Ebony Park Friesian Magazine May 2013

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Tash’s Training Tip - Commitment Commitment. Who loves that word? I love that word! And for me the word has nothing to do with marriage or relationships. To me, that word means success, results, achievement. What about you? What does that word mean to you? How committed are you in: -your work -your riding -your relationships -your health -your goals for the future If you are committed, if you have let go of if, but, maybe, what if - and thrown yourself into whatever it is you have decided to commit to you, you would know how liberating that is! It simply has to work, it has to happen because you have committed yourself to it, and decided this is what you will do.

What they need to understand is, by playing the game of life this way - yes, they may stay ‘safe,’ but they are pretty much guaranteeing a life of mediocrity. I had the pleasure of hanging out with Kerri Pottharst for a couple of days, and she explained how she turned a bronze medal in the 1996 Atlanta Olympics into a gold medal four years later at the 2000 Sydney Olympics. Yes, it had everything to do with hard work, everything to do with training, diet, drills, fitness but she and her partner Natalie Cook also had a success coach, and she attributes a lot of that gold medal to their success coach. Why? He demanded a commitment from them that they were the gold medalists.

They had to think, act, feel, be, like gold medalists. Now - what if they didn’t get the gold? then they wouldn’t have got it!! And do you know what? that's ok because they would have known they gave it EVERYTHING - and I mean EVERYTHING - to getting it. But because they did commit, because they gave it their everything - they did end up going home with the gold. So what about you? Do you give everything your ALL and I mean your ALL or do you hold back? Have you heard of a man called Eugene Orowitz? He went through high school as a skinny, awkward quiet boy, who was very shy and self conscious.

Some people however, are afraid of what will happen if they fully commit and ... heaven forbid... they still don't get it. They imagine the pain of deciding, wanting and committing to something, and not getting it, is so much higher than they are willing to risk, so they stay small, don’t commit so they are safe if it doesn't happen. Ebony Park Friesian Magazine May 2013


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