The Courier 1200

Page 35

THE COURIER Monday 23 November 2009


Puzzles Editors: Suzi Moore and Ned Walker -


Fill in the blank squares with help from the clues provided. The answers will be given in next week’s edition. 7KH À UVW SHUVRQ WR FRPH WR The Courier RIÀ FH ZLWK D FRPSOHWHG &URVVZRUG ZLQV D IUHH EHHU DQG EXUJHU DW 7KH +DQFRFN



1. Scottish dish (6) 5. Peregrine -----; Newcastle Rugby teams mascot (6) 7. Cocktail made with gin and vermouth (7) 8. Friend (colloquial) (3) 9. Solve the riddle: You have this when you are sitting down, but it disappears when you stand up (3) 10. e.g. Mushrooms (5) 13. Small person (5) 16. Punctuation indicating a pause (5) 18. Warner Brother’s animated duck (5) 19. Feeling upset and resentful (5) 20. One more (7) 22. Evil brother of Mufasa in ‘The Lion King’ (4) 23. Global technological company (4) 24. Having a good effect on your body or mind (11) 6RPHRQH ZKR LV FRQVLGHUHG WR KDYH LQĂ€ QLWH ZLV dom (4) 26. As well as (4) 27. Get rid of; put an end to (7) 31. You make toast with this; 1970s pop/rock band (5) 32. Alcoholic drink made from fermenting apples (5) 33. Lined up to hit a target (5) 34. Yellow citrus fruit (5) 36. Shell-less gastropods (5) 39. Noise that a sheep makes (3) 40. Trophy; piece of crockery (3) 41. Bright green precious stone (7) 42. Vital element that allows us to breathe (6) 43. Type of 5 down that swims upriver to breed (6)

2. Sport that is practised on a driving range (4) 3. Smoke and fog creates this effect (4) 4. Try (7) 5. Creature that lives in water (4) 6. Having a low temperature (4) 11. Unlucky (11) 12. Small picture representing a programme on a computer (4) 13. Look after (4) $Q DFWLYLW\ WKDW PRGLĂ€ HV WKH YLVXDO VKDSH RI DQ area of land (11) 15. A safe place (9) 17. Someone who tries to play practical jokes on people (9) 20. Public events occur here (5) 21.Pretend to vomit (5) 28. e.g. runner, broad, baked etc. (4) 29. Frank -------, footballer who plays for Chelsea (7) 30. Froth that is made from soapy water (4) 34. Unwilling to do work or use any physical effort (4) 35.The major tennis tournament in the USA; allow access (4) 37. A group of boys or young men (4) /D\HU RI GLUW WKDW Ă RDWV on top of a liquid; worthless people (colloquial) (4)

PICTURE PHRASE PUZZLE Use the pictures to come up with a phrase, thing, place or name. 7U\ WR À QG WKH FRPPRQ WKHPH


Solution to last week’s Crossword



Solution to last week’s Sudoku

MATHS MAGICIAN Brush up on your maths skills by completing these sums as fast as possible without using a calculator. Normal rules of maths apply.

One brain cell


Three brain cells

7KH REMHFWLYH LV WR À OO WKH JULG VR WKDW HDFK FRO umn, each row and each of the nine 3×3 boxes contains the digits from 1 to 9 only one time each. For the completed puzzle check next week’s edition of The Courier

Odd one out: In the bottom row, the second one from the right has one less feather on its wing. Maths Magician: One =13, Two =9, Three =6 Picture Phrase Puzzle: -Shuttlecock, Racing Car, Football Boots, Bobsled. Theme - Sporting equipment

Two brain cells

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