ECIS Effective Governance Standard

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ECIS EFFECTIVE GOVERNANCE STANDARD Effective governance is key to the success of international schools. This brief contains guidelines with respect to the role, purpose, function, and organisation of governing boards. ECIS concentrates on outcomes and “how things work in practice.” The guiding questions are designed to assist the Board in reflecting upon its effectiveness.

EFFECTIVE GOVERNANCE The Board’s membership, structure, and processes advance the school’s mission, vision, and long-term viability; and the Board operates in fiduciary, strategic and generative modes. From Governance as Leadership by Richard Chait, William Ryan, Barbara Taylor (Wiley, 2004). The hallmark characteristics of the generative mode can be summarised as follows: § A different view of organisations. Organisations do not travel a straight line and rational course from vision to mission to goals to strategy to execution. § A different definition of leadership. Leaders enable organisations to confront and move forward on complex, value-laden problems that defy a “right” answer or “perfect” solution. § A different mindset. Beyond fiduciary stewardship and strategic partnership, governance is tantamount to leadership. § A different role. The board becomes an asset that creates added value and comparative advantage for the organisation. § A different way of thinking. Boards are intellectually playful and inventive as well as logical and linear. § A different notion of work. The board frames higher order problems as well as assesses technical solutions, and asks questions that are more catalytic than operational. § A different way to do business. The board relies more on retreat-like meetings, teamwork, robust discourse, work at the organisation’s boundaries, and pursues performance metrics linked to organisational learning. Effective Practice 1.1 The Board adopts a clear statement of the school’s mission, vision, and strategic goals, whilst establishing policies and plans consistent with this statement. § When did the Board last review and update its mission, vision, and strategic goals? Outline the process by which this was developed. What changes were made? What evidence exists to show the effect of the changes? § Describe the process by which the Board assesses progress on the school’s strategy. § Describe the process by which the Board evaluates emerging issues not addressed in any extant school plan, to ensure the plan is current and relevant. Outline the plans to address these issues. § Describe how the Board provides oversight to ensure the school is currently implementing strategy. Describe the process by which the Board provides oversight



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