Eagle's Nest - September 2013

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THE EAGLE’S NEST Eden Prairie High School’s Monthly Family Newsletter Volume 24, Issue 1 September 2013

Sept Calendar 3

First day of School


Picture Make-up day 7-1pm

5,6 Trajectories Performance AUD 7:30pm 7

12pm Prairie Colors Marching Band, Aerie Stadium

20 Homecoming Casual Dance 21 ACT Exam 8am 21 Homecoming Semi Formal Dance 24 PTO Meeting (A for activities) 7pm October Calendar 1

Conferences 4-7pm


Conferences 4-7pm


Picture Retakes 711am


PTO Meeting Parent College Panel 7pm

16 Senior Pictures final due date 17,18 No school

Principal’s Perspective

Conn McCartan

Welcome to the 2013-2014 school year! I want to especially welcome families of our incoming freshmen and new students. New school year’s always mark new beginnings. There are many things for all of us to look forward to as we begin this school year. People in this school have high expectations for the class of 2014. We are looking forward to the many positive contributions they will make to the school they lead. The mark of a truly special senior class is the fact that they do not have to be involved in big acts or make big statements to communicate that they are the leaders of the school. They simply act like leaders in everything they do, and they gain respect from that. The families of the class of 2015 should know that the junior year is probably the most important in high school. Juniors can look forward to moving into the upper levels of coursework and into the upper positions of the school culture. How they handle this increased responsibility sets the table for the kind of academic and personal record they build toward their goals beyond high school. The junior year is the “grow up” year and I challenge the class of 2015 to be up to this task! The class of 2016 can look forward to approaching high school with what I will call “productive confidence.” Our sophomores are now familiar with the school and its operations. This can lead to a letdown of effort now that they don’t have to be attentive to everything as a new experience. My hope is that they take the knowledge they gained last year and use that to continue with successes and improve upon shortcomings. What our newest students can look forward to is pretty obvious. Their initial work will be to get to know their new school and the increased expectations associated with high school. A new school provides a great chance for a new start. No matter how they feel coming into high school, freshmen can take steps from day one to assure that they get everything out of their opportunities here. If they take their course work seriously, get involved in at least one of the many activities we have available for students here, and engage this school, they will find success! I have no doubt that each one of our students will experience both moments of achievement and moments of struggle. How they handle themselves in each of these moments will be the true measure of their success this school year. Students and their families should know that we are here to guide and support them throughout the year. Have a great school year! Conn McCartan, Principal

Upcoming PTO meetings: September 24 PTO Meeting: " A is for Activities" By now you have heard that activities are what make a big school seem smaller. Enjoy hearing about all your student's options at this meeting with Student Activities staff members. Freshman/Sophomore parents this one's for you! Location for this meeting will be the Staff Lounge located at the South Entrance. October 9 PTO Meeting: "What I Wish I Knew" Please join experienced parents for this helpful discussion addressing everything from the college application process to what size dorm sheets to buy and all the hurdles in between. Information about On-Site College Admission Day will also be covered. There will be lots of time for questions. This is a great meeting for parents of Juniors and Seniors. Additional time will be spent on an overview of Naviance. Location for this meeting will be in the Auditorium located by the North Entrance. Planners: Didn't buy your student an EPHS PTO Planner yet? Don't panic! Student planners will be available in the school store for $10 each starting on the first day of school. Target Red Card: Did you know that much of your High School PTO funding comes from Target Red Card proceeds? Each year Target donates 1% of dollars spent with the Red Card to schools designated by the card holders. Is EPHS the school that benefits from your trips to Target? Please check to see that you have updated your school affiliation as your student heads to the High School. Many great teacher and staff grant requests have been funded through this program. Conference Café: Please consider supporting our teachers and staff at out first Conference Café of the year. Teachers and staff appreciate having an on-site meal provided during conferences. The Café will be held on October 1st. Here is the link to the sign up: www.signupgenius.com Many thanks to: Malyn Wrobel for sharing her gardening skills and beautifying the planters at the South Entrance to the High School. Sue Malina, Christy Schively, Nancy Lagermeier, Holly Parker, Sue Wilken, and Cindy Becker for their help selling planners and directories during student schedule/picture days. The entire EPHS PTO for their contribution to the new banners and signs at the High School. Interested in joining your EPHS PTO? We would currently like to fill the following positions: PTO Vice President Eagles Nest Editor Resource Center Coordinator Questions? Please contact PTO President Roxane Gilje: rockygilje@hotmail.com or Past President Elaine Larabee: elarabee@comcast.net

EPHS STUDENT DIRECTORY PRE-ORDER FORM Student Directories for 2013-14 will be delivered through your student’s Connections teacher in late October Ordering a directory not only provides you with valuable contact information, but also helps support the EPHS PTO. Profits from the sale of our directories are used to fund Staff Appreciation and PTO events throughout the year. Student Directories are $5 each. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------EPHS STUDENT DIRECTORY PRE-ORDER FORM (Student Directories are $5 each) Student Name: __________________________________________________ Parent Name: ___________________________________________________ Phone Number: _________________________________________________ Grade (2013-14 School Year): ______________________________________ Connections Teacher: ____________________________________________ (if unknown, please leave blank) You may return this form at Picture/Schedule Pick Up Day, Open House, or to Planner Sales the first two days of school. Checks may be combined if you are also purchasing a planner ($10). Total for both is $15. Thanks for supporting the EPHS PTO! You may also mail your student directory order form to Eden Prairie High School, Attn: PTO Directory, 17185 Valley View Rd., EP, MN 55346. Please include a check for $5 made payable to EPHS PTO. Only directories may be purchased by mail. Please purchase planners in person.

For Office Use Only: Directories:_______ and Planners: _________ Cash _______ Check _______ ($5 each)

($10 each)

Homecoming Homecoming is fast approaching and plans are underway for all of the different Homecoming Activities. Parent chaperons are needed for both dances on Friday September 20th and Saturday September 21st from 7:45 - 11:00 p.m. Parent chaperons are vital in helping us keep our dances safe. If you are interested or need more information please contact Brenda Heck at bheck@edenpr.org.

EPHS Spirit Store Welcome Back to the 2013 – 2014 school year! The EPHS Booster Spirit Store is ready to make it the best year ever. We have school supplies, English class reading books, and fantastic sports wear for the fall. Be sure to stop by and check out all of the new items the store has to offer. The Booster store is located in the Main Commons and is open Monday through Thursday 11 to 1 and Friday from 11 to 3. Letter jackets are also available to try on and order! Remember all proceeds from the store go to support all activities at EPHS.

Box Tops for Education The next Submission is Nov 1

Resource Center Volunteers! Join the over 100 volunteers who keep our Dept Resource Centers (Math, Business, English, Science,Social Studies) open so our students have a place to study and meet with their teachers. Resource Center volunteers may also do support work for teachers, on an as needed basis, as well as help with book scanning, and other administrative jobs. You also get to see lots of kids and get to know teachers well. We are looking for volunteers to make at least a monthly commitment for the school year. Shifts,are approximately 7:40 - 11:10. and 11:10 to 2:40. If you are interested in volunteering, please email Holly Parker, jphp@aol.com. with the following information:  day of week preferences - M, T, W, Th, F  shift preference (morning or afternoon),

Driver Education Classes - EP Community Ed. offers monthly Driver Education classes after school throughout the school year and a variety of times in the summer with licensed, certified teachers. Eligible students need to be at least 15 years of age by the last day of class and either live or attend school in Eden Prairie. The class fee is $110 for 30 hours of class instruction and $300 for six hours of behind-the-wheel driving instruction or $399 if paid in one payment. Driving instruction is also available for adults. To register online, you may go to www.epcommunityed.org or call 952-975-6942 if you have questions.

Attention Senior & Junior Parents!!! SENIOR PARTY KICK-OFF MEETING Thursday, September 26 6:00 PM, EPHS East Commons Each year, Senior and Junior parents host an all-night party for our graduates. This year’s event takes place at EPHS on Friday, June 6 immediately after graduation ceremonies. Want in on the fun? Get involved by attending the party planning kick-off meeting! Most of the senior parent committee chairs are in place and have been shadowing last year’s party planners. Many senior parents are needed to join committees in all areas of planning, and junior parents are needed to assist and learn the ropes. What sounds interesting to you? Decorating, Contests & Games, Raffle, Bingo for Boxers, Food & Beverage and Service Project are just a few of the areas that need your help! We look forward to seeing you! Your 2014 Senior Party Co-Chairs, Nancy Lagermeier (lagermeier@hotmail.com) Anne Walbrun (johnwalbr@aol.com)

Coachable Moments with Your Teen Interested in learning skills and tools to enhance your parenting? Join us for “Coachable Moments: Bring Out the Best in Your Child” Tuesdays, October 22, November 5 & 19; 6:00 – 8:00 pm. You can register for the series through Eden Prairie Community Education. You will learn how using coaching skills can support and empower your child. Facilitated by Irene Kelly, NCOC, CVI CC, a certified coach.

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