Eastern Magazine

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EASTERN The Magazine of Eastern University



Wonder (n): sur with admiratio

rprise mingled on. Dear Alumni and Friends, WONDER. When we open our eyes, it's there. It’s there in the delight of curiosity and learning. In mysteries of revelation, beauty, creativity. In service. Humility. Joy of encountering greatness. In whispers of eternity. In loving God, neighbor, enemy. In faith, reason, and justice. Transformation. Centuries ago, Charles Wesley penned these beautiful lines: “Changed from glory into glory, Till in Heav’n we take our place, Till we cast our crowns before Thee, Lost in wonder, love, and praise.” What a beautiful image of being enveloped in wonder, love, and praise. As you read this issue of EASTERN, may you be profoundly moved and encouraged by the stories of wonder. May we have the openness and wonder of children, experiencing others, hearing their stories, joining together and — at the risk of altering Wesley’s text — being found in wonder, love, and praise. Thank you for being a part of and supporting the Eastern Story. It is indeed, wonder-full. With grace and gratitude,

Ronald A. Matthews, President



06 CELEBRATION WEEK Spanning the anniversary of Eastern's founding, this joy-filled week included an array of activities and the inauguration of our 10th president.




F E AT U R E 22

ACA D E M I C S 26

AT H L E T I C S 28


24 RUNNING Sometimes you hear God’s calling loud and clear. And sometimes, you run from it. Palmer alumnus Donald Moore shares about his attempt to squash his pastoral calling, and ultimately, his submission to the all-powerful tugging at his heart.






23 CREATION STATION Esperanza College’s annual Creation Station event shares the wonder of science with children in a community that is underrepresented in STEM fields.

10 FEATURE: VOICES ON WONDER Opportunities to experience wonder are all around us; we just have to be intentional about recognizing them. We asked a sampling of our faculty and staff from diverse fields and areas of specialty to share stories about times when they experienced wonder.

ASSOCIATE VP & PUBLISHER / MICHAEL THOMAS, MBA ’18, PSYD Editor IN Chief / KELLY GODDARD Creative Director & Lead Designer / DANIEL PEIRCE Visual Director / LISA WOODS Photographer & Cover Photography / ELYSE GARNER ’13 ASSISTANT EDITOR / ALLY (HOLMES) ROSARIO '14 Designer / ALAINA MOSSO


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Men’s Volleyball made its program debut. Significant facility improvements included dramatic changes to the softball field. Men’s Soccer won the MAC Freedom Championship. Track and field athlete won two All-America Honors.

media@eastern.edu Alumni news should be sent to: alumni@eastern.edu palmeralum@eastern.edu PUBLISHED BY Marketing and Communications at Eastern University ONLINE AT eastern.edu/MAGAZINE






Wednesday Night

B y A l ly ( H o l m e s ) R o s a r i o ’ 1 4 String lights illuminate the floor and music spills out of Gough Great

“The figure in the back represents the Holy Spirit, who remains faceless

Room as the doors swing open and students funnel into the sacred space.

because we can only wonder at the face of God,” Faith shares. “The

This is Wednesday Night Worship — a weekly gathering for collaborative

figure being held is meant to represent all of us — it remains faceless

worship among the Eastern community: kneeling in awe, praying in

for others to see themselves in the figure.” Faith believes that wondering

confidence, and singing with boldness.

about God and his character isn’t tied up in worrying about the unknown,

“I have never once entered Wednesday Night Worship and left without

but in embracing curiosity and resting in His peace.

feeling the presence of God,” expresses aspiring physical therapist and

This sculpture is especially important to Faith because she one day hopes

exercise science major Faith Lauffer ’22. “It has changed the entire way I

to work with children experiencing debilitating physical conditions. Faith

view my faith and connection to God.”

is passionate about seeing people supported and well-cared-for during

Crafted with intention, Faith’s sculpture entitled The Spirit of Wednesday Night Worship was inspired by the transformative work of the Holy Spirit and the overwhelming comfort experienced in God's presence.

difficult seasons — a beautiful parallel to how the Holy Spirit cares for and sustains us through the experience of God’s presence found within the community of believers.


Eastern university

Celebration Week A week of celebrating Eastern's history, legacy, and future in honor of the inauguration of our 10th president B y K e l ly G o d d a r d HISTORY. LEGACY. FUTURE. All of these wove

members of Eastern University leadership, the Board

together in the joy of an adrenaline-packed week that

of Trustees, ecclesiastical and institutional delegates,

spanned the anniversary of Eastern’s founding on

students, and alumni.

March 19, 1925. Eastern University Celebration Week included pop-up musical performances, service projects, school spirit activities, 1,925 minutes of giving, an art show, lectures, a campus-wide block party celebration — and the inauguration of Eastern’s 10th president, Dr. Ronald A. Matthews. While Dr. Matthews officially began his presidency a year ago on March 1, 2018, the inauguration ceremony was a joyful celebration of his first year as President, with the anticipation of many great years ahead. Gratitude and expectation filled the sanctuary of St. David’s Episcopal

“We have a new leader who is uniquely gifted to lead us through this next part of our institutional journey,” shared Dr. Kenton Sparks, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. “...Dr. Matthews is by reputation amongst the kindest, most patient, and generous souls one will find.” “President Matthews has shown time and time again that he is truly a man after God’s own heart,” said Isaiah Hayes ’19, President of Eastern University’s Student Government Association.

Church through warm speeches, worshipful hymns, and

Dr. Matthews was officially installed as President by

cheers from the entire community.

members of the Board of Trustees, and was presented

The ceremony, which took place on March 22, 2019, featured collective thoughts to the President from

with the Presidential Medallion. The medallion is imprinted with the University’s seal, with Greek lettering

“We have a new leader who is uniquely

gifted to lead us through this next part of our institutional journey.




that references Matthew 28:19 and Jesus’ charge to make disciples. A time of prayer and blessing followed the Presentation and Installation. President Matthews then shared a stirring message on the theme of “Transformational Love,” casting a vision to the community about the transformational power of the love of Jesus. “Love is both reactive and proactive. Love involves faith, reason, and justice. Love transforms everything — what and how we believe, how we develop and pursue knowledge and scholarship, how we live in community and develop systems of flourishing...May we continue to follow Jesus and courageously do the work of His kingdom.” To conclude the ceremony, President Matthews led the University Choir, Turning Point, Angels of Harmony, and the Alumni Choir in a powerful choral benediction of “The Lord Bless You and Keep You.” Voices and instruments joined together as the President led the community in harmony, unity, and meaningful impact; a perfect metaphor for the years ahead.

More photos and videos at eastern.edu/inauguration-highlights




DAY OF GIVING In honor of Eastern’s founding in 1925, students, family, and friends of Eastern were invited to participate in our 1,925 Minutes of Giving to support Eastern’s amazing legacy.

BREAD MAKING Throughout Celebration Week, our community served alongside one of our partner ministries by kneading together tangible love in the form of freshly baked bread for those experiencing homelessness.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT WORSHIP Wednesday Night Worship arranged a special worship night in honor of Celebration Week including a moving worship set, a powerful exhortation, and the Student Government Association illuminating Willow Lake with floating candles.

INAUGURATION RECEPTION Immediately following President Matthews' Inauguration, the celebration continued at Mellon Hall of Valley Forge Military Academy where the community joined together for fellowship and refreshments accompanied by the brassy rhythms of The Joe Smith Band.

BLOCK PARTY Complete with competitive lawn games, a tie-dying station, live music, and delicious food truck options, Celebration Week’s closing block party signaled the end of the festivities and closed out a fun-packed, spirit-filled week.







W H E N Y O U ' R E A C H I L D , it’s easy to feel

wonder. All of life is new, fresh, surprising. You’re delighted to discover that snowflakes fall from the sky, caterpillars turn into butterflies, and fire disappears when you blow out a candle. As adults, opportunities to experience wonder are still all around us — but sometimes we have to be intentional about recognizing them. In this issue of EASTERN magazine, we decided to explore wonder by surveying a sampling of our faculty and staff from diverse fields and areas of specialty. We asked them to tell stories about times when they felt wonder: “surprise mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful, unexpected, unfamiliar, or inexplicable.”* Our prayer is that these Voices on Wonder would spark that sense of delight in you as you read, reminding you of the unexpected beauty in the world God has created, and inspiring you to reflect on the unique wonders in your own life and work. May we all open our eyes — and our hearts — a little bit wider to wonder this year. *Google Dictionary





D U R I N G M Y F I F T H Y E A R as an

of the class. Knowing that I believed in him

elementary school teacher, I had a student —

helped Jake feel comfortable, safe, and

let’s call him Jake — who was considered a

confident. At the end of the year, his mom

“behavior problem.” That year, I started calling

hugged me and told me what a positive

every student’s home during the first week to

influence I had on her son. She said this was

introduce myself and share something positive

his best school year ever.

about their child. When I called Jake’s home, his mother answered and said, “What did he do now?” I told her that I just wanted to call to introduce myself and let her know that Jake did really well on his math assessment. The phone went silent. Then his mother said, “You are the first teacher who has ever called home and said something nice about my son.” A week later Jake’s parents showed up at our open house, and then made sure to attend every meeting and school event we had that year. Jake had a great year! I wasn’t easy on

Every semester, I tell this story to my Eastern students to remind them that you have to believe in your students to help them achieve their dreams. This is why we become teachers! I am constantly amazed by what can happen when we believe in other people and empower

“ The wonder of watching a student transform is one of the greatest joys of teaching.

them to become who they were created to be. The wonder of watching a student transform is one of the greatest joys of teaching.

Nicole McKeown is Lecturer in Education and Chair of Special Education Programs.

him — I challenged him and had the same expectations for him that I had for the rest



The Power Of Music b y s t e v e n f o r d , m fa , P h D ( A B D )




he wonder of music has been the love of my life. Throughout that lifelong relationship, I have come to know that the fulfillment of my love for music is also the extension of my love for God. As an educator, music composer, and musician, my perspective of God has been continually expanded through music. Creation and history display countless wonders. However, the wonder of music holds significant importance because I believe that it qualifies as both natural and supernatural. In the Bible, God points to the supernatural wonder of music as he questions Job, asking:

In another unique experience, I was completely amazed by the healing power of

“Where were you when I laid the earth’s

recall that is embedded in a song. Around

foundation? …or who laid its cornerstone while

20 years ago my mother became ill and

the morning stars sang together and all the

her medical condition accelerated into a

angels shouted for joy?” (Job 38:4)

progressive case of dementia. It was very

In the natural, the wonder of music is the art

difficult to stand by her bedside and accept

of sound in time that expresses ideas and

the fact that she did not recognize me.

emotions in significant forms through elements

In her earlier years, my mother was an

of rhythm, melody, harmony, and color.

accomplished pianist and enjoyed playing

The wonder of music has afforded me two

music with my father, a guitarist. One day

unique experiences that I will never forget.

we decided to see if she would respond to music. I began playing a hymn, and to our

Last August, I decided to create a flash-mob

astonishment, my mother immediately began

choir that would spontaneously appear during

singing along. She continued singing every

Convocation at Eastern University. This special

hymn she heard — and not only did she match

gathering of voices, comprised of faculty, staff,

every lyric and pitch accurately, she also

and students, would sing an award-winning

directed an unseen choir as she suddenly sat

song that I produced and arranged entitled

up in her bed.

“Total Praise” (written by Richard Smallwood). Some were classically trained, while others

Music is so much more than a song. It is a

expressed that it was their first attempt to sing

wonderful, supernatural phenomenon. With

in a choir.

the power to open hearts, unify communities, and bring healing, the wonder of music shows

As we rehearsed, I was delighted by how the

us more of God — and for me, more reasons

choir members were willing to allow music to

to love Him.

become the conduit for networking and forming new friendships. The wonder of music opened

Steven Ford is Professor of Music, Chair of the

hearts, unified the choir, and inspired the entire

Music Department, and Executive Director of

university community when they performed

the Fine and Performing Arts Division.

at Convocation.

Watch Video feature at Eastern.edu/ford



Grace An Abundance of


W E K N E W T H AT O U R S I X T E E N -Y E A R - O L D

And even as I was processing that thought, I felt a chill

daughter’s anxiety and depression were more than we

up my back, like something bigger, out of my control,

could handle. We knew she would need to leave home,

was about to happen.

bound for a long stay in a therapeutic boarding school in Arizona. She knew it too.

All I managed to blurt out was, “Hey, you’re wearing a Livestrong bracelet.” He turned and looked at me: “Do

A couple of weeks before she left, I just so happened

you want one? I have a garbage bag of them inside. You

to find myself in Arizona for unrelated reasons. My

can have a few.”

daughter asked if I could bring home for her, of all things, a yellow Livestrong bracelet to help her find

A bag full. An abundance of grace.

courage. This was at least something I could do to make

Funny, he answered the very question I had so

her feel better. But no luck. No one carried

quickly dismissed. I didn’t even ask a question! I just

them, which seemed odd, since they were all the rage.

made a polite comment, but he acted like he had

I told Lizz and moved on.

heard a question.

So later that week, I just so happened to find myself

“Sure,” was all I could bring myself to say.

with about forty others at a backyard cookout. The host seemed like a nice guy, so I struck up a conversation with him while he was flipping burgers. As he stretched out his arm to reach for the seasoning, what did I see on his wrist but the elusive yellow Livestrong bracelet. What are the odds? I couldn’t believe my luck.

I was emotionally frayed to begin with, but at this I had to turn away. My knees weakened, so I fell into the nearest chair and held back tears. The party went on around me. I was in a thick fog. Nothing else existed. Did that just happen? An ordinary rubber bracelet. But I felt God’s presence

I’ll bet he knows where I can find one. Maybe . . . nah,

and care for Lizz and me as sure as the chair I was

that’s crazy . . . but maybe he even has an extra one. . .

sitting in. “Cast your anxiety on him, because he cares

That’s stupid. . . NO ONE carries extra yellow

for you” (1 Peter 5:7). Indeed. God was in Arizona

Livestrong bracelets?!

waiting for us both.

But still, of all the possible strangers to meet in some

Pete Enns is the Abram S. Clemens Professor

random state I’d never been to, some random guy had

of Biblical Studies.

what I needed.




“An ordinary rubber bracelet. But I felt God’s presence and care for Lizz and me as sure as the chair I was sitting in. 15


Faith of Their Own BY JACKIE IRVING, EDD N E W S T U D E N T S A R R I V E each

themselves, they continued getting

semester with a sense of belonging

to know each other in the weeks that

and connection to their own families,

followed. Today, they are good friends

religious denominations, and home

who attend Chapel and Wednesday Night

communities. Once they become members

Worship together.

of the Eastern community, they begin a journey of exploration — often with some excitement, nervousness, and trepidation.

There is beauty in witnessing these transformations as students expand their worldviews. There is beauty in walking into

This exploration often begins with

the dining commons and witnessing two

questioning what they’ve been told about

students from different faith backgrounds

different religious denominations, people

and ethnicities sharing a meal. There is

groups, communities, world issues, and

beauty in watching students from different

themselves. With encouragement from

communities develop a friendship that

faculty, staff, classmates, and new friends,

transforms an athletic team into a ministry

they begin to seek truth as they critically

that bears witness for Christ. And there is

challenge any presuppositions. My role

beauty in hearing one student tell another

in Student Development allows me the

student who is experiencing challenges,

privilege of engaging in conversations with

“Let me pray for you.”

students as they form a faith that is truly their own.

It is a delight to watch as strangers become friends, adolescents become

One year, I got to witness a friendship

adults, and students become scholars.

develop between two students of different

These scholars become transformational

faith backgrounds. When they met

Christian leaders, change agents, justice

during an orientation icebreaker game,

seekers, and productive citizens.

the only thing they had in common was their love for God and Eastern’s campus. After exchanging short stories about




Jackie Irving is Vice Provost for Student Development.

There is beauty in hearing one student tell another student... ‘Let me pray for you.’

Traveling Traveling Starlight Starlight


we disentangled their combined light to reveal

of His universe, an invitation that requires us

that evokes awe and wonder at every turn.

their temperatures, shapes, masses, and all of

to learn how to look and how to decipher. But

Despite my decades of research, I am still

their primary physical characteristics.

even those skills are provided to us by Him

amazed that we can we take thousands of digital images through our telescopes, recording starlight that has been traveling through space for hundreds or thousands of years. The optics and electronics open up another level of understanding the mystery of

We mathematically modeled the light curves, and what was hidden to the naked eye and even the telescope became clear: two distinct stars, millions of years old. Unlocked through technology, science, and mathematics — all

as we learn more and more about how He sustains His creation. The world around us is an invitation to wonder, and discover...then discover, and wonder. Even after all of these years, it’s mind-blowing to me!

from thousands of light years away! I pulled

David Bradstreet is Professor and Chair of

back from my work feeling like I had just

I remember the first time I analyzed an

the Astronomy and Physics Department, as

uncovered a hidden treasure that no one had

eclipsing binary. This phenomenon looks

well as Director of the David H. Bradstreet

ever seen before.

Observatory and Julia Fowler Planetarium.

Astronomy teaches me that God has left clues

Watch Video at eastern.edu/bradstreet

God’s creation.

like a single star, but it is actually two stars orbiting around one another. We couldn’t see the two stars individually in the camera, but

all around us to invite us to share in the delight




I T I S N O T H A R D to experience wonder

that a women in their village became ill, and

filled with wonder at the work of God in a

in my discipline. Anthropology is the study

no one could heal her, neither the doctors

relatively remote and seemingly difficult

of people and cultures around the world,

nor the Hindu priests. In desperation, the

place for the gospel to take root. Nepal

and it produces an endless fascination

woman asked that the three Christians be

has a long history as a closed country to

with the human condition. For a Christian

brought out of the forest to pray for her.

Christianity. Even now, pastors are regularly

anthropologist, it also provides the

They came and prayed, and she was healed!

locked up for performing baptisms — quite

opportunity to see God at work in the world,

As a result, the entire village converted

a different experience from our churches

both through the church and beyond it.

to Christianity.

in America!

A couple of years ago, I had the opportunity

In another story, Christians were holding

In my sermon to the church in Kathmandu,

to go to Nepal to teach anthropology for

baptisms in the middle of the night at a local

I urged the Christians there not to imitate

a Christian development agency. While

river to avoid harassment by Hindus. During

the West, where Christianity is deeply

there, I was invited to speak at a church

one such baptism, they looked up to see a

entrenched within the culture, and at times

in Kathmandu, to attend the baptism of a

sizable group of people approaching them

seems to serve it. I encouraged them to

woman possessed by an evil spirit, and to

with torches. But when the group got to

instead follow the Holy Spirit as God guides

hear many, many stories of the remarkable

them, they all asked to be baptized too!

them through their time of persecution and

things that are happening in Nepal as part of a mass movement of conversions from Hinduism into Christianity.

Stories such as these are not at all isolated

culture change.

incidents. In fact, there is an emerging

Seeing God at work around the world, from

literature in anthropology on Christian

Eastern University to Kathmandu, is indeed

One man told the story of his uncle who,

conversion in Nepal due to its phenomenal

a wonder!

together with two Christian friends, was

growth and impact on the culture. As an

living in the forest to escape the death

anthropologist, I listened carefully to the

threats they had received from their village

stories to understand what they meant to

because of their conversions. It happened

the people involved. As a Christian, I was




Eloise Meneses is Professor of Cultural Anthropology and Director of the MA in Theological and Cultural Anthropology.


B Y W A LT H U D D E L L , P H D


Math Factor


athematics allows us

results that are widely used to describe

Yet the facet of this that is most profound

to catch glimpses of

different aspects of creation, such as space-

of all is that this exalted Truth, this eternal

the Infinite in ways that

time in Einstein’s General Relativity and

Word, would take on flesh and be united with

nothing else can. Of

Maxwell’s equations which govern light. It

His creation, in order to die for our salvation.

course, we finite creatures

even explains how cats can right themselves

In a unique way, mathematics allows us, as

cannot hope to take in all of the God “who

when they fall. All of this from one simple,

Paul says, “to comprehend with all the saints

dwells in unapproachable light” (I Tim. 6:16).

beautiful equation!

what is the breadth and length and height

But we sometimes will get hints of that wonder. As mathematicians, we are always striving to see things in greater generality, to capture more and more of reality using mathematical expressions of greater and greater simplicity. Often the richest propositions can be stated with great brevity, though they express volumes of truth.

Through studies like these, I began to understand just how powerful mathematics is: the mathematician’s desire for simplicity and generality turns out to correlate precisely with the practical usefulness of mathematics in the wider realm of physics. All of this also fits very nicely into an understanding of the world in which a Creator creates by means

and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge” (Eph. 3:18). Notice that Paul uses the mathematical imagery of spatial dimensions to describe the love of Christ — its “length” and “breadth” and so on. Yet he cannot confine his language to just three dimensions. No, the love of Jesus is too great! So it is not surprising that any glimpse of the truth, even the most basic

To cite one example, I recall learning

of His Word (logos), and creates one specific

the generalized Stokes’ Theorem, which

being in His own image (with a capacity for

undergraduate students encounter in our

“logic” that is rooted in the logos) so that this

Vector Calculus course. This theorem unifies

being can grasp and appreciate the most

many of the most important theorems

concise, abstract accounts of reality. Math

Walt Huddell is Professor of Mathematics,

in Calculus. It is expressed with a simple

both describes God’s creation and also gives

Chair of the Mathematics Department, and

equation using very few characters.

us a kind of direct, unfettered access to the

Advisor for the Engineering Program.

Furthermore, Stokes’ Theorem leads to

Truth Himself. Amazing!

mathematical formula, is actually telling us something about Jesus, since He Himself is the Truth.



A New Home for

Eastern's Harrisburg Location B y K e l ly G o d d a r d

DID YOU KNOW that Eastern has been offering

be used for traditional class formats, two are set

classes in Harrisburg for over 20 years? While

up to host online discussion classes, and two are

this may come as a surprise to some, Eastern’s

designed for conference-style classes. All of the

Harrisburg location offers a variety of graduate

classrooms are equipped with large smart TVs

and adult undergraduate programs while

and WiFi hotspots.

partnering with a number of local organizations.

The location also includes a student lounge and

This January, the Harrisburg site made an exciting

kitchenette so that adult students coming from

transition to a new location. Conveniently

work can relax and enjoy a meal before class.

positioned at the intersection of several major

A new office area provides workspaces for the

highways, the new location provides convenient

entire Harrisburg administration, while new

access for Harrisburg’s adult students, along with

carpet, ceilings, and paint contribute to

dedication, and hospitality,” shares Provost

a state-of-the-art learning experience.

the contemporary and enjoyable aesthetics

Kenton Sparks. “This location provides the space

of the building.

and cutting-edge technology that students expect

The impressive new 4,600-square-foot building features six professional and exceptionally

“The new site will build on our rich history of

modern classrooms. Two of the classrooms will

serving students in Harrisburg with excellence,





from an innovative, 21st-century university like Eastern.”

Creation Station Esperanza College's annual event shares the wonder of science with community children By Daniella Hobbs


“It’s good for the children around here to know

Medical Assisting. “If that interest is nurtured

College of Eastern University. Brightly-colored

that there are options for them, and there are so

and encouraged, they will do better in science

tables speckle the student lounge, mini-lava

many creative things that can be done in your

and math classes as they move on in their

lamps bubble vibrantly, wires twirl around

own home,” explains Linda Morales Bryant, a

school years.”

tables, and the sound of ice rattles as ice cream

second-year Esperanza student, as she helps

is made. Children from the community bounce

make ice cream.

from table to table, eyes wide with wonder as the world of science comes to life in front of them. This is the Creation Station, an event designed by Esperanza College to celebrate engineering and other STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields. The children who arrive each year, ready and eager to learn, are part of a community that is underrepresented in these fields. The event

As the event comes to a close, members from the Society for Hispanic Professional Engineers

“I’m going to try this at home!” exclaims a child

share about their careers while high school

at the next table as he creates an electrical

students from Esperanza Academy stay fixated

circuit on a piece of paper.

on every word.

In the science lab, a young boy perches on a tall

“Underrepresented students need to realize that

stool while mixing together green moon sand.

they too can make a big impact and contribution

At the next table, a little girl stirs together bright

in these fields,” explains Graciani. “Today they

blue slime in a beaker. Both of their faces light

may make a tower with marshmallows, but in

up as the different colors and textures slide

the future they may contribute to rebuilding the

through their fingers.

infrastructure of the city.”

aims to change that by exposing them to the

“Most children are fascinated by science when

excitement of science in an accessible way.

they are young,” explains Dr. Nilsa Graciani, Esperanza College Director of STEM and



Running When saying yes to your calling isn't easy

B y m i c h a e l t h o m a s , M b a ' 1 8 , P s y d a n d a l ly ( H o l m e s ) r o s a r i o ' 1 4


However, faced with pressures from peers

a Speech Communication program at


and his own insecurities, he later attempted to

Fayetteville State University, and from there,

squash his pastoral calling, despite the all-

a master’s program in Speech-Language

powerful tugging at his heart.

Pathology at North Carolina Central University.

And sometimes, you run from it. At 7 years old, Rev. Dr. Donald Moore, MDiv ’10 first heard God’s calling to be a preacher. When asked what he wanted to be when he grew up,

“I did everything I could to avoid going into ministry.”

little Donald would respond with a confident

While Pastor Moore’s story lacks a three-night

“I want to be a preacher” — a far cry from the

stay in the belly of a fish, he can empathize with

future “all-star athlete” dreams of his friends.

Jonah’s desire to run. Pastor Moore escaped to




For 21 years, he worked in clinical speech pathology, avoiding the call to ministry he still felt so prominently. It wasn’t until he began to pursue his PhD that Pastor Moore could no longer ignore the Spirit

I became a better person and a better pastor in staying true to my calling. and the sense of an overwhelming grip on his life. He relinquished

God has done exceedingly more than I ever expected and has

control and allowed the Lord to lead him right to Eastern Baptist

blessed me abundantly.”

Theological Seminary (now Palmer).

As Pastor Moore shares about the impact Mount Carmel is making

“The lifelong friendships I developed and the investment I received

on their local Philadelphia community, it is beautiful to see the

from my professors and advisor are some of my most precious

ways God is using Moore’s background as a speech pathologist

takeaways from my experience at Palmer Theological Seminary.

in his current ministry. With an emphasis on serving as the hands,

I became a better person and a better pastor in staying true to

feet, and voice of Jesus, Pastor Moore and Mount Carmel seek

my calling.”

to educate and empower children in their community through a

Running straight into God’s calling has landed Pastor Moore in the heart of Mount Carmel Baptist Church’s community since 2013, and he has never once looked back. “I have been given the opportunity and privilege to love these people. I’ve been called to lead, comfort, minister to, preach to, encourage, serve, develop, and work alongside this community.

weekly reading program. They also partner with multiple agencies that advocate for appropriate health and housing solutions for all. The wonder of calling is not that we pursue God, but that God pursues us, and keeps pursuing us even when we run from Him. We often think of a calling as something that must be found, but often, the process is more about letting ourselves be found.





fall / winter By dan mouw

( F r o m l e f t t o r i g h t: j a c o b m y e r s ’ 1 9 , K i e r r a Z a c k ’ 1 9 , a n d M a r q u i s e P e e l ’ 1 9 )


The Eagles, with five freshmen on the nine-

Eastern University Men’s Volleyball made its

another new program from Immaculata to start

Eastern’s outdoor facilities continued to

program debut with a 3-0 win at Neumann

the year 4-0.

improve throughout the fall and winter. After

man roster, recorded wins against established programs from Cairn and Lehman College and

University in January. Head Coach Randy Syracuse and his squad won the opening set 25-13 and hit a stunning .577 in the match to start Eastern’s newest varsity program out on


a much-needed resurfacing of Olson Field and The Eagles will need to add size and depth to rival the top teams in what promises to be a very competitive Middle Atlantic Conference, but the program is off to a great start.

the right foot.




the Auxiliary Field this past summer, Eastern Athletics, under the leadership of new Athletic Director Eric McNelley, made several other significant facility improvements.

WEENINK EARNS TWO ALL-AMERICA HONORS Nicole Weenink ’20 became Eastern University’s first Track and Field All-American Softball benefitted from the biggest upgrade. The field was slated for improvements, but when a flood wiped out the infield in August, McNelley saw an opportunity to make a dramatic improvement that would have a lasting impact. He decided to flip the field 180 degrees. This renovation includes drainage, irrigation, dugouts, and a new backstop. With skybox-type views from the library, the new facility promises to be a showpiece on campus. The baseball field, known as The Yard, also underwent serious renovation. The Eagles will

MEN'S SOCCER RUNS TO HISTORIC SEASON Eastern Men’s Soccer has a long history of success. The 2018 Eagles raised the bar another

with an eighth-place finish in the Long Jump at the 2019 Division III Indoor Track and Field Championships. A little over 24 hours later, she became Eastern’s first two-time All-American with a fifth-place finish in the Triple Jump.

level with a historic run to the Third Round

Weenink, a junior from Mechanicsburg, PA,

of the NCAA Tournament. After starting the

reached the championships with qualifying

season 2-2, the Eagles did not lose for the

efforts during the season. After her first two

next 18 matches.

long jumps at Nationals, she was outside the

Led by a stout defense, Eastern finished the regular season 15-2-1 and were the first team to go unbeaten and untied in the MAC Freedom

top nine and in danger of missing finals. With the pressure on, she delivered and moved into seventh to earn a spot in finals.

since 2002. After beating Misericordia 5-2

On her second attempt in the Triple Jump,

in the opening round of the Conference

she hit an 11.8 meter jump to sit in fifth place

tournament, the Eagles claimed the league title

throughout finals. She seemed to improve that

The tennis courts had surface repair work done

with a convincing 3-0 win over King’s on Olson

mark by a lot on her final attempt, but her toe

as well, and new fencing provides better sight-

Field. Jacob Myers ’19, an All-American center

was over the edge of the board and the effort

lines for spectators and more effective wind-

back, was named MVP of the Championship.

did not get measured.

Anthony Hitchcock ’21 made two saves and

Kierra Zack ’19 also competed at the national

McNelley sees potential for growth well beyond

scored the deciding kick in penalties to win

meet. She qualified for finals in the Mile and

Eastern’s current number of student-athletes,

in the NCAA First Round. The next night,

finished in ninth place. The Eagles hope to

which is close to 400. He believes facility

Sam Sutherland ’21 struck in the first half and

qualify individuals this spring for the Outdoor

improvement is a first step toward continuing to

the Eagles held on for a 1-0 win. The Eagles

Championships which will be held in

grow programs and the department.

dropped a 1-0 decision to Rochester on a late

Geneva, Ohio.

play on a newly graded infield with drainage in front of a modern backstop and netting system.

screening for players.

goal in the Round of Sixteen. 27

Alumni News

Day of Giving:

Together, We did it b y A l ly ( H o l m e s ) R o s a r i o ’ 1 4

TOGETHER, WE DID IT: 1,925 minutes of unabashed giving from alumni, family, and friends of Eastern University. In honor of Eastern’s founding on March 19, 1925, the University celebrated with its first annual Day of Giving.


c u r r e nt stu d e nts


fac u lty & staf f


f r i e nd s


alu m ni

Our community was encouraged to give back to future generations of students by financially supporting the mission of Eastern. Throughout the 1,925 minutes, $20,000 in donor challenge gifts were unlocked, Eastern’s birthday cake was enjoyed, and our community collectively raised $116,737 in gifts to support the University's initiatives. Every generous gift celebrates Eastern’s legacy and enables the success of our future as we move forward for the glory of God. Thank you for making our 1,925 minutes of giving a resounding success!

It is not too late to partner with us — join the Eastern Community by making a gift with the enclosed envelope




Ne w ly E ngag e d

total d o no rs

cau ses serv ed

or at eastern.edu/giving


A L U M N I and Arts Conservatory of Santa Barbara, and as a Publicist for State Street Ballet. While many may associate the fine arts with high-end luxury, Barbara’s dream is for the entire community to have access to the performing arts, regardless of their socioeconomic status. “Everyone should have a chance to experience the wonder of the arts,” she muses. “Sitting in our historic theater, you experience a spellbinding moment —a hush before the musicians strike the first chord or the graceful performance of an exquisite pas de deux. How can you witness such beauty of movement and not be transformed?” Barbara came to Eastern in 1968 with a real desire to learn. Inspired as a teenager by Tony Campolo ’56, BD ’60, ThM ’61, she believed that Eastern could not only nurture her love for Christ, but provide a stimulating educational experience as


Wonder in the Details

Alumna of the Year Barbara Burger ’71

b y A l ly ( H o l m e s ) R o s a r i o ’ 1 4 well. She recalls visiting campus for the first time and praying with her mother on a bench, asking God if Eastern Baptist DRIVING ALONG THE CALIFORNIA COAST, Barbara Burger ’71 watched the city of Santa Barbara race into view. With the world at her

College was the right place for her to attend. “It proved to be

the very best decision.”

fingertips and a fresh start before her, she breathed in the coastal sea breeze and prayed, “God, how can I make this city a better place to live?”

When asked about her time spent in Eastern’s music department, Barbara

Without knowing it, that prayerful whisper would eventually land her right

laughs and exclaims, “You would assume that I majored in music, right?”

in the heart of the city’s vibrant arts community.

Barbara actually majored in Anthropology and Sociology under Dr. Campolo himself. It was her love for culture coupled with the intricate

For 28 years, Barbara served as the Marketing Director for the Santa

weaving of life’s unexpected details that landed her in the middle of Santa

Barbara Symphony managing large-scale marketing campaigns,

Barbara’s diverse fine arts scene.

organizing fundraising events, and administrating six music education programs that benefit thousands of children in the greater Santa Barbara

From her first seaside prayer to the meaningful legacy she has now

area. She currently serves on the Board of Directors for Opera Santa

created, Barbara’s life is a reminder to all of us of what God can do with a

Barbara, the Performing Arts Scholarship Foundation, Music

heart that dreams of more for our cities.





Distinguished Young Alumnus of the Year

jonas dorsett ’16

Resilience through Unconditional Love

varsity team. The school marvelled at the major improvements in the students’ attendance, grades, and overall "self-value," and recognized that they needed this committed and innovative leader at their helm. “In order to do this ‘Christianity thing’ right,”

b y A l ly ( H o l m e s ) R o s a r i o ’ 1 4

Dr. Backues, MS ’93, an Economic Development


a wonderful and informative class — it set

professor, challenged Jonas, “You have to get

conjures up images of stuffy and severe

my feet on the right path.” He remembers

your hands dirty and experience people on

authority figures. As the youngest principal in

reviewing a freshly graded paper with a short

their level.” This charge is the vehicle through

Denver Street School history, Jonas Dorsett ’16

and powerful snippet of feedback: “You should

which Jonas encounters wonder every day as

is smashing stereotypes and tearing down walls

think about teaching in the future.” That charge

he navigates the school hallway. “The resilience

of bias to help raise up a generation of world-

profoundly impacted his life and plowed the

of my students instills in me such a sense of


path to Lakewood, Colorado’s Denver Street

awe,” Jonas shares. “When 40% of them have


experienced homelessness, 81% of them have

Serving as principal at a nonprofit Christian

a family member incarcerated, and 88% have

high school for “at-risk youth” was never in the

After graduating, Jonas accepted his first

already experienced academic failure, I have

foreseeable plan for Jonas. An enthusiastic

position as a Denver Street School math

to wonder at their resilience and courage in

Economic Development major from Barre,

teacher. Very quickly, Jonas observed the

showing up ready to learn each and every day.”

Vermont, Jonas had resolve to take on the

disinterest his students had toward their

world and bring about social and economic

education, and wondered what he could do

Jonas, with the support of his wife Shannen

change through micro-finance. It wasn’t until he

to prompt some much-needed social change.

(Richards) ’15, is committed to serving

sat in a chance elective course that he felt the

When the overwhelming desire for organized

his students through unconditional love,

stirring and call to education. “It was a course

sports presented itself, Jonas revived DSS’s

overwhelming compassion, and deep respect

called Gilded Age and Progressivism with Dr.

dormant after-school basketball program,

for where they’ve come from and where they’re

Flynn,” Jonas recalls. “It went beyond being

which now currently competes as an official




Alumni Class Notes

Eastern Alumni Class Notes

1950 S Willard Everitt ’57, BD ’60 and his wife, Judy, have been married for 58 years. They moved from their home of 33 years this spring to an apartment in the area. Will loved his years at both Eastern College and Seminary.

1960 S

taught him the importance of understanding a

provinces: Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and

person's culture (learned pattern of living) and

P.E.I in June this year.

of ministering to a person accordingly. He calls it “bridge building.”

Peter Mahon ’68 shares that he and his

one paying job and one non-paying job. She

wife have moved to Mesa, Arizona for a

says, "The Christian Life Academy called and

semi-retirement and an escape from winter

asked me to begin a choir program. I have kept

weather in Colorado. They have sold their

active in church, community choirs, and play

home in Colorado and are enjoying life in

the piano as well. I am also on the chaplaincy

their motorhome.

board of the hospital and have been a chaplain

part time in a family practice clinic. He is

for ten years. I love both jobs. The kids keep

enjoying ministering to the whole person - body,

me young and the chaplaincy keeps my

soul, and spirit and enjoys finding opportunities

counseling credits valid; plus I love the people

to teach people the interrelationship between

and the challenge."

shares how he received good, solid, Christian pre-medical training at Eastern. Dr. Grigolia




writing and living in Nicaragua.

Beverly (Clark) Morris ’61 shares that she has

For 10 years, Alfred Cox ’60 has been working

physical, emotional, and spiritual health. He

S. Brian Willson ’64 shares that he is currently

1970 S David Laquintano ’72 and his wife, Christine (Hadley) Laquintano ’70, have been enjoying

Richard Church ’62 and his wife, Marilyn, love

retirement. They have been traveling and

to travel. Their next trip will be to the maritime

camping as well as visiting Italy during the

Martin's, Radnor. Both David and Christine tutor and are involved in Chester Eastside, which is an agency working out of St. Paul's Chester. Christine is the Organist and Choir Director at Tree of Life Presbyterian Church in Springfield, PA. They live next door to Swarthmore College and enjoy the concerts and master's classes offered there. They have seen the Eastern Baseball team play at the Swarthmore field. Stephen Murray ’73 has been married to Nancy for 15 years and they have 3 daughters. He has worked for over 37 years in the auto industry with Johnson-Matthey (7 years), KolbenSchmidt (4 years), and Honda of America (31 years & counting!) where he was also Purchasing manager for 20 years. He attends Zion Christian Fellowship in Powell, has been a soccer coach for 35 years with Radnor Soccer Club, and Union County Independent Soccer League in Marysville. Steve's favorite memory from Eastern was beating Villanova in soccer during his junior year (1971 season) at Eastern (4-3). Pamela (Niece) Powles ’79 and her husband, Rev. David M. Powles ’76, MDiv ’79, retired from St. John's Baptist Church in South Philadelphia on December 31, 2018. On January 1, 2019, they moved from their home of almost 30 years two doors down from the church to their new home in Lancaster County. The

1980 S After spending 25 years as an executive with Brooks Brothers, Reignette (Russ) Chilton ’80 has written a book about the coat the clothier made for President Lincoln's second inauguration. Lincoln's Greatcoat: The Unlikely Odyssey of a Presidential Relic was released in early 2019.

different remote village locations, for 2 days of clinic in each location, as part of the mobile medical care for the underserved. The group used Haitian translators to interview and assess the patients, determine their primary healthcare need, and enter data into the electronic medical record system before they were seen by a medical provider, given medication, as needed, and then prayed over. 400 patients received

faculty that most inspired Pam were the late

Bryan Stevenson ’80 was interviewed by the

care over the 4 days in the clinic.

Drs. Patricia Boehne and Enrique Fernandez.

New York Times Magazine on January 16,

Kerry (Martin) Hallam ’84 shares that she has a

She is so thankful for their dedication to mentor

2019, about "how he wants the US to face its

happy blended family with seven kids between

and encourage students to reach farther

history". On January 21, 2019, in Media, PA,

them. Well not really "kids"...the youngest

than they could have imagined. If not for

Bryan Stevenson '80 was one of three people

is a junior in high school. They have six

Eastern, she shares, “I would have never met

added to the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Spirit

grandchildren, a dog that is her "baby", and a

my husband! We met at Eastern when I was a

Wall of Fame this year for instilling the following

bearded dragon lizard! She is currently teaching

freshman and he was a senior, in God's perfect

qualities of the wall’s namesake: loyalty,

4th grade math, science, and social studies.

timing. And the rest is history…” Something

leadership, integrity, honesty, determination,

Two years ago she finished a second teaching

her classmates would be surprised to learn

and courage.

certificate (Special Education, Pre-K-8) giving

is that she homeschooled her three children

Elaine (Fonda) Fuguet ’83, eight nursing

from kindergarten through high school. The

students, and a Nurse Practitioner served on

big question she’s pondering is what to do with

a one-week trip to the campus of Mission of

the rest of her life now that she’s “retired” and

Hope, which lies about 15 miles north of Port-

moved away from her previous work.

au-Prince, Haiti. While there, they travelled to 2

her a Master’s +30. The faculty member that had the greatest impact on her was Dr. Martha Shalitta - she was her all-time favorite. She made Psychology so interesting and she helped her learn to believe in herself.


A L U M N I In May 2018, Chris Nickels ’97 graduated from Eastern Mennonite Seminary with an MA in Christian Leadership. He also received a Scholarly Achievement Award for research culminating in a project titled, "Including People with Autism in Anabaptist Worship Practice." The Rev. Dr. Tony Sundermeier ’97, senior pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta, was the featured preacher on January 27th for "Day 1", the nationally broadcast ecumenical radio program, also accessible online at Day1.org. If you were around Eastern in the mid-1990s, you would have heard the voice of Kevin Casey ’98 announcing Eastern's home athletic games. 20 years late, and the opportunities and skills he honed at Eastern have led him to be the PA Announcer for the Philadelphia Union soccer team. Joy Grassman ’98 shares that her little one, Marley, continues to shine in chorus and musicals, making her very proud. Her eldest Christine (Burger) McCaffery ’84 shares that

Recently, Ethel (Storms) Swartley ’87 was

she is now a Nana to 5 year old Adalie and 8

invited to provide two 10-day workshops for

year old Michael. She is enjoying 30+ years of

STEM and English faculty in Iraq.

a joy filled marriage. She says she has finally left Alaska after 30 years, is now living in Grand View, WI, and is retired...for the moment. The staff member that made the greatest impact on her was the librarian, Jim Sauer, DA ’16. If not for Eastern, “I never would've known what it was like to receive true forgiveness and be given

daughter, Rebecca, recently graduated high school, was president of the National Honor Society, and has a full ride to the University of Alaska. Joy is a certified professional coder

Graduating seniors voted Dr. Jeanne (Wilson)

and works as a revenue integrity analyst at

Bundens ’89 as "Professor of the Year" for the

a Catholic hospital in Anchorage, AK. If not

2018 year. What a nice honor, especially on the

for Eastern, she never would have met "quite

occasion of celebrating 25 years of teaching

literally the most amazing people - you all - that

at Eastern!

I have ever been privileged to know. The mark you left on my life was indelible." Something her classmates would be surprised to know is that

Her classmates would be surprised to know her

1990 S

adopted son is Eskimo. Also, she got a speeding

The Rev. Dr. Jeff Dorn ’92 was ordained

ticket for going more than 20 mph over the

as a Deacon in the Anglican Diocese of New

speed limit. (She says she’s not proud of it, and

England on December 9, 2017. He is currently

2000 S

definitely not doing that anymore!)

the Director of Outreach and Family Ministry

Congratulations to Scott Davidheiser, MEd

at Anglican Church of the Redeemer,

’00 who was recently selected as the new

Franklin, MA, and is currently preparing

superintendent of schools for the Lower

for the Priesthood.

Moreland Township School District.

another chance when I made a bad mistake.”

In September 2018, Stuart Spencer ’84 was installed as the new pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in Moorestown, NJ.




she rescues unwanted and elderly ferrets.

UPS has promoted Charlene Thomas, MBA ’00

their profession. Something her classmates

book entitled, "Designed for More:

to West Region President, responsible for small

would be surprised to know is that she works in

Unleashing Christ's Vision for Unity in a Deeply

package business operations in 25 states.

children's and youth ministry in her church.

Divided World."

Congratulations to Scott Boorse, MBA ’02, who

The Board of Directors of Arthur Hall Insurance,

Kimberly (Mellon) Munsell ’05 shares she just

assumed a new role as director of technical

West Chester, announced that Joshua J. Isler

received her Masters degree in Pharmacology

programs and industry affairs at the Petroleum

’03 has been named as a principal shareholder

from Thomas Jefferson University in December,

Equipment Institute (PEI).

for the firm. He holds the insurance industry's

2018. She has worked for Janssen R&D since

premier Certified Insurance Counselor (CIC)

2007 as a scientist and recently transitioned

designation recognized throughout the industry

into a management role overseeing the

as a standard of achievement, personal

inventory system which tracks our cells, DNA,

dedication, and expertise.

and protein. She is going to have her first child,

Brittany (Ruggles) Feathers ’03 married Dustin in 2003 and has a daughter, Emeline, who was born in 2006. She was a case manager at Agency on Aging from 2003-2007. Since

a baby girl, in April! She said she loved

2007, she has been a social worker at Home

Ian Snyder ’04 shares, "Lots of good in my

Nursing. If not for Eastern, she never would

life. Married for 14 years now. Amy and I have

have survived in the social work profession or

adopted three children. Landon (9,) Av (4), and

developed a strong Christian worldview that

Miles (1). Teaching and running an organization

Veronica (Beach) Cummings ’08 shares she is

continues to guide her today. The faculty/

called "The Refuge."

happily married to her husband Oliver and their

staff that made an impact on her were Dr. Ed Kuhlman and Dr. Sandy Bauer. They provided exceptional instruction not only in social work but in life and instilled in her the values behind

On June 24, 2018, Lucas Ramirez ’05 was featured on Fox & Friends discussing immigration. He also recently co-authored a

attending Eastern as it set her up very well for a career in science.

daughter is now 11 years old. She is still singing, instructing, and performing in the Lehigh Valley and Tri-State area. The faculty that inspired her was Mr. David Maness. He had an amazing



way of encouraging and building confidence in

From there she became a co-located advocate

his students. He was more than a music/vocal

providing guidance and consultations around

mentor for her. He helped her through some life

handling domestic violence cases for child

Michel Marcel Remy ’56, MDiv ’76 / late 2018

changes she experienced while at Eastern and

welfare workers. She now works for the

Enid “E'de” (Smith) Winkler x’56, MRE ’57 / November 13,

she is extremely grateful.

Safe & Together Institute, an international


The Center for Public Justice announced in December 2018 that it has been awarded the first-ever Reflective Leadership Grant from Duke Divinity School. Stephanie Summers, MS ’08, who will accept the award on behalf of CPJ, is one of twenty Christian leaders from a variety of faith-based organizations who have been selected in this first year of the new Reflective Leadership Grant program. Elliott Zaagman ’08 was a contributing author to a recent article in Foreign Policy. Since his graduation, he has spent much time in China and Thailand.

training and consulting company providing domestic violence-informed practice training to child welfare workers, domestic violence professionals, attorneys, and other community

Dorothy J. (Reinard) Burke ’58 / December 25, 2018 George A. McCahey ’58 / February 5, 2019 1960s George F. Cowperthwaite x’61 / February 28, 2019

Ministry of Defense in England! It's her dream

Lawrence R. Cook ’66 / November 25, 2018

job and she never thought her path would take her there.

William “Bill” K. Wilson ’67 / January 15, 2019 1970s Clara (Green) Lindley ’70 / November 17, 2018 Kathleen (Walton) Sands ’74 / January 2, 2019

2010 S Lindsay (Martin) Carson ’12 has been appointed the principal at Lancaster Mennonite school year. Carson will continue to teach as a

she worked with youth in a residential program

partner teacher for fifth grade Science, Bible,

for a few years, went on to get her Masters in

and Math.

became a NJ Domestic Violence Specialist.

James H. Word, Jr. ’56, BD ’60 / December 9, 2018

Waldemar “Bill” Vaskis ’60, BD ’64 / December 21, 2016

Brittany DiBella ’09 shares that after graduation

in Violence Against Women & Children and

Ruth (Balliette) St. Cyr ’54 / March 9, 2019

partners. She even got to work with the

School's New Danville Campus for the 2018-19

Social Work from Rutgers and became certified


The Alabaster, AL Board of Education has hired

Arnold Lindley, Jr. ’76 / July 6, 2014 Robert A. Shaw ’77 / October 5, 2018 William “Bill” B. Bloom ’78 / January 3, 2019 Dennis E. Thomas ’78, MDiv ’81 / December 7, 2018 1980s Linda A. Durkin ’87 / December 20, 2017 James D. Chudnovsky, MBA ’89 / October 25, 2018 1990s Gwendolyn A. (McConnaughey) MacNeill ’90 / February 12, 2019 Sherie L. (Thorpe) Mazzei ’90 / October 14, 2018

Daniel DeMasters, MEd ’13 to be the next girls'

Emmanuel T. Dolo, MS ’94 / December 7, 2018

head soccer coach and director of soccer for

Sandra L. (Grim) Seifarth ’94 / January 29, 2019 Robin (Peterman) A. Loercher ’98, MBA ’01 / December 3, 2018 Shirley A. Gregory, MBA ’99 / August 5, 2016 2000s James L. Everling, MBA ’03 / February 16, 2019 Jeanne (Atkins) Grater, MBA ’04 / February 10, 2019 Dallas L. (Shumaker) Genter x’06 / January 9, 2019 2010s David R. Schaffer ’11, MA ’15 / September 30, 2018 2020s Roseann B. McLaughlin x’20 / November 2, 2018 FA C U LT Y / S TA F F Michael A. Meneses (Former Adjunct Professor) / December 15, 2018





who was recently promoted to Chief Financial

Mel Bwint ’83

Honey Brook, PA.

Officer at Tel Hai Retirement Community in

Congratulations to Nicholas Jacobs ’14, who recently joined BellCornerStone Commercial Real Estate as a senior contracts analyst. Laura (Diestler) Park ’14 shares that she and her husband, John Park ’14 now live in downtown Manhattan. They are celebrating 5 years married this coming summer. Laura is working as a professional performer and just came off a national tour while John is working his dream job as a data scientist in tech. Laura shares that the Dance Department and Honors College had

1983 M A J O R : Psychology

PRESENT C U R R E N T E M P L O Y E R : Child and Family Focus

FA M I LY: Married to Sherri (Wilcox) Bwint ‘83 for almost 35 years. A very proud dad to three

children ranging in age between 23-30 with two sons-in law. W H Y D O Y O U S E R V E O N T H E C O U N C I L? : To support Eastern and to serve alongside

the greatest impact on her life while at Eastern. Misha (Miller) Pienta ’14 shares she got married to her husband Franklin Pienta on June 17, 2017. They had their first baby born on December 17, 2018 named Robert Franklin Pienta. She is currently working as a teacher in a local school district.

my wife. Ashley Serrano-Cuadrado ’15 earned a FAV O R I T E M E M O R Y: Too many to choose from, but my four years at Eastern were full of

developing friendships, playing tennis, meeting my wife, and gaining vision for my future.

graduate degree in nursing. Congratulations to Austin Little ’15, who was offered a full-year long-term substitute Grade 2 teacher with the Pottsgrove School District.

grades seven through twelve at Thompson

Residency Program, a Church Planting

High School and Thompson Middle School.

Internship at the Duluth Vineyard Church, and

DeMasters will teach math at THS as well.

currently works full time as the Connect &

Tom Klaus PhD ’13 co-authored the closing chapter of "Using Collective Impact to Bring Community Change." Over the past decade, Tom has been refining one of those, the Tenacious Change Approach. In 2016 his work on the Tenacious Change Approach resulted in an invitation to the Obama White House to meet with Promise Zone leaders from across the U.S and has been gaining attention and traction since then. Jared Tindall ’13 is married and they have a second cat whose name is Pippin. Jared completed the Vineyard Church Planting

Facilities Coordinator at Blue Route Vineyard Community Church. The faculty/staff that made an impact on him were Dr. Pete Enns & Dr. Kent Sparks because they both helped him

Abbie Storch ’16 graduated in 2018 with a master's degree in religion and literature from the Yale Institute of Sacred Music. She currently works as a publishing assistant at Yale University Press and a chapel singer at the Episcopal Church at Yale.

learn how to think critically and shaped how he

Congratulations to Brian Turner, MBA ’16

studied the Bible. If not for Eastern, he never

who has been accepted into the NAACP's new

would have discovered Chipotle. Something his

Next Generation (NEXTGEN) Young Professional

classmates would be surprised to know is that

Leadership Training Program geared towards

he lived in Minnesota for the past two years.

training young adults to be effective civil

Ashley Beck ’14 just finished her DMD at Nova

rights activists.

Southeastern dental school. Dr. Beck now

Bryan Luu ’17 is currently in medical school

begins her journey as a practicing dentist.

at Liberty University College of Osteopathic

Congratulations to Sharon Canull, MS ’14

Medicine in Virginia.


A L U M N I Christmas season. David serves as pulpit supply in churches in the South Jersey and Delaware

PA L M E R S E M I N A R Y A L U M N I IN MEMORY BY CLASS YEAR: 1940s Robert F. Cunningham, ABTHB ’45 / February 16, 2019 James H. Christian, BD ’46, THM ’47, THD '50 / January 6, 2019 George W. McCune, Jr. x’46 / March 1, 2016 1950s Charlotte (Spitzer) DeGregoris, AB ’52 / March 11, 2019 David J. Juroe, BD ’55, THM ’60 / September 28, 2018 Claude A. Pullis, BD ’55, MRE ’56 / December 12, 2018 William M. Stahl, BD ’56, DMin ’76 / November 14, 2018 Enid “E'de” (Smith) Winkler, x’56, MRE ’57 / November 13, 2018 1960s Arthur A. Fuller, MDiv ’67 / August 24, 2018 James H. Word, Jr., ’56, BD ’60 / December 9, 2018 Verle E. Holsteen, BD ’61 / January 6, 2019 Waldemar “Bill” Vaskis, ’60, BD ’64 / December 21, 2016 1970s

Caroline Lozzi ’18 is currently working in the lab

Thomas L. Maher, THM ’70 / November 30, 2018

transformation at Manor College in Jenkintown,

at Absorption Systems as well as doing some

Terry L. Leckrone, MAR ’72, MDiv ’75 / February 12, 2019

PA, its Board renewed President Jonathan Peri,

part-time coaching at Eastern.

Paul L. Shumate, MDiv ’72 / May 4, 2018

Kayli Martinez ’18 was accepted to a variety of

Jusuf Salam, MDiv ’79, DMin ’90 / November 10, 2018

United Way of Greater Philadelphia and

graduate schools and chose UC Berkeley on a


Southern New Jersey recently announced the

fellowship to pursue a PhD in Biochemistry and

Parker C. Thompson, DMin ’80 / October 21, 2018

addition of four executives to its leadership

possibly a career as a university professor. Kayli

Dennis E. Thomas, ’78, MDiv ’81 / December 7, 2018

team, including Ruth Roberts, PhD ’17,

earned the prestigious Fraser Award for the Life

who has been named Vice President of

Sciences and the American Chemical Society

Human Resources.

award at the EU graduation.

Abigail Crawford ’18 of Eastern’s Chemistry

Brian Plucinsky ’18 has been working as a


department and Templeton Honors College

cancer researcher at the Wistar Institute in

Richard L. Workman, MDiv ’02 / July 18, 2018

was awarded a research fellowship at Temple

Philly during a gap year before medical school.

Laurence “Tom” Sherwood, Jr., MTS ’04 / July 31, 2016

After more than three years of ambitious

PhD ’17's contract nearly a year early.

University and is working on her Ph.D. in physical chemistry.

school at St. George's in Grenada.

Nicholas Fales ’18 earned his BS Chemistry degree in 3.5 years and was part of the Templeton Honors College. He recently got engaged; congratulations, Nick! Lacrosse goalie extraordinaire and All-American Scholar award-winner Jameal Hadeed ’18 (BS Biochemistry) is taking a gap year before medical school.


Peter “PJ” Schaefer ’18 is currently in medical



Tom Strazza ’18 landed a job as an analytical chemist for an environmental testing company in Long Island right after graduating.

Joe-Paul Robb, Jr., MDiv ’79 / December 15, 2016

Edward W. Levin Sr., DMin ’82 / June 26, 2017 Carl A. Malmgren, DMin ’88 / March 3, 2019 1990s Gerald Love, ESCM ’97 / February 19, 2019

2010s Janice A. Roberts, ESCM x’10 / February 9, 2019 John E. Bailey, ESCM ’15 / October 28, 2018 FA C U LT Y/ S TA F F/ B O A R D M E M B E R S Charlotte (Spitzer) DeGregoris, AB ’52 & Former Associate Director of Field Education / March 11, 2019

Palmer Alumni Class Notes

1980 S After retiring from the ministry in 2015, Maurice Smith, MDiv ’80, DMin ’86 had been living in OH with his wife, Terry, until early 2017, when they decided to move to western PA to be closer to their two children and seven

will be the first IM missionaries to serve in

2-12, a college preparation program for high

Colombia, South America. They will begin

schoolers, and weekly evening classes in the

their service this month and plan to reside

arts, literacy, language, health, fitness, and

in Cartagena, a port city on Colombia’s

environmental science for young people and

Caribbean coast. The family’s home church

adults. An awards ceremony was held on

is Primera Iglesia Bautista de Caguas in

November 20, 2018.

Caguas, Puerto Rico.

grandchildren. He is now serving as the pastor

Hurlock United Methodist Church celebrated its 31st annual Church Anniversary on February

Township, PA. Working part-time for the church

2000 S

means that the Smiths, who have been married

Michael Sission MDiv ’04, DMin ’10 was

UMC in Milford, DE and Wesley Chapel UMC

for nearly 42 years, can still enjoy their hobbies

officially installed as Executive Minister of

in Lincoln, DE.

and interests that include reading, sports,

the West Virginia Baptist Convention on

music, travel, history, and relaxing. He looks

Saturday, July 14, 2018.

of Ebenezer Presbyterian Church in Wolf Creek

10th and C. Claudia Waters, MDiv '05 was the guest preacher. She serves as pastor of St. Paul

Founded in 2011 by Obed Arango, MDiv ’05,

2010 S

CCATE (the Center for Culture, Art, Training,

Sheila Tolbert, MTS ’15, Founder/CEO of Sheila

and Education), located in Norristown,

Tolbert Ministries, Ordained Minister, Chaplain,

Nevin Werron, MDiv ’82 was installed as the

PA, has been named 2018 recipient of the

speaker, and author was proud to announce the

Interim Pastor of the First Baptist Church of

renowned Ohtli Award, which recognizes

concurrent release of her two books, The Seven

Haddonfield, NJ, on December 9, 2018.

individuals and organizations that have aided,

Heavenly Crowns Of A Gentleman and The

1990 S

empowered or positively affected the lives of

Seven Heavenly Crowns Of A Lady on amazon.

Mexican nationals in the United States and

com in December 2018.

forward to bringing compassion, “preaching and teaching,” interpersonal connections, pastoral counseling, and more to his new home parish.

International Ministries (IM) is excited to announce that IM missionaries Carlos Bonillam MATS ’96 and Mayra Giovanetti, MATS ’96

other countries. Over 275 families currently participate in CCATE’s programs which include an afterschool program for students in Grades

On July 1, 2018, Evan Arkell, MDiv ’17 was appointed to serve as Area Minister for the Southwest Region of ABC, West Virginia.


Eastern Puzzler 1

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Answers at



The Mall Cottage was once a __________ Oldest dorm building on campus _____ Library in Walton Hall Charles Walton’s profession The Warner Library is named after _____ Warner Sparrowk Hall, formerly known as ___ Original ______ and Beethoven manuscripts were found in the seminary basement Legend has it, the tombstone on campus rests on the grave of Walton’s _____ Reptiles that lurk in the campus ponds Official name for “Walton Pond” Eastern has one of the oldest working ___________ in Pennsylvania The Eastern Eagle statue was inherited from the famous _________ department store Before Eastern was a university or college, it was a ________ The Walton Prayer Chapel, formerly Walton’s ________ room The university that sits across the street from Eastern University The department you utilize to enroll in courses There are _____ dorm buildings on campus





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Abbreviation for Eastern’s worship ministry on Wednesday evenings University Chaplain ___ Modica First president of Eastern Baptist College Eastern’s newest NCAA sport: Men’s __________ Coffee shop on main campus: Jammin’ ____ Our newly turfed soccer field, _____ Field The name of Eastern University’s mascot Dr. _____ founded and built Eastern’s state-of-the-art observatory Eastern’s traveling musical ensemble: _______ Point Pond between Kea-Guffin and the park: ________ Pond Eastern’s Spanish speaking junior college The _________ Honors College ______ Theological Seminary Main campus is located in ________, PA The new Stone Furniture sits on the old foundation of the ________ Faith, Reason, & _______ Charles Walton’s daughter, _____ Walton

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19 25

1300 Eagle Road, St. Davids, PA 19087-3696


Homecoming & Family Weekend

OCTOBER 11-12, 2019


3 W AY S T O R E G I S T E R




PHONE: 610.341.5932

REUNIONS FOR THE CLASSES OF: 1954, ’59, ’64, ’69,



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