2 minute read

Annual strata reporting for 2022 is now due

housing these days, so this is the modern-day version.’

The decision to conduct the discussion in relation to 57 Station Street behind closed doors at this week’s Council meeting has raised eyebrows among some sections of the community.

Meanwhile, Council has now reached in-principle agreements with the state government to build two new car parks in Mullumbimby to offset the loss of spaces.

The first would be built on vacant rail corridor land opposite the old Tony Carsburg site.

The second would be located on vacant rail corridor land located next to the old Mullumbimby Station. This site had previously been slated for housing, but has subsequently been deemed inappropriate for this purpose.

It is understood that Council will hold leases for each of these sites.

National Desexing Month runs during July each year to encourage desexing of dogs and cats before the spring breeding season.

President of the Animal Welfare League, North Coast Branch, Alana Crangle told The Echo, The National Desexing Network approaches vets and organisations throughout Australia to promote desexing by offering discounted prices for the month to all pet owners.

She says, ‘Animal Welfare League NSW North Coast Branch (AWL) contacts all veterinary clinics in our region, encouraging them to participate’.

‘A desexed female dog or cat will live a healthier life owing to not breeding numerous litters throughout their lives, and a desexed male dog or cat is less likely to be injured in fighting over territory.

‘For Centrelink or DVA cardholders, AWL can assist towards the cost of desexing by offering a voucher to the value of $50 for cats and

$100 for dogs during October through to May each year.

‘AWL supports responsible pet ownership, including desexing, microchipping, collars, ID tags, and cats being kept inside at night to protect our native wildlife, and encourages owners to contain their cats by building a “catio” attached to their homes. Anyone who adopts from us does not have to pay a registration fee’.

To find out more visit them at the shelter at 124 Dalley St, Mullum or on Facebook @AWLNSWNorthCoast, or call them on 0436 845 542.

Strata schemes including strata title duplexes must report key information to the NSW Government every year. If you haven’t completed your 2022 report, it’s easy to submit your information via the NSW Government Strata Hub.

Reports must be completed by 30 June to avoid a Scan

News from across the North Coast online www.echo.net.au

Murder charges dropped over Simone Strobel’s 2005 death in Lismore

The 2005 murder of German backpacker, Simone Strobel, at the Tourist Caravan Park in Lismore led to the extradition of her then boyfriend ,Tobias Moran, from WA in July 2022. But charges have now been withdrawn.

Ballina Council legal advice over alleged unauthorised land clearing kept secret

The Ballina Shire Council has kept secret details of legal action it may be taking against a developer over alleged unauthorised land clearing at Lennox Head.

Community forum to address online safety for youth

Are you a parent, carer, teacher, or youth worker? Or maybe you have another support role in a young person’s life?

Australia/Invasion Day controversy continues at Ballina

Last month’s Ballina Council meeting saw a decision to move the Australia Day Awards and Citizenship Ceremony, to be held at Lennox Head Cultural Centre, from the controversial date of 26 January 2024, to the evening of 25 January. This amendment to an earlier motion was moved by Cr Simon Chate with the support of Cr Stephen McCarthy.

Appeal for info after man assaulted in Lismore

NSW Police are appealing for information after a man was assaulted and robbed in the South Lismore area in March.

Teenager missing from Coffs Harbour

NSW Police are appealing for public assistance to locate a boy missing from Coffs Harbour.

Learning about the plants in your region

The Lismore Rainforest Botanic Gardens (LRBG) runs guided walks every fourth Sunday at 2pm for people to look at, and learn about, the amazing range of range of local plants from the region.
