A Madeira Rural

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Porto Moniz Another interesting walk is along the “Levada Grande” or “do Moinho” (large “levada” or mill “levada”). The name of this channel derives from three mills that formerly used the waters of the “levada”. Nowadays the ruins of one can still be seen, the mill of Achadas. The source of the “levada” is the Cruz stream. Most of the water of this “levada” goes to the parish of Porto Moniz, and the recommended walk begins there, at Portas da Vila (Santa do Porto Moniz), near the Regional Road 110 which links this locality to Paúl da Serra.The distance to the source of the “levada” is approximately 6.5 km. Following upstream, the laurisilva will soon surround us. In the valley of the Tristão stream there is a beautiful cascade, especially during wetter parts of the year. Near Achadas da Cruz, the laurisilva is replaced by introduced forest species, and exotics are mixed with natives. The above-mentioned mill ruins are located there where the “levada” crosses the higher areas of the centre of Achadas da Cruz. Looking at the walls and at the heavy millstone of that historical and cultural heritage transports our imagination to the past. How would it feel to be there during the golden days of activity, when it milled all the grain that supported the local population? Here the “levada” drops and it is necessary to climb a footpath until the platform is found again. Already in the valley of the Cruz stream the native forest reappears and rivulets form waterfalls and dribbles.The “levada” deviates once again and it is necessary to climb a track. The source of water is located in a small narrow valley wrapped in a dense vegetation, an enchanted place. The return can be made by the same path or by the Regional Road 101.

Outros Sítios de Interesse Other Places of Interest

São vários os locais a explorar. As piscinas naturais do Porto Moniz e as do Seixal são ex-líbris do concelho, aproveite para desfrutar das suas límpidas águas e se quiser conhecer a fauna marinha local sugerimos que visite o Aquário da Madeira. Muito próximo deste está o Centro de Ciência Viva, que acolhe diversas exposições temáticas e interativas. Aproveite os vários percursos de canyoning existentes, muitos deles na freguesia do Seixal, não esquecendo que para a prática desta atividade e de outras ditas radicais, a segurança é fundamental e nunca deve ser negligenciada. Não deixe de visitar o Miradouro do Teleférico das Achadas da Cruz, que lhe proporcionará uma paisagem verdadeiramente notável sobre a Fajã da Quebrada Nova!


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