Eastern | Fall 2018

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EASTERN The Magazine of Eastern University

FALL 2018


The places th us stay with

hat shape us. Dear Alumni and Friends, There is something wonderful about Eastern University. Actually, there are many things that are wonderful about Eastern University. My wife Pam and I have been meeting with alumni and have been inspired by the stories so many have shared. Stories about experiences and places, relationships and spaces, that have afforded amazing opportunities to exercise faith and engage in communities—loving God and loving our neighbors. This issue of Eastern Magazine demonstrates the mystery of how places can become sacred. Jesus meets us in tangible ways through both physical and digital spaces—and then sends us out to help transform our worlds for the sake of others. I hope you find this edition to be enjoyable and meaningful. And please share your stories with us. In a broken and angry world, your life and love may mean everything to someone. They do to us. With deep appreciation,

Dr. Ronald A. Matthews, President



08 BUSINESS AS UNUSUAL The new MBA in Social Impact equips mission-driven leaders to confront complex societal challenges using the tools of business innovation.


P L AC E 6

ACA D E M I C S 12

F E AT U R E 26

PA L M E R 28

AT H L E T I C S 30


26 UNEXPECTED BLESSINGS In many ways, Palmer Seminary's move to Eastern University’s main campus in St. Davids two years ago was a fullcircle moment. Over 90 years ago, the Seminary was born and out of it grew what today is Eastern University.






09 A PLACE CALLED HOPE Esperanza’s vision for the Hunting Park neighborhood is for transformation from a geography of poverty into an opportunity community.

12 FEATURE: TOP 5 PLACES ON CAMPUS It’s no secret that Eastern’s charming campus leaves a lasting impression. Through social media and a dining commons poll, we surveyed our current students and alumni in order to find out their favorite places on campus and what makes them so special.

Chief Marketing Officer & Publisher / MICHAEL THOMAS, MBA ’18, PSYD Editor / KELLY GODDARD Creative Director / DANIEL PEIRCE Visual Director / LISA WOODS Photographer / ELYSE GARNER ’13 COVER PhotographY / ELYSE GARNER ’13 WRITER / ALLY (HOLMES) ROSARIO '14


Design / 20NINE



Men’s Lacrosse is back on top with their sixth conference championship in the last seven years; Renauro returns to lead Baseball and is eager to integrate his faith and his coaching; and two qualify for Track and Field Nationals in the team's third year of competition.

Palmer Seminary alumni news should be sent to:

Please send comments or article suggestions to: Alumni news should be sent to: alumni@eastern.edu palmeralum@eastern.edu PUBLISHED BY Marketing and Communications at Eastern University ONLINE AT eastern.edu/MAGAZINE


C h a l k a r t m u r a l f e at u r i n g Wa lt o n T e r r a c e d i s p l ay e d n e a r J a m m i n ' J ava




About the Artist: Andrea Rapetti ’21 B y A l ly ( h o l m e s ) R o s a r i o ' 1 4 With a paintbrush in one hand and a stethoscope in the other, resident assistant and nursing major Andrea Rapetti ’21 is poised to paint for herself a bright and colorful future. “I got my love for art from my mom,” Andrea shares. “I used to love going through her portfolio and studying all of her drawings when I was little.” But her love of art is not all that Andrea has inherited from her mother—her mom is also a nurse. In the midst of her nursing studies and responsibilities, Andrea’s art has given her an outlet to relieve stress, practice self-care, and express herself. “All I have to do is focus on the project and what my hands are doing in the moment—I love it.” For Andrea, self-care also means finding a quiet place on campus to sit and enjoy God’s creation. This Walton Terrace hideaway provides her with a quiet sanctuary void of distractions. “The trees all around me, the little frogs that hide in the water, and the beautiful view of the pond allow me to connect with nature and break away from my stress, ” Andrea shares. Whether she’s playing with paints or studying human anatomy, Andrea has found a special place at Eastern University where she can be herself. From the intricate details of her hall decorations to the refined work and effort put into her chalk wall design, it’s clear to see that Andrea brings a vibrancy to our community through serving others and creating beauty wherever she goes.


Crossing the Line: A New Level of Excellence Eastern’s New State-of-the-Art Nursing Lab By Michael Thomas, MBA '18, PsyD J U S T A C O U P L E O F M O N T H S AG O,

the walls and flooring changed to resemble

my 5-year-old daughter, Lucy, was admitted to

a modern hospital.

the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) for 3 days. Understandably, my wife and I were anxious—but the medical team at the hospital made all the difference. They thoughtfully and competently helped us every step of the way.

“Once they cross this line,” Dianne said pointing to the change in flooring, “students are entering a clinical area as a nurse.” These visual markers help student nurses make the mental transition to their professional identity,

I was especially impressed by the top-notch

reinforcing the importance of caring for others

nursing staff. They even had a team of Nurses

with excellence and focus.

and Child Life Specialists whose entire job was to educate Lucy about her condition in language that she could understand.

I was most impressed by the simulation rooms. These spaces look like hospital rooms to the naked eye, but are equipped with multiple

What a beautiful picture of a nursing staff

cameras, a fully functioning human patient

caring for our daughter (and us) in a time of

simulator, monitors, and a one-way mirror

stress. Our little family thanked God every day

to a control room.

for competent, confident nurses who cared. These are the kind of nurses Eastern is shaping. I recently had the opportunity to tour Eastern’s new Nursing Resource and Simulation Lab with Dr. Dianne DeLong, Chair of the Nursing Department. With Eastern’s classic maroon and white walls, the space was beautiful. As I turned the corner to enter the clinical area,

Expert faculty can monitor a student’s work through the glass with multiple camera angles, and are able to speak to the student directly through an overhead PA system or, amazingly,

This training encourages student nurses to own

through the human patient simulator itself.

the room rather than rely on faculty to guide

Yes, the faculty member can act as if they are

them through. Confidence and competence can

the patient and even respond to medication

develop more quickly.

(changes in breathing, heart rate, etc.).

“Simulation helps students in their decision

“Once they cross this line,”

Dianne said pointing to the change in flooring, “students are entering a clinical area as a nurse."




making and critical thinking,” Dianne shared. “It is a safe environment. Scenarios are in place and faculty look to see how students respond. Faculty are able to give feedback on strengths, and when errors occur, they can be identified in real time.” All in all, using these simulation labs as an added element of training better prepares our nursing students for their clinical rotations

and work with people. They walk in the room prepared, having already engaged human patient simulators alone in a room where they were responsible. As my wife and I can attest, the value of competent, confident nurses is priceless. Eastern nursing graduates are already well prepared, and the addition of this lab will take our nursing training to an even higher level, resulting in countless grateful patients (and parents) in their times of greatest stress.




Eastern’s New MBA in Social Impact B y K e l ly G o d d a r d

The program is designed to equip

“We at Eastern University are casting a moral

mission-driven leaders to confront

vision for business that is distinctly Christian.

complex societal challenges using

We are thinking together about how we care for

the tools of business innovation.

our employees, our customers, our suppliers,

If you’re hip to what’s trending in business, it’s no secret that phrases like sustainability, corporate citizenship,

our community, and the larger environment,” Flett explains. “It is a triple-bottom-line business: people, planet, and profit all rolled together.”

and social responsibility are key terms

While the MBA in Social Impact is a new offering,

on the rise—especially for consumers

it has its roots in Eastern’s MBA in Economic

IN THE HEART of Philadelphia, the first cohort

and career seekers among the millennial

Development, a storied program with over 30

of a new program is meeting. Floor-to-ceiling

generation. Companies such as Patagonia, Warby

years of history and alumni in over 70 countries.

windows surround the group of chatting

Parker, and UncommonGoods are revered as

Dr. Douglas Clark, Dean of Eastern University’s

classmates, revealing a gorgeous backdrop of

trailblazing social enterprises that have mastered

College of Business and Leadership, shares,

Center City skyscrapers.

the mix of product quality, profitability, and a

“Social Impact MBAs will build on Eastern's

positive difference in the world.

platform of faith, reason, and justice and learn

The setting is fitting, because this is a program

how to design better ways of doing business,

designed with a broad vision for the ways

Program director JoAnn Flett, MBA '06,

business can have a positive impact on the world.

elaborates: “The social impact space is growing

The students in this room have a passion for

and a number of businesses are seeing that they

taking what they learn here at Eastern’s Center

need to put together the social and economic

The program uses an online format with one

City campus to the north, south, east, and west...

halves in order to be successful.”

residency in Philadelphia per semester, so that

bringing tools to do business "for-purpose," not just “for-profit”...business as "unusual."

Eastern’s program features instruction from groundbreaking leaders in the social impact

This is the mantra of Eastern University’s new

sector—but that isn’t all. The MBA in Social

MBA in Social Impact, the latest offering in the

Impact is also infused with Eastern University’s

College of Business and Leadership.

powerful faith legacy in its pursuit of justice.

drive bottom line performance, and deliver on purpose and plans.”

students can continue to work full-time while participating. With the first cohort now in session, the future of business is looking a lot like the view from Eastern’s Center City campus windows — bright, far-reaching, and full of possibility. visit eastern.edu/social-impact




By M. Thomas Ridington ’78, MA ’81, PhD

THE NATIONAL CONVERSATION on poverty identifies place as a powerful

Esperanza College’s commitments to cultural inclusion, financial accessibility,

determinant for accessing the American dream. A zip code is a key factor

and student success fuel the hope that propels students toward their life

in establishing the opportunities available for most people and portends

goals, which generally include more education. With an on-time graduation

their futures. It’s not surprising then that academic, business, and nonprofit

rate of 57%, Hispanic students at Esperanza College dramatically outperform

leaders are coalescing around mobility as a strategic response for places

their peers at six regional institutions, where on-time graduation rates are

defined by deep poverty.

below 15% for Hispanic students.

Some suggest that the answer lies in relocation, whereby the poor are

Following graduation with their two-year degrees, most Esperanza College

displaced to other locales. Esperanza College, however, sees things

graduates pursue their bachelor’s degrees at Eastern University or directly

differently. We seek to facilitate movement within the space of our local

enter the workforce. Over 750 Esperanza College graduates have joined the

community by fostering educational opportunity, economic vitality,

Eastern University alumni association in the last fifteen years, and 276 have

and personal agency.

attained additional Eastern University degrees beyond their Associates.

Esperanza’s vision for the Hunting Park neighborhood is for transformation

Esperanza College was recently recognized as the winner of the Prospanica

from a geography of poverty into an opportunity community. Opportunity

National Brillante Award for Educational Excellence. Past winners include

communities are places where people desire to live. They are characterized

Georgia State University and Bentley University. This honor follows

by increasing prosperity, decent and affordable housing, growing businesses,

recognitions as an Example of Excelencia (by Excelencia in Education) in

great schools, safe streets, creative spaces, and robust communal life.

2013 and as Education Champion of the Year (by The Hispanic Choice

Hunting Park lies in the poorest legislative district in Philadelphia. It follows that most Esperanza College students are Pell-grant eligible (low income) and have graduated from high schools that have failed them. And yet, they are defying the odds associated with their zip codes and evincing hope as they pivot toward opportunity. Taisha Ortiz, a 2018 graduate and class valedictorian, reflected, “For me, Esperanza means opportunity. At Esperanza, I have been given

Awards) in 2010. Recent graduate Janet Rios, AA '18, sums up her experience this way: “The College’s name means hope, and that is exactly what Esperanza College has given me—hope to have a better future.” In our students’ words and in the opinion of the experts, Esperanza College is a place where hope, not geography, is destiny, and mobility toward opportunity is a reality.

the opportunity for a fresh start and a clear path to a better future.”


Deans’ Corner B Y K E L LY G O D D A R D

College of Arts and Sciences:

College of Business and Leadership:

D R . J O H N PA U L E Y


College of Education: DR. SUSAN EDGAR-SMITH

College of Health and Social Sciences: D R . PAT R I C I A R E G E R





My favorite place on campus is

floor-to-ceiling view overlooking

Harrisburg's dedication to

favorite spots is the bronze Eagle

the Walton Dining Commons.

Market Street at Eastern’s Center

transformational learning and

that rests in front of Walton. I

I consider it a sacred space.

City location because it’s really our

teaching is palpable as soon as you

fondly remember the massive

There is the breaking of

window to the world. Situated at

enter the building. Smiles, curiosity

eagle perched in the Grand Court

bread, meaningful (and not so

one of the busiest street corners in

and deep thinking abound in each

of the Wanamaker department

meaningful) conversation, and

Philly, you can watch the interplay

classroom. I also love journeying to

store in Philadelphia on which

laughter. Relationships are made,

of business, government, retail

the campus because after traveling

my siblings and I sat, listening to

strengthened, and renewed around

and community. Direct access

through the pastoral countryside,

concerts from the world’s largest

the table. Like the four seasons,

to the PHL airport and Suburban

I land in the heart of Pennsylvania,

pipe organ and watching the

the Dining Commons goes through

Station makes us easy to reach by

our state’s capital. Our Harrisburg

Christmas light show. Thus, as

changes but it is always a place

plane and train. And our Learning

students grow in number each

I pass the Eagle, I retreat to the

where one can find nourishment

Lab and videoconferencing

year, no doubt fueled by those who

joyful memories of my childhood

for the body and the soul.

technologies connect us to

study and work at this deceptively

and thank God for the precious

virtually anyone from anywhere

small but impactful location.

gift of family.

at any time!




Question: What is one of your favorite places on one of Eastern's campuses, and why?

Esperanza College: D R . DAV I D H U R TA D O

Palmer Theological Seminary: D R . D AV I D B R O N K E M A

Templeton Honors College: DR. BRIAN WILLIAMS



THE GYM: One of my favorite



love the colorful wall mural along the

places on Eastern’s campus is the

dumbstruck awe a medieval

My favorite spot on campus is the

back of Esperanza’s campus. Boldly

gym. I love being there with the

cathedral provokes was intended

yellow hand-shaped chair in the

declaring the word “Esperanza,” the

Eastern community as a whole on

to complement and nurture a

Center for Career Development.

wall speaks a message of hope to all

Wednesday mornings for chapel,

comparable awe toward God.

It’s quirky and when I’ve sat

who walk by while showcasing the

and the fond memories the gym

Why? Because architecture

in the chair I’ve had amazing

beauty of the community’s culture.

triggers of my then 4-year old

is aesthetically and morally

conversations with students or

The bright colors, big smiles, and

son, Josiah, sitting on my lap

formative. It engages our

colleagues. The chair is a gift

uplifting drawings also symbolize

during chapels in 2007, the many

emotions, tutors our loves, and

from Handshake, Eastern’s career

the vision Esperanza has for bringing

commissioning ceremonies we

should symbolize the activities for

networking platform. Handshake

bright futures and new possibilities

had there for our international

which it was made. So I love Baird

is designed to connect students

to those in our community.

development graduate students,

Library, Walton 3, and that little

(and alumni) to job and internship

and the noon-time faculty/staff

room between them. The corbels

opportunities. I love that the chair

basketball games we used

of food-gatherers. The vaulted

and Handshake’s job board are

to play there.

ceiling. Stone faces and wood

places to make connections.

peasants. The carved bookcases. Even the Rococo ceiling.



The Top Five Favorite Places on Campus Introduction

B y A l ly ( h o l m e s ) R o s a r i o ' 1 4

I T ’ S N O S E C R E T that Eastern’s charming

campus leaves a lasting impression. Think back to your strongest memories of Eastern – what places on campus come to mind? Is it the beloved Breezeway where a formative late night conversation occurred? Maybe the Eagle statue where your mother made you painfully pose for a photo as a freshman? Or perhaps your senior year dorm room where you frantically opened a highly anticipated email and read the words, “You’re hired!”? Place is powerful. It has the ability to make us or break us, to mold and shape us into who God has called us to be. We believe that Eastern’s campus is full of special spots like these that enrich the lives of our students and leave lasting impressions long after the final notes of Pomp and Circumstance have faded. So naturally we wanted to know, what are these places? Through social media and a dining commons poll, we surveyed our current students and alumni in order to find out their favorite places on campus and what makes them so special.






The Prayer Chapel O

riginally built as a billiard room

groups gathered together for a special service

for Charles Walton’s family, the

or prayer meeting. A plaque on the wall

Prayer Chapel now provides a quiet,

encompasses the vision of the small chapel:

dedicated space to connect with God. Here you

“May this be the place where our Lord and Savior

may find individuals praying in the pews,

Jesus Christ becomes a reality to each of you

musicians worshipping at the front, or small

who worships here.”

It's often difficult in college to find quiet places. I find a lot of balance being able to center myself in a place so still. The prayer chapel is definitely a holy space."





The Waterwheel n umber

uilt in 1912 as part of the Walton Estate, the Waterwheel is one of the few working waterwheels in the country and is listed on the National Registry of Historic Waterwheels. It was originally used in Walton’s leather tanning business, as well as for irrigating flower beds, powering fountains on the estate, and even sending water to the St. Davids train station. The Waterwheel is now one of Eastern’s classic identifying landmarks and adds to the historic charm of the campus.

I had a picture of the Waterwheel on a card in my room that I received from Admissions after applying in my senior year of high school. Every day I looked at it and prayed, hoping that Eastern was God's will for me. Now, when I see the actual Waterwheel on campus, I remember to be patient and know that God is good and faithful." MAGGIE RAFIDI ’22








The Grove efined by twinkling string lights, handcrafted picnic tables, and scattered boulders, The Grove is a recent addition to Eastern’s landscape. Its peaceful atmosphere, coupled with the sound of running water from the stream, provides students with a quiet place in nature to study, relax, or socialize. The Grove also provided a special setting for an outdoor Wednesday Night Worship event that was held here last year.




I enjoy the peacefulness and serenity of The Grove. The picnic tables surrounded by nature make for an excellent place to study, pray, and gather."




F E A T U R E number

Olson Field he newly-turfed Olson Field is home to the majority of our DIII Mid Atlantic Conference sports teams. On a beautiful day, the fields come alive with the shouts of players and cheers from dedicated fans perched on Kea-Guffin hill. Olson Field also provides space for a variety of pick-up games, such as ultimate frisbee and soccer.

I made some of the best memories of my life here. My closest friends to this day are the guys I spent time with on the field. A big part of who I am today can be credited to the time I spent on Olson Field.”


Walton Terrace & Lake







ituated behind Charles Walton’s former home, now known as Walton Hall, this beautiful area is an iconic and beloved part of Eastern’s campus. Willow Lake was originally a swimming pool for the Walton family and has a concrete bottom and sides. Students can be found studying, journaling, playing guitar, or engaging in conversation by the water’s edge. In the spring, the terrace is home to Senior Chapel and outdoor classes on nice days.

It was right in front of this pond where I told my parents this was where I wanted to go to school, where I'd sit on the bench reflecting on life, and where I would later fall in love with my now husband. I am forever grateful for everything Eastern has given me.” ABBY (WAGNER) TRAVERS ’14 (+ANDREW TRAVERS ’15)



New Spaces on Campus By Michael Thomas, MBA '18, PsyD n a world with continuous background noise and constant vies for our attention, it is increasingly important for us to have physical, spiritual, and emotional spaces for rest and reflection. Over the past year, Eastern has created many such spaces for students on the St. Davids campus, including tree swings, stone furniture, and adirondack chairs. Our hope is that these newly created spaces offer room for spiritual reflection and meaningful social interaction.



SWINGS Handcrafted wooden swings have been hung from trees in quiet areas of campus to give students a peaceful place to reflect on their studies, dreams, and goals.

2 STONE FURNITURE Next to the Waterwheel, beautiful, artisanconstructed stone furniture overlooks McGraw Lake, creating a unique outdoor living room where a small group of friends can connect.

3 ADIRONDACK CHAIRS Positioned in picturesque spaces around campus, adirondack chairs provide students with space to sit alone or with a trusted companion.








When a Computer is Your Classroom Can Eastern’s legacy of transformative, community-based Christian education translate to the world of online learning? B y K e l ly G o d d a r d Imagine sitting on your couch on a Saturday

For Brent Linkstorm, MBA ’18, Eastern’s fully

morning, sunlight streaming through the

online MBA program allowed him to balance

windows, coffee cup in hand. Your feet are

two jobs and the responsibilities of owning

propped up on the coffee table in such a way

a home. He shared, “Through our weekly

that your fuzzy slippers peek out over the top

discussions and group projects, I gained

of your laptop screen. You’re at home, in your

valuable insights from my classmates, and

pajamas—in class?

actually felt much more ‘connected’ than in

Say hello to online education, a format

any traditional class I have ever taken.”

embraced by a growing number of students.

So how are Eastern professors creating these

As the demand for online education has

spaces of connection? To learn more, I sat

increased, Eastern has continued to meet

down with Professor Rebecca (Messner) Gidjunis

student needs by adding 35 online programs

'01, Director of Eastern’s Center for Teaching

to its wide array of offerings.

and Learning. Rebecca admitted that when she

Beyond that, Eastern’s on-campus programs also offer an abundance of online class options.

taught her first online class 7 years ago, she was skeptical.

In Fall 2018 alone, Eastern offered 145 online

“I loved teaching face-to-face, and I was

classes. With the new Eastern FastPass™

worried it wasn’t going to translate,” she shared.

program beginning this year, residential

However, what she found surprised her. “In some

undergraduate students also receive two

ways my students seemed to connect to each

tuition-free, online summer classes for each

other and the material even more.”

year of study.

Rebecca noticed that online classrooms

But what about the unique Eastern legacy of

provided some strengths that traditional

intimate classrooms where rich relationships can

classrooms could not.

develop between students and professors? Can the transformative style of Christian education that Eastern is known for translate to the world of online learning?

very intimidating to speak in a traditional classroom. Many students feel more comfortable sharing online.”

From the professors and students I surveyed, the answer is yes, absolutely.


“Particularly for shy students, it can be



The creative media tools available for online learning also allow students with different

learning styles to connect and excel. Students

As technology continues to improve, the sky's

can converse via discussion boards, record and

the limit for online education, bringing infinite

watch video responses, and even work together

opportunities to share Eastern’s distinctive

on group projects.

education with a whole new world of students.

Lizzy Parker ’19 elaborated,

The treasured experiences so many have known on a grassy campus tucked away in

“I think there are a lot of ways that professors

St. Davids can now be broadcast wirelessly to

can facilitate great interactions even though

countless countries, new realms of students,

the classes don't meet in person. One thing

unique study locations—

that I really liked were the interactive video lectures. They had questions embedded into

—and perhaps, to your couch.

the presentation to check for understanding and provide an opportunity to interact with the content.” To keep faculty members up-to-date with all the creative ways they can facilitate connection online, Rebecca and her team hosted an all-faculty workshop this August titled “Community-Building Through Educational Technology.” Additional trainings are offered throughout the year.



Unexpected Blessings By Daniel Peirce, MTS '20

I T W A S L AT E A F T E R N O O N ; rays of light

In many ways, the Seminary's move to Eastern

Prussia. For some, moving to an unknown

passed through the trees. Signs of life were

University’s main campus in St. Davids two years

place understandably involved an assortment

everywhere. Students walked by with their

ago was a full-circle moment. Over 90 years

of emotions. Would Palmer lose its unique

friends; athletes in uniform ran to practice.

ago, the Seminary was born and out of it grew

identity? How would not having dedicated space

The beauty of the scenery all seemed to settle

what today is Eastern University.

impact relationships? At the time, there was a

over her, awakening a feeling of newness and life. Arriving at St. Davids campus for the first time, Palmer Seminary student Shawna Adams, MDiv ’19, remembers, “Immediately something opened up in me.”




Despite this shared history, the Seminary had never been located at the St. Davids campus before 2016. Prior to this move, Palmer held classes in Philadelphia and then in King of

sense that many enjoyed the small, tight knit environment in King of Prussia. In this transition, nurturing community was a driving focus for Palmer’s student assembly.

The blessings run both ways. As a Palmer student myself, I can only imagine the even greater potential that awaits us." Knowing that most Palmer students are commuters, the student

the lobby of McInnis Hall, he happened to look up three different

assembly creatively piloted a few initiatives that overcame

times to see an ad on the lobby screen for a chapel worship team

obstacles for fellowship. One solution was to pair classes up once

drummer. At first, James saw it as a distraction rather than the

a quarter for a shared time of worship and prayer. Evening services

Lord’s prompting. Prior to receiving the call to ministry, James

called Chapel and Chew, a fellowship and meal time, also bring the

was a professional drummer. Now, surprisingly, his two worlds

Palmer and Eastern communities together.

connected. Spending time with the undergrads in the chapel

Soon, other unexpected opportunities began to emerge, not just with other seminarians, but with undergraduates as well. Christen Blore, MDiv ’18, worked with University Chaplain Dr. Joe Modica in

worship team enlarged his heart for the Lord. Being with them, “I sensed that love relationship for the Lord that I felt in my early days with God,” James confesses.

2017 to focus her seminary internship on providing pastoral care to

It has been just over two years since Palmer’s move to St. Davids,

a dedicated group of undergraduate student chaplains. As Joe says,

and collectively we’re starting to accrue some very real and

“Having a seminary embedded here is a great resource for our undergraduate students, with unique possibilities for collaboration and mentorship.” Similarly, James Williams, MDiv ’19, began his seminary experience

unexpected blessings. On any given night at the Jammin’ Java, you may notice seminarians like Shawna, Christen or James meaningfully engaged with their new Eastern friends. The blessings run both ways. As a Palmer student myself, I can only imagine the even greater potential that awaits us.

at St. Davids and loved it from the start. One day, while praying in






( F r o m l e f t t o r i g h t: H a d e e d ' 1 8 , W e e n i n k ' 2 0 , g o r t o n ' 1 8 )


Hadeed earned USILA All-America and Scholar All-America Honors.

All eight players walked for graduation in the morning. Later that evening, those young men led Eastern Men’s Lacrosse to a 17-14 win over Misericordia for the program’s sixth conference championship in the last seven years.

The game was the fifth time Eastern and Misericordia have played in the championship. In 2017, the Cougars won a 6-1 game. This year’s game was the most competitive by far. Mizell

RENAURO RETURNS TO LEAD BASEBALL Eastern University Athletics welcomed one of its own back when Interim Athletic Director Eric McNelley announced Scott Renauro ’12 as the new head coach for Eastern Baseball.

and fellow senior Trevor Gallion '18 scored in Senior midfielder Bryan Mizell '18 scored twice

the critical late-game run. The win secured

Renauro was a star during his time as an Eagle.

and added an assist to earn Championship

the program’s fifth appearance in the NCAA

As a middle infielder, he was part of the biggest

Game MVP honors, and Jameal Hadeed '18,

Tournament. The Eagles fell in overtime in

turn-around in program history. After winning

the MAC Freedom Defensive Player of the Year,

the opening round.

only three games in 2009, Eastern Baseball

picked up the win in goal. Later in the summer,




finished 21-17 in 2010, Renauro’s sophomore

(Frantzy Sainvil '20) season. In that year, he had 56 hits and scored

beat him on that day was the best jump of the

triple jump, Evan Wildermuth '21 earned silver

and knocked in 43 runs. He was at the top of

year in Division III. He finished 18th overall at

in the long jump, and DaShawn Dale '21 finished

nearly all of Eastern’s career hitting lists until

the National Championships.

second in the pole vault.

Timmy Gorton passed him this past spring.

Weenink, who also plays soccer at

The women had similar success. Led by a

Renauro, who was working at Washington

Eastern, placed in three events at the MAC

talented middle distance group and all-around

College in Maryland, is eager to integrate his

Championships. Her 11.78 meter jump was a

meet from Nicole Weenink, the Eastern women

faith and his coaching and is looking forward to

personal best by over a foot. Weenink had a

finished fifth in the event.

seeing his athletes and his program grow.

solid day at Nationals, but did not get the big jump she needed to make it into finals. She


finished 16th overall.

University Track and Field sent a pair athletes


to the NCAA Division III Championship Meet

Eastern University Track and Field gave very

in Lacrosse, Wisconsin. Sophomores Nicole

solid performances at the MAC Outdoor

Weenink '20 and Frantzy Sainvil '20 each

Championships. Eastern’s Men scored in five

qualified in the Triple Jump.

field events, five individual running events, and

In just its third year of competition, Eastern

Sainvil, from Miami, hit his best mark of the year in a silver-medal effort on his fifth jump at the MAC Championships. The only jump to

three relays on the way to fourth place in the 13 team meet. Grant Fisher '18 placed third in the

Katelyn Bernotas '21, Megan Bernotas '20, Elainah Boyles '20, and Kierra Zack '19 won the 4x800 meter relay. Cecilia Jones '19 earned a silver medal in the 400 meter run, and Katelyn Bernotas matched that result with a silver in an 800 meter field that had four Eastern runners in the finals. Kierra Zack and Megan Bernotas both picked up points in the 1500 meters and Weenink finished third in the long jump, triple jump, and 100 meter hurdles. The Eastern women also scored in the high jump, pole vault, discus, and heptathlon.

javelin, Frantzy Sainvil took a silver medal in the



Alumni News

Eastern Alumni Class Notes

1950 S

1960 S

In July, Jalna Schuler ’58 and her husband,

Eastern’s Lamplight Society in 2002. The faculty/

Peter Bolster ’63, MDiv ’67 shares that he had a

Thomas Jones (who is 96 years young) celebrated

staff that impacted him were Dr. Burrows and Dr.

life-threatening heart attack from which he has

their 26th wedding anniversary. After graduating

Ingles because they both inspired him be a good

recovered 100% without limitation.

Eastern, she received her MEd from Temple

writer and to use words wisely. Dr. Claghorn BD

University in 1964. The faculty/staff that had

’44 was a great encourager. If not for Eastern,

an impact on her were Ingles, Burrows, Sayles,

Ed wouldn’t have met so many long-term friends

Grigolia, Allen, and Nodder. If not for Eastern, she

nor have the ministerial skills he developed

never would have gone for her master's.

through EBTS. Something his classmates would

Edward Warner ’58, MRE ’60 shares most of his family members have passed away, but has wonderful cousins that visit and keep in touch. His friends have become his family. Ed was Eastern’s Alumnus of the Year in 1994, received the National Philanthropic Award in 1996, was Volunteer of the Year at Eastern in 1998, and was inducted into




be surprised to know is that he helps care for elderly friends and enjoys his ministry of caring and sharing. The big question he’s pondering is whether to stay in his own home or move to a retirement community. He says “home wins out at this point.”

Philip Capen ’63 has been taking a sabbatical from oil painting since 2015 and retired from doing art shows beginning in 2018. In 2016, he and his wife, Rosemary Capen ’63, graduated from a 20’ sailboat to a 30’ trawler with which they have traveled to the Bahamas in 2017 and 2018. If not for Eastern, he never would have met Joe Jordan ’59 & Diane (Hoyt) Jordan ’60 or Rick Cowperthwaite ’60 & Judy (Thomas) Cowperthwaite ’61. Something his classmates would be surprised to know is that “Rosemary should have been the one to continue at Eastern as she was smarter than

me.” In her mid-30s (after 3 kids) she graduated

impact on him was Prof. Enrique Martinez Vidal.

teaching adult ESL classes and GED classes in her

with a BSRN in Michigan in 1977. The big question

If not for Eastern, he never would have met his

church's community center in Downingtown, PA.

he’s pondering is whether or not he should clean

wife, Carol (Bohlin) Riggs ’62. As far as the big

She will also be teaching a writing course Fall 2018

out his studio and sell it.

questions, he says he’s “too old to ponder.”

at Palmer Theological Seminary.

Robert Davis ’63 moved from Bethany Beach, DE

F. Ardell Thomas ’63 has been retired since 2010.

Alfred Stiller ’67 was inducted into the MMI

to Willow Valley, PA. He self-published a book of

He was a physician boarded in Internal Medicine.

Preparatory School’s Wall of Fame during their

five of his plays and was nominated as Delaware

He has been on the Board of Trustees at Eastern

annual awards dinner on August 11, 2018. He is

playwright of the year in 2016. The faculty/staff

since 1980 and was the board chair two times.

an emeritus professor of chemical engineering

that made an impact on him were Wes Ingles and

The faculty/staff member who made the greatest

at West Virginia University’s Benjamin M. Statler

J. Barry Love. If not for Eastern, he never would

impact on him was Dr. Duane Sayles, who was

College of Engineering and Mineral Resources,

have graduated from college. Something his

a great scientist and Christian, and who was his

where he has been on the faculty since 1980.

classmates would be surprised to know is that he

Biology Lab Instructor his junior and senior years.

He graduated with a PhD from the University of

is now a professional playwright. The big question

If not for Eastern, he never would have met Peg

Cincinnati in 1973. His research is primarily in

he’s pondering at the moment is, “How will our

(Parker) Thomas ’63! He developed a Christian

the area of carbon materials from coal and coal

country handle the issue of immigration??”

lifestyle which has now been themed “Faith –

conversion. A second area of research involves

Reason – Justice”. Something his classmates would

acid mine drainage and mine land reclamation.

be surprised to know is that he is still playing

Prior to joining the faculty at WVU, he worked in

tennis, though he has also taken up golf. The big

the West Virginia Geological Survey. Dr. Stiller

questions he’s pondering is the “mystery of God.”

holds several patents on a variety of technologies

Abdiel Lorente ’63 has two children and two grandchildren. He is still retired and did volunteer work for Habitat for Humanity, but retired from that too. He volunteers with reading to Hispanic

and was recognized as the state inventor by the

third graders. The faculty/staff that impacted

Peggy (Parker) Thomas ’63 shares that she has

him were Hassler, Signorino, Sayles, Martinez ,

two grandsons living in CA. She helps with hospice

Ackley, and Shinn ABThB ’50 with his philosophy

care when needed at a hospice care facility. Every

of communism and many others. If not for Eastern,

two years since 1995, she has led mission trip

Joyce (Black) Ackerman ’68 shares that her

he never would have done his pre-med and gone to

teams to the Dominican Republic. In 2003, they

husband passed away and she has two daughters

Temple University School of Medicine. Something

began taking two teams. Ardell has been the

as well as a grandson and granddaughter. She is a

his classmates would be surprised to know is that

medical team leader and the over-all coordinator.

retired elementary school teacher (25 years) and

he still retains his passion for Cuba. Abdiel has just

During the summer, she asked the Lord to make it

also taught nursery school (7 years). The faculty/

finished making preparations for the 55th Reunion

clear if she should continue as a leader; He made

staff that made the greatest impact on her was

and is wondering “how many of us realize how

it very clear! This January was the last for them

Dr. Ruth ’56.

blessed we are!”

as leaders, though if God directs them, they’ll be

George McCurdy ’63 has three children, nine grandchildren and is hoping soon for greatgrandchildren. He has also earned a BA, Master's, and STM. As for the faculty/staff that made an impact on him, he shares that “…truly all I can say is I owe much to Eastern for the support and enrichment.” If not for Eastern, he never would have achieved the years of ministry and military chaplaincy. Something his classmates may be surprised to know is that he is about to turn 84. His doctor calls him his poster picture of what 84 looks like: young. The big question he’s pondering is “what new adventure does the Lord have for Lois and me to experience? So far He has thrilled us.” Ben Riggs ’63 retired in 2007 and has had a full knee replacement. The faculty/staff that had an

happy to be team members. Peggy also teaches her Bible study and substitutes in teaching Sunday School and driving people to appointments. The faculty/staff that made an impact on her were Dr. Ackley in Christianity 101 and Dr. J. Wesley Ingles in literature and writing. If not for Eastern, she never would have met Ardell Thomas ’63! Her classmates would be surprised to know that she’s an avid vegetable and flower gardener and has taken up occasional bird watching. The big question she’s pondering is how to seek the Lord’s direction for someone to take over the DR leadership.

governor of WV, earning a spot in the Inventor’s Hall of Fame in Akron, OH.

William Anderson ’68 shares that his 9th grandchild has arrived...six boys and two girls. Bill retired in 2002 with 34+ years experience in public education as a teacher, coach, assistant principal, and principal. He spent 16 years in administration. The faculty/staff that had an impact on him were Dr. Larry Ziglar who gave him his love of history, Dr. Tony Campolo ’56, BD ’60, ThM ’61 who taught him about people, and Dr. Helen Craymer who introduced him to education. If not for Eastern, he never would have had whatever success he has had. Eastern, along with others, provided him with a sound foundation for life. Something his classmates would be

Cynthia (Pirro) Lyman ’64, MDiv ’18 graduated

surprised to know is that he has had parents in

from Palmer Theological Seminary in May 2018

three community theater productions, playing Felix

with a Master of Divinity degree. She will be

Unger in “The Odd Couple."


A L U M N I Judith (Soule) Bauer ’68 marred Edward

Forge Military Academy when she was at Eastern

Bauer on September 8, 2000 and with their

and they were introduced by their mutual friend

combined families they have five children and 10

Nancy (Lipsi) Hopkins ’68. The big question she’s

grandchildren! Sadly, Ed passed away on February

pondering is “How did I get to be 71??? (When I

8, 2016. Judi retired as a web content specialist

feel 19 in my heart!)”

from L.L. Bean in Freeport, ME and Tervis in

Ralph Eib ’68 now has seven grandchildren. He and

Venice, FL. At church, she’s currently serving

his wife, Lynn, have moved to Sanatoga, PA to be

in Congregate Care Ministry, Lifelong Learning

close to their daughters. He is Pastor Emeritus at a

Committee, and is a volunteer tutor at the middle

church in Spring Grove, PA. The faculty/staff that

school. The faculty/staff that made an impact on

made an impact on him was Dr. John Thomas BD

her was Dr. Tony Campolo ’56, BD ’60, ThM ’61.

’41, MDiv ’71, DD ’83. They became close friends

He is a visionary and a connector with outreach

and they worked together in camping ministry. He

as his passion! Under his leadership, they left

was a great support during a painful time in his life.

the comfort of their warm, safe, and sheltered

If not for Eastern, he never would have discovered

Eastern environment to venture into the inner

his call to ministry. Something his classmates

city of Philadelphia to bring love and compassion

would be surprised to know: “I’m as handsome as

to disadvantaged children. If not for Eastern,

as she is disabled. Her granddaughter is her pride

she never would have met her life-long friend,

and joy. The faculty/staff that made an impact on

Florence (Deisenroth) Van Dyke ’68! Something

her was Dr. J. Wesley Ingles who was her advisor

her classmates would be surprised to know is that

as well as her professor, who encouraged her to

Adele (Grollman) Hansen ’68 is married to Steven

she founded and co-owned a bed and breakfast

stay in school after her grandfather passed away

and they have two daughters and three grandsons.

with her parents in Freeport, ME.

her freshman year. Also, Dr. John Ruth ’56, who

They’ve lived in MN for almost 40 years. She was

was an exemplary teacher. If not for Eastern, she

in the US Peace Corps in Thailand from 1971-1973

never would have become a teacher. Something

and has two Masters Degrees. She taught ESL to

her classmates would be surprised to know is that

university students for over 25 years and mentored

in her senior year, she took two business classes.

a number of ESL instructors, and won three

Later in life, she had a home business for 12 years

awards for teaching excellence. The faculty/staff

as well as working a full time job. She says she’s

that made an impact on her were Dr. Ziglar who

more worried about our country than pondering

modeled careful course planning and care for his

“big questions” because it’s changing and she’s

students and Dr. Campolo ’56, BD ’60, ThM ’61

concerned about the life her granddaughter

whose energy permeated his classes and talks. If

will encounter.

not for Eastern she never would have graduated

Sharon (Sprague) Beyer ’68 shares that her husband, Bill Beyer ’69, passed away on April 29, 2015. She has three grandchildren who she sees every day. She worked as a social worker at a hospital until retiring in 2007. She has worked part time since then as director of a small, non-profit Forteniters Club. The faculty/staff that made an impact on her was Tony Campolo ’56, BD ’60, ThM ’61 who taught her that enduring love requires commitment and that her Christian faith requires

Barbara (Olson) Cassaday ’68 and her husband,

Eastern she never would have met her husband

Bob, have three grown children and eight

and created an enduring love with him and for

grandchildren. They celebrated their 50th wedding

him. Something her classmates would be surprised

anniversary last December. As an English teacher,

to know is that she is staying healthy with

she has taught all grades 7-12 AP, for 29 years

whole food, vitamins, and essential oils, without

and retired in 2011. The faculty/staff that made

medicine. The big question she’s pondering is “how

an impact on her was Dr. Ingles, as he always

can I best use my time to be a positive influence on

inspired her with his love for literature and his

the next generation?”

faith. His joy was contagious and he challenged all

her 91 year old mother. She also helps her daughter




am I going to do when I grow up?”

from college. As a first-generation college student

her commitment to peace and justice. If not for

Patsy Callahan ’68 is retired and the caretaker for

ever!!!” The big question he’s pondering is, “What

coming from a large urban high school, the support at Eastern was incredible. She learned how to learn and lead. Something her classmates would be surprised to know is that she lived for over two years in two different cultures: Asian and North African which now shapes her world view. The big question she’s pondering is, “How can I help change our warrior nation to a country focusing on peace and social justice?”

his students to excel. If not for Eastern, she would not have met her husband Bob, as he was at Valley

Charlene (Kris) Hoffer ’68 shares that both of their daughters are married and have two children

each. She says “I graduated from EBC; our older

pondering, Bev says “None! Just enjoying every

teaching career began in 2nd grade and later in the

daughter, from Eastern College; and our younger

day!” while Dave wonders if he is ever going to

special education department at their local high

daughter from Eastern University.” She taught high

get to retire.

school. As an American Studies/Elementary Ed

school German and then switched to first grade. She now volunteers at her grandson’s school. The faculty/staff that made an impact on her was Dr. Ferre, German professor, because she took a great interest in her students and exemplified a loving, Christian life. If not for Eastern, she

Nancy (Emens) Magaw ’68 has five grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. She is Chaplain of the South River Fire Department, a certified Lay speaker of the United Methodist Church, and a retired Senior Housing Assistant Manager.

major, she was encouraged by John Ruth ’56 and Helen Craymer for her love of learning and joy and energy. If not for Eastern, she never would have had the dear, lifelong friendship of Nancy (Lipsi) Hopkins ’68, whose life, children, and wisdom make her smile. Something her classmates would

never would have majored in German and spent

Mary (Mugridge) Nicol ’68 shares that her family

be surprised to know is that Eastern is a big part of

her junior year studying in Marburg, Germany.

life, with David Nicol ’70, is centered on their

her family history. Her sisters Ruby (Williams) Hays

Something her classmates would be surprised to

three children, their spouses, and their eight

’65 and Jan (Williams) Nation ’71 also graduated

know is that although she grew up in NYC, she

grandchildren. Their family visits and get-togethers

from Eastern and now she has two nieces (Karen

much prefers country living. The big question she’s

happen as often as possible between NH and PA

Hays Thompson MEd ’13 and Rebecca Hays)

pondering is, “Should we move into a retirement

– joyful, rowdy, exuberant events! Her editorial

and a daughter who works at the university. The

community in the near future?”

career included 13 years at Judson Press and 10

big question she’s pondering at the moment is

years with Wyeth Pharmaceuticals. David was a

“will my ACDF surgical collar be off in time

church organist for over 20 years and earned an

for the reunion?”

Beverly (Hoffman) Kapanjie ’68 and her husband, Dave Kapanjie ’68 were married 49 years on August 16th. They have three children and six

MDiv from Princeton Theological Seminary in 1999.

grandchildren. Bev operated and owned Hoffman’s

Sandra (Oppenheim) Schiller ’68 has retired to

Candle Corner. She was the School Board Director

Monmouth, ME with her husband of 50 years,

for 30 years and was the Vice President for 12

Randall. They have three grown children and seven

years. She is the President of Ridley Educational

grandchildren. She retired as a Supervisor of the

Foundation and serves on several committees. In

Citizens Review Board for Children in MD. She was

2008, she received Spirit of Excellence Award for

able to help shape foster care and adoption laws

Individual Business Achievement from friends of

in the State. She is currently a Selectman in their

the Delaware County Women’s Commission. Dave

town. A faulty/staff member who made an impact

retired as a District Sales Manager with Frito Lay.

on her was Tony Campolo ’56, BD ’60, ThM ’61.

He also worked as Director for Ground Serves

He not only taught sociology, he taught her what it

for Ogden Aviation at Philadelphia International

meant to be a Christian living in this modern world.

Airport. While working there, he met former

All Sandra’s children are married and active in their

President George Bush and went on Air Force 1. He

church family. She says she’s proud that she was

is presently employed as an operations supervisor

able to pass along her faith.

with Staples. For Bev, the faculty/staff that made an impact was Dr. Ferre (German Professor). She had breast cancer yet remained dedicated to teaching her students. She passed away her sophomore year. If not for Eastern, Beverley and Dave would never have met. Something Dave’s classmates would be surprised to know is that Dave finally graduated from Eastern in 1976 (12 years after he started…his kids say he was a slow learner). As for the big questions they are

Phyllis (Williams) Todd ’68 celebrated her 50th anniversary to her husband, Bill, on June 15th. They have a son, Seth, and a daughter, Sarah Todd MEd ’13, who is the Director of the Center for Career Development at Eastern. Their home is where the family gathers. Their church family is Aldan Union Church. Caring for parents has shown them how to grow old gracefully. Phyllis has a PA Certificate in Education and did post-grad studies at West Chester University and Penn State. Her

Steven B. Stewart ’68 accepted the 2018 McCormick Medal at Harrisburg Academy’s annual Founders Day celebration on May 20, 2018. The award is presented each year to one individual who exemplifies leadership and service to the school. Stewart spent his entire 44-year career teaching at the Academy, starting in 1969 and retiring in 2013. He is the longest tenured teacher in school history. In addition to his work in the classroom,



Stewart also served in the following roles: director

coach. Spiritually speaking, he must credit Tony

of summer camp; assistant head of Middle School;

Campolo ’56, BD ’60, ThM ’61 and Robert Shinn

athletics director; Middle School athletics director;

BAThB ’50 for their formative influence. If not for


and coach of multiple Middle School and Varsity

Eastern, he never would have lived in PA or had

Phyliss (Rinehart) Caley x’54 / July 20, 2018

athletics teams (soccer, basketball, and softball).

the opportunity to play soccer and to learn to think

Florence (Deisenroth) Van Dyke ’68 and Glen Van Dyke ’67 have been married for 22 years. Glen has 2 sons and they have two grandsons. Florence retired from teaching 4th and 5th grades after 34

more critically. Something his classmates would be surprised to know is that he became a pastor. The big question he’s pondering is about his role and calling in their new community.

1950S Margaret (Robb) Dabback BSM ’52, MRE ’54 / March 6,

Charles A. Youngfeldt ’56 / August 25, 2018 Robert “Bob” F. Riley x’58 / December 17, 2017 1960S Curtis E. Robb ’60 / May 22, 2018 Richard “Dick” C. Locker ’66 / April 6, 2018 William R. Beyer x’69 / April 29, 2015 John J. Gormley x’69 / November 12, 2013

years. She is a member of Alpha Delta Kappa, an

John Zehring ’69 returned as Interim Pastor at the

honorary association for women educators for

Harvard Congregational Church, UCC this past

40+ years having served as an officer in various

Spring for a second time. Judson Press published

positions at the local and state levels including

John’s new book titled "Get Your Church Ready

Terry L. Weichman ’77 / June 13, 2018

two years as State President. The faculty/staff

to Grow: A Guide to Building Attendance and

Florence “Flo” Pecha ’78 / December 21, 2017

that made an impact on her was Helen Craymer,

Participation." In addition, he and his wife, Donna

Justice Charles Z. Smith LLD ’78 / August 28, 2016

education professor. She encouraged her to do

(Taber) Zehring ’69 celebrated their 50th


her best throughout all the courses she had with

Wedding Anniversary with a cruise to the Baltic

Thomas R. Donahue x’87 / March 30, 3018

her. They kept in touch several years after her

Sea, visiting Berlin, Tallinn, St. Petersburg,

graduation. If not for Eastern, she never would

Helsinki, and Copenhagen.

have met her longtime friend, Judi (Soule) Bauer ’68. They are still in constant contact with each other and her family! Also, she never would have had the opportunity to spend her Junior Year abroad, studying at the University of the Americas in Mexico City. This was truly an experience of a lifetime! Something her classmate would be surprised to know is that she met Glen 23 years after graduation when she was looking for a supply organist for her church. They were married in 1995 and have been enjoying life and music together since then! David Whiteman ’68 retired in 2013 from the pastoral ministry, serving last at Memorial Baptist Church in Buies Creek, NC for 27 years. They have two children and four grandchildren. They recently moved back to NC from Los Angeles, CA. He works part time directing a ministry for pastors. Besides pastoring at Memorial Baptist Church, he was an associate for 10 years at Lexington First Baptist Church. He was also a hospital

George A. Boyett ’88 / July 23, 2018 1990S Amelia "Amy" A. (Luongo) Couper ’91 / July 28, 2018

Dickinson Wingate ’69 celebrated their 50th

Nancy A. Wolfe x’95 / July 15, 2018

Anniversary with an 8 week motorhome trip to Prince Edward Island in Canada. Their daughter, son-in-law and their two grandchildren flew up. On their trip home, Rich & Betty stopped in

Anne P. (Morris) Carroll ’98 / July 31, 2014 John R. Emperator, Sr. ’98 / November 14, 2017 Frances P. Glover-Lee ’99 / May 11, 2015 2000S Harvey L. “Skip” Reynolds, Jr. ’03 / August 1, 2016

Bethlehem PA where they had a family celebration

Elmyra “Myra” King-Seel ’04 / July 20, 2018

and visited the church where they were married!

Brian D. Lancaster x’05 / March 29, 2018 2010S

1970 S Jean (Morse) McIntire ’71, a retired church music

Alita M. Byrd ’12 / January 31, 2018 2020S Brendan J. O’Connor MBA x’20 / September 19, 2018

director, music professor, and contributor to


“Teaching Music” magazine, and her mother,

Sarae W. Manogue (Former ESL Professor) /

Alice K. Morse, a lifetime writer and retired

March 15, 2018

secretary who has been published in a popular

Barbara A. Easterday (Former Finance

devotional magazine, completed their new book, “Meditations for Church Musicians: A Spirited

Admin. & Turning Point Coordinator) / June 10, 2018 Gerald I. Gingrich (Former Adjunct Professor for college and seminary) / July 3, 2018

Compilation of Biblical Meditations on the Role

William “Bill” G. Reeves (Former P/T

of Music in the Faith”.

Instructor/Faculty in Music) / July 21, 2018 Ronald L. Keller (Former VP of Enrollment

department at Campbell University. The faculty/

Switzerland while following his wife through her

staff that made an impact on him was Dr. Larry

professional career. He is a retired police officer

Ziglar who was his major professor and baseball

with the rank of Sergeant. He was an English


Christine J. (Cacciola) Neff ’72 / February 8, 2018

Richard Wingate ’69 and Elizabeth (Betty)

William Clough III ’73 is currently living in


Kathie L. (Harnish) Nagle ’71 / September 9, 2018

John S. Altamura x’90 / May 4, 2018

chaplain and an adjunct professor in the religion



Mgmt, Former Head Baseball Coach) / July 29, 2018 Walter J. Longhurst, Jr. (Former Locksmith/ Plant Operations staff) / August 12, 2018 Hugh E. Byrne (Former Security Guard) / September 24, 2018


The faculty/staff that impacted him were Dr. Ed

Laura Manger ’98

as a field and allowing him to have an international

Kuhlmann, originally directing him into social work

experience in England, and Dr. Tony Campolo ’56, BD ’60, ThM ’61 for his teaching about faith, practice, and “situation ethics”. If not for Eastern, he never would have met the woman who became his wife in 1974, Jan (Aiello) Rodgers ’74. He also would not have gotten his MSW and DSW from the University of Pennsylvania. Something his classmates would be surprised to know is that for over 20 years, he was the consultant to Latvia to help establish the profession of social work in the country. The big question he’s pondering at the moment is “What is life like in retirement?”



Susan (Doupe) Theiss ’73 is happily married with three step-children and three grandchildren. She

C O O R D I N AT O R O F A L U M N I E V E N T S & S P E C I A L P R O J E C T S

enjoys being active and swims to keep her energy

Laura graduated from Eastern in 1998 with a BA in Youth Ministries and a minor in Leadership. While a student, she was a Student Chaplain, a member of the Chapel Worship Team, and played intramural volleyball for four years. She is also a Legacy Student since her dad, Bill Manger '66, was an Eastern alumnus. Laura was a youth pastor for 13 years before accepting the position in the Alumni Office in July 2007. She loves getting to know our current students and alumni, preserving the history and stories they share, and planning opportunities for alumni to reconnect with each other. In addition to keeping the class of 1998 connected as one of their Class Representatives, she launched her own business, Manger Photography, in 2017.

level up. She is a retired children’s services social worker. She now volunteers as a bereavement group facilitator and is the events chair for Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the University of Texas. The faculty/staff that made an impact on her were Dr. Kuhlman because of his passion for social work and Dr. Campolo ’56, BD ’60, ThB ’61 because of his passion for humanity. Something her classmates would be surprised to know is that she has been involved politically with the League

teacher after retirement for the last 20 years. The

Sayles who was a wonderful teacher. He helped

faculty/staff that made an impact on him was Barry

shape her mind scientifically. Dr. Jean Kim was a

Love, math professor, who supported him in front

fabulous mentor. The big question she’s pondering

of the Board of Trustees encouraging them to

is “just when will our kids make us grandparents?”

retain him for the second semester of his freshman year, allowing him to be academically successful. If not for Eastern, he never would have continued his college career.

of Women Voters. Marilyn (Smyrl) Todd ’73 has five grandchildren and she retired from teaching the Phil-Mont Christian Academy. The faculty/staff that made

Mark Rodgers ’73 is a grandfather as of January

an impact on her were Dr. Shalitta and Helen

22, 2018. He will officially be retiring in January

Craymer. If not for Eastern, she never would have

2019. He started the first International Social

made some great friends. The big question she’s

Work Program in the United States. He was Social

pondering is about how to spend her retirement.

Karen (Lawless) Rosenspire ’73 says it has been

Worker of the Year of NASW in Chicago, IL and

so wonderful being married to her husband, Allen,

received the Educational Specialist Award from

for 40 years and is proud of their two sons. She

the Ministry of Education & Science in Latvia.

completed her PhD in Biophysics at University

Mark started the MSW Program at Monmouth

of Buffalo and worked in research until she later

University in 2000 and worked there for 21 years.

went to medical school in Michigan. She is now a

He served as Dean of Social Work at Dominican

radiologist and faculty member at the University of

University and as Dean of Health & Human

PA. The faculty/staff who made an impact was Dr.

services at Marywood University in Scranton PA.

Jan (DeWolfe) Befus ’78 has three grown sons with Dan, her husband of 33 years. She is a customer service representative at Camfil USA.

News and notes for alumni from the 1980s, 1990s, 2000s, 2010s and our graduate programs: please visit alumni.eastern.edu. 35

A L U M N I IN MEMORY BY CLASS YEAR: 1940S George S. Claghorn BD ’44, DD ’04, DD ’98 /

Marcia Bailey MDiv ’86, the new Acting Pastor

February 5, 2018

at First Baptist Church, Pottstown, is an ordained

John S. Stannard ABThB ’46 / December 6, 2017

American Baptist pastor with 32 years of pastoral ministry experience. In addition, she is an associate

Palmer Alumni Class Notes

Leland “Bud” P. Bechtel ABThB ’47, BD ’48 / December 14, 2017 Winifred C. (Bower) Wright MRE ’48 / March 24, 2015

professor for teaching in the Intellectual Heritage

Marilyn J. (Smith) Schaeffer BSM ’49 / December 26, 2017

Program at Temple University, teaching critical

David P. Wright BD ’49 / October 4, 2017

thinking and writing for more than 10 years. She


intermittently serves as a transitional pastor in local

Alfred Bloom ABThB ’51 / August 25, 2017

churches seeking settled pastors.

Ralph J. Kievit ThB ’51 / November 22, 2017 Norman R. dePuy ’53, BD ’56, DD ’88 / January 30, 2017 Joseph A. Browde BD ’57 / November 7, 2017

1970 S

2000 S

Thomas K. McInnes BD ’57, MDiv ’70 / December 16, 2017

John Koopman MDiv ’73 is a 42 year ordained

Michael Sissin MDiv ’04, DMin ’10 was officially


minister with the American Baptist Churches

installed as Executive Minister of the West Virginia

USA. He has been an Institutionally Endorsed

Baptist Convention on Saturday, July 14, 2018.

Valery A. Copan BD ’58 / April 4, 2016

Samuel E. Appel ’53, BD ’60 / October 5, 2017 1970S Donald E. Kanaley ThM ’70 / November 19, 2017

Chaplain for 30 years with the ABCUSA. He is

He is on the staff of the Broome County Council

2010 S


of Churches as Chaplain of Hospital Ministries

Franklin Murphy MDiv ’13 celebrated his 25th

Charles “Chuck” R. Johnson DMin ’84 / January 22, 2018

serving at the UHS Hospitals at Wilson and

pastoral anniversary on July 8, 2018 at Calvary

Binghamton General. He recently completed

Missionary Baptist Church in Huntington, WV.


15 years as the Coordinating Chaplain at Prison

In addition to his duties as a pastor, he currently

Renee L. McCleary MDiv ’90 / October 10, 2017

Facilities Camp Georgetown and Camp Pharsalia.

serves as a Chaplain for both St. Mary's Medical

He is a permanently Certified NY State Teacher.

Center and Cabell Huntington Hospital. Pastor

Eric D. Jarmon MDiv ’94 / October 18, 2017

He has two Army Commendations from his work

Murphy has served in statewide offices in the past:

Henry Baldwin MDiv ’99, DMin ‘09 / December 28, 2017

in the US Army and Reserves. He has three

clerk for the Mount Olive District Convention,

Honorable Discharges having served on Active


president and moderator of the West Virginia

Beverly B. Lewis MDiv ’01 / January 24, 2018

Duty, Reserves and National Guard. Chaplain

Progressive State Convention.

Shelley K. Potter-Abrahamsen MDiv ’03 / October 31, 2017

also recognized by the United Church of Christ.

John earned four Units of CPE over the years and is on the CPE Board at Upstate Medical Center in Syracuse. He is past commander of the American Legion and the Southern Tier Veterans

On July 1, 2018, Evan Arkell MDiv ’17 was appointed to serve as Area Minister for the Southwest Region of ABC West Virginia.

Support Group. He is chairperson of the NY State Council of Churches Commission on Ministry and Accreditation Committees.

1980 S George Hawthorne MDiv ’81, DMin ’91 retired from the pastorate of Grace Baptist Church of Blue Bell, PA at the end of May.




Adele G. deGregoris MDiv ’82 / December 1, 2015 Wendell L. Baglow DMin ’84 / November 29, 2017 Philip H.Chase DMin ’85 / March 5, 2016

Ella Louise McCrary-Sanders MATS ’90 / June 1, 2012 James M. Brown MATS ’94 / November 23, 2017

FA C U LT Y/ S TA F F/ B O A R D M E M B E R S A.J. Ashe Former Trustee / July 25, 2013 Renee L. McCleary MDiv ’90 & Former Faculty / October 10, 2017 Ralph J. Kievit ThB ’51 & Former Seminary

Donor honor roll Eastern University deeply appreciates our donors. Your generous gifts help us carry out Eastern’s mission. For the donor honor roll, visit eastern.edu/advancement.

Trustee / November 22, 2017

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