Imagining Better season brochure

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Thursday 4th February 6.00pm

Tate Liverpool

The Art of the Demographic Dividend

Š Succession H. Matisse/ DACS 2015

Professor Desmond O'Neill,

This event presented in Tate Liverpool as part of our corporate partnership. The audience will have private access to Matisse in Focus exhibition including a rare opportunity to see The Snail outside of London.

When students troop into my introductory lecture on geriatric medicine, they are generally surprised that the first slide is Henri Matisse's The Snail (1953): radical, vibrant, and witty, it does not quite conform to their preconceptions of medicine with older people. The second slide, of the 83-year-old Matisse in a wheelchair, provides the context: his later life not only provides surprising developments in his art, but it occurs in the face of significant disability. Indeed, Matisse's response to illness illustrates not just his resourcefulness, but also the role of adversity in sparking personal growth. Des O’Neill

Professor Desmond O'Neill's work on Neurosciences and Ageing focuses on stroke, in particular recovery following stroke, as well as prediction of fitness to drive following stroke and dementia.

Book your place at: 10

Presented by the Postgraduate Medical Institute

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