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Sortie des 3e à Genève / Ausflug der 3. Klassen in Genf

La sortie des 3e à Genève / Ausflug der 3. Klassen in Genf

A Day Trip to Geneva


On Thursday 23 January 2014 all the third ECG students went to Geneva to see the play Dr. Jeykll and Mr.Hyde. The trip had been organized by our English teachers who had chosen to read this great work in class.

Before going to the Uptown Geneva Theater for the show, everyone chose from four different morning visits: a walking tour of Geneva, The Red Cross Museum, The United Nations and the Museum of the History of Sciences.

The lunch break was free and everyone enjoyed walking around the city to gather a sandwich, pizza or a more exotic dish.

At 13:30 all the students met outside the Uptown Geneva – Business & Arts Center for the play. The live performance of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde was entertaining because the actors danced, sang and told jokes. There were few of them so they played several roles, which made the whole show very special and different from what we had read. However, we were glad to know the story beforehand.

The bus journey home was very peaceful as everyone was exhausted after such a busy day.

the 3rd ECG students

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