Watch robin hood full movie hd

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Watch Robin Hood full movie HD. Click zmovies watch novie online free now. There is a South Park episode where an Alien asks the boys what form he should take to be more pleasing. Inevitably, the boys get him to transform into a giant taco that sh*ts ice-cream. Throughout the entire 2 hours and 30 odd minutes of this Robin Hood movie, I was willing such a transformation on the script... not for the movie to turn into a Giant ice-cream excreting taco (although that would have been an improvement) but into a proper Robin Hood movie. Errol Flynn did it way back in 1938, Kevin Costner did it reasonably well, and even Mel Brooks managed to get a cast of B & C movie stars to pull off a half decent comedy version... So why not Ridley Scott with a truck full of money and a cast of A-listers? It simply beggars belief how badly this movie fails at being a Robin Hood movie... It blows so hard, that if it were to transform into anything, it would be a giant French horn with extra blowy bits attached. One could be forgiven for thinking a 2½ hour movie should, by definition, be a bit slow in getting started, but this movie managed to turn slow-starting into a laborious uphill struggle that dragged-on to the end credits. When I say that nothing of note happens in this movie, I don't just mean it as a flippant exaggeration to make a point; I really mean, nothing happens. Rideley Scott must surely have been paid up front by the producers, because the movie simply drifts from one dull scene to the next without much direction and little in the way of interest or entertainment to fill the scenes. [caption id="attachment_62" align="aligncenter" width="560"]

Watch Robin Hood full movie HD[/caption] Much has been made of the epic failure of Crowe's accent, with him even accusing critics of having dead ears. Well, I'm here to tell you (as someone from the North of England) that his

accent truly is awful. It drifts from Manc to a hint of Scouse, sometimes wondering into Irish or even back to his native Kiwi, but rarely hitting the proper South Yorkshire or Nottinghamshire sound. As off-putting as this dire attempt at the local accent was (and it truly was off-putting) one is left wondering why he even bothered when the head of the Sherwood Forest feral kids, someone supposedly born and raised in Nottinghamshire, spoke with a broad Northern Irish accent. Crowe didn't spurt away his credibility in Gladiator by trying to fake a Latin Accent, so I'm wondering what sort of brain wave inspired this effort. See more:  

Mamma Mia full movie online free Robin hood 2018 review – Movie review coming soon

The movie attempts a climax of sorts with World War II landing craft (replete with flat bottoms and front opening ramps) and a hail of arrows rather than machine guns. The only thing missing was Tom Hanks, Vin Diesel and a load of medieval gliders and flame throwers. This movie was worse than even Twilight! The trailer contains ALL of the action scenes from the movie, not the highlights; everything else is just slow, tedious buildup that makes me want to send the producers and script writers to a firing squad. The story and lines were as convincing as a Greek government budget report. I loved Gladiator which is why I thought this is worth the money, but now i regret the 2 hours of my life I'm never getting back. This movie is top pick for the razzies this year, they have my vote! I have no idea how the studio managed to fake all of the positive ratings here, but i bet as soon as more people see this the average will go south... Russel Crow and Ridley Scott are apparently in the business of milking previous success for a few lousy dollars. i would much rather see the porn version - Robin Wood, here i come.

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