Daytonian 1937

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Editor........................... .......................................................................... ELM ER WI LL

Business Manager ...... ................ DICK HOLLEN KAMP


Engravings By ..... ............. PONTIAC ENGRAVING CO .

Photography By ..... CORNWELL STUDIO

Printing By .................................................... LAGONDA -SPRI NGFI ELD CO






THE Dayton Boosters- to that small group which has done so much for the advancement of the University of Dayton within the past three years- the Class of 193 7 wishes to dedicate this publication, hoping that thereby a modicum of the debt we owe these enterprising men might thus be paid.


Realizing that the University of Dayton is a civic institution- an integral part of the community- the Dayton Boosters have untiringly worked to make all citizens of Dayton mindful of their Univer-

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si ty of Dayton. Their achievements since their organization are striking evidence of their success.

These men, many of whom have no ties binding them to the University other than that of civic interest and the memory of their own college days, willingly devote hours, months, to the fulfillment of plans that will make for a greater University of Dayton. Knowledge of a deed well done is their only reward.

Dedication such as this is much like an epitaph - it leaves so much unsaid. But, again like an epitaph, it is a monument to their achievement, perpetuating the spirit that is the driving force in every man's heart A monument to achievement, yes; but it is also a prediction, a promise- a greater University of Dayton for Dayton.


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ELMER WILL. .................... . .......... .Editor

DA VI D KERST I NG ...... . . .. . . . . ..... Associate Editor

DICK HOLLENKAMP ....... . ...... .Business Manager

RAY ARN . .. .... . Pnotography Editor

RAY PAUL . .. . .......... ArtEditor

JAKE BAKER .... Sports Editor

BILL REGAN ......................... . ... Technician






























Pa ge

A game progresses at Alumni Hall Cheerleader Dick Hempelman leads a rally Kaye Herold, Mary Graziano , and Jill Smith look pretty for the Homecoming crowd now who's ears are burning Walters, Gott, and Wick in an unusual pos e-with books.

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Symbolic of the spmt underlying the Un iversity of Dayton , these architectural features , reminiscent of old world culture, stand out on the campus as constant reminders of the purpose for which we are University of Dayton men and women.

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The vista of new things ahead beckons to every student- fires him with resolve. The assurance of a peaceful and serene Alma Mater ever ready to aid him in the attainment of that resolve lends confidence. That is college lifethe threshold to an adventurous new world.

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Where, for nine months of the year, four years of their life, students play and study and live and learn true comradeship

In restful peace and quiet, Dayton men and women come to give vent to their cares and fears; they pause to pay homage to their God.

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A haven for serious and semi-serious seekers after wisdom, the College of Women, and trysting couples who combine a little business with pleasure.

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The dramatic group broadcasts a little skit . as Miss Ryan takes your number . . . a technical discussion between Lieut. Wright and Gene Santaella deadline in ten minutes ... but the students at the bulletin board are too engrossed to notice

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Rev. Walter C. Tredtin, S. M.

For five years Father Tredtin has been pres ident of the University of Dayton. In this short time he has literally lifted the University of Dayton by its "boot straps" to its former place of prominence. With his customary vigor he is planning a "greater University of Dayton." Knowing Father Tredtin for the man that he is , only one conclusion to his plan can be seenSuccess!

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In the past the University of Dayton has performed a magnificent service. Without ostentation, without powerful influence , without state subsidy , it has steadily developed as a progressive American university.

Today the Administration , supported by the Board of Trustees, under the effective leadership of Mr. John Q Sherman , is promoting a spirited university movement purposing to offer academic opportunities far surpassing even those of former years.

If our University can get a public hearing, can demonstrate its value , and can follow its vision , it will inevitably push on to higher achievements , become the educational focus in our community , and be in reality , not merely in aspiration , a "greater University of Dayton . "

Rev. George Renneker, S. M.

Since 1924 Father Renneker has fulfilled the offices of Vice-President, Registrar, Dean of Men. His guiding hand has taken charge of many an untried "freshie" and taught him the "ropes" in the new and strange college world. Father Renneker has endeared himself to the student body with his dry humor and quiet philosophy.

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BRO. GEORGE N. SAUER, S.M , Vice-Chairman

BRO. GEORGE DECK, S.M., Secretary





JOHN Q. SHERMAN, President

MICHAEL J GIBBONS, '99, Secretary

HUGH E. WALL, '84, Treasurer

Ex-Officio Members

VERY REV. JOSEPH A. TETZLAFF, S.M ., Provincial of the Society of Mary, Dayton, Ohio

REV WALTER C. TREDTIN, S.M., President of the University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio

BRO. WILLIAM A. DAPPER, S M., Treasurer of the University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio

Alumni Members and Members-at-Large

HARRY C. ANDERTON, '09, Dayton, Ohio

EDWIN C. BECKER, '11, Cincinnati, Ohio

HARRY C. BUSCH, '96, Cincinnati, Ohio

JAMES M. COX, Jr , Dayton, Ohio



HARRY F. FINKE, '02, Dayton , Ohio

SAMUEL L. FINN, Dayton, Ohio

MICHAEL J. GIBBONS, '99, Dayton, Ohio


CARROLL A. HOCHWALT, '20, Dayton, Ohio

MARTIN C KUNTZ, '12, Dayton, Ohio

OSCAR C. MILLER, '92, Chicago, Ill.

JOSEPH F. ODELL, Dayton, Ohio



W. S. ROBINSON, Dayton, Ohio

LOUIS B. ROCK, Dayton, Ohio

JOHN Q SHERMAN, Dayton, Ohio

HUGHE. WALL, '84, Dayton, Ohio





REV. GEORGE J. RENNEKER, S M., Dean of Men, Registrar

REV. JOHN L. OTT, S.M., Dean of Arts and Sciences

FRANCIS J. MOLZ, S.M., Assistant Dean, Head of Department of Science

HERMAN J. BRENDEL, S.M., Assistant Dean, Head of Department of Business

BERNARD T. SCHAD, S.M., Dean of Engineering

SISTER MARIE ST. ELEANOR, S.N.D., Dean of College of Women

WILLIAM A. DAPPER, S.M., Treasurer

CHARLES LEONARD, S.M., Purchasing Agent

Rev. Tredtin Bro. Brendel Rev. Renneker Bro. Drufner
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Bro. Dapper Mrs. Ehlen Bro. Leonard Mr. Fecher Rev. Ott Rev. Friedel Bro. Molz Bro. Grandy


REV. WALTER C. TREDTIN S.M. , M.A Pre s ident.

REV. GEORGE J . RENNEKER, S M ., M A Dean of Men , Regi s trar.

REV JOHN J. RAUSCHER, S.M. , M .A., Director, Mount St. John Normal School.

RICHARD H B . ADAMS. B.M .E. , C.P.A Instructor , Accounting.

CHARLES ARNS, S.M., B.S .. Associate Professor, Accountin g, Advertising, Business En glish

HARRY BAUJAN. B.S. , Head Coach

WILLIAM A BECK , S.M., B Sc. , Ph.D ., Professor , Biolo gy.

WILLIAM J BELLMER, S M. , B Sc ., M .A ., Professor , Mathematic s.

CHARLES J BELZ S.M., M Ci E ., Associate Professor, Civil En gineerin g.

ANTHONY BISHOP , S.M ., B Sc ., M.Sc ., Instructor, Mathematics , Physics.

JOHN BLACK. S.M., M A Assistant Professor, General H islory , I nlernational Relation s.

HERMAN J. BRENDEL. S.M ., B.S in Educ ., B.S. in Com ., M.A ., Professor, Assistant Dean, Head of the Department of Business, Economics, Public Finance

J. J. CHAMBERLAIN, Jr., B Sc., M.S E., Assistant Professor , Civil Engineering.

LAWRENCE DRUFNER , S.M Assistant Prefect of Alumni Hall

REV CHARLES EICHNER. S M., B.A. , Professor, German

ESTHER HOEBNER EHLEN, G.G ., Director of Physical and Health Education, College of Women

CONSTANTINE J. FECHER. B.A Ph D. , Assistant Professor , Mathematics of Accountancy , Statistics

SISTER FRANCOIS DU S S. , S.N.D ., M.A ., Assistant Professor, Education

REV. FRANCIS J FRIEDEL, S.M M .A. , S.T.D Associate Professor, Philosophy , Sociology

G RICHARD GOTTSCHALK. B A., JD ., Instructor , Credit Management.

MICHAEL B. GRANDY. S.M .. M.Sc ., Ph.D ., Professor , Physics

JEROME GIBSON, M.A .. Instructor, Psychology , Religion.

MATTHIAS E HAAS. S . M.. M . Sc. , Ph D .• Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering, Physical Chemistry

PETER HILL, S M ., M.Sc ., Assistant Professor , General and Qualitative Chemistry.

ADAM HOFMAN, S M .• B.Sc ., Professor , Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering , Mechanical Engineering


MAJOR EDGAR H. KELTNER. U. S Army, B.S Assistant Professor, Military Science and Tactics

EDWARD KNUST, S.M M Sc., Professor, Engineering Drawing, Mathematics.

GEORGE F KOHLES . S.M ., M .A .. Assistant Professor , Journalism

PAUL W KOLLER. B.Sc .. Ph.D .. Professor, Geology, Mineralogy , Scientific German.

ARNOLD KLUG , S.M .. Prefect of Zeh/er Hall

REV . FRANCIS LANGHIRT , S.M M.A. , Assistant Professor, Latin.

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Bro.Schad Mr. Gibson Bro. Arn Bro Haas Bro. Beck Bro . Hill Bro . Bellmer Bro. Hoffman Bro. Belz Bro. Klug Bro. Black Bro . Knust

REV EDWIN LEIMKUHLER , S.M., B.A. , Professor, Head of the Department of Religion

FRANK M . LUDEWIG, B.S. in Educ. , M.A . , Assistant Professor, Education.

SISTER MARGARET ALOYSIUS , S.N D., M.A. , Professor , French, Latin.

SISTER MARIE ST. ELEANOR, S.N D. , M.A. , Professor, Dean of the Co llege for Women , English , History

SISTER MARIE FIDELIS, S .N.D., M.A ., Assistant Professor, English

REV. BERNARD J. MIESLER, S.M., M.A. , Assistant Professor, History and Geography

RALPH MILLER, S.M., B.S , Instructor , Physics

FRANCIS J MOLZ , S. M., M Sc. , Ph.D., Professor , Assistant Dean , Head of Department of Science , Comparative Anatomy , Embryology, Prefect of Alumni Hall.

SERGEANT CHARLES E. MONOHAN , U.S. Army, Instructor , Military Scienc i and Tactics.

JOSEPH MUENCH , S.M., B.Sc., M .Sc . , M.A. , Assistant Registrar.

EDMUND B. O'LEARY, B S. , M.A ., Professor, Banking, Financ e, Marketing

REV. JOHN L. OTT, S .M., M.A Litt.D ., Professor , Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, History and Government.

FRED PAFF, S.M ., Prefect of St. Joseph Hall.

ROBERT PAYNE , B.S., Ch . E. , Instructor, Insurance.

JOHN R. PERZ , S .M. , B.A. , M.A. , Ph.D., Professor , German , Spanish.

THOMAS L. POITRAS, S M. , M.A., B Music , Associate Professor, French, German

THOMAS J . PRICE , S.M ., M .A . , Associate Professor, English.

ULRICH J. RAPPEL , S M., B.A., M.Sc. , Ph.D , Professor, Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering, Electrical Engineering.

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Bro. Kohles Bro Rappel Mr Koller Mr. Reichard Rev. Langhirt Bro. Rose Rev. Leimkuhler Bro Saletal
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Mr . Ludewig Bro . Seyfried Lt Wrigh t Rev. Miesler Maj. Strain Sgt. M onohan

Bro Miller Maj. Keltner Sgt. South a ll

MAURICE REICHARD , B.A ., Piano , Instrumental Music

LOUIS H. ROSE , S.M., M.S c., Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering , Mathematics.

FRANK J. RUHLMAN , S M , B.A. , Librarian.

JOHN SCHUETZ, S.M ., B Sc. , Ph.D ., Professor , Education

LOUIS SALETEL, S M. , Ph.D. , Assistant Professor , H islory, Bacteriology.

BERNARD T. SCHAD, S.M., M.Sc , M.S E., Sc D ., Professor , Dean of the College of Engineering, Head of the Department of Civil Engineering, Civil Engineering

ADAM P. SEYFRIED, S M ., M Sc., Ph.D., Associate Professor , Botany, Zoology

BARTH J. SNYDER, B.A. , J.D ., Instructor, Accounting, Business Law.

SERGEANT JAMES R. SOUTHALL , U.S. Army, Instructor , Military Science and Tactics

REV STEPHEN STEPHENSON, B.A , Assistant Professor, Lalin , Greek

MAJOR JAMES F STRAIN, U. S. Army, Professor , Head of the Department of Military Science and Tactics.

REV. JOSEPH V TRUNK, S.M., M.A. , S.T.D ., Professor , Philosophy.

LOUIS TSCHUDI , B.S. , in Educ. , Assistant Coach.

ANTHONY WALDECK , S.M ., M Sc , Assistant Professor , Mathematics.

HUGH WALL, Sr , C.P.A , LLD , Lecturer in Accounting

ANDREW R. WEBER, S.M. , M S. in M E., Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering

WILLIAM 0. WEHRLE, S M. , M A., Ph.D ., Professor, English , Public Speaking, Debating.

WILLIAM J WOHLLEBEN, S.M , M Sc. , Ph D ., Professor, Head of the Department of Chemical Engineering , Chemical Engineering

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Mr O'Leary Mr. Snyder Bro. Paff Rev. Trunk Bro Perz Bro Weber Bro. Poitras Bro. Wehrle
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Bro. Price Bro. Wohlleben

ASCHOOL'S character is determined to a great extent by the nature of its classes; not only as they are divided into the four distinct college years, but as the term also means a lecture session within the walls of the classroom. The spirit of a university truly springs from its classes, for they form the foundation of the endeavor of all the students

At Dayton we find no immensely large classes. The greatest number of students attending a lecture has never been over seventyfive. The average number is about twenty. This makes for a better contact between the lecturer and the students, and is a great aid to academic progress In the laboratory and science classes personal attention of the professor is a distinctive feature.

The traditional distinctions between Freshman , Sophomore, Junior and Senior classes are well known. They arise from progressing orientation, pursuit of fundamentals, application of the various scholastic, athletic and social instruments, and the development of qualities of leadership in different fields .




INTHE autumn of 1933 the smallest group of first-year men in the recent history of the University of Dayton enrolled as Freshmena hundred strong Since that time the Class of 1937 has spent four years deriving the fullest intellectual, spiritual, and social benefits which can be had from a university training.

At the very beginning, for our special benefit the sophomores conducted a week of campus tours and talks, culminating in their elaborate Freshman Class Day, which was a complete success and included an old-fashioned mass hazing (which we survived) and our own wellperformed entertainment to the strains of" The Sophs Are Jolly Good Fellows" between the halves of the evening football game.

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Literary, forensic, and athletic ability of no uncertain type was discovered among the Freshman class of 1933-34, and it was soon expressed in the pages of the Exponent and the U. of D. News, the Debating Society, on the gridiron, basketball floor, and tennis court.

We presented a grand Freshman Welcome Smoker at the start of our sophomore year with all the fanfare, entertainment, excitement and carnival spirit which the traditional event always had. During this year we were well represented on the gridiron, and about the middle of December many Sophs could be seen with their new football "D's" proudly displayed on red sweaters. A sophomore added to the honor of his class by being elected to represent the school on the debating schedule. Many sophomores rose to new heights in journalism as they edited and wrote for the Exponent , the new Daytonian, the Dayton Civic Report. The golf and tennis teams of 193 S were composed almost entirely of Sophomores.

The outstanding campus event of the junior year was our own Junior Prom, which attained an unprecedented success due to Charlie Dameron and his orchestra, gorgeous hostesses, unique favors and beautiful decorations. Our class picnic in May presented an afternoon of hilarious entertainment for all loyal Juniorsdue in no small part to good ol' Hollenkamp's famous brew. Juniors were active members and officers of Alpha Sigma Tau Honorary Society, Sigma Delta Pi and Upsilon Delta Sigma. Finally, a Junior led the golf team to the Ohio State championship.

In 1936-37 we published the Daytonian, supported to the last man the Greater U. of D. for Dayton Program, and the June Jamboree. Many seniors cavorted on the stage for the Monogram Minstrel. The honor of the class was augmented by nine Seniors who received the coveted key of Alpha Sigma Tau. With the Senior Farewell Dance came the end of our student days at the University.


Intramural Sports: Basketball, ' 34 , ' 35; Baseball , '3 4 , ' 3 5 ; U D News Staff, '34; Conduct Award ; Sodality , ' 34, '35 , ' 36 , ' 37 ; Glee Club , '34, ' 35 , ' 36 ; Band, ' 3 4, ' 35, '36 ; Orchestra , '33 , ' 34 ; Homecoming Activities Chairman, '36

James G. Ayres Liberal Arts

Football, '34, '35 ; Basketball, '35, '36 ; Intramural Sports: Basketba ll , '34 , ' 37 ; Baseball, ' 34, '35 , '36 , ' 3 7; Class Officer, President , ' 34 , '35, '36 , '37 ; U. D News Staff, '34 , '35 , '37 ; Daytonian Staff , ' 36 , '37 ; Municipal Activities Bureau, ' 37; Student Council, '35, Secretary , '36; President, '37; Sodality, '34, '35 , '36 , '37; Minstrel Show , '37 ; Advanced Military; Freshman Welcome Committee Chairman , '34; Inter-class Dance Committee , ' 35, ' 36; Senior Announcement Committee Chairman ; Oratorical Contest, '37; Junior Prom Commi t tee Chairm a n ; Senior Farewell Committee.

Baseball , '35 , '37; Tennis , '35, '36, '37; Intramural Sports : Baseball, '34, ' 35, ' 36, '37; Tennis, '34, '35, '36 , '37 ; Bowling, '37; Municipal Activities Bureau, '35 , '36, '37 ; Honor Student, ' 34 , ' 35 ; Pershing Rifles, '34 , ' 35; Pershing Rifles Drill Meet, ' 34, '35; Senior Farewell Committee.

Intramural Bas ketball , ' 34; Minstrel Show , '3 6; Senior

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Thomas A. Aspell, Jr Business Leonard U. Baker Business Catherine Boesch Science Edward Brennan Bu s iness Farewell Committee; G'.ee Club, ' 36.

Robert J. Connelly

Busines s

Tennis, '35, '37; Intra mural Sports : Basketball, '3 4 , '35, '36, '37; Baseba ll , '36, '37; Tennis, '34, '35, '36, '3 7 ; Class Treasurer, '35; U. D News Staff, '34; Municipal Activities Bureau, '34, '35, '36, '37; Student Council.,'35; Catholic Action Club, '3 6; Advan ce d Military.

Mechanical Engineering Rifle Team, '34, '35; Mechanical Engineering Society, '37.

Civil Engineering

Intramural Sports: Basketball, '34; Municip a l Activities Bureau, '35, '36, '37; Honor Student, '34, '35, '3 6 , '37; Alpha Sigma Tau Honor Society, '36 , '37; American Society of Civil Engineers, '35, '36. '3 7; Advanced Military; Pershing Rifles , '34, '35; Pershing Rifles Drill Meet, '34, '35; Junior Prom Committee.

Exponent contributor, '37; Honor Student, '34, '35, '36, '37; Alpha Sigma Tau Honor Society, '37; Chemical Engineering Seminar, President, '37; Honor Ke y.

Civil Engineering

Intramural Basketball, '34; Municipal Activities Bureau, '37; American Society of Civil Engineers, '35, '36, '37; Pershing Rifles, '34, '35; Pershing Rifles Drill Meet, '34, '35; Junior Prom Committee.

John W. Cunningham Joseph F. Fletcher Foster M. Fryman Science Robert H. Gates
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William C. Goers


Fcotball, '34, '35, '36; Boxing Finalist, City Heavyweight Championship, '35; Monogram Club, '35, '36 , Vice-President, '37; Intramural Sports : Basketball, '34, '3 5, Champs, '36, '37; Baseball, '3 4, '35 , '36 , '37; Conduct Award; Mathematics Club, '35; Sodality, '34, '35, '36, '37; Minstrel Show, '37; Band , '3 4, '35; Orchestra, '34; Advanced Mili t ary; Junior Prom Committee; Radio Club, '37.

Richard Gress


Class Secretary, '37; Honor Student, '34, '35, '36, '37; Alpha Sigma Tau Honor Society, '36, '37; Honor Key.

Herbert E. Greuter

Mechanical Engineering

Minstrel Show, '3 6; Band, '36, '37; Orchestra, '34, '35, '36, '37; Advanced Military; Pershing Rifles, '34, '35, '36; Pershing Rif-les Drill Meet, '34, '35, '3 6; Mi1itary Ball Committee, '34, '35. '36, '37; Junior Prom Committee; Engineers Society, '3 7

Class Officer: Secretary, '35, Vice-President, '36; U. D. News Staff, '34; Daytonian Staff, '3 6; Honor Student, '34, '35; Upsilon Delta Sigma Debating Society, '34, '35, President, '36, '37; Junior Prom Committee; Senior Farewell Committee; Oratorical Contest, first award, '35 , '36, '37; Eastern Debate Trip, '35; Southern Debate Trip, '36, '37; Michigan Medical School.

Dick Hollenkamp

Chemical Engineering

Golf Manager, '34, '35, '36, '37; Class Vice-President, '34, '35; Daytonian Staff , '35, '36, Business Manager, '37; U. D News, '37; Honor Student, '3 4, '35, '37; Chemical Engineering Seminar, '36, '3 7; Mathematic 3 Club , '34, '35; Scdality , '34, '35, '36, '37; Advanced Military; Freshman Welcome Committee, '35; Junior Prom Committee; Senior Farewell Committee; Municipal Activities Bureau, '37

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Marion S. Hay Pre-Medics

William Jolley


Sigma Delta Pi Pre-Medical Society , '36, Vice-President, '37.

Donald J. Kelley


Baseball, '36, '3 7; Intramural Baseball , '34, '35 , '36 , '37; Glee Club, '34, '35, ' 36; Minstrel Show, '36.

David Kersting


Tennis, '35, '37; Intramural Sports : Basketball, '35; Baseball, '37; Tennis, ' 34, ' 35, '36, '3 7; Bowling, '37; U. D. News Staff, '34, '35, Columnist, '36, News Editor, '37; Exponent Staff, '37; Daytonian Staff, '35 , '36, Associate Editor, ' 37; Honor Student, '34, '35, '3 6, '37; Alpha Sigma Tau Honor Society, '36, '37; Upsilo:i. Delta Sigma Debating Society, '34, '36; Sigma Delta Pi Pre-Medical Society, '36, Secretary, '37; Student Council, '35; Sodality, '34, '35, '36, '37; Dramatics, '37; Minstrel Show, '37; Freshman Welcome Committee, '35; Interclass Dance Committee, '35; Junior Prom Committee; Senior Farewell Committee; Honor Key; Harvard Medical School.

Robert W. Kronauge


Baseball , '35; Golf, '35; Intramural Sports: Basketball, '33 , '3 4, '35, '36; Baseball, '33, '34 , '35, '36; Municipal Activities Bureau, '35.

Michael Lahood


Exponent Staff, '37; Daytonian Staff, '37; Municipal Activities Bureau, '35; Sigma Delta Pi Pre-Medical Society, '36, ' 37; Glee Club, '34, '35, '36, '37; Mixed Chorus, '36; Dramatics , '36; Minstrel Show, '34, '35.

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Theodore N. Lause


Rifle Team. '34; Municipal Activities Bureau, '34, '3 5; Honor Student , '34, '35; Junior Prom Committee.

Robert W. Lipp

Chemical Engineering

Intramural Sports: Basketball, '35; Baseball, '34, '37; U. D. News Staff, '34; Daytonian Staff, '37; Honor Student, '34, '35, '36, '37; Chemical Engineering Seminar Secretary '36, Vice-President, '37; Mathematics Club, '35; Advanced Military; Pershing Rifles, '34, 35; Junior Prom Committee; Mrs Albert Emmanuel Award, Excellence in Chemical Engineering, '36; Honor Key; Municipal Activities Bureau, '37

Joseph F. Martin


Golf, '35, '36; Intramural Sports: Basketball, '34, '3 5 , '36, '37; Baseball , '35, '36, '3 7; U. D . News Staff , '35; Honor Student, '35; Mathematics Club, '35; Sodality, '34, '35, '36, '37.


Football, '34, '35, '36, '37; Rifle Team, '34, '35, '36, '37; Monogram Club, '35, '36, '37; Intramural Basketball, '3 4, '35; Advanced Military; Pershing Rifles, '3 4, '35, Lt. '36; Rifle Team, '34, '35; Pershing Rifles Drill Meet, '34, '3 5; Military Ball Committee, '36; Freshman Welcome Committee, '34; Junior Prom Committee; Senior Farewell Committee

Francis Joe Miller

Eleclrical Engineering

Football Manager , '37; Monogram Club, '37; Intramural Sports: Basketball, '34, '37; Baseball , '34, '35, '36, '37; Tennis, '3 6, '3 7; Bowling, '34, '3 5; Illuminating Engineers Society, '36; Sodality , ' 34, '35, '36, '37; Philatelic Society, '34, '35, ' 36 , '37.

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Charles Dale Miller

Civil Engineering

Municipal Activities Bureau, '36, '37; Conduct Award, '36, '37; American Society of Civil Engineers, '35, '36, President, '37; Sodality, '36, '37; Glee Club, '36, '37; Mixed Chorus, '37; Choir, '36, '37; Minstrel Show, '36.


Rifle Team, Highest Freshman Average, '3 4, Second Place Medal, Hearst Trophy Medal, Fifth Ccrps Area Medal, '35; Intramural Baseball. '34, '35; Pershing Rifles, '34, '35; Pershing Rifles Drill Meet, '34, '35; Pershing Rifles Rifle Team, '34, '35.

Civil Engineering

Basketball, '37; Honor Student, '36, '37; Upsilon Delta Sigma Debating Society, '36, '37; American Society of Civil Engineers, '35, '36, '37; Pershing Rifles Drill Meet, '34, '35, '36; Military Ball Committee , '35, '36; Junior Prom Committee; Senior Farewell Committee . Advanced Military.


Intramural Sports: Football, '35, '36, '37; Basketball, '34, '35, '36, '37; Baseball, '34, '35, '36, '37; Conduct Award. '34, '35, '36, '37; Sodality, '35, '36, '37; Glee Club, '34, '35, '36, Secretary-Treasurer, '37; Mixed Chorus, '36, '37; Choir, '34, '37; Dramatics, '36, '37; Minstrel Show, '35, '36, '37

Civil Engineering

Municipal Activities Bureau, '36, '37; Honor Student, '34, '36, '37; Alpha Sigma Tau Honor Society, '36, '37; American Society of Civil Engineers, '34, '36, '37; Band, '33, '36; Orchestra, '33, '36; Pershing Rifles, '34; Award for Excellence in Civil Engineering, '36.

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Owen W. Regan

Meehanical Engineering

Class Secretary , '36, Treasurer, '37; Dayton ia n Staff , '3 7; Honor Student, '3 4 ; Conduct Award; Sodality, '3 4, '35, '36, '37; Glee Club , '34, ' 35, '36, President , '37; Mixed Chorus, '3 7; Choir, '34; Minstrel Show , '35, '36, '37; Advanced Military; Pershing Rifles, '34 , '35; Pershing Rifles Drill Meet , '34, '35; Military Ball Committee, '36 , '3 7; Junior Prom Committee ; Senior Farewell Committee; Senior Announcement Committee; Mechanical Engineering Society, '37.

Fred W. Schulenberg

Electrical Engineering

Intramural Bas ketball, '34; Cheerleader , '34, '35; Daytonian Staff, '3 7 ; Municipal Activities Bureau , '35; Honor Student, '34, '35 , '3 6 , '37; Alpha Sigma Tau Honor Society, '36 , '3 7; Illuminating Engineers Society, '36 , President, '3 7; Mathematics Club , '36; Sodality , '34, '3 5 , '36, '3 7; Radio Club, '37; Minstrel Show , '3 5; Advanced Military; Pershing Rifles , '34, '35 , Lt. '36, Capt. '3 7; Pershing Rifles Drill Meet, '34, '35, '36, '3 7; Military Ball Committee, ' 36, Chairman, '3 7; Military Awards , '34, '3 5, '36; Honor Key; Horvath-Stegert E. E. Award, '36.

James L . Schwendemann

Chemical Engineering

Municipal Activities Bureau, '37; Honor Student, '34, '35, '36, '37; Alpha Sigma Tau Honor Society , '36, '37; Conduct Award; Chemical Engineering Seminar , '36, '3 7; Sodality, '34, '35, '36, '37; Pershing Rifles , '34, '3 5; Pershing Rifles Drill Meet , '34, '35.

John Scott Liberal Arts

Football , '34, '35, ' 36, '37; Baseball, '36, '37; Monogram Club, '37; Intramural Sports: Basketball , '34 , ' 35, '36, '3 7; Baseball, '34, '35, '36, '37; Honor Student, '3 4, '35, '36, '37; Alpha Sigma Tau Honor Society, '36, '37; Honor Kev.

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Georgia Crampton Selby Science


Pre -Medics

Football, '34, '35, '36, '37; Monogram Club, '35, '36, president, '37; Intramural Sports: Basketball, '34, '35, '36, '37; Baseball, '34, '35, '3 6, '37; Tennis, '37; Sigma Delta Pi Pre-medical Society, '36, '3 7 ; Sodality, '34, '35, '36, '37; Minstrel Show, '37; Junior Prom Committee; Senior Farewell Committee; Western Reserve Medical School.


Pre -Medics

Alpha Sigma Tau Honor Society, '36; Sigma Delta Pi Pre-medical Society, '36, '3 7 ; Cincinnati Medical School.

Chemical Engineering

U. D . News Staff , '36; Conduct Award, '37; Chemical Engineering Seminar, '36, '37; Sodality, '3 4 , '35, '3 6 , '37; Minstrel Show, '35, '3 6 , '37; Advanced Military ; Junior Prom Committee; Senior Farewell Committee.

Chemical Engineering

Coif, '3 5, Captain, '3 6 , '37; Intramural Basketball '34, '3 5, '3 7; Municipal Activities Bureau , '35, '3 7, Co-editor, '36; Honor Student, '3 4 , '3 5, '36, '3 7; Alpha Sigma Tau Honor Society , '36, '37; Student Council, '35, '3 6 , '3 7 ; Chemical Engineering Seminar, '36, '3 7 ; Freshman Welcome Committee , '35; Inter-class Dance Committee, '35; Junior Prom Committee; Senior Farewell Committee; Honor Key.

William Smythe Jack S. Stanton Electrical Engineering Illuminating Engineers Society, '36, '37; Mathematics Club, '35; Radio Club President, '37. V. Stinson Paul A. Varley James R. Wall
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Charles A. Walter Business

Golf, '34, '37; Intramural Sports: Football, '37; Basketball, '33, '34, '36, '37; Baseball, '33, '34, '36, '37; Tennis, '33, '34, '36, '37; Conduct Award; Sodality, '33, '34, '36, '37; Senior Farewell Committee.

Clarence A. Westendorf Science

Exponent Staff, '37; Daytonian Staff, '37; Honor Student, '34, Mathematics Club, '35; Sodality, '34. '35, '36, '37; Philatelic Society, '36, '37; Glee Club, '36, '37; Minstrel Show, '36, '37; Freshman Welcome Committee, '34; Junior Prom Committee; Senior Farewell Committee.

Elmer J. Will

Liberal Arts

Intramural Sports: Basketball, '34; Baseball, '34, '35, '36, '37; U. D. News Staff, '34, '35, Sports Editor, '36; Exponent Staff, '34, Associate Editor, '37; Daytonian Staff, Sports Editcr, '35, '36, Editor, '37; Municipal Activities Bureau, '35, '36; Alpha Sigma Tau Honor Society, Treasurer, '36, President, '37; Sodality, '35; G 1ee Club, '34, '35, Secretary, '36, Vice-president, '3 7; Mixed Chorus, '37; Minstrel Show, '35, '36, '37; Advanced Military; Military Awards, '34, '35, '36; Pershing Rifles Drill Meet, '34, '35; Military Ball Committee, '35, '36, '37; Junior Prom Committee; Senior Farewell Committee; Rev. Denis Halpin Award in History; Honor Key. ·

Paul Barton

Science (In Absentia)

Football Manager, '33, '34, '35; Intramural Sports: Basketball, '34; Baseball, '34; Junior Prom Committee; St. Louis Medical School.

John A. Reiling Science ( In Absentia)

Intramural Sports: Basketball, '34, '35, '36; Baseball, '34, '35; U. D. News Staff, '34; Municipal Activities Bureau, '34, '35; Advanced Military, '36; Junior Prom Committee; Northwestern University School of Dentistry.

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Additional Graduates

Clayton Esslinger


Justin Haberer

Science (in Absentia)

Audrey James


Howard Eugene McKnight

Science (In Absentia)

Intramural Basketball, '34, '35, '36; Honor Student, '3 4, '35; Sigma Delta Pi Pre-medical Society , '35; Freshman Welcoming Committee, '35; Junior Prom Committee; Cincinnati Medical Schcol.

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On the ball, there! ... Strike, Kelley, strike! . Shufflin' off to Marshall as the coeds cheer them on Paul Wick smashes a forehand ... it's supposed to be a band a Ii ttle spring practice on the side the rally over, Father Friedel walks away that lighter pastime, basketball.

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Septembers ago, the largest Freshman Class in many years matriculated at the U. of D Several months were spent in becoming acquainted with college, and the Frosh underwent an initiation program among austere looks from the profs.

Basketball saw a freshman squad fin ish second in the intramural tournament. Baseball season and final exams made up the last chapter of the freshman year.

Chest out and with that sophisticated air , the sophomore class returned. At the expense of

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JOSEPH DELL. _ _. . _ _
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poor greenies they amused themselves with initiations. Just to be sociable the class staged a Freshman Welcome Dance which was judged a grand success.

Semester exams greeted the class as it returned from the Yuletide festivities, but by this time they could take it. Basketball season found several able sophs on the team with the Penthouse Pansies ending second in the intramural league. On the diamond, Ed Gutzwiller and Tscherne performed well at catch and second, respectively, while Charlie Benbow cavorted in center field. Joe Zotkiewicz topped the field in winning the Ohio State Golf Championship, and he was aided by two other Sophs, Genung and Puterbaugh, in placing Dayton first in Ohio State Collegiate golfdom.

During the Junior year a great Junior Prom was presented with the soft airs of Charles Stenross and his Cleveland Band. Ed Gutzwiller made the All-Buckeye first team to bring greater honors to the Juniors. Basketball saw the New York Yankees cop the intramural championship. Baseball and tennis had their representatives among the Juniors, and the year was ended with a never-to-be-forgotten Junior Picnic.

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Wick , Sachs, Quatman , McLaughlin

Werner , Gott , Banker

Borchers, Hillenbrand , Shannon

Early , O ' Connor , Tscheme , Zotkiewicz


J Unverferth , Schneble , Brucken , Lotz , McCrate , Benbow

Duell , R. Unverferth, Wagner, Heckman, Petkewicz, Jacobs , Cotterman

Wei s , Darbier , Williamitis , Steffan , Smith , Walling, Gerwels, Armstrong

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Senseman , Wawroski , P fis ter

Ca Jacobs, V a tterott , Paul , Kahn

Thomas , Cohen , P s aki , Farruggio , Rubin


Bucher, Hempelman , Dell , Wirtz , Suttmiller, Mayerson , Achor

Wolf , Gutzwiller , Scheu , Genung, S a ntaella , Kamtchy

M a standrea , Kir s ch , Tetzlaff , Reis , Boemer , Kuenle, McClusky

Junior Class Personalities

DAN HOBBS , class prexy and versatile writer and debater. - Joe Zotkiewitz , state golf champ and ambassador from Poland. - Marty Hillenbrand, a modern student of the world with a generous dash of Aristotle and Demosthenes. - Paul Wick, the dapper Pittsburgher. - Bill Petkewicz, quarterback par excelle nce. - Angelo Farruggio , the roly-poly premed from Alumni Hall . - Bill O ' Connor , a stentorian Winchell. - Pesky Werner , a fine footballer and a great guy. - Roy Boemer , the perfect "Uncle Tom. " - Major Gott , epitome of the modern Joe College. - Dutch Tscherne , watch -charm guard and avid arts studentChuck Wagner , dynamic leader of men. - Vic Williamitis, che mist supreme. - Stan Wawroski , a future Guy Lombardo . - Dick Hemp e lmen , dashing cheerleader

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THESeptember of 1935 brought a large group of Freshmen to the university. With the immediate adaptation to college life and education , the ·class looked forward to four years of accomplishment with the true U. D. spirit. Shortly after the opening of the semester the class received a warm social welcome by the Sophomore Class in the form of a " Welcome Dance" held at the Miami hotel. Not forgetting the religious necessities of life, the Class heart i ly accepted and appreciated the annual retreat. With the election of officers the class resolved to do its part in all activities and earnestly to

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prepare for a career. In the line of athletics the class participated strongly, and in the classroom the sincere work was considered above average by the professors.

Returning almost in full strength, the Sophomore Class of 1936-3 7 started a different method of Freshman initiation. "Field Day" was observed by the new students under the direction of the Sophomores, and a spirit of good will in the demonstrations prevailed in both classes.

Following the initiation came the Sophomore welcome to the Freshmen at the Welcome Dance at the Miami Hotel.

In sports the class was one of the most outstanding in the history of the institution. The varsity football and basketball squads were selected mainly from the sophomore class with few exceptions

In musical organizations the class had a large representation; in campus publications, members of the class received positions on the staff; in debating, two members made one of the three major trips of the season; in the ping-pong tournament, a sophomore student won first place ; and on the honor roll the class was well accounted for.

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Michael, French , Vatterott , Carr , Niehaus

Stoecklein , Sheeran, Zarka

Mauborgne , Gebhart , Beringer , Martin

Malloy , Manning , Steffan, Giambrone , Zink

Bailey, Myers, White , Bache , Banks, Baujan , Booher


Samuels, Schneble , Nieberlein , Varley , Ferron , Rupert

Fitz, Reilly , Zahn , Laser , Gogolach , Flanagan

Bersuder , Gelofosak, Saunders , Murray , Mullen , Warner , Olejn y ik , Hammang , Pflaum

Myrick , Trost, Schwering , Fitzpatrick , George , Mueller , Moran

Sullivan , Grimes , Reiling , Hollenkamp , Ritter , Warner, Olcott , Biesel , Reyes , Lorenz

• •


Moon, Willoughby , Gray, Koenig, Bindokas, Winter

Young, Simmons , Klosterman, Chun, Rab, Schultz

Birmingham, Lohrey, Brown , T onnous, Prunty, Alter, Jacobs


Funk , May, Rado, Welter , Servaites , Bishop , Voit , Graves

Spatz , Sprauer , Andrasik, Newsock, Kroger, Torpe y, Geng , Flagel , Garcia

M c Connaughey , Coan , Maher , Martin, Kelly , Hartman , Daugherty , Dalton , Doles

Enders , Baker , Unverferth , Buehrle , Rudzienski, Hempelman, Hacker, Allerding , Doonan , Gochoel , Muth

Sophomore Class Personalities UNDER

the leadership of Bob Moran, activ e class president, the Sophs have taken part in all of the school's activities and many of their own Two sophomores , Donald Coan and Gene May, are successful debaters. Soph Jim Martin is a writer of true humor. Elmer Bache , Willard Banks , Santos Garcia, Ralph Niehaus , Paul Wagner , are among the class' most outstanding Soph athletes. Joe Martinez , boxing champion , is a sophomore. Bob Stoecklein and Joe Andras i k represent the class on the U. of D rifle team. Jake Baker is a talented sports commentator and writer. Tom Rab , bright pre - med , is an accomplished pianist. Bernard Hollenkamp , the happy-go-lucky e ngineer, and Ralph Lohrey , another pre-med who stars on th e track team Sophs , one and all! A great class !

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FRANCIS SCHMITT ..... .. .. ... .. President

EARL WILEY ............ . . . . Vice-President

CARL RUH . ... . . . .. ... ... Secretary

ERNEST SHARPE ........ .. •.... . Treasurer


SEPTEMBER, 1936, saw the assembling at U. of D. of an enthusiastic group of young men representing every corner of the globe. Even as we first trod the campus as Freshmen we began to fill our souls with that U. of D. spirit which will grow throughout our four years to aid us as we embark on our many paths after graduation.

We used this impelling force to make our Initiation Week a success, and to support the first Freshman Welcome Dance held at the Miami Hotel. This new social venture inspired us with good will and fellowship toward our new-found friends.

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Our class officers were elected and we could not help but feel more a part of the Alma Mater we were learning to love so dearly. As to actual history, we have but to recall such events as the Intramural Football game, won by a team composed almost entirely of Freshmen. The formation of sodali ties in the various halls was another cause for organization on our part. With the coming of the second semester, we began our greatest period of intensive study. In academic standing our calibre has been well above the average, and we can be justly proud of our showing

The June Jamboree and our work on the Greater University of Dayton program bring us to the end of our first year. We feel that we have done our utmost in every school endeavor , and we are glad to promise our continued coope ration throughout the coming three years.

• •


Mangan, Sproul

Bodner, Kuhn, Clemens

Ablon , Smolka, Keeshan , Gregory

Litkowski , Thomas , Hoel ser , Guz• iewicz


Brennan , Hayes , Fitzharris, Moder , Kramer , Kantzler , Sultenfuss , Hoppa, Mueller , Geyer , Smith , Leonard Strasser , McKale , Shannon , Dickson , Amador , Reyes , Foley , Flynn , Rex , Keressi , Sabo , Purviance _

Fink, Schaarf , F . Harig , Bauman , Fors tho ff , Hernandez, Tanis , Ellison, Burger , Granz , Egger , Podojak , Glossinger

Fletcher , Kroemer, Nicol , Wiley , Schmitt, Shindler, L. Hill , Wilke , Ziegler , Murphy , Eilers , M a rre

Shinners , R Harig, Hettinger, Buehler , McDonough , Thompson , Schreiber , Kaiser , Metzler , Lusch , Wong , Barrett , Leies , W Hill

• •


Potts, Wilhelm, Wilcox, Psaki, Makley, Kahn

Beare, Carroll, Eisenstein, Donnelly, Paul

McNamara, Cooper, Van Arsdale, Millonig, Rush, Kochendorfer, Kathman


Fitsch, Padley, Harrell. Nolan, Glick, Smith, Speigle , Ruh, Mulligan, Stolz , Summers, Carrigan, Lemming, Thomsky, Boeckman , Collins , Reidel . Chmiel

Humm, Winklejohn, Stapenhorst, McClusky, Hasentab, Peqiugnot, Knorr, Midlam, Hoefler, Kennedy, Cullen, Borns, Stang, Rosato

Reeves, Furst, Saurine, Beery, Burkhardt, Beckert, Stulz, Sherman, Burns, Drouhard, Wolf

Freshman Class Personalities

AMONG the Freshmen of 1936-1937 some very striking personalities are found, representative of this most promising group. It is to be regretted that only a few names can be mentioned here.

As president of the class we have Francis Schmitt, the popular leader from New York.Earl Wiley, an engineer, is the best-drilled Freshman. - John Padley , football star, is a veritable speed demon. - Tony Furst. wellknown tackle and corsage salesman. - Don Bootes, class crooner. - Bob Strasser, our smiling cheerleader. - Dick Egger and Art Cullen, promising sports writers and columnists. - Jerry Psaki, our hero of the Pansy Bowl Classic and a future M.D. - Tod Makley and Don Nash, organizers of the day-students' new club. - Stars of the cinder path are Mike Kerezsi and Ted Harroll. - Al Rosato , famous for haircuts.

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EILEEN FIEL. ..... . . . .. . . Vice-President

VIRGINIA LEHMAN ............. Secretary



MARI JANE SPITLER.Counselor Representative


OUR FIRST venture, in the fall of 1935, was an" Open House," whereby the young men of the Freshman Class were entertained for an afternoon. One of the most important affairs of our first year was a card party given by our mothers , the proceeds of which were used to make our social hall in the Albert Emanuel Library a mor e beautiful place in which to spend our leisure hours. The course of our Freshman year was brightened by other pleasant gatherings, several teas , a party for the senior men , a Mothers Day luncheon, and a happy and hilarious camp supper, which came as a grand finale during the month of May.

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Through the repet1t10n of many similar affairs during our Sophomore year we now see emerging a number of very attractive social traditions distinctive to the Women's College. Most important of all these new events arising from our advent on the University of Dayton campus, the first annual Spring Swing was presented on April 3rd of this year. This dance was very successful, and has since become a very popular idea on the campus.

Since coming to the U. of D. we have been represented in all forms of academic endeavor. During our first year we organized the Women's Athletic Association, which today is actively functioning. Now that we have come successfully through our second year we feel that we have gained an experience that has been ours alone in establishing traditions for the future members of the College of Women.

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Fie!. Krebs , Aylstock , Stoecklein Buchanan , Houston, Seigle, Spitler, Young , Welhener Graziano , Sachs, Weckesser, Eck , Lehman


VIRGINIA FINKE . .. President


MARY KELLY Recording Secretary

KA YE HEROLD Corresponding Secretary

CARLA LEVY . .. . . Treasurer

JUNE RICHART .... .. . Publicity Mana ger


AFTER a period of orientation in the fall of 1936 , as the second class of women in the school's history , we embarked upon our pursuit of intellectual, spiritual, and social development From the outset the class demonstrated a true spirit of leadership and cooperation. It soon became apparent that the Freshman Class of 1936-1937 would prove its worth.

The first social function of the year was the Freshman Welcome Dance, a gesture on the part of the Sophomore Class to welcome us to college life. Evidence of literary , scholastic , and athletic talent was our participation and success i n working on the staffs of the Exponent, the U of D. News , in our representation in the Honor Society, and in our intramural athletic activity.

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After the Christmas holidays we returned to the campus to resume our intellectual pursuits. A card party , sponsored by our mothers, was well attended and prov:ed to be a financial success During the spring our attention was occupied with a moving picture of campus life , in which members of our class were given prominent parts. Many also had parts in the Monogram Minstrel. On May 2 we cooperated with the Open House program. Throughout April and May much of our attention was focused on the Greater University of Dayton program and on preparations for the June Jamboree.

As the Freshman Class of the Women ' s College looks forward to three more similarly happy years at the University of Dayton , we promise our continued cooperation with all of the school's und e rtakings


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• • Pa ge 53
Adams , Co ffman , Schweller, Stra in , Lev y Kell y, T i mmer , Trupp , Herold , W a gne r , Bec ker , Finke Hochw a lt, Wurstner , Perr y, Rich a r t, Morg a n

NO line of endeavor can the enthusiasm of the student body be so well expressed as in the field of sport. At Dayton, with either varsity or intramural competition in all sports open to every student, this fact has been better demonstrated this year than ever before.

The fall of the year is given over to football , that king of American collegiate athletics. A new innovation on this campus was an intramural football game which gained much popularity and was humorously dubbed " The Pansy Bowl Classic ." It will probably become an annual event. Through the winter , besides the long varsity basketball schedule , intramural bask e tball, bowling, and table tennis tournaments were held.

Spring saw intramural track and golf make their campus debuts, while varsity baseball , t e nnis, golf , and track t e ams played heavy Buckeye schedules. Intramural baseball and an all-campus tennis tournament closed the athletic program for 1936-193 7.



Athletic Board


of Dayton's Athletic Board has the responsibility of making schedules and maintaining university policies in all athletic endeavors.

The board consists of four faculty members, chosen by the president of the university, and six alumni members, chosen by the Board of Governors of the Alumni association. Heading this committee is Dr. Bernard T. Schad, S.M., who is the faculty representative in the ahtletic department and in the Buckeye Intercollegiate Athletic Association. Other faculty members are: William J. Wohlleben, S.M., Francis J. Molz, S.M., and William A. Dapper, S.M. Alumni members are: Martin Kuntz, Ed. Becker, Jim Hartnett, Jack Brown, Merle Smith, and Dave Margolis, who act in an advisory capacity.

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Athletic Director

HAVING completed his fourteenth year as head coach, Harry Baujan can be proud of the splendid record that he has built up. Throughout the years his teams may have lost in reality but never in morale. It is this fighting sp i rit that brought the Flyers successfully through a tough 1936 football campaign.

Harry has been head football and line coach and baseball mentor, while also acting as athletic director. Under his guidance Dayton has become a power, commanding respect from all universities in its class.

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Harry C. Baujan
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JOE HOLSINGER came to the University of Dayton in the spring of 1935 as head basketball and golf mentor and backfield coach. Before coming to Dayton he served as assistant coach at the University of Florida and at the University of Wisconsin.

During his undergraduate days at Kansas State, Holsinger performed at left half and won all-American recognition. He also won recogni-

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tion as a court star at the Kansas university. His court teams at the U. of D. have been known for their fighting spirit and his golf quartets have won national recognition for their outstanding play.

LOU TSCHUD I, freshman football coach, and director of intramurals, graduated from the U. of D. in 1934. In his senior year he was appointed varsity basketball mentor, being the first college coach to be recruited from undergraduates. His first-year football teams have produced some outstanding varsity performers , and his system of intramurals is one of the most complete in college circles.


BUILDING almost entirely from scratch, Coaches Harry Baujan and Joe Holsinger whipped together , in a little more than a month, a formidable sophomore grid combination that rampaged through nine games, winning four and dropping five. Two of the wins and three of the losses were recorded in Buckeye conference games and netted the Flyers fourth position in the loop.

Besides building a strong unit, the coaches developed some individual stars who received mention throughout the country. Ralph Niehaus garnered a tackle berth on the "Little AllAmerican" team; Paul Wagner occupied an" AllOhio" guard post; Ed Gutzwiller held down an " All-Buckeye" center job , and " Wee Willie"

Banks gained a half-back position on another "All-Buckeye" selection.


Opening one of the toughest seasons that a U. D. team has ever been forced to play , the Flyers traveled to Huntington, W Va. , and absorbed a 14-0 whitewash at the hands of Marshall. Playing brilliant defensive ball , the Flyer line staved off the Herd in the first half, but floundered in the second half and allowed Hunter and Richards to cross the coveted line. Inexperience, more than anything else , defeated the fighting first-year Flyers .


Rated underdogs , the Red and Blu e treked to Delaware to meet the defending co-cham-

Carr Voit Fitz Goers Grimes Wagner , C. Welter

pions, Ohio Wesleyan, in their second start. After a slow first half, which ended in a 7-7 deadlock , the Flyers began puncturing the Bishop goal line almost at will in the third and fourth quarters as they crossed the goal line six times. However, inopportune penalties robbed the courageous Flyers of three scores , so the game ended 21-7.


Chicago DePaul' s Blue Demons invaded the stadium to give the Flyers a football lesson and departed with a 7-0 win. An umprie's costly last period illegal blocking penalty resulted disastrously for the Flyers. DePaul had held the strong University of Illinois to a 9-6 win just

before the Flyer game, so Dayton was comforted somewhat in its defeat


Wigwams and airplanes mixed in Dayton's next encounter, and the moderns proved second best as Miami trimmed Dayton 14-7. Llewellyn scored first and the conversion gave Miami a 7-0 advantage. However, Banks, Zotkiewicz , and Petkewicz combined to tie the score in the third canto

Then with a few minutes remammg in the final stanza , and the ball in the middle of the field , Miami attempted an aerial over the goal line. Two men , an Indian and a Flyer, went up for the ball. Both came down without it , but an

Wagner , P Gutzwiller French Kell y Scott Wirtz George

over-alert official ruled interference and gave Miami the ball on the one-yard line. Dayton's valiant line withstood three thrusts but weakened on fourth down and Miami scored to break the tie and win the game.


Huge Nippert stadium in Cincinnati was gayly decorated, and a large home-coming crowd cheered mightily as the Bearcats and Flyers mixed it up under the kliegs. A slow first quarter was ending when Cincinnati's great pass combination, Haby to Golding , clicked, and Dayton trailed 6-0.

But the second quarter had hardly started before the Flyers tied the score and went ahead by one point. When Fred George, kneeling on

the ground over the double stripes, made a sensational catch of Zotkiewicz's heave . Petkewicz's toe put Dayton one to the good. This lead was increased a short time later when Ray Fitz culminated a 67-yard sustained touchdown march with a scoring plunge.

Coming back in the last half the Flyers continued right where they left off in the first canto. After aerials and thrusts put the oval in scoring territory, Banks passed to French for the third and final Dayton score, and Dayton led 21-7. However, Cincinnati was still good for another score and crossed the goal in the final quarter when their famed pass combination again clicked. All in all it was a great game, a grand victory and a tribute to team and coaches.

Tscherne Garcia Olejynik Vatterott Smythe Bache Niehaus


Undefeated Western Reserve of Cleveland next appeared in the stadium and carried away a 19-7 win, but not before they knew they had been in a ball game. Zeh to Kelker passes filled the air all afternoon and accounted for the Redcat victory, but the Red and Blue displayed some nifty passing themselves, although Werner's catch was the lone score.

The Flyers had the Clevelanders worried in the third period when they snatched a 7-6 lead. However, Reserve came back stronger than ever to annex another touchdown before the third quarter ended, and added a third goal in the final mintues after a Flyer fumble gave them possession of the ball.


Dayton's own homecoming was marred by a 10-6 defeat administered by Ohio U. Close throughout, the game was hardly underway before the rampaging Bobcats crossed Dayton's goal. In less time than it takes to tell, the boys from Athens were hammering away at the Dayton goal again, but satisfied themselves with a field goal this time. Behind, I 0-0, the Hill toppers sent Cletus French squirming through a hole in the lin e after which he dodged and danced his way 67 yards for Dayton's only marker. Petkewicz's miss of the extra point was his first of the campaign. Although they controlled the pigskin during most of the last half, the Flyers could not produce the necessary punch to tally agam.

Werner Zotkiewicz Banks Petkewicz Giambrone Miller Manning


Hapless John Carroll's Blue Streaks put up a stubborn fight before succumbing to the Flyers

6-0 French ' s touchdown run after snagging a pass, being the only score. In this contest the Flyers showed none of the form and Ii ttle of the offense that had carried them through previous tussles. The hard, gruelling season was beginning to take its toll on the Flyers. They had played seven consecutive tough games and this Carroll let-down was not entirely unexpected.


Mother Nature provided a white table for the Flyers' Thanksgiving feast , and how the Flyers

did enjoy themselves! Running up a 40-12 score over the struggling Lutherans from Wittenberg , the Flyers preserved one of Harry Baujan's most cherished records- that of never having one of his teams outscored in a single season

"Wee Willie" Banks scored his first touchdown of the season in this engagement , although he had performed brilliantly in every contest. In fact , he liked the thrill of scoring touchdowns so well that he counted three on sprints of 92 , 90 and 23 yards. Elmer Bache, used only as a spot performer in previous games , was given hi s big chance and provided the fans with a sp ectacular wiggle, squirm and sprint e xhibition that carried away the show.

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First Row, left lo right - Smythe , Garcia , Andrasik, Petkewicz, Tscherne, Brown, F Baujan, Malloy, Booher , Bache Second Row , - Newsock, Rado, Saettel , P. Wagner , C Wagner , Wirtz , Niehaus, Voit , Welter , Olejnyik , Miller, man~ Third Row-Harry Baujan , head coach; Miller , Servaites , Goers , Manning, Carr , Werner , Gutzwi!ler, Benbow, Geo Fourth Row- Giambrone , Trost , Boemer , Rudzienski, Gochoel, Grimes, Mueller , Scott, Zotkiewicz , Banks , Kell y.

Most Valuable Player

The Frederick W. Howell annual trophy for the most valuabl e player was awarded this year to Bill Petkewicz , sterling field gen e ral. Petkewicz , junior engin e er , gained this honor becaus e of h i s excellent blocking a bility and field generalship

1937 Flyers

! , Joseph Holsinger , backfield coach
• Page 65
JOHNNY SMYTHE Honorary Captain


Three U. D. students represented the University in the annual golden gloves boxing tournament Joe Martinez and Barney Doonan, lightweights, and Frank Baujan, welterweight, fought under the Red and Blue banner. However, Martinez was the only winner of the trio. He successfully defended his Dayton crown and made the trip to Chicago, where he was eliminated in the national tournament.

Freshman Football

A squad of thirty freshman footballers coached by Lou T schudi made things tough for the varsity this year. Although playing no interschool games, the first-year men scrimmaged the varsitv several times each week. Some of the outst~ nding freshmen who are expected to break into the lineup next year include McDonough, Padley, Marre, Furst, Knorr and several others

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Tschudi, coach; Glick, Knorr, Hasenstab, McDonough, Furst, Harroll, Carrigan, Donley, Malloy, coach, Scharf, manager; Chmiel, Thomsky, Beery, Marre, Hoelser, Padley, Stapenhorst, Guziewicz, Metzler, manager Shannon, McClusky, Thomas , Smolka, Semmler , Bodner, Collins, Reidel
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DAYTON ' S inexperienced sophomore court team opened its intercollegiate campaign December 18 by dropping a 39-32 decision to the strong Toledo University Rockets. Coach Joe Holsinger used his entire squad in a vain attempt to find a winning combination.

On the following evening the Flyers journe yed to Detroit where the University of Detroit Titans

bowled them over to the tune of 45-24. Although playing on a par with the Michigan outfit in the last period , the Flyers were unable to ov e rcome the 25-6 lead held by the Titans at the half.

On January 5 U. D. opened its second court season in the Buckeye conference by dropping a one-sided game to the Thundering Herd from Marshall College , 51-35. Elmer Bache, Dayton ' s

Coach Holsinger
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Bache , Niehaus, Voit , Newsock, Malloy Hiehle , Walter , Garcia , George Coach Holsinger , Banks, Sullivan , Metzler , Mgr

midget forward, started the league play off right by scoring 15 points.

Next on the slate was another conference tilt with Ohio Wesleyan, Dayton ' s ancient rival. For the first time in history the Flyers were successful in subduing the Bishops and in so doing marked up their first home conference victory In this 41-35 win Bache and lanky Fred George set the pace , scoring 19 and 12 points respectively

A non-conference tilt with Wittenberg turned out to be a last second thriller, with the honors going to the Lutherans , 32-31. Exciting from start to finish , the game was a hard one to drop. Dayton led unitl the final seconds, only to have victory snatched from its grasp when Lew Werner sank a one-handed shot from the side line.

When a last-minute scoring spree led by Fred George fell short by one point the Flyers lost another heart-breaking decision , this time to Miami, 30-29. Miami held on to a slight lead throughout the game.

In their Ohio U. encounter January 19, the Hilltopper quintet continued its losing streak by dropping a league tilt at Athens, 35-27 This victory over Dayton put the Bobcats into the B. A. A. spotlight as conference leaders January 23 at Springfield , U. D. lost another thriller to Wittenberg, 29-26.

Breaking their four-game losing streak at Delaware, the Flyers produced a real scoring punch to down Ohio Wesleyan 50-40. In this , their second conference win of the campaign , Joe Holsinger's ball hawks led throughout the

Welter Sullivan Newsock Banks Bache Niehaus George Garcia Hiehle

game, being in front 28-13 at the half. Johnny McAdams, Wesleyan's scoring ace, scored 18 points to share scoring honors wtih Fred George , who collected a like number.

Western Reserve entertained the Flyers next and had th e ir hospitality trampled upon as the sophomore Flyers trimmed them 45 -39. This win somewhat atoned for the loss that the Redcats inflicted on the Flyers during the football campaign.

However , the Flyers' two-game wmnmg streak was soon stopped as they dropped a 31-25 game at Akron the following evening This defeat gave the Flyers an even break on their two-game road jaunt into northern Ohio.

Again th e Holsingermen fell back into the loss column dropping three league tilts in a row. Ohio U. conquered them by the lopsided score of 44-18. Cincinnati inflicted a stinging 35-32 defeat, and Marshall topped them 48-41 after a hectic game This , the most bitterly fought conference battl e of the season , was the scene of a

thrilling individual scoring race between Bache and Marshall's Yest. Bache netted 24 points, but his efforts were overshadowed by Vest ' s 28 points.

The ,center jump was eliminated in the first half of the Wilmington game as an experiment, but the Flyers proved capable of adapting themselves to this new style and came out on top , 40-39 , after one overtime period.

Absorbing a 45-29 defeat at Cincinnati , the Flyers closed their books with a total of seven wins and twelve losses. Their Buckeye conference " sked " showed three wins and seven losses which netted them fourth place for the year.

Individually , Bache stood out for the Flyers , annexing 233 points during the season. His 130 points in B . A. A. games allowed him to capture second place in the individual scoring race , and his all-around performance won for him the distinction of being named on all-Buckeye teams and on the second all-Ohio team.

Freshman Basketball

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Pa ge 69
Re idel , Carri gan , Kn o rr, Winkle j ohn, Sta penhorst , Thom as Ha sen ta b , Donle y, Guzie wic z , H oel se r , Padle y


April 3- Nick Thomas

4- Nick Thomas

9- Ohio U. at Athens

10- Marshall at Huntington

17- Miami U. here

22 - Ohio Wesleyan here

24- Wittenberg at Springfield

28- Ohio U. here

May I - Marshall here

4- Cincinnati here

7- Miami U. at Oxford

13 - Wittenberg here

20- Cincinnati at Cincinnati

24- Ohio Wesleyan at Delaware

Page 70 • •
• •
Kelly , Banks, Benbow, Krumhansl, Welter, Garcia, Newsock, Bindokas, Wirtz, Torpey. Zink, Bache, Gutzwiller, Tscherne, Niehaus, Booher, Malloy.
• •
6- Western Reserve, Northmoor 16- Toledo, there 17- Western Reserve, there 27- Cincinnati, there 30- Miami, Miami Valley
I- Kentucky, Northmoor 4- Cincinnati, Miami Valley 7- Miami, there 8- Ohio State, Northmoor 20- Toledo, Northmoor
I, 22 - Ohio Intercollegiate Toumament, Northmoor* 24- Ohio Wesleyan, there
Golf April
*Flyers defending champs. Joe Zotkiewicz, State individual champion.
• • • Page 71
Wall Walter Genung Zotkiewicz



the able guidance of Freshman Coach Lou Tschudi, intramural sports witnessed the most successful season since their inauguration in 1926.

The outstanding competitive class event of the year was the track meet held in the U. D. stadium in April.

Basketball and softball proved most popular, leagues being formed in each sport. In basketball two leagues played through regulation schedules and the leading teams in each league engaged in a play-off series

Four bowling leagues were formed with both faculty and students participating. Winning team in each league rolled five games after the regulation schedule was completed to determine the champion.

Pool and table tennis tournaments brought medals to the individual winners, Henry Wong and Leo Monroe.

Intramural golf was organized on the campus for the first time this year. Twenty-six entrants paired off in the 18-hole elimination tournament which was played over Community Country Club course. A 36-hole round decided the winner in the finals.

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April 22- Ohio Wesleyan , here

24- Wittenberg at Springfield

May 7- Miami at Oxford

15- Wittenberg, here

20- Cincinnati at Cincinnati

22- Miami, here

24- Ohio Wesleyan at Delaware

Rifle Team

CONSIDERING the lack of competitive experience, the rifle team completed a successful season, winning 21 of 44 scheduled matches. Lieutenant John Wright and Sergeant Monahan developed a formidable team with a squad composed mostly of freshmen and sophomores. The sharpshooters' schedule included matches with Ohio U., Wyoming, West Virginia, Kansas State , North Dakota , Washington , Alabama, Florida, Kentucky , Maryland, Porto Rico, Idaho, Johns Hopkins , Indiana, Cincinnati, Tennessee, Pittsburgh , and Carnegie Tech.

• • Page 73

WHEN we are with people working toward a common end, when we gather to cooperate in the production of something worthwhile , when we take part in social functionsthen only does true education progress. At a small university this is just as true and as possible as at a very large one.

We all have different talents and propensities. Our aim is to make use of our gifts in the work of our life to their greatest degree, and these four years are therefore set aside to develop and apply them . So that this might be fully realized we make use of what are tritely termed extra-curricular organizations.

The student finds at Dayton many and varied outlets for all his enthusiasm concerning every type of vocation, be it scientific, medical, artistic, commercial, military, forensic, journalistic, political, or social. He finds that there is at least one club or organization which fits his personality and the work which he has chosen



THEstudent publishers of this Daytonian, headed by the seniors, in presenting their Class of 193 7 with a fine souvenir and chronicle of four years spent by them at the University of Dayton, point with pride to the annual's distinctive character and modern tone. Both from a structural and literary standpoint, the 1937 Daytonian is the result of intense and united endeavor to produce a book of truth and of beauty

As a souvenir, the Daytonian is not just another annual filled with pictures and paragraphs. It is a reminder, a memento of the comparatively carefree days spent in preparation for a lifetime's work. For the graduates of 193 7 its value will increase as the years accrue, as college days slip farther into the past, as memories become more evasive.

Dedicated to the devoted work of those who would make our U. of D. a greater university, this book is also a vibrant chronicle of 1937, the year when their unselfish ideal originated - a Greater University of Dayton.

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U. of D. News

AL THOUGH since 1935 the News has ceased to be the true student publication of former years , it has recently progressed along artistic lines as far as pure journalistic form is concerned , and has come to be considered as an "All Catholic" newspaper , and has achieved a " Second Class" honor rating in 193 7.

All these facts are due to the individualism, the feverish work , the avian artistry of Brother Kohles , since his appointment in 1935. He has introduced his "experimental flush , " artistic captions, thumb nail cuts , and other art materials into the new decorative format. By means of his ornate oratory he has constantly held before the eyes of the student journalists the beautiful but touching motto: "No Love Without Labor." To this true pioneer and individualist the News will ever be in debt for its meteoric rise in journalistic make-up

Brother George Kohles was assisted in his work by Martin J. Hillenbrand, the editor-inchief ; Isabelle Eck, James Martin, William O'Connor , and a staff of other students .

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Exponent NI

ULTIFARIOUS views, ideas, and general brainstorms of Dayton student writers presented in the form of fiction, essay, humor, poetry, reviews and criticisms, were found between the covers of Exponent during this last year. Dan Hobbs, in his initial year as editor, gave the student body a dynamic campus magazine in the modern manner

Edi tor Hobbs was ably assisted by Martin Hillenbrand, Jim Martin, Elmer Will, Marijane Spitler, Sue Economides, Kaye Herold, Ambrose Nakao, Dave Kersting, and a large number of other writers who contributed single stories throughout the year .

Prime mover in the Exponent's 193 7 success was Thomas Price, S.M., an ideal faculty adviser, who aided the staff immensely in making the magazine a true student publication. He also brought about a change in printing and cover make-up which gave Exponent a more pleasing appearance.

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Municipal Activities Bureau

ITH Dwight Shannon and Robert Cotterman serving as co-editors, the fifth edition of the City of Dayton's Annual Civic Report appeared in the spring of 193 7. Covering all departmental and personnel activities in the Dayton governme ntal set-up, the 193 7 report contained about sixty pages, and it was ranked as one of the best of its type in the country.

Two student reporters were assigned to each department of the city offices to interview officials and compile data, the results of which were published under some twenty-five headings. An attempt was made to have the report distinctly or i ginal from those of former years. Use of tabular and graphic material made the bare facts more vital. Th i s latter work was handled by a special drafting committee.

Recognizing the responsibility of rendering service to the City of Dayton whenever possible , the University gladly sponsors such a project, which permits students to make personal contacts with political and executive officials. Both the office of the City Manager and the City Commission have expressed their appreciation of the work accomplished .

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Le Petit: Bavard

THIS student French publication made its first appearance on the campus last November, and smce then has been published monthly. Edited by Martin Hillenbrand, with a staff composed of advanced French studentsDoug Graves, Joseph Martin, James Martin, Walter Steffen, Tyrus Winter- "The Little Chatterer" has assumed an established position along with the other University publications. Thomas Poitras, S.M., professor of French, as the faculty adviser, assisted these students through 193 7.

Written entirely in French, each issue contained from six to ten pages. Subjects relating to French culture, society, literature, politics, and general information were presented or discussed. Regular features included the Page Religieuse, discussing French feasts, shrines,and churches; the Amusons-Nous page, bringing readers the latest in French humor; and the editor's monthly article on French politics

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Alpha Sigma Tau

INITS second year, the Alpha Sigma Tau Honor Society arrived at definitive formulation of its constitution in addition to a regular gamut of activity. Functioning primarily to give recognition to the intellectual" elite", the society was organized in the fall of 193 5. Since then it has been under the direction of Rev Francis J. Friedel, S.M.

Admission to Alpha Sigma Tau follows automatically upon the attainment of a 2.5 pointhour average at the end of a semester. All seniors qualified to receive the coveted honor key of Alpha Sigma Tau by virtue of a cumulative 2.5 average for their first seven semesters at U. of D. become "ipso facto" members for their final semester.

Officers elected at the first monthly meeting of the second semester for 193 7 were James Ayres, president; Donald Coan, vice-president; Marijane Spitler , secretary; and Paul Wick , treasure r.

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Sigma Delta Pi

AGROUP of prospective medical students carried the campus pre-medical society through its second year with a vaned program of medical and scientific discussions. Meeting in the Biology Lecture Hall twice a month through 1936 and 1937, Sigma Delta Pi members heard medical students and physicians discuss interestin~ topics related to the medical sciences and the art of healing.

Student speakers chose the themes for their talks from medical history, the program being inaugurated by an outline of ancient and medieval medicine by David Kersting, followed by Ralph Lohrey on Galen, William Jolley on Hippocrates, and Michael Lahood on William Harvey. Walter Reiling, M.D., spoke on student life in medical school; Howard Campbell , M.D., on mental diseases and their classification; E. C. Fishbein, M.D., on the practice of psychiatry; Miss Mildred J effrey on the medical society: and Mrs. Con Fecher on the family

Officers of Sigma Del ta Pi during 19)6-193 7 were Marion Hay, William Jolley, David Kersting, Angelo Farruggio. Dr. Francis Molz , S.M., head of the pre-medical department , was the facu lty adviser.

• • • Page 82 • •

Upsilon Delta Sigma

TRA YEUNG nearly five thousand miles throughout the East and South and Middle West, six members of the campus debating society argued the minimum wage question with the d e bating teams of over thirty colleges and universities during the months of February and March, 1937. In addition to these contests, more than a score of formal arguments were conducted at home during the season.

Martin Hillenbrand and William O'Connor made their second Eastern trip in two years of competitive debating, and again these two juniors made the focal point of th e ir journey New York City. They engaged in twelve contests. Marion Hay and Dan Hobbs met in debate the teams of eleven colleges and universities located in the South , while a third forensic jaunt was a four hundred mile circuit of the State of Ohio made by Donald Coan and Eugene May , which included four intercollegiate debates.

Dr. William 0 Wehrle , S.M. , debating coach , under whose supervision Upsilon Delta Sigma has developed to a great extent, again gave much of his valuable time and help to the debaters

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Student Council

AL THOUGH still in its infancy, Student Council has already proved its important position as a mediator between the student body and the faculty executives The senior class president presides as chairman , while the president of the junior class serves as general secretary. The Student Council gives consideration to all matters submitted to it by the student body, including social functions , scholastic affairs, and miscellaneous problems. It is moderated by R ev. George Renneker , S.M ., who has the power of ratification or veto of Student Council decisions, and by James Connelly , alumni secretary.

Operating for its second year at the University, this student group has enjoyed added prestige and efficiency of function. Composed , as originally designed in 193 5, of the president and one additional representative of each class, the Student Council has used its relatively small number of twelve members to great advantage in disposing of its business with speed and prec1s10n.

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Ch emical Seminar

THESE junior and senior chemistry students met weekly throughout the year to hear members speak on interesting technical subjects related to chemistry. Dr. William Wohlleben, S.M . , head of the Department of Chemistry, supervised the seminar.

The advantages of these discussions are many. The speaker benefits from lecturing experience and open discussions; he learns the art of demonstration and the use of lantern slides; library facilities are actively used; and inspection trips are made to vario 1s industrial plants.

This year Dick Hollenkamp spoke on lubricating oils; Foster Fryman talked on chemical nomenclature; Robert Lipp gave an excellently demonstrated lecture on emulsions; James Schwendemann explained water analysis; and Paul Varley spoke on corrosion. The junior members discussed the products and manufacturing methods of the DuPont company.

Officers are: Foster Fryman, president; Robert Lipp , vice-president; George Dudl, secretary; and Dick Hollenkamp, reporter.

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Illuminating Engineering Society

THEstudent chapter of the I.E. S., organized by Dr. U. J. Rappel, Ph.D., Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering, is under the leadership of Fred Schulenberg and Tom Armstrong. Members are electrical engineering students. The I. E. S. was organized in 1906 for" the advancement of the theory and practice of illumination engineering and the dissemination of knowledge relating thereto."

The society meets monthly, at which time certain members address the assembly on subjects connected with modern problems in illumination. After the talk an open forum is held The subject matter of most of the talks is obtained from "Transactions of the I. E. S."

Some of the addresses presented by members in 193 7 were: "The Photo-electric Spectrophotometer" by Jack Stanton, and" Applications of Sodium Vapor Lamps" by Thomas Armstrong.

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American Society of Civil Engineers

HE first student chapters in affiliation with the A. S C. E. were established in schools of engineering in the spring of 1926 , at which time the U . of D. chapter was organized. I ts membership is made up of s ophomore , junior and s enior students in the Civil Engineering Department.

At meetings held every second week a program consisting of lantern slides and lectures are presented by the members, or , when possible , by a practicing engineer. Matters of importance in the engineering world are thus brought to th e attention of th e chapter. Inspection trips to engineering projects in and near the city give the student an opportunity to view the practical application of the classroom theory.

Dr. Bernard T. Schad, S.M. , dean of the College of Engineering, in the capacity of adviser, attends all meetings, offering suggestions and stressing the professional responsibilities of future engineers. The officers for the year 193 7 were Bernard C Moore, president ; and Robert Cotterman , secretary-treasurer

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Mechanical ~ngineering Society

INTHE early part of December, 1936, the Mechanical Engineering Society was established through the efforts of Andrew Weber, S.M., who is also the adviser of the society. Membership is open to all mechanical engineering students of the school. The purpose of the organization is to foster engineering education among its members, as well as a practical knowledge of the the~retical subjects studied.

Meetings are held every three weeks. After the business of the society has been transacted instructive lectures are delivered, which during the past year dealt with air conditioning, high temperature insulation, boilers, stokers, and pulverized coal.

Inspection trips are made by the members to various industrial plants to view mechanical engineering in practice. Herbert Gr euter, Robert Unverferth, and Bernard Hollenkamp comprise the committee in charge of arranging these trips.

William P etkewicz '38, was elected as the first president of the society, and William Regan '37, as secretary-treasurer and publicity director

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Radio Club

PRESIDENT of the U. of D. Radio Club is Jack Stanton , who owns and operates short wave station W8DJM; while Tom Armstrong , better known in th e short wave radio world as W8MFN, is the secretary and treasurer. Regular meetings serve to initiate beginners in radio technique as well as offer opportunities for the study of code and the building of equipment, with the ultimate purpose of enabling each enthusiast to pass the necessary examination for the amateur license. With the assistance of the more advanced students, and the facilities of the laboratory equipment, progress is rapid for the beginner. Officers of the club are elected from members of amateur standing only.

The Radio Club desires to enable the students interested in this hobby to derive its great benefits while still at school, so that upon graduation contacts via the air may continue to strengthen the friendships which they make with other operators all over the world. According to one of the Radio Club's members, "Amateur radio is the means of communication with others on e qual terms, of finding new friendships , adventure, and prestige while seated at one ' s own fireside."

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Glee Club

RADIO program singing was the highlight of this year's Glee Club activities. They traveled to WL W and sang as a guest of that station, and on several occasions they sang over WHIO. On all occasions they did commendable singing over the air waves. The combination of the Glee Club and the Varsity Four, consisting of Bill Regan, Elmer Will, Joe Varley, and Jack Ferron, has been outstanding in college choral groups.

The Glee Club has worked in cooperation with the Monogram Club in presenting a minstrel for the past three seasons, and this year they presented an operetta in conjunction with the Notre Dame Glee Club of Villa Julienne.

The Club officers for the past year were William Regan, president; Elmer Will, vicepresident; Larry Piening, secretary-treasurer.

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Mixed Chorus

THE youngest musical organization on the campus , organized in the fall of 1936 by Musical Director Maurice R. Reichard , made its debut in December of the same year in a WHIO radio program. Several appearances at assemblies followed , and the repertoire of the singers was gradually increased. One of the most beautiful as well as one of the most difficult select ions attempted was Mr . Reichard's arrangement of " Caprice Viennois " .

A precedent was established when the Mixed Chorus took part in the annual Monogram Club minstrel, for it was the first appearance of the women in the traditionally male production Their group interpretation of" St. Louis Blu ~s " was enthusiastically received

Th is fledgling choral society hopes to eventually produce musical comed i es and operettas. At present it is the nucleus of the campus' unofficial dramatic club

• • • • • Pa ge 9 1


COMPOSED entirely of boarding students, the Choir met twice a week for rehearsal throughout the school year under the direction of Thomas Poitras, S.M. Officers are Joseph Varley, president; Caldwell Moore, vice-president; Walter Steffen, secretary.

Brother Poitras inserts into each rehearsal period a short lesson in theory and music appreciation, with the purpose in mind to give the members information which will be invaluable to them throughout their lives. It was also a custom for the choir members to attend the concerts of the Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra during the year.

The beautiful Gregorian Chant was the basic unit of the Choir's repertoire. Among the Masses practiced and rendered were several compositions of Rev. Rossini, Rev. Griesbacher, Rev. Holles, Yon and Biggs.

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THE history of the University Dance Orchestra dates back a number of years , but it did not become a well known campus organization until two years ago when Stan Wawroski, of New York City, took over the directorship under the guidance of Mr. Maurice Reichard, head of the Music Department of the University. At this time the dance band grew from an eight-piece unit to an eleven-piece combination, and was given the name of the" U. of D. Collegians."

In 1936-193 7 the dance band was again organized by Stan Wawroski. The orchestra is filling an extensive series of engagements this year, playing at different functions in Dayton and vicinity. They have played for the following organizations: The Catholic Youth Organization; at Miss Shirley Smith's debut in Oakwood; St. Elizabeth's Alumnae Nurses Association; the dance sponsored by the University's College of Women; the annual Monogram-Glee Club minstrel.

The hope that in the future the Orchestra would become an active part of the different activities on the campus was realized this year when the band was hired by the Women's College for their annual Spring Swing.

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• • • Page 93


THEmost colorful organization on the campus, the Band has gained fame throughout this part of the country for its music, varying from the dulcet to the martial, its m:1neuverings, and letter formations.

It is completely due to the efforts of Musical Director Maurice Reichard, who took over the direction of the Band in 1929, that it has become a well-organized and appreciated unit

In the spring of 193 7 the Band gave its annual concert in the N. C. R. Schoolhouse. Last fall it accompanied the football team on its trips to Ohio Wesleyan, Cincinnati, and Miami. The duties of drum major were shared by James Leonard and Charles Hayes .

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Pershing Rifles

June, Company B, First Regiment of the Pershing Rifles, crack drill company of the University of Dayton, ends the most active year of its existence under the leadership of Cadet Captain Fred Schulenberg.

The annual public Blue and White Military Ball in April, proved a high spot in the year's act1v1t1es This year the organization for the first time in its history initiated freshman pledges informally as well as formally.

Founded in 1894, at the University of Nebraska by Lieutenant John J. Pershing (now General), for the purpose of formation of leadership and excellence in military achievement, the national organization now numbers more than twenty-five units in the universities and colleges throughout the country

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Monogram Club

DISTINCTIVE of the Monogram Club is the cardinal-sweatered athlete who appears as a glamorous figure on the University's campus. Composed of men who have won the i r monograms in var ious fields of endeavor , it represents organized effort to increase respect and regard for the coveted Monogram

Since its conception twelve years ago, the Monogram Club has created a cooperative spirit of loyalty in upholding the athletic prestige of the University of Dayton Men like " Skeeter" Eisele, "Sneeze" Achiu , Lou Mahrt , and many other former Monogram men provide a traditional background for operations of the present Monogram Club

The third annual Monogram minstrel show proved to be the most spectacular dramatic attainment witnessed on the campus in recent years. It ran two nights to capacity crowds and was credited "the tops". The June Jamboree provided the men of letters with an opportunity to show their cooperation in the machinations of big business.

Officers presiding were John Smythe , president; William Go e rs, vice-president ; Charles Wagner , secretary; and Roy Bo e mer , treasurer.

• • • Page 96 • •

Women's Athletic Association

THE Women's Athletic Association was renewed this year, and a full program awaited all women students interested in any athletic phase of extra-curricular activity. During 1936-37 Eileen Fiel was president ; Marijane Spitler, vice-president; Marjorie Coflman, secretary; Isabelle Eck, publicity manager; and Kathleen Morgan, scrap-book keeper.

The program offered participation in volleyball, tennis, basketball , riding, and hiking. Both a singles and a doubles tennis tournament were organized in the early spring under the direction · of Marijane Spitler. Rosanna Wagner directed the volleyball program , and Mary Graziano the basketball program. In the spring every week found Virginia Stoecklein as hiking captain, leading a group of wanderlust-filled coeds over hill and dale. Riding already had its devotees among the women, and Isabel Sachs persuaded a few of the more timid girls who were rather doubtful of the horse's good nature to take up the sport

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THE military cadet may elect to complete four years of military training including six weeks of summe r camp , which fits him for his commission of Second Lieutenant in the Organized Reserve Corps. This year's advanced classes consist of forty members selected for their work in the military department during the two basic years , and who successfully pass the necessary physical requirements

The class program of the junior year is most interesting and educational. The juniors receive appointments as cadet non-commissioned officers in the school organization. Their work is carried on under the direct superv1s10n of Major Keltner.

• • • Page 98 • •

At the end of this year the cadet leaves for his six weeks of camp at Fort Knox, Ky. The weather is hot , the food good , the shoes and hikes are too long, and the rifle is his constant companion, but no cadet is ever sorry he attended .

The final year is under the supervision of Major J. F. Strain. In the senior class there are only thirteen members - leaders of the largest military class in the school's history. The cadet is now a commissioned officer and is given a permanent assignment to a unit which fits his appointment. In the final inspection the senior best fitted is chosen as cadet major. This inspection ends the participation in military activities at the University for the Class of 193 7.

JUNIORS • • • • • Page 99


THE Central Sodality Committee was organized in November, 1936 , to fill a need for united sodality action Its purpose is to suggest a common program for all the sodalities and to sponsor student convocations to arouse interest in this form of Catholic Action. Marijane Spitler , Martin Hillenbrand , William Sachs , Glenn Smolka, and Gene Brands are the members of this committee.

The Women's Sodality undertook for its program this year the support of one poor family, and kept up frequent gifts of food and clothing for the city poor. The members likewise entered into a movement for the spread of Catholic literature

Active membership in the Catholic Youth Organization (C. Y. 0.) was one of the distinguishing features of the Saint Joseph Hall Sodality for 1936-1937. During the basketball season the members spent much of their time in coaching the parish teams of Dayton

Women's College

• • • Page JOO
St. Joseph Hall


In the early part of the s e cond semester a sociality was organized for the off-campus students , but this was later chang e d into the socalled Off-Campus Club , mad e up of both Catholic and non-Catholic students This club held three very interesting and entertaining meetings featured by bowling , pool, and pingpong contests.

Features of the Nazareth Hall Sociality were the socials which the members held regularly in their club rooms , and the discussions provided by outside speakers invited to attend their me~tings. Their activities this year maintained the standard of the initial year.

The Alumni Hall Sociality, always one of the most active sodalities on the campus, held a meeting every month, inviting outside speakers to arouse interest in topics of a religious nature. These meetings were usually followed by entertainment or games.

Central Committee Alumni Hall
• Page IOI
Nazareth Hall

Alumni Association


ELLIS MA YL, '08, Dayton .................. President

JOHN McGARRY , '28, Philadelphia ..... Vice-President

CHARLES WHALEN, '07, Dayton ........... Treasurer

JAMES A CONNELLY, '35, Dayton Secretary


VICTOR SMITH, '05, Dayton

RUSSELL SUMMERS, '21, Dayton .. ..

EDWARD G. BREEN, '30, Dayton ... .. ....

WILLIAM BLAKE, '26, Dayton

ROBERT M. KEOGH, '11, Dayton

LOUIS A. SUCHER, '09, Dayton

June 1941

June 1941

June 1939

June 1939

June 1937

June 1937

• • • Page /02 • •
• • • Page 103
Warming the bench at the Pansy Bowl Classic Banks and Monroe late for class again Larry looms large Timmer and Kelly have a secret Major Strain looks them over A rally on the courthouse steps Two noted politicians

HILARIOUS night life, happy dances, gay parties, pleasant picnics, and camp suppers, and humorous plays and minstrels.Night life, when we learned to be chivalrous at all costs, and adoring without really meaning it.

- Picnics, where we played softball on green golf fairways, sang old-time songs to the strumming of guitars, and ate and ate. - We roared and rolled in the aisles at the antics of the performers at many a Monogram Club dramatic production. - Courthouse rallies, with citizens gaping in awed wonder at these yelling students from the "School on the Hill." - General assemblies, where we listened to the talks of great men in their field, or applauded students receiving coveted honors, or were very bored at debates on Fascism and Communism. - "Open House" days, when we showed bewildered parents and high school students what we do at college.Yes, all "features" of the years at U. of D. Feature doing without them!


Junior Promenade

RED and blue lights cast their soft beams on two hundred and fifty couples dancing to the fine melodies of Charles Stenross and his famous Lotus Garden Band at the University of Dayton Junior Prom last February. Laughter rang through the Biltmore ballroom , and smiling faces displayed the gaiety that permeated the evening's activities.

The lovely Virginia Lehman was the 1937 Prom Queen, and with her escort , Junior Class President Dan Hobbs , she led the Grand March at midnight When the evening waned and the final waltz was over , the Junior Prom of '3 7 had become a glamorous memory

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Senior Farewell

THE entire Class of 1937 gathered at the Triangle Ballroom on the evening of May 21 , 193 7 , for the grand finale of their college days With a great portion of the student body in attendance , about three hundred couples danced to the strains of Noble Sissie ' s orchestra. The seniors had the hall decorated in the traditional red and blue, the evening was pleasantly warm, and the moon was full. The dance will always be remembered by those who attended it , but especially by the seniors will its memory be cherished- as their own farewell to college days

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Military Ball

QNCE more the Biltmore ballroom took on a martial appearance as colorful uniforms were donned by Dayton members of the Pershing Rifles for the annual Military Ball. This 193 7 "Blue and White" Ball was another social success. Frankie Schenk' s orchestra furnished the music.

Given in the latter part of April, the dance was attended by distinguished Army officers, prominent members of the Officers ' Reserve Corps, and students and faculty of the University of Dayton.

P. R. Frolic

ESTABLISHING a new precedent in fraternal social life, the Dayton chapter of Pershing Rifles this year held an exclusive dance for members of the organization.

This affair was given at the Miami Flagship, but it is certain that the atmosphere was anything but that of the salty sea- the Army was in full control. The Pershing Rifle Sweetheart Song was played for the first time and introduced to the Dayton company.

It is believed that this event will become an annual affair in Pershing Rifle circles.

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Frosh Welcome

ATTHE end of September , 1936 , the annual Freshman Welcome Dance was given by the Sophomores at the Miami Hotel. They obtained Charles Budde's orchestra , and the dance proved to be a fine affair with over two hundred couples in attendance. The Empire Room was appropriately decorated with red and blue pennants , streamers and balloons

The high point of the dance was the playing of the" U . of D . March" by the orchestra . Thus were the Frosh fittingly welcomed to U. of D. and introduced to campus social life.

Spring Swing

Q N A pl e asant- spring evening in the first week of April, the Women's College presented their first Spring Swing In the ballroom of the Van Cleve Hotel in downtown Dayton one hundred and fifty couples danc e d to the lilting melodies of Stanley Wawroski's U . of D . Collegians

It i s earnestly hoped that the Spring Swing will become a traditional event on the U. of D. campus Th e graduates of 1937 who attended this dance will ever recall it as a most pleasant and enjoyable event. Congratulations to the girls who made it such a complete success!

• Pa ge /0 9


AGREATER interest in dramatics at the University was displayed this year when campus theatrical activities opened with a fanfare of rural instruments, including fiddles and bazookas on the occasion of the "Farmer Minstrel , " presented for the student body as part of the pre-Christmas festivities

Highli £ h t ing th~ 1936-37 theatricals was the Monogram Club's presentation of the U. D . "Follies." With Mr Maurice Reichard directing and Jess Bailey and Lou Tschudi assisting, the Monogram Club's bill riotously touched upon the burlesque side of the show business and introduced "Uncle Tom's Nite Club." Dave Kersting, Elmer Will, Joe Varley , and Roy Boemer paced through the character parts, while the singing mixed chorus added the " nite club" atmosphere. A line of "beef trust" dancers , comprised mostly of varsity football men , proved to be the stars of the show, as they daintily tripped over the stage boards .

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OLT'S B~~R and CR~AM AL~

AS A PUBLIC UTILITY we assume the responsibility of standing rea dy to meet any and all demands made upon us for service. This m eans we must not only advance with the communities we serve, but ahead of them Growth of the cities where we operate must be anticipated months in advance and steps taken to prov i de increased facilities and personnel to insure dependabl e service at all times

Page 112 ON
Brewed from Pure Barley Malt, and Hops BEIGEL JtWtltRS, INC. 18 South Main, at Market Diamonds Watches Silverware A Complete Watch and Jewelry Repair Service • PHONI: FU 8191 Made in Dayton Kt 4104 IN STEP with the Times
·THE PREMIER RUBBER MANUFACTURING CO . • Manufacturers MECJ-.IANICAL AND J-.IARD RUBBER PRODUCTS DAYTON " Dayton's Favorite Brews" LONDON BOBBY BEER and ALE • The Miami Valley Brewing Co. 1st and Beckel Sts. ADams 8174 DAYTON, 0. • 0~10 Crystal and Distilled Water • Crystal Water Co. FUiton 2612 ODELL and ODELL, Inc. • Full Abstracts • Title Insurance • E:scrows • Surveys • Statements of Title Gas and Electric Bldg. DAYTON , 0. Page 11 3

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• Pa ge 11 4
The Telling Belle Vernon Co. 226 E. First St. ADams 1212 INCORPORATED • Complete Insurance Service • Covers Your Needs • 132 N. Main DAYTON ADams 2605
Tl-IE 01-110 I-IEAT TREATING CO. Commercial Steel Treaters DAYTON, OHIO HE 3081 • We Specialize on the Hardening of High Speed Steel Lamination Dies Carbonizing Annealing • Heat Treating Case Hardening Chapmanizing J-IUGO A. DEIS The Hardening Coloring Reynolds & Reynolds DISTRIBUTOR Company ltnnhrn ~qnr DAYTON, OHIO auh iurgrr irrrn • • Lithographers and Printers • 117 Clover St. - Dayton, Ohio At Cold Storage Since 1866 Page //5
P age 1! 6 Find The Best Drink HOLL~NKAMP'S BEER and ALE 816 Brown St. The Partner Jewelry Co. DIAMONDS WATCHES SILVERWARE Distinctive Gift Jewelry at Reasonable Prices Charge and Budget Accounts • 20 North Ludlow St . DAYTON , 0 . FU 3422 AD 6224 LAUREL Crackers and Cakes • Baked in Dayton BY Tl-IE LAUREL BISCUIT COMPANY
HERFF-JONES COMPANY Designers and Manufacturers of School and College Jewelry, Graduation Announcements, Medals, Cups and Trophies INDIANAPOLIS JEWELERS TO UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON Standard Plumbing Fixtures On Display at M. J. GIBBONS SUPPLY CO. 619 East Monument Ave . DAYTON , OHIO The C. H. Gosiger Machinery Company, Inc . • Machine Tools, Metal Working Equipment Wood Working Equipment DAYTON, OHIO JOS. J. SCHAD CUTLERY, HARDWARE, SEEDS, PAINTS OIL, GLASS Roofing , Spouting , Sheet Metal Work Jobbing and All Kinds of Furnace Work a Specialty 846 BROWN STREET Pa ge Ill
SCHELL'S GARAGE, INC. 326-328 Troy Street: DAYTON, OHIO Phone FU. 1135 EXPERT REPAIR SERVICE Hello Boys! • • • Uni~orms o~ All Types • Men,s Clothing - Pa-ge T 1-11: 1-1. 1-1 0 LL I: N CAMP 11 8 SONS CO. 1 3 S. Jefferson St Dayton, Ohio OPEN DAY AND NIGHT The Schwind Realty Co. • Operators of THE Victory Theatre AND Moraine l-lotel


have it Framed at


126 I:. 3rd St: . ADams 4121 •

Complete Picture Framing Dept.

Artists' Material Headquarters

Standard Seed Co.

10 Michigan Ave. AD 3922

Compliments of a Friend


For their unstinting aid which proved of such value the Dayton ion staff wishes to express its appreciation to

James A. Connelly

Jerry Spellman

Frank Mawicke

Bill Cornwell and "Sam"

W. C. Sims

Faculty Advisor

Lagonda-Springfield Ptg. Co.

Pontiac Engraving Co.

Cornwell Photog. Studios

Smith-Malloy Cover Co.

Pa ge 11 9

Senior Directory

THOMAS A ASPELL. Jr ..................... . . 69 Beck Ave. , Akron, Ohio

JAMES G. AYRES .. .... ................. 1018 W Wayne Ave Lima, Ohio

LEONARD U. BAKER 200 Bonner St. , Dayton, Ohio

PAUL BARTON .. ... . . . .. .... 367 N Market St., Galion, Ohio

CATHERINE BOESCH 825 Belmont Park, N. , Dayton, Ohio

EDWARD H. BRENNAN ....... 1761 W. 32nd St., Cleveland, Ohio

ROBERT J. CONNELLY .. . .... 66 Dixon Ave., Dayton, Ohio

JOHN W CUNNINGHAM ..... ... .. . 612 Washington St., Dayton , Ohio

CLAYTON ESSLINGER ...... . .......... 1417 Superior Ave., Dayton, Ohio

JOSEPH F. FLETCHER 8 California St., Xenia, Ohio

FOSTER M. FRYMAN . . ... 208 Richmond Ave., Dayton, Ohio

ROBERT H GATES . . . .. .. . R. R. 2, New Lebanon, Ohio

WILLIAM C. GOERS . .... Baycrest Beach , Monroe, Mich.

H . RICHARD GRESS 38 E . Norman Ave., Dayton, Ohio

HERBERT E. GREUTER ..... ... 1414 Epworth Ave., Dayton, Ohio

MARION S. HAY, Jr .. . .. .... .... 400 Lexington Ave., Dayton, Ohio

THEODORE J HOLLENKAMP 304 Schenk Ave., Dayton, Ohio

AUDREY JAMES ......... . . . ... St Elizabeth Hospital, Dayton, Ohio

WILLIAM P. JOLLEY R. R. 13, Dayton, Ohio

DONALD J. KELLEY ......... . 69 Pleasant Ave., Osborn, Ohio

DAVID W KERSTING . . ... . . 211 Beverly PI., Dayton, Ohio

ROBERT W. KRONAUGE 12 Wiltshire Blvd., Dayton, Ohio



Dayton , Ohio

ROBERT W. LIPP 329 Kenwood Ave. , Dayton, Ohio

HOWARD E. McKNIGHT ... . .... . 2724 Lakeview Ave , Dayton, Ohio

JOSEPH F. MARTIN ..... 54 Fountain Ave., Dayton, Ohio

CHARLES D MILLER ...... . .. R. R. 5, Dayton, Ohio

FRANCIS J MILLER ... . .. . .... .. 391 Mill St., Chillicothe, Ohio

BERNARD C. MOORE ..... ... ... 622 Augusta St ., San Antonio, Texas

JOHN T. MOORE 447 Oxford Ave., Dayton, Ohio

JOHN C. O' BRIEN ............ . ............ 664 Bowen St., Dayton, Ohio

LAWRENCE A. PIENING 4103 Ivanhoe Ave .. Norwood, Ohio

JOHN D. PUTERBAUGH . .. . ..... . ......... Centerville , Ohio

OWEN W. REGAN ........ . 541 N. Elizabeth St., Lima, Ohio

JOHN A. REILING ......... 615 Grafton Ave., Dayton, Ohio

FRED W. SCHULENBERG, Jr .............. 222 N . 2nd St ., Hermann, Mo.

JAMES L. SCHWENDEMANN ............ 623 Mason St ., Springfield, Ohio

JOHN P SCOTT ............. . . .... 300 Notre Dame Ave., Dayton, Ohio

GEORGIA CRAMPTON SELBY 211 E. Siebenthaler Ave., Dayton, Ohio

JOHN W. SMYTHE .... .. . .. 1867 Crawford Rd., Cleveland, Ohio

JACKS. STANTON ....... 130 High St., Dayton, Ohio

WILBUR V. STINSON . 804 Manhattan Ave ., Dayton, Ohio

PAUL A. VARLEY ... ... . .... . 403 E. Wood St. Lowellville, Ohio

JAMES R . WALL 523 Grafton Ave., Dayton, Ohio

CHARLES A. WALTER 401 W. 3rd St. Mansfield, Ohio

CLARENCE H. WESTENDORF ... . ... 118 Fillmore St , Dayton, Ohio

ELMER J . WILL. . 807 Five Oaks Ave., Dayton, Ohi:>

. . ... . .. . . .... 829 St.
Agnes Ave
Dayton, Ohio
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