An Article on the Digitalisation of EYP - 1st Digital Forum of EYP Spain

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WELCOME TO YOUNG(DIGITAL) EUROPE‌đ&#x;‡Şđ&#x;‡ş 31st December 2019. The first case of coronavirus has been detected in Wuhan, China a city of 11 million residents. After a period of 3 months from the first ever recorded case in Wuhan, the virus has spread rapidly in many European countries. The ones that have taken early measures have avoided the worst case scenarios whereas in many other European countries such as Italy, France the UK and Spain the situation is really diďŹƒcult to handle. Everything seems unprecedented. Who would have thought that the European continent, one of the most developed areas in the world will ever face such a public health threat, who will have as a result the death of thousands of europeans? Yet the coronavirus cannot be limited to one or two countries. It is a global threat and it can aect everyone regardless of their origin or ethnicity. EYP, a melting pot of cultures.. What is the European Youth Parliament?

The European Youth Parliament is one of the largest European platforms for political debate, intercultural encounters, European civic education and the exchange of ideas for young people in Europe. EYP is a European network that brings together participants from all over Europe through sessions that take place in dierent European cities. The main goal is to promote dialogue, European values, solidarity and also develop a European spirit through a procedure with which the youth could feel that they are taking part in the European procedure of finding solutions for the European problems so that their voices do really matter. The EYP network is active in 40 countries across Europe. More than 30,000 young people, including 3,500 volunteers, take part in EYP events every year. Since 1987, the number of EYP alumni has grown to over 200,000. Furthermore, over 500 EYP events are organised every year across Europe at local, national and international levels.

The need for digital sessions in the European Youth Parliament is now imperative EYP is a safe place for every young European. It is the best place to obtain new skills and knowledge through failure. It is the place where your voice matters, your opinion is heard and you can be respected from everyone just because you are a human being. Moreover, it is the place where you come in contact with people from dierent educational and cultural backgrounds and you also learn to respect the dierences and the ideas of every participant. Besides, participants from all over Europe are able to comprehend easily that all the dierences of our cultures are the ones that finally unite us. The global pandemic reminded us the importance of physical contact through which we can more eďŹƒciently communicate, exchange ideas and reshape our ideology. Until the postpone or the cancellation of many EYP sessions the previous months, many NC along with the EYP network have taken the decision to organise digital EYP sessions. The initiative was really promising if you take into account the interest of the European participants from each country. Furthermore, this idea has transformed the EYP spirit since many new young people who haven’t known about EYP or who even had not the chance to participate in physical sessions had shown a great interest. Also, the global pandemic has been a new global and European issue that had to be discussed by the people of Europe. How can we envision Europe’s everyday life during the following months? Which plan should the EU follow to combat the spreading of coronavirus and apply a policy that meets the needs of every member state? Lastly, how the EU must contribute to the sooner creation of a very eective vaccine which will restore normality and will protect the vulnerable social teams who are in danger? Apart from that, the existing situation influences dierent problems such as how to tackle the immigration crisis, climate change or even union among member stated during diďŹƒcult situations. All these questions cannot be left unanswered especially from the youth, the people who will have to find soon the most feasible solutions for the existing situation, the European youth, our youth, our future, we.

The importance of the digitalisation of young Europe, a need that became the future of EYP

During the last 6 months the spreading of coronavirus as well as the extensive lockdowns all over Europe have led to the cancellation or the postpone of many physical EYP sessions. The idea of digital sessions has been a step which made EYP keep up with the needs and the difficulties of today. Digital sessions consist of all the procedure that the EYP conferences include but the general environment is digital. Through digital platforms, such as discord, slack, zoom and others, participants from all over Europe have the chance to be part of a simulation of the main procedures of the European Parliament along with other fun activities made with a goal to create the bonding participants and a safe environment for everyone. Teambuilding, committee work and general assembly are becoming digital and can connect people from the most remote areas of Europe with the aide of technology. Crazy right? With the use of a laptop you can meet so many people and share an unforgettable experience. You can even make new friends or share your concerns about different problems. Also, you can have the opportunity to talk and present your opinion about problems that really concern you and sensitize others for the exisitng situation in your country or in Europe in general.Moreover, they include fun optional activities, such as Euroconcert, Eurovillage where everyone can show the personal skills and talents as well as the culture and the problems of their country.

Digital sessions give the opportunity to many young europeans from remote regions to participants actively and meet new people. During every EYP session the cooperation and the teamwork spirit as well as the creativity and the collective projects reinforce the European spirit. The participants learn to think in a different way since they are gaining new knowledge from different people. It is maybe the most democratic procedure of EYP network since it does not exclude anyone. Every person can be part of the digital sessions even if he/she lives in a remote region or if she/he cannot afford to be transported to the place of the physical events. They give the opportunity to people who cannot participate because of economic problems and that is why they are very important so as for the network to evolve and incorporate more and more new people who are willing to learn and share their knowledge and their experiences as well. Its a safe place to grow and ameliorate your personality, learn better your own self and understand the opposite opinions.

The main goal of digital sessions EYP utilizes digital sessions as a tool to implement its main goal which is to promote cultural diversity, tolerance and open-mindedness. Also it is a further step for the form of an environment where people feel free to express their ideas and find solutions for European issues so as to take action and become active citizens from a young age. Democracy is one of the basic values of EYP and that is why EYP supports pluralism active participation and knowledge for political, social, environmental and health issues even digitally.

Digital VS Physical EYP sessions The participants of the 1st Digital Forum of EYP España have replied…. Have your EYP experiences made you more culturally tolerant?

%2 Do you prefer a digital or a physical session and why?

%19 Yes Maybe No

Andrea Perez (NC representative):

“I prefer a physical session. Actually, this is my first digital session that I am attending and I’m not even %79 an official but a national committee representative. However from what I have seen so far, I deem that in physical sessions you have more interactive activities so you can connect with the other participants easier. I believe that the screen creates a great distance among participants. Physical sessions make people seem more approachable, you can read the body language and the bonding is more immediate. Not to mention the fact that

in physical sessions you have the chance to visit new places and actually see the culture of this place firsthand as well as the way of living of other participants and cultures and that is also a very exciting way of learning.”

Matthaios Ntoutsis (chair):

“I prefer a physical session as well. Mostly, it is about communication. It is true that today you are able to communicate via internet with all these technological tools but nothing beats being in the same physical space, have the immediate contact, interact with others, visit new places and not staying in front of a computer screen. Digital sessions are practical, easy, comfortable and fun though. From physical sessions I have comprehend the importance of cooperation and teamwork when you are required to work with other people. This is the whole point. You learn how to make a step back, you understand when to speak, when to add something, when to intervene. You can gain lots of friendships and EYP buddies as well through physical sessions.

At the same time from digital sessions you become more confident with your skills concerning computing and technology a fact that is of outmost importance for me. Also, distance learning and working , through the use of many different platforms that can help the work float of the team can be applied in many situations from our future profession to our every day life. It is a way to facilitate your life and digital sessions could help you become more familiar with all these tools.”

Matthew Morrin (Journalist):

“I equally like both. Digital sessions allow for absolutely anyone in the world to join, as long as they have a laptop and a wifi connection. This engagement has never been seen before in EYP and is fantastic to see. However, with that comes the lack of physical, face-to-face engagement, which is crucial to an EYP session.” What is your favourite part of a EYP session and why? Andrea Perez (NC representative):

“I like the first day a lot because it is the day you meet everyone and you can see that people are really nervous and toy can also understand how they approach each other. Getting to meet someone for the first time is actually really exciting you don’t really know what to expect, you are hyped of what is going to happen. Nevertheless, If we are talking about the traditional structure of the session, I enjoy committee work days because that is when the actual work of the session happens. When the delegates start to discuss you can see how they think, how they share their opinions and try to convince each other. It is magical.”

Do you believe that EYP promotes diversity?

%9 Yes Maybe No


What you have gained from EYP? Has EYP helped you or changed you so far? If yes how? Andrea Perez (NC representative): “I have changed a lot after EYP. I think I’m more calm, I know better what is worth to worry about. I’ve learned to prioritise more what to worry about. Also I’m much more organised when it comes to my work. I have realised how important is team work, how to trust others in your team and not do the task on your own but learn through cooperation.

Thanks to EYP I’m more up-to-date with what is going on not only globally but also in my country because when you know what is happening it is easier to form an opinion about it. You can understand when something must be changed”

Matthew Morrin (journalist):

“I have no doubt become a more independent person, both in my academic and social life. EYP has taught me how to take initiative and to perform to the best of my ability, no matter what.About digital sessions I have no doubt learned technical skills like graphic design, module creating, social media posts, etc etc, and also how to create projects, and to execute tasks. From that, I’ve definitely gained leadership and organisational skills that I can apply to all aspects of my life.”

Maria (AGRI,delegate):

“Just the feeling of being in a family. It’s amazing. I have gained so much confidence for example when I am talking during the GA. I have learned so much from each session I have changed to every aspect. I am able to speak out loud. I was afraid to speak in English because I thought that people would judge me.Not to mention the fact that I got out of my comfort zone, I live in a town with old fashion minds so EYP have aided me meet people and express my ideas without feeling judged. I love it.”

Matthaios Ntoutsis (Chair):

“I became more openminded. Through EYP I found a way to moderate my need to speak first, calm myself down and listen to others by respecting their opinions.”

Christiana (ENVI,delegate):

“More knowledge about the topic that I’m going to discuss and also meet people from all around the globe you learn different cultures. First we learn things about Europe, secondly bc I want to study politics and international relations I thing I will feel more confidence with the gaining of knowledge and also In the future I want to be part of the European parliament so its a good first step so ass to achieve this in the future.”

Sergi (AGRI,delegate):

“First of all EYP is a chance for me to exercise the English language since talking in English is something that I am not used to and ameliorate my pronunciation. Also, all the participants are very open-minded and respect everyone’s opinion so I think it is very easy to collaborate efficiently. Apart from that I have changed personally after my EYP experiences. I have learned to think everything twice and always rethinking the problems before coming to a conclusion.” Do you believe that EYP promotes solidarity and European values?

Yes No Maybe

CONCLUSION EYP supports intercultural dialogue and brings together Europeans from different cultures in order to share practises, opinions, problems and solutions. EYP is the place where you meet very inspiring people. People who can motivate you to chase your goals and your dreams, and also help you understand them through sharing their one story and dreams. This procedure offer a better realisation of who you truly are, what are the skills and talents of yours and also what you want to achieve in and out of EYP. EYP is always the best place for general development and for creating the best version of yourself.

In addition to that, the EYP community helps participants comprehend the European institutions in a more interactive and fun way. Also, the communication and the connection with many European politicians or other members of the European parliament as well as with members of different NGOs, aide us all, see every problem from different perspectives and become more open-minded. This is the main reason why the structure of EYP can develop a more solid and common European policy as participants can easily understand the need for collective decisions that will benefit the future of Europe and thus the future of every member state.

A digital session can offer you technical abilities and can also be more easy to follow since you have the comfort of your home. For many participants being part of a digital EYP session is easier since they are not obliged to follow a specific dress-code, they feel more comfortable to express themselves in front of their cameras and they are happy to come in contact with foreign people in a very approachable manner.

At the same time, a physical session offers great choices. From the every day physical bonding with the participants to other physical events and activities, a physical session is always a great place to make new friends, have fun and learn new ways of communication through the academical and non-academical procedures.

Focusing on challenges and not trying to recreate the physical sessions, the digitalisation of EYP

can become a more democratic area of interaction. An area where everyone is safe and can easily be integrated, make friends, ameliorate their skills and finally become more European.

Because as Robert Schuman ( French politician, one of the founders of the European Union) once said: “Europe will not be made all at once, or according to a single plan. It will be built through concrete achievements which first create a de facto solidarity” and EYP is one of these achievements.

How comfortable you feel in EYP?

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