The Marian Library Newsletter February 1960

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Volume XV - Number 3


F ebruory, 1960

Classifying Marian Bn:,ks Frequently during the past year, the Mari&.t Library has received requests for a classification scheme for books relative to our Lady. This issue of the Newsletter is thus devoted to a revision of a schedule published by the former Marian Librarian, Brother Stanley Mathews, s. M. If your library has added many volumes on Mary, the following scheme, a simplified version of the clasr-lification used in the Marian Library at the University of Da \ton, may be of help.

Adopting such a plan will doubtless ent:: il a certain amount of recataloguing and reclassification, but the important point is that in this Age of Mary, the Marian section of a library should continue to grow; the longer the job of reclassification is put off, the more involved it will be. Unless some revisic n is carried out, the Marian collection becomes less and less f, :nctional as it grows.路 The scheme can be used in detail only by I braries with sizeable Marian collections, but is adaptable to smaller ones. Libraries may not wish to use some of the suggestions (e.g., .38--Biographies of devotees of Mary--because such a plan breaks up their biography collection); however, adaptations can easily be made as needed. The most effective way to install this cla:;sification program is to choose one free number in your present system, preferably the number nearest to the number for Christ which is available or can be made available with the least trouble. The decimals indicated (continued on page 4)

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