Roan Scholars Annual Report - 2018-2019

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Mollie Rutledge ’14 is a special education teacher at Abingdon High School in Washington County, VA. Her students are 15-21-years-old and have severe-profound disabilities and complex medical needs. Mollie believes deeply in her students, however, and delights in helping them demonstrate all that they can accomplish. To date, Mollie's proudest moment in the classroom was helping a 15-year-old student take her first independent steps. Mollie, who spoke about at this year’s Distinguished President’s Trust Dinner about her experiences in the classroom, encouraged the audience to remember, “Every kid can learn, just not the same way or on the same day.”

EARLY MATH Logan Carmody ’20 is studying to become a math teacher. “I have been blessed to have many great teachers who empowered and encouraged me. I’m excited to not only show my students the beauty of mathematics but also to help develop their character and have a part in guiding the future leaders of our world,” she said. During summer 2019, Logan completed faculty-guided research for her math thesis. “Early math, just like early childhood literacy, is so important in the cognitive development and social ability of a child,” she said. Her research examines the relationship between spatial ability and patterning skills in preschool students, with a focus on the role of gender.


"I’m excited to not only show my students the beauty of mathematics but also to help develop their character and have a part in guiding the future leaders of our world." Logan Carmody ’20

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