Eastern Magazine

Page 7

Wednesday Night

B y A l ly ( H o l m e s ) R o s a r i o ’ 1 4 String lights illuminate the floor and music spills out of Gough Great

“The figure in the back represents the Holy Spirit, who remains faceless

Room as the doors swing open and students funnel into the sacred space.

because we can only wonder at the face of God,” Faith shares. “The

This is Wednesday Night Worship — a weekly gathering for collaborative

figure being held is meant to represent all of us — it remains faceless

worship among the Eastern community: kneeling in awe, praying in

for others to see themselves in the figure.” Faith believes that wondering

confidence, and singing with boldness.

about God and his character isn’t tied up in worrying about the unknown,

“I have never once entered Wednesday Night Worship and left without

but in embracing curiosity and resting in His peace.

feeling the presence of God,” expresses aspiring physical therapist and

This sculpture is especially important to Faith because she one day hopes

exercise science major Faith Lauffer ’22. “It has changed the entire way I

to work with children experiencing debilitating physical conditions. Faith

view my faith and connection to God.”

is passionate about seeing people supported and well-cared-for during

Crafted with intention, Faith’s sculpture entitled The Spirit of Wednesday Night Worship was inspired by the transformative work of the Holy Spirit and the overwhelming comfort experienced in God's presence.

difficult seasons — a beautiful parallel to how the Holy Spirit cares for and sustains us through the experience of God’s presence found within the community of believers.


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