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View Points

As you can see, the large scale icon looks like it’s missing something, so I added an embossed logo to the bottom and a LED style light to create some focal points. When the design is scaled below 256px, the layers with these details will be removed in order to de-clutter the design.

Add an embossed logo to the bottom and a LED style light to create some focal points.

Desk View Icons Items drawn in desk view can be drawn in any angle as long as part of the top of the item is visible, and the lighting casts a shadow underneath the object. Mac OS X specifies that the light is from above, casting a soft shadow underneath the item, and Microsoft Windows specifies that the light is from the top and slightly to the left casting a shadow across the right side of the design. This is where the perspective of icons differs from actual perspective in drawing theory. Loosely based on the concept of different surface views, desk view is the common way of drawing Mac and Windows application icons. In the Apple Human Interface Guidelines, designers are simply asked to imagine looking down

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