Youth Connections Magazine - June 2011

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JUNE 2011




211 Has Answers What Parents Should Know



Parents as Teachers

Live Life Smiling with Invisalign Teen f r e e c o n s u lTaT I o n

Perfect for parents, too! 442-1899 • 301 Saddle Dr, S t e A

JUNE 2011

FEATURES Stress Reducers vs. Stress Inducers

4 6 8 15

2 From the Director 7 Faces in the Crowd 11 40 Developmental Assets 12 Assets in Action 14 By the Numbers 16 A Media Culture 18 YC Website Refresh 19 You Screen, I Screen 20 Q&A 21 Youth Ride HATS Free 22 Combatting Underage Substance Abuse 24 Funny Bone

Got Questions?

211 Has Answers What Parents Should Know

Gun Safety Get Involved!

Parents as Teachers




TO ADVERTISE (406) 285-1274

COVER PHOTO BY Wandering Albatross Photography

TO CONTRIBUTE (406) 324-1078 |



JUNE 2011


SHD IR Youth Connections 0211


9:53 AM

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115Years of Caring

from the

director s an organization

• Residential and acute psychiatric care for children • Clinical and laboratory medical genetic services for people of all ages Proud to be Montana’s only Children’s Miracle Network Hospital

that helps Helena strive for a safe, supportive community where we are hopeful about the future, Youth Connections, in partnership

drenda carlson

with Safe Schools Healthy Students, would like to take this opportunity to reinforce the importance of

parents setting clear limits and communicating expectations around risky behaviors. Whether it’s alcohol, tobacco,

406-444-7500 1-800-447-6614 2755 Colonial Drive Helena, MT 59601

marijuana or prescription medications, engaging in violence or any other risky behaviors, parents are the number one reason students report making good decisions. During this season of graduation celebrations, Youth Connections has reached out to parents of graduating seniors to encourage sending clear messages about underage

Now Available!

drinking by signing a pledge committing to celebrating without providing or allowing minors to drink alcohol on their property. This single and simple action speaks loudly to our youth that we do not expect them to drink. To the contrary, we expect our youth to strive for excellence in all they do. With Helena’s Social Host Ordinance holding adults accountable through criminal action for knowingly allowing minors to drink on their property, now more than ever it’s vital for parents to set clear expectations and communicate you want them to be healthy, safe, and legal as they celebrate one of their biggest life accomplishments. Taking a stand for what you believe to be true is not always easy, but it is the best way to communicate to youth in our community that

Helena’s #1 Hot Dog Only at the Parrot find us on facebook



JUNE 2011




we value their lives too much to see them fall victim to the dangers of underage drinking. ■

DRENDA CARLSON, Director email: phone: (406) 324-1032 Helena Middle School, Room 210


activities Visit Our Website View calendars and/or submit summer activities Like our Helena Teen Activities page on Facebook To learn more about clubs and organizations that provide summer activities in Helena, click on the 211 button and search ‘Helena Activities’




JUNE 2011


As parents, the thought that we must constantly reflect on is whether the activity is fulfilling its intended purpose or creating a greater stress in | our child’s | life. 4 YC MAGAZINE

JUNE 2011

vs - By Jenn Mooney





hrough the chalk filled air, I can sense the intense desire of hard working athletes reaching for their goals. Be it the chalk of a gymnast getting ready to perform on the bars, the chalk of a softball player sliding into home or the chalk from a shotput hitting the ground, young athletes of all shapes and sizes continually put in time and energy to become the best they can. Raising well-rounded, educated children is a goal of mine as both a parent and a teacher. Involving my own children in a variety of sports and activities has not only opened their eyes to a variety of hobbies available to them, but has provided our family with hours of entertainment and exercise. As my husband and I have searched to help each child discover his/her own niche in life, a Mooney child has been involved in just about every sport Helena has to offer, as well as guitar lessons. By exposing my children to a variety of activities, I am hoping each of them is able to find something they are truly passionate about. But, the key is finding a balance for each child. An important conversation to have with children is deciding whether to participate in a variety of activities or dedicate time to specialize in a specific area. I

have one son who loves to participate in every eight-week sport that exists and another who wants to dedicate his every waking moment to gymnastics; the importance is finding the balance to help each of my boys reach their highest aspirations. Not only through sports, but also through art classes, music lessons, community service projects, acting and a variety of other endeavors, children of all ages can develop their skills away from the classroom. Many adolescents use this time to burn energy, get their mind off of academics and relieve the typical stress build up. Amanda Morrison, student at Helena Middle School, emphasizes that activities not only give her a chance to have fun, but they provide an opportunity for her to make a difference in the community and world around her. “I wouldn’t be happy if I wasn’t busy. Being productive is better than sitting around and doing nothing,” she said. However, as students get older, activities become more and more competitive and selective. As parents, the thought that we must constantly reflect on is whether the activity is fulfilling its intended purpose or creating a greater stress in our child’s life. I believe the key to finding balance between family life, activities and academic success is to have an open line of communication between parents and children. Parents need to continually monitor their children to ensure the stress relieving activity is remaining just that and is something that is enjoyable. Children need to be open and honest with parents when discussing their passions and dreams. My stepdaughter, Haylee, openly discusses her love of sports and the opportunities created because of the team environment. She said, “Sports provide an outlet so it’s not school all the time. They also give me a chance to make friends and interact with people I don’t always hang out with.” As much as I love sports and activities, as a teacher, there are times I see exhausted students sitting in the classroom. The common excuse from these students for the yawns and lack of completed homework assignments is the late night game, long practice or extra rehearsal. As a former athlete myself, I completely understand the training required to reach the next level; however, I also see the value of reading, practicing spelling words and reviewing math facts. I believe, together, parents and children must continually walk a balance beam ensuring students are involved in sports, community service, music or art lessons, but are not over involved to the point where it causes stress. Talk to your kids, push each of them to reach new limits, but make sure they are participating for all the right reasons. ■




JUNE 2011


GOT QUESTIONS? 211 has answers

- By Jenny Senn, Community Resource and Referral Coordinator

n Helena, Youth Connections, in partnership with Safe Schools/ Healthy Students, is striving for a safe and supportive community where we are hopeful about the future. Through 211, all individuals and families now have access to the resources needed to feel safe and supported. 211 is an easy-to-remember telephone number (free from land lines and cell phones) and website that connects people to important community services. 211 can also be used to obtain information about recreational opportunities and activities in and around Helena. Thanks to the City of Helena Parks and Recreation Department, there are many options for individual and family activities! (search: Helena Activities) Last year over 10,000 people in the Great Falls area were helped by using 211 to find services for everything from swimming lessons to energy assistance and mental health. Whether you are a service provider looking to help a client or parent seeking information for yourself or your family, 211 has the information you need. Dial 211 or click onto to get connected and get answers. ■

If you have information you would like to see included on 211, feel free to contact Jenny Senn, Community Resource and Referral Coordinator, at 324-1099 or by email at

• • •


JUNE 2011





Recruitment ad

Check out who’s standing out in our community.

FACES IN THE CROWD Elena Fredericks

Frederick’s ATA martial arts Elena incorporates a ‘Life Skills’ program which strives to provide the finest taekwondo education available in a compassionate and nurturing environment, producing outstanding citizens (from an early age) through the curriculum. With the program, she inspires and empowers students to achieve personal excellence in every aspect of their lives. Elena has been exceptionally enthusiastic about the barely off the ground Diversion Program, which ‘diverts’ kids who visit with Juvenile Detention and are in need of healthy activities.

Helena Target

During a two-month-long environmental scan where students under the age of 17 visited video game and movie businesses to see how easy it was for them to access adult media content, Target was the one business out of 10 that held the line. When two students tried to buy a rated “M” video game, they were asked for I.D. and were denied when they couldn’t produce it. We want to thank the Helena Target for being a great example of a business that is helping to create a positive and healthy community for our kids.

IS THERE SOMEONE YOU’D LIKE TO NOMINATE? Please email and tell us why this individual has stood out in your crowd.

Rayna Munn

helena high school Rayna is an American Indian Helena High senior who provides a positive example to all students, but especially to other Indian students. She is a member of AISE, the American Indian Science and Engineering Society, and she mentors Carmelita (an Indian second grader), providing Carmelita and other Indian students a positive role model. She will further her academic success by studying chemical engineering next year at MSU. (Nominated by: Mrs. Jamruszka-Wilson)

Aine Lawlor

helena middle school On a daily basis Aine displays the developmental assets of caring for others, achievement motivation, and interpersonal competence. Aine shows that she cares for others by having every personal interaction with her peers to be positive. Every day Aine stays after the class period has ended to tidy up the classroom, ask if the teacher needs assistance, and to wish you a good rest of your day. Her performance on academic work exceeds expectations on a regular basis, and she is also willing to help those around her so that they succeed in academically. (Nominated by: Mrs. Burke)

Jonah Fisher

central elementary school Jonah is an exceptional third grader that I have had the honor of teaching for two years. Jonah’s uncle Jeremy has cancer. Jonah and his brother, Isaac Fisher, decided to shave their heads to raise money for cancer awareness and specifically for a child in the Ukraine with cancer. Also, Jonah is a brilliant young man who is willing to help others in the classroom with their mathematics and reading. He is never boastful or unkind. Jonah regularly attends PEAK classes during the week, participates in sports, and is a leader in our classroom. (Nominated by: Mrs. Casne-Fetz)




JUNE 2011



JUNE 2011




GUN SAFETY what parents should know - By Bob Clark, Lewis & Clark County Sheriff’s Office

uns are in more than one-third of all U.S. households, so they are a very real danger to children, whether you own one or not. It’s important to talk to kids about the potential dangers of guns and what to do if they find one. If you keep a gun in the house, it’s vital to keep it out of sight and out of reach of kids. The Lewis & Clark County Sheriff’s Office and the Helena Police Department encourage guns to be kept locked and unloaded and the ammunition stored separately.

Guns and Pretend Play Allowing kids to play with toy guns is a personal decision, as is how to respond to a child’s pretend shooting action during the course of play. Remember, even if you don’t allow your kids to have a toy gun, their friends may have them. So explain to your kids that real guns — unlike toy guns or those shown on TV, in movies, or in video games — can seriously injure or even kill a person.

Talking to Kids About Gun Safety Teach kids to follow these rules from the National Rifle Association (NRA) if they come into contact with a gun: • Stop • Don’t touch • Remove yourself from the area • Tell an adult It’s particularly important that children leave the area where the gun is located to avoid being harmed by someone who doesn’t know not to touch it. A child as young as three has the finger strength to pull a trigger. It’s also important for kids to tell an adult about a gun that’s been found.

If You Have a Gun in Your Home Many kids are raised with guns in the home, particularly if hunting is a part of family recreation. If you keep a gun in the home, it’s

important to teach your kids to act in a safe and responsible way around it. To ensure the safest environment for your family: • Take the ammunition out of the gun. • Lock the gun and keep it out of reach of kids. If you don’t have a gun lock, the Helena Police Department offers FREE gun locks. Call 447-8461 for more information. • Lock the ammunition and store it apart from the gun. • Store the keys for the gun and the ammunition in a different area from where you store household keys. Keep the keys out of reach of children. • Lock up gun-cleaning supplies, which are often poisonous. If you own a gun or have found one in your home and want to dispose of it, call the Sheriff’s Office at 447-8293. Do not dial 911 or an emergency line. The firearm will be checked to ensure it was not part of a criminal investigation, and then it will be stored for safekeeping.

Gun Safety Outside Your Home

Gun safety does not end when your child leaves your home. Kids can still come in contact with a gun at a neighbor’s house, when playing with friends, or under other circumstances away from home. Discuss gun safety with other family members or the parents of friends if your child spends time in their homes. It may feel like an awkward conversation, but the person you ask will likely understand that you only have your child’s safety in mind.

A Word About BB Guns

BB guns and pellet guns are not regulated by the government, but can cause serious injury. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) recommends that kids under the age of 16 not use high-velocity BB guns or pellet guns. Kids who have a BB gun, or are likely to come into contact with one, must know to never point it at anyone, including themselves. ■




JUNE 2011




of saving Lives

The Montana Tobacco Quit Line helps Montanans quit tobacco by offering: • Free Cessation Coaching and Personalized Quit Plans • Free Nicotine replacement Therapy – including Patches, Gum or Lozenges • reduCed-CosT Cessation Medications In celebration of Montana Quit Month, you can receive: • Bupropion – $5 Co-Pay – per month for 3 months • Chantix – $25 Co-Pay – per month for 3 months Quitting now has immediate health benefits. Within one month: Your Lung Function Increases t and Blood Circulation Improves



Coughing, Fatigue and shortness of Breath decreases

JUNE 2011




40 developmental assets

40 Developmental Assets are essential qualities of life that help

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young people thrive, do well in school, and avoid risky behavior. Youth Connections utilizes

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the 40 Developmental Assets Framework to guide the work

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we do in promoting positive

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youth development. The 40 Assets model was developed by the Minneapolis-based Search Institute based on extensive research. Just as we are coached to diversify our financial assets so that all our eggs are not in one basket, the strength that the 40 Assets model can build in our youth comes through diversity. In a nutshell, the more of the 40 Assets youth possess, the more likely they are to exhibit positive

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behaviors and attitudes (such as good health and school success) and the less likely they are to exhibit risky behaviors (such as

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drug use and promiscuity). It’s that simple: if we want to empower and protect our children, building the 40 Assets in our youth is a great way to start. Look over the list of Assets on the following page and think about what Assets may be lacking in our community and what Assets you can help build in our young people. Do what you can do with the knowledge that even through helping build one asset in one child, you are increasing the chances that child will grow up safe and successful. Through our combined efforts Helena will continue to be a place where Great Kids Make Great Communities.

turn the page to learn more!


For boys and girls, indoor and outdoor play, ages 4-12, $3.99 and up

Downtown on the Walking Mall 25 S Last Chance Gulch, 442-1594




JUNE 2011


assets in action 5


external assets Support

1. Family support: Family life provides high levels of love and support. 2. Positive family communication: Young person and her or his parent(s) communicate positively, and young person is willing to seek advice and counsel from parent(s). 3. Other adult relationships: Young person receives support from three or more nonparent adults. 4. Caring neighborhood: Young person experiences caring neighbors. 5. Caring school climate: School provides a caring, encouraging environment. 6. Parent involvement in school: Parent(s) are actively involved in helping young person succeed in school.


7. Community values youth: Young person perceives that adults in the community value youth. 8. Youth as resources: Young people are given useful roles in the community. 9. Service to others: Young person serves in the community one hour or more per week. 10. Safety: Young person feels safe at home, at school, and in the neighborhood.


Boundaries & Expectations


11. Family boundaries: Family has clear rules and consequences and monitors the young person’s whereabouts. 12. School boundaries: School provides clear rules and consequences. 13. Neighborhood boundaries: Neighbors take responsibility for monitoring young people’s behavior. 14. Adult role models: Parent(s) and other adults model positive, responsible behavior. 15. Positive peer influence: Young person’s best friends model responsible behavior. 16. High expectations: Both parent(s) and teachers encourage the young person to do well.

Constructive Use of Time

14 12

JUNE 2011




17. Creative activities: Young person spends three or more hours per week in lessons or practice in music, theater, or other arts. 18. Youth programs: Young person spends three or more hours per week in sports, clubs, or organizations at school and/or in the community. 19. Religious community: Young person spends one or more hours per week in activities in a religious institution. 20. Time at home: Young person is out with friends “with nothing special to do” two or fewer nights per week.

If you or your child would like to submit a picture that represents one of the 40 Developmental Assets, please email with a picture and the number of the asset the picture represents.

Not all pictures are guaranteed publication.


internal assets Commitment to Learning

21. Achievement motivation: Young person is motivated to do well in school. 22. School engagement: Young person is actively engaged in learning. 23. Homework: Young person reports doing at least one hour of homework every school day. 24. Bonding to school: Young person cares about her or his school. 25. Reading for pleasure: Young person reads for pleasure three or more hours per week.

Positive Values

26. Caring: Young person places high value on helping other people. 27. Equality and social justice: Young person places high value on promoting equality and reducing hunger and poverty. 28. Integrity: Young person acts on convictions and stands up for her or his beliefs. 29. Honesty: Young person “tells the truth even when it is not easy.” 30. Responsibility: Young person accepts and takes personal responsibility. 31. Restraint: Young person believes it is important not to be sexually active or to use alcohol or other drugs.


Social Competencies

32. Planning and decision making: Young person knows how to plan ahead and make choices. 33. Interpersonal competence: Young person has empathy, sensitivity, and friendship skills. 34. Cultural competence: Young person has knowledge of and comfort with people of different cultural/racial/ethnic backgrounds. 35. Resistance skills: Young person can resist negative peer pressure and dangerous situations. 36. Peaceful conflict resolution: Young person seeks to resolve conflict nonviolently.

21 22

Positive Identity

37. Personal power: Young person feels he or she has control over “things that happen to me.” 38. Self-esteem: Young person reports having a high self-esteem. 39. Sense of purpose: Young person reports that “my life has a purpose.” 40. Positive view of personal future: Young person is optimistic about her or his personal future.




JUNE 2011





Only number whose letters are in alphabetical order. Rocky Mountain Credit Union

Kids Club


Equivalent number of times a person, In an average lifetime, will walk around the equator.

1 in 5000 Number of American lobsters that are born bright blue.

it d e r c e h t t a g in v a S ! r e l o o c t o g t s ju union ! b u l c s d i k w e n Join our bers ages 0-12)


Average number of dreams a person has per year.


Joini ng of times the average person theNumber laughs in a day. C lu b !

(For mem


The speed, in miles per year, at which Heinz ketchup travels while leaving the bottle.

Helena 449-2680 Bozeman 586-1505 Federally Insured by NCUA


JUNE 2011





Approximate times per minute that lightning strikes on this planet.

Left to right: 1) A PAT dad knows where the Dirt Cake went! 2) Stamping fun at the April PAT Family Group Night. 3) Donald tries his hand at making a bird feeder.

- By Valerie Cundall, Florence Crittenton

lorence Crittenton’s Center for Pregnant and Parenting Teens and the Lewis and Clark Health Department are proud to deliver Parents As Teachers, an in-home support and education program helps parents learn how they, as their children’s first and most important teachers, provide their infants and toddlers with experiences which promote healthy brain development so they may reach their fullest potential in life. It is available to any family in the Helena area with children from prenatal to age three. In addition to the in-home support provided through Parents as Teachers, the Family Group Night is a monthly opportunity for families to interact through games, crafts, and snacks with their young children.

In light of so much recent brain development research clearly proving the vital importance positive experiences have in the early years of a child’s life, the Family Group Night is an opportunity to nurture brain development in young children while participating in diverse activities. They are designed to provide families of very young children with opportunities to have fun, engage in healthful family activities, learn new things about their children’s development, and network with other families. These lessons are taught in a fun and interactive way using activities such as: making plaster hand molds and planting flower seeds, constructing pinecone bird feeders, making ants-on-a-log or dirt cake, creating colorful stamped pages to decorate, or just relaxing and visiting with a cup of juice and tasty snacks.

Since the first meeting in October 2010, activities have highlighted topics such as: toddler nutrition; infant massage; infant and toddler gymnastics/tumbling; music and movement with children; touring the library and obtaining library cards for kids; and sensory exploration. Future group plans include sessions on potty training, nap time, traveling tips, home safety, and “Ask the Doctor,” where a local pediatrician will be on hand to answer parent questions. Family group nights are free of charge and are open to any family in the Helena area with children ages three and under. Older siblings are welcome to join in, as well. Youth Connections in partnership with Safe Schools Healthy Students is proud to provide financial support to the Parents as Teachers program. ■

Upcoming Parents as Teacher Family Group Night Dates:

June 28 • July 26th • August 23 • September 20 Topics for monthly groups will be announced at least 2 weeks prior to the event. For more information on the Family Group Nights or about the Parents As Teachers Program, please call 457-8921.




JUNE 2011


media literacy

a media culture - By Jesse Franzen

Culture is the fabric of our being, our living. It permeates everything we do, think, and interpret the world around us. Culture is so pervasive that those living in it do not believe they even have any. People become unintentionally blind to how and where from their own actions and beliefs came. Sounds all deep, but really, the big question is what or who creates culture? What creates who we are – that common thread that runs through all of us in America? f course, there isn’t a straight answer and depending on who you ask, you’ll get a spectrum of responses. Admitting my own bias, I believe the media has a huge influence on shaping our culture. Movies, television shows, video games, advertisements, and the news all have a significant role in determining the future of how we live. Alright now, buckle up and try to stay with me. Let’s start with any media created message, like The Montana Meth Project, which created the message “Don’t do meth.” Various commercials, billboards, and contests sprouted up, shocking us all over Montana, with one message: “Don’t do meth.” Mostly these were directed toward the youth, the people who haven’t tried meth. The message was sent to the receivers and called for an action: “Don’t do meth!” Pretty simple, right? So does it work? Seemly, the answer is yes! The receivers take action, “Don’t do meth,” and then, the sender, Montana Meth, has to react to the audience’s changed status in order to continue to be effective. For





of Lewis & Clark County 8th, 10th, and 12th graders have NEVER used methamphetamines (2010). successful campaign: they were able to sell a message and get their audience to do something. Yeah! Right? Well, yes, in this instance, absolutely! Let’s take this same media campaign style and apply it to products, so getting people to buy stuff, which is an action. For instance, alcohol consumption. I’ll not identify any particular brand or ad, but in general, the goal is to sell more booze

The length from your wrist to your elbow is the same as the length of your foot.



example, original old ads were graphic, gritty, and extremely shocking; the second wave focused on ruined body image (still graphic, mind you); and now the ads are more about family and friends, not quite as shocking. Montana Meth has had a


(duh, right?). The sender creates messages directed intentionally toward their target receivers (if you were an alcohol company, what demographic would be in your best interest to target?), mostly young men, and then they make a call to action. In this case, drink more booze. When the audience reacts, the sender reacts. If there is no reaction (no more booze is sold), the ads change, if they sell more, then they keep it up. Simple enough? Yeah, not really quite that simple. How do popular alcohol ads try to sell? Sophomoric humor, cute animals, sex, acceptance by others, and coolness. Guess what? It works! If it didn’t sell more product, why would they continue with it? Take it from there, if these ads sell more product, the receivers are buying more, but why are they buying this product and not a generic product? Because of the ads. This is called association. You put two unlike object together, and voilà, they take on each other’s characteristics. Put beer next to funny, and people will perceive beer helps them be funny, and so on. >>>

American car horns beep in the tone of F.

‘Stressed’ is ‘desserts’ spelled backwards.


of Lewis & Clark County 8th, 10th, and 12th graders do NOT drink in a typical month (2010). >>> Admittedly, no one consciously does this, but if you look at our society as a whole, we do reflect what is in the ads we see. Now it gets deep. The senders take what we’re doing (which they helped create) and shine the mirror back on us with new ads; we receive and act accordingly, minutely changing our actions, our culture. Do you see the snowball-rolling-downthe-hill-effect over time? You can’t tell who creates our culture; we do and so does the media. It’s like the chicken and the egg, sort of. The point is, perception of reality and media does matter. They matter in a far greater way than most people think. ■

Lewis & CLark Library Main branCh Preschool and Elementary School-aged One world, Many stories @ your Lewis & Clark Library summer reading Program Tuesday Tales for kids 1st - 5th grade Tuesdays, June 14 - July 26 from 10:30 - 11:30 in the large meeting room at the Lewis & Clark Library Storytime for ages 3 - 5 wednesdays from 10:30 - 11 aM and 1:30 - 2 PM Thursdays from 10:30 - 11 aM and 1:30 - 2 PM on the storysteps in the Children's section of the Lewis & Clark Library Four to Score for Everyone read or listen to 4 books for a prize June 1 - august 31, 2011 information Desk at the Lewis & Clark Library Teens (GraDes 6-12) summer programs for Teens at the Library will include "around the world" creative programs on Tuesday afternoons through mid-July, First Friday Movie nights, anime afternoons, and gaming events in august. Check the Library website for additional programs and details!

auGusTa branCh June 14 & 15: kim brown as Dw June 21& 22: steve aldrich Magic show June 28 & 29: big sky Dance works July 5 & 6: On your own July 12 & 13: Puppet show, Markie scholz July 19 & 20: storyteller, Colleen sutherland July 26 & 27: Party on your own easT heLena Library: 16 e Main sTreeT (by The PriCkLy Pear Creek) One World, Many Stories June 12: kim brown as Dw from arthur June 21: The steve aldrich Magic show June 28: big sky Dance works July 5: east helena Pool or ethnic Games in park across from library on Main July 12: Puppet show with Markie scholz July 19: storyteller, Colleen sutherland July 26: evaluation, awards, Movie august: Continue reading each week during the summer months! we will be open.

Call us at 447-1690 for other programs

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JUNE 2011


youth connections online

website refresh here’s what you’ll find:

>> Calendars with community meetings, community trainings, youth activities, events and more >> Submit your events to our calendars for the community >> Subscribe to calendars >> 40 Developmental Assets >> 6 Prevention Strategies >> Media literacy lesson plans >> Tools For You >> YC Magazine flipbook >> Monthly newsletters 18

JUNE 2011




you screen, I screen we all screen for healthy teens

everal years ago Youth Connections heard from community members who were concerned about the ability for youth to ask local businesses to create and/or sell apparel promoting unhealthy or illegal behavior, particularly, but not exclusively, senior keg t-shirts. Youth Connections was asked to become proactive by asking local businesses to commit to refraining from selling senior keg t-shirts every year. A silkscreen policy was developed, and local businesses signed on and have been consistent enforcers. Angie Lewis from Precision Embroidery tells us she was asked to produce a senior keg t-shirt last year but she refused. The potential customer was surprised that she would decline the business, but Angie sited her own concerns about underage drinking and she referred to the policy that Precision Embroidery was committed to follow. Precision Embroidery was one of eight local businesses who were willing to give up profits from such sales. Youth Connections would like to publicly thank local screen printing businesses who have signed on to a policy to refuse to sell apparel promoting unhealthy, illegal activities for teens. When our community consistently sends messages that underage drinking parties are unhealthy and illegal, our teens will no longer report they feel expected to drink. Thanks to these businesses for supporting our youth and our community. ■

We encourage our community to support these businesses as they continue to support and encourage healthy activities for youth: >> BIG SKY APPAREL AND DESIGN >> CLASSIC CREATIONS >> LARSEN GRAPHICS AND DESIGN >> LIGHT’S CUSTOM SCREENPRINTING >> MAGPIE STUDIOS >> MONTANA MARKETING >> PRECISION EMBROIDERY >> UNIVERSAL ATHLETIC HELENA STORE

lose wait By Scheduling Your Next Appointment Online

513-1052 • 39 Neill Ave • Across from Starbucks Downtown




JUNE 2011



Q. What helps you make good choices during the summer when you may not be as busy with school and activities? What advice would you give parents in helping their kids make good decisions during the summer?

A. The things that help me make good choices during the summer are my friends. I can always count on them to make good decisions with me. And also, my family influences my choices. They are always making sure I am making the best choices for myself. I would let parents know if they want their children to make good choices during the summer, it would be to keep them busy. I know when I am busy there are less things for me to get in trouble with. Also make sure they are making good choices with who they are around; if they are around good kids who make good choices, they will also make the right decisions. KENZIE JOHNSTON: C.R. Anderson A. I feel that I am able to make good choices simply because I know what is expected from me. What I can and cannot do is made very clear by my mom. She very clearly communicates with me what her expectations are, and I know there will be consequences if I do not make good decisions based off those expectations. Everyone parents differently, but if I had to give advice to parents in helping their kids make good decisions, I would encourage them to talk to their kids and let them know what’s ok and what is not okay, and give their kids suggestions on things to do with friends who also make good decisions. SHAIASIA WILSON: Helena High

If you would like to submit a question to Youth Connections to be answered by someone on our panel, please email the question to Not all questions are guaranteed to make the magazine, but we will do our best to answer your question via email.

Ryan vanluchen, 1979-1987


A. If I had to decide on a few things that help me make good choices during the summer, I would have to say staying busy. Many kids party a lot during the summer, and if you always have something to do, you don’t have the opportunity to “get involved” with that. Do your hobbies, be proud of them, and don’t let someone make you feel inadequate for not going and making stupid decisions like they do. Also, I think that talking to your close friends that have the same outlook on life is something that can help you make good choices. Stay busy, stay happy, and remember what’s important in life, and good decisions will be made. My advice for parents in helping their children make good decisions not only in the summer, but in any season, is communication. Make sure you have completely honest and open communication with your kids. I know that my parents, especially my mom, have always been very understanding when it came to anything. She never got mad when I asked questions. She maybe got disappointed sometimes, but never mad, and she always understood, no matter what the circumstances. Just be open with your kids, and make sure they know they can be comfortable talking about anything with you. Also, make sure you praise them when they do the right thing, or just tell them you’re proud that they made the right choice. When they know that, it should help them realize that they don’t need to rebel to be noticed, and that you are trusting them to do the right thing. Kara mcgill: Capital High

406-439-8748 / 800 E 6th Ave / Helena

child safety:

have the conversation learn how at Ryan United is a 501 ( c ) 3 Non-profit Organization


Ryan United

JUNE 2011





catch a ride

and i quote


youth ride HATS free

If you think you’re

elena Area Transit Service (HATS), Helena’s public transportation system, provides free rides for students participating in fun activities this summer. Ride the Check Point Bus, which has a set bus route with approximately 18 stops. No call-in is required. The Check Point runs every hour starting at 7 a.m. with the last run at 5 p.m. and ending at the HATS new office at 1415 N. Montana at 6 p.m. Routes are also available for East Helena. For a small fee, students can utilize the curb-to-curb bus, which will pick up and drop off at any location in the City of Helena Service Area. Call one day in advance to make reservations, 447-1580. Visit and click the following links: departments > public works, >bus, or call 447-1580 to access bus route maps and schedules. For the most successful and positive experience, ride the bus with your child for the first time and help them learn to plan their trip around town using the route map and schedule. ■

make a difference, YOU’VE OBVIOUSLY


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Odontophobia is the fear of teeth.

too small to



The thin line of cloud that forms behind an aircraft at high altitudes is called a contrail.

Elephants are the only mammals that can’t jump.

30 30 rides $ or


summer punch cards ava i la b l e n o w !




JUNE 2011


g n i t t comba ge a r e d n u buse a e c n a t s b su he Helena community was fortunate to host Janice Gabe, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Certified Addictions Counselor who has been recognized as one of the country’s leading experts on the needs and issues facing teens and their families. Gabe has over 30 years of experience as a therapist and has lectured extensively throughout the country. Gabe informed parents that underage substance abuse has everything to do with access and attitude and, when it comes to teens, no one has more influence than parents. She advised that teen alcohol and pot use increases when three things line up: the desire to do it, the opportunity to do it and the likelihood they won’t get caught. Making sure these are misaligned will help kids resist using. Gabe’s presentation was funded by Youth Connections, in partnership with the Safe Schools/Healthy Students initiative. You can access more in depth information from her presentations at under the Resources and Tools for You tabs. ■

- By Kris Minard

What you can do as a parent: >> Limit unsupervised, unstructured hang time. >> Do not allow teens to hang out in homes where parents are not present. >> Limit overnights. >> Eyeball teens when they come home at night. >> Limit exposure of young teens to older teens. >> Make expectations clear to the teens who visit your house frequently. >> Network with other parents. >> Stay present and involved when teens are at your house. >> Closely monitor what teens bring into your house. >> Monitor for late night visitors and late night escapades (i.e. sneaking out). >> Make it clear that if adults serve your child alcohol, you will hold them accountable. >> Your stance about alcohol and drug use needs to be consistent and not change just because you are somewhere where this is no drinking age. >> Let your child know they will be held completely responsible for anything they have in their possession and their friend’s behavior at your home.

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JUNE 2011






Helena Activities

Parenting Needs

Community Resources Summer Camps Mental Health

Swimming Parks and Recreation

Family Needs Softball Leagues

Faith Based Organizations

Food Bank Hours


Soccer Sign Up Housing Senior Needs Counseling Hot Lines

Social Services

Substance Abuse Issues or dial 211

funny bone

Water Temperature in Degrees Celsius


Juuust Right

Knob Position in Increments of 18째

Timothy C. Ballweber, D.D.S., M.S.



JUNE 2011




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I’m falling apart. I’m



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think of us for your



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SW Bard Lane SW Bard Lane

Call our local Papa Murphy’s office to discuss your group’s eligibility, the details of the program and availability.


NE NE 3rd 3rd StSt 9797


SW Highland Ave. AMERITITLE 126 AMERITITLE 126 SW Highland Ave.

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Prior to your scheduled sale date, obtain all necessary selling materials from our office.

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Fred Fred Meyer Meyer

126 SW Highland Ave. n Dr.



519 N Sanders 406-443-6290 • SW 1151 Bard Partridge Place 406-443-7849 Lane SW Bard Lane

Pre-sell the PEEL-A-DEALTM fundraising cards for only $5 (each card has more than $30 of value) to family, friends and neighbors. At the end of your fundraiser, return all materials and pay only $1 per card sold, keeping 80% of the proceeds for your group! Distribute the cards to your buyers!

BEND - SOUTH BEND - SOUTH South Hwy 97 & Murphy Rd South Hwy 97 & Murphy Rd

511 N Sanders 406-449-7272 • 1151 Partridge Place 406-442-1975

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After your group’s approval, schedule the dates of your pre-sale fundraiser with our local office.

Fred FredMeyer Meyer

Fred Fred Meyer Meyer

ALBERTSON’S 126 Revere Highland Ave. 126 SWRevere

SW SW9th 9thSt. St. SW SWVeteran’s Veteran’s

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