Byron Shire Echo – Issue 26.06 – 19/07/2011

Page 20

Green Scene

Households in the

clean energy future According to the federal government, households will play an important role in the government’s plan for a clean energy future. To help households adjust to the introduction of the carbon price, more than half of the revenue raised will be given to them primarily in the form of tax cuts, higher family payments and increases in pensions and allowances. The package of household assistance, first and foremost, helps to ensure that the impact of a carbon price is manageable for low-and-middle-income Australian households, especially those who have less financial room to adjust to change. It does this through cash assistance delivered through tax cuts and increased government payments. Other parts of the household assistance package support incentives for households to adopt their own energy-and cost-saving measures. The government is also taking the opportunity of moving the economy to a clean energy future to reform the structure of the personal tax system, consistent with key recommendations of the 2009 Australia’s Future Tax System Review. These reforms will modernise the personal income tax system, making it simpler and more transparent. By cutting taxes, they will also improve incentives for and rewards from work, building on other recent government measures to lift workforce participation. The government will more than treble the statutory tax-free threshold to $18,200 in 2012, which will replace all but $445 of the existing low-income tax offset (LITO). The combined effect of the LITO plus the $18,200 tax-free threshold means that people will be able to earn annual income of up to $20,542 before they pay any net tax. This will improve the rewards for work at low incomes. s 3EE MORE AT WWW CLEANENERGYFUTURE GOV AU


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20 July 19, 2011 The Byron Shire Echo

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