Education Gazette 103.3

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Sector connections

How tūmuaki and kaiako are supporting each other to learn, grow and succeed

Porou Ariki Kāhui Ako prove resilience comes in many forms


Principals supporting principals

18 MARCH 2024 | VOL. 103 | NO. 3
Howick Coast Kāhui Ako is nurturing new teachers

The People Changing Dilworth

Dilworth School is one of the largest boarding schools in Australasia. With junior, senior, and outdoor campuses across three locations, a day school option soon to be available at Year 7 & 8, and approximately 500 students, all on fully funded scholarships, it stands alone in the New Zealand educational landscape for both its model and the opportunities it provides.

Education expert and reformer Dan Reddiex became Dilworth’s Headmaster in 2019, just as the truth about historical abuse at the school was emerging. With the full backing of the Dilworth Trust Board, he and his senior team have made profound changes at the school. They have reset its culture, putting students’ education, safety, care, and development at the centre of everything they do – in line with the mission of Dilworth’s founders James and Isabella Dilworth.

In September 2022, Dilworth became the first school in New Zealand to gain Child Wise accreditation. “Our safeguarding commitments are now part of our DNA. And the changes in Dilworth’s culture mean we’re shifting to a critical mass of students now asking themselves, ‘Why wouldn’t I be the best version of me? Why wouldn’t I try as hard as I can?’ It’s all about personal excellence.”

The promise for the next generation is the safest and best education available in New Zealand: “What’s coming next is tremendous. So come, be a man of great values, achieve personal excellence, then go and effect change in your life beyond.”

Read the full story at

“My promise to the next generation of students is for Dilworth to provide the safest and best education available in New Zealand.”
Dan Reddiex, Headmaster
Come to an open day, learn more about Dilworth Now. Junior Campus Sunday 24 March, 2pm Sunday 19 May, 2pm Senior Campus Sunday 7 April, 2pm

4 Porou Ariki Kāhui Ako prove resilience comes in many forms

8 Principals supporting principals





1 Tukutuku Kōrero 18 March 2024
A collaborative new era of local curriculum in Tauranga Moana
Understanding online safety and security
Privacy and being a good digital citizen
Making climate education accessible for teachers
new teachers
24 How Howick Coast Kāhui Ako
community connections On the cover Page 4. Pictured on the cover are Arihia Ingles, Te Riu Raihania and Roanne Poi, among other members of the Porou Ariki Kāhui Ako at their Kia Māia, Kia Manawanui conference – an opportunity for colleagues and communities to connect and explore resilience. ISSUE 103.3 Contents 4 16 12 20 24 28
28 Construction experience builds

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2 Education Gazette

Collective effort

Building relationships: Education Gazette works collaboratively with the Ministry of Education’s Te Mahau offices, and alongside early learning services, kura and schools, to showcase information and inspiration (and not always in the magazine itself!). Here we are supporting the Canterbury Te Mahau team to tell the story of Tūora Fendalton School and their mahi with transitions.

In this edition, the spotlight shines on collaboration and support within the educational community – whether it’s leadership advice, coming together in times of challenge, nurturing kaiako new to the workforce, collaboration that transforms local curriculum, or collective approaches to professional learning and development.

Reflecting on the resilience exhibited post-cyclones Hale and Gabrielle, Porou Ariki Kāhui Ako shares their journey in encouraging bravery and steadfastness through the Kia Māia, Kia Manawanui conference. This exemplifies the power of collaboration in overcoming adversity. This article is particularly apt given exactly one year ago, in Issue 102.3, we first shared on-the-ground recovery efforts from early learning services, kura and schools managing the immediate damage.

In a unique initiative, 16 experienced principals have joined the Ministry of Education’s Te Mahau teams, emphasising the importance of leadership collaboration. Their cumulative 250 years of expertise promise a wealth of insights to support schools at the frontline.

The success story of Te Tai Whanake ki Tauranga Moana showcases the power of collaboration between

local kura, schools, early learning services and iwi. This initiative, launched in 2023, demonstrates the transformative impact of localised curriculum.

In Howick Coast Kāhui Ako, newly qualified teachers benefit from a supportive learning environment that nurtures their growth, both as individuals and educators – a collaborative approach which supports effective learning delivery.

We also spotlight good practice in the space of online safety and security for schools and kura, and being a good digital citizen, both as educators and for ākonga. As part of this, the Privacy Commissioner delves into the importance of teaching privacy alongside digital citizenship.

I hope you find resonance in this edition and join us in celebrating the strength of connections between principals, teachers, whānau, communities and ākonga, recognising that together, they shape the future of education success in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Ngā mihi nui

3 Tukutuku Kōrero 18 March 2024

Porou Ariki Kāhui Ako prove resilience comes in many forms

A year on from cyclones Hale and Gabrielle hitting the Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti regions, Porou Ariki Kāhui Ako share one way they have encouraged each other to be brave and steadfast with their Kia Māia, Kia Manawanui conference.

4 Education Gazette
A wide variety of guests were in attendance on the day. Image by: Darryl Crawford.

In the aftermath of natural disasters, communities often find themselves grappling with the physical and emotional aftermath, striving to rebuild and restore a sense of normality.

Such is the case for the communities of Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti, following the devastating cyclones Hale and Gabrielle.

As the regions approached the one-year mark since these catastrophic events, educators and community leaders came together for a conference aimed at fostering resilience and promoting healing.

A year of uncertainties

The Kia Māia, Kia Manawanui conference was held on 20 October 2023 for the Porou Ariki Kāhui Ako.

Organised by the principals of the kāhui ako, Tolaga Bay Area School & Kahukuranui principal Nori Parata highlights its purpose – to offer teachers the chance to hear from inspiring speakers.

“We’ve had a lot of staff that were stuck behind huge slips that have only just been fixed. The conference was also about providing an opportunity for them to be able to re-engage with their colleagues and be at ease,” explains Nori.

“Trying to manage schools where your staffing is up and down on a daily basis, where the weather events mean

that certain members of your staff had to leave school early because you’re not sure if you’re going to be able to get them home otherwise, things like that. It’s been a year of that.”

Nori says there was lots of talk after Cyclone Gabrielle about the resilience of communities.

“But the level of resilience needed in that situation was starting to wear thin. We were looking for an opportunity to help lift that and contribute to some positive mental health and wellbeing.”

A powerful pick me up

The theme of the conference, “Kia Māia, Kia Manawanui (Be Brave, Be Steadfast)”, reflects the importance of resilience in facing adversity – a message that resonates deeply with attendees.

“We were looking to give teachers the chance to have a professional learning opportunity where they could listen to inspiring speakers to help lift the weight that was sort of hanging over us all,” explains Nori.

The conference featured a diverse lineup of speakers who shared a passion for the kāhui ako.

The Porou Ariki Kāhui Ako is named for the eponymous ancestor of Ngāti Porou and so they tried to look for Ngāti Porou speakers where possible, but also invited speakers from Te Aitanga-a-Māhaki and Ngāti Tūwharetoa.

“What was uplifting was as soon as schools were able to operate, those that could return, did return. That in itself was cathartic.”
Nori Parata
5 Tukutuku Kōrero 18 March 2024
Te Karaka Area School sharing a waiata. Image by: Darryl Crawford.

They each shared their personal journeys of resilience and triumph over adversity.

The stories shared were both moving and inspiring; from members of Te Karaka community recounting their harrowing experiences during the cyclones, to Kya Hurihanganui-Thornicroft, the then Gisborne Girls’ High School head girl overcoming health challenges, and educator Sam Hughes supporting ākonga to achieve new heights in challenging times.

Moana Maniapoto, a renowned public speaker, musician, and within all her work, a strong advocate for Māori rights, reflected on her involvement in movements seeking recognition of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the promotion of te reo Māori. Her insights into the struggles and triumphs of these movements provided valuable perspective on resilience in the face of systemic challenges.

Similarly, there were stories shared by pharmacists

Kevin Pewhirangi (Ngāti Porou) and Kasey Brown (Tagata Sāmoa), who overcame obstacles to become pharmacists and establish their own pharmacy, and Annette and Tapeta Wehi, kapa haka exponents, which served as a testament to perseverance and determination in pursuing one’s dreams.

Di Akurangi also came to share her extremely moving story about her recent health struggles that left attendees in tears and reminded them how resilient we can be even in the most frightening circumstances.

An appreciated opportunity

The conference served as more than just a platform for sharing stories; it was a gathering of minds committed to rebuilding and supporting one another.

Attendees, comprising teachers and principals from the Porou Ariki Kāhui Ako, found solace in reconnecting with colleagues and reaffirming their commitment to the wellbeing of their ākonga.

Despite the ongoing challenges faced by the region, including ongoing home repairs and infrastructure restoration, there is a sense of resilience and determination pervading the community.

Nori tells us ākonga, too, have demonstrated remarkable resilience, saying: “What was uplifting was as soon as schools were able to operate, those that could return, did return. That in itself was cathartic.”

As the region continues its journey toward recovery, events like the Kia Māia, Kia Manawanui conference serve as beacons of hope, reminding us of the power of community, solidarity, and resilience.

In reflecting on the conference, Nori expressed gratitude for the opportunity to bring educators together and the positive feedback received from participants.

“We had about 150 people from our kāhui ako, and they absolutely appreciated the opportunity to listen to a set of compelling speakers who knew their topics well, and that they could relate to.

“It did provide a pick me up, which is what we were aiming to do.”

6 Education Gazette
The audience of kaiako passionately engaged with the day. Image by: Darryl Crawford.

Give agency to active minds

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Your students have got this. Activate their curiosity and problem-solving skills with a classroom project grounded in the social sciences.

Developing community transport solutions for Years 5-10. Download the free template. education.nzta.govt.nzce

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7 Tukutuku Kōrero 18 March 2024

Principals supporting principals

Sixteen current or recently retired principals with more than 250 years’ experience between them make up the 2024 cohort of leadership advisors seconded into the Ministry of Education’s regionally based frontline Te Mahau teams.

Te Mahau leadership advisors have first-hand knowledge of leading schools in their region and know how to connect principals with advisors in areas such as finance, NCEA and curriculum.

The group have been principals in a range of settings and have broad experience in sector associations.

Chief advisor responsible for the service, Tim White,

says the aim is to provide real-time problem solving for principals and build a strong network for principals, with the focus guided by principals themselves.

“This type of service is unique in how it has been designed and delivered by principals, for principals.”

Support takes many forms, practical and strategic.

For Tania Doherty, principal last year of Waimana

8 Education Gazette
The Leadership Advisory Group. Back row: Amy Hacker, Stephen Beck, Carol Bevis, Kevin Bush, Michael Williams, Ken McLeay, Phil Toomer, Daniel Wilson, Melissa Anderton, Mark Johnson. Front row: Mārama Stewart, Brendan Wilson, Saane Faaofo- Olderhaver, Tim White, Mark Brown, Sandy Hastings, Regan Orr.

School near Whakatāne, regional leadership advisor Mārama Stewart helped navigate unfamiliar administrative expectations. This included property planning, Edpay, and staffing opportunities.

“Rural and isolated principals do not always have the luxury of leaving their kura to attend conferences and workshops, so having Mārama so accessible in person and at the end of the line provided immense reassurance.”

Tania says the cultural capability of Mārama, who is advisor for Māori tumuaki – Waiariki, was the essence to them quickly forging a trusting working relationship.

Tailored service

Work with principals, kāhui ako and clusters often identifies common needs across regions, school types and within the sector. Building this picture gives advisors insight and approaches they can share with each other and take to other schools.

But while school leaders around the country face many similar challenges, the leadership advisors provide a tailored service for each principal.

“Principals are extremely busy so helping work through changes to things like planning and reporting may take some pressure off and allow more time for leading learning and teaching,” says Tim.

Last year the advisors had 2,769 engagements with principals from 930 schools around the motu.

Most support is offered kanohi ki te kanohi (face to face), with phone and Microsoft Teams also used to keep in touch.

“We aim to be available to respond to principals when, where and how it works best for them.”

Regular contact includes working through new information from the Ministry or other agencies, being a sounding board for a school’s strategic plan, supporting establishment of professional growth cycle groups, addressing challenging relationships, complaints and concerns, talking through financial challenges and raising awareness of initiatives to assist recruitment.

In addition in 2023 there were more than 2,200 enrolments for workshops run by leadership advisors and regional Te Mahau teams on a range of topics including changes to planning and reporting.

In response to feedback, some regions offered further workshops focused on engaging with mana whenua, giving effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi or moving from ‘consulting’ to ‘engaging deeply’.

In feedback from 300 principals, 93 percent said the leadership advisory service was very responsive, 85 percent said the service was excellent and 84 percent said they would use it again.

Sentiments expressed included:

» As a beginning principal, having access to a leadership advisor was invaluable. The support and encouragement helps my confidence in leading effectively.

» This support as it exists right now is very useful. You are hiring working principals and giving them the freedom to adapt to the needs of the principals they support.

» The leadership advisor was my only support in my isolated community. They have given me a new lease of principal life.

» With the challenges many face in remote schools, a leadership advisor coming to us is a massive help.

» Really appreciated their understanding, ability to listen and ‘unpack’ what I needed. Also the commitment to tailored and bespoke outcomes for our situation.

More than half who responded felt the advisors supported their wellbeing. Comments included they felt less professional isolation, the leadership advisor was ‘down to earth’ and someone with whom they could be really honest.

Contact the chief advisor of the Leadership Advisory Service, Tim White at

9 Tukutuku Kōrero 18 March 2024

Meet some of the team

Kevin Bush, Tāmaki Herenga Waka Auckland

Kevin has been principal at Te Hihi School in Karaka, Auckland for the past 20 years, after five years as principal at Hikuai School, Coromandel. He has also been on the executive of New Zealand Principals’ Federation and the Auckland Primary Principals’ Association.

Having benefitted from rural principal advisors in his early principal days, he knew the sector would welcome leadership advisors and applied after encouragement from principal friends.

“We’re all in this for the children so if I can provide pragmatic help so they focus on their students, everyone wins.”

Saane Faaofo-Oldehaver, Pacific leadership advisor Auckland

Saane has been in education more than 25 years including the past nine as principal of Weymouth Primary School. She is also president of New Zealand Pasifika Principals and on the executive team for Auckland Primary Principals’ Association and Manurewa Principals’ Association.

Saane wants to talanoa to see how to support schools serving Pasifika learners and their families so they can realise their dreams and aspirations.

Regional leadership advisors

Region Name Email

Tai Tokerau

Ken McLeay

Tāmaki Herenga Tangata Phil Toomer

Tāmaki Herenga Manawa Michael Williams

Tāmaki Herenga Waka

Pacific Tumuaki – Tāmaki

Kevin Bush

Saane Faaofo Olderhaver

Waikato Amy Hacker

Bay of Plenty/Waiariki

Brendan Wilson

Māori Tumuaki – Waiariki (2023/4) Mārama Stewart (T1-2)

Hawke’s Bay/Tairāwhiti

Robin Fabish (T2-4)

Carol Bevis (T3-4)

Hawke’s Bay – Rural and Small Schools Mark Johnson (T1-2)

Taranaki, Whanganui/Manawatū Regan Orr

Greater Wellington Mark Brown

Nelson, West Coast

Canterbury/Chatham Islands


Area Schools – Te Waipounamu

Daniel Wilson

Sandy Hastings

Melissa Anderton

Stephen Beck

10 Education Gazette

Daniel Wilson, secondary schools Nelson

Striving for a culturally responsive and relational curriculum was a key aim for Daniel in the past nine years leading Nayland College, Nelson, along with nurturing a safe, supportive and respectful environment where learning is a true partnership between home and school.

Daniel has also worked extensively with other schools and educational institutions through his role as kāhui ako lead and as board member at Education New Zealand.

Sharing his knowledge and experiences with schools no matter where they are on their improvement journey is a natural extension of this work.

Stephen Beck, area schools

After growing up in small Kāpiti town Ōtaki, Stephen’s 23-year education career has always involved area schools.

Currently on secondment from the principal role at Hurunui College in North Canterbury, Stephen served on the Peak Bodies Advisory Group during the Covid-19 pandemic.

As president of New Zealand Area Schools Association, he has had positive impact on education policy and advocacy for area schools on a national scale.

Stephen has been the driving force behind the NZ Area Schools Barbarians Rugby Team for the past five years, ensuring this pathway remains open to our young athletes.

11 Tukutuku Kōrero 18 March 2024
A rousing haka pohiri signified the culmination of years of hard work and commitment to one common goal during the public launch of the project that was attended by more than 1,500 people.

A collaborative new era of local curriculum in Tauranga Moana

Two years ago, collaborative work began between local kura, schools, early learning services and iwi in the Tauranga Moana area to develop a localised te ao Māori curriculum that teaches their history and stories.

Te Tai Whanake ki Tauranga Moana Local Curriculum was officially launched in 2023 not once but twice, and already the feedback and results are speaking for themselves.

Future generations of ākonga in Tauranga Moana will have intricate knowledge of the history and stories of the place they call home, thanks to a localised te ao Māori curriculum developed by a group of passionate people, who saw a gap and came together to fill it.

Work behind the scenes began in 2021, when conversations took place between the three local iwi Ngāi Te Rangi, Ngāti Ranginui and Ngāti Pūkenga, schools and other agencies to create a resource that could be used in all 67 schools, kura, early learning services and kohanga reo across Tauranga Moana.

Covering the Bay of Plenty area from Katikati in the west to Maketū in the east, Te Tai Whanake ki Tauranga Moana Local Curriculum provides education resources and instruction on delivery for teachers with a focus on subjects including pūrakau and pakiwaitara (stories), waiata (songs), tūtohu whenua (significant places), and

kaupapa whakahirahira (significant events), specifically related to the Tauranga Moana area.

Te Mahau | Te Tai Whenua integrated services manager Vianney Douglas says when initial dialogue about the project began, it was obvious that this was something that the local community wanted and had been waiting for.

This was also a sentiment shared by kaiako and Tauranga Moana iwi and hapū, who knew it was time to implement a local te ao Māori curriculum that filled a gap that had existed for far too long.

“Schools do want to have a relationship with their local iwi and hapū. For some it’s easy but for others it’s hard. They didn’t know where to start,” says Vianney.

Supported by TECT, Bay Trust, and the Ministry of Education, goals and objectives for this project focused a local curriculum that provides guidance and resourcing for immersion pathways, English-medium pathways,

13 Tukutuku Kōrero 18 March 2024
Te Tai Whanake ki Tauranga Moana Te Ao Māori Local Curriculum was launched during an intimate gathering with Tauranga Moana Kaumātua at “Te Iringa Ōkawa”, hosted by Te Wharekura o Mauao in September 2023.
“This project has generated huge interest among our iwi, hapū and whānau, who have been partners in the development of this taonga for the future generations of learners in Tauranga Moana schools.”

Henk Popping

bilingual pathways, organisations that promote Tauranga Moana, the wider community and visitors to Tauranga Moana.

The resource covers local values, aspirations and learning content that is specific to Tauranga Moana iwi and hapū and draws on iwi aspirations for Māori success as learners but also engagement and understanding of non-Māori learners.

Effective partnerships in action

Otumoetai Intermediate principal Henk Popping, who is also chair of the Te Tai Whanake ki Tauranga Moana Local Curriculum Project Kaitiaki Group, says it was critical from the beginning of the project to establish relationships based on trust.

Regardless of the medium in which it is taught, the success of the project rested fundamentally on collaboration and coming up with something that every teacher can use.

“It needed to be a genuine, transparent process about developing something for everyone.”

From its inception, the project was driven by Tauranga Moana iwi Ngāi Te Rangi, Ngāti Ranginui and Ngāti Pūkenga.

“Having iwi being part of this kaitiaki group is really about driving our vision with our stories, and having that control of where they can go and the outcomes,” says Arohanoa Mathews, education manager at Ngāi Te Rangi.

Reg Blake, education manager at Ngāti Pukenga says

the Mauao story is a prime example of one with multiple versions and interpretations – each just as important as the other.

“However, we are not here to confuse ākonga or the teachers – there are three or four different stories for that one maunga and it’s really important that our students are getting all those different perspectives.”

Toni Heke-Ririnui, Ngāti Ranginui education manager, says each iwi had its own project lead, who were integral in the process through building meaningful connections between the iwi and kura, but more specifically between hapū and their local communities.

“This ensured that the kōrero taking place was genuine.”

By the community for the community

The sense of ownership over a taonga that will benefit many future generations to come could be felt, when Te Tai Whanake ki Tauranga Moana Te Ao Māori Local Curriculum was launched during an intimate gathering with Tauranga Moana Kaumātua at “Te Iringa Ōkawa”, hosted by Te Wharekura o Mauao in September 2023.

Two weeks later, at Mercury Baypark Arena in Mount Maunganui, a rousing haka pohiri signified the culmination of years of hard work and commitment to one common goal during the public launch of the project that was attended by more than 1,500 people.

Henk says the development of a curriculum through the collaboration of three iwi, all schools, kura, early learning services and kōhanga reo is a massive

14 Education Gazette
The intimate gathering was a chance for everyone to come together and celebrate this “massive achievement”.


To finally be able to share the content and structure of this local curriculum and instruct kaiako on how to use it, after two years of preparation and planning by everyone involved, was a dream come true, he says.

“As you can imagine, this project has generated huge interest among our iwi, hapū and whānau who have been partners in the development of this taonga for the future generations of learners in Tauranga Moana schools,” says Henk.

Former Tauranga Peninsula Kāhui Ako lead Ken Ward says there has never been a more exciting time in education for the Tauranga Moana area.

“Our schools are ready, a lot of them have been crying out for this, particularly a localised curriculum through a te ao Māori lens,” he says.

“Students will be able to articulate those stories and truly understand the perspectives of mana whenua.

“We are changing perspectives of Aotearoa New Zealand in the long term. We will have future generations of students who will know the history of the area and the stories.”

“We are changing perspectives of Aotearoa New Zealand in the long term. We will have future generations of students who will know the history of the area and the stories.”
Ken Ward
18 March 2024
Iwi education managers Toni Heke-Ririnui, Arohanoa Mathews and Ngawaiata Sellars.

Understanding online safety and security

Knowing the right online safety and security principles is crucial for kura and schools. The two concepts must work in tandem to ensure ākonga have safer, more positive experiences online.

Safer Internet Day, which was recently marked on 6 February 2024, provided a timely reminder of how there’s always more to do collectively to stay safer online.

The terms ‘online safety’ and ‘online security’ are often used interchangeably – and although closely related, there are key differences between the two. In broad terms, online safety is protecting people and ensuring good digital citizenship in online spaces, while

online security is about protecting digital systems and data including personally identifiable information.

Good online safety involves educating users on the best online behaviours and practices, such as how to identify harmful content before clicking on it, not sharing personal

Ākonga will be less likely to click on an unsafe link or open a phishing email if they’ve been informed about the risks.

information, and responsible handling of sensitive data.

Training kaiako and ākonga to spot the signs of scams, cyberbullying and misinformation, and knowing what to do, are also examples of creating a safer online environment for your school.

Good online security is about making sure your devices and networks have robust technical solutions in place to help protect against malicious attacks – such as malware, ransomware, phishing attacks, DDoS attacks and other threats.

This means things like a strong firewall, email protection and antivirus software. It’s also about having solid governance, structures and processes in place to ensure good information management, two-factor authentication (2FA), and strong password policies.

While they’re different, safety and security are intertwined. Setting ākonga up with the skills to navigate online spaces as safely as possible leads to more protected networks.

For example, ākonga will be less likely to click on an unsafe link or open a phishing email if they’ve been informed about the risks. Similarly, enhancing security makes it less likely that people will be accidentally exposed to harmful content.

Supporting good digital citizenship

Whether it’s online safety or online security, what people do makes a difference. Supporting positive user behaviour goes a long way to creating a safe online learning environment.

This means setting rules and guidelines around online behaviour for users of your school’s network. For ākonga it’s important to develop skills around digital literacy and good digital citizenship.

A good digital citizen doesn’t just know how to safely access online spaces but knows how to behave when they’re there. They’re aware of the risks online and have the critical thinking skills to assess information before accepting it. Most importantly, they use digital platforms to build positive relationships and knowledge.

External help and safeguards

To minimise risks for ākonga online, it’s important to put tech safeguards in place to support better online safety. This can involve schools and kura working with Network for Learning (N4L) to block and filter inappropriate content, and tracking or monitoring internet use.

Also, having safety plans and seeking support from organisations like Netsafe can help schools and kura better respond to safety incidents.

Protecting systems with security measures

Once upon a time, downloading antivirus software was enough to protect against many online threats. Now, with a far more complex online environment and constantly shifting technology, cybersecurity has evolved.

There’s no single tool that can cover every potential threat, but there are measures that can help make school and kura networks more secure:

» Ensuring kaiako and ākonga are using unique, strong passwords and two-factor authentication for online accounts such as email. The Ministry of Education has information about 2FA on their website.

» Keeping software and operating systems up to date across school devices.

» If not already in play, creating a practical cybersecurity policy that can be shared with kaiako and ākonga.

» Reducing the risk of threats (such as DDoS attacks) by having N4L’s Safe & Secure Internet recommended settings as a baseline level of protection.

» Minimising SPAM and phishing attempts with N4L’s Email Protection solution. Email Protection provides an extra level of email security and is fully funded by the Ministry of Education for eligible schools.

There are also a range of organisations, such as CERT NZ, Netsafe and the Ministry of Education, to help steer schools and kura through online safety and security waters.

Further, N4L’s Security Operations Centre helps to protect schools and kura, and mitigate harm from major cybersecurity vulnerabilities and incidents, and their expert Security team proactively monitors the network for cybersecurity risks or incidents.

How you can get support

If you need support, please contact Network for Learning or the Ministry of Education’s Digital Services Team.




Phone: 0800 LEARNING (0800 532 764)

Ministry of Education



17 Tukutuku Kōrero

Privacy and being a good digital citizen

Everybody in Aotearoa New Zealand, regardless of their age, has the same privacy rights. But how students understand those rights may differ greatly from how their teachers do. In this article Michael Webster, the Privacy Commissioner, explores how teaching privacy alongside digital citizenship will help develop confident, capable users of ICT who can think critically about what they’re doing online, and why.

How do you explain privacy to students? Start offline by talking about how everyone has personal information that is special to them.

What are those things? Your fingerprints, your name, your address, a photo of you, your birthday… it’s all information that could be used to know who you are. Everyone has personal information, and whether you share it or not is your choice.

Another way to talk about privacy is to begin with bodily privacy, which is an idea that students are likely to be more familiar with. Talking about not wanting everyone to watch you (like in the bathroom, in the street, or at home) can usefully set the scene for talking about information privacy (how your personal information is handled).

Your personal information is power online and keeping it safe is important. Being a good digital citizen is also about caring for your community and thinking about how you’re using others’ information too.

Netsafe has tools on this, including Hector’s World

(relaunching this term), that can help support your teaching of privacy to Years 1–6. Their episode, Running a Tight Ship is all about privacy and covers points like owning your own information, staying safe online, and explains why personal information is valuable.

Good digital citizenship

A good digital citizen respects others by making sure they don’t share other people’s personal information without asking.

Talk to students about respecting others by thinking about what they share before they share it – that includes photos, videos, or other information like a phone number, email address, or social media handles.

I was recently asked to comment in the media about an intimate video that two teenagers had made of themselves on school property. The video had been leaked and shared around their respective schools. It was, simply and clearly, a privacy breach.

Schools can always contact the Office of the Privacy

18 Education Gazette

Commissioner for guidance about next steps and how to support students in such situations. They can also contact Netsafe who can advise if the material or its circulation breaches the Harmful Digital Communications Act, and the Police if the school thinks a criminal offence has occurred.

Would you be OK with people sharing a video of you? In what situations? Talk with students about the clues that tell you it’s OK, or not.

Sometimes people share their personal information because they know about it and they’re OK with how you’re going to use it. Sometimes they don’t.

Ka pai or creepy?

Here are some things you can consider yourself, with your colleagues, and with your students.

Posing for a photo that someone knows you’re going to share on Instagram? Ka pai. But taking a photo without someone’s knowledge and sharing it round? Creepy. Someone giving you their phone number? Ka pai. You passing it onto other people without asking first? Creepy. It’s important to ask first so everyone knows what’s happening.

Much of the magic in keeping safe online is pausing before taking an action and asking, “Am I OK with this being on the internet forever?” or “Am I OK with people other than my friends seeing this?” Even on private groups and pages, people can always screenshot information and share it.

Taking care before sharing personal information matters because some websites will sell your data (like your email address) to other companies called data brokers, then you won’t always know where your information is going.

Encouraging students and colleagues to stop and ask themselves, “Do I really need to enter my email address to access this website/service?” and “Do I trust them to use my information responsibly?” are good first steps.

Doing privacy well and being a good digital citizen is often as easy as taking a pause before completing an action. Be aware and take care.

A good digital citizen is careful about what information they share, conscious about their digital footprint, and understands how their actions can affect others.

“A good digital citizen is careful about what information they share, conscious about their digital footprint, and understands how their actions can affect others.”
Michael Webster

Five ways to do privacy better in 2024

Ask before you take photos

Your school should already have signed consent forms in place that tell you how photos can be used. Checking those annually is a useful administrative task.

Another easy way to be open about what you’re doing, and model good behaviour is to ask students whether it’s OK to take their photo before you do. Ask, “Are you OK if I take your photo to share with [your parents, guardians, in the school newsletter]”.

Asking first gives students a choice about having their photo shared.

Clean up your personal device

If you must use your own phone to take photos and videos in the classroom (perhaps photos that may be used for Education Gazette articles), schedule a regular appointment to move the content that you need to keep off your personal phone and onto school systems, and then delete the content from your phone.

If you’ve got your photos automatically linked to a cloud service, you’ll need to check there too.

If there’s a classroom tablet or school equipment available, that should be used instead of personal devices.

Think about what you’re collecting, and why?

Get into the habit of questioning why you’re collecting information. Do you or your school really need to write down or record every piece of information about your students? Asking the question “Why am I collecting this?” will help minimise the information you hold about your students, which limits the risk of a privacy breach.

If you don’t hold that information, then it can’t be lost or stolen. Only collect what you need for their education, health, and safety. If you’re not sure why you’ve been asked to collect information, ask your school’s privacy officer.

Make sure personal information is secure

Make sure your security around personal identifiable information (PII) is robust. That means, at a minimum, having multi-factor authentication on systems and being very particular about who has access to the information in the first place. Passwords need to be long and unique (a password manager is one way to generate and store those) for all PII, in files like spreadsheets as well as bigger systems.

Brush up on your privacy education

The Office of the Privacy Commissioner has lots of information about schools and privacy. Make time to go through the e-learning modules or read the guidance. For more information about privacy and education, visit

You can also visit for more information about privacy, information and data.

18 March 2024


Making climate education accessible for teachers

To understand and address the challenges of a changing climate, the next generation need a strong foundation of climate literacy. Education Gazette unpacks how a week-long environmental education programme is connecting teachers with subject experts to build this foundation and become agents of change alongside ākonga.

Delegates on the BLAKE Inspire for Teachers programme conducting a Marine Metre Squared rocky shore survey.

Since 2019, the BLAKE Inspire for Teachers environmental education programme has seen more than 250 teachers and educators build their knowledge and confidence to inspire the next generation of kaitiaki in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Each of the week-long programmes brings together a new group of enthusiastic teachers for hands-on learning activities. Field trips and workshops across the wider Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland area weave lessons, resources and practical activities that cover mātauranga Māori, climate change, biodiversity, freshwater and marine science topics.

The programme is designed to provide teachers with a range of new learning tools and build confidence to deliver environmental education. Part of the week focuses on climate education.

Climate change may sometimes be seen as a difficult subject to teach or discuss with students, often due to its complexity. However, the BLAKE Inspire for Teachers programme is trying to demystify that thought and empower educators to deliver meaningful learning experiences about climate change with their students.

Climate change is interdisciplinary, and the programme provides a holistic context, teaching about the water cycle, carbon cycle, ecosystems, and exploring how these processes interact with each other, and with human activities.

Field-based and broad

Deputy principal of Arahoe School Vanessa Jansz says the professional development opportunity has got her excited to improve in teaching and hands-on learning.

“As a novice in teaching environmental studies, it provided a robust foundation and opportunities for us to springboard ideas to develop climate literacy.

“Already having a global view of the nature of science, BLAKE Inspire helped me foster a connection with likeminded colleagues who were keen to make a difference, and also between my knowledge of making informed and responsible decisions to empower students concerning actions that affect climate,” says Vanessa.

A large focus during the week is field-based learning, and the field trips focus on sites within the same catchment area.

By visiting streams, forests, and rocky shores within the same catchment, learners gain a holistic understanding of how these environments function and are interconnected.

Activities during the week include playing a game where students become carbon atoms and move through the carbon cycle on a journey before and after the industrial revolution, demonstrating how carbon dioxide has increased in the atmosphere since the burning of fossil fuels began.

“Our vision is ‘empowering our students to access the future’ and it certainly improved learning through observation, modelling, and being challenged by new and improved studies.”
Vanessa Jansz
21 Tukutuku Kōrero 18 March 2024
Kaiako experiment with a plastic bottle, warm water and matches to make a cloud in bottle.

The programme also weaves numeracy and literacy into all aspects of the week. A practical experiment with blocks of ice is used to test what happens to the water level when the ice melts.

Imagine these blocks of ice are ice sheets, or ice bergs, what would happen if they melt? Does the sea-level change? The activity is a great way to introduce different types of ice around Antarctica.

Science and problem solving

Partnering with NIWA, a package of climate and weather resources for teachers, called Rangi, are also taught as part of an activity to learn about Aotearoa New Zealand’s weather and climate patterns.

One of the experiments, using a plastic bottle, warm water, and matches (with adult supervision) makes a cloud in bottle. As the bottle is squeezed and released the pressure changes, the changing air pressure allows clouds to appear and disappear.

Several games that have been developed by NIWA are also introduced and can be played online. These games get people thinking about climate-related impacts, and how they may need to adapt. One game allows participants to make decisions about their coastal property and how they may need to adapt to sea-level rise.

Knowledge generated from these climate activities can empower students to consider science as a tool for problem solving, and perhaps look at ways their school can reduce its impact.

When talking about using the climate resources at school, Vanessa says with the context of the 2023 floods, it was timely when understanding climate variability and comparing human-induced vs natural climate change and its impact.

“Our vision is ‘empowering our students to access the future’ and it certainly improved learning through observation, modelling, and being challenged by new and improved studies. It made us reflect on how well we

know the curriculum and look to seek support from the community.”

A particular highlight of the week for many participants is an interactive policy simulation. Representing a range of different stakeholders, groups negotiate and lobby to elected leaders and key interest groups to try and get the best outcome for their company, advocacy group, or party.

The simulation puts participants into the shoes of various stakeholders, and encourages them to make deals, compromise, and have trade-offs to try and reach a tangible outcome for all the different groups.

Applications for 2024 are open

The BLAKE Inspire for Teachers leadership development programme in Auckland is fully funded by the Ministry of Education. Applications are invited from teachers keen for deeper understanding of environmental issues.

Delegates engage in experiential learning at locations ranging from large companies to predator free sanctuaries and marine reserves to discover practical ways to lead kaitiakitanga in their schools.

Teachers with no experience in environmental education but who are keen to upskill are also encouraged to apply.

For more information and how to apply, go to

22 Education Gazette
Ice blocks used for a sea level rise activity.

Using the arts to inspire environmental literacy

In 2023, the BLAKE Inspire for Teachers programme introduced an art activity that builds on environmental themes from across the week.

Art is an effective medium and creative way to connect with the local environment and natural world. It is also a great way to teach sustainability, through recycling, and reusing materials.

Vanessa Jansz has been applying the art activities at Arahoe School, saying students are most creative through art.

“Their perception, understanding and interpretation of learning shared collaboratively sparks their success.”

Drawing inspiration from activities during the week, three art exercises included eco-printing using leaves and flowers, building clay models of creatures in coastal rocky shore environments, and building a pepeha box. In the eco-printing activity flowers and leaves are arranged in different patterns on paper and rolled up using recycled pipe; after 20 minutes of simmering in red cabbage water, the patterns are revealed.

Using air dry clay, rocky shore organisms were built and modelled from the marine metres squared activity earlier in the week. Rocky shores have fantastic colours and creatures, so there is plenty of creativity designing the organisms. Particular attention is given to the adaptations the creature needs to survive in the rocky shore.

“One of my highlights was the clay modelling session of the metre-squared activity and I couldn’t wait to share it with my son, the staff at school and students,” says Vanessa.

“As I sat calmly with my students, I figured that art has a way of communicating complex messages as we connect emotionally and intellectually, modifying our art piece based on the shared learning and feedback.”

Building a pepeha box by using a cardboard box template, participants built and painted their maunga, awa or moana. Crafting a personal pepeha box supports ākonga to connect to their whakapapa and wairua, which provides a connection back to the whenua, awa and moana.

Natural or recycled materials that resonate with the pepeha of the designer could also be used in the design process.

BR A IN BUSTERS Teacher resources available on our website:
Clay models of creatures in coastal rocky shore environments.
24 Education Gazette
Howick Coast Kāhui Ako learn by doing: STEM and culturally responsive pedagogy.

How Howick Coast Kāhui Ako is nurturing new teachers

For over three years, provisionally certified teachers in the East Auckland area have been embraced and empowered by a bespoke programme to support the best start to their careers.

Newly qualified teachers across the six primary and intermediate schools of Howick Coast Kāhui Ako are immersed in a supportive learning environment that strengthens and grows their capacity to deliver effective learning, as well as nurturing them as individuals and teachers.

Twice a term, provisionally certified teachers (PCTs) meet with across school leads (ASLs) as part of “a full and exciting programme that covers their needs”, says Liz Whittaker.

Liz, an across school lead, alongside Botany Downs School’s Rachel Ryan and Helen Henkin of Howick College, explains that taking time out from their individual schools means PCTs are coming together to make their journey collaborative, and helps remove silos.

“Collaboration really is the key. This programme is our local, special place for PCTs to forge strong connections with others who are at the same stage of their career journey in the local area.

“Such support not only benefits these new teachers, but it also flows on to ākonga and the success of the school, kāhui ako, and the communities.”

Howick Primary and Intermediate schools, and Brookby, Maraetai Beach, Clevedon, and Botany Downs schools are all involved in the two-year programme, which develops a sense of collegiality and responds to sector needs.

25 Tukutuku Kōrero 18 March 2024

“Our kāhui ako has expertise that we draw on for content sessions, including art, music, physical education, and dance teachers, as well as ESOL and LSC/SENCO specialists,” says Liz.

“The majority of the programme is created and delivered by the ASLs, so we have a robust and comprehensive bank of presentations at hand to deliver to the wider schools’ staff if needed.”

Maraetai Beach School teacher Liz says highlights include the collaboration between teachers from different schools over the two-year period, which culminates in a graduation and gift presentation, and includes plenty of shared lunches and morning teas.

Clear focus points

Delivered in a series of eight days (two per term), the PCT Programme begins with a session on ‘Learning Focused Relationships’ and ‘Creating a Classroom Culture’. This first day also covers topics such as: pedagogical approaches to teaching reading, programme design,

differentiation/groupings, behaviour management and living school values.

Themes covered on day two include culturally responsive practice, strategies for ESoL learners, developing learner agency in writing, practical ideas for integrating music, and more. A rich syllabus continues throughout the two-year course.

“We differentiate the programme for first year and second year PCTs, and sometimes for the year groups when it suits. We always gather feedback and develop the next sessions based on this,’’ explains Liz.

An additional benefit of the PCT programme is that it allows opportunities for kāhui ako to identify key levers to strengthen student achievement, augmenting effective teaching and learning practices.

“The feedback from the PCTs and from the leadership of the kura has been exceptionally positive, and we are very proud of our content and delivery. We share all our resources and presentations and utilise as much hands-on, practical learning as possible,” says Liz.

26 Education Gazette
Learning-focused relationships: workshops about learning through research and best evidence.

Depth of shared learning

Information from the programme is showcased in a termly newsletter to the kāhui ako, with PCT feedback consistently glowing. Feedback is constantly sought as to what topics kaiako want to learn more about.

One kaiako was keen to discover more about effective learning for ākonga with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and said the subsequent session on this was hugely valuable.

“This was one of the areas of learning that I requested in a previous survey so it was most valuable for me to be able to have ASD unpacked – how ASD ākonga can present in the class, the differences, and the strategies that can help with an understanding as to why we use them.”

New learnings shared by participants from a recent session included how to give students more agency in writing to increase motivation, and how to deliver oral language barrier activities.

Encouraging a breadth and depth of ongoing learning, increasing engagement, providing support and, importantly, enabling new teachers to enjoy the journey – the PCT Programme is powering the future of those carving out careers in education.

“We share all our resources and presentations and utilise as much handson, practical learning as possible.”
Liz Whittaker




Hamilton 7 - 8 May

New Plymouth 5 - 6 Jun

Rotorua 19 - 20 Jun

Auckland (City) 8 - 9 Jul

Whangarei 18 - 19 Jul

Gisborne 7 - 8 Aug

Napier 28 - 29 Aug

Auckland (Sth) 18 - 19 Sept

In today’s educational landscape, educators and teacher aides are grappling with challenging behaviours. These can often be linked to complex developmental trauma, creating a pressing need for effective support strategies. At Immerse, we recognise the urgency for educators to understand this link and how adopting a trauma-informed approach to teaching can transform the classroom.

Our innovative training programme, ‘Creating Trauma-Responsive Schools’, is designed to empower educators with the tools they need to comprehend and respond effectively to the behavioural nuances resulting from trauma. Participants delve into the evidence-based practices of TBRI®, unlocking a profound understanding of how trauma impacts the neurology and physiology of tamariki and rangatahi. Armed with this knowledge, educators gain a practical toolbox of strategies aimed at fostering regulation, engagement, and academic success.

Stay Connected

Connect with us on social media for real time updates and inspiring content. Share your thoughts, experiences, and let’s create a supportive online community.

Wellington 30 Sept - 1 Oct

Christchurch 10 - 11 Oct

Funding is covered by the Teacher Aide Professional Learning and Development Fund 2023-2024 for Teacher Aides.

Please register your interest as soon as possible. Minimum of 10 attendees required per group. All training days are 9.00am - 4.00pm. Visit our website for further information.

27 Tukutuku Kōrero 18 March 2024

Construction experience builds community connections

With a cohort of Year 13s now entering their final year of schooling, a new generation of rangatahi are one step closer to deciding what they want to do after graduation. In Ōtautahi Christchurch, Hornby High School’s students are receiving a unique experience aimed at making those momentous decisions easier.

28 Education Gazette
Left and right: Hornby High School students visiting a Kāinga Ora development built by local firm Miles Construction.

Starting in January 2023, Sam Tisch ran a programme aimed at familiarising his Year 12 technology students with the multifaceted world of trades. He achieved this in collaboration with Kāinga Ora and Miles Construction, allowing his classes supervised access to a nearby construction site.

“It was a big opportunity for our senior technology and hard materials students to get a deeper understanding of what’s involved in the construction process,” says Sam.

The site was a Kāinga Ora development built by local firm Miles Construction. It involved the demolition of buildings and the construction of 10 new multi-unit state houses. Students had access to the site during each construction stage, something Sam says was essential to their understanding of the house-building process and the diversity of trades required.

“Traditionally, when students think of trades they think of building,” says Sam. “Of course, there are literally hundreds of trades that are involved with building a house.

“We’re trying to expose them to a broad range of potential trades that they can get involved in beyond school.”

First-hand experience

Students like Aisa found the programme eye opening and well-suited to her learning style.

“I want to learn, and I am a visual learner,” she says, “It was interesting seeing the process.”

Aisa says that the programme sparked a desire to learn more about concreting and scaffolding, aspects of the building process that she previously knew little about.

Beyond exposing students to the variety of trades and broadening their knowledge of the construction process, Sam is also eager to connect students with sector professionals.

When they visit the site, students are accompanied by the site manager and project manager, both of whom guide students, explaining technicalities and answering questions.

These connections had a positive effect on Year 12 hard materials student Neihana, who says, “It made me think about being a builder. That atmosphere on site was warm and welcoming.

“[Construction] gives people a house over their heads. I’m all about giving people a house to live in, I like knowing that I have helped someone.”

So far, Sam has noticed similarly positive responses from the classes that have visited the site.

“There’s been a lot of interest in a broader range of trades,” he says. “Students are now interested in roofing, a couple have talked about foundation construction, and a couple have expressed interest in being electricians.

“Often, in school, we talk about construction. But without firsthand experience it’s hard to know what it’s actually like. Getting that experience exposes students to what the job involves day to day, and whether they’d like to do that or try something else.”

29 Tukutuku Kōrero 18 March 2024

Making connections

Sam encourages all schools and kura across Aotearoa to contact local construction companies or Kāinga Ora to see what opportunities are available for their technology students. In his case, Hornby High’s students were able to easily access the construction site without many changes to their timetables.

“It’s down the road, literally. I imagine that, if it was across town, that would be a much bigger potential issue [for other schools],” says Sam.

Beyond this, however, Sam foresees few other obstacles for more schools to start similar initiatives.

“Miles Construction has been extremely accommodating. Obviously, construction sites are a

dangerous place for people to be on. But they have been very supportive with managing health and safety and making sure we’re catered for onsite ... we have everything we need.”

Mark Farrell, CEO of Miles Construction, is excited to see rangatahi engaging with the industry.

“As we were working close to Hornby High, we saw a great opportunity to find up-and-coming students to help or simply inspire them,” he says.

“We wanted to involve these students and open their minds as to what construction can offer them.”

Beyond educational and career benefits for ākonga, Sam notes an unplanned outcome of the programme – a deeper connection between his class and their community.

“We’re trying to expose them to a broad range of potential trades that they can get involved in beyond school.”
Sam Tisch
30 Education Gazette
Students are accompanied by the site manager and project manager.

“We’re a small community and a lot of our students are involved with Kāinga Ora personally, in terms of their living situations,” says Sam.

Seeing how houses are made can help students view their neighbourhood as an ever-changing and complex entity rather than a set of static, seemingly unremarkable buildings.

Sam noticed that involving students in the improvement of that environment, from a construction standpoint, has helped them make that connection and discover the ways they can participate in their community’s evolution.

Breaking stereotypes

Sam is excited to continue the initiative this year. One key area in which he’s keen to improve is the inclusion of more females.

“Traditionally, trades are a male-dominated industry,” he says. “It would be great to encourage more females into trades.”

Sam wants to connect his students with women in the industry, in part to dispel the image of the construction site as a sort of “boys’ club”.

“In my class there are a few Year 11 females this year who are interested in getting into trades and we’re going to push to get them that exposure.”

Issue 101.9 of Education Gazette focused in on building pathways to bright futures. We would love to continue to explore this topic and the mahi happening in 2024 and beyond. Please email

31 Tukutuku Kōrero 18 March 2024
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Kaiako Sam Tisch has seen positive responses from the class visits to the site.

Safeguarding tamariki online

Teaching young children to safely navigate the internet can’t be left to chance. Thankfully, a familiar face is back to offer a helping hand (or should that be fin!) with the launch of a new series of Hector’s World.

As primary school students increasingly engage with digital technology, online safety education is a must. This is why the Ministry of Education have supported Netsafe to develop a series of animated videos and teaching resources about online safety. The welcome return of Hector’s World – which has become a staple in many classrooms – now introduces new episodes and lessons tailored to contemporary online challenges children face.

A tool for 2024 and beyond

Kura and school feedback informed the development of seven episodes in which the hero characters are empowered to make responsible choices when faced with online challenges. The series will be available in both English and te reo Māori with optional subtitles, and is supported by more than 50 classroom resources to extend the learning. Topics like cyberbullying, digital footprints, mis/disinformation and privacy, are covered in fun and thought-provoking ways.

By diving into Hector’s World, a new generation of children are set to become well-equipped digital citizens who can navigate online securely and responsibly.

Get your planning pack now!

Learn more about Hector’s World and how to integrate learning resources into your school curriculum by downloading a planning pack at:

What is your school doing to commemorate Anzac Day this year?


The ANZAC resource you’ve been waiting for is here!

Violet’s Scarf – a true NZ WW1 story told through the eyes of a child – is now available as a comprehensive Teacher’s Resource Pack.

Your Teacher’s Resource Pack includes:

• a spiral-bound A3 copy of Violet’s Scarf

• eight Violet’s Scarf readers

• a full Lesson Plan for Years 4-6

The cost: $230.00 plus postage.

These Violet’s Scarf Teacher’s Notes have been produced in accordance with the Aotearoa NZ Histories Curriculum. Order today through



Join our expanding team as we deliver Speech and Drama classes to schools on the North Shore Auckland.

We are looking for teachers who can inspire our Speech and Drama or Public Speaking students. These positions are contractor, part-time for the duration of the 2024 school year with both during the day and after school hours available.

Successful applicants will:

• Have a LAT or be a registered teacher

• Teaching experience teaching English or Drama at any levels

• Have a warm and encouraging manner with students

• Be flexible and able to quickly adapt in a professional manner.

Applications close 19th April.

Please apply with CV and cover letter to

33 Tukutuku Kōrero 18 March 2024



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