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BY: Eddie Mensah

On a regular day King has the same routine: Eat, Sleep, School, Tv, Eat, and Video Games. “Man I love watching the Food Network. All this stuff looks so tasty,” King says.

“I’m so thirsty; some soda would go great with this popcorn. I think I’m going to head to the store to grab some soda.” King then heads out to grab some soda from the store around the corner. This is the only exercise he will get all day.

On his walk to the store King bumps into some teen boys. “Hey guys, Excuse me.” King says to the two teens. “Hey where you headed fat boy?” says Shirtless Tim. “Hey man my name is King; I’m going to the store to get some soda.” King replies. “SODA!!! Ha Ha Ha you hear that Dave he wants soda.” Dave and Shirtless Tim then both laugh hysterically.

“Go home burga boy, it looks like you’ve been drinking gallons of soda since birth,” Tim says. “HA HA HA good one Tim, yea go home fat boy beat it. “



Humiliated and upset King decides to head back home to proceed with his daily routine playing video games for hours.


Suddenly King hears a knock at his front door. “I wonder who’s at the door? Maybe mom ordered pizza”

King then pauses his game to answer the mysterious knock at the door.


While answering the door king notices an unusual car drive off. “Hey, who is that and why is he leaving?”


Studies have shown that there are more overweight boys than overweight girls. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 15.8% of girls, were obese and 18.4% boys are obese.

GIRLS 15.8%


Due to the fast food culture, about 60% of Americans are overweight or obese. Obesity can increase the risk of coronary heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, cancer, gall bladder disease, respiratory problems, and other illnesses.

18.4% BOYS


Children spend a big portion of their lives watching television. Television viewing causes obesity by one or more of three mechanisms: (1) Displacement of physical activity.


Parents should plan daily meal and snack times. Make a wide variety of healthful foods available based on the Food Guide Pyramid for Young Children. Also determine what food is offered and when.

(2) Increased calorie consumption while watching or caused by the effects of advertising.



(3) Reduced resting metabolism.



30% 35% 15% 20%



PAGE 1 Tortilla

Jar of Peanut Butter Jar of Jelly 1Banana Spread Peanut butter and jelly onto flat tortilla bread, peel then place 1 banana onto bread then begin to roll. Enjoy !!


10 jumping jacksÂ

10 jumping jacks 10 lunges 5knee stairs lifts 1 min 10 squats High knees 1 min 10 bicycles

10 push ups

1015push ups frog jumps 1515frog jumps crunches hold 1 min 15plank crunches 1 min plank hold


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