HRA Land Management Report

Page 99

Technical Note Habitats Regulations Assessment for the Whitehill Bordon


Eco-town Draft Framework Masterplan (June 2010)


April 2011


Focus Group and Stakeholder Consultation Report




Nick Pincombe


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1. Introduction This document summarises the findings of consultation activities in relation to work carried out in 2011 on the Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) for the Whitehill Bordon Eco-town draft framework masterplan (June 2010). Three Focus Group events were held, with additional data being supplied by stakeholders before and after events, all of which is addressed in this document. The Focus Groups are listed as follows: 

Focus Group 1: Access management for European sites (4 March);

Focus Group 2: Design for Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspaces (SANG; 23 March); and

Focus Group 3: Masterplan monitoring framework in relation to HRA (15 April).

The scope of the HRA is to further analyse the draft masterplan for likely significant effects in relation to (i) atmospheric pollution from traffic and energy generation, (ii) disturbance and predation of Annex 1 birds (Dartford warbler, nightjar and woodlark), and (iii) other urban edge effects, with a view to avoiding, reducing or removing adverse effects on ecological integrity. Atmospheric pollution is not mentioned further in this report as it is addressed via traffic assessments, transport strategy and atmospheric pollution modelling. The following European sites are included in the assessment: 

Wealden Heaths SPA;

Woolmer Forest SAC;

Shortheath Common SAC;

East Hampshire Hangers SAC;

Thursley, Ash, Pirbright & Chobham SAC; and

Thursley & Ockley Bogs Ramsar.

2. Access Management for European Sites The objective of Focus Group 1 was to help establish a better understanding of the current access management plans of landholders with an interest in European sites around the town, and discuss additional/amended plans that landowners/managers would be willing to adopt, the implementation of which could be funded through Eco-town development. The main purpose of the day was twofold: A. To gather views on deliverable measures to improve the robustness of European sites; and

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