Eat This! Charleston | FALL 2012

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A Tale of Two Cities


he original Santi’s, on Meeting

Dash that would feature not one, but two

Street, has been around for

spots. I didn’t feel that having two totally

quite some time. It took them

different meals would really showcase

opening their newest location,

their consistency, but I was also torn about

in Mount Pleasant, to reinvig-

the fact that … well if its good, it should all

orate my curiosity. So, on a mission, I ventured out in the summer heat to the beloved Santi’s on the South Side of the Ravenel.

be good. As we sat with the menus before us, and no decision in mind … we sprung for a

In an eager dash to hit both spots before

couple lime margaritas on the rocks … they

the dreaded witching hour of work, I arrived

couldn’t hurt the process. The lunch menu

at 11 a.m. on the dot. Their sign was still

featured twelve to fifteen items. We debated

off, and for a brief moment I feared my plan

back and forth until I finally knew what had

had been shot to hell. I made my friend “hop

to be done. Tamales.

out and tug on the door”, but as she obliged

I have not ordered a Tamal since I left

a nice young man assured her, “We are

Birmingham, Al. I cooked side by side with

open!” I loosened a belt notch in preparation

a guy named Javier who had a friend that

for the two lunch gustation that was ahead.

made the most incredible Tamales, fresh

Once inside, it was time to decide how

every week. There were two options, red

to launch a fair compare/contrast Dine or

or green-both would have pork. I always

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