Inspire - Fall 2018 - Eastside Prep

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FALL 2018 | VOLUME 10 | ISSUE 1

...Students to Create a Better World







won’t be repeated here, but…we add four new PhDs—two in science, one in math, and one in English. We have added a position for a second counselor, to expand our ability to support our students. Of the new hires, ten are teachers, two are senior leadership team members, one is a new counselor, and three are members of the staff. A vivid illustration of the demography of our faculty can be seen in the two diagrams below:


VERY ISSUE OF INSPIRE GIVES ME A REASON TO STOP and look at what’s happened between publication dates. I know that time is relative—but, really?? The physical transformation of the campus is stunning. It’s not just that the facility is new and contemporary; it’s because everything we want to do can now be done on our campus (with the eternal exception of playing soccer or Ultimate). What we SEE is a magnificent collection of glass and steel, but what we HAVE is much more than that. Science labs are reserved for lab sciences—no more scheduling the occasional history class in the chem lab because we don’t have enough classrooms. Collaboration stations and faculty offices are scattered all over the campus. Everyone is located a few steps and a staircase or two away from everyone else—the Annex will be a lonely place this year. There is parking—possibly, even ENOUGH parking. This is the first school I’ve worked in that—for one brief shining moment—has spaces for people to park and get to where they’re going on time! There are two new interior spaces that are absolutely magnificent. The first is the new theatre. Our theatre and music programs have grown steadily since the first days EPS opened its doors. For fifteen years we have converted old classrooms, a cafeteria, the Middle School Commons, and a host of oddly designed teaching spaces into what we called “the theatre.” The performances were wonderful despite the less than adequate performance space. Imagine future performances! Comfortable seating, excellent sight lines, state of the art sound and light systems…what an amazing opportunity to showcase our talented students. As is always true, it’s not just facilities and equipment that are new; fifteen new employees join EPS this fall. The website carries everyone’s biography, so that information

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Finally, thanks to everyone who helped us meet our goal to complete the re-accreditation self-study on schedule. We will welcome the visiting team on October 14 – 17, and look forward to your participation in that process as opportunities allow. Year sixteen. Sweet.

Terry Macaluso, PhD Head of School

On the cover: The new TALI Hall building




EDITOR-IN-CHIEF  Vickie Baldwin

HEAD OF SCHOOL  Terry Macaluso, PhD

PRESIDENT  Stacy Graven







PHOTOGRAPHERS  Elena S. Blair Photography, Bob Baldwin, Jennifer Boyle Photography, Roberta Christensen, Barbie Hull Photography, Laurel McConnell Photography, Brittany Williams


TREASURER  Scott Haeger


COPY EDITORS  Dr. Laurie Benaloh, Allison Luhrs, Karen Mills, Jeanine Reina, Brittany Williams, Dan Yezbick WEB EDITORS  Jonathan Briggs, Derek Clarke


Read INSPIRE Online Contact INSPIRE:  INSPIRE is published two times a year by Eastside Preparatory School. It is mailed to all current families, employees, alumni, and donors. To remove or change your mailing address, to submit a letter to the editor, to suggest a topic for an article, or to submit alumni information (text or photographs), contact © Copyright 2018, Eastside Preparatory School

In this issue

Impactful Spaces, People, Programs

Dr. Scott teaching Upper School students.


Impactful Spaces, People, Programs


EPS Year 16: Making an Impact through Strategic Initiatives


The Impact of Professional Development


"What we SEE is a magnificent collection of glass and steel, but what we HAVE is much more than that." - Terry Macaluso, PhD


11 New Faces 15 Alice Strong Award

Ms. McLane talks to students Emme and Saanika (both Class of 2021).

15 New Trustee

36 Reflections on Reflecting


16 The Class of 2022 22 The Class of 2018

39 The Impact of Collaboration

is to guide students to

26 TALI Grand Opening

42 Alumni Notes

THINK critically.

28 Impactful Spaces

44 Staffing Transitions

ACT responsibly.

30 Service Awards

46 Annual Report 2017–2018

LEAD compassionately.

34 The Impact of Theatrical Arts at EPS

50 Upcoming Events

INNOVATE wisely. INSPIRE Fall 2018




Emily Anthony has worked in the non-profit sector for over twenty years and has served as an EPS Trustee since 2012. Emily chairs the Board’s Committee on Trustees and also serves as a member of the Travel and Safety Committee.

Claudia Bayer has been active in the EPS community since 2012 when her oldest son enrolled as a sixth grader. After several years in various volunteer roles with the EPS Parent Association, Claudia is now serving as its President.

Matt Delaney is Eastside Prep’s Academic Dean, and in that role, he oversees the professional development process for faculty. He devotes much of his time and attention to promoting the school’s approaches to integration, inquiry, and experiential education. Matt teaches humanities in the Upper School and serves as one of our college counselors.

Bart Gummere became Eastside Prep’s Upper School Head in 2006. In his time at EPS, Bart has overseen the growth in Upper School student body, faculty, and course selections. He has also facilitated opportunities for students to design their own course of study through Independent Study options and complete a self-designed multidisciplinary project.

Wendy Lawrence was one of the four founding faculty at Eastside Prep. She started as a science teacher and three years later became the head of the Middle School. Wendy has moved to Ann Arbor, Michigan but remains connected to Eastside Prep through her work on this magazine.

Dr. Terry Macaluso has been a division head and a head of school at four independent day schools, including Lakeside School in Seattle, over a thirty-five-year career. In 2002, she guided the founding Board of Trustees from the earliest discussions about the school that eventually became Eastside Prep. Terry was appointed Head of School in spring 2004.

Karen Mills is an original employee of Eastside Prep, having been hired by the founders of EPS. Karen served in several different roles at EPS including administrative support, Director of Admissions, and librarian before taking on her current position as Literary Thinking teacher.

Sam Uzwack joined Eastside Prep in July 2009 as Middle School Head. In that time, he has instituted the Middle School laptop program, added regular grade-level parent talks to increase communication between the school and parents, and worked to bring a social emotional curriculum to the Middle School. Sam is also one of our college counselors.


Brian Hutcheson is in his fourth year as Eastside Prep’s Director of Fine and Performing Arts. In that role, “Hutch” promotes our full range of arts activities (music, theatre, and visual arts) as well as teaching visual arts classes. Hutch has implemented a yearly theme for the arts that guides theatre production choices, music selection, and arts projects.



Mr. Keedy engages with students in class.


by Dr. Terry Macaluso, Head of School


HE OPENING OF TALI HALL IN FALL OF 2018 GIVES EPS an opportunity to re-launch itself. There are new spaces, new teachers, new students, new parents—it’s a reminder that we can never set foot in the same classroom twice—maybe not even once. (Thanks to Heraclitus for that oft-repeated idiom.) Organizations are dynamic. They don’t stop moving and changing. Leaders have two options, as I reflect on what it means to set a vision. A leader can either don a seatbelt and see where things go or get out in front—to determine what the destination will be. EPS has always had a vision—to inspire students to create a better world. The way toward that vision is made by tackling very specific strategic initiatives. In this year of new starts, EPS is guided by six core initiatives over the course of the next five years:

ACCREDITATION At this writing, the self-study, prepared during the 2017-2018 academic year, is approaching final form. By publication, the visit will either be just a few days away, or it will already have taken place. EPS is going through its re-accreditation process with the National Association of Independent Schools (NWAIS)—initial accreditation was in 2009. Schools are assessed every eight years; EPS was allowed an extension to accommodate the 2017-2018 year of construction. This process is an opportunity for deep reflection on the part of the school, and for other independent school educators to give us feedback about what they observe during their three-day visit. The school should expect to receive commendations as well as recommendations—all of which will be published for the full community when the visiting team report is available.







LEADERSHIP SUCCESSION In every well-led organization, succession planning is occurring constantly. In addition to serving the school’s constituencies, it is of great importance that new leaders be identified and cultivated. With the addition of Ms. McKinney as the Equity, Inclusion, and Compassionate Leadership Coordinator, as well as the placement of Mr. Gummere as Associate Head of School for College Counseling and Alumni Relations (more on this on page 44), the organizational structure is developing, organically, as the school continues to evolve. A new Upper School Head will begin at EPS in July 2019, and from there we can expect to see two to three additional leadership transitions over the next five years. This same succession planning takes place with the Board of Trustees. To date, the EPS Board has been chaired by four people in its sixteen-year history, Janet Levinger, Byron Bishop, Rob Short, Stacy Graven, and beginning with the 2019-2020 INSPIRE Fall 2018


academic year Dr. Mack Hinson will take the lead as President of the Board of Trustees.

SCALE Any successful entrepreneur will tell you that one of the most serious challenges to rapidly growing organizations is the problem of scaling. Often, while an organization is scaling up to its intended size, community members begin to question the evolving culture. Questions like, “Why does it feel so different now?” or “What happened to the original culture?” or "Are we getting too big?" are often asked in the community, especially by those with the longest tenure. EPS scaled from a school of sixteen students and seven employees to a school of 458 students and 103 employees over a sixteen-year period. To anyone who graduated from EPS in 2009, the school is virtually unrecognizable. Even graduates of more recent years remark on the change they observe. During the 2018 graduation ceremony, some faculty lamented that we are no longer a school of eighty-five

Mr. Barrager in science class



where everyone knows everyone else. While that was definitely a friendly feature of the EPS culture, if we hadn’t outgrown the expectation that everyone would know everyone else by actually growing, we’d have overthrown it in an effort to break from the mundane routinization of a community that had, indeed, STOPPED growing. It isn’t important that everyone know everyone else. It’s important that everyone be known.

CURRICULA AND PROGRAM The new strategic plan for 2018-2023 is soundly focused on program change in the humanities. Formerly the English and social science disciplines, faculty in each of those groups worked together throughout the 2017-2018 academic year to position themselves to rethink the current English and social science courses in the Upper School. The interaction of those individuals, coupled with the ubiquitous access to information that we all enjoy, will lead to the development of a vibrant and innovative new humanities

program—for implementation in 2019-2020. In addition, the junior- and senioryear experiences are being studied to push EPS toward a deeper understanding of what “being prepared”—for college, life, ANYTHING—means. Life doesn’t happen in eighty-five-minute blocks, and human experience isn’t neatly packaged for easy consumption. We want our juniors and seniors to add to their sophistication about what it truly means to be independent.

FACULTY DEVELOPMENT Throughout the second trimester of the 2017-2018 school year, a team of faculty agreed to “pilot” a new assessment model called, simply, the Professional Development Plan (PDP). Eight “essential competencies” compose the PDP (shown to the right). Initial work was done by each discipline group discussing what the eight measures might look like inside and outside of their academic discipline work and classes. Those discipline-specific indicators will evolve over time, but the

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN CATEGORIES AND CRITERIA Indicators are discipline-specific and are established at the outset of the process. Categories and criteria express expectations for all EPS faculty members. CLASSROOM CULTURE


Comportment of students is appropriate for what they’re doing; instructor is clearly well connected to students and students show evidence that the instructor is invested in their success.

Relationships with colleagues are mutually respectful and productive; willing participation in partnership with colleagues on integration and/or other projects is in evidence.



Class sessions begin with a clear statement about the lesson’s objectives; the activities in the class period are varied—with a minimum of three different kinds of student interaction; each specific activity is brought to closure effectively; laptops are not a distraction.

Visibility at school events and performances (drama, music and athletics) is consistent; engagement in social activities hosted by the school for colleagues is a regular practice.



There is obvious mastery of content area; knowledge of and reflection about the fifth- through twelfth-grade curriculum is a natural part of reviewing and revising lessons; there is creativity in thinking about the evolution of instruction; shows evidence of continuing to remain current with the evolution of the discipline.

Participation is active and constructive in Program Development Day (PDD) activities; present at PDDs; takes advantage of professional development opportunities provided by EPS; seeks to identify professional development opportunities appropriate to enhancing effectiveness as an educator.



Working in conjunction with feedback from a Guided Study Hall or other teacher who is familiar with students’ learning profiles; verifies appropriate use of differentiation and reasonable assessment practices.

Recommendations for improvement are received appreciatively; unannounced visitors are welcome to observe any class; seeks out the opinion of others who are qualified to provide useful guidance.

Dr. Scott teaching Upper School students.

The junior- and senior-year experiences are being studied to push EPS toward a deeper understanding of what “being prepared”—for college, life, ANYTHING—means.

essential competencies describe what excellence in teaching looks like at EPS. An additional pilot effort is planned for the fall of 2018 with the project formally launched in the winter of 2018. This is the key to authentic and effective instruction. It’s a professional ladder for teachers, and in time it will make EPS pedagogy an “industry standard.”

INNOVATION Every time we work to improve a piece of the program, innovation happens. But what kind of innovation is possible if change extends beyond the “iterative?” More than revising a syllabus or rethinking choice of materials, educational innovation is about creating experiences that aren’t familiar to people who went to school in the last century. If you walk on to the EPS campus and visit a class three years from now, I’ll be disappointed if what you observe is what you remember from when you went to school, no matter when that was. Educational innovation is not unlike artificial intelligence in that we know that a new frontier exists—even if we may not know at this moment precisely what it is. 

INSPIRE Fall 2018


The impact of

Ms. Mills, Ms. Luhrs, and Mr. Kelly-Hedrick at the Teachers College Summer Institute

professional development By Karen Mills , Literary Thinking Faculty

“Sketch a map of a place that is important to you” was the assignment. Sigh. My first small-group session at the Writing Institute at Columbia University’s Teachers College began with first-day-of-school nerves and anticipation. It was your idea to come here, Karen, my inner voice scolded. Play along. Pick an important place, draw it. It doesn’t have to be perfect. You can think of an important moment. You’ve got ideas. Lots of them. The blank notebook page sneered up at me and snarkily asked, “But DO you?” Did I? The pen slipped in my clammy hands and I felt like I was in middle school all over again. Surreptitiously glancing around the room, I just knew that everyone else was so much better than I was at teaching, at writing, at learning. Focusing my energy on the page in front of me, I took a deep breath, tried to ignore the glances of my instructor, Dwight McCaulsky, making sure we were all on task, and began to clumsily sketch a map of my important place. I can do this. Right? 8


The path to my summer professional development at the Writing Institute was several months in the making. It started in August 2017 when Academic Dean Matt Delaney reminded all faculty members to look for opportunities outside the walls of EPS that could impact our teaching within the walls of EPS. “We’re looking to help faculty further develop their craft, aligning that with overall goals of the school program,” Delaney had said. Through a series of conversations and research that fall, I learned about the work that Teachers College was doing with writing and reading workshops; I listened to presentations from Teachers College educators and read about the impacts they’ve made on English classrooms around the world. I implemented small techniques in my own classes and saw significant improvements in the writing my students produced. I wanted to learn more. Both Delaney and Terry Macaluso got earfuls about my ideas and agreed that the Writing Institute had the potential to positively impact the EPS Middle School writing curriculum. Among other highlights,

the Institute’s website promised instruction on “teaching that fosters independence and a growth mindset in student writers,” creating writing partnerships, and revising strategies for scaffolding writing. So, Allison Luhrs, David Kelly-Hedrick, and I applied to the Writing Institute and at the same time submitted a request for professional development funds through EPS. As soon as Teachers College accepted us into their program, Macaluso and Delaney found the funds necessary to send us to New York City for the week-long institute. We set up room and board. We arranged travel. We were ready. ••• My map was of Swifts Bay on Lopez Island. Instructor Dwight gave us about two minutes to sketch so, minus my minute-long pause of insecurity, I drew for a total of sixty seconds. Nonetheless, the exercise DID generate several story ideas for me, which was the point. Dwight gave us five more minutes to start writing a personal narrative based on the map. I was ready that time and jumped in to writing. Five minutes and three sentences later, Dwight called time. What? No! I’m just getting going. I need more time!

I needed “more time” for the rest of the week. More time to explore my own writing ideas, more time to consider how to integrate writing workshop exercises into my own classroom curriculum, more time to partner with Allison and David to scope out how each lesson might affect the entire EPS Middle School English program. The hands-on activities in our small group sessions prepped us for the lectures in our large group sessions, which then led to “choice” sessions; at the end of each eight-hour day, our brains were full of writing strategies to share with our students. One benefit of such an immersive professional development opportunity was that we COULD talk over ideas outside of our “school day.” At the café on the corner of Lexington and 118th during a lunch break, Allison, David, and I brainstormed how we might incorporate our small-group lessons into our own classes at EPS. As we descended the worn stone stairs through Morningside Park after school each day, we reviewed conversations we had with middle school English teachers from all over the world about how they used the workshop model. Over dinner at a Harlem restaurant, we shared even more experiences from our days. None of us had families to prep meals for, pets to

One benefit of such an immersive professional development opportunity was that we COULD talk over ideas outside of our “school day.”

I implemented small techniques in my own classes and saw significant improvements in the writing my students produced. I wanted to learn more. Ms. McLane (middle row, second from left) at Oxford University.

INSPIRE Fall 2018



KATIE DODD & SARAH HOLLINGSHEAD Project-Based Science Teacher Institute Monterey Bay Aquarium (CA)

CAITLIN MCLANE The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History – Teaching Seminar: The Age of Lincoln St. Catherine’s College, Oxford University (UK)

Ms. Dodd (back row, left) and Ms. Hollingshead (back row, second from right) at the Project-Based Science Teacher Institute

walk, students to email, lessons to plan. While monthly Program Development Days during the school year serve an important purpose—such as integrating across disciplines for single projects—I found that being removed from my daily routines and responsibilities, combined with the depth of immersion in a topic that I treasured, to be more inspirational to my craft than most other kinds of professional development I’ve experienced. By the end of our week at Teachers College, I had gained a year’s worth of learning about writing tools, techniques, and strategies. I had also completed a short personal narrative, which wasn’t even close to what I had started with, having nothing to do with my black lab running circles around me on the low-tide sand at Swifts Bay. But it was something that I had created, a piece of writing that was based off an activity that I wanted to share with and replicate for students in my classroom. As I wrote my narrative, attended sessions, and worked with writing teachers from around the world, I had practiced stretching my growth mindset, writing in partnerships, and scaffolding writing strategies­—all the things I was so curious to learn about in the first place. I found some personal success and, most importantly, ideas that I hope my students will embrace as they stretch themselves to become independent and thoughtful writers. As the 2018-2019 school year begins and Allison, David, and I implement techniques we learned at the Writing Institute, we know that we face trials, errors, repetition, lots of deep breaths, and significant buy-in from our capable students and colleagues. Our enthusiasm for and confidence in the workshop model, though, will sustain us through the process. The time and space carved out for us with this professional development opportunity makes it all possible. 



DAVID KELLY-HEDRICK, ALLISON LUHRS, KAREN MILLS TC (Teachers College) Summer Institute – Writing Columbia University (NY)

DANA ALBU, DAVID FIERCE, ELENA OLSEN Wilderness First Aid Training Seattle University (WA)

BESS MCKINNEY Klingenstein Summer Institute Lawrenceville School (NJ)

BESS MCKINNEY, ELENA OLSEN Courage of Care Advanced Training Courage of Care (CA)

TED SCOTT QuarkNet Vancouver (WA)

DANA ALBU & MOLLY LORI TPRS (Teaching Proficiency through Reading & Storytelling) Books Language Instruction Workshop San Jose (CA)

New Faces Employees By Wendy Lawrence, Inspire Contributor


ASTSIDE PREP WELCOMES FIFTEEN NEW EMPLOYEES this year. Their roles vary from math to art to athletics to finance, but their enthusiasm for education and excitement to join the EPS community are a constant. Here we meet our new community members and learn a little bit about the impacts they’ve already made and the ones they hope to make while here.

ATHLETICS KIM ENG Director of Athletics

ANGIE SHARP Assistant Director of Athletic Operations

A sports program is more than the activities of students. Someone has to create a schedule, arrange referees, order uniforms, and—most importantly—inspire those students. That’s where new Director of Athletics, Kim Eng, comes in. “I will be responsible for directing all EPS sports activities and programs, including hiring, supervising and evaluating coaches—as well as helping create a fun, competitive athletic culture that revolves around school pride and community.” For the past eighteen years, Eng has worked as the Director of High School Athletics at Forest Ridge School of the Sacred Heart, and before that she did cardiology research at the University of Washington. Eng reflects that, “There are many kids who think they can’t play sports. With a little nudging, many kids get involved, and for the most part, they have a great time and develop a sense of pride, gaining confidence along the way. I believe it is these students, more than anything, that has given me a sense of making an impact.” Why is she coming to EPS? “This one is easy,” she says. “I felt the energy the minute I stepped in the door of the school. Without exception, everybody—the kids, the parents, the teachers, the administration—seemed to love being at EPS. When you have this much collective passion, anything’s possible.” Eng lives with her husband Matt, son Dane, and bearded dragon lizard Bob. Her hobbies include lots of sports as well as tournament bridge, a complex card game she competes in nationally.

Angie Sharp, new Assistant Director of Athletic Operations, came to EPS to challenge herself in yet another area of education. “EPS is known for supporting the community in an atmosphere of respect and learning.” Sharp has been working in education since 2007, most recently as an operations coordinator and registrar. She’s also worked at other schools, in the corporate and non-profit sectors, and owned several small businesses. One of those was inspired by her son, who at a young age, wanted to read bedtime stories to his baby sister. “I created my own tools,” says Sharp, that helped him learn his letters. “The learning cards ended up filling a niche and helped many beginning readers. This led to me formally designing a product, earning a patent, and selling my product nationwide.” She says her diverse job background makes her a good listener and communicator. “I’ve learned how to streamline processes, how to stay organized amidst chaos, and how to find joy and delight in every day.” When asked about her impact, Sharp skips over her impressive resume of skills and companies and talks about her kids. She’s proud of the small acts she performs over and over again, that she hopes have collectively encouraged them to be their best selves. Sharp is a third-generation Bainbridge Islander who now lives in Issaquah with her husband Chris, who is a school principal and baseball coach, her teenage son Gabe and twelve-year-old daughter Nicaia, and two Havanese rescue dogs.

INSPIRE Fall 2018



ALEKSANDER EDMONDS Technical Theatre Specialist and Media Teacher

As the Technical Theatre Specialist and Media Teacher, Aleksander (but call him Alek) Edmonds will work with students and the Fine and Performing Arts team, supporting the new TALI theatre space and fine tuning the media lab facilities. Edmonds comes to EPS from a variety of experiences. After working in tech for a while, Edmonds owned and operated two recording studios in Los Angeles and then obtained a position in engineer management in the Paramount Recording group. He then moved up to Seattle where he worked as the Technical Director for the music school at Cornish College of the Arts. At Cornish, he helped develop a summer program, worked to place students in internships, refurbished studios

and labs, and ran productions. “I am excited to bring a unique combination of the tech industry and media experience to the next generation of leaders and innovators at EPS.” Whitney Stange comes to EPS as our new Drama Teacher. She just moved here from Los Angeles with her husband of eighteen years, and their three kids, aged ten, seven, and three. Students will have the chance to check out her classes in Improv, Acting, Directing, Shakespeare, and more, or audition for one the many shows she will be directing. For the last ten years, Stange has worked as the Director of Performing Arts at the Laurence School in LA, where she developed curriculum, worked with teachers, taught drama classes, and directed performances.

Stange considers the arts especially impactful. “I hear from students all the time about how meaningful being part of a production was for them or how much a certain unit they experienced in class made learning exciting and engaging. Drama has the power to build empathy in all of us because it challenges us to walk in someone else’s shoes.” Stange loves a quote that evokes an idea she brings to her classes: “Collaboration is not just about gluing together existing egos. It’s about the ideas that never existed until everyone entered the room.” When she isn’t finding new ideas with groups of drama students, Stange loves to visit museums, which she calls her happy place.

Alicia Hale is the newest member of the Middle School English & History Faculty and brings with her nine years of teaching experience, most recently at a public school in Seattle. Hale will be teaching Historical Thinking and Literary Thinking classes in both the sixth and seventh grades. Asked what attracted her to EPS, Hale responds that it was the opportunity “to work in a creative educational environment with like-minded peers. I am tremendously excited to collaborate with such a strong team of educators.” Creativity is a theme in Hale’s educational career. “I bring my creative teaching style to EPS. I love to innovate and create student-influenced lessons to meet the needs of the community,” she says. Hale is proud of the impact she has had on her students. “I am most proud of the impact I have made as a teacher when students come to speak to me as the adults they have become and share their lives with me. My former students have often told me that I have impacted their lives in a positive way. I am lucky that they are willing to share where they have gone with me.” Hale lives with her husband and two sons in Seattle. They are avid mountain bikers and backpackers, and have set a goal of taking a long backpacking trip next summer. Hale also teaches sourdough classes in Seattle and advocates for the use of locally grown and milled grain. She grew up in Wales and is proud that she can pronounce and

translate the longest town name in the world: Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch His resume is an impressive composition of experience in writing, sports, and food. In addition to work as a newspaper copy writer, academic editor, and college writing instructor, work that ties more obviously to his new role as Upper School Humanities Faculty, Jonathan Larner-Lewis has also worked as a ski instructor, waiter, wine store clerk, farmer, and a chef, and it all helps him prepare to teach. “Throughout, I’ve learned how to make hard work fun and how to curate knowledge and communicate with an audience in mind.” His many careers have even collided in one very fortuitous moment when he was catering a dinner for a personal literary hero of his, Wendell Berry. Berry snuck into the kitchen at some point and offered to do dishes. “After a star-struck pause,” tells Larner-Lewis, “I said, ‘absolutely not, but you can sign my book!’” “The impact I’m most proud of,” says Larner-Lewis, and one he hopes to continue, is that “over the last ten years I’ve helped hundreds of students learn how to learn and learn how to express themselves with passion and precision.” In his free time, Larner-Lewis describes himself (with alliteration befitting an English teacher) as “a devoted dad, a seasoned cook, a proud pug owner, and a reluctant but regular runner.” He also mentions that he just

finished a PhD dissertation on British poetry and the Great War, so please don’t ask him about either subject. Also joining as Upper School Humanities Faculty, Wen Yu Ho brings an international perspective in every sense of the word. Originally from Singapore, where his parents and older brother still live, he’s studied at international schools in the United States and taught in both Madaba, Jordan, and Greenwich, Connecticut. His passion is searching for cheap flights, and as a result he has visited seventy-five countries. He has studied all the UN languages, plus German, and is hoping to start on Japanese, Italian or Portuguese next. Ho is excited to start teaching a variety of humanities classes in the Upper School (including Modern Middle East History and Comparative Government). When visiting EPS, he says, "I was struck by how inquisitive, passionate, and warm the students and faculty were towards one another,” and he looks forward to getting to know our “bright and talented students.” In addition to a rich experience teaching both history and Chinese, Ho is an avid musician, a classical and jazz pianist, and conductor. One of his proudest accomplishments is as founder of 88 Keys, an exciting children’s piano festival where students came together to teach each other.



ALICIA HALE Middle School English & History Faculty

JONATHAN LARNERLEWIS, PhD Upper School Humanities Faculty

WEN YU HO Upper School Humanities Faculty




ANNE DUFFY, PhD Upper School Science and Math Faculty

JOHN KAMINSKY, PhD Upper School Mathematics Faculty

KRISSY RUSSELL, PhD Middle School Science and Math Faculty


Anne Duffy, Upper School Science and Math Faculty will be teaching Chemistry and Algebra II. Duffy’s background is in lab-based research specializing in organometallic chemistry. “I took a leap of faith after my master’s degree and decided to confer a doctorate in Math and Science Education rather than continue on the trajectory in chemistry. I knew I wanted to teach and I wanted to do it better informed about the research and advances in teaching and learning.” After teaching at the college and graduate school level, Duffy took a chance on a high school teaching job at a project-based learning charter school called High Tech. She loved the experience and continued her secondary teaching experience in Arizona. Duffy isn’t sure if she loves teaching or learning more, but she is excited to bring her passion for both to EPS, as well as her wide-ranging knowledge about project-based learning. She’s excited about her move to EPS, which she found while looking for a place in Seattle “to narrow the gap in my long-distance relationship (I am moving for love).” While she has spent most of her adult life in the Southwest United States, Duffy spent most of her childhood in Denmark. “My mother and her side of the family still live there so I try to go back as often as I can to see them.” To unwind, she likes a good video game that makes her think and admits to occasionally staying up past bedtime when engrossed in one.

John Kaminsky, Upper School Mathematics Faculty, starts this year with three sections of Calculus and two sections of Pre-Calculus. Kaminsky has previously taught at the University of California, Santa Barbara, as both a lecturer and a teaching assistant, graduating with his PhD in 2017. Teaching a lot of college calculus gives him a good idea of what high school math should look like. “I’m excited to help EPS students prepare for that transition to college while seeing the beauty of mathematics.” While at UC Santa Barbara, Kaminsky worked as a department representative and as vice-president for the graduate student government. He enjoyed helping to increase the number of graduate students honored with a teaching award, as well as being the lone student voice on the faculty Graduate Council. Kaminsky found EPS while searching for a new teaching job that would allow him greater interaction with his students. Originally from New York, Kaminsky loves to live near the ocean. He enjoys trivia contests, board games, and video games, and throughout his schooling enjoyed what he calls an interesting job history that included working as a bouncer on a buffet line on a casino boat. Krissy Russell joins EPS Middle School Science and Math Faculty to teach Scientific Thinking 1 and Environmental Practices. Russel-Hedstrom has worked for twelve years as an environmental consultant to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,

where she got to see firsthand a major impact of her teaching. “I worked with a Navajo community living between two giant abandoned uranium mines in New Mexico. For over two years, I assisted community members by attending monthly meetings and explaining the technical details of the cleanup. I facilitated contentious meetings and often served as a bridge between the decisionmakers and the community members.” She got to see the community using the scientific knowledge she gave them to advocate for themselves in decisions. It helped her, too. “Working with real environmental problems helped expand my knowledge of how to apply basic scientific concepts to help people. I think that fits well with EPS’s mission to inspire students to innovate wisely.” When she relocated to the Eastside for her husband’s job, she decided it was time to go back into teaching. Her husband, Rocky, is a jewelry artist and together they have three children aged twelve, nine, and seven. “My favorite solo thing to do is to be outside in nature, whether on a long hike or just sitting with a cup of tea.” As part of their move, their family is challenging themselves to reduce their environmental footprint. “We’ve halved our square footage, parted with all our cars, and mostly shop at numerous thrift stores. It’s been challenging, but fun!”

Manuela Garcia has taught both Spanish in the United States and English abroad. She’s led educational hikes in North Carolina and nature tours in Costa Rica. She has also organized and led student trips abroad. “I’m a strong believer in providing experiential learning opportunities for students, as I believe they foster team-building, an interest in service learning, and a love for both the environment and other cultures.” Ultimately, she says, these bolster students’ own self-confidence and autonomy.

Garcia joins EPS as a new Spanish teacher, where she is excited to take each student on a journey to becoming fluent in her own native language. How she does this may vary from day to day. “I am continually experimenting and crafting new ways of teaching with technology. I was one of the iPilots—a group of teachers who led Tampa Prep’s research and development during a two-year iPad implementation initiative,” she explains. “As a result of my direct experience in designing, testing, and implementing this curriculum, technology integration is often

present in my own lessons.” She looks forward to the autonomy given to teachers at EPS. “I am constantly evolving, adjusting, and reshaping my way of teaching.” Garcia loves all types of adventure, whether international or in the local great outdoors. She also enjoys woodworking, and even designs and builds her own furniture. “I have a woodshop in my house and my twelve-pound schnoodle loves to chew away scraps—but only of walnut and maple. He certainly has a taste for hardy and expensive lumber.”

INSPIRE Fall 2018




MICHELLE LORNE School Counselor

CHERYL MILLER Director of Enrollment Management

SHANE SPELLMAN Revenue Accountant


Malcolm Yates, who also joins the EPS Spanish Faculty, spent his first two years teaching Spanish at a German immersion school. “My experience working with students tackling their third, fourth, or even fifth language opened my eyes to the adolescent mind’s incredible capacity for linguistic study and taught me never to underestimate student potential.” Experience as a head counselor at a Seattle Parks Department camp for kids with special needs helped him further refine and adapt his teaching methods.

When he’s not teaching, Yates is, well, teaching. “I’ve started tutoring Spanishspeaking immigrants hoping to pass the U.S. citizenship test. I’m honored to have the opportunity to repay some small part of the warmth and welcome I’ve received in many Spanish-speaking countries.” Yates is excited about beginning his journey at EPS and highlights the school’s commitment to bringing joy into a rigorous curriculum as something that drew him here. Yates begins his year at EPS right after

marrying Andrea, an Occupational Therapist in South-Seattle schools. Asked about personal stories, he says only this: “You know when you’re an eighteenyear-old traveling alone in South America and you have to argue an error in your visa with heavily-armed Bolivian soldiers at 2:00AM in a shack in the desert on the border with Paraguay? At that moment, you’re very glad you studied Spanish in high school.”

As School Counselor, Michelle Lorne will be available to EPS students of all ages. In that role, Lorne will join Jake Davis to work as a school counseling team, providing support for students’ problem solving/decision-making skills, stress management/coping strategies, discovering personal strengths, goal setting, increasing positive social/relational communication, facilitating conflict resolution, and navigating personal identity, among others. Lorne has eight years of experience as a counselor in the education setting. She says, “My experience in the school setting(s), paired with my clinical background, allow me to bring knowledge and understanding of common developmental, social-emotional, and mental health concerns that adolescents face.” When asked about what drew her to EPS, she credits the welcome letter from Dr. Macaluso on the school’s website. “Dr. Macaluso states that Eastside Prep is a place where you can become the best version of yourself. That statement is one that aligns with the core of my counseling philosophy and one which I hope all students can embrace. I firmly believe that it is in a student’s best interest to recognize, accept, celebrate, and build on the attributes that make each of them unique, and highly valued members of our community.” Lorne understands that her role as a school counselor provides a unique opportunity to have a direct impact on students. “In April of 2018 I accompanied a group of eighth graders to Peru. As expected, the trek was more of a challenge for some than it was for others. On

the fourth and final day of our trek, a student came up to me and said, ‘I couldn’t have done this without you.’ It is a single moment like that one that reminds me of why I do what I do, why I love what I do. It’s the who, the students—the significance of making a difference, even for just one.” Lorne was born and raised in Hawaii and comes to EPS after a few years in California. She admits to a “chronic case of wanderlust” and warns that chatting about travel may lead to a much longer conversation than intended! As Director of Enrollment Management, Cheryl Miller will do her best to “lead our efforts to attract, admit, and retain students and their families, supporting the efforts of the Admissions team and everyone on campus who makes that work possible.” Miller has been in admissions for thirteen years, most recently as the Director of Admissions at Charles Wright Academy in Tacoma. “I hope at EPS we can identify the most diverse mix of students who will benefit from our program and culture,” she says. “A diverse and inclusive classroom creates the greatest opportunities for students to learn from one another.” Miller loves the personal connections she makes with students. “I have the privilege of knowing students from the first moment of inquiry to graduation and beyond. People make the place and their stories are incredibly valuable. However, you can’t tell those stories authentically if you don’t know the individuals behind them.”

Miller is drawn to the mission of EPS— and the energy the school uses to further that mission. “EPS is highly self-reflective. That work requires a lot of energy, intellect, and heart, and the passion that people bring to their work is palpable.” Cheryl’s husband, James, is the Director of Admissions at UW Bothell. Cheryl is a proud bonus mom to her stepson Everett. She enjoys yoga, running (sometimes), and food. And while she describes herself as naturally caffeinated, she likes to start the day with a cup of decaf. Shane Spellman, Revenue Accountant, was born and raised—and is still hanging out—in Kirkland. After earning a Bachelor’s in Accounting at the University of Washington, he’s held a variety of accounting roles in tech and retail industries around the Seattle area and brings a lot of experience managing a fast-paced working environment with a team-oriented philosophy. Spellman started at EPS over the summer and is already working on billing and revenue. When he isn’t at work, Spellman enjoys electric guitar and basketball. He plays both of them and has taught guitar lessons since high school and coached boys’ basketball for six years. He also loves concerts—his first one was the Rolling Stones and he’sseen Van Halen four times. When that tires him out, he enjoys refueling with delicious vegan food. 


Heather Burkey with Saumya (’22)

Alice Strong Award Recipient

New Trustee

By Claudia Bayer, Parent Association President

By Emily Anthony, EPS Trustee



Heather Burkey

UILDING CONNECTIONS AND CREATING A WARM and caring community have been the foundation of the Parent Association at EPS. Among the many wonderful parent volunteers we are fortunate to have, we are extremely appreciative and grateful for the immense time and dedication provided by one of our long-time parents, Heather Burkey. Heather’s commitment began as a grade-level representative and then volunteer coordinator for many years prior to taking on the role of PA President and Board member for the last two years. Her goal of fostering the connection between parents and the school has been invaluable. Whether it is welcoming new parents, continually supporting and informing our current parents, working with the student council, or honoring the faculty and staff, she has created strong bonds of communication between each of these groups in her kind and thoughtful manner. Her efforts have been vital to our community and her contributions have really made a difference to the EPS experience. Heather is a true representative of the EPS values we try to instill in each of our students. It is with these many accomplishments we congratulate Heather for being a recipient of the Alice Strong Award. Her enduring commitment to making EPS a friendly and nurturing environment support the school’s highest standards of academic and social growth. As Heather continues on as Volunteer Coordinator supporting parent reps and social events for another year, we would like to extend a huge THANK YOU for all she has done and continues to do to support our community. 

Llewellyn Packia Raj, MD

LEWELLYN PACKIA RAJ JOINED THE EPS board in July 2018, and will be part of the board’s Travel and Safety Committee. Packia Raj is a physician who currently practices in the Swedish Spine and Sports Medical Group in Bellevue doing outpatient rehabilitation work; his professional background also includes internal medicine and acute, inpatient care. Packia Raj’s daughter started at EPS as a ninth grader last fall, and Packia Raj shared that it has been an excellent experience from the start, saying, “As a new family to the school, we have been welcomed with open arms and our experience here has been fabulous. I hope that as a member of the Board, I will be able to give back to the school, have a hand in shaping the education of our children, and learn a few things myself!” As a doctor, Packia Raj will have a valuable perspective to share on the Travel and Safety Committee, which is tasked with ensuring that the school’s policies and protocols protect the health and well-being of EPS students in diverse areas such as student athletics, mental health issues, and health concerns related to EBC trips, to name just a few. We are thrilled to welcome Llewellyn Packia Raj to the EPS Board! 

INSPIRE Fall 2018



The Class of By Sam Uzwack, Middle School Head


N THURSDAY, JUNE 7, Eastside Prep’s faculty, staff, family, and friends gathered together to celebrate the talented group of students in the Class of 2022. The Continuation Ceremony marks the successful conclusion of what, for many, is one of the more challenging chapters of life. The Middle School years represent the sometimes difficult, albeit quite necessary, transition from childhood to young adulthood. In fact, there is more developmental growth socially, emotionally, cognitively, and physically, than any time other than birth to four. During this stage, a thirst for independence is acquired. And with this independence, I believe the students would agree, a whole lot more responsibility. Faculty speeches reflect the individuality of both our students and faculty… and represent a fundamental tenant of EPS—it’s all about relationship. Each faculty member also selected a book that, we hope, speaks to each student. Comparing Ethan to the protagonist in The Alchemist (the book he



received), Ms. Rainwater noted that, “Like Santiago, Ethan is a soul on a journey, appreciating every step along the way.” She added, “I admire the importance you put in growing and evolving as a person.” Ms. Dodd observed that Annalise is often “quiet and a bit reticent” but can also be “energetic and so, so funny!” She continued, “It was like seeing a new color, and it made me wonder how I ever got by without it in my life previously.” Annalise received We Have Always Lived in the Castle. Ms. Sweet commented, “If you don’t know Rahul, you are missing out. Missing out on a lot of laughs, but also missing out on sincerity and kindness, humility and creativity. Thank you for keeping us smiling on stage and off.” Rahul received Hansel and Gretel in recognition of his Seattle Opera performance. “Ella, your thoroughness is out of this world,” observed Ms. Rainwater. “You also have this extra special spark I had the pleasure of witnessing this year. Your i’s are dotted and your t’s

are crossed, but still waters run deep… there is a blazing dreamer emerging.” Ella received The Sun is Also a Star. Ms. Balcomb noted, “Lauren, I learned first-hand that you have a real passion for making colorful detailed art. You have determined intention to push yourself and build your skills. Just keep drawing and painting and your skills will keep expanding.” Ms. Balcomb chose Nature Drawing and Journalism for Lauren. “Melody, you have remained steadfast in your quest to achieve your goals in and out of the classroom and you do not step away from challenges,” commented Ms. Hayes. She continued, “You have established habits that will serve you well in your Upper School experience. Melody received The Complete Vegetarian Cookbook. In addition to noting that Ryan is affable and laid-back, Ms. Behrmann commented that he is, “an avid skier and quite the outdoorsman, having worked as a summer camp counselor at Yosemite for several years.” Ms.

Left: Members of the Class of 2022 on stage during Continuation Right: Members of the Class of 2022 at the Kirkland Performance Center

Behrmann presented Ryan with Wild by Jon Krakauer, a “beautifully written” account of another outdoorsman. Mr. Taylor has cast Ali in parts such as the White Queen in Alice in Wonderland. Of Ali’s role as Auntie Em in The Wizard of Oz he noted, “I finally get it. There’s no one like Ali. No wonder Dorothy wanted to get home.” Ali received The Mouse that Roared. Describing Jack as easy-going, friendly and humble, Ms. Behrmann also commented that Jack has “a wonderfully analytical mind that thrives on any kind of problem-solving in math. But what stands out most to me is your kindness and compassion for your classmates.” Jack received One of Us by Karen M. McManus. “Charlotte, I’m not sure you are aware of the immense power and

might you radiate: the tone of your voice in discussion, the way you frame a question,” stated Ms. Rainwater. She continued, “You are a force to be reckoned with.” Charlotte received Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide. "Asher, you engage thoughtfully and think deeply about the things that matter to you,” commented Mr. Yezbick. He continued, “When somebody asks a question, or talks about something that matters to them, you

are steady and listen and think.” Mr. Yezbick presented Asher the graphic novel masterpiece, Buddha. Mr. Winkelmann observed, “Owen cares deeply about making the world a better place.” He continued, “You understand the correlation between happiness and finding meaningful work and believe that our education system needs to change so I got you Creative Schools: The Grassroots Revolution That’s Transforming Education.” “Krithika, your ‘this I believe’ video included a statement of your convictions,” noted Mr. Yezbick. “You said, ‘I try to embrace openness whenever I can because I believe in the possibilities that come from good things being wild and free.’ To encourage such wild play, I gift you The Complete Nonsense of Edward Lear.” Remarking on Ben’s consistency, Mr. Hagen stated, “Ben is consistently kind and sincere, he cares for others and shows that care in a hundred small ways. His quick-wit and sharp humor have also been consistent. Ben works hard, helps others, shows respect, and enriches EPS.” Ben received Rolling Blackouts.

Mr. Uzwack addresses attendees at the Continuation Ceremony.

“Emma brings confidence, intellect, and wit to all of her conversations,” commented Mr. Davis. Emma’s teachers describe her further as someone who, “jumps into some hard conversations.” Mr. Davis continued, “Emma is clearly a natural leader; the kind of INSPIRE Fall 2018


Members of the Class of 2022

leader we need.” Emma received The Sun is Also a Star. “Leah might seem to be a reserved student, while on the inside resides an amazingly fierce, tough and determined young woman,” remarked Mr. Anderson. “Think about how far you have come… how you have fought so hard to be the best student you could be.” For Leah’s book, Mr. Anderson chose Watership Down.

Ms. Sweet said, “Praveer is not just a serious student. He’s a thoughtful friend. Praveer is always looking out for his classmates, helping them remember the schedule or the details of an assignment. I chose Ask More: The Power of Questions to Open Doors, Uncover Solutions, and Spark Change, because your curiosity will take you places.” Mr. Barrager noted that Jonathan’s nickname is ‘Timmy!’ “When Jonathan participates in advisory or class, everyone will shout ‘Timmy!’ excitedly. People know they are going to have a good time if Jonathan is involved.” Mr. Barrager chose Contact by Carl Sagan, as “a science fiction book written by my favorite scientist.” “Luci, it was obvious to me from the beginning that you’re competitive and sharp,” observed Ms. Lori. She continued, “You have said that seeing the world from many perspectives is a necessary skill. You will go far with this desire to understand others.” Luci received La Sombra del Viento.

Ella (’22) prepares for Continuation.



Mr. Anderson commented, “Most people have a fire inside. For some, what starts as a spark grows into a

roaring flame fueled by their passion in life. For Simone, her creativity is the fuel for her flame… keep fueling that fire and believing in yourself.” Mr. Anderson presented Simone with Cat’s Eye. “Abby is a reflective student who has grown leaps and bounds academically,” reflected Mr. Winkelmann. He added that teachers describe Abby as “dependable, a go-to person for her friends, beyond the drama, thoughtful, and trusting.” Mr. Winkelmann presented Abby with You Need More Sleep, Advice from Cats. Comparing Daniel to the waffles in the LPC (which he says are “the cure for Mondays”), Ms. Frystak noted that he is “an indulgence full of positivity, he has many compartments he’s looking to fill with goodness, and he (like it) never goes out of style.” Daniel received The Book with No Pictures. Mr. Taylor has cast Bennett as an actor in different roles in multiple Eastside Prep productions and worked with him as a student director. Mr. Taylor noted, “Incredibly versatile himself, Bennett didn’t just

find a home with his fellow actors; he helped to create it.” Bennett received The Mouse that Roared. Noting Joe’s many-faceted personality (class clown, musician, athlete), Mr. Barrager commented that, “Underneath these facets lie even more. He is a sensitive person who I have come to appreciate and respect and who cares about learning and performing well in school.” Joe received This Boy’s Life: A Memoir. Regarding Leo, Ms. Luhrs noted, “You embrace your sense of humor and regularly demonstrate your artistic sensibilities. You relish making others laugh and helping them find joy. Because of your sense of play and care for others, I present you with Unlikely Friendships: 47 Remarkable Stories from the Animal Kingdom.” Mr. Winkelmann reflected, “There are few people on the planet as determined as Alana. Her name is synonymous with hard work, whether in the gym or the classroom, you know you are getting her best in that moment.” Alana received Sum It Up: A Thousand and Ninety-Eight Victories, a Couple of Irrelevant Losses, and a Life in Perspective. Ms. Frystak noted that she has spent time with Adi back stage and in Harry Potter Club. Calling on a memory from that Club, she reminded Adi: “Take risks and remember, it is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” Adi received Harry Potter: A History of Magic. “Rhea is quick. Quick on the volleyball court and quick in the classroom, quick to be by her friends’ side for a thoughtful conversation,” commented Ms. Ellingson. She is also known for her “willingness to jump in to activities with enthusiasm and curiosity, positive attitude, and spirit.” Rhea received Women in Sports. Mr. Fassino noted that Arnav earned the nickname ‘Mr. Consistent’ in sixth

Mr. Kelly-Hedrick and Harry (’22) on stage during Continuation

grade for always “sharing explanations, asking curiosities, working collaboratively, and above all, treating others with respect… and always with a smile. What else could a teacher ask for?” Mr. Fassino presented Arnav with The Inner Game of Tennis. Ms. Dodd commented on Erica’s “heart of pure gold,” and noted, “I have always appreciated your selfawareness and your candidness, not to mention your humor. I will truly miss our conversations, and hope that you continue to come and chat with me next year and beyond.” Erica received Clue.

could piece the puzzle together, you just needed the nudge to question your thinking.” Aatish received Soccernomics. Mr. Claesson described Ria as, “confident, quiet, and thoughtful,” and noted that her “fashion sense also shows those qualities. Your personal style is something you have carefully crafted for yourself as artistic expression that you rock with creativity and sartorial elegance.” Ria received Asher (’22) and Ms. Sweet at Continuation

“Myan, it is a mark of maturity to put others first,” commented Mr. Pegeron. “You do many little things to brighten the days of the people around you. These gestures aren’t the kinds of things that receive loud recognition, which makes them all the more valuable.” Myan received The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle. Referring to his own often-imprecise answers to questions in class, Mr. Fassino said to Aatish, “If you can ask yourself these questions, you can figure anything out. I gave you vague answers because I knew you INSPIRE Fall 2018


Women in This Town: New York, Paris, Melbourne, Tokyo, Madrid and London. “Liam has an easy smile that can morph into a mischievous grin,” commented Mr. Mein. “He brings to the classroom a good-natured attitude of having fun while learning. I am looking forward to Liam bringing all his talents and enthusiasm with him to Upper School.” Liam received Speaker for the Dead. Commenting on years of growth, Ms. Luhrs said Artie is “helping to drive diversity and inclusivity discussions and decisions at EPS.” She continued, “There’s no doubt you’ve found your voice these last few years. You’re a fiercely powerful advocate for what you feel is right.” Artie received The Moon was Ours. “Always ready for a joke, always true to himself and ready to fight for what he thinks is right,” is Mr. Anderson’s description of Michael. “Congratulations, I can’t wait to see what fight you will bring to the Upper School.” Michael received Tom Brown’s Field Guide to City and Suburban Survival.

“Katie, your years at EPS have been marked by tremendous growth. I have been consistently struck by your capacity for deep empathy. You were always quick to question how a decision could have an impact on others,” commented Mr. Colello. Inspired by a speech she made, Mr. Colello chose Lucy and Lihn for Katie. In commenting on Nic, Ms. Dodd noted, “You have the courage of your convictions, and a strong sense of justice. You recently spoke passionately and eloquently about bullying in the online community. I am so excited to see where your passion and integrity take you.” Ms. Dodd presented Nic with Fangirl: A Novel. Mr. Pegeron noted that Vivek has “many separate interests and talents that come together to form quite the individual.” He continued, “You are a rigorous mathematician, an analytical reader, an engaged student, a determined athlete, and a devoted sports fan.” Vivek received Mathletics: The Mathematics of Baseball, Basketball, and Football. “You are a man of strong conviction,” observed Ms. Luhrs about

Bohan. “You care about the earth, and your friends, your family, your future. You’re not afraid to work hard to achieve your goals. You can pierce right through the clutter to the heart of an issue.” Bohan received Fahrenheit 451. “Maya believes that people can have an impact: that heroes work together to make the world better,” noted Ms. Sweet. “We must look to the next generation for reassurance, to Maya with her enthusiasm for saving our environment and the health of human beings all the world over.” Maya received Oryx and Crake. Regarding Harry, Mr. Kelly-Hedrick reflected, “Your wonderful sense of humor, uber sense of awareness, strong powerful rowing for the EPS crew team, and other amazing attributes make you a rich member of this community.” Mr. Kelly-Hedrick presented Harry with The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Mr. Pegeron noted, “Saumya, if I could describe your persona with one phrase, it would be this: you want to be great. Not ‘fine.’ Not ‘good.’ Great. As a determined mathematician,

The Boger-Megiddo family celebrates Continuation.



Faculty and staff gather for Continuation.

eloquent writer, devoted friend, and inspiring singer, you push yourself to succeed in all areas of life.” Saumya received Coraline. In addition to Ben’s “generous, kind nature and willingness to help others,” Ms. Balcomb observed Ben’s “quirky sense of humor, comedic timing, and editing skills” that have propelled him to become a talented filmmaker. “Your passion for video and storytelling make you dig deep for answers!” Ben received Filmmaking for Teens. Mr. Fassino shared a story of Egan solving a 45-minute group project in 45-seconds and the subsequent attempt to ‘mute’ his ability to share his solution. “This story captures Egan’s creativity, his connected way of thinking, and desire to share his ideas—which can’t be limited.” Egan received Einstein’s Dreams. “Anyone who has had the pleasure of working with Eamon knows that he has a sardonic wit and is intellectually gifted. He has an uncanny ability to quickly understand complex topics and apply logic and reasoning to whatever problem challenges him,” commented Mr. Barrager. Eamon received A Briefer History of Time. Mr. Claesson noted that Aybala is often considered the “soul of the

eighth-grade class,” a title earned through “inclusivity and an openness to diverse perspectives.” He added, “You carefully sift through facts and context, equally using your heart and head.” Aybala received Flash Fiction International: Very Short Stories from Around the World.

Mr. Hagen observed, “Integrity. That’s the word that comes to mind when I think about Jacob. He has strong principles and a finely tuned sense of right and wrong, which guides him to work hard, and to help others.” Mr. Hagen presented Jacob with A History of the World in Six Glasses.

Mr. Colello observed that Kalie’s teachers describe her as “dedicated, fearless, and compassionate.” He also commented that Kalie “helped to transform our debate program into an award-winning powerhouse. Your passion inspired many of your younger peers to join the team. That is what leadership looks like.” Kalie received The Hate U Give.

Mr. Kelly-Hedrick noted, “Melody was the sole newcomer to the eighth grade class this year. She strode boldly, comfortably, and kindly into this existing community of young people. Not easy. What great spirit and verve she carries.” Melody received The Penguin Anthology of 20th Century American Poetry.

Mr. Wassink reported that Ryan’s teachers describe him as upbeat, well-read, always attentive, and someone who “makes connections about the concepts we are learning to the world.” He added, “This is just more evidence of the positive nature and presence that you bring.” Ryan received The Fourth Stall. Mr. Kelly-Hedrick described Brie as “an incredibly hard-working, conscientious, and kind student who is primed for the Upper School.” He noted that she “offers a smile that lights up the classroom, that can light up the world.” Mr. Kelly-Hedrick presented Brie with the book What’s Left of Me.

Commenting on his earnest and easygoing ways, Mr. Hagen noted that Aidan “does an incredible job of finding a good balance at school, one that allows for both serious work and serious fun. He pushes himself towards excellence, but he also finds time to play and laugh.” Aidan received Navigating Early. Making a connection between Mickey and his geometry project (on the angle at which planes take off), Mr. Wassink noted, “Mickey, this is the time in your life where you’re picking up speed and showing us all the potential that you have within you.” Mickey received The 5th Wave. 

INSPIRE Fall 2018


The Class of Members of the Class of 2018 celebrate their graduation.


ASTSIDE PREPARATORY SCHOOL’S Graduation Ceremony for the Class of 2018 was held on Friday, June 8 at the Hyatt Regency Lake Washington. Members of the EPS community (faculty, staff, parents, grandparents, extended family, friends, and alumni) gathered to celebrate the fifty-one members of the Class of 2018. What follows are excerpts from speeches given during the ceremony.

BART GUMMERE, UPPER SCHOOL HEAD One of life’s ongoing challenges is to understand things, not as we “see” them, but as they actually exist. And interestingly, as we progress in so many ways, discerning the truth from what we see (or equally often imagine) is becoming ever more difficult. Our imagination is a wonderful thing, but increasingly, I see students who are doing wonderfully in their lives and imagining, falsely, that there is so much more they should be accomplishing and experiencing. Doing well in life does not mean being perfect. As each mistake happens, and there will be many, do not imagine that you are losing opportunity. Embracing your imperfections, and we all have them, is a much healthier approach.



In the weeks, months, and years ahead, you’ll have many opportunities to look in a mirror. Take stock of the good. You each possess many strengths and accomplishments of which to be proud. The other day I saw a poster with one of those sappy sayings. I tend to dismiss these things a little bit haughtily. But I read it and found it oddly resonant. It said, “Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to realize how good things really are.” Acknowledging that does not mean it is always easily done. Look around today. When you can’t find something in yourself to praise, call a classmate. All of you have people who see that good and are willing to share it with you. Heck, if you really get stuck, call me. I have much to share positively about each and every one of you. Thanks for listening. Go forth and create a better world.

GRADY CONQUERGOOD, STUDENT SPEAKER We are the largest graduating class thus far and we have seen the most construction. We have witnessed the construction of the LPC, TMAC, the Annex, the LPC again, and even though we won’t be here for it, TALI Hall. We are one of the last classes to know what school in an office park feels like. We are a diverse class and yet we all felt at home at EPS. I would like to talk to the teachers at EPS. You are not only amazing people, you are

Members of the Class of 2018 during their graduation ceremony

some of the best teachers we could have hoped for. You were all able to teach fifty-one kids with different learning styles, opinions, and attention spans. You were also more than just our teachers, you have been our educators, mentors, coaches, counselors, tormentors, saviors, and friends. We truly wouldn’t be sitting on this stage if it weren’t for you and your support. Thank you for sharing your time, talent, and knowledge with us. You demanded excellence from us. You set the bar high and challenged us to live up to it. EPS prepared us not only through regular academic classes, it led us to talk about uncomfortable subjects and have intense conversations. EPS prepared us to fly and made us get outside of our comfort zone. The Class of 2018 will be going all over the world because EPS gave us the confidence to choose the path that was right for us and the grit to take it. Every morning before school my mom has always said, “Learn a lot and have fun with your friends.” And Class of 2018, that’s exactly what we did.

LAURA COPELAND, STUDENT SPEAKER EPS has grown a lot, but the one thing that really sticks out in my memory are the places we grew up in, the classrooms with increasingly strange desk configurations, and the growing pains of going from a school of sixteen kids to a school of almost 500. As we advanced in high school and took over the TMAC, I watched everyone around me take on the responsibility of being part of EPS. I watched all of us become leaders and shapers of the EPS culture. We’ve created the framework to make the new EPS a school just as special as the one we grew up in. Our grade is entrenched in the culture and traditions of EPS. That doesn’t surprise me anymore, because I’ve come to realize that EPS will never stop expanding, for by teaching us how to learn, they made the world our school. To me, EPS

Members of the Class of 2018 on stage during graduation

isn’t some grouping of buildings; EPS is the hikes we take with our teachers, or the poetry slams where we gather every year. EPS can be contained in no classroom, because EPS has won. Despite our love of making fun of our mission, they’ve done it. Every one of us is an innovative, critical thinker; a responsible, compassionate leader. And now we will take our EPS culture, who EPS has shaped us to be, this school that has grown alongside us, and we will spread it to every person we meet. Every school we study at will become part of EPS. So, while we are scattering away, we are, and always will be, a part of EPS.

DR. TERRY MACALUSO, HEAD OF SCHOOL My annual Memorial Day project is to work on this commencement speech. The first step in that process is to find the word that best describes the class. During this spring season of Senior Project presentations, I observed a pattern. More than I’ve noticed in past years, these presentations teemed with authentic curiosity. By “authentic,” I mean more than just wanting to know something; authentic curiosity is a desire to understand—deeply; to identify the question that needs an answer; to imagine something that doesn’t exist—but might. Curiosity would be the word for the Class of 2018. That decided, I retreated in my memory to another graduating class—more than twenty years ago—at which I had addressed this same topic. Leonardo da Vinci was a primary figure in that presentation. It seemed more than serendipitous that curiosity and Da Vinci rose to consciousness in the pursuit of fitting remarks for this graduating class. There weren’t that many college options back in the Renaissance, but imagine the dilemma of Leonardo’s college counselor as he wrote the following recommendation: INSPIRE Fall 2018


The Class of 2018

TO: Director of Admissions – University of Paris DATE: November 15, 1469 RE: Recommendation for Leonardo da Vinci I write to endorse the application of Leonardo da Vinci, who has applied, early action, to the University of Paris. Leonardo is both creative and ingenious. In his sophomore year he formed a Young Aviators Club. His objective: BUILD A FLYING MACHINE. He’s already designed something he calls a parachute—which seems silly because the point of THAT invention is to allow humans to float, gently, back to earth—though there has been no success in the attempt to challenge gravity, thus far. This kind of whimsy is what makes Leo such a likeable young man. Another of Leo’s unique practices is something called mirror writing. He writes from right to left. This is confounding to everyone but himself. We’re working to identify an appropriate accommodation for him, but as I compose this letter, we have been unsuccessful. In the absence of an appropriate writing accommodation, we have suggested that Leonardo try to draw his ideas. Again, he is a creative boy—he’s produced dozens of notebooks, containing illustrations of internal organs and of something he calls the circulatory system. Indeed, apart from his insistence that the earth is NOT the center of the universe, he has been a model science student. Recently, Leo has begun to develop, more seriously, as an artist. While he certainly demonstrates potential 24


at drawing and painting, he needs executive functioning support. Recently he was required to perform twenty hours of community service—cleaning graffiti from the walls of the Duomo—as punishment for having painted a floor to ceiling mural of The Last Supper on one wall, and a portrait of a woman with an odd smile on another… inside the Student Union. Although his work does show promise, Leonardo neglected to obtain the proper approval before taking on the mural projects, thereby interfering with the students planning to decorate for prom. Despite Leonardo’s potential limitations, our recommendation for him is enthusiastic. Sincerely, Rodrigo Borgia, College Counselor To the Class of 2018: You have shown yourselves to be curious scholars, creative artists, inspired writers, promising engineers. You have initiated dozens of studies motivated by your desire to know. You have persevered. You have failed—fast… and tried again. You have been a model for future classes to emulate. All you have to do is STAY CURIOUS!! 

SENIOR AWARD WINNERS Adapted from speeches by Bart Gummere, Upper School Head

Each year, four seniors receive awards inspired by our four mission points: Think Critically, Act Responsibly, Lead Compassionately, and Innovate Wisely.

The Critical Thinking award is presented to the member of the graduating class whose keen appreciation for ideas and willingness to promote intellectual discussion enlivens our classrooms and hallways on a daily basis. Sam Hinson is insatiable in his desire to discuss. In our hallways, he frequently stops his teachers and asks for more; his curiosity always extends beyond the completion of an assignment or a test. His intent is always true inquiry and his thirst to further his knowledge is seemingly unquenchable. Numerous faculty cite Sam as the student who will most push a conversation forward into new intellectual territory, AND that he always does so in a manner that invites others along. One faculty member wrote, “He displays a unique ability to think critically across subject areas. His sharp, creative mind pushes everyone in the classroom, teachers included, to think more deeply.”

The Responsible Action award is presented to the member of the graduating class who in both quiet, unseen actions and courageous public moments demonstrates a consistent, sincere regard for the community. CS Lewis wrote, “Integrity is doing the right thing when no one is watching.” By definition, it can’t be proven that Ayush Sharma has never failed in that regard, but the faculty here would place a VERY BIG bet on it. No one in this school lives our mission more faithfully. Ayush demonstrates initiative and care both inside and outside the classroom. A faculty member wrote, “Ayush sets the tone we so hope all students and adults in the EPS community will adopt, with his ever-present optimism and friendly demeanor. He never hesitates to take time out of his own schedule to help others; at the same time, he makes sure to take care of his own vast commitments.”

The Compassionate Leadership award is presented to the member of the graduating class whose actions consistently reflect the importance of personal responsibility and compassion for others, setting an example for all to follow. This award recognizes personal responsibility and compassion for others, and few match Lauren Pichard in that regard. One faculty member wrote, “Her diligence in class is one of her best forms of leadership. She is impeccably prepared and always willing to engage in discussion. She wants the dialogue to increase her understanding of other perspectives.” She has consistently demonstrated generosity, openness, and a willingness to engage with other students as she reaches out to them. The EPS vision is to inspire students to make a better world. Lauren does that here in our community and across the globe in her work with Ultimate Peace.

The Wise Innovation award is presented to the member of the graduating class whose creativity, curiosity, and contributions illuminate new possibilities and inspire others to similar exploration. As one teacher wrote of Henry Samuelson, he “is always looking for a different solution, or, at least, different from the way I’m trying to teach. He shows all of us that there’s more than one way of thinking about a problem.” Few students here have made broader use of the resources at hand. He’s an artist AND an engineer. Another faculty member comments, “During our discussions, Henry continually brings up unique contemporary connections and is able to illustrate the importance of our class conversations in the context of our current society.” Our model of an inter-disciplinary thinker, Henry is not just innovative, he also is wise and thoughtful. 

INSPIRE Fall 2018


TALI Grand Opening


HE ENTIRE EPS COMMUNITY WAS invited to celebrate the grand opening of the TALI Hall building on Saturday, September 8th. Here are just a few images of that memorable event.



INSPIRE Fall 2018


TALI Harkness Room

IMPACTFUL SPACES By Wendy Lawrence, Inspire Contributor


HERE HAS BEEN A WHIRLWIND OF development on Eastside Preparatory School’s campus. As it came time to discuss the planned renovation for the LPC, the school knew it was also time to take a major step: owning its own campus. On February 1, 2017, that was accomplished, an impressive feat for a school so young, and one that allowed EPS to go all out with its planning and consider its greatest need: a theatre and gathering space. The TALI Hall’s signature space is a 500+ seat auditorium that will bring the EPS community together and showcase our amazing students and performing arts program. The theatre can be configured in a variety of ways, and retractable seating allows for larger events and functions. Ed Castro, music faculty member, is excited to explore this flexibility. “Ideas around performance spaces have changed a bit recently. Performers are putting together performance projects in all sorts of spaces, from house concerts to flash mobs. Exploring some of the acoustics in TALI may become part of the curriculum in the near future.” Rick MacKenzie, technical theatre faculty member, is excited to seat an entire division of the school comfortably and quickly. “The performing arts will be able to present to the community in a space designed for that purpose. Music will be able to rehearse in the space they perform. Theatre will produce grand productions the whole EPS community can see.” Bringing the community together is a cornerstone concept of TALI. Ginger Ellison, music faculty, says the performance space integrates both “performance skills and audience etiquette into our curriculum and the EPS culture at large.” The space, she says, will naturally elevate the



TALI Choir room

music program, and give students more opportunities to share their work with the community. What does it mean to have a concert space? Castro describes how he and his students see it. “Recently students and I were discussing how professional symphony orchestras use their concert halls. They see them as a point of access for their communities and as a source of pride for cities big and small.” There’s no question the TALI building will be a point of pride for Eastside Prep, for the students taking risks on the stage, for those cheering in support, for the teachers taking advantage of more tools with which to innovate, and for the parents embracing more opportunities to be part of the community. TALI Hall also adds 50,000 square feet of teaching space to Eastside Prep’s existing campus. In true EPS fashion, the space is shared with a wide cross section of campus inhabitants. The building integrates classrooms, some specialized for music and art, with administrative offices, collaborative spaces, a new Harkness Room, and conference rooms. The addition of these spaces will enhance everyone's experience and integrate these functions into daily teaching and learning. MacKenzie talks about these spaces. “We will be able to teach aspects of theatre lighting that we never could in the LPC. Set construction can develop in the scene shop and progress to the theatre in an efficient manner. Painting can happen away from the dust of construction. Costume alteration and building can take place in a space created for that purpose.” “Having access to dedicated practice rooms will help students work independently from the larger ensemble,” agrees Castro. He explains that students in the past have often asked for access to the music room during their free time. “My hope is that students who are motivated to create music will use these spaces for their artistic explorations.” Exploration is a common theme when discussing the impact of the new spaces. “We’ll be able to go bigger, make a bigger mess, facilitate more complex projects, and empower students to explore their creativity to new heights,” comments Brian Hutcheson, EPS Director of Fine and Performing Arts. “I’m most looking forward to establishing a strong culture around our arts spaces so that when a student walks into the theatre or the art studio they will have a clear understanding of what is expected of them and what they have the opportunity to create in these spaces.” Visual art teacher Amis Balcomb agrees, “I’m looking forward to a home for the visual arts with spaces that have been designed with the needs and activities of visual arts in mind.” She believes the new spaces will allow her to “have more time for interacting with students, making art, and designing spaces for displaying art.” As impressive as the building is, there’s no doubt TALI Hall is more than its physical space. In fact, MacKenzie hopes the space has an inspirational effect, too, helping to bring even more EPS students to the stage, whether that’s on it or behind it. Or possibly just around it in some way that hasn’t even yet been imagined. 

TALI Art studio

TALI Stagecraft space

TALI Orchestra room

INSPIRE Fall 2018


By Wendy Lawrence, Inspire Contributor

Service Awards

15 Years KAREN MILLS Karen Mills is currently an English teacher, a Grade Level Coordinator, and Advisor, but is there a job she hasn’t had at EPS? Previous roles include Librarian, Information Literacy teacher, Director of Admissions, and Executive Assistant to the Head of School and Board of Trustees. Mills says, “Hands down, my favorite part of EPS is the people. My colleagues support and challenge me; my students inspire me with their creativity and vibrant energy; and the parent body trusts and partners with me.” The people, it turns out, love her right back. Unanimously, teachers’ comments about Mills praise her commitment and empathy. Adrienne Berhmann says, “Karen is totally committed to the mission of the school—she loves EPS and everything it represents.” Ryan Winkelmann says a question about her greatest gift is too limiting. “Karen Mills herself is a gift to EPS.” Everyone mentions her warmth, the sense of humor her students love, and Kip Wassink describes what they all clearly feel: “Karen is a pleasant oasis in the EPS community with her easy-going attitude and calm approach to problem-solving.” Amis Balcomb adds, “She listens intently to everyone and responds in a helpful, fun, and constructive way.” This is a trait Paul Hagen appreciates, too. “Karen takes a real interest in those around her—she cares about everyone—this is a quality that I deeply admire.” 30


“Karen is totally committed to the mission of the school— she loves EPS and everything it represents.” Obviously Mills’ students love this, too. Winkelmann explains, “Students love that she is a genuine person. You can see that they trust her almost from the first moment they meet her, which shows the quality of her character and the warmth of her personality.” Hagen agrees. “Karen loves kids and they love her. She brings out the best in all her students and they love that about her.” Mills is hard-pressed to think of something that hasn’t changed in her fifteen years at the school, but says there is one thing that has stayed the same: the culture of innovation. Mills has developed as a teacher and leader at EPS and considers herself (just like our students) to be a product of the school. When not at EPS, Mills likes to travel, sit in the sun, and hang out with her daughters.

11 Years ALLISON LUHRS Allison Luhrs loves her unique position at EPS—teaching Literary Thinking in the Middle School and then working with those students again as a College Counselor. David Fierce credits her with getting students ready for tremendous success both in the Upper School and beyond. The school has changed a lot in her eleven years and one thing she is proud of is being part of the team who hired Middle School Head Sam Uzwack. Luhrs herself has changed, too. “I’ve certainly become a better teacher thanks to my students and colleagues. I’m lucky to work with some of my best friends.” One of those friends, Adrienne Berhmann, describes Allison as “a rock solid person, always there for me.” Other trends in faculty responses included her calm and insightful demeanor. “Allison elevates the conversation in her classroom and amongst the faculty,” says Ryan Winkelmann. “Allison has a diverse set of interests and it is so easy to talk to her. I also love the way she carries herself with strong convictions and a sense of strong moral principles, but without

passing judgement on people who see the world in a different way.” Everyone seems impressed with Luhrs’ ability to craft innovative curriculum that speaks to and challenges her students. “Kids LOVE Allison,” says Winkelmann, “not just because she takes their writing and elevates it to such a high level, but because they know that she cares deeply about them.” Amis Balcomb says Luhrs has “a strong and steady commitment to promoting literacy and developing student voice” and that her students love the way she helps them get stronger. “She inspires students to read deeply and become life-long lovers of literature," says Paul Hagen, who also thanks Luhrs for “a million small things” that helped him acclimate to EPS. When she’s not at EPS, which she calls her second home, she loves getting outside with her family. “We spend a lot of time on Lummi Island peering in tide pools, digging up the garden, and tromping through the woods.”

“Allison elevates the conversation in her classroom and amongst the faculty.”

From left to right: Karen Mills, Jack Nolan, and Allison Luhrs

INSPIRE Fall 2018


10 Years JACK NOLAN “There’s nothing Jack can’t fix!” says Paul Hagen, a common refrain by others as well. “He’s always available to help students with their tech troubles and they love him for it!” Ryan Winkelmann would add just one more phrase to that. “Students both love and fear Mr. Nolan,” he says. “Jack is blunt and frank and I love that. There is no ambiguity with what Jack says, and so his words carry a lot of weight.” And maybe it’s good if students are at least slightly afraid of breaking their computer? Jack Nolan describes his job as managing the campus hardware. “If teachers and students touch it, it’s my job to get it running or get it fixed.” Winkelmann says, “Jack has literally kept this place running, and the fact that we have technology that works in spite of all the collisions in coding that happen from updates and new systems is a testament to Jack’s incredible work ethic and ingenuity.” Nolan seems to understand the universal nature of his role. When asked about his job title, he writes “Technology Support Specialist and Abnormal Situations Manager.” Nolan says, “The nicest thing about my role is I get to meet every single student, faculty, and staff member. I even remember some of their names.” Faculty know that Nolan can be counted on to help in any situation, and he can be counted on to be honest with you, even if you’d rather have the information sugar-coated. “I love his laugh and his forthright attitude,” says Behrmann. “He calls it like it is.” Kip Wassink says Nolan not only fixes his computer, he also fixes his bike. “Jack is my spirit animal,” says Wassink. “His commitment to biking to work year-round helps keep me on the same track.” Nolan has watched both the school and technology change in his ten years here, and he’s loved it all. “I’ve learned so much I would need a book to hold it all. I feel honored to have worked with such a dynamic group. I like coming to EPS every day. It’s a great place.” He does get some days off though, and he likes to spend them biking and birding (preferably in the San Juans) and with his wife of twenty-eight years.

5 Years SHELLY ALLEN Shelly Allen is the Upper School Administrative Assistant and Registrar although, like the many EPS employees who wear a lot of hats, she also worked a year in College Counseling. Allen is responsible for a lot of the things that make the Upper School run smoothly: she is the Registrar and AP Coordinator and handles new school orientation; tracking attendance; scheduling advisor conferences, 32


retreats, and meetings; communicating with parents, student, and faculty, and more. Everyone is impressed by Allen’s calm but effective demeanor. “Shelly is able to put out fires, solve problems, be a school nurse, administer tests, and literally do all of that at the same time without breaking a sweat,” says Lisa Frystak. Everyone agrees she makes things work. It’s not just the amount of work Shelly accomplishes, but also its diversity that is impressive: “At another school, she would have about eight job titles,” says Ryan Winkelmann. “Shelly is so patient, but also a fierce agent of change when a system isn’t working.” Laurie Benaloh also appreciates Shelly’s calmness. And her motivational quote of the day! “Even when I was teaching only Middle School, I still scrolled to the bottom of the US attendance for the quote.” Shelly brings that level of detail to everything. “Shelly greets everyone who enters the Upper School,” says Amis Balcomb. “She sets a tone for being kind, and students love that she cares about them.” Randi Peterson adds, “They also love that she knows literally everything about the Upper School!” “EPS has taught me how to look at people and ideas from another perspective and to be more open-minded. I’m an introvert, but my job has forced me to be more extroverted.” Allen enjoys hiking, snowshoeing, knitting, and road tripping with her husband on their sidecar motorcycle.

SARAH HOLLINGSHEAD “Sarah is one of the most versatile, energetic, talented teachers on campus,” says Amis Balcomb. “She is the real deal. She can do it all and spin circles around you. She produces. She is an endless source of ideas and she follows through with her ideas.” Ryan Winkelmann agrees. “Sarah is showing girls how it is ridiculously cool to be a tech nerd. She is pioneering a new generation of kids who understand this.” Hollingshead teaches technology in the Middle School. In her five years at EPS, she’s also taught math and science. Hollingshead loves the creative work of her job, and credits EPS with challenging her to be even more innovative. “I get to plan and implement incredibly fun lessons with robotics, tools, laser cutters, 3D printers, and vinyl cutters. We make awesome things and program robots to accomplish a variety of tasks.” Hollingshead says EPS is unlike anywhere else she’s ever worked or studied, and she values the incredibly supportive and close community.

From left to right: Shelly Allen, Brittany Williams, Lurline Sweet and Sarah Hollingshead

Students appreciate that Sarah doesn’t take herself too seriously. She likes to dress up in elaborate costumes for Halloween, and she celebrates video game releases and 3D printing accomplishments with them. In her own time, Hollingshead likes to sew, garden, and read. But she’s also still teaching. “One of the things I love most about Sarah is her willingness to share her knowledge. She always assists with a patient smile and I truly feel like I am learning every time I’m with her,” says Katie Nikkel.

LURLINE SWEET Lurline Sweet is a Middle School math teacher, Math Discipline Representative, and Grade Level Coordinator. “I get to talk to kids and tweens about math and logic! I get to hang out with eighth graders and talk about friendships and stressors. What is not interesting or fun about that?” Sweet considers herself not just a teacher, but a counselor, removing the self-doubt and fear that often plagues math students. “Our society has a lot to say about how we view ourselves and our math knowledge. I like to help people to rewrite the script in their heads.” “One of Lurline’s greatest gifts is her commitment to differentiated math instruction,” says Laurie Benaloh, former math faculty. “She has a desire for students to understand the ‘why’ of the mathematics, not just the formulae.” Many of her colleagues noted Sweet’s fierce determination to teach and support her students, something those students understand and love about her. “They also love that she is a participator,” says Balcomb. “Lurline’s always willing to have fun and she makes math fun for her students.” “Lurline has been a huge advocate for students at EPS and has consistently gone above and beyond to make sure her students and advisees get the care they need. She has a huge heart and a passion that drives her to fight for her kids,” says Ryan Winkelmann. “I love how Lurline is honest and genuine in every moment.” Sweet plays cello in the Kirkland Civic Orchestra, performing with them five times a year. “Students are always welcome to attend my concerts (hint, hint)!”

BRITTANY WILLIAMS “There’s no possible way to point out one single gift Brittany has given EPS. I’d need all of INSPIRE,” says Lisa Frystak. “Brittany is reliable, efficient, and very good at her job,” Adrienne Behrmann adds. “I love her sense of humor, warm personality, and her willingness to be adaptable!” As Executive Assistant for Institutional Advancement, Williams organizes events like the Head’s Tables, Fall Harvest, Winter Celebration, Senior Dinner, and Graduation, along with smaller events for faculty and staff. “It’s so cool to see our large group come together outside of campus and enjoy that time,” she says. The events Williams plans are legendary. “I don’t think I’ve ever noticed a hitch in any function Brittany has planned,” says Laurie Benaloh. Frystak remembers a time when Williams was explaining event-planning to eighth graders. “They were in awe over how much work it took and afterwards I heard one of them say ‘She makes it look so easy!’ Yes, yes she does!” Williams loves working at a school and being surrounded by people of all ages. “You never know what you’re going to overhear a fifth grader say and then you can round the corner and hear something just as interesting from the faculty. There is something inspiring about a school environment that just makes you want to be here, work hard, and do your best.” Others find her inspiring, too. “Brittany is kind and supportive and she knows just how to make you feel good,” says Amis Balcomb. “She knows what to say in any situation.” Kristina Damrose agrees. “She’s always so thoughtful and I’m always blown away by her!” “The Administrative staff will do anything to help each other out,” says Williams. “We realize we’re a team. I’d like to think I’ve had some impact in that foundation.” Her co-workers certainly think she has. “Even in her busiest moments,” says Katie Nikkel, “she will always offer to assist me. She brightens our office. She is incredibly kind and aware of what is happening with her colleagues.” When Brittany is at home, she’s busy with a toddler (and a soon-to-be newborn!) 

INSPIRE Fall 2018


THE IMPACT OF Sebastian (’19) in Man of La Mancha

Th e at r i c a l A rt s at EP S By Brian Hutcheson, Director of Fine and Performing Arts


HE IMPACT OF THE THEATRE program at EPS is transformational. I would like to share with you the perspectives of two students who have been transformed by their experiences of theatre at EPS. The first is from Sebastian, a member of the Class of 2019 who joined EPS starting in his sixth-grade year. Starting his senior year this fall, he is one of our veteran acting students.

Hutch: Seb, how many productions have you participated in since you joined EPS? Sebastian: I took part in Metamorphosis in seventh grade, Urinetown in eighth grade, The Importance of Being Earnest and Into the Woods in ninth grade, The Foreigner and Man of La Mancha in tenth grade, and Rhinoceros and The Wizard of Oz in eleventh grade. I also was the assistant director of the Middle School play, The Mouse That Roared, and directed a one-act as part of the directing class this past fall. Hutch: Were you involved in theatre before EPS and why did you not take part in a production during your sixth-grade year? Sebastian: I took part in theatre summer camps in Bellevue and participated in theatre experiences during elementary school as well. I was hesitant to get involved in



theatre right away at EPS because I felt I didn’t know anyone. I was very insecure when I was younger, and it took a year before I felt comfortable in knowing enough people to take part in a drama production. Hutch: From that list, you’ve been involved in a significant number of theatre productions throughout your career here at EPS. What has been one of the most significant take-aways for you? Sebastian: I’ve really gotten to know a lot of people through these experiences, students both in my grade and in other grades both younger and older. The allschool musical is a huge event that brings people together. The drama community is a strong subset of EPS and a big family. Hutch: What would you want a new fifth, sixth, or ninth grader to know about getting involved in a theatre production? What are the benefits?

Sebastian (’19) in Rhinoceros with Miranda (Class of 2020)

••• The second perspective is from Danica, a member of the Class of 2020 who started EPS in her eighth-grade year. She just discovered the joy of acting last year. Hutch: Danica, tell me about your involvement in theatre at EPS. Danica: This is the first year I’ve been involved in theatre overall. I did a few small plays in elementary school, but it wasn’t anything close to the larger productions we do here. I started this fall in the directing classes. We couldn’t fill all the acting roles with other students,

so I had to step in as an actor as well as a director. It was fun and it persuaded me to audition for the Upper School play, Rhinoceros. Even though I played a minor character in the Upper School play, I felt supported and really enjoyed the community. I was then cast as the puppeteer for Toto in the allschool musical production of The Wizard of Oz. This was different in that I got to work with a bunch of friends from the Upper School, but I also got to know a whole bunch of students from the Middle School as well. It’s kind of like a theatre family. Hutch: What has been the impact on your experience at school this year having gotten involved in several theatre productions compared to previous years? Danica: There has definitely been a change. Theatre opens so many opportunities to meet new people and get to know them. In a way, it forces people to be open and share experiences and build strong personal connections very quickly. It has also opened up opportunities for me to collaborate on a theatre friend’s film project. Simone (’22), Ellie (’21), and Danica (’20) in The Wizard of Oz

Theatrical Arts

Sebastian: There are a lot of great people involved in this community and lots of support. When you go in there, it might be your tendency to hold yourself back, but don’t do that. Be who you want to be because everyone there will be supportive. Ms. Arnette says, “If you don’t act weird you will look weird because everyone else is acting weird. So, don’t be afraid to be weird.” Theatre helps you to be yourself and to be more confident. I’m a whole lot more confident because of my involvement in the theatre productions here.

Hutch: Do you think you will continue to be involved with more theatrical productions at EPS?

Danica: I will definitely be involved in theatre more. I know I’m being repetitive, but it’s like a family and a very nonjudgmental place where you get to be yourself. I really enjoy that, and I really love acting now. Hutch: What was one of your most impactful memories from this past year?

Danica: I would say playing the role of Toto in the musical. It was really impactful for me because it was a totally unique and weird role to play. I didn’t have any lines, but I got to be on stage most of the play which allowed me to get to know so many different people and the characters they were playing. I was also impacted by the one-act I directed and acted in. That was the moment I realized that acting was fun, and it helped open the world for me.


The deep connections and bonding create a unique sense of community for those students who take part in our theatre productions. It exposes them to students they may not typically interact with and it helps develop a strong confidence for engaging the world both at school and beyond. 

INSPIRE Fall 2018


Mr. Uzwack and Ms. Kuffner on the first day of school

REFLECTIONS ON REFLECTING By Sam Uzwack, Middle School Head


HATE BACKPACKING ALONE. NOT THAT there has been much backpacking in recent years, what with my little ones and all. But when I was spending a fair amount of time on the trail, I always preferred to be with someone else. Being alone in the woods meant just a little too much time inside my head, and extended periods of time contemplating what I have not yet achieved, what I have yet to do, what I have done poorly… it was never quite the way I wanted to spend time camped beneath the shadow of Mt. Rainier or ambling along the banks of the Elwha River. After all, trail buddies are sophisticated forms of cognitive distraction. Self-reflection is an inherently complex task. This is particularly true at EPS; we are a school on a mission—not only to guide students to Think Critically, Act Responsibly, Lead Compassionately, and Innovate Wisely, but also to rethink the way education works, and to work hard to understand the true meaning of teaching and learning. It is a fast-paced, idea-rich environment, where phrases like “fail fast” and “iterate” are not just buzz words from the latest “thought-leader,” but cultural attributes lived in the day-to-day life of the school. Reflection requires time, contemplation, and a calming of the mind. This is precisely what the NWAIS re-accreditation process is designed to demand; the space and structure to think carefully and deeply about where the school



is and where it is going. While the extrinsic motivation for the process comes in the form of being reaccredited by our governing association, the intrinsic motivation for such a large-scale undertaking is to learn about ourselves as an institution—which is the true value-add of the process. Since most of you have probably never engaged in an NWAIS self study (although if you took one of our many surveys, congratulations, you’re in the club), here is a brief overview of the process. NWAIS schools go through the reaccreditation process every eight years. Over the course of the 2017-18 school year, we compiled our self study, which requires assessment in the following domains: Self Study Process School Mission & Culture Commitment to Care: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion School Program Governance Administration Finance Institutional Advancement Enrollment Management Human Resources School Campus & Facilities Health & Safety

EPS is a fast-paced, idea-rich environment, where phrases like “fail fast” and “iterate” are not just buzz words from the latest “thought-leader,” but cultural attributes lived in the day-to-day life of the school. surveyed about the strengths and opportunities made evident in both the Commitment to Care and School Program sections. The Board, faculty, and staff reviewed the mission statement. Students and parents filled out surveys. We wrote… edited… rewrote… edited.

So what did we learn about ourselves during the process? Here are reflection points we identified: STUDENT-CENTERED APPROACH Ms. Rainwater with Melody (’22)

As you can no doubt surmise from this list of component parts, the bulk of the self study is geared toward the long-term fiscal and strategic health of the school. In fact, compared to our initial accreditation in 2009-10, the School Program section has been greatly truncated. It is up to the school to determine the details of its curricula. One component that has been greatly expanded is identified by NWAIS as Commitment to Care: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. These important aspects of any school community used to be found scattered throughout the assessment criteria, but in order to call out the importance of these principles, a separate category was established. This fall, a visiting team, comprised of area Heads of School, administrators, and faculty will be on campus for three days interviewing board members, school leadership, faculty, staff, and students. Their charge is to determine the correlation between what we SAY about what we do, and about what we actually DO. EPS is being measured against our own answers to questions posed by NWAIS, each of which sets a standard of achievement for the school. This is why the self study process is so important; every constituency in the school needs to hear its voice in the document. It should make sense, then, that, during this past year, a large portion of our faculty and staff meetings and Program Development Days were dedicated to completing the self study. Here is a for-instance: I was the main “author” of the Commitment to Care section, but I certainly did not write it alone. I had a lot of help; a subset of faculty and staff interested in the section read my first draft, provided in-person feedback, then critiqued the next draft in a similar session. This was the case for all of sections of the report. Faculty and staff were

All across the school, decisions are made with a simple, yet challenging, mantra: What’s in the best interest of the student experience?


Our simple and straightforward mission statement (TALI) is present when making decisions about curricula, our approach to student comportment and character-development, prioritizing long-term strategic objectives, what new programs to launch, and so forth.


The board, school leadership, faculty and staff, parents and students—the whole of the EPS community—are immensely invested in the success of EPS, which is a direct reflection of the success of our students. The intentionality with which our community members engage in their work is something to be truly proud of. Moreover, the same commitment to serving a broad array of learners—a major reason the school was founded—was echoed over and over again.


From the school’s inception, the goal was simple… avoid the silos that tend to accompany growth. This plays out day-to-day in our integrated curriculum, Humanities Seminar project, shared classrooms, and cross-divisional activities (i.e. peer mentors and all-school assemblies). However, this was also evident across broader domains of the school. As Dr. Macaluso (our Head of School), Mr. Delaney INSPIRE Fall 2018


(our Academic Dean and Self Study Coordinator), and I took a week to co-read the entire document, we observed in the Institutional Advancement section how our approach to fundraising is a reflection of our Commitment to Care; how our Enrollment Management team strives to be as current as possible with the ever-evolving school program; and how our School Campus & Facilities align with our pedagogical approach.


The financial stability and long-term health of the school, quality of faculty and staff, and sophistication of facilities belies the school’s chronological age.

FORMALIZING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND FACULTY/STAFF EVALUATION MODEL How do we design a system that creates transparency of expectations for our faculty and staff? How does such a system provide for their long-term career development? How do we provide professional development opportunities in a systematic, yet flexible, manner, leading to the overall improvement of the school?

In addition here are some questions we asked ourselves:



How do we best introduce students and adults to the EPS culture? How do we make our culture of inclusivity transparent for all, in a manner that is respectful to all? What steps need to be taken to help students transition into, then become staunch advocates for, the EPS culture?


and independent curriculum (i.e. independent studies, seminars, capstone and senior projects) into a coherent experience that sets students up to achieve a level of expertise? How do we further develop consistency and cohesion in our Advisory and Social Emotional Learning programs? How do we develop student leaders through authentic, yet scaffolded, experiences?

How do we coordinate our co-curricular program (i.e. activities, academic teams, EBC experiences, service learning)

How do we continue to model and reinforce our commitment to community? How do we ensure that every member of our community feels supported and included? How do we continue to increase diversity… in all its varied forms… within our community?


How do we continue to maintain founding philosophies of practice while scaling programs? How do we maintain a diverse array of learners within the classroom, despite increased admissions competition? How do we continue to develop our teaching practices to meet all students where they are?

Ms. Sayles in class with students

For a school of our age, these are precisely the right challenges to address. Some schools go into their accreditation just trying to keep the doors open and the lights on. We are in the incredibly fortunate position to be able to focus on scaling our programs, tending to our culture, and investing in our people. As I reflect back over a year of work, and as we prepare the final document to “go-to-print,” I’m filled with a combination of pride and anticipation. Pride, for being just one small part of the incredible team that has built upon the strength of a powerful vision for education (and out of the remnants of an old office park), a vibrant and forward-looking place of learning. Anticipation, for there is much more work to be done, work that will require novel thinking and creative problem-solving capacity. But that’s all part of the fun, no? Now if you’ll excuse me, I think it’s time to head back into the woods; only this time, perhaps alone. 



Andre and Leah (both Class of 2018) prepare to present their Senior Projects.

Henry and Rory (both Class of 2018) present their Senior Project.


COLLABORATION By Matt Delaney, Academic Dean


EN YEARS AGO, MY WIFE AND I PUT IN TENS OF hours working together to get our backyard ready for a celebration with family and friends. It was a lot of work. Since that collaborative effort, we’ve had the benefit of building incrementally on the foundation we created, making our backyard more and more an extension of our home each summer. Significant to me is how we partnered to build that initial base. This made the product more significant, more meaningful; it increased its impact. EPS has had a similar trajectory (although it’s just a bit more complicated and complex than purchasing and planting shrubs). For sixteen years we have been building: actual buildings, programs, and relationships (and we know we’ll never be done). The school’s distinctive ethos has emerged and evolved in the context of partnerships between faculty, staff, students, and families. The result is that collaboration is a core element of both our individual and community identities. Whether in a friendship, marriage, business partnership, or a group project in a class, people learn and develop themselves situated in the context of their relationships with others. (The World Beyond Your Head, Crawford, 2016). Said another way, people get to know themselves and others through collaboration. This is especially important in a world where, increasingly, our interactions are “un-situated” and experienced in front of a screen. Trust and integrity are integral to effective collaboration. Trust is the ability to work and openly engage with other people with incomplete information. Integrity is the ability to make commitments, to understand what those commitments mean and entail, and to follow through on them. Over time and through many different experiences, trust and integrity connected

to shared goals result in elevated collaboration. This is what EPS faculty members practice, model, and facilitate. Whether in the shape of formal group projects, or informal interactions between students, faculty, and staff on campus, connection and collaboration are part of what make EPS such a positive place. Collaboration is embodied in the school’s vision statement: Inspire Students to Create a Better World. So much so that when I see the vision statement at the front of a classroom, I silently add a word to the end of it: together. Interestingly, when many people conceive their idea of “the world,” they imagine the world to be somewhere they are not. It is an imaginary place outside their scope and scale. One of the faculty’s goals is to help students recognize that the world is both where they are and where they are headed. The idea is that students will practice making the world of EPS better, so that they are equipped to create a better world in the future. Whether in Kirkland or somewhere else, that will be done in partnership with others.

RESPONSIBLE ACTION In 2012, the EPS faculty started formally discussing the connection between academic achievement and character education. Ultimately, a focus emerged on a single mission point: Act Responsibly. Over the course of that year, faculty came to consensus on five measures that constituted responsible action (see diagram). Now, at the close of each fall and spring term, students reflect on four of these measures as connected to their performance in each class: preparedness, engagement, self-advocacy, perseverance. INSPIRE Fall 2018


During their processing, the EPS faculty and leadership agreed that the fifth measure, collaboration, was one that the adults and students in the EPS community needed more time to define, more examples of what it looked like, and more thinking on the role of collaboration inside and outside of classrooms. Six years removed from those conversations, trust and collaboration continue to be two of the most important and pervasive elements in the EPS culture. What is so powerful about being a part of a community like the one at EPS is that so much of what we create is done together. When we point to fruitful experiences in our school program, we point to places where people are partnering and





exchanging: students and teachers in classes and seminars, students and advisors as they develop relationships, faculty working with each other to evolve and refine curriculum. We are all working with others to make meaning and develop ourselves in the context of community.

FACULTY COLLABORATION FACULTY SEMINAR (US HUMANITIES FACULTY) With the growth of interest and investment in math, science, technology, and engineering in society and schools, some are proclaiming a “crisis” in the humanities. At EPS, rather than see

Mr. Duncan and Ms. Rainwater during faculty Humanities Seminar



THE CONTEMPORARY HUMANITIES AT EPS 1. SELF-REFLECTIVE Acknowledging each student’s self in relation to the content 2. CONTEXT-DRIVEN Framing human experience through seminal historical events and efforts of individuals Capturing the human experience through canonical and contemporary works of literature 3. DATA-ANCHORED Using data to make distinctions between the way the world used to be and the way the world is, and predictions about the way the world will be

4. INTERDISCIPLINARY Employing the methodologies and frameworks of multiple academic disciplines: Social Sciences, Literature, Philosophy, Historiography, Economics, Technological and Scientific Progress 5. SOLUTION-FOCUSED Investigating past and enduring world problems and solutions/lack of solutions to those problems 6. HUMAN-CENTERED & PROGRESS-ORIENTED Making clear connections between past and contemporary problems and their solution

crisis we see an opportunity to update the “why” and “what” of the humanities in a quickly changing contemporary world. Contemporary humanities is rooted in seminal history, historiography, and canonical and contemporary literature. It includes data analysis and has a greater recognition of the role of technology and economics in our society. It is about looking at the problems of the past and seeing how they were solved (or failed to be solved) and thinking about how we can solve current problems and issues more effectively. In many schools, professional development is episodic and devoted to an accumulation of clock hours rather than an accumulation of knowledge and skills for faculty. Two years ago, as we started considering a re-design of the current ninth and tenth grade humanities program, it became obvious that to do it well the faculty would need two primary resources: time and space to research, read, and think together. Over the course of the 2017-18 school year, ten of our Upper School humanities faculty and a portion of the school’s leadership team (Head of School, US Head, MS Head, Chief Tech and Innovation Officer, and Academic Dean) participated in EPS’s first faculty seminar. During each academic term, rotating teams of three-to-four faculty members designed and facilitated seminar sessions for the full group. In total, the group met seventeen times after school, and engaged 178 different texts (physical and digital) on topics ranging from technology’s current ability to attack reality to the philosophical underpinnings of the western and eastern intellectual traditions. Two texts functioned as threads that ran through the year-long experience: Homo Deus by Yuval Noah Harari and Enlightenment Now by Steven Pinker.

The inquiry in each term focused on a specific question. Fall: What is human nature? Winter: What is truth? Spring: What is good? The result of the seminar experience was three-fold for the faculty: (1) the development of a more cohesive, shared understanding of the function of humanities in the contemporary world; (2) a reaffirmation that the discipline expertise of each faculty member is essential to the successful creation and implementation of a new humanities model; and perhaps most essential, (3) the development of tighter collaborative practices and connections between the Upper School humanities faculty. It is on these three foundational supports that the design, construction, and implementation of the new contemporary humanities program will happen over the next two years.

STUDENT COLLABORATION BETTER WORLD PROJECTS (FORMERLY SENIOR PROJECTS) Eastside Prep’s vision statement is: To inspire students to create a better world. With this in mind, seniors are charged to work collaboratively with two or three of their classmates to design and execute an in-depth project that in some small or large way makes a positive impact on the EPS community or the community beyond the school. Many EPS faculty members serve as mentors to these groups, performing as a sounding board and advocate who encourages and advises them through their project. Project options include (but are not limited to):

NEW ADDITIONS TRIMESTER SCIENCE ELECTIVES (SCIENCE FACULTY) During the past two years the science faculty have been collaborating on the construction of new, trimester-long science electives for the Upper School. These courses provide additional options for students as they work to pursue interests in different scientific domains.




Data Science

Marine Biology

UPPER SCHOOL SEMINARS (VARIOUS FACULTY) Eastside Prep now has fifty-nine separate seminar offerings with approximately ten of these seminars being offered each term. These course experiences are open to tenth through twelfth graders and are designed to be pre-collegiate in nature. Single faculty members or faculty teams construct and facilitate a series of six meetings that are driven by the collaboration of three to six students inside and outside of seminar sessions.


Language Change

Climate Change


Becoming a Writing Associate

Siege Warfare

1. construction of innovative products in the arts, creative writing, or technology 2. planning and implementation of service-learning projects 3. identification and participation in off-campus internships 4. development of projects connected to travel experiences (i.e. personal travel to Spanish-speaking countries, EBC Trips, Experience: Arches) Elevated collaboration isn’t easy. It requires time, energy, and repeated opportunities to practice. At the same time, the payoffs are substantial and enduring; from personal satisfaction, to social, emotional and physical health. Periodically people posit that there is some secret ingredient to the impact and elegance of EPS students and the EPS community. If you ask, Dr. Macaluso what that secret is, she’ll tell you there isn’t one. Daily, we work toward our shared mission in a thousand different ways, because we trust each other and because we work together. 

Ms. McLane talks to students Emme and Saanika (both Class of 2021).

INSPIRE Fall 2018


Alumni Notes

The EPS alumni gathering at Safeco Field.

By Bart Gummere, Upper School Head


N THURSDAY, MAY 31, EASTSIDE PREP HELD its second annual Alumni Pub Night. Over ten faculty and staff members were on hand to reunite with over twenty alumni from the classes of 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015. Class of 2009, where are you? We’d love to see you back on campus or at an event! The Class of 2011 had the biggest turnout with Deborah Benaloh, Laura Cimolino, Lewis Dailey, Amanda Gibbon, Ben Monnot, Kris Welch, and Eric Wu all in attendance. Others who joined in the festivities at the Flatstick Pub in Kirkland were Guyl Pechmagre (Class of 2010); Jeanine Reina, Lizzie and Sarah Krawczak (all Class of 2012); Henri Beaudoin and Derek Gibbon (both

Chase Johnsen, Max Corman, and Zach Robin (all EPS Class of 2016)



Class of 2013); Max Bright, Aaron Eskenazi, and Trevor Hedges (all Class of 2014); and Nate Buchan, Alden Chatfield, Izzi Durham, and Sam Douglas each representing the Class of 2015. On June 8, EPS celebrated the Class of 2018 in its tenth graduation. Hard to believe. A large number of EPS alums were in attendance to watch younger siblings get their diploma. Katia Nalimova (’14) and sister Sasha; Akshay Chalana (’15) and sister Seona; Stu Copeland (’11) and sister Laura; Allison Gliner (’16) and sister Jessica; Lilian Gjertsson (’16) and sister Emily; Noah Johnson (’16) and sister Maja; Chase Johnsen (’16) and brother Cole; Johnny Netz (’16) and brother Ethan. Peter Burnham (’15) was

there to see his brother Will graduate and brought classmates James Rimmer and Izzy Rheins along. Finally, Rachael Decker (’11) and Jordan Decker (’14) were present to cheer on their cousin, Brandon Ray. It was truly great to see so many alumni. We’re very much looking forward to our next alumni event to be held at Safeco Field in June. We expect even more alumni to be present then and look forward to more events in the future. With now over 277 alumni, we plan to include notes on individual alumni in future issues of Inspire. To keep us and your friends and classmates updated, please send any news to Brittany Williams and/or Bart Gummere We’d love to hear from as many people as possible.

CLASS OF 2014: Max Bright and Trevor Hedges have been friends since attending EPS and through their four years at UW. They are now each moving on to pursue PhD programs in the coming years. Trevor writes, “I am the recipient of a threeyear fellowship at Stanford’s Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering Department, so the first three years in pursuit of a PhD are fully funded. I plan to focus my doctoral research on space engineering, fluid mechanics, or propulsion, although I am undecided on the specific area I want to work in, so I have not yet chosen a particular advisor for PhD research. Currently, my eventual goal is to work at NASA or elsewhere in the space industry, but I am also considering staying in academia.” Max shares, “I’m heading to University of Michigan to pursue a PhD in Electrical Engineering. I’m looking at doing research in radio wave propagation. In particular, I’m interested in computational electromagnetics, which is the theory of how to simulate radio wave interactions on a computer. There are a lot of very deep math problems in that area, which is why I’m drawn to it. I still have a lot to learn about the field, and I’m talking with professors right now about a possible research direction, so a lot of my plans are still up in the air right now. Basically, I realized in undergrad that I love math, and that I never want to stop learning it.” While at UM, Max hopes to reconnect with former MS Head Wendy Lawrence, who now lives in Ann Arbor with her family.

CLASS OF 2016: Rachael Decker (’11), Diane Halcoussis (’13), and Jordan Decker (’14) at graduation

Here are a few updates:

CLASS OF 2012: Mara Brashem reports a great experience this past summer. “I spent the summer working as a marketing intern at the Roald Dahl Story Company in London and as an archive assistant at the Roald Dahl Museum and Story Centre in the little village of Great Missenden (where Roald Dahl lived for forty years and is buried). Being the first intern the company has ever had, I felt unbelievably lucky to have a lot of flexibility within my role. I spent time doing research for both the marketing and theatre teams to prepare for exciting new projects and assisted in theatre rehearsal process for an upcoming production at the Natural History Museum. At the museum I did lots of transcribing of Roald Dahl's handwritten notes and speeches and cataloguing of foreign edition copies of his books. It was such an incredible experience. The Roald Dahl Story Company’s main goal is to continue to share Roald Dahl's legacy and the magic of his stories with young readers around the world.” Timely work for EPS, as well, since the school is producing two of Dahl’s works as stage productions this coming year, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in the Middle School and James and the Giant Peach as the all-school musical.

Allison Gliner is spending time in Washington DC, interning in Congress. She will be there through the fall and writes, “I'm a legislative intern and will have an abundance of responsibilities. I can't wait to see what the political sphere is actually like in DC and be there during midterms and all other things!” 

Mara Brashem (’12)reads Roald Dahl

INSPIRE Fall 2018


Mr. Gummere at the graduation ceremony for the Class of 2018

STAFFING TRANSITIONS By Dr. Terry Macaluso, Head of School

“The more things change, the more they stay the same.”


HERE IS A FAIR AMOUNT OF DEBATE concerning the creator of this familiar idiom. So, special citation to whomever; the phrase is a fitting salutation for this piece. In one sense, EPS is like every other independent school, it changes—daily. If you’ve been away from campus for as little as a single year, you are bound to be struck by how different things are when you visit. People change, too, which is extremely fortunate, given the experience of early adolescence. Students change between the time they enroll at EPS until they graduate from college (and it doesn’t stop there, by the way). Curiously, even though everything is impacted by the passage of time, there is a timeless quality in schools. Schools are the places where children grow up; however, we remember “school” in the same time-frozen episodes that characterized our memories of childhood. “At school,” is where you shed half a dozen identities by the time you graduate from Upper School. In college you will have tried on and rejected half a dozen more. We live in time and space. Everything changes, but it remains recognizable. So, I guess the real question is, “Do things really change, or is it just that I can remember a time before?”



A dozen years ago, I hired Bart Gummere to be the Head of the EPS Upper School. Though he had no experience as a division head, he was a career college counselor. More than anything, in those days, it mattered that families were confident that college would, indeed, happen at the conclusion of an EPS Upper School career. In this academic year, 2018–2019, Mr. Gummere is serving his thirteenth and final year as Head of the EPS Upper School. In 2019–2020, he’ll assume the position of Associate Head of School for College Counseling and Alumni Relations. In this capacity, Mr. Gummere will have the opportunity to return, full time, to the profession he most enjoys—helping students find the right college match, and then visiting them while they’re there. Unique to this transition is the fact that Mr. Gummere knows every student who has, heretofore, graduated from EPS. Hence, “the more things change, the more they stay the same.” At the time of publication, Mr. Gummere’s successor may well have been named. The process leading to that objective included a

Ms. McKinney teaching class.

search committee composed of students, faculty and parents, the interview of six to eight semi-finalist candidates, and visits to campus by four finalists. That process will have been completed just ahead of the visit from the NWAIS re-accreditation visiting team. Mr. Gummere’s new position, coupled with the transition by Mr. Uzwack and Mr. Delaney out of college counseling, produced yet another transition. Two EPS faculty members have stepped up to add “college counselor” to their business cards. Adam Waltzer, long time Upper School faculty member, and Anthony Colello, teacher in both fifth and twelfth grades in his fourth year at EPS, will begin their service as college counselors. In addition to the increased time and attention that will be available to students and their families from the college counselors, the new Head of Upper School will be able to focus, exclusively, on the Upper School, without trying to balance that role with college counseling. A second full-time school counselor has also been added to the community. Michelle Lorne joins EPS with several years of counseling experience. (You can learn more about Michelle and other folks new to EPS on page 11.) Mr. Waltzer teaching biology.

Mr. Colello teaches social science to seniors.

Finally, Bess McKinney, who joined EPS as an Upper School social science teacher in September 2015, has accepted the position of Equity, Inclusion and Compassionate Leadership Coordinator (EICLC). In this new, half-time role, Ms. McKinney will continue the work started by Matt Delaney and Dr. Kelly Moore in 2016–2017, when a group of faculty and staff began exploring, together, the experience of equity and inclusion in a diverse and complicated world. It was a time of great change in the United States, and we were, collectively, trying to understand what it means to be an American. That question led us to questions about race, gender, social policies and practices; dozens of topics were emerging from a desire to make sense of the world. Simultaneously, students were beginning to ask some of those same questions about race, gender identity, feminism, and the nature of healthy relationships. Ms. McKinney

spent much of the 2017–2018 academic year working with students in a variety of configurations, i.e., Middle School Discussion Club, Upper School Equity and Inclusion Core Group, and LGBT Student Union, leading, ultimately, to conversations between adults and students. Is EPS changing? Yes. But it will only continue to change for as long as it exists. Clearly, leadership—like everything else—develops organically at EPS. Staffing decisions—like all other important decisions—are made with the mission in mind:


What is the problem this position would be created to solve?


How is this need prioritized in relation to other competing needs?


What is the optimal benefit of staffing this position; what additional positive results might flow from its creation?


Is there a better way to meet this need/ solve this problem? As we begin another year, with new faculty and staff, new students, and familiar people in new roles, we progress as we always have… one step in front of the other… one day at a time. 

INSPIRE Fall 2018




HERE ARE MANY TERMS OUR community members use to describe Eastside Prep. Here are just a few that are heard regularly:

“ALWAYS LOOKING FOR WAYS TO IMPROVE.” “NOT COMPLACENT.” “ALWAYS CHANGING.” Change can be viewed as a positive or a negative, but at EPS, it’s never change just for change sake—it’s change that has an impact, makes a difference, improves the learning opportunities for our students. 2017-2018 was another year of change at Eastside Prep. Our student body grew, new faculty and staff joined our community, classes were added, seminars expanded, athletic teams grew in size and skills, EBC Week groups traveled to more countries than ever… all in order to serve that growing student body. Possibly the biggest change for the year—we took on the Annex property to provide classrooms during construction of the TALI Hall. It’s no coincidence that this new building is called TALI. Everything we do at EPS, every step we consider and every growth opportunity that is contemplated is considered through the lens of our four mission points— THINK critically, ACT responsibly, LEAD compassionately, and INNOVATE wisely. Those words are in each classroom so that all of us—faculty, students, visitors—can consider them on a regular basis. Laura Copeland (’18) said something in her graduation speech that



resonates: “To me, EPS isn’t some grouping of buildings… EPS can be contained in no classroom. Despite our love of making fun of our mission, they’ve done it. Everyone of us is an innovate critical thinker, a responsible, compassionate leader.” It is always interesting that after what has been a relatively short history, Eastside Prep (and the four short mission points we adopted) are so impactful for our students. At the time of publication of this magazine, we will have just begun our sixteenth year… with more change in store. We’ll be adding new students, figuring out how to live in our new building, deciding how we will use the Annex, and (possibly most importantly) figuring out where to park. These might seem like daunting tasks in a different community. But at EPS, we’re an adaptable bunch. We know how to make the most out of each opportunity and how to thrive in each (ever-changing) moment. Thank you all for being a part of our Eastside Prep community. Whether you have just joined us, have been with us for many years, or are part of our growing alumni community—we wouldn’t be where we are… or who we are… without you. Thank you!

Terry Macaluso, PhD, Head of School

Stacy Graven, Board President

Faculty and Staff 2017-2018 Dana Albu Spanish Shelly Allen Administrative Assistant for Upper School, Registrar Elizabeth Andersen Executive Assistant for Admissions & College Counseling Mike Anderson Learning Support Instructor Jamie Andrus Learning Support Instructor Ryan Aponte Humanities Amis Balcomb F&PA: Visual Arts Vickie Baldwin Director of Institutional Advancement Burton Barrager Scientific Thinking Adrienne Behrmann Mathematics Laurie Benaloh, PhD Mathematical Thinking Lani Bowker Senior Accounting Jonathan Briggs Chief Technology and Innovation Officer Ed Castro, DMA F&PA: Instrumental Music Vandana Chalana Athletics: Yoga Rhiannon Chelini Accounting Manager Robin Christy Learning Support Coordinator Eric Claesson Literary Thinking, Historical Thinking Jess Claesson Learning Support Instructor

Derek Clarke Webmaster, Technology Teacher Anthony Colello Humanities Lisa Coulter Auxiliary Services Coordinator Charlene Crocket Food Services Support Kristina Dammrose Associate Director of Admissions Jake Davis School Counselor Matt Delaney Academic Dean, Social Science, College Counseling Jannell Denhart Information Systems Specialist Katie Dodd Scientific Thinking Ian Duncan English Ginger Ellingson F&PA: Music Steve Fassino Mathematics Emma Ferguson Spanish, Athletics: Flamenco Javier Fernandez Food Services Support Patricia Ferreyra Spanish David Fierce Social Science Lauren Formo Director of Admissions Lisa Frystak Administrative Assistant for Dean of Students Joe Garrison, PhD Mathematics Kevin Gillis Facilities Support Victor Guevara Facilities Support

Bart Gummere Upper School Head, College Counseling Tina Hadden Director of Administrative Services Paul Hagen Dean of Students Melissa Hayes Physical Education Sarah Hollingshead Scientific Thinking, Technology Brian Hutcheson Director of Fine and Performing Arts, F&PA: Visual Arts Stephen Keedy English David Kelly-Hedrick Literary Thinking Adam Kruger Science Elin Kuffner Middle School Science, Physical Education, Librarian Molly Lori Spanish Allison Luhrs Literary Thinking, College Counseling Terry Macaluso, PhD Head of School Roger Mack Technology Systems Administrator, Technology Teacher

Angelika Mein Spanish Gunnar Mein Technology Teacher Genevieve Millar Administrative Assistant for Academic Dean Karen Mills Literary Thinking Mike Mullen Interim Assistant Athletic Director Ali Najar Facilities Support Katie Nikkel Admissions Coordinator Jack Nolan Tech Support Specialist Elena Olsen, PhD English, College Counseling Jim Owen Facilities Support Casey Otley Chief Financial Officer Chan Pedersen Venue Technician Andre Pegeron Mathematics, Science Randi-Louise Peterson Administrative Assistant for the Middle School Gilbert Ragudos Executive Chef Sarah Rainwater Social Science

Rick MacKenzie Technical Theatre Specialist

Rakesh Reddy Food Services Support

Janine Martorano Food Services Director

Jeanine Reina Admin Support

Bess McKinney, JD Social Science Caitlyn McLane Humanities

Randy Reina, PhD Mathematics

Tracy Ritter Administrative Assistant for Student Support Services Josefa Ruiz, PhD Spanish

Board of Trustees 2017-2018 Emily Anthony

Mack Hinson

Byron Bishop Trustee Emeritus

Mike Hubbard

Leslie Brewer

Janet Levinger Trustee Emerita

Verity Sayles English

Heather Burkey 2017-18 PA President

Ted Scott, PhD Mathematics, Physics

Wade Carter

Shane Spellman Revenue Accounting Jeff Sternitzky Campus Ambassador Lurline Sweet Mathematical Thinking Jennifer Tastet Facilities and Events Manager Tom Taylor F&PA: Theatre Joe Tiernan Interim Athletic Director

Bohn Crain Secretary Meg Crow

Gina Jamison

Sean Mitchell Maureen O’Hara Trustee Emerita Sasha Press Treasurer

Patricia Friel Trustee Emerita

Henry Sanders

Stacy Graven President

John Sharp

Scott Haeger Jennifer Hallman

Sanjay Shah Robert Short Past-President Eric Voskuil

Annual Fund Participation

Ernesto Torres Facilities Support Sam Uzwack Middle School Head, College Counseling







Kelly Violette Spanish, College Counseling Nicole Wallace Science Adam Waltzer Science Kip Wassink Mathematics, Science Brittany Williams Institutional Advancement, Alumni Coordinator Ryan Winkelmann Historical Thinking Dan Yezbick Faculty

INSPIRE Fall 2018


Annual Report 2017–2018 THANK YOU TO OUR DONORS These individuals and organizations have made cash or in-kind donations to Eastside Preparatory School. Tolga and Barcin Acar 5 Diana and Mark Adamson Adobe Inc Dana Albu Shelly and Jason Allen 5 Amazon Elizabeth Andersen Michael Anderson 5 Irena Andonova Jamie Andrus Anonymous Ryan Aponte Apple Inc Jessica Atherton and Joseph Wright AT&T Inc. Susan and Franco Audia Kathlene and Tim Bakken Anil Balakrishnan and Femila Anilkumar Sumithra and GaneshKumar Balakrishnan Amis Balcomb 10 Vickie and Bob Baldwin 5 Burton Barrager Margaret Bay and Gary Schimek 5 Conrad and Claudia Bayer 5 Edward and Rebecca Beals Christine Beauchamp Mona and Kawarjit Bedi Adrienne and Arnold Behrmann 10 Andrew and Brenda Bell Yevgeniy Belousov Laurie and Josh Benaloh 10 / A Aziz and Wafa Benmalek 5 Lisa and Christoph Berlin Byron and Sheila Bishop 10 / A Doug and Elena Blair 5 Inbal Boger-Megiddo and Eran Megiddo 5 Liesl and David Bohan Kate and Brock Boswell Sid Bothra and Tulika Dugar Michelle and Jarvis Bowers Lani Bowker Ma. Berenice and Manuel Brambila Lisa and Marv Brashem 10 / A


Ronald and Sua Braunstein Leslie Brewer and Arnold Blinn 5 Jonathan Briggs 10 Lorie and Charles Brighton Linda Brisk 5 Daniel and Stephanie Brown Janice and Marshall Brumer Yvonne and Michael Brundage Sarah and Colin Bryar Anna and Andrei Burago David and Heather Burkey 5 Arianne and Peter Burnham 5 Cyndee Kraiger and Brett Burris 5 Cambia Health Solutions Elena Camerini and Oskar Gjertsson Deborah and Ian Carmichael Alicia and Jeffrey Carnevali Michael and Susan Carr Rebecca and Wade Carter 5 Ed Castro Vikram and Vandana Chalana 10 Alex Chan and Tracy Chow Rita Chan and Jim Grua Jeff and Sun Chaney Carl and Rebecca Chatfield Nidhi Chaudhari and Rajeet Nair Rhiannon Chelini Dafna Chen and Dan Ricker Clare Chen and Chris Yang Yimin Chen Zitan Chen and Yan Li Binghao Cheng and Chundi Li Luca Chierotti Lisa Chin Sudarshan and Prashanthi Chitre Robin Christy 5 Jessica and Eric Claesson 5 Derek Clarke Anthony Colello Bill and Lisa Conquergood 5 Bruce and Lisa Copeland 10 Lisa Coulter Lee and Bohn Crain 5 Mike Crill and Cathy Nobis Charlene Crockett Meg and Howard Crow


John Cunningham and Karen Gentles Agustin Da Fieno Delucchi and Sadie Reitz 5 Kristina and Eric Dammrose 5 Sarah Daniels and Rod Fleck Stormi and Rick Danis 5 Lokesh and Heta Dave Jake Davis Matt Delaney 10 Jannell Denhart Jo Ann and John Denney Manoj Dipankar and Ranu Choudhary 5 Vijay Dirisala Andrea Doan and Michael Nguyen Shelly Morgan Kathryn Dodd 5 Emer Dooley and Rob Short 10 / A Harriette and Fred Dorkin G Ian Duncan Francine and Jim Dunnigan Eaton Vance Investments eBay Inc Jeff Edwards Jodi Ellias and Mark Spickett Virginia Ellingson Peter and Teresa Engrav Ingrid and Michael Ensing Magdalena Espelien Tony Excoffon and Caroline Roudet Steven Fassino David and Jennifer Feldman 5 Nat and Debbie Fellows Emma Ferguson 5 Javier Fernandez Patricia Ferreyra 5 Mark Fields David Fierce David and Gabrielle Fitzgerald Lauren Formo 10 Bill & Melinda Gates GE Foundation Tom Freisem Patricia Friel 10 / A Lisa Frystak

5 10 A G

Hilary and Kevin Gammill 10 Joe Garrison Olga and Mark Gershaft Wayt Gibbs and Susan Swift Colleen and Michael Gilbert 5 Navjeet and Jasmine Gill A Debbie and Brad Gliner John and Serena Glover 10 Mario and Elizabeth Goertzel Laurie and Gordon Goetsch 5 Cindy and Gordon Goetzmann Google Stacy Graven and Ken Johnsen 5 Melissa Green 5 Nigel Green Greg and Bridget Greenberg 10 Victor Guevara 5 Shairose and Ariff Gulamani Bart Gummere 10 Suzanne Guon-Corner and Bradley Corner 5 Amit Gupta and Pallavi Vajranabhaiah Anupam and Sangeeta Gupta Kapil and Neetika Gupta Lily and Michael Guse 5 Tina and Dave Hadden 10 Stephanie and Scott Haeger Paul and Teresa Hagen 5 Elizabeth Hall Amy and K.D. Hallman 5 Jennifer Hallman and Derek Luhn 5 Ella Hallman-Luhn Sarah Hallman-Luhn Michael and Mary Kay Hallman G Beck Hallman Nermeen Hamza and Rasekh Rifaat Andrew and Etsuko Haring Susan and David Hawkins Nina and Rage Hawley 5 Melissa Hayes 10 Helen He and Thomas Yuen Patty and Brian Henry 5 Binh and Larry Herdrick Jennifer and Alan Heuberger Lisa Hill A

5+ consecutive years of giving 10 or more consecutive years of giving Alumni/alumni family Grandparents of student

Vlasta and Brian Hillger Jennifer and Gary Hinds 5 Stephanie and Mack Hinson 5 Sarah Hollingshead 5 Judi Hoskins and Joe Suty 5 Shuang Hou and Shengang Yuan Ching-fen Hu and Deepak Bharadwaj Mike and Rachel Hubbard Stan and Katie Humphries Liz Hunt and Benn Schreiber 5 Brian Hutcheson Kati Iceva and Alek Icev Intel Corporation Yu and Masa Iwasaki Abhay and Seema Jain Smita and Neel Jain Gina Jamison and Michael Zyskowski Carol and Jake Jensen Catherine and Lei Jin Bengt and Sayuri Johnson 5 Debra and Chris Johnston Marybeth and Michael Johnston Carol Jones 5 Dean Kain and Trina Kain 5 Vicci and Mark Kane 5 Leni and Randall Karr Sharon and Lynn Kasel Gregory and Angela Kavounas 5 David and Jennifer Kays Katherine and Ryan Kearny 5 Stephen Keedy 5 Liam Keese and Tracy Porter 10 / A Karin Keis and David Nister Yohko and Joe Kelley 5 David and Heather Kelly-Hedrick Faria Khalid and Omer Tareen Joe and Emma Kim 5 Marty Kim and Mark Roggeveen Tatiana Kirova Don Kitch Jr. and Donna Porada-Kitch Dan Klusman and Kathy Gibson Chadd and Vlada Knowlton Tiffany Koenig and John Ostolaza

Kenneth and Julie Koziak G Gail and Jim Kranick Erin and Peter Kraus Madhu Krishnan and Raja Krishnaswamy Adam Kruger Pandurang and Reena Kshirsagar Amanda Kuet and Song Zou Elin Kuffner 10 Aparna Kurupati and Prasanna Ghali Tom and Leslie Laird McConnell 5 Tasneem Lalani and Arif Kassam Tony and Janet Landers 5 Maria and David Langworthy Doug Laundry and Eva Fekete Alice Lawrence Foundation Stephanie Lee and Paul Nghiem Dean and Sangita Lester 5 Lisa and Charles Levine Will Poole and Janet Levinger 10 / A Jim Liang and Julie Wang Penny Lie Chelsea and Andrew Lientz My Lieu and An kien Ngo Jeslyn and Henry Lin Yingjie Liu and Yungui Zeng Anna Lomova and David Barnebey Garwin Long and Ping Fang Molly Lori Jennifer and John Loy Elizabeth and Steve Lucco 5 Kasonde Luchembe Allison Luhrs 10 Ivan and Loi Lumala Jeff Lumpkin and Ruoh-Shin Ong Gladys and Pat Ly-Au Young Wei-Ying Ma and Fu-Sui Cheng Terry Macaluso 10 Roger Mack Rick MacKenzie Tracy and Duncan Maclean Sharon Maeda Randy and Patti Mann 5 Sharieff Mansour and Nahal Darvish Nancy Mariuz and Jeff McAffer

Rhonda and Brian Marshall 5 Holli and Edgar Martinez Janine Martorano Tanya Matskewich David Maymudes and Emily Anthony 10 Meredith McClurg and Jeffrey Krauss Kara McCulloch Joel McGregor and Chairat Seelao Tricia and Brian McKinley Bess McKinney Caitlin McLane Shelly Mcmahan Leah and Richard Medway 5 Bimal and Archana Mehta Gunnar and Angelika Mein 5 Lea Mejia and John Mackay Dianne and Tom Melling David Meltzer Menasha Corporation Foundation George and Lois Meng 5 Elizabeth and Joe Michaels Microsoft Genevieve Millar Karen and Zane Mills 10 Jodi Minkin and Robert Horwitz Rajeev and Shalini Misra 5 Elizabeth and Sean Mitchell Navin and Cathy Mithel 5 Mitsui USA Susan and Mohsen Moini Mehrane Mokdad and Ali Dalloul Polina Mokshina and Denis Guz Shannon and Christian Moller 5 Kelly and Gary Moore 5 Leigh Ann and Russell More 10 / A Alicia Moreno Gonzalez and Carlos Garcia Jurado Suarez Laura and Jim Morgan 5 Vasudha Motaparthy and Shanta Ram Punukollu Ramu and Madhusri Movva Salman and Meeral Mughal 5 Monica Mulloy and Dave Gainer Mahesh Mulumudi and Srilatha Shoroff 5 Sona and Nishad Mulye 5 Prachi and Rajesh Munshi Juhee and Peeyush Nahar Ali Najar Eugene Nalimova and Natalia Glagoleva Cristina Nardini 5 Rebecca and Todd Needham Merav and Amir Netz 5 Dan and Kristen Newell Katie Nikkel John Nikolai and Carol Eubanks

Jack Nolan 10 Nordstrom Inc. Trinh and Jason Norsen Lev and Isabella Novik Bob and Maureen O’Hara 10 / A Ryan and Amy O’Neill Herain and Gagan Oberoi Monica Olaru and Nicolae Velea David Olix and Leila Belhadjali 5 Elena Olsen 10 Kip Olson and Martha Riggers Oracle Corporation Pensiri Osangthamnont and Athapan Arayasantiparb Casey Otley Jim Owen Lew Packia Raj and Catherine Yoo Elisa Panelli and Marco Chierotti 5 Amy and Jesse Pannoni Jae Park and Kate Lee Nilesh and Aloka Parson Shilpa Patil and Rutwick Bhatt Donna Payne and Robert Affleck Chan Petersen Clare and Kaj Pedersen 5 Andre Pegeron Carla Peterson Randi-Louise Peterson 5 Tom and Linda Pichard Carlos and Isabella Picoto 10 Katharine and Barrie Pike Anne Pillsbury and Jeff Sternitzky 10 John and Lisa Platt Ariff and Shabina Premji Lowell and Sasha Press 10 Kimberlee and Stanley Prince 5 Wes Pringle and Lee-Ann Boyd Pringle David Pugh and Xuping Wu Suraj Puri and Manika Malhotra Gilbert Ragudos 5 Hitesh and Namita Raigandhi Sarah Rainwater 5 Ahad and Jameela Rana Vikram and Leelavathi Rao Gautam Reddy and Haritha Avula Rakesh Reddy 5 Randy Reina Sarah Richards and Larry Lee 5 Renee and James Rinker 5 Tracy Ritter 5 Rebecca and Jason Rogers Lizzy Rojas and Jonathan Wanagel Ilona Rossman Ho and Eugene Ho 5 Josefa Ruiz Mercader Liska and Robert Rutherford Sean and Ana Lisa Ryan 5 Ken and Deepika Sadahiro

Jon Sakamoto and Elaine Hsieh-Sakamoto A Kurt and Doris Samuelson 5 Samsung Electronics Victoria and Henry Sanders 5 Nish and Geeti Sanghavi 5 Srini Saravanamuthu and Suba Sundar Murli and Roopa Satagopan David and Patricia Sauntry Verity Sayles Melissa and Scott Schaefer 5 Lynette and Matt Scheuing Jennifer Schilling and John Crosetto 5 Kevin and Cynthia Schmitt John and Ellen Schneider Tom Schonhoff Ted Scott and Bree Norlander 5 Julia Sensenbrenner A Val and Steve Serdy 5 Sanjay Shah and Taral Patel Vandana and Munil Shah Xixi and Jonathan Shakes Max Shao Kirsten and John Sharp Alison and Barry Shaw A Sanjay and Angela Shenoy 5 Sam Shinn and YJ Lee Sandeep and Sukriti Singhal Richard and Jeanne Smith 5 Sanjay Soni and Sumita Verma Stephen and Joanne Sparrow 5 Jennifer and Mark Spatz Rinku Sreedhar and Sirius Kuttiyan Karen Starns and Paul Stoddart Jill and Martin Stoddart Astrid Storas and Simon Crosby Alice and Tom Strong 5 / A Srini Subramanian and Sangeetha Suryanarayanan 5 Catrena and Sean Sullivan Huaying ( William) Sun and Jie ( Julia ) Ying Airi Suomalainen 5 Jami and Chris Swasand Lurline Sweet T-Mobile Inc Tableau Foundation Sherry Tang and Martin Pei John Tardif and Rashmi Chinniah Jennifer Tastet Tom Taylor Holly Tennant and Justin Howell Texas Instruments Sarvesh Thakur Bindu Thota and Sreeram Nivarthi John and Teresa Tippett Ernesto Torres

Susan and Larry Tseng 5 Kamil Ercan and Selcin Gul Turkarslan Debbie and Eric Twelker Jenica Tyler Heather and Justin Uberti 5 US Bank Sam Uzwack and Nicole Curry 5 Kushagra and Jyoti Vaid Karla and Anton van der Hoeven A Varian Co Kelsey Vaughn and David Hale Selvam Velmurugan and Lakshmi Nidamarthi Raja Venugopal and Madhu Gadde Verizon Foundation Erin and Keith Vernon Kelly Violette 5 Jacki von Allmen 5 Natasha and Wade Vorley Mica and Eric Voskuil 5 Deborah and Chris Voss 5 Jewel Vuong and Will Liao Daniel and Erin Wallace Nicole Wallace Adam and Shigeko Waltzer 10 Joanne Wang and Fangquian Wu Lu Wang and Wei Liu Shi Wang and Jingyuan Yan Tammy Wang and Heon Park Yi Wang and Xin Ye Kristen and Andrew Wappler Kip and Danielle Wassink 5 Kathy Weber and Bill Shain A Carolyn and Michael Weilbacher Ally and Dan Weisman Darryl and Winter Wells Serap and Charles Whitmer Kenneth and Danette Wickman 5 Brittany and David Williams 5 Rod and Kathryn Willson Maribeth Wilson-Day and Mike Day LJ Wilson-Knight and Mike Knight Ryan Winkelmann Jeff and Kelly Wright Qin Xu and Weizhong Hua Tracy Xu and Wai Kong Chubu Yang and Fang Hou Erez and Charlotte Yarkoni Jennifer and Matt Yeatts Wendy Yee and Partha Seshaiah 5 Caroline and Dan Yeh Dan Yezbick Julia Yu and Jim Zhuang Oleg Zelenko and Angelika Polyakov Yongguang Zhang and Sara Ye Yong-Pin Zhou and June Xianghui Duan Zhu Zhu

















INSPIRE Fall 2018


Upcoming Events F

OLLOWING ARE SOME OF THE upcoming events at Eastside Prep. For a complete listing of EPS activities and events, visit

ĦĦ 20 / Open House

ĦĦ 15, 16 / Middle School Play

OCTOBER  ĦĦ 4 / Back-to-School Night ## Online pre-registration encouraged. Check-in starts at 9:30 a.m. Program runs from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. JJ TALI Hall

An opportunity for parents to meet each of their student’s teachers while following their child’s daily schedule.

We welcome prospective students (grades 5-12) to our Open House program which includes a brief opening presentation and overview, followed by interactive mini-classes, parent/student Q&A panels, and self-guided campus tours.

## 7:00 p.m. JJ TALI Hall Theatre Presented by EPS Middle School students, directed by Whitney Stange. Ticket reservation process will be published a few weeks before the event.

DECEMBER  ĦĦ 12 / Fall Art Show

ĦĦ 11 / Homecoming Game

NOVEMBER  ĦĦ 3 / Open House

## 6:00 p.m. JJ TALI Hall Gallery At the end of each trimester, the visual art program showcases the work of students who have been actively studying and creating new art.

## Online pre-registration encouraged. Check-in starts at 9:30 a.m. Program runs from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. JJ TALI Hall We welcome prospective students (grades 5-12) to our Open House program which includes a brief opening presentation and overview, followed by interactive mini-classes, parent/student Q&A panels, and self-guided campus tours.



ĦĦ 12 / Fall Music Concert


ĦĦ 14 / Winter Music Concert

ĦĦ 13, 14 / Upper School Play

## 7:00 p.m. JJ TALI Hall Theatre At the end of each trimester, the music program showcases the work of students who have been actively studying and creating new work.

JANUARY  ĦĦ 24 / Winter Celebration

## 7:00 p.m. JJ TALI Hall Theatre Presented by EPS Upper School students, directed by Whitney Stange. Ticket reservation process will be published a few weeks before the event.

MARCH  ĦĦ 14 / Winter Art Show

## 7:00 p.m. JJ TALI Hall Theatre At the end of each trimester, the music program showcases the work of students who have been actively studying and creating new work.

MAY  ĦĦ 22, 23, 24 / Spring All-School Musical

## 6:00 p.m. JJ Levinger-Poole Commons ## 7:00 p.m. JJ TALI Hall Theatre

EPS parents and faculty are invited to enjoy an evening reception in the LPC.

OUR MISSION is to guide students to

THINK critically. ACT responsibly. LEAD compassionately. INNOVATE wisely.

## 6:00 p.m. JJ TALI Hall Gallery

Presented by EPS fifth through twelfth graders, guest director Meghan Arnette. Ticket reservation process will be published a few weeks before the event.

At the end of each trimester, the visual art program showcases the work of students who have been actively studying and creating new art.

INSPIRE Fall 2018


10613 NE 38th Place Kirkland, WA 98033




Photo by Jennifer Boyle Photography

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