Pizza Hut Campaign

Page 1

PIZZA HUT Better Together


CREATIVE Website............................... 12 Mobile App......................... 13 Television...............................14 Print...........................................15 Social Media................................16 Digital Banners...............................17 Out-of-Home.....................................18

IMC/MEDIA Partnerships.................................................... 19 PR/Promotions...................................................20 IMC Media Mix.................................................... 22 Campaign Schedule................................................24 Delivery.......................................................................25 Measurement/ROI........................................................ 26

Our team was challenged to develop a fully integrated marketing communications campaign to help position Pizza Hut as the top choice for customers who order digitally, create the greatest digital ordering experience, and increase digital ordering to 75%. One of our team’s greatest challenges was identifying a proper target audience because pizza is loved by everyone of all ages. Through our research, we found that roughly 60% of Pizza Hut’s current customer base falls between the ages of 18 and 44. Delving deeper, we were able to justify a primary target of 25-34 year-olds because they have the greatest propensity to increase their online ordering habits. We are also including secondary targets of 18-24 and 35-44 year-olds because they represent over a third of the total pizza market. Based on their varying lifestyles, life stages and different digital habits we’ve named the segments “Socialized,” “Mobilized,” and “Stabilized” (in ascending age order). Innovative and strategic marketing efforts will be implemented to push Pizza Hut out of the industry clutter and connect with our target audience. We recognize that both Pizza Hut’s new “Flavor of Now” menu and strategy provide a great opportunity to rebrand its image,and set the brand apart from the competition. This will increase pizza sales and create the ultimate digital experience. Pizza Hut states that from the inspiration of their consumers, they have created “delicious products for life’s favorite moments”. We believe that consumers need to see how their favorite moments are enhanced by Pizza Hut. Life’s favorite moments are always more exciting and fun when shared with family and friends. This campaign will focus on the superior benefits of ‘togetherness’ and the influence that Pizza Hut can have on those moments. It will communicate that ordering pizza is not just about the varying tastes a consumer may have, but about the reason for ordering; whether it be a party, a sleepover, a game day, or a board meeting. In addition, orders go better with deals and promotions. Pizza Hut will communicate that all these moments can be made “Better Together”. The creative and promotional strategies for this campaign will focus highly on digital advertising, and partnerships such as Habitat for Humanity, to engage with our target audience. These will be achieved through a strategic and effective IMC approach, exclusively tailored to our custom targets. Our objective is to create a better digital experience and increase online orders. Therefore, our comprehensive media plan spends its majority on digital. Pizza Hut is no longer just a pizza place... it is a digital pizza experience for all.


Situation Analysis........................................................2 Competitive Analysis...............................................3 Consumer Analysis...............................................4 Focus Groups....................................................5 Target Audience.............................................6 Objectives...................................................8 Campaign Strategy...................................9 IMC Media Strategy............................10 Creative Strategy............................. 11


Competitive Landscape

Market Share

• The pizza industry generated total sales of $38.7 billion in 2014

Situation analysis

• The top four pizza chains include: Pizza Hut, Domino’s, Papa John’s and Little Caesars



Other Pizza Hut

• $15.3 billion of all pizza sales come from the four major chains


• More than half of the pizza market consists of other independent pizza shops

Papa John’s

Little Caesars

• Pizza Hut’s 2014 annual sales were $5.9 billion • Pizza Hut has 7,800 units in the United States, the most of any other chain • Social media platforms are dominated by Pizza Hut over its main competitors





Industry Trends

Digital Trends

• Personal customization of food orders is continuously becoming more popular

• Growth of visually oriented social media; namely videos

• Push towards digital platforms for ordering and marketing efforts

• Loyalty and re-engagement programs through mobile apps

• Increased reliance on delivery and carry-out options instead of restaurant-style

• Appeal for online local voucher deals rose 35% from 2013 to 2014

• Transparency of operations via open kitchens to showcase cleanliness and freshness

• Using the Internet as a tool for self-expression via blogs, social media and reviews



• Brand is globally recognized • Variety of ordering mediums • Diverse menu options • Strong social media presence


nes k a e w • Does not have a niche in market • Brand associated with an older generation

• Lack of efficiency throughout app and website

s nitie u t r oppo



• Pizza is a social food

• Saturated pizza market

• Ongoing development for online ordering platforms

• Fast casual business model becoming consumer ideal

• Consumers respond to promotions and incentives

• Pizza not perceived as a healthy food choice

• Pizza has and always will be an American favorite

• More types of foods available for online purchase

BOTTOM LINE: Pizza Hut dominates the nation in numbers, but falls short with brand image. Combining the Flavor of Now menu with a more digital emphasis will yield more digital orders.

brand NICHES

papa john’s


3.1 5.9




76k 766k




competitive analysis

little casesars





mom & pop shops

Mom & Pop Shops have loyal customers due to their local presence, high quality, and the sense of nostalgia they provide. Customers of these pizza shops have preferences based on geography. It is impossible to quantify a dataset for these thousands of shops nationwide.


papa john’s

“Better Ingredients, Better Pizza, Papa John’s”. Papa John’s has three niches that set them apart from other pizza chains: their fresh ingredients, partnership with the NFL and commercials featuring the owner (their figurehead).

little caesars

“Hot and Ready.” Unlike the other competitors, Little Caesars does not allow for advanced ordering or delivery. Little Caesars drives their customers into the store through five dollar lunch

Domino’s is changing the consumer mindset by dropping pizza from its name to highlight their variety of food items. Known for their fast delivery, pizza tracker and voice ordering system, Domino’s focuses on the consumer’s experience prior to consumption.


BOTTOM LINE: Pizza Hut leads in social media, locations and sales. By generating a strong brand experience through a specialized niche, Pizza Hut can rise above itself from market clutter.


consumer analysis 4


General Attitudes

Getting data from the source: your customers

Consumers prefer companies associated with philanthropies that give back to the environment and place an importance on education.

To fully understand consumer experiences, habits and perceptions when it comes to pizza and ordering processes, we conducted the following research:

Consumers are extremely dependent on both apps and websites, and they need them to function properly at all times. User experience is vital to the success of apps or sites.

• Nation-wide survey with over 500 respondents • 4 focus groups consisting of 18-24 year-olds • 2 focus groups consisting of 25-44 year-olds


With Friends



indicated they would likely order food online

Gaming Console


have ordered food from a gaming console

are likely to order pizza with a friend



have ordered pizza at least twice in the past month

Consumers generally feel more positive about ordering food online when compared to making a phone call or using a gaming console. In fact, only 1% of people admitted to using a gaming console to order food. The vast majority did not even know it was possible to do so. Yet there are many other ways consumers do order online, and often. The main reason consumers favor online ordering is largely due to its efficiency and convenience. However, when asked which method they would most likely use to order food, consumers were more inclined to choose a traditional phone call.

Consumers do not like putting in their order information right away because it can be a hassle and is often required for every use. Pizza consumers are not very brand loyal; they are deal sensitive. Consumers like to save money and are more interested in whichever food looks the most appealing at that moment.

This means that although consumers have more positive feelings towards online ordering, they would still rather call in an order. Pizza Hut must showcase the unique ease and benefits of ordering online to transform consumers’ feelings into actions.

Consumer Feelings Towards Ordering devices 5.84

5.80 5.14




Favorable Phone Call


Online (website/app)

BOTTOM LINE: Pizza Hut needs to build on the already positive attitudes towards digital ordering and drive their customers to order online.








convenient Gaming Console

Our six focus groups revealed important and detailed insights into our primary and secondary targets about ordering habits, lifestyles and goals. We found important recurring patterns that led to three main barriers for digital ordering. We discovered that people perceived pulling out their phone, Googling the number, and dialing to be the easiest way to order food. This action was also a habit. Further, we realized that consumers like to be able to hold a person accountable for their order. Operationalizing these barriers was key leading up to our campaign strategy.



“I’m willing to wait for my order. I can distract myself with social media and entertainment like Hulu.”

“Talking to a person takes longer and there is room for human error. I like a digital receipt for accountability purposes.”

“It’s easy to look up a number and call it. It’s a habit to do so.”

“To download [Pizza Hut’s] app, I better use it a lot.”

“Sometimes I get nervous talking to a person, but I want to hold someone accountable for my order.”

“I get nervous that they will mess up my order online because they’ve done it in the past or the app/website has crashed. I want accountability and reliability.”

“I don’t care too much about the price so much as a low wait time.”

“I would download an app and order more often if they offered a discount.”

“I browse social media on my phone more than computer and I use it efficiently. I definitely do not spend all my time on it but use it to make my life better, like Pinterest.”

“I like being able to track my order because I don’t like to wait.”

BOTTOM LINE: Easiness, habit, and accountability are the three recurring barriers across all targets that must be overcome, by either changing a behavior or initiating a new one.

focus groups

“I am very price sensitive.”

“I may download an app for a discount or if it occupied my kids for a few minutes. That’s easy to do.”

“I plan ahead. I’ll order ahead of time so I don’t have to worry later.”

“I have a varied schedule. I’m not a good planner.” “I am on social media constantly. Usually, I’m on my phone out of habit and I’m very on-the-go throughout the day.”



The primary target is “Mobilized” 25-34 year-old men and women. They make up the largest consumer age group for Pizza Hut. They order online 80% of the time and have the greatest potential to increase that number. They are not brand loyal and will enjoy Pizza Hut’s new “Flavor of Now” menu. The secondary targets are “Socialized” 18-24 year-olds and “Stabilized” 35-44 year-olds. Together these groups make up over 35% of Pizza Hut’s customer base.

target audience

25-34: Mobilized


Needs & Desires • I prepare lunches to save time and money in the workplace • I value spending on experiences, like traveling • I use social media as a tool to stay connected as friends move away and start more independent lives • I like going out and ordering in on weekends more • I am now more connected to the world and value philanthropies

In terms of online ordering • I like variety in my ordering • I like efficiency and speed along with convenience • Ordering online is less effort than talking to a human, particularly for a complicated order • I am often persuaded by incentives like coupons

pizza hut implications • Need easy-to-use app and website • Offer easily redeemable coupons and deals • Create fun, yet streamlined and sophisticated aesthetic appeal • Promote involvement in careable causes and philanthropies

BOTTOM LINE: This group has a more concrete schedule and are quickly becoming autonomous. They value saving time through efficiency and are influenced by deals and discounts.


35-44: Stabilized Needs/Desires

• I want to cook more, but I don’t have time due to my fluctuating schedule

• I cater to my kids. They are a big part of my life and my schedule

• I use the internet constantly and for everything, including traditional TV • I prefer to order pizza in a group to avoid a surplus of leftovers that may not fit in my shared fridge • Going out to eat is an event and it is time consuming. I enjoy ordering in, where I can still socialize with friends, but am comfortable in my own home

In Terms of Online Ordering

• I want to relax and not work when I am not at work. After a busy day, the last thing I want to do is more work or tackle something complicated • Time is precious to me, as I am usually busy • I am established. I am comfortable in my routine and my near future is predictable

In Terms of Online Ordering • I just do what is most reliable and fastest

• I like efficiency and not talking to people while ordering

• I want to know that my order will be delivered to the right place at the right time

• I am incentivized by coupons and deals

• I often stick to a routine: Tuesday’s pizza night!

• I will share a promo code with my friends to get them to download something if it gives me a discount too

• I already know what types of foods and restaurants I like

• Females my age post more details about their lives and are more likely to follow celebrities and inspirational accounts

• I expect quick food delivery. I am not willing to wait a long time • I value having reliability of order location and delivery time

Pizza Hut Implications

Pizza Hut Implications

• Create user friendly, fast experience that appeals to a busy, changing schedule

• Have a tracker with limited number of alerts

• Allow for easy group ordering • Allow for connectivity to social media

• Have reminders that it’s pizza night or a special coupon with their favorites • Incorporate images of families to remind them that being together is better

BOTTOM LINE: The Socialized are constantly connected to their chaotic worlds via social media and are very price sensitive. The Stabilized know what they want and like, and will get it; discount or not.





Through primary and secondary research, we were able to identify Pizza Hut’s current customer base. We identified a primary target of 25-34 year-olds because they make up almost a quarter of Pizza Hut’s total customer base and order online about 80% of the time. Additionally, they show the highest propensity to increase their online ordering habits and they spend the most: an average of $18 when they order Position Pizza Hut as the in or eat out. (Comparatively, 18-24 year-olds spend $13, while 35-44 year-olds spend $16.)



top choice for customers in the category





Provide the greatest digital ordering experience in the category



Current online ordering %

Pizza Hut’s Current Online Consumers


Based on our research, we created the table below. It details Pizza Hut’s breakdown of their current online orders (43%) into corresponding age segments. Reach target goal of 75% for all orders done online & mobile by the end of 2015

Expected Pizza Hut online orders by end of campaign This table shows our projected increased percentage of overall online orders that will be reached by the end of the campaign timeline. These numbers were calculated using the following equation: (% of PH online orders) x (BDI) (likelihood to order online)

Each reported percentage was calculated by crossing each segment’s likelihood to order food online with their current percentage in Pizza Hut’s customer base.

expected growth of online orders 15.7% SOCIALIZED Mobilized


Stabilized 45+

12.5% 15.7%











12.7% 43%

We are proposing an overall increase of online orders by 19.6%, from 43% to 62.7%, within the 6-month campaign timeline. While we realize this does not meet the goal of increasing online ordering to 75%, we believe that reaching 62.7% is a realistic and achievable level that is supported by precise research and calculations. However, through test markets, we hope to be able to increase this 62.7% even more and provide us with valuable information should this campaign continue. If it were to continue, we may then be able to achieve Pizza Hut’s initial goal of increasing online orders to 75%.

BOTTOM LINE: Our research and projected ROI suggest that we will secure our leveland reach 62.7% in digital orders of Pizza Hut’s total orders.

Pizza Hut’s digital sub-campaign, “Better Together”, is about efficient control on a unique platform: the Internet. We chose to stay within the newly introduced, “Flavor of Now” campaign. Introducing another new campaign mere months after the biggest re-branding the brand has faced in 50 years may confuse consumers or worse, alienate them.

Our targets sometimes order online, but when they don’t, it is because Googling a phone number out of habit is often easier, and allows them to hold a human accountable for their order. To overcome these barriers, we must focus on our targets’ values and make online ordering the best possible option.

Our target will respond to a unique user experience that is efficient and controllable. Pizza Hut will succeed in increasing online ordering habits by enhancing the app and site. This gives consumers exactly what they want, in the way they want, in as little time as possible. Our target can be further incentivized through promotional activities. The target groups value coupons and discounts and are willing to change their behavior in order to receive a benefit. We plan to use coupons, deals, and partnerships, coupled with a tailored IMC strategy, that will reach our audience in the best way, at the best time. Finally, our research showed that one way to build brand love and loyalty was through philanthropic endeavors. We propose partnering with Habitat for Humanity to appeal to this consumer need in a relevant way with our brand.

The overall goal is to give America’s classic Pizza Hut a new niche in the market to fit their new menu and aesthetic style. Pizza Hut is viewed in the minds of consumers as an older, sit-down style restaurant. Its competitors have clear brand images and roles in the market. Pizza Hut needs to reinvent itself to become the king of the category dubbed “America’s favorite food”.

INCREASE Increase current customers’ digital orders by revitalizing the digital ordering experience, making it the penultimate ordering option

entice Entice new customers to Pizza Hut by promoting their new menu and style with our comprehensive “Better Together” campaign

encourage Encourage new customers to order online to get the best possible Pizza Hut experience, through an efficient and controllable user experience

BOTTOM LINE: We need to create the best digital ordering experience to meet the needs of our targets in order to support Pizza Hut’s new “Flavor of Now” Campaign.

campaign strategy

To increase online ordering, we created a digitally focused strategy for a growing digital population...

Communication Goals:


IMC media strategy



• Reach the primary target audience, as well as the secondary targets through an increased online and social presence • Enhance Pizza Hut’s digital ordering experience by engaging consumers through a redesigned website and mobile app • Continue to build awareness of Pizza Hut’s new menu options • Make ordering online the preferred ordering method amongst the target • Construct a feasible budget based on previous and projected spending • Supplement working media with strategically selected partnerships and promotions

strategy: • Establish a continuous online presence through the use of social media, video, keyword search, display ads, and online magazines • Reinforce online presence with a flighting television plan, utilizing primetime cable, network late-night, and national syndication • Further motivate behavioral changes through an array of partnerships and incentivized-based promotions • Implement a spot test market with local primetime cable and network late-night venues during the national campaign timeframe

Although this is a national campaign, there will be an additional focus on four selected test markets. The goal in choosing these is to determine the optimum level of online purchasing. These four markets are similar in size and all have a strong Pizza Hut presence. However, there is also potential for significant growth due in part to the large concentration of the target within each city. In order to reach these individuals in these specific markets, television spending will be doubled and spending for digital will be increased. Additionally, out-of-home ads will be placed within these cities.

BOTTOM LINE: A multifaceted, continuous online approach will be utilized to reach the target audience. This will be supplemented with a flighting television plan.

TOGETHER [tuh-geth-er]

adverb: (1) in or into contact (as connection, collision, or union): “mix these ingredients together”(2) into or in one gathering, company, place, or body: “to call the people together.”

Although highly focused on personal development, these “Mobilized” individuals recognize the importance of maintaining relationships and creating timeless bonds. The digital age we live in offers a balance between the two worlds. It provides a community where they cannot only share their own experiences, but feel included in others’ fun too. The knowledge they gain online translates to efficiency and control offline. Their technology is along with them for the ride, making every day easier. Most importantly, it gives them more time to relax and enjoy the moments together with the ones that mean the most. The term together - a state of comfort, of contentment, of completion - reaches our “Mobilized” consumers directly. Finding the people and the things that make them feel stable and secure is their key to happiness. It doesn’t matter where you are, it’s who you’re with; and no matter where you are, Pizza Hut will always be there -- in your pocket, on your desk, or at your dinner table. Whether “Socialized”, “Mobilized” or “Stabilized”, this campaign will ensure our primary and secondary targets that, as these uncertain times approach, Pizza Hut will be the glue - or the cheese - that holds them all together, making their experiences and time together even better. It’s the smell of the pizza in air. It’s the cheese hanging from the bottom of your chin. It’s the sound of some extra change in your pocket. It’s the laughter of your friends from across the table. It’s the warmth of the ones you love. And it’s always “Better Together”.

BOTTOM LINE: The Mobilized target is experiencing a stage of uncertainty in their lives and want to feel a sense of community, consistency and control; both on- and offline.

creative strategy

The “Mobilized” target segmentation of 25-34 year-olds is at a very new, and quickly evolving stage in their lives. They are transitioning. They are thinking. They are in control of their future. As they continue down life’s uncertain path, they appreciate the importance of efficiency in their everyday lives. This dynamic group values their time and a good value above all else. They want to continue moving forward innovatively.


The “Better Together” landing page is a new branch of Pizza Hut’s current website that connects the online community as a whole. This portion of the website will create an online platform that allows users to have an interactive experience with the brand as well as enhanced community and togetherness with one another. Location services via zip code will show users events and activities they can attend or participate in together. The display will be centered around Pizza Hut’s partnerships and philanthropies and provide users with the opportunity to share their experiences via social media: Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

The Polaroid section will focus on increasing social media sharing. Once the user redeems a digital version of their Polaroid photo, there will be an option to decorate and share the picture on social media.


A user-specific code will be printed on each Polaroid that users will receive from photo booths.


Enter zip code


together KET TIC T TICKE

The Habitat for Humanity section will display images of local projects specific to that user’s location and provide information on how to get involved in their local community.

The final section displayed on the “Better Together” page features the Hulu promotion. This portion of the page displays popular movie options for users to watch together. It will also include promotions for online ordering and discounts on suggested Hulu movies. Customers can choose one of the movies listed on Pizza Hut’s page. Once they place an online order, they will receive a promotional code for Hulu.

This interactive and conclusive branch of the Pizza Hut website will act as a central hub of the campaign, combining several different aspects in one place. “Better Together” shows users exactly how connecting with Pizza Hut can make their experiences better together.

The enhanced Pizza Hut app will allow consumers to personally connect with the brand at their fingertips. The app will give our mobile-savvy consumers a chance to clearly see everything Pizza Hut has to offer; ranging from the brand new “The Flavor of Now” menu to the “Better Together” options. This interactive and socially apt tool will engage consumers on a digital level and incentivize them to remain loyal to the brand.


BETTER TOGETHER! The split payment option will allow group orders to be split between friends, no account required. To make this process smooth and seamless in a group setting, users will be able to simply take a photo of their credit card rather than manually entering their information.


2 The homepage offers customers the chance to create their order before entering any other information (i.e. delivery destination). It gives the option of ordering from “The Flavor of Now” menu, creating a customized pizza, choosing from a list of pre-saved favorites, or choosing an order that is “Better Together.”


mobile app

The app will extend the pizza tracking feature beyond just fresh out of the oven. Going one step further, the consumer will also be able to follow their order from the restaurant to their door. The app features a helpful GPS Tracker on the delivery driver. Users will be able to customize the app to specify notification preferences, including push notifcations or SMS texts.

The “Better Together” menu offers pairing suggestions consistent with the campaign. Current promotions, partnerships and menu pairing suggestions will be featured. By selecting the Hulu partnership, users will receive a movie redemption code upon checkout. If users wish to donate to Habitat for Humanity, they will have the option to donate a pre-set amount or customize their donation.


The “Better Together” TV spot will highlight some of the various ways that Pizza Hut intends to make our consumers’ lives better with not only the new flavors, but also new promotions, and enhanced app efficiency. The spot will focus on the images of togetherness within a family pizza dinner, the strong bonds of friendship enhanced by pizza and a movie night, and the excitement derived from the app’s quick ordering. The light-hearted animation approach is something that has not been done before that allows for consumers to picture themselves in each scenario. In addition, the accompaniment of Jack Johnson’s song “Better Together” gives the bubbly, feel-good vibe the spot requires.

:30 Spot “Better Together”

SFX: “Better Together” by Jack

SFX: “Better Together”

SFX: “Better Together”

SFX: “Better Together”

Flavor of Now pizzas float down from top of screen. One pizza breaks off screen right.

Shot of a family eating their same old, mundane meal. A sparkling Pizza Hut pizza enters screen left and begins to circle the family.

Pizza Hut transforms the meal into a delicious variety of pizza and the family is happy and brought together.

Shot of friends being upset that they don’t have a movie they all want to watch. The magical pizza enters screen left and begins to circle the friends.

Johnson is playing the instrumental lead in.

VO: (lead in to next shot)


“You would think that endless pizza options couldn’t get any better...”


continues to play faded in the background.

VO: “BUT for us, it’s better with...”

continues to play faded in the background.

VO: “the warmth of a meal that makes everyone smile...”

continues to play faded in the background.

SFX: “Better Together” continues to play faded in the background. TV screen is encompassed by the sparkling transformation and the hulu logo appears.

VO: “the laughter during a movie night...”

VO: (pause) “or...”



SFX: “Better Together” continues

SFX: “Better Together” continues

SFX: “Better Together” continues

to play faded in the background.

to play faded in the background.

to play faded in the background.

Pizza Hut transforms the friends frustrating night into a pizza and a movie night full of smiles and laughter.

A disgruntled man struggles with placing a phone order that is taking far too long. The sparkling pizza enters screen left and begins to circle the man.

Pizza Hut transforms the phone call into an efficient app order and the man is excited and intrigued.

VO: “or the ease of

time with the people you love.”

VO: “with your best friends...”


VO: “that allows for more

SFX: “Better Together”

chorus begins to play to hear “It’s always better when we’re together...” Shot of the app order; man presses ‘Send to Oven’.Camera pans into the app after click.

VO: “In reality...with YOU...”

SFX: “Better Together”chorus

plays. Spot ends on “I’ll tell you one thing, we’re better together...” (instrumental lead out) With the effect of being ‘inside of the app’ the “Better Together” screen comes up. It will show logo and social media links.

VO: “Pizza Hut is sure to be better together.”


old fashioned meatbrawl Monday

Deal of the Day! ay uT esd

sday e n d

order online


and you’ll receive a


day urs

personal pan pizza

y ida



ay turd

Flavor of Now because two is always

Better than one


ay und

To directly connect with our target audience, digital ads will be implemented through online and mobile platforms. These ads will feature our three partnerships by engaging consumers with various quizzes prompting them to visit our “Better Together” landing page. This interactive method of advertising will help consumers personally connect with the Pizza Hut brand.

top shot The ads will open with a simple question directed at the consumer. Upon answering this question, there will be a series of follow-ups to help the consumer discover ways to better connect with those around them.

bottom shot After the completion of the three-question quiz, there will be a recommendation for which Pizza Hut partnership would best suit the consumer. This page will offer the opportunity to visit the Pizza Hut “Better Together” page and find out more information.

Discover what brings you



A traditional print ad that would appear in test markets would be a piece that highlights a promotion such as “Deal of the Day”. This ad is efficient in that consumers will be able to remove the ad from their magazine and save it as a reference for all future orders.


Looks like you should Get Involved WITH

Would you like to help others?


NO better


Click here to check out our Better Together page and find out how to get involved in your community!


sweet Sriracha Saturday Buffalo State of mind Sunday


for that day of the weeks’ hot and Twisted Thursday

7 alarm fire friday

each day of the week,

or with the app Cock-A-Doodle Tuesday

Garden Party Peak of the week



Togetherness is not just physical, it’s DIGITAL.


By incorporating Better Together throughout the social media platforms of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, our campaign is providing social-savvy consumers the opportunity to integrate themselves into an online community.


The use of social media in this campaign encourages users to instantaneously share their experiences and promote current partnerships and promotions by using the hashtag #BetterTogether. These social media platforms will focus on incorporating togetherness in users’ everyday lives. Whether the users are attending an event together, watching a movie, or participating with a charity, Pizza Hut’s social media campaign will capture the essence of being “Better Together”.

BOTTOM LINE: Pizza Hut aims to stimulate discussion about their brand through the online community using the hashtag #BetterTogether.

digital banners

Banner advertisements will be placed on websites such as Comedy Central, Buzzfeed, ESPN, Imgur and Yelp in order to increase click-through rates, bring more traffic to the Pizza Hut website, and ultimately increase online ordering. The banners will appear in the form of a digital takeover, displaying multiple ads per page to gain maximum exposure to both the primary and secondary targets. These advertisements will equally address campaign promotions, as well as “The Flavor of Now� campaign to further incentivize consumers to order online.


outdoor Ambient This non-traditional advertisement will place scaled-down red roofs on top of originally roofless bus, subway and train stops. Placing shelters atop of these structures will not only physically put a roof over peoples’ heads, but will also communicate Pizza Hut’s newfound partnership with Habitat for Humanity. This ambient advertisement will be implemented in the spot markets chosen in our media strategy.

out of home

Beneath each roof will be posters describing Pizza Hut’s partnership with Habitat for Humanity. The advertisements will display the headline, “Our Roof Is Your Roof” in order to present the sense of togetherness and community created by the union of these two organizations. The posters are not only there to show the new partnership, but also to drive people online to find out how they can get involved in their communities.


OUR ROOF IS YOUR ROOF, let’s build it together

in-store table decal Placemats promoting Pizza Hut’s partnership with Hulu will be distributed to locations nationwide. Four placemats will be placed on each table or booth. Each placemat will have pictures featuring select items from the Flavor of Now menu and will encourage customers to download the Pizza Hut app or seek more information online. Placemats will explain how to receive a free movie download by entering the provided code when ordering through the Pizza Hut app or online. The ultimate goal of this point-of-purchase offer is to encourage customers who are already loyal in-store customers to become loyal online users.

“the image of now”

“our roof is your roof”

Nothing feels as good as giving back! Pizza Hut is getting involved with Habitat for Humanity and providing transportation and meals for participating volunteers. Pizza Hut will sponsor 14 trips throughout a 6-month period in select locations, where help is most greatly needed. This will include low income areas and locations recovering from natural disasters.

This promotion will reinforce the “Flavor of Now” with the “Image of Now” through the instantaneous nature of Polaroid pictures. Polaroid photos provide immediate gratification and capture life’s everyday moments. The goal is to generate a positive social media response by encouraging consumers to share digital versions of Polaroid pictures with the hashtag #SayCheese or #BetterTogether. Polaroid photo booth stands will be placed at major events, including, but not limited to: sponsored Habitat for Humanity trips, sporting events and concerts. Participants can enter an email address to access a digital version of their photo.

BOTTOM LINE: Relevant partnerships and philanthropic involvement build brand credibility, admiration, loyalty and lead to increased consumer engagement.


Major trips will be sponsored in July, August, September, November, and December. By sponsoring these trips, Pizza Hut is able to get involved in a cause that directly relates to the slogan, “Better Together”.


Deal of the day

o nd a


Old - Fashioned Meatbrawl

• Spice up your Mondays! “Buffalo State of Mind” Mondays



! riday re F

7-Alarm Fire


Get a taste of all of the new flavors by experiencing Pizza Hut’s “Deal of the Day”. Each day of the week will feature a specific flavor. With every online order, customers will also receive that day’s featured “Flavor of Now” personal pizza.

personal pan pizza Free with any digital order order now

7 - Alarm

Part of spending time together can mean trying new things, but sometimes it’s hard spending money while venturing outside of one’s comfort zone. So, this one’s on us!

Mea t br



personal pan pizza Free with any digital order order now

• Keep going! “Garden Party” Peak of the Week Wednesdays better


• Let’s get this party started! “7-Alarm Fire” Fridays



five for five Two is always better than one! Pizza Hut acknowledges this by rewarding customers’ camraderie with Pizza Hut credit. This promotion is app-specific and will not only drive people to download, but also to make purchases. When customers download the Pizza Hut app they will receive a unique code. When the code is shared with a friend, both customers will receive a $5.00 credit. “Share your promo code EMBURKE3067 with friends and they’ll get $5.00 toward their first order on the Pizza Hut app. Once they use this discount.”

BOTTOM LINE: By using relevant promotions, Pizza Hut will change consumer buying habits to increase online purchases.

TIMED EMAIL COUPON Gotta keep people on their toes! This coupon will only be redeemable for a limited time, so act fast! Timed coupons will be sent on the first Friday of every month to all customer email accounts. This will act as a way to keep customers coming back throughout the year. The coupon code is redeemable for $4.00 off any large Pizza Hut pie. A deal like this is only available for online ordering.

Enjoy $5 off your next Online or app order

04 16 44 43 DAYS HRS MINS SECS g this g o od las ts tha t long No thin ...

Order online NOW

Other offers may include: • Free personal pizza



• Discounted add-on items • Free extra toppings

Free hulu Movie Code when you order online or through the app.



Some things are just better together order



What’s better than pizza or a movie? Pizza and a movie together! Pizza Hut‘s Hulu promotion is sure to make your movie nights more enjoyable and better together. When customers place their first order online with the new campaign, they will receive a free Hulu movie code. In addition, they will be given the option to add on a Hulu movie at a discounted rate with all future orders. Go to, type in your code and redeem a movie! Because really, what is movie night without pizza? Some things are just “Better Together”!






BUY: Cable Primetime, Network Late Night, National Syndication COST: $29,800,000 STRATEGY: Flight RATIONALE: According to Nielsen data, adults within the primary target range spend an average of 27.6 hours watching television per week. For the secondary targets, the younger group watches 22.45 hours per week, and the older group watches 33.67 hours. Although the times viewers are tuning in may vary, they are more concentrated and focused on the evening hours.


media mix

BUY: Cable Primetime, Network Late Night COST: $2,600,000 STRATEGY: Flight RATIONALE: In four select markets, additional television spots will be employed on a test basis at


the start of the campaign. Should these markets display an increase in online ordering, additional spot spending can be explored during the second half the campaign

online display


COST: $7,600,000 STRATEGY: Continuous RATIONALE: Business Insider reports that our primary target has made a switch from traditional print sources of newspapers and magazines to digital editions. Although these magazines are still being read, they are becoming more popular on digital interfaces such as a tablet. According to Folio Magazine, one-quarter of adults prefer to read magazines on their tablets instead of the printed versions; a number that will grow in the coming years. Display ads can increase reach and frequency in a much more cost-effective manner than traditional advertising, especially when it comes to the primary target.

ONLINE VIDEO (:15), (:30) COST: $20,500,000 STRATEGY: Continuous RATIONALE: Wired Magazine has stated that online television viewing is at an all time high and will

continue to grow. Every year, more people are cutting their cable bills altogether and watching television shows on websites, such as Hulu. Even most of those that still pay for cable prefer to watch television online.

KEYWORD SEARCH BUY: Google Ad Words COST: $1,000,000 STRATEGY: Flight RATIONALE: According to Luna Metrics, Google currently holds 67.6% of the search engine market,

making properly placed advertisements much more visible to our target with carefully chosen keywords.

BUY: Promoted content on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram COST: $2,900,000 STRATEGY: Continuous RATIONALE: Social media is one of the easiest ways to reach a large number of our primary target.

According to Small Business with the Houston Chronicle, one third of Twitter users are between 25-34 years-old, which is by far the largest demographic represented. reports that our primary target makes up 29.7% of users, making it the most common age demographic. For Instagram usage, Business Insider reports 90% of total users are under the age of 35.

media mix









campaign schedule



ESPN Buzzfeed Comedy Central Imgur Reddit SOCIAL MEDIA Facebook Instagram Twitter KEYWORD SEARCH Google Ad Words CABLE BROADCAST Primetime NETWORK BROADCAST Late Night Syndication PROMOTIONS Deal of the Day Self-Destructing Coupons Five for Five PARTNERSHIPS Hulu Habitat for Humanity Polaroid

Based on Impressions:





MEDIA SPEND breakdown 37%

television Television



promotions/partnerships Promotions/Partnerships



contingency Contingency

digital Digital


88.1 million



4.2 million

644,400,000 1,290,000,000

online Video online Display Keyword Search social media

30% 40% 20% 10%

The overall combined media delivery of television and digital achieves a monthly reach of 91.5%, with an average monthly frequency of 11.8.

total combined television online



91.5% 77.1%

11.8 7.0




Despite having similar budget allocation percentages, digital and nontraditional advertising deliver nearly double the impressions gained from television.

# of impressions


budget Allocation

1% of the overall budget allocation will go towards creative production costs.

media TV Total Digital total




Surveys will be conducted at the start of the campaign to gauge customers’ top of mind awareness of Pizza Hut’s new menu options. Follow up surveys will be administered at the halfway point of the campaign, as well as at its conclusion.


Advertising effectiveness will be measured through a variety of means, including but not limited to: • Efficiency of Ad Word Search • Social Media and Brand Website Traffic • Mobile App Reviews • Brand Engagement Reach and frequency numbers will be assessed throughout the campaign to ensure the media spend is reaching its full potential.

return on investment The ultimate goal of this campaign is to increase Pizza Hut’s online ordering percentage.



Based on future sales projections, this increase will ultimately generate a return on investment ratio of somewhere between 2:1 and 4:1. This range was determined by analyzing projected sales increases on a per-store basis as well as on a per-customer basis.

test market spend While this is a national campaign, it will also incorporate a limited, increased media spend in select cities. This will allow Pizza Hut to determine the effect that additional spending will have on the targets’ online ordering habits and ROI. Should this test-run prove successful, it will provide a potential supplemental option for Pizza Hut to consider moving forward to optimize online ordering and ultimately close the gap toward the 75% goal.

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“It’s not always easy and sometimes life can be deceiving; I’ll tell you one thing,

it’s always better when we’re together”


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