AgriNews January 2015

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AgriNews January 2015 Page 28_Layout 1 15-01-08 3:54 PM Page 1

Page 28 The AgriNews January, 2015 When it comes to performing, Hanna told AgriNews, that he doesn’t really get nervous anymore. “There are times when any continued from page 24 artist can get unsettled before Hanna stated that the creative a show, but for myself, as process is continually evolvsoon as I step out under the ing for him, but in many lights and see everyone out ways still remains the same, front — it is all good.” as he, like many artists, still When asked what advice like to 'put their own stamp he would give to those starton it.’ ing out in the industry, Hanna “I believe that all music reiterated a phrase that had evolves with the times, and been instilled from an early because of that all artists will age by his parents, Garry and make slightly different music Kay, to never give up. “It’s than the last. For me it was easy to say, but so true.” said never about the songwriting, Hanna. “Follow your dreams as I was just focusing mainly and you will make them on getting up on the stage come true, one way or anothand being a star. I knew that er. I can’t thank my Mom there were songwriters that and Dad enough for the supwrote the hits, and there were port they have given me artists that sang them, but through the years.” Hanna when I first visited Nashville, reminisced about a time that began to change. I was when after Sunday dinner at thrown into the songwriting his grandparents, he was community and was menwatching the Family Brown tored by some of the best show. “I was just a little guy songwriters Nashville had to and I just knew. From that offer. From that point on it point on I searched for the was a do-by-doing process musical ladder, and eventual— one that I grew to love.” It ly started up on the first was because of this educarung. There is no set in stone tion, Hanna noted that every way to get there, everyone project since has a slightly has their own path, just work different sound but that ‘true’ hard and don’t be afraid to artists will stay ‘true’ to their fall, and you’ll figure it out.” sound, always intertwining a familiarity into whatever he/she records.” He continued, “I keep two things in mind when I’m writing and recording for a new record. First, we must have big fun on the up-tempos, and secondly, melt a little on the ballads. I am proud of all of my records because they are pieces of my soul poured out in a studio. The songs released on radio are ones that we feel will hit home for most listeners and fans to which they can relate.” AgriNews also asked Hanna about his thoughts on how music is distributed today (digital) versus formats of the past such as CDs and vinyl. He stated that musicians must evolve to their industry, but in the end, opined that the internet has influenced how consumers listen, digest, watch, and buy music. “I think selling music online is great. If someone wants your music they can get it immediately, just with a touch of a button, but it is the music piracy and free streaming that makes it hard for the music business to stay alive, as they themselves are trying to catch up to the digital era we live in for consuming information, but still has a way to go to. CDs and DVDs could disappear very soon, just like the cassettes of the ‘80s did. Vinyl will always be cool to the audiophiles of the world, and it definitely has its own cool sound — I don’t think that’ll go away, but it won’t ever be the standard again either.”

Hanna In closing, Hanna reflected on what he felt has been his ‘most fun performance’. He explained that playing with who’s who of country music, whether in studio, arena, fair or festival, the ride has “made for a pretty fulfilling career and cool story, but I must say, I still love the ones that get me close to the old stompin’ ground the most. Living in Nashville, 21 hours away from Finch, means we don’t see friends and family that much, so when there is a chance to come home, and play a show as well, that rates at the top of the favourite list for me.” Hanna’s last Canadian concert was this past Canada Day in London. “It was a great show. The park was packed and London is like my second home since I hung my hat there during and after college.” Closer to Finch, Hanna has been the opening act twice at the Russell Fair (Terri Clark, 2010 and April Wine, 2012), the Cornwall Rib Fest, and headlined the 2014 Maxville Fair in June. “It’s always awesome to get home to see family and everyone I grew up with... and of course it’s do what I do best.”

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