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Definición de tipologías de nodos para la economía lenta de 10, 100, 1.000 y 10.000 personas, energéticamente autosuficientes, que incluyen alojamiento, cría equina, centros de entrenamiento y otros vinculados al turismo, el ocio y el deporte.


Desarrollo de anteproyectos y estudios de viabilidad de emplazamientos precisos, para su potencial desarrollo posterior.


Realización de proyectos prototipo de renovación y promoción de la conectividad de redes de baja velocidad, tanto en el medio rural como en el entorno urbano.


Realización de proyectos de ejecución de infraestructuras que permitan la renovación o la construcción de conectividades relevantes en el territorio, como puentes verdes y otros. Por ejemplo: desarrollo de proyectos básicos de puentes verdes en puntos singulares.


Definición de sistemas y tecnologías digitales para la referencia, señalización y transmisión de conocimiento en el territorio.


Un Proyecto de Inteligencia Ambiental que se desarrollará con la colaboración de la empresa Akytera y que tiene como objetivos: s El desarrollo de un sistema de computación física que, incorporado a los caballos en carrera, relacione y visualice geoposicionamiento, calidad del aire, clima, estado físico del caballo, velocidad, jinetes y paisaje. s El diseño de un navegador de realidad ampliada que sirva como dispositivo en red y que, siendo transportado en las rutas turísticas, permita mediante tecnología 3G obtener datos acerca del paisaje, sus valores culturales, geológicos, biológicos, ambientales En ambos casos el caballo se convierte en un ciborg permanentemente

Holding the ride will highlight the historical infrastructure and characteristic qualities of the less productive landscapes that remain on the land in an indistinct or hidden form. Travelling over these landscapes will allow us to understand them, to discover the historical layers they contain and to make these emerge periodically and then let them be erased again in time. The methodology we shall use for this purpose is the Hyperhabitat system, which proposes alternative ways of relating nodes, networks and environments, and Giuseppe Dimatteis’s studies on the use of network topology and graph theory in urban analysis. The objective is to map the land as a series of nodes, connected by networks, that are inserted into a given medium. In this way the physical world is analysed using the same typology as the digital world, with the aim of making them compatible. Hubs, switches, concentrators and routers are typical devices used in network architecture that find their reflection in the networks superimposed on the land. 2. Incursion into the political sphere. Normative instruments: Low-Speed Regional Infrastructure Plan for the Region of Murcia In response to the request in the entry conditions for the Workshop for projects to be serviceorientated, and to give our project a normative character, with the involvement of institutions and available urban planning instruments, we propose a design for strategic action on a regional scale that will make it possible to ensure that recognised landscape values are defended and will encourage the use of the itineraries and routes marked out by holding the horse races to promote a new model for tourism and a low-speed economy with low environmental impact. Through the participation of public bodies and private initiative, this strategic action, which we have called the Low-Speed Regional Infrastructure Plan for the Region of Murcia, aims to promote the design and reconstruction of a layer of non-motorised mobility infrastructure, superimposed on the infrastructure of fast communication and transport routes but not coinciding with it; this layer is latently present and it is only necessary to make it emerge and highlight it. The Plan will be carried out in five partial Actions with definite objectives and modes of development, promoted by specific developers consisting of a combination of public and private agents: 2.1. DEFINING THE NETWORK. Plan for a slow infrastructure network in Murcia, for equestrian, cycle and pedestrian transport, adapting the network to different speeds.


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