Peer-to-Peer Review on PSM Values - RTBF

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RTBF Academy is growing rapidly: 965 people were trained in 2012 and 3,084 in 2014. The satisfaction rate is 83%. On average this means 1.5 training days per year and per employee. Activity report


Eurovision Academy training courses 2014-2015




3'084 participants in 2014 Satisfaction rate = 83%

RTBF Academy encourages creativity in a dedicated biannual seminar on how to manage creativity as a team leader. It addresses the top 200 managers. The academy also delivers ad hoc creativity sessions on media literacy. Last but not least, it launched an internal call for new projects (Allumons les idées): at the end of the selection, 2 or 3 projects are shortlisted, and the first episode of the winner’s project receives funding. RTBF Academy works in collaboration with Eurovision Academy, and sends its staff to attend the best programmes (Executive Programme, HEST, Shooting for News with an iPhone).

Best practice(s)

Changing corporate culture through training Thanks to a clear leadership, RTBF Academy has managed to introduce a new strategic plan that aims to prepare staff to think and work differently, no longer in silos, in a digital and cross-media perspective. Training programmes and initiatives combine RTBF staff and departments. The results after three years are very positive, and are helping to change RTBF culture. RTBF Academy is wisely doing it step by step: the first people trained were managers; RTBF Academy is now targeting people in the field. Though RTBF Academy only trains RTBF staff, it collaborates with Mediarte (www. Mediarte is a Belgian association for encouraging and stimulating all training and education initiatives in the audiovisual sector. RTBF Academy and Mediarte plan to work together with media schools and private television stations on a dedicated programme to improve the training of technicians and give them the skills broadcasters need.



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