The Byron Shire Echo – Issue 34.06 – July 17, 2019

Page 48

Property Insider

Rent Tracker You can now go onto the Fair Trading NSW website and use the Rent Tracker Tool. The Tenants’ Union has released the latest version of their online tool to help tenants understand rent prices in NSW. The tool uses data released by NSW Fair Trading each month from the Rental Bond Board. Using the Rent Tracker Postcode Tool, you can check what the latest rent prices are for different property sizes and types in any postcode in NSW. Results will show how many bonds have been lodged in the previous three months and what the weekly rent range was based on, how many bedrooms, and dwelling type. In our area, it is amazing how much rent money a 25-minute drive can save you. If you live in Suffolk Park or anywhere in the 2481 postcode you are prepared to drive south to Ballina or north to Pottsville you can save a considerable amount. The tool can also help you determine if the rent being asked is reasonable. Using the Rent Tracker Tool, and basing the search on 3-bedroom dwellings (houses, units,

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How much money can moving NJǧČ‘ÇŠÇŹ ŔĜŕƖĆ?ĕƆ ÍƹÍơ ƆÍưĕ ơĹ&#x;Ć–Čƒ

townhouses), below is a snapshot of the 2481 (Byron Bay and Suffolk Park), 2479 (Ballina), and the 2489 (Pottsville) postcodes, as shown

on the Fair Trading NSW website. It is interesting to note that of the three areas, Ballina has actually decrease in rents achieved in the same

period last year. Byron had a 4.81 per cent increase and Pottsville 5.82 per cent.

coastal & hinterland sales

D O R R O U G H B Y 46 Nightcap Range Road B Y R O N S H I R E 246 Skinners Shoot Road $1m - $1.1 million Katrina Beohm 0467 001 122 Ă&#x;Chris Plim 0467 000 222 $1.39 - $1.45 million Katrina Beohm 0467 001 122 5



8 acres


+ Property in paradise. 3 dwellings on 8 acres with 4kW solar, NBN, springs & rainwater tanks $OO ZLWK EHDXWLIXO RSHQ SODQ OLYLQJ GLQLQJ WLPEHU ÀRRUV 7KH PDLQ KRXVH KDV D ¿UHSODFH $ & + 3 bedrooms in the main house, 2 bedrooms in the second dwelling, all with built-in wardrobes 7UDQTXLOLW\ SOXV 0LQXWHV IURP 0LQ\RQ )DOOV DSSUR[ PLQV WR /LVPRUH PLQV WR %\URQ %D\

0467 001 122 48 The Byron Shire Echo `Ć–Ĺ?ơ Ǩǎǽ NJǧǨǰ




+ On the edge of town is this rustic timber home with plenty of charm & a wide northern deck + Beautiful stained glass throughout. High timber lined ceilings & a wood heater in the living room P [ P &RORUERQG VKHG D VHSDUDWH ZRUNVKRS LGHDO IRU D ÂľZRUN IURP KRPHÂś OLIHVW\OH 7RZQ ZDWHU VHDOHG URDG :LWKLQ HDV\ PLQXWHV WR WKH %\URQ %D\ &%' VXUÂżQJ EHDFKHV

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