Kleinfeld John enjoys some oyster appies

Good old fashioned steak

John visits the wet coast EDMONTONIANS SPRING 2013


he MITS Altair 8800 was a

microcomputer design from 1975 based on the Intel 8080 CPU. Interest grew quickly after it was featured on the cover of the 1975 January issue of Popular Electronics, and was sold by mail order. It was the dawn of the home computer.

Since the introduction of the first mass produced personal computers in 1975, technological advances have left a constant stream of obsolete processor body parts in their wake. The first home computer was a revolution: an all-in-one workstation that put everything—display, processor, graphics, storage, memory and more, inside one simple enclosure. Fast forward countless innovations later and today’s desktop staples have been refined, re-imagined and re-engineered from the inside out. These ultimate allin-one computers are as much a work of art as they are state of art. As we move to thinner laptops and sleek tablets, clunky old computer parts are becoming relics of the past. Thankfully, upcycle artisans find endless inspiration in these pieces, repurposing everything from monitors to computer keys into detailed object-dart that titillate and pixelate our thirst for the unusual.


BODO with Linda Bodo

In an era of social consciousness, sustainable living has become the latest designer trend. The concept has caught on with eco-logical artisans, or upcyclers, who create iconic pieces from waste stream materials. These objects articulate a poignant message of today’s consumerism while inspiring creative methods to reduce our carbon footprint. Blur the line between art and craft with recycle-based designs through The Art of Upcycling with Linda Bodo. www.absolutebodo.com



This eco-friendly RAM key ring from recycled computer hardware is the perfect accessory for the tech-savvy.

Convert an old iBook into a timeless classic. Power the clock movement with a mouse pendulum.


Apple’s funky iMac in colours is the perfect component for feline reclining.


A hacked gadget with a marine screen.



The ‘Crunching Numbers G4’ coffee table fuses computer towers with car suspension A clever device where e-mail techno greets snail-mail within a Mac Pro tower. springs for megabyte delight.


Computer geek sleek. The floppy disk carry-all converts disk storage into hip handbags.


Adhere thumbtacks or magnets to used keyboard keys and re-pin a board. EDMONTONIANS SPRING 2013


Forget about costly repairs or paint jobs on your old clunker. Circuit board parts can cover a multitude of sins and teleport you to the sci-fi future.



How secure is your security firm?


he other day I received a

phone call from a woman who identified herself as “Lori” from the accounts payable department of ADT Security. I had changed my banking arrangements and had to update payment information with the security firm. I had been waiting for them to send me information and payment pre-authorization forms in the mail. When I asked her about putting something in the mail to me, she said, “We don’t do that, we call first.” She told me that she could send me the pre-authorization form by e-mail… all I had to do was fill it out and e-mail it back along with a scanned copy of a void cheque. Red Flag #1: No one should ask you to scan banking information and send it to them in an e-mail. When I received the form, it alarmed me even further. It looked like was an old photocopy— faded and dated-looking, and the scan was on a slant. Red Flag #2: If the form does not look legitimate, it probably isn’t. The form had no information to identify me as the client. I had to e-mail back and ask for the account number and also for the monthly amount that I was authorizing. Essentially what ADT was asking me to do was to send them a blank cheque.

Red Flag #3: This was the response I got back: “You don’t need to fill in the form, just send me the void cheque and I will update your account accordingly. If you can give me two different dates for the resubmission as if we submit more than two requests for the same amount on one day, the banks think there may be some fraudulent activity going on and they will decline the request.” I was concerned about several components of this interaction and I asked Lori if I could speak with her manager. Red Flag #4: She told me that the name and phone number of the manager were confidential. I left her my number and asked that the manager call me. Here it is five days later and no return call. I also called ADT’s Edmonton Office and did receive a call-back from the manager here. She confirmed that what Lori had asked me to do was outside of normal protocols. She said that protecting customer privacy and security was paramount for the company. There are several areas where ADT breached security in this interaction: • A company will never ask client to send financial information via the Internet. It is not secure. This information is best sent by snail mail.

with Nejolla Korris

• A company should send you a legitimate receipt, complete with account number and details of the transaction they are asking you to approve. • Managers and phone numbers are not confidential. And, if the company cares about service at all, perhaps the manager should return the phone call. • The expectation is that a security firm would know what to do to protect a customer’s security! E-mail me for more information on upcoming seminars on protecting your privacy and security. √ Nejolla Korris is an international expert in area of interviewing skills and linguistic lie detection. She is a keen observer and fan of the human condition. Dubbed the “Human Lie Detector” by some clients, she is a popular speaker on lie detection, fraud prevention and investigation, workplace fraud, and organizational justice. Nejolla recently launched a new speaker’s series on the differing communication styles between men and women. Contact: nkorris@working-it-out.com

780.940.1288 www.momentsindigital.com 14



Daniel Robinson

Robinson Insurance Brokers LEADS EDMONTON toward a more environmentally sustainable future


obinson Insurance

Brokers Ltd., one of Western Canada’s leading boutique commercial insurance brokers, is continuing to dedicate efforts toward environmental sustainability with its recent move into a new eco-office in downtown Edmonton. Robinson Insurance has a deeprooted commitment to sustainability. For years, management has been taking steps to lessen its environmental impact. The move to an environmentally sustainable office is just the latest step taken by the brokerage, which has made strides to reduce its carbon footprint by using energy efficient electronics and computers as well as electronic filing and communication systems. Robinson Insurance also gives priority to local suppliers striving to ‘go green’ with their products. “This new office move aligns with our clients’ environmental goals,” explains Daniel Robinson, President of Robinson Insurance. “I want to set an example of how local businesses can operate in a more environmentally conscious way.” Another highlight of the new office is that it is located within an existing community. “The environmental impact of creating new industrial subdivisions is substantial,” explains Robinson. “We chose to go a more environmentally friendly direction that also allows EDMONTONIANS SPRING 2013

us to offer a balance and energy that comes with being part of an existing community.” The new office is solar powered, using a 3.4kWh Photovoltaic roof top system, and uses natural light through windows and skylights. The space also uses radiant solar heating and low wattage electronics. The office has been converted from an older building, with sustainable materials and improved framework. Likewise, the new office environment is a bright and healthy atmosphere for staff, with plenty of natural light, and a picnic area for the warmer months. Moving into an eco-friendly office makes Robinson Insurance one of the first Canadian

12820 107 AVE NW Edmonton AB Tel: 780-424-7287 Toll Free: 1-800-465-4514


insurance brokerages to react to a worldwide concern about wasting resources. As commercial businesses become more environmentally conscious, they will become increasingly interested in the environmental policies of companies they hire. Robinson Insurance makes it easy for individuals and businesses to make environmentally conscious decisions by ensuring the environment is a top priority in their everyday dealings. √

About Robinson Insurance Robinson Insurance Brokers Ltd. is 100 percent independent and Alberta owned. Robinson Insurance ensures that its customers’ interests come first by maintaining its financial and corporate independence from major insurance companies. It has been independent from its inception in 1989, and maintains a long-standing membership with The Insurance Brokers Association of Alberta (IBAA). It prides itself in maintaining professional relationships with clients throughout Alberta, BC, NWT, and Saskatchewan. Backed by a strong heritage, Robinson Insurance Brokers Ltd. continues a firm mandate of providing excellent coverage and services with top quality insurers.

www.ribrokers.ca 15


Edmonton’s Royal Mayfair Golf Club

to Host 2013 CN Canadian Women’s Open


Royal Mayfair Golf Club

t only seemed appropriate

in an issue of Edmontonians celebrating the success of women in business, the arts and sports that this column would cover the 2013 CN Canadian Women’s Open to be held August 19 to 25 at the Royal Mayfair Golf Club—the first time the tournament has been held in Edmonton since 2007. According to Golf Canada Executive Director and CEO Scott Simmons, “The 2007 event was a tremendous success and there’s no doubt that Royal Mayfair and the City of Edmonton will once again prove fabulous hosts for the championship.” Royal Mayfair Golf Club President George Dawson continued: “… We look forward to welcoming the many golf

enthusiasts from within With Norman Leach our city and surrounding communities. We are equally excited about partnering with CN, Golf Canada, and the LPGA Tour as we look to raise funds for local children’s charities.” Since 2006, CN has raised nearly C$6.5 million for pediatric care in cities that have hosted the CN Canadian Women’s Open through the company’s tournament sponsorship and the CN Miracle Match Program. Claude Mongeau, President and Chief Executive Officer of CN, said: “We believe that the best way to build strong communities is to promote and safeguard the health of our young people and we are very proud that the CN Miracle Match has been able to help children across Canada. We are looking forward to returning to Edmonton and making a positive contribution in a community that is so important to our business.” √

Husband & Wife Team receives prestigious fellowships


n Valentine’s Day, the

University of Alberta announced that not one, but two, of its researchers—the husband and wife team of John P Davis and Juli Gibbs-Davis— had won a Sloan Research Fellowship—the U of A’s first in over 40 years. The Sloan Research Fellows represent the next generation of leaders in the natural sciences, economics and mathematics. The twoyear, $50,000 fellowships are awarded yearly to 126 researchers throughout North America in recognition of their distinguished performance and potential to make substantial contributions to their field. Gibbs-Davis first heard that her husband had won a fellowship. “My first thought was, ‘That’s fantastic!’ My second thought was, ‘I didn’t win one.’ He said they’d e-mailed, so I checked my e-mail while he was on the phone… and, sure enough, I had received one too. Both of us winning in the same year is seriously very, very cool.” “I was thrilled to learn that two of our researchers have been named 2013 Sloan Research Fellows,” said U of A President Indira Samarasekera. “This recognition represents the calibre of the research performed at the


University of Alberta. My congratulations to our Juli Gibbs-Davis & John P Davis Sloan Research Fellows on this exceptional accomplishment so early into their promising young careers.” Davis, an assistant professor in physics and strategic chair of iCore, studies low-temperature physics. He’ll be continuing his research in a new lab that will have the distinction of being the coldest laboratory in the Canadian Rising Stars in Global Health Canada when it is up and running in March: Grand Challenges to develop a system to detect -273 C! unique DNA sequences associated with a host of Gibbs-Davis is an assistant professor of infectious bacteria like TB and malaria, making chemistry. Her research focuses on the interplay diagnosis cheap and easy to administer. √ between understanding and controlling molecular recognition, research that has led Norman Leach, president of Norman Leach to exciting discoveries in areas ranging from & Associates, is an Alberta-based business fundamental surface science to DNA detection. consultant, university lecturer and writer “We are using molecular recognition to achieve who works with companies and non-profit new functions that are promising in multiorganizations to expand both their domestic and component drug delivery,” she explained. international markets. She recently won a $100,000 grant from EDMONTONIANS SPRING 2013

Engaging Edmonton Lisanne Lewis is positioning the Shaw Conference Centre to be a civic focal point By Paula E. Kirman exudes as T H E C A P I T A L R E G I O N T H E Lisanne P E R SLewis ON A L enthusiasm I T Y O about F BEdmonton. U S I N EIn SherSroleI N Director of Business and Community Development for the Shaw Conference Centre, she is helping to position the SCC as a valuable community resource and catalyst.

12851 - 56 Street, Edmonton, AB T5A 0C9

Tel: (780) 701-3715 Fax: (780) 454-3222


Born in Montreal, raised in Winnipeg (where she completed her education and began her career), Lewis moved to Alberta in the mid90s after meeting her future husband when they were both working Attention: in television. After more than twenty years working in corporate, and facility management industries, Lewis joined the SCC Fax: government in September of 2011. “The challenge is to help people understand we are more than bricks and mortar” she says. “By building sales and Date Purchased: community engagement we want to help Edmontonians gain a better understanding of the tremendous economic and social value the convention centre brings to the community.”

Date: To Appear in:

As someone with a strong background in business, marketing, and media, Lewis views her biggest successes in the past as revolving around staff development. “I’ve had the privilege of mentoring and coaching some brilliant young folks as they climb their career ladder, and the enjoyment of maintaining many of those relationships today” she says. Currently, Lewis is focused on working with the SCC sales team to attract new conventions to the city from the national associations and corporate meetings sector. The facility also celebrates its 30th anniversary this year and plans are underway for a series of community events and initiatives that will help tell the story of a convention centre as a widely accessible community-owned asset. Lewis has an extensive educational background and is a firm believer in lifelong learning. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Manitoba that eventually led to returning to school to complete the Public Relations program at the University of Winnipeg. She’s currently a student in the International Association of Venue Managers program for public assembly managers and working towards designation as a Certified Facilities Executive (CFE).

✓ Take additional leadership or management training to clearly demonstrate you offer the full package of talent for a leadership position. Extension or continuing education courses are great for this. ✓ Volunteer, give back, and help your community while you’re building your own career portfolio. It’s good for your health, life balance, and the community. Speaking of that last point, Lewis has a full schedule apart from her work. Her husband Lloyd works in the media and both are active in the community, “so between us we are fortunate to have a very full life filled with exciting events, new ideas and projects, and talented friends and colleagues who are making a real dent in the world” she says.

Achieving national accreditation through the Canadian Public Relations Society was a huge milestone for Lewis. “It was a two year process Some of Lewis’ community involvements include the University including an extensive case study, written exam, and panel interview,” of Alberta Senate, the Alberta Jubilee Auditorium Society board she explains. “Achieving these designations helps move the profession Approved With Corrections this2nd Proof Required Signature: ❑ Approved of directors, and volunteering with Homeless Connect, a unique forward❑ and increase the value of practitioners in❑ industry.” community partnership event co-founded by the Shaw Conference In fact, when asked to offer advice to other women on a similar career Centre. Her past board positions include Alberta Women listschanges education asor a top priority. “Achieve Entrepreneurs, Suit Yourself Edmonton, and the Edmonton• Pleasepath, faxLewis your additions backpost-secondary as soon as possible to: (780) 454-3222 education, a degree or certificate, followed by accreditation if at all Meadowlark Progressive Conservative Party Association. • If we possible. do notEven have any back 4PM, we will assume the ad may appear if you can’tchanges do it right away, workby towards that goal on When asked how to maintain a work/life balance, Lewis suggests evenings and weekends,” she advises. developing an annual master plan, complete with a “balance sheet” of top priorities to regularly review levels of commitment. Her own top Other career tips from Lewis include: priorities include community engagement. “I love my work with the ✓ Develop a formal growth plan. John C. Maxwell’s 15 Invaluable Laws Shaw Conference Centre because our team engages and connects every of Growth should be required reading (all his books should be). He day with a variety of business sectors as a way to help the convention provides tangible, teachable processes to develop leadership in yourself centre grow and succeed. And our success contributes to the city’s and in others. growth and success.” ✓ Read everything, stay current, and understand the larger world in which your job operates. ✓ Find a formal mentor. Not a friend, not a distant supporter, but someone two or three steps ahead of you on a career path who will meet with you regularly and keep you accountable to your growth plan.


as is.

Shaw Conference Centre 9797 Jasper Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta Phone: 780.421.9797 | Email: sccinfo@edmonton.com

❑ Approved ❑ Approved With Corrections ❑ 2nd Proof Required Signature:



Cracking the Code

for Business Expansion


usiness expansion of any

kind is no small undertaking. An obvious point, yet many businesses fail to succeed when taking their products and services across the border or even across the country. While some say that expansion is easier in today’s globally connected world than ever before, it is nevertheless a huge undertaking requiring careful consideration on a multitude of fronts. Here are some of the key considerations to make when deciding if your business is ready. Before doing anything else, find yourself professional support with international experience. You’ll need advisors with legal, accounting and business experience not just in global trade but in the specific country you’re expanding to. Explains Jim Fernandez, who specializes in international accounting: “Only professionals who operate in a multi-jurisdictional environment with a physical presence in the jurisdictions of interest will have the knowledge, understanding and expertise required to deal with the requirements and idiosyncrasies that are so critical to success.” In other words, rules and regulations change from country to country so the more experienced your professional advisors, the better your chances of avoiding critical mistakes, which can be crippling. Leverage all business resources available. Country trade associations, boards of trade, and government agencies exist to support international trade so definitely use these helpful resources. Check out the local trade associations, too. Many of these organize trips abroad to help local business establish international relationships. There are many government agencies that exist to support international trade and export. Move slowly and do your homework. To succeed abroad or even across the country, you need


to understand your customers and the culture you’re moving into. Even within Canada, many businesses haven’t been successful moving from coast to coast, in part because they haven’t properly acclimatized to the new territory. For example, Laura Secord Chocolates tried expanding out West and then retrenched. Purdy’s Chocolates has had a similarly difficult time expanding East. Purdy’s used a word of mouth campaign coupled with a slow approach, but the majority of its business remains in BC. Surprise; there are different cultures within this massive country. Remember, when it comes to expansion, “slow” isn’t necessarily a bad word. After all, it’s taken Starbucks six years to decide how

with Mark Wardell

best to expand into India. It definitely looks like its research and partnerships will serve Starbucks well in its newest market. Always use referrals for international relationships. As you develop business relationships abroad with people such as suppliers, distributors and freight forwarders, I recommend you always use your referral network. In fact, I wouldn’t recommend using any supplier without a referral, as the potential for disaster is just too high. An example: A businessman I know recently shipped a container of product using a direct shipping service, but when the container arrived it was literally full of rocks! He had been scammed and then had the pain, aggravation and expense of getting rid of the rocks. He didn’t use a reputable importer service and thought he could do it himself. The result was disastrous. To the contrary, another business I know has used trade shows and trade organizations to find valuable referrals. When sourcing overseas, spend the time researching your options. When you do find a distributor, start with lower volumes as you get to know each over. You might consider starting with a broker, eventually aiming to go direct, but having an expert guide you through the process your first time around. When it comes to expanding your business in any direction, being cautious and doing your research could save you critical amounts of time and money. √ Mark is President & Founder of Wardell Professional Development (www.wardell.biz), an advisory group that helps business owners plan and execute the growth of their companies. The author of seven business books, Mark also writes regularly for several national business publications, including Profit Magazine, the Globe and Mail, and CGA Magazine. Email him at mark@wardell.biz EDMONTONIANS SPRING 2013


Turning the Wor

? L?

offers “seller savvy” option



ave you ever thought

have an option to sell their homes using a real estate agent, and be able to keep more money in their pockets—saving you thousands of dollars, while still allowing you to be a part of the selling process! people consider it because We are still a full service brokerage, and they want to save money, but are concerned offer full service listings as well. about needing to be home for showings… I also work with buyers. Whether you’re not knowing what to say to prospective looking to buy your own home or an buyers… feeling uncomfortable fielding calls properties under and, contract to another being brokerage. investment property, I’m happy to help. from realtors… most importantly, Spring is coming, and it’s a great time to take worried about writing a valid, binding legal advantage of new inventory! contract. Whether you’re looking to buy or sell, just You asked, and we listened! Our Fast Track clients were asking for a “seller savvy” option pick up the phone and call Michelle. Don’t wait! Let me show you the various for selling their homes—and we have it! Fast options I have available to make your Track Real Estate is thrilled to announce a selling—or buying—experience one that new service model. works best for you! Now, at any location where Fast Track Call today for more details! Real Estate has an office, home owners will selling your Drive, home on #20-10about Carleton your own—the “For Sale St.byAlbert, Owner” way?Alberta Many



or sell nd call Michelle

Michelle Roth, Sales and Training Manager, Realtor® Office: 780.489.6677 Cell: 780.717.8283 Toll Free: 877.515.3873Fax: 780.444.5894 Michelle.Roth@FTRE.ca www.buysellcallmichelle.com www.FastTrackRealEstate.com #20, 10 Carleton Drive, St. Albert, AB, T8N 7L2

When you’re ready to buy or sell, just pick up the phone and call Michelle

When you’re ready to buy or sell Just pick up the phone and call Michelle Michelle Roth, Realtor®

y! ut an ey!

Not intended to solicit properties under contract to another brokerage.

www.buysellcallmichelle.com DECEMBER 15-30 JANUARY 1-12 JANUARY 13-31 FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY



#20-10 Carleton Drive, St. Albert, Alberta


Selling a home can be confusing and costly! Call me today about our “seller savvy” plan to save you money! Turning the World of Real Estate Upside-Down EDMONTONIANS SPRING 2013


Women in the Trades UA Local 488 experiencing a rise of women in a formerly male-dominated field

By Paula E. Kirman

When it comes to the trades, it isn’t just a man’s world anymore. More and more women are becoming welders, pipefitters, plumbers, and other fields that have traditionally been known as men’s jobs. However, changing attitudes and needs in the work force are changing the face of the trades. At United Association Local 488, representing the plumbing, pipe fitting, welding, and related industries, women are stepping up – and standing out. “A lot of our work is in the Oil Sands. The trades we represent are steamfitter-pipefitters, welders, plumbers, refrigeration mechanics, instrumentation technicians, sprinkler fitters, and pipeliners,” says Larry Matychuk, Local 488’s Business Manager/Financial Secretary. “The greatest number of women in our local you will find in welding, steamfitting-pipefitting, and plumbing.” One of those women is Pauline Lavallee, a B pressure welder who is also pursuing a second trade ticket in steamfitting. “I always had an interest in the trades,” says Lavallee, 30. “My dad is an electrician and my uncle was a welder. I knew they liked their careers and made a decent living.” The UA Local 488 has 10,750 members in northern Alberta (including retirees). The union covers all of Alberta from Red Deer north and the Mackenzie Valley of the NWT (although the union is not active there at this time). “We were chartered in Edmonton in 1904. So, we’re one year older than the Province of Alberta, and have built most of the province over that time,” says Matychuk, who has been with Local 488 since he was 18. Holding three trade tickets (as a Plumber, Steamfitter-Pipefitter, and Gasfitter), Matychuk worked in the field for 20 years and was elected as Business Agent with the union in 1991. In 2006, he became Local 488’s Business Manager and has held that position ever since. “A lot of what we do is advocating for workers. We do collective bargaining. We represent our workers, as most people would think of a union doing. What they don’t realize is that the majority of what we do is training. Schooling is the biggest aspect to what we do.”


In fact, the Edmonton-based office of UA Local 488 is home to the Alberta Pipetrades College, the training arm of Local Union 488. “We are government certified to train first and second year apprentice steamfitters-pipefitters, welders, and plumbers,” says Matychuk. “Aside from that, we also run many upgrading courses for our existing journeymen and apprentices. They can come in and take courses that are over and above the government curriculum.” Why so much emphasis on training? “We have to be competitive,” explains Matychuk. “We have to compete on a world scale. Our product is our skills and Alberta trained tradespeople have proven, over the years, to be some of the finest in the world. The way for us to be competitive is not to lower our standard of living, but to ensure that we’re the best skilled, the best educated, and through those means we can be competitive.” More and more frequently, women are amongst the numbers of these qualified, talented tradespeople. And for many of them, this is something that years before would have been beyond their reach. “Not all the women are coming into the trades right from high school,” says Matychuk. “For a number of them it is a second life. This is an opportunity they did not have when they were younger.” Lyndsay Webster is one such woman who was looking for a career change – and decided that the trades were it. The 31 year old had been a hair stylist but began disliking her job. “I wanted something more challenging, more stable, and with set pay cheques and benefits,” she says. “I did a lot of research online and narrowed it down to either welding or heavy duty mechanic. Then I lucked out and got a great opportunity to start my welding apprenticeship.” Being a woman in the trades has its challenges, particularly when it comes to dealing with their male colleagues. “A challenge being a woman is sometimes getting over the stigma of not being able to keep up with the men. Always having to prove yourself on the job,” says Lavallee. “My job may be challenging at times but at the end of the day I couldn’t imagine doing anything else.”


On the other hand, Webster has found that she has not really experienced any challenges in her trade specifically due to being a woman. “I don’t really think that as a woman I have any different challenges than men. I just go to work and do my best,” she says. “I always show up, am on time, and work my hardest. There have been a few comments here and there, but I don’t let it get to me. I just try harder so I will eventually be a better welder than anyone that has an issue with me being a woman.” The UA Local 488 is the largest local of the UA affiliated across Canada and the United States. The local dispatched 15,300 workers to jobs last year. The Local is also philanthropic, having given around 300-400 thousand dollars in charitable donations last year alone, particularly to causes involving medical research and education. “It’s our members that live in the communities, so supporting community is a big part of the union,” says Matychuk.

Both Lavallee and Webster encourage women to pursue careers in the trades, if that is what they truly want. “If you like the trades I would say pursue it,” says Lavallee. “Make sure you research the trade you want. It’s not always what you may expect, but it’s nice to see the finished product at the end of the day.” “Be persistent,” says Webster. “Being a woman and trying to get into the trades isn’t going to fall in your lap; it’s not easy at first. You have to keep pushing if you want the job. It will eventually pay off. Do not get discouraged.” Pursuing the career of your dreams is certainly worth it, and the UA 488 is right there supporting its workers in their chosen fields. “I wake up every morning and look forward to going to work,” says Webster. “The amount of knowledge I have obtained in the last year is amazing! I look forward to the future and the rest of my career.”

Still, the majority of what the local does is training and recruiting. Towards that end, the Local is a partner in a program called Tradewinds to Success, with offices in the Alberta Pipetrades College, specifically for First Nations applicants who are put through a 16 week academic upgrading so they have the skills to start an apprenticeship in whichever trade interests them. “There are many women coming through this group,” says Matychuk. “We start them in a 12 week pre-apprenticeship program, then move them into an apprenticeship program and get them out in the workforce.” As well, Local 488 is currently working with Edmonton Public Schools to develop shop facilities in high schools to attract and train interested students and get them on a career path in the trades. There is also a connection with Norquest College, bringing Alberta youths into the trades by helping them upgrade their academic standards enough to handle an apprenticeship. “People are talking about bringing in foreign workers, and there is a need for that,” says Matychuk. “However, the long-term is to ensure that we train young Alberta men and women and ensure that they have opportunities. We emphasize giving Alberta men and women first opportunities. These are good paying jobs.”


Alberta Pipe Trades College 16120-118 Avenue, Edmonton, AB Phone: 780 488-1266 www.local488.ca



Kristina Williams Honorary Consul for Sweden

Nejolla Korris Chair, Edmonton Consular Corps

The Women at the Corps By Barb Deters with photos by Avonlea Photography


he local diplomatic Corps—together at the same time for the community is comprised of interview proved a challenge… in the end, 22 Honorary Consuls whose we settled for five who shared information jurisdictions represent, I’m about their professional and diplomatic roles told, an estimated 2.1 and experiences. million Albertans. By and large, they have strong direct or ancestral ties to the countries they serve, but it is not a prerequisite for appointment… they focus on fostering international business opportunities… they facilitate people requiring passports and visas. Members are essentially unpaid volunteers. There are few perks, but the Alberta government does issue Colleen Neita special vehicle registrations/license Honorary Cons plates which entitle honorary consuls ul for Jamaica to free parking privileges at meters pretty much anywhere—except on federal lands like airports. There is no ‘diplomatic immunity’ attached to this Honorary courtesy gesture. Consul for Lithuania Nejolla Korris is no Edmontonians’ Salute to Women in stranger to wearing many hats. She is the Business—the 8th annual—and the chair of both the Edmonton Consular Corps upcoming Consular Ball—the 33rd and this year’s ball. Given that Lithuania annual—seemed to me to be an opportunity is the host nation, Ambassador Vytautas to craft an interesting story that combined Žalys will make his first official visit to the two events. Getting six busy women— Alberta—a welcome event which is keeping all members of the Edmonton Consular her extra busy arranging meetings with 22

business and government people. She is also staging a Sunday recital by double bassist Taddes Korris—her son—and pianist Agne Radzeviciute who are featured artists at the ball. Nejolla has made many trips to the country her parents fled more than 50 years ago. In fact, she was there for the 2009 Lithuanian Millennium celebrations as one of the 12 members of an Edmonton choir that joined 18,000 singers performing in the capital. Newly appointed as Honorary Consul but still in her choir gown, she had to do some fast talking to convince guards at the Presidential Palace that she was indeed an invited guest at the official reception. Nejolla’s consular duties are generally routine, “I supply passport and visa application forms, and promote culture and trade. In addition, because Lithuania allows dual citizenship to Canadians born there before 1940, I verify their documentation.” Providing translation services led to a “weird request when a fellow met a Lithuanian woman on-line and he asked me to translate her love letters.” The CEO at InterVeritas International EDMONTONIANS SPRING 2013

Ltd., Nejolla has a law degree and is to be mindful of my dual roles as Honorary “important to be available because you an international expert in the field of Consul, and advisor [at Simpson Law] to never know what the problem might be. Linguistic Lie Detection. Her clients include commercial clients wanting to set up IBCs.” “I get an average of seven calls a week, corporations, government agencies, law In addition to the usual provision of and I want to ensure people have the right enforcement and the military—many of passport and visa application forms, information. I get calls from Saskatchewan, whom refer to her as the “Human Lie Michelle is “most frequently asked for Manitoba, even Ontario—it’s easier to Detector.” She has taught her methodology information on how to get married in get through to me than the embassy in throughout North America, Europe, the Barbados.” She also fields calls for Ottawa.” Doodie points out, “anyone Middle East, Malaysia, Brazil, Singapore, information “about whose grandparents were born in Ireland is Botswana, Uganda and South trade opportunities entitled to apply for citizenship and to hold Africa. Nejolla writes the Civil as well as an Irish passport. Wars column in Edmontontians, outlets here “I’m kept busy supplying passport and and is completing a book on for temporary visa application forms, emergency travel deception in communications. workers—skilled documents, and verifying passport photos. Kristina Williams has served and unskilled.” I fill out forms in the event of a death, and as the Honorary Consul for Having assist in the repatriation of the deceased. Sweden for the past six years, practiced law I also help people who want to transport and is vice-chair of the Edmonton for 30 years, personal items to Ireland. Consular Corps. She was a Michelle says, “When the Ambassador and VIPs from corporate lawyer before emigrating “My passion Ireland visit here, I show them around. to Canada but, once here, chose to I’m on the executive of Enterprise earn her Master’s degree in business Ireland, out of Toronto, which administration at the University of focuses on establishing business Alberta. Her combined knowledge relationships.” Simpson makes her ideally suited to her current The Honorary Consul for Michelle Consul Honorary s position as Director of Investment for Jamaica is Coleen Neita who o for Barbad the Alberta Enterprise Corporation. was appointed in July 2008. Moreover, her review of small A Registered Nurse, she is the businesses and start-ups has given her labour and delivery manager at the an appreciation of the challenges they Misericordia Hospital. She was face. It’s also heightened her sensitivity on the executive of the Jamaica when she is organizing trade missions that Association of Northern Alberta connect Swedish and Alberta companies. (JANA) for 25 years, including 10 “I spend between two and as president. 10 hours per week on consular “I represent and promote Jamaica activities: helping with visa as the vacation spot—the goal is Nejolla Korris applications, particularly for to make us the new Mexico. That Honorary Cons ul students and youth; providing includes answering questions about for Lithuania passport and driver’s license how to get married there. application forms; and assisting “With a large contingent of Alberta-based Swedes in their temporary workers in the Edmonton dealings with the Swedish now is dispute area, I interact with them… assist those government.” resolution… who have lost their jobs and need to deal Kristina smiles as she recounts conflict with Immigration so they can stay in the strangest request she has ever management.” Canada. I also give out passport forms… received. “I was given an invitation The women facilitate visas and [have the authority to] to a wedding but, first, the fellow agree this sign the forms. Sometimes I get inquiries asked me to find him a princess attribute is about how children of Jamaican parents can il h from Sweden… or Syria.” It was one why she go to school there… or about repatriating a C land Doodie” of the few times she was unable to does so goods. For example, as an island nation, Brigit “ Consul for Ire ry Honora accommodate a client. well during a lot of things are very expensive and Lawyer Michelle Simpson has discussions selection is limited. People returning to been Honorary Consul for Barbados around the consular table. Jamaica are allowed to ship a car and two since June 2005, and is secretary of the Brigit “Doodie” Cahill, the Honorary televisions, among other things.” Coleen Edmonton Consular Corps. Her appointment Consul General for Ireland, has served also assists delegations from Jamaica and resulted from a chance meeting with the her homeland for the past 11 years. encourages trade and investment. High Commissioner for Barbados, and She operates out of her home in St. her involvement in setting up International Albert which has its advantages and It’s clear these women take their Business Corporations. The tax treaty disadvantages—time zone differences responsibilities seriously and are honoured to between Canada and Barbados allows local can result in calls outside normal be of service. What’s most interesting is that, businesses to register on the island as IBCs, working hours, and late-night visitors despite attending Corps meetings regularly pay taxes at a low rate and then return profits needing assistance. The retired nurse over the years, they have seldom chatted. without domestic tax liability. Michelle is compassionate by nature and very While I learned about them, they learned admits, “I’m in a unique position… and have accommodating, explaining that it’s about each other. It was a good day. √ EDMONTONIANS SPRING 2013



33rd Annual Consular Ball By Barb Deters


or decades, the Consular

Ambassador Žalys is among the county’s inaugural diplomats following the reBall has been one of Edmonton`s establishment of Lithuania’s Independence most popular events among on March 11, 1990. Over the years, he corporate, government and has held diplomatic postings to the United community leaders. It`s an States, Kaliningrad in the Russian evening hallmarked by bling and Federation, and ballgowns… tuxedos, bowties Moldova. He and medals… and country earned a PhD sashes. from the Institute The 33rd annual ball will of History at be held at the Crowne Plaza the Lithuanian Chateau Lacombe Hotel Academy of Science on Saturday, April 20th. in 1988, and has This year’s gala is chaired Vytautas Žalys written five books by Honorary Consul to on foreign affairs Lithuania, Nejolla Korris, and the history of who is also chair of the diplomacy. Corps. A gala evening of fine dining and themed entertainment will set the tone as Emerging role of Lithuania an introduction to Lithuania, showcasing its The Republic of Lithuania is located along economy and culture to the attendees. the southeastern shores of the Baltic Sea The Ambassador of the Republic of in Northern Europe. It has a population of Lithuania to Canada, Vytautas Žalys, will approximately 3.2 million well-educated be in attendance—his first official visit to people, the majority of whom speak one or Alberta. He was appointed by President two foreign languages (primarily Russian Dalia Grybauskaite in July 2012. Prior to and English). Roughly two-thirds of his assignment to Canada, he had served Lithuanians live in urban centres. The largest as Ambassador at Large at the Ministry of city and capital is Vilnius. Foreign Affairs in Lithuania.


The country boasts a modern infrastructure of railways, airports and highways. Its economic focus is on high addedvalue products and services, including knowledge-based industries with emphasis on biotechnology. It has an attractive tax system, characterized by low and flat taxes. The government has set a strategic goal to become the Northern Europe Service Hub by 2015. In March 1990, the year before the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Lithuania became the first Soviet republic to declare independence. It has been a member of the United Nations since September 1991, and is a signatory to a number of its organizations and other international agreements. It is also a member of the Council of Europe, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, NATO and its adjunct North Atlantic Coordinating Council, and the World Trade Organization, among others. The republic has established diplomatic relations with 149 countries. Lithuania joined the European Union (EU) in 2004, and will assume its presidency this fall. Visit www.businesslithuanian.com and www.investlithuania.com for information and opportunities. EDMONTONIANS SPRING 2013


Taddes Korris

Vilnius, Lithuania

Agnes Radzeviciute

Twenty under 30. She is the winner of numerous piano In addition to the featured artists, singers competitions including the 14th International F. Susan Sereda, Lina Morris, Elizabeth Green, Chopin Young Pianists Competition in Szafarne, Lithuania is a country rich in history and culture. Valda Petrulene, Adriana Podberskiene, Monique Poland, and has performed as soloist with several Two young musical talents will pay homage to Cooper, Violeta Levandauskiene, Ruta Reid and renowned orchestras. their heritage at the Consular Ball, and again Born to a Lithuanian family in Canada, Taddes Lucinda Johnston Lawrence will perform. at a special recital the following day. Agne hails from Edmonton. His unique cultural roots Radzeviciute and Taddes Korris are both students inspire him to create and perform works not at the Manhattan School of Music in New York 12851 - 56Ball Street, known to audiences. A dynamic orchestral, Supports Scholarship Fund City. Edmonton, AB T5A 0C9 objective of the Consular chamber and solo performer, he began his studies The primary Agne, who was born in Vilnius in February of the double bass at 16 with Jan Urke,(780) Principal701-3715 Ball is to support the Edmonton Consular 1992, began learning to play the piano at five Tel: Bass of the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra. Endowment Scholarship Fund for years of age. Two years later, she was admitted He then pursued studies in Russian and Soviet International Studies at the University of Fax: (780) 454-3222 O FintoBtheUoldest S I Nand E Smost S prestigious I N T Hschool E TCHofAE P PI TEAhistory RasENwell GAILas OI music R LS O TNY atOMcGill F B University U S I N E S S Alberta. IN TH E awards C A PareI Topen A L toRsenior EGION The arts in the country, the Mikalojus Konstantinas from 2007-2008. Following a special audition in undergraduate and graduate students in Ciurlionis School of Arts. After graduating with May 2008, Taddes was accepted at the Manhattan the Faculties of History, Law and Political distinction from high school in 2011, she left School of Music where he completed his Science for summer research projects her homeland to pursue her bachelor degree undergraduate studies. At his graduation in May abroad. The Consular Corps has awarded studies under Prof. Nina Svetlanova in New 2012, he was honoured with the Homer Mensch close to 40 scholarships in the past 10 years, York. Agne is the recipient of the Harold and Award for dedication to the double bass. facilitating studies all over the world in Helene Schonberg Pianist Scholarship.Attention: Last June, Date: Date: Taddes is earning his Master’s degree in the myriad disciplines. The 2013 winners will be she was awarded a finalist medal at the Sixth To Appear in: prestigious Orchestral Performance Program— introduced at the ball. Fax: To Appear in: International New York Piano Competition. the only bass player in the program. He currently The bulk of funds for the scholarships Agne is a laureate of the J. S. Bach and B. Date Purchased: studies with Tim Cobb, Principal Bass of the are raised through the sponsorship packages Dvarionas national and the Music without Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, and recently available to corporate and individual patrons Borders and Klavier Musik international accepted a position as substitute section bass in of the event. In addition to multiple tickets to competitions. She has had concerts in Lithuania the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra. the ball, perks include priority seating with (including at the National Philharmonic Hall), While still in high school, Taddes recruited 66 dignitaries, special recognition, and varying France, Switzerland, Russia, and in New York musicians to record the rare works of Lithuanian numbers of tickets to the invitation-only April and Chicago in the U.S. In March 2010, she composer Mikalojus Ciurlionis. As a result of the 21st recital featuring the solo performers. played a recital at the United Nations Office in project, he was recognized with scholarships and For information on sponsorship and tickets, Geneva on the occasion of the 20th Anniversary grants such as Canada’s Top 20 under 20 Award, visit www.edmontonconsularball.com or of the re-establishment of the independence of and named one of Edmontonians 2009 Sizzling contact edmontonball@gmail.com √ Lithuania.

Talented Protégés Perform at Ball







he members of the Edmonton Consular Corps are local residents appointed by countries from all areas of the world. The primary responsibility of the Honorary Consuls is to foster

awareness of international trade and investment opportunities... to promote culture and tourism... to assist people requiring various types of documentation... and to represent their countries at official events.





nkorris@shaw.ca or nkorris@interveritas.com




SWEDEN –Vice Chair






Nejolla Korris, Honorary Consul c/o 11629 83 Street Edmonton, AB, T5B 2Y7 780.457.6900

Kristina Williams, Honorary Consul 13614 100 Ave Edmonton, AB, T5N 0H9 780.886.2501 Edmonton@swedishconsulates.ca

BARBADOS –Secretary

Michelle Simpson, Honorary Consul 208, 10301 109 Street Edmonton, Alberta T5J 1N4 780.431.1444 michelle@simpsonlaw.ca


Angus Watt, Honorary Consul 3500 Manulife Place, 10180.101 Street, Edmonton AB, T5J 3S4 780.412.6644

awatt@anguswatt.com or agrekul@anguswatt.com


Robert Seidel, QC, Honorary Consul 1201, Scotia 2 Tower 10060 Jasper Avenue Edmonton, AB, T5J 4E3 780.429.4814 rseidel@davis.ca

Berndt Reuscher, Honorary Consul 8005 102 Street Edmonton, AB T6E 4A2 780.434. 0430 or 780.438.6138

Alexander Szenthe, Honorary Consul 106 Nottingham Point Sherwood Park, AB T8A 3A8 780.640.0968 albertahunconsul@shaw.ca


Gordon Reykdal, Honorary Consul 17631 103 Avenue Edmonton, AB, T5S 1N8 780.408.5118 gord@rentcash.ca


Bridgit (Doodie) Cahill, Honorary Consul General 13 Glenmeadow Crescent Edmonton, AB, T8N 3A2 780.458.0810 gtcahill@shaw.ca


Colleen Neita, Honorary Consul Marcus Garvey Centre for Unity 12526 126 Avenue Edmonton, AB, T5L 0X3 780.481.0499

Dean Sanduga, Honorary Consul 16508 100 Street Edmonton, AB T5X 2E4 780.457.1541

Roar Tungland, Honorary Consul 2310 80 Ave NW Edmonton, AB, T6P 1N2 780.440.2292





Dennis Laliberte, Honorary Vice Consul Suite 202, 10544 114 St Edmonton, AB, T5H 3J7 780.432.7446

John Szumlas, Honorary Consul 107, 4990 92 Avenue Edmonton, AB T6B 2V4 780.415.5154 john.szumlas@aagi.ca


Aurelio Fernandez, Honorary Consul 13915 96 St Edmonton, AB, T5E 5Z1 780.476.9099

Ted Bosse, Honorary Consul Suite 1400 Canadian Western Bank Bldg 10303 Jasper Avenue Edmonton, AB, T5J 3N6 780.429. 6253








Dennis Anderson, Honorary Consul General Suite 202, 10544 114 St Edmonton, AB, T5H 3J7 780.439.3576


Victor Tanti 10432 Connaught Drive Edmonton, AB, T5N 3J4 780 910 8836

Benjamin Garcia, Honorary Consul 607 Wolf Willow Road Edmonton, AB, T5T 1E7 780.444.9146

Esmerelda Agbulous, Honorary Consul General 107, 4990 92 Avenue Edmonton, AB, T6B 2V4 780.415.4303



Bill Smith, Honorary Consul 512 Ronning Street Edmonton, AB, T6R 1B7 780.965.2004



Kenan Tan, Honorary Consul General 2nd floor, 15450 – 105 Avenue Edmonton, AB, T5P 0T7 780.619.0773 bestext@shaw.ca

Sergey Timoshchenko, Honorary Consul 14665 116 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5M 3E8 780.504.7560



Barbara Ashley Phillips


How free are you?

e think that we

are really free in arriving at our opinions, our perspectives, our movements and actions… our preferences and our choices. Considerable evidence suggests that this just ain’t so. And this has huge implications for our health and well-being as well as our success in work and personal relationships. We seem to be born with a starter kit—our package. Ask any obstetrician, midwife or doula: Babies are themselves right from the start. Our package holds the pattern of our future selves, much like the seed holds the pattern of the tree. We say, move or do things in ways our ancestors did. Older relatives may notice that we behave much like Great Uncle Jake did, or that we are opinionated, just like Aunt Ellie used to be. Research on twins supports this. In 1979, Thomas Bouchard began to study twins who were separated at birth and reared in different families. He found that identical twins reared away from each other seem to have about an equal chance of being similar in terms of personality, interests, and attitudes as twins who have been reared together. Research in this vein is being continued by the Minnesota Twin Family Study. These researchers found the similarities between twins raised in separate homes with different parents to be remarkably strong in determining physical appearance and attributes, as well as personalities and inherent abilities. Recently two sisters—fraternal twins— discovered each other for the first time some 70 years after they were separated and adopted by different families three days after birth. Similarities included grabbing each other’s arm or chin, starting each day with oatmeal, and preferring dark meat chicken and the


frosting to the cake. (http://www.miamiherald. com/2013/01/10/3176855/separated-at-birthtwin-sisters.html) Now glimpsing how our history influences our decisions and choices, we can see there’s a real imperative to break through these old patterns of belief in work and in relationships. Otherwise, we’re not really present: There’s this not-very-attractive avatar of ours that’s in the way. We also are, to that extent, blinded to what’s right before us. When we see that our attitudes are heavily influenced by inheritance, we may blush when we remember our insistence on “my way”. It’s not comfortable to realize that how we see things and how we experience things is only that, saying little or nothing about the world around us. To me, that’s a whopping reminder to be more humble about my opinions, preferences and judgments. Where the impact of family patterns shows up in relationship often starts on the honeymoon. It’s been said that when a man and woman go to bed together as husband and wife, there are six people in the room: the wife, the husband, and each of their parents. You could live happily in a relationship for years, only to find yourselves running for the lifeboats when that relationship becomes a marriage. What this means is that each partner brings into the marriage a whole host of beliefs and assumptions about how things should be. One man told me recently that when he got married his wife believed that a wife should see that her husband was properly dressed. It took him a while before his wife was willing to drop that. When you read something like this, it seems trivial. But things this trivial can be marriage-breakers. It’s pretty clear now that we are influenced by our nature (inherited characteristics). The extent to which our lives are shaped by our nurture (influences from the environment), we

can address in a later column. Meanwhile, let’s really take in and ponder the significance of everyone’s inherited attitudes, characteristics, opinions and preferences on work situations and relationships. Sometimes a few questions can help you or another person see the roots of obstinate certainty. You might ask, “Have you held this view for a long time?” or “Do you recall how you happened to come by this view?” Such questions may penetrate the concrete and rebar of long-held but not thought-through attitudes. Enjoy that you’re not bound by your starter kit… that you can change. Know that when you do, you’ll feel like it’s costing you a lot. You’ll likely feel guilty while you’re weaning yourself from beliefs cherished in your family system, since loyalty to family is a survival mechanism. Consider it an investment in your evolution, in your relationships, and in the betterment of the world around you. It may be the only way to build a real work or personal relationship—not your way, but a better and more inclusive way arrived at with others. The bottom line here is that, in your relationship and workplace, it’s good to be humble about your opinions and judgments. To grow yourself more rapidly, you can both seek and gratefully accept feedback when others challenge you rather than justifying. That’s a sign you’re growing up, a quality that is essential in leadership. √ Barbara Ashley Phillips is a professional coach. She facilitates A Day to Enjoy for groups and organizations, as well as the Executive Café Coaching Circles held around Edmonton. For a free newsletter and Leadership Tips go to www.co-creating. ca. Contact: Barbara at 780-465-1721 or barbara@co-creating.ca


K O O L R CK YOU lon


ut Sa O t I ck at Ro E. Kirman la By Pau


you are looking for a new style, you can rock it out – literally! Rock It Out Salon offers cuts, styles, colours, straightening, and texture services for men, women, and children. In addition, the salon also provides various hair treatments, facial waxing, scalp massages and “Great Length” permanent hair extensions, as well as tanning beds in both laying and standing positions. Rock It Out recently celebrated its third anniversary. “I was inspired to start my own business because after 12 years in the industry, I felt it was the next stepping stone for me to accomplish,” says owner Monika Lidicky, “It was always a dream of mine.” Lidicky’s extensive background in the beauty industry includes educational seminars from Calgary, New York, Montreal, Las Vegas, and Edmonton. “I’ve been trained in one-on-one and larger group seminars by some of the top educators in Canada, USA, and Europe,” she says. “These celebrity stylists teach us the newest trends, cuts and colours for us to teach to our guests. I find it motivates us, and that pure excitement is what differentiates us from other salons.” The salon’s catchy name comes from the saying, “You rock that look.” “The more I thought about it, the more it just had to be,” explains Lidicky. “So, there came our slogan ‘We Chop it, You Rock it’.” When she is not busy at the salon, Lidicky enjoys outdoor activities like skiing, snow boarding, and camping. “I find it really hard to separate work and everyday life,” she says. “Unfortunately, my husband gets

the worst of it. Honestly, if I’m not at work, I’m thinking about work. Responsibilities are solely on myself - you are only as good as your management. And another phrase I truly live by is that you will get only as much as you put in.” To Lidicky, nothing can replace the hands on experiences of running her own business, and would advise other women wanting to go into business to do extensive research. “I would first tell her to do as much research as possible, and even phone around to get information from other owners. Secondly, one of the most important things is to have a strong network for support!” she emphasizes. “You can read as many business books from various authors but nothing can ever prepare you. I’m still continuously learning as I go. I definitely am not the boss I thought I would be.” Lidicky is the boss of a strong team that is thriving under her leadership. “In 15 years of my career, never have I had or worked with such a tight knit team as we have right now! My girls have made me so proud of their determination to be the best. I have three amazing junior stylists that have trained hard and competed in Edmonton and Calgary hair shows. I also have two senior stylist/ educators that teach other salons their skills, two stylists that have been with me from the start who continue teaching me on a daily basis, and the bubbliest receptionists that make our days go smoother.”

780-476-2560 | www.rockitoutsalon.ca 8123 160 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta Hours of operation: Monday: 12 - 7 Tuesday to Friday: 9 - 9 Saturday: 9 - 4 Sunday: 12 - 5 28



with Charles Strachey

Job Application Tips


ear Working Wise:

Photo: ©iStockphoto.com/barsik

My teenage son is looking for his first job. He is about to start applying at nearby stores so we don’t have to worry about transportation. Do you have any tips for him? ~ Proud Parent


Dear Proud: A part-time job is a great way for teens to make extra money and start developing employability skills, like punctuality and time management, which will serve him well for the rest of his life. Many retail businesses use job application forms. Here are some tips for filling out job application forms: • Take the application home, if possible, to give yourself more time, a more comfortable environment, and access to all the information you will need to complete the application. • Ask for two applications in case you make a mess of the first one. • Just in case you cannot take the application home, bring all of the information you might need, including your social insurance number, address and postal code, list of past employers, positions, volunteer roles, schools and training programs, start/end dates, and three job reference names with phone numbers. • Use an erasable pen. • Follow the instructions carefully. • Print neatly and clearly. • If a question does not apply to you, write Not Applicable or N/A. • Be specific about the type of work you are interested in. • Bring copies of your resumé—the employer may accept the resumé along with the application form. • Do not answer application questions by referring the reader to your resumé. • List your most recent work experience first, followed by older experiences. Be sure to include any awards or positive results that you achieved. • If you do not have any work experience, try to find an opportunity to talk about the

useful/relevant skills and experiences that you have gained through your volunteer and extra-curricular activities. • List your most relevant education and training, including dates you attended the programs, the names of the schools, and any certificates you earned. • Don’t forget to include short-term training courses, special awards and memberships that you have held or hold if they relate to the job in any way. If asked to name a wage expectation, give a range or say that you are open to negotiation. You can check the WAGEinfo website http://alis.alberta.ca/wageinfo for the current salary ranges of more than 400 occupations. Use the “Additional Comments” section to highlight any achievements you haven’t already touched on plus any skills or strengths that relate to the position. Double-check the form for spelling, accuracy, and neatness, before you submit it. The overall appearance of your application makes an impression. If you do not have a resumé: Visit the Alberta Learning Information Service (ALIS) website http://alis.alberta. ca for free resumé-writing tips; or Visit your nearest Alberta Works Centre http:// humanservices.alberta.ca/offices and ask for free assistance with writing your resumé. Good luck! √

Do you have a work-related question? Send your questions to WorkingWise, at charles. strachey@gov.ab.ca. Charles Strachey is a manager with Alberta Human Services. This column is provided for general information.


Aloette Cosmetics: From Direct Sales to Direct Success By Paula E. Kirman

Beauty can be more than skin deep. Aloette Cosmetics is a perfect example of what a combination of excellent products and service can do. The company offers a complete line of aloe vera based skin and body care products. The organic aloe used for the products is received through an international fair labour co-op. Aloette offers many choices in age defying products that are a preparatory blend and is a cruelty free company. The eco-friendly packaging of the products minimizes cosmetic waste. Finally, Aloette also offers an on trend makeup line that is mineral and vitamin infused. Norma McNalty is the President of Aloette of Edmonton South/ Calgary North. Based in Millet, AB, McNalty has had a long journey with the company. She started selling Aloette as a consultant in January of 1985 and purchased her first franchise ten years later, in December of 1995. She and her team had grown to three franchises by 2010. “A friend held one of the first Aloette home shows to be held in the Edmonton area. Being very sensitive to skin care products, I volunteered to be the model at the show so I was able to try the line without purchasing,” McNalty explains. “It was an absolute success so Aloette became a regular part of my skin and body care regimen. With the birth of my daughter, I wanted to earn money and be able to stay at home. It didn’t take long for me to call my personal consultant and ask how to start my own business. She made it so simple that Aloette was a career for me within weeks.” McNalty and her team are definitely making waves. Some achievements within the Aloette corporation (which includes franchises across Canada and the United States) include: 2012 Triple Crown Winners: • 1 in Canada for franchise sales Two Field Executives who were also awarded highly • 1 in Canada Personal Staff Shipments (#12 Internationally) - Bev Thiessen • 1 in Canada Recruiting (#10 Internationally) - Dallas McNalty Aloette also received the 2005 Millet Chamber of Commerce Business of the Year award. “Actually, the greatest successes of my entire career has been watching other women build solid businesses, gain self confidence, and provide their families with a lifestyle that many people dream about,” says McNalty.

In fact, Aloette is more than a cosmetics company – it is a business opportunity to allow women to reach for more in life. “The biggest challenge of all time is to watch women want something different in life or to change their circumstances and hold on to the belief that they are powerless to do so,” says McNalty. She encourages women considering getting started as a consultant, just like she did, to take the leap. “Just do it! It’s not like getting married or having children - there is no lifelong commitment. Direct sales is one of the fastest growing business sectors. It allows the flexibility work around your life. Give yourself the freedom of choice.” Choice is indeed what Aloette has given to McNalty. “Aloette has allowed me the flexibility to have a lucrative career, raise a family around my own schedule rather than around someone else’s, travel the world with my family, and meet amazing women entrepreneurs.”

For more information about Aloette, visit www.aloette.com 30



Empowered Women As Leaders and Coaches By Abe Brown, Certified Master Coach Trainer


report by the Credit

Suisse Research Institute drew data from 2360 companies worldwide with market value of at least $10 Billion USD, and examined their boards of directors. Their research uncovered that companies with women on their boards outperformed companies with all-male boards over a six-year period between 2005 and 2011. The numbers are impressive. For companies with women on their boards, share prices outperformed companies with all-male boards by 26 per cent over the past six years. Net income among companies with women on their boards has grown an average of 14 percent a year, versus 10 percent income growth for allmale boards. Coincidence? The report, highlighted by Bloomberg News, and The Globe and Mail’s David Berman, suggests not. “Multiple academic studies have concluded that diverse corporate boards exercise more diligent oversight,” said Michelle Lamb, the author of the study, according to Bloomberg. “They have better attendance records than homogeneous boards, and they invest more effort in auditing when the complexity of the business warrants heightened scrutiny.” The report also noted that women are more risk-averse – a characteristic that has paid off well during the turbulence that followed the financial crisis. I share this because of the profound impact that empowered women can have as leaders and coaches, both in the corporate space and in the personal space. As a matter of fact, many of the most effective leaders and coaches in the personal and professional worlds are empowered women, and here’s why: Empowered women nurture. In the world of leadership and coaching, the quality of nurturing is critical. Nurturing provides direction when there is confusion, offers healing when there is pain, supplies hope when there is despair, and offers strength when there is weakness. There is no doubt that without nurture, even the most gifted among us struggles to reach our full potential. Marvin EDMONTONIANS SPRING 2013

J. Ashton said it like this: “Be the one who nurtures and builds. Be the one who has an understanding and a forgiving heart one who looks for the best in people. Leave people better than you found them.” Empowered women are amazing as leaders and coaches because they gift us with nurture. Empowered women navigate. In the world of leadership and coaching, the ability to navigate is key. There is something in the essence of empowered women that allows them to navigate, lead, and provide direction, in both personal and professional contexts. When women step into their power as leaders and coaches, they have an amazing ability to find a way when the way is not clear, plot a course when the path seems dimly lit, and steer the ship through waters that are turbulent and rough. Empowered women are amazing as leaders and coaches because they steer us with navigation. Empowered women negotiate. In the world of leadership and coaching, the capacity to negotiate is vital. Empowered women add value to their surroundings by seeking middle ground in the midst of extremes, searching for respect in the place of difference, and delivering agreement in the sphere of conflict. With empowered women who lead and coach, it is not about winning and conquering, but partnership and collaboration. It is about facilitation, supporting, and building capacity. Empowered women are remarkable as leaders and coaches because they enable us with negotiation.

Empowered women notice. In the world of leadership and coaching, the skill of noticing often goes unnoticed. Qualities like attention to detail, 360-degree awareness, emotional intelligence, social intelligence, and accountability are attributes which empowered women who act as leaders and coaches often exhibit naturally. I love this very true quote, by Betty Spence, who is the President of the National Association of Female Executives: “If Lehman Brothers had been Lehman Brothers and Sisters, we probably wouldn’t have had our financial meltdown.” Ouch for all the men! But oh so true! Empowered women, who are leaders and coaches in either the personal or professional fields, often have developed a heightened level of awareness and noticing. This empowers them to hold others accountable, and deal with issues when they are small, before they can become large. Eleanor Roosevelt famously said this: “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” As the Credit Suisse Research Institute report discovered, there is never a reason for empowered women to feel inferior or inadequate. All of us, as either women or men, have the opportunity to grow as leaders and coaches, and as we do, to make a positive difference in the world around us. Hone your skills as a leader and a coach, and be empowered to do your best! Abe Brown is a Certified Master Coach Trainer, and has been coaching and helping people and organizations for 15+ years. He also trains and certifies people and organizations in the coaching process. For more info, take a look at www. certifiedocachesfederation.com, or email abe@momentumcoach.ca


An Individual Approach to Medicine Dr. Mélanie Robinson and Dr. Alysha Somji Want to Help You Achieve Optimum Wellness By Paula E. Kirman


f you have been suffering from a medical condition and gone from doctor to doctor and treatment to treatment without much success, naturopathic medicine may have the answer. Dr. Mélanie Robinson and Dr. Alysha Somji at Optimum Wellness Naturopathic Medical Clinic may hold the key to your health. The biggest difference between naturopathic and conventional medicine is that naturopathic medicine seeks the individual, root causes of medical issues. “We want to determine the root cause of what is going on,” says Somji. “Two people can come in with high blood pressure, and the way we treat each one could be different because the reason why they have high blood pressure is different. Focusing on diet and lifestyle is always an important component of the treatment plan.”

Dr. Robinson has been with Optimum Wellness since Feb 2012 and Dr. Somji since February of 2011. In addition to her work at Optimum Wellness, Robinson opened a satellite clinic in Bonnyville, Alberta in 2012 where she sees patients two to four days a month. Somji will soon be starting a satellite clinic in Lloydminster. Somji has found that the biggest challenge she has faced so far was getting started and building a patient base. It is also her patients who have given her the greatest success. “I think some of my biggest successes have been when my patients come in after a month’s time and say they haven’t felt this good in years. That’s the biggest thing – it’s a great feeling to know people get excited about their health and just knowing they are the ones who made those big changes. They went home and they changed their lifestyle; they changed their diets. The patients implemented the advice which was given to them, came back, and are now feeling better.”

“My naturopathic approach is very gentle and I see my patient as a unique person in that everyone has different needs,” Robinson explains. “I like to focus on empowering my Maintaining a work/life balance is important patients and offering them tools they can utilize Dr. Alysha Somji to both doctors because their career as to improve their overall health. I also like to focus on mind-body medicine as well - not just Dr. Mélanie Robinson Naturopathic Doctors plays a large part in their lives. Thus, both women seek to “practice what the physical symptoms, but realizing there are they preach” by spending time with family and friends and staying mental and emotional aspects to lots of illnesses.” physically active. Naturopathic Medicine was recently regulated by the government One of Robinson’s best decisions early in her career was choosing meaning that a Naturopathic Doctor can only use that professional a niche. “My niche market is the Francophone community within designation after years of schooling through an accredited Edmonton. That led me to many public speaking opportunities and naturopathic college as well as passing North American board writing articles in the Francophone Alberta newspaper, Le Franco, exams. In fact, both Robinson and Somji each have eight years of which has helped me market myself and increase awareness of post-secondary education. Robinson’s undergraduate degree is in naturopathic medicine.” Bilingual Biological Sciences at the University of Alberta (Campus Saint-Jean). She then went on to study Naturopathic Medicine at What is next for these two young Naturopathic Doctors? They are the Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine in Vancouver (one of embarking on a new opportunity in the very near future, an innovative the two accredited naturopathic colleges in Canada) where she was weight loss program called “Lose Weight, Gain Life.” awarded the Clinical Excellence Award upon graduation in 2011. Readers of Edmontonians may also know that she was named one “It is going to focus on individual needs and address overall health, of the Sizzling Twenty Under 30 in 2012. and will include biweekly group meetings, assessment of body composition, and nutritional supportive advice,” Somji explains. “I Somji also has an undergraduate degree in Biological Sciences think our program will be one of a kind and give our patients the at the University of Alberta, and completed her studies as a support and guidance to help them successfully lose weight but also Naturopathic Doctor at the Canadian College of Naturopathic prevent disease and achieve optimum health.” Medicine in Ontario (the other accredited Canadian naturopathic college) in 2010. Both Somji and Robinson are licensed through the For more information about Optimum Wellness and the clinic’s College of Naturopathic Doctors of Alberta and are also members of services, or to book an appointment with Dr. Robinson or Dr. Somji, the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors (CAND). visit www.optimumwellnessclinic.ca.


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with Elissa Scott

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions


uilding, renovating and

decorating can lead to sensory overload. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by all the choices available, you’re in the company of many. Racks and rows of tiles, thousands of paint colours, cabinet finishes and styles—is it any wonder people need expert advice to narrow down possibilities? It’s sensible to take guidance, information and expertise from salesclerks at the store, just keep in mind their job is to sell products and services. The best route is to hire another pair of eyes for unbiased perspective. Sometimes contractors and sales people aren’t fond of designers, feeling we may step on their toes. Yet, design consultants are duty-bound to work for the client’s best interest, acting as advocate and mediator. Designers help narrow down choices to make them easier through systems of order and procedure. We know specialized information about the small details in décor. Fabrics, woods, floorings plus other particulars normally overwhelming clients become simplified. We live this every day and know it’s all about the fine points. Professionals have knowledge of specific applications and requirements while


many do-it-yourselfers may overlook those little things in the big picture. When decorating, consider spatial planning. The last thing you want to do is buy a sectional you love in the store, then get it home only to discover it barely fits in the room, never mind allowing room for accent tables. There’re certain formulas for distance between furniture and traffic flows. A fresh perspective also brings in a new twist to a predictable room such as adding angles and floating items from the walls. No need to push furniture up against walls lined up like a firing squad. The space is unwelcoming, lacking comfortable conversation areas. When building new, designers bring insight into blueprints and floor plans you’ll appreciate. They shed new light into the possibilities you might only recognize in hindsight. Wider entries and double sinks can’t be added later… nor can a second floor laundry which brings clothing and towels closer to bath and bedrooms. Practical ideas are preplanned. When renovating, a designer saves money and minimizes mistakes. All while adding surprise ideas like floor-to-ceiling glass walls enclosing a staircase to allow light through via modern drama. Designers simplify choices to

narrow down your family’s needs and tastes. There’s an interesting story regarding Barack Obama. He simplifies basic choices to save his energy for bigger decisions. The President wears either one of two suits; black or grey. He eats the exact same meal for breakfast and lunch each day to minimize any brain drain from too many choices. This way, he’s freer to make those Big Twenty important decisions per day, clearly and confidently. Too many choices are attributed to decision fatigue. This is when we shut down mentally after an excess of possibilities to select from. Save your sanity by trusting the talents of an experienced eye… someone whose interest isn’t in pushing products on you that could cost you more money or doubt in the end. On the other hand, don’t get too stuck in a rut. We have 70,000 thoughts a day and 95 percent are the same as yesterday. Routine predictability is safe; just find the balance for a sane mind and a sharp home. √ Elissa Scott is an artist and home couture stylist (www.facebook.com/GruuvyRoomz.) Contact Elissa at (780) 240-5358 or elissa@gruuvyroomz.com




A boutique of “fine things” By Paula E. Kirman If you appreciate fine things in your home CosaFina is a boutique to experience. Derived from the Italian words literally meaning “fine thing”, CosaFina certainly lives up to its name. It’s a gallery of distinctive and luxurious fine furnishings, home décor, and unique accessories including tableware and fine linens. CosaFina also represents exclusive furniture lines and designer collections of exceptional craftsmanship, featuring a diverse mix of styles, and offering many custom options in fabrics, finishes, and sizes. Maria Brosch, together with her husband Tyrone, opened CosaFina in November 2007 at 10508-109th Street. Tyrone used to create custom iron furniture, while Maria was a partowner of an antique store. “We’ve always had a passion for furniture,” she says. “We wanted to do something that wasn’t already represented here in Edmonton, by bringing in different lines and unique, handcrafted products.” The choice of the boutique’s name is drawn from the couple’s Italian heritage. “It is a phrase we grew up with. When you say something is really great, we say it is cosa fina. We think it represents exactly what the store is all about. Whenever we bring something in…we think it is a fine thing,” explains Maria.


For customers looking for mid- to high-end merchandise, CosaFina is a treasure-trove of fine home furnishings not typically found in other furniture stores. “Our tagline is ‘Exclusive Collections – Distinctive Style’ and that is really what we are all about. “A lot of the companies we represent are smaller furniture manufacturers from all over North American and Europe. Some of the ones from Europe are third and fourth generation furniture builders,” Maria points out. “Our linen lines—one from Italy and one from Belgium—have been manufacturing the old fashioned way for 150 years. Many of our manufacturers utilize old-world techniques and create hand-crafted goods—not massproduced pieces. We deal directly with the owners of companies that stand behind their exceptional craftsmanship.” As a smaller boutique, the atmosphere is relaxed and personal. “We let customers browse at their own pace. We always welcome our customers and explain the furniture and linen lines we represent, and all the custom capabilities available. I think people like coming to CosaFina because they

don’t feel pressured.” In addition to its selection of home furnishings, tableware, and linens, CosaFina offers interior design services, including in-home consultations. Interior design services are available to help create classic and timeless interiors in any home décor. Customers are encouraged to register for their gift and wedding needs. The boutique is part of The Gift Network registry, a cross-Canada service. CosaFina produces an e-mail newsletter several times a year, informing customers of any special promotions. Delivery services are available as well. Every visit to CosaFina is different from the last. According to Maria, “We always have new pieces coming, because we sell our furniture right off the floor. When a piece sells, we bring in something totally new. It’s constantly changing.” You can learn more about CosaFina and browse through its on-line showroom of beautiful objects—all fine things. Visit www.cosafina.biz. √



with Ben Block

Don’t rush to settle



am writing this article from

a hotel room in San Salvador, El Salvador. My wife, Krista Turko, and I love to travel and our wanderings often give me a glimpse into the legal realities in other parts of the world. Today, while returning from a visit to San Salvador Volcano, we saw the aftermath of a car accident in an intersection. Fortunately, no one was hurt, just a run of the mill fenderbender, but it raised the topic of insurance here in El Salvador. As our tour guide Roberto from Nahua Tours explained, there is no insurance here. The drivers wait for the police to arrive, document the accident and, in most cases, the at-fault driver simply pays for the repairs to both vehicles himself. This can be a tall order in a country that has a minimum wage of just over $1 per hour! When I asked what happens if someone gets hurt… I was told that a court may force the at-fault driver to make payments to the injured driver for many years. Why am I telling you this? Well, in part, because we often bemoan our insurance program here in Canada… but it could be worse! That said, I have had a number of files of late that have illustrated the shortcomings of our own system and may contain some lessons for all of us insurance-paying customers out there. A couple examples include: Business Interruption – Most business owners carry policies that protect them not only from third party liability, but also against loss of business income in the case of an interruption to their operations. This sounds very good, but I have seen several occasions where business owners have had difficulty EDMONTONIANS SPRING 2013

receiving coverage. For example, I recently acted for a business that suffered loss in a flood. There was no doubt coverage would be extended but coming to a total was less than simple. Unfortunately, the business owner struggled to outline his various losses and the insurer resisted a settlement at $40,000 made by the owner out of desperation and frustration. He ultimately brought the matter to me and, after several rounds of record gathering and identifying all sources of loss, we agreed at $110,000. Though he was very pleased with the final result, the business owner had been forced to seek outside financing and family loans, and to weather severe cash flow pressure due to the extended time to receive payment. This could have been avoided, or at least minimized, had complete and organized records been at the ready supporting all equipment, sales and expense history (backing-up his lost income), and the value of his leasehold improvements. Further, in reviewing the claim together, we were able to identify less obvious losses that were ultimately agreed to by the insurer. Motor Vehicle Injuries – The sad fact is that every day people are injured in traffic accidents to varying degrees. The process of seeking recovery can be complex, long and very involved, depending on the nature of the injury. Again, my experience is that the insurer for an at-fault driver is in no hurry to pay more than they must, as illustrated by a recent example. My client was hit while riding her bike. Fortunately, she was not badly injured, but the consequence of the physical injury was more severe than she (and the insurer) might have thought. You see, she is a prospective Olympic athlete. Though her

injuries were largely captured by the Alberta Minor Injuries Regulations (or “the cap” as it is sometimes called), the “minor” injury disrupted her training, in turn jeopardizing her amateur athlete funding, scholarship, and shot at the next Olympic games. Although my unassuming client would have accepted any amount sufficient to cover a new bike (the first offer to her was not even enough to do that), after fully reviewing her situation we were able to identify all sources of loss and settled the matter at $52,500 (nearly 20 times the first offer). My intention isn’t to suggest I am able to work any special magic. That said, let’s face it, the insurer is in no hurry to pay, and certainly not interested in paying any more than it has to (aka that you will accept). Your best response to this fact is proper preparation, documentation and complete consideration of your claims. Be it your business assets, revenue and expenses, nature of your injury, or what those injuries might have also contributed to in your life, a full and clear presentation of the relevant information can avoid delays, reduced recovery, and hopefully litigation. This can be kept in mind not only when you need to make a claim, but in keeping such records organized in advance should that day come. But worst case, at least you won’t have to wait 20 years to get paid like that poor El Salvadorian driver. √ Ben Block is an associate with Hillenbrand Kozicki LLP, and focuses his practice on civil litigation, real estate and business law. Ben was an Edmontonians Sizzler in 2007. Call 780.809.2389 or email bblock@hklaw.ca.


Indigenous ingenuiTY





or those of you who are regular listeners of CKUA Radio, you’ll know that along with producing Innovation Anthology, I also produce a program called Aboriginal Pathways, initiated and sponsored by Syncrude Canada Ltd. Among the many delightful and intelligent people I’ve interviewed during the past four years is Wayne Arthurson, an Aboriginal journalist and award winning author who lives in Edmonton. The title that caught my attention is In the Shadow of Our Ancestors: The Inventions and Genius of the First Peoples. In this book, Arthurson offers an engaging and enlightening perspective on the history, science, culture and contributions of America’s indigenous people, before and after contact with Europeans. Take the production of food, for example. He writes, “Potatoes are truly one of the great gifts to the world from the American indigenous people.” As we talked about the subject of agriculture, Arthurson offered this explanation. “One of the

Christopher Columbus’ crew threw the misconceptions about Aboriginal peoples in tobacco overboard on the way back to Spain. North America is that they were all hunters and The English, on the other hand, saw the potential gatherers. But the majority of Aboriginal people for this new crop. But growing and processing in North America before the Europeans came it was a difficult and complicated technology, were also farmers. They found and cultivated a something the native people kept to themselves. large variety of foods. More than 50 percent of Arthurson picks up the story. “Countless the foods we eat now throughout the world came numbers of colonies the English tried to start from those people. I mean, it’s stunning. Before failed, but Jamestown Virginia 1492, Europeans and the was the first successful rest of the world had never English colony. The reason heard of a potato or a that succeeded is because the tomato or corn or squash or Aboriginal people in that area vanilla or chocolate or all taught a couple of English of these wonderful foods how to grow, cultivate, dry and we enjoy now.” transport tobacco. This gave In Arthurson’s view, the [them] a foothold in North main difference between America and then tobacco Aboriginal and European became a huge crop for the farmers came down to the English which helped build their issue of land ownership. empire.” “Europeans would fence Of course, it helped that given off their farms and build the addictive nature of tobacco, things around them. the English found willing trade Aboriginal people partners around the globe. would have a clearing. Wayne Arthurson Among the many chapters of It wasn’t owned by In the Shadow of Our Ancestors Joe Smith. It was a is one on kayaks. The kayak is an community farm and everybody took their indigenous invention that has been used for turn working in it.” over 4000 years. The vessel is quiet and easy to Agriculture was such an important part of indigenous culture and economy, he devotes three maneuver, perfect for an Inuit hunter to sneak up on a seal. Thanks to Scottish explorer John chapters of his book to individual crops: potato, MacGregor, kayaks were popularized with maize and tobacco. Indeed, the cultivation of Europeans for recreational paddling and were tobacco dates back at least to 5000 BC. useful in mapping the rivers of Europe. When presented with tobacco leaves, the In his book, Arthurson details how the British first Spanish explorers were mystified and

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With Cheryl Croucher

military employed kayaks during the war against the Nazis. “When World War II came along, they had a whole kayak division. They used them the same way I guess the Black Ops people use Zodiacs now. They used the kayaks to sneak into the German harbours to plant bombs and blow up ships. There were many missions where kayaks were used that were integral to the war effort.” After the Frankton Mission in which five Nazi ships and their cargo were destroyed by the elite kayak fleet, Arthurson writes that Winston Churchill praised the mission, saying it shaved six months off the war. The underlying theme of Arthurson’s book can really be summed up in the phrase, “contrary to popular belief”. He feels he accomplished his first goal, and as he states in the book’s introduction, “that is to show that the Natives of the Americas were already an extremely accomplished, complex and sophisticated people before the arrival of the Europeans, and that their influence on global society—not just in the past but today—has been remarkable. And their accomplishments and contributions should not be forgotten, ignored or denied. They should be remembered and celebrated by all.” Note: In the Shadow of Our Ancestors: The Inventions and Genius of the First Peoples is published by Eschia Books and available through Lone Pine. Wayne Arthurson’s most recent book Spirit Animals: The Wisdom of Nature was released in January 2013. His crime novel Fall from Grace garnered the 2012 Alberta Readers Choice Award. √

What attracted the Gates Foundation to the Metabolistics test is that it promises a fast, cheap and non-invasive means to monitor the effectiveness of HIV/AIDS interventions like needle exchanges, condom dispersal and education programs. As Dr. Slupsky explains, “Understanding and knowing who is recently infected after a particular intervention program is really important. Instead of waiting 10 or 15 years to find out the program is not working, you can develop new strategies much quicker to stop the spread of the disease.” etabolistics Inc is a young Early detection is also important to give Edmonton biotechnology patients faster access to therapy. company poised for a growth Offering business expertise is brother Steven spurt—thanks to significant Slupsky, CEO of Scanimetrics, another funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates local technology start-up, and a director of Foundation and Canada’s NRC-IRAP Metabolistics. Regarding the Gates Foundation program. funding, he says, “We’re quite proud first of The funding will help all being able to work with an commercialize a new test for HIV organization of that infection based on the emerging calibre. And this is really science of metabolomics. an exciting technology. We Essentially, a chemical analysis of think it’s a game-changer. the material your body metabolizes We think it will make a big and discards in the urine can difference in the world.” profile your state of health or Dr. Carolyn Slupsk The funding means y disease. The company has already Metabolistics can scale up and brother Steven developed tests for breast and the production of the HIV ovarian cancer. test to the point where urine Company founder and director Dr. Carolyn samples can be analyzed Slupsky invented the new HIV test. What is within an hour and the cost is less than a dollar. unique about this test is that it can determine how The test also allows for bundling, meaning a recently a person was infected by the HIV virus, single sample will profile more than one disease earlier than the current six month threshold. at the same time. √


biotech firm secures


funding from Gates FOUNDATION


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Her project is supported through the AlbertaPfizer Translational Research Fund in partnership with Alberta Innovates Health Solutions. If successful, a biomarker test would easily determine which patients should get taxane chemotherapy and those who should not. √

support research and development in the area of biological emissions reductions and also looking at the opportunities for biological carbon sequestration because the other side of the coin. All of the biological carbon that exists [is] because of the activity of plants through photosynthesis So there is also the opportunity to use the plants we have in the province to help us sequester even more carbon out of the atmosphere.” Money collected from industry for carbon dioxide offsets will provide $8.4 million that the BGGMP will invest in research over hemo drugs based on taxanes are the next three years to reduce biological 12851 - 56greenhouse Street, gas emissions. commonly used to treat breast cancer. The problem is about half Edmonton, AB T5AWhile 0C9beano for cows might not make short the patients develop a resistance to list for research, Dr. Wood-Bohm suggests Tel: (780) 701-3715 taxanes. innovations, like using biochar for water University of Alberta biochemist Dr. Ing filtration, do hold promise. Biochar is a kind Fax: (780) 454-3222 O FSwie BU S I NisEresearching S S I N theT cause H E ofCthis A P I TA L R E G I O N Goping of charcoal that remains stable in the soil for taxane resistance. thousands of years, making it an excellent She says, “We know candidate for carbon sequestration. from our previous work that One of the projects looks at how waste there is a particular protein stream materials from forestry might be turned lberta Innovates Bio which seems to be low in into new products. “One looks specifically at Solutions is taking on cell lines that do not respond bio-char which is a product that comes from a Mother Nature to reduce Date: well to the drug. In cell lines high temperature and pressure conversion of greenhouse gas emissions that have high levels of from biological sources. This includes the tops and branches that are not used by the To Appear in: this protein, we took it out, forest industry. When converted into biochar, things like the gas produced when genetically manipulated it and that might act as an excellent filtration tool for plants decay or cows let one go. then all of a sudden those cells some of the waste water that is used by our oil Dr. Susan Wood-Bohm is the became resistant.” and gas industries.” executive director ng pi Go ie Sw g Dr. In Having found a candidate The Biological Greenhouse Gas of the new project. for further investigation, her Management Program announced its first round Called the Biological team then discovered there is of research projects in January 2013. √ Greenhouse Gas a correlation in which women who did well Management Program. with the taxane treatment had high levels of It is funded through that protein. Cheryl Croucher hosts Innovation Anthology AIBio by the Climate Dr. Goping explains, “This could Change and Emissions which is broadcast on CKUA Radio at 7:58 am potentially be a diagnostic kit. So we’re and 4:40 pm Tuesdays and Thursdays. Download Management on the task now of going forward, moving the podcasts at Corporation. our initial studies, validating, getting more www.innovationanthologyy.com and follow Dr. Wood-Bohm samples and trying to see whether or not if Dr. Susan Wood-Bohm Cheryl on Twitter @CherylCroucher. Listen as explains, “The program it will come through. well on CKUA Radio for Aboriginal Pathways. is one which will


RESISTANCE To Breast Cancer





puts a plug on Nature



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with Ian L. Wachowicz

Supreme Court provides little guidance on religious face coverings in court


12851 - 56 Street,

fter years of wrangling

trial fairness in any particular case will the Supreme Court simply said that it was Edmonton, 0C9 depend on the evidence that the witness is up to the trial judge in each case, and set AB T5A in the lower courts, the to provide. out the following rules to determine if a Supreme Court of Canada Tel: (780) 701-3715 Where evidence is uncontested, credibility assessment and cross-examination religious face covering can be ordered to finally dealt with the difficult Fax: (780) 454-3222 be court O F B U S I Nissue E S Sof witnesses I N T H wearing E TCHAE P PI TEA R LSremoved. O R ENGAIThe LOI TN Y Oheld F that B UitScan I NbeE S S are I NnotTinHissue; E Ctherefore, A P I T Abeing L Runable E G ItoO N see the witness’s face will not impinge on ordered to be removed if: religious face coverings in Court in the case the accused’s fair trial rights. In that case, if (a) requiring the witness to remove the of R. v. N.S., 2012 SCC 72. wearing the niqab poses no serious risk to trial niqab is necessary to prevent a serious A muslim woman had to testify in a fairness, a witness who wishes to wear it for risk to the fairness of the trial, because sexual assault case where she was the sincere religious reasons may do so. reasonably available alternative measures primary complainant. She indicated that, What does all this mean? It means that will not prevent the risk; and for religious reasons, she wished to testify every trial judge will Date: have to make a decision wearing her niqab. The first judgeAttention: found Date: (b) the salutary effects of requiring her to each time a witness wants to wear a religious remove the niqab, including the effects that her religious belief was “not that To Appear To Appear in: face covering on the witness stand makes on trialin: fairness, outweigh the deleterious strong,” and ordered her to removeFax: her that request. The trial judge will then have to effects of doing so, including the effects niqab. On appeal, the Court of Appeal Dateheld Purchased: decide how important the information is. If the on freedom of religion. that, if the witness’s freedom of religion testimony is key testimony, and credibility is The court went on to explain what this meant. and the accused’s fair trial interests were at stake, then the face covering will probably The court acknowledged that there is a strong both engaged on the facts and could not be have to be removed. If the witness is not a connection between the ability to see the face reconciled, the witness may be ordered to main witness, or credibility is not an issue remove the niqab, depending on the context. of a witness and a fair trial. Being able to with the witness, then she will be allowed to see the face of a witness is not the only—nor The Court of Appeal returned the matter to wear the religious face covering. indeed, perhaps, the most important—factor the first judge, and the woman appealed to So, no straight answer, but some guidance in cross-examination or accurate credibility the Supreme Court of Canada. from the Supreme Court on this issue. √ assessment. But its importance is too deeply This was an opportunity for the Supreme Court to finalize this issue, and decide, once rooted in our criminal justice system to be set Ian L. Wachowicz is with Parlee McLaws aside, absent compelling evidence. and for all, whether or not a witness has LLP. E-mail iwachowicz@parlee.com; phone However, the court stated that whether the the right to wear a religious face covering. 780.423.8655. www.parlee.com ability to observe a witness’s face impacts However, instead of providing an answer,




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