2 minute read

The Organic Avocado

Victoria Cosford

Kate Thompson’s Avocado

Salsa is, she tells me, one of her signature dishes. She makes it on a regular basis, serving it up simply as a dip or alongside Ballina prawns (‘it’s fantastic!’, she enthuses.)

Spring onions, lime juice, roasted ground cumin, fresh coriander – and her own gorgeous creamy organic avocados, ripe but firm, diced, and all of that tossed in salt and pepper and olive oil. Of course, we agree, a perfectly plain, unadorned, spooned-from-its-symmetrical-half avocado is the ideal, the truest way to consume this fruit. Thriving in the conditions she cultivates them – red volcanic soil, rainforest, good drainage, Alstonville plateau – Kate’s avocados have been a constant and comforting presence at local farmers’ markets for many years, within the window of late April till the end of November, in which they grow.

And yet, she tells me, they ‘aren’t an easy crop to grow.’ If you start with a seed, she continues, it may never grow. She herself buys the best grafted trees available in Australia, but has many customers who are on to their fifth – or even tenth – tree, still trying and still failing. ‘A good grafted tree is the best way to start’, she says, offering advice to anyone wanting to grow their own avocados; ‘Lots of organic matter and plants. Rainforest conditions. No chickens scratching around – they break up the little roots.’

We chat a bit more about other culinary uses for avocados, aside from the predictable and ubiquitous guacamole. Recently a customer told Kate about a broccoli soup she’d made; blending an avocado through at the end to render it creamy. An avo mashed into mayo to bind a potato salad – dill, lime – is another lovely idea. That rich butteriness is why avocados were

Inside the restaurant, guests are greeted by a funky and fun interior that sets the stage for a lively and enjoyable atmosphere. The vibrant colours, playful décor, and eclectic artwork create a welcoming space where diners can relax, unwind, and immerse themselves in the vibrant energy of the surroundings. The hip ambiance perfectly complements the modern and innovative approach that Lennox Pizza takes in crafting their pizzas.

In addition to the delightful atmosphere, Lennox Pizza offers a fantastic amenity that adds an extra element of entertainment – a free pool table. Patrons can engage in friendly competition and show off their skills while waiting for their pizza, beers and cocktails to arrive. The inclusion of a pool table adds a touch of fun and excitement, making the dining experience at Lennox Pizza not only delicious but also interactive and enjoyable.

Of course, the main attractions at Lennox

Pizza are their tantalising food and cocktail menus, which feature a wide variety of pizzas, ranging from classic favourites to unique and creative combinations. Each dish is expertly crafted with high-quality ingredients, ensuring a perfect balance of flavours and textures. And watch out for the Canadian influence of one of the owners, with loaded fries, ‘Poutine’, and the classic Canadian cocktail The Caesar on the menu.

Kate once called ‘Midshipmen’s butter’ when they were taken aboard sailing ships as food for crews!

The Organic Avocado is at New Brighton on Tuesdays from 8–11am and Mullumbimby on Fridays 7–11am.