El Programador Pragmático

Page 96

string "java.awt". Write down the name of each file containing a match.

Clearly the list could go on. The shell commands may be obscure or terse, but they are powerful and concise. And, because shell commands can be combined into script files (or command files under Windows systems), you can build sequences of commands to automate things you do often. Tip 21 Use the Power of Command Shells

Gain familiarity with the shell, and you'll find your productivity soaring. Need to create a list of all the unique package names explicitly imported by your Java code? The following stores it in a file called "list."

grep '^import ' *.java | sed -e's/.*import

*//' -e's/;.*$//' |

sort -u >list

If you haven't spent much time exploring the capabilities of the command shell on the systems you use, this might appear daunting. However, invest some energy in becoming familiar with your shell and things will soon start falling into place. Play around with your command shell, and you'll be surprised at how much more productive it makes you.

Shell Utilities and Windows Systems Although the command shells provided with Windows systems are improving gradually, Windows command-line utilities are still inferior to their Unix counterparts. However, all is not lost. Cygnus Solutions has a package called Cygwin [URL 31]. As well as providing a Unix compatibility layer for Windows, Cygwin comes with a collection of more than 120 Unix utilities, including such favorites as 1s, grep, and find. The utilities and libraries may be downloaded and used for free, but be sure to read their license.[3] The Cygwin distribution comes with the Bash shell. [3]

The GNU General Public License [URL 57] is a kind of legal virus that Open Source developers use to protect their

(and your) rights. You should spend some time reading it. In essence, it says that you can use and modify GPL'd software, but if you distribute any modifications they must be licensed according to the GPL (and marked as such), and you must

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