2 minute read

Lindsay Miller

What three things would you need to survive on a deserted island? Water, sunscreen and a sailboat… bc then I’m only deserted when I want to be.

Who would you like to have with you on the same deserted island; and why? My dad because he’s an experience in and of himself but he’s wicked handy so he could build us a shelter and make sure my boat is in tip top condition.

What do you find to be the most annoying habit people demonstrate on the golf course? Slow play

Name the three most important things to you in this world. Faith, Family and Health

Given the choice; would you select love, success, or money to keep yourself happy? There was a time where I would have for sure said money, however with age comes wisdom… love for sure.

What do you fear the most? I have an irrational fear of alligators coming up the toilet which I suppose is an overactive imagination’s take on snakes in the drain, but a more serious fear is that my life will have been lived without positive purpose.

What three people would you most like to play with in your fantasy golf foursome? Condoleezza Rice, Arnold Palmer and Matthew McConaughey

What are some of your great accomplishments? My philanthropic service, being the first person in my family to graduate college, keeping myself credit card debt free.

Relaxed evening at home, or nightclub and cocktails? Cocktails at home, on my deck with good music playing.

Last time you spewed something through your nose from laughing so hard? I’m not sure anything came out my nose, but I definitely peed myself a little playing Cards against Humanity with my 75+ year old dad and his friends.

Favorite comedian? I’m not sure he counts as a comedian, but I love Michael Strahan and he always makes me laugh.

Where were you born? Did you grow up there? Irving, TX (Go Boys!) but I grew up in Guilford, CT.

Is “acting your age” overrated? Overrated and boring.

What do you do for a living? I am a master cat herder for a technology company.

What would you like to do for a living? Something related to a passion; so, music, animals or serving our veteran community.

Aside from golf; what do you prefer for fun and relaxation? I’m a runner and Crossfitter and I LOVE a good book.

What golf apparel do you like to wear? Whatever looks good with a matching pair of Foot Joys.

Whom do you most admire for their inner and outer beauty? I can’t name just one, my inner circle of female friends… they are all generous, kind, supportive and beautiful.

Tell us about your first kiss? Oh gosh, it was Mike Farherty in the library before school. I’m pretty sure there was an audience, and a girlfriend was timing it to see “if it counted.”

Steak, chicken, or seafood? Steak and lobster please.

Tell us something about yourself that only your closest friends know. Who I voted for.

Movies:…comedy, drama, action, romance? Anything that involves murder and mystery.

Favorite television channel? I’m a Netflix or Hulu kind of girl.

Last book you read? I’m trying to read 100 books this year, so I’m always reading. Two books that I’ve read in the last year that were outstanding are The Things We Leave Unfinished by Rebecca Yarros and All the Ugly and Wonderful Things by Bryn Greenwood.

News, current events; hardcopy or on-line? Hard Copy … I weirdly like the smell of paper.

Favorite magazine? There are others besides Golf Central? My bougie side likes Wine Spectator and my inner geek the Harvard Business Review.

Favorite charity to support? I am incredibly passionate about serving our military and veteran community. I am very involved with an organization called Shepherd’s Men, a group of active, retired servicemen and civilian volunteers raising funds and awareness for the SHARE Military Initiative at Shepherd Center in Atlanta, GA. (www.shepherdsmen.com)

What else would you like for us to know about you? I have two fur babies, a geriatric Chihuahua, Bullet and a four-year-old Frenchie, Palmer, named after the GOAT, Arnold.