2 minute read

North Florida PGA

Where were you born?

In the great state of Kansas.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?

I’m already living here — Florida! And I would love to retire in the Outer Banks of North Carolina.

How many states have you lived in?

Three — Florida, Kentucky and Kansas.

What is something you think everyone should do in their lives at least once?

Everybody has to try Kansas City barbeque at least once! And everybody should try golf, of course.

What was your profession before you were the executive director of the North Florida PGA?

I was the CEO of Golf House Kentucky.

How long have you been the NFPGA Executive Director?

A little over four years.

What is your favorite thing about your job?

The people.

What has been one of your favorite experiences or moments over the past 4 years as Executive Director?

Well there sure has been a lot of them. But being involved in THE PLAYERS Championship definitely sticks out.

What is your greatest accomplishment, career and personal?

Personally, it is raising good kids. I have some great kids. Professionally, being hand-picked by Tom Watson to run his legacy tournament — The Watson Challenege.

Executive Director/CEO of the North Florida PGA

What are the three most important things to you in life?

Family, faith and my career.

What is your greatest fear in life?


Who is your career role model?

Randy Syring, the Head Professional at Silena Country Club. He has given me the inspiration to be what I am today. And also my dad because he instilled within me work ethic and respect for people.

What Section event tends to be your favorite every year?

The Section Championship because it is the championship for our Members. For our Members, it’s equivalent to everyone else’s club championship.

What do you love most about golf?

The people and the beauty of the outdoors and the golf course.

What are your hopes for the Section in 2022 and onwards?

I want the golf community to have a greater awareness of what PGA Professionals do. That’s the big picture — I want to enhance the image of our PGA Professionals in their communities.

Steve McMillen with Mike Tuohy of the NFPGA Southwest Chapter and Head Professional at Esplanade at Azario, Lakewood Ranch