May 22 Leader

Page 1

Your news this week: Strawberry Tea in Mundare - Page 2 Andrew School hosts successful Open House - Page 7 Future development in Bruderheim Page 8 Read us online at

7, No. 29 November Tuesday, May 22, 2012 Vol. 7, No.Vol. 2, Tuesday, 8, 2011 MICHELLE



More than 300 Ukrainian dancers from across the province participated in the Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village’s Celebration of Dance May 21. Dancers from nine different associations performed before hundreds of spectators. The event is one of the largest Ukrainian dance extravaganzas in Alberta and was very well received by young and old alike. The dance movements, along with the various stories they portrayed were varied and offered great entertainment for the audience who took in many different events throughout the day including the unveiling of a special exhibit of Whitford native William Kurelek.

Iconic works of artist William Kurelek unveiled Michelle Pinon Editor

While May 21 is always a special day at the Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village, yesterday was extra special as it marked the unveiling of Canada’s most unique art exhibit. What makes this exhibit “unique;” is that it showcases 28 works of one of Canada’s best known prairie artists, William Kurelek. All of the pieces, are on loan from family members and private collectors over the next three months. Many of Kurelek’s paintings, drawings, and literary musings are deeply rooted in spiritu-

ality and depicted in the simple way of country life he experienced as a child growing up in the Whitford district. Return of the Grain Haulers, Dust Storm, Nature’s Popsicles, Kushka and Measuring Cup, Farm Picnic, Barn Dance, and the Chipman Church are just a few of the eye catching and poignant pieces. Born in Kalyna Country, Kurelek returned home on many occasions for painting trips. “Many people in the Edmonton area own Kurelek’s, including many family members,” said Jars Balan, who represented the Kalyna Country Eco-Museum, and Roger Woltjens col-

league and art gallery owner, who paid tribute to the iconic Canadian painter. Kurelek, was a painter, photographer, writer, frame and gild maker in Toronto for most of his adult life, with a workshop in Cabbagetown. One of the many people who saw the intrinsic value of his works was Woljten’s mom, who “latched onto his early works.” Also, a member of Ukrainian Women’s Federation, she also commissioned a series of paintings of Ukrainian pioneer women that are currently on display in Saskatoon. One of his earliest memories of Kurelek was going to visit his

gallery with his mother. “I wasn’t feeling well and wanted to stay home from school one day.” Later that day, his mom decided to take him to Kurelek’s studio. He remembers the store front with soaped up windows. Viewing his art on the floor and propped up against walls made a big impression on Woljten, who later became an art dealer in Edmonton. Woltjens also remembers viewing one of Kurelek’s major exhibitions in Winnipeg that he says was unforgettable, and something he personally describes as “spectacular in size and content.” That exhibition will be on display in

Victoria over the next three months, he added. It was Woljten who persuaded Kurelek to visit his father’s ancestral village of Bukovyna despite the artists fears emanating from Cold War. “He is, and was one of Canada’s best story teller’s ever!” Woltjens recalled his first chance meeting with Kurelek in Stanley Park, who invited him to visit his studio. Little did Kurelek know that Woltjens had a plane ticket to Toronto the very next day. He went to his studio, and was granted an audience. The first thing Kurelek remarked to him was: “Oh my God you travel fast.” Woltjens said he was lucky to have been able to buy

from Kurelek directly, and remembers those paintings, numbering between 10 and 15, selling out in his Edmonton gallery in less than a week. Woltjens said it was quite a coup to have the exhibition at the Ukrainian Village, adding: “I’m overwhelmed by the fact it has taken place.” He encouraged visitors to see the exhibit as it houses some of the most important and valuable of Kurelek’s paintings who is widely revered, and has received and earned nationwide attention and international acclaim from critics and collectors throughout the world.

2 - The Lamont Leader (Lamont, Alberta), Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Car Crafters to host Show ‘n Shine By Michelle Pinon Editor

Organizers are expecting between 1,500 and 2,000 people to attend the 12th annual show ‘n shine in Chipman June 3rd. Lionel Thomas, one of the four original members of the Chipman Car Crafters, is expecting another good turn out for the annual event that see’s the population swell in the village to about six times its normal size. “By 11 a.m. the street will be filled with vehicles,” says Thomas. “We had almost 300 vehicles last year.” Besides the chance to talk shop with fellow collectors, participants get a chance to get up close and personal with some of the most well known and well loved makes and models of cars and trucks that have been souped up to the max. “We take any make or model of car or truck,” adds Thomas. Registration is only $10 per vehicle. On average, the car crafters hand out between 35 to 40 trophies to the winners in various categories. For members of the younger set, there will be a remote control racing on a miniature obstacle course, starting at 2 p.m. Admission for spectators is a twoonie per person, and there are various opportunities to partake in some good old fashioned food, starting with a pancake breakfast from 9 to 11 a.m. at the Chipman Golden Seniors Centre. The Chipman Fire Department will have a concession, and the Chipman Historical Society will be offering a perogy plate at the National Hall.

There will also be several other venders and musical entertainment throughout the afternoon until the show ‘n shine wraps up around 4 p.m. Thomas says the event is a great opportunity to see some of Alberta’s finest vehicles that have been painstakingly and lovingly restored as well as a chance to help out some local charities. In the past, members of the Chipman Car Crafters have donated proceeds to Chipman Historical Society, Homes For Healing, and the Lamont & District Food Bank. The Chipman Car Crafters was formed in 2000, and currently has around 22 members. Thomas says the other founding members include: Alf Zips, Harv Hauer, and Rick Thornton. MICHELLE PINON PHOTO

Bruderheim Mayor Karl Hauch, left, presented the town’s history book ‘From Bush To Bushels’ to Lamont Health Care Centre chief executive officer Harold James recently. Hauch was making the donation on behalf of former Bruderheim area resident and historical society member Jean Strong.

Purebred d Bulls & Heiferss

For Sale

More than 1,500 people are expected to converge on Chipman June 3 for the annual Show ‘n Shine that is sponsored by the Chipman Car Crafters.

Strawberries and smiles a sensational combination Auxiliary charter member shares fond memories By Michelle Pinon Editor

Kokotailo says she remembers the inaugural meeting and some of the fundraisers and activities members participated in.

continued to “try and fill the need” over the years. She remembers raising funds for bedside tables and lamps for the hospital as well as furnishings for a palliative care room.

Victoria Kokotailo has volunteered her whole life. The Mundare resident found it hard to sit on the sidelines at this y e a r ’ s Strawberry Tea Kokotailo, held this past who has Thursday, but kind blue said she wanted eyes, and a to come out a wonderful support the smile to group she has match, has long supported. enjoyed Kokotailo visiting explains that a t h e recent surgery p a t i e n t s , has prevented and makher from assisting things ing with the tea, more comyet there was no fortable way to keep her for them. from attending Victoria Kokotailo, a charter member of the Mary the special event. Immaculate Hospital Auxiliary, shares a smile Kokotailo, is and enjoys her strawberry shortcake at the annu- Kokotailo was one of one of the origi- al Strawberry Tea this past Thursday. 114 people nal members of who came out to support “Our hospital was run the Mary Immaculate the fundraising strawby the sisters, and they Hospital Auxiliary, berry tea, and will more needed extra things.” So which began operating than likely return next Kokotailo, and fellow in 1971. The 86-year-old members of the auxiliary spring, God willing.

The Lamont Leader (Lamont, Alberta), May 22, 2012 - 3

Lamont teens hold successful 30 hour famine Students at local school raise funds to help fight poverty worldwide By Michelle Pinon Editor

Braydon Berezanski wondered what it would really be like to go hungry. So he, along with 12 other schoolmates from Lamont Junior-Senior High, got a taste of what real hunger feels like, foregoing the usual three meals a day plus snacks for 30 hours. The famine began Wednesday evening at 8 p.m. Braydon admits to having that “empty feeling” and having the urge to “ask for food” but did his best to keep pre-occupied. “I decided to think about what I’m doing, instead of how I’m feeling,” said the Grade 7 student. Grade 9 student James Anderson said he signed up to participate in the World Vision 30 Hour Famine, because the challenge “seemed interesting,” and he wanted to experience what it would be like to go hungry, and help less fortunate people around the world. Other participants also felt their personal contributions of time, effort, and funds would make a different in the lives of children and communities around the world. Organizer and teacher Erin Bartz described the event as a “big slumber party” where you get to hang out with like minded individuals and raise awareness and funds to help fight poverty in the process. “Year after year we’ve seen Lamont teens step up to fight child poverty through the 30 Hour Famine. This year is no exception,” stated Yvette Brettell of World Vision Canada. Funds raised will go towards World Vision’s long term development work, and are in support of its four global causes which include: food, safety, education and water. Last year the teens raised nearly $1,600 towards the cause. The local teens are among an estimated 60,000 youth from across Canada who are expected to participate in the famine this spring.

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A total of thirteen students participated in the annual 30 Hour World Vision Famine at Lamont High School this past week. Pictured from left to right are: Matthew Materi, Melissa Mitchell, Braydon Berezanski, Kirklan Gale, Leah Strickland, Isabel Anderson, Alysia Fontaine, Tristan Bartz, Jared Bartz, James Anderson, Rebecca Gale, Briann Kroeker, and Kelleigh Scott. The group was led by teacher Erin Bartz. The students only had water, juice, and one rice bowl to see them through the famine. Their willpower and commitment to the famine was clearly evident throughout the entire fasting process, and they should be commended for their efforts.

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4 - The Lamont Leader (Lamont, Alberta), Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Send your Letter to the Editor to: The Lamont Leader Box 1079, Lamont, AB T0B 2R0 Fax: 780-895-2705

Youth share a wealth of ideas It was so refreshing to see a couple of youth at Town of Bruderheim's open house last Wednesday evening. The girls, 10 and 13 years old respectively, were the first to write down their ideas for what kind of development they would like to see in the community. Besides demonstrating wonderful initiative they proved to be young role models. Often, the thoughts and ideas youth express are overlooked simply because of their age and what may be perceived as lack of knowledge and illogical reasons. Yet these girls managed to capture the attention of elected representatives, town officials, fellow attendees, and garner the respect of planner Jane Dauphinee. The information and insights that were so passionately and eloquently conveyed by the youth was surprising and refreshing at the same time. Many were definitely taken aback by their honesty and forthright manner. One of the girls even suggested having future open houses at the school so students can get involved. After she said that I thought, wow, is she ever bright! Her idea made perfect sense, especially since the town is trying to plan for the future,and around 25 years into the future, that’s when people will be studying, working and raising children of their own. I'm so glad I got the chance to meet Alexia and Ashley because they, too, helped open my eyes. I hope they were able to open the eyes of the decision makers, so they, too, will be able to realize the value of their words. Michelle Pinon - Editor

Fields are not a dumping ground Dear Editor, It started of innocently enough. My husband asked if I was busy and did I wish to go for a truck ride. I should have asked more questions. We loaded up garbage bags, disposable gloves, a shovel and a manure fork. Still I was game to go. Slightly cross country through our fields, following tracks from tractors. Rather peaceful in the evening a rather large group of piles of garbage some

inconsiderate person had decided that it is JUST fine to use a farmer's field as his own, lazy, stupid dumping ground. There are places to leave grass clippings, garbage and assorted other pieces of junk. A field is NOT IT! There were two piles of grass clippings, a torn jacket, card board, a glove, general garbage and a nickel (thanks for the tip) It is not only dangerous for big farm equipment, it is unsafe for

equipment operators who may be injured when hard unexpected objects am in the equipment, but it takes time to clean up. We used shovels, and manure fork to gather it all together, it took time. I am reminded of a line from A.E. Milne “Trespassers wil”. We are NOT your disposal site. It took you time to drive into OUR field, use the time and be responsible and considerate. Fields are to grow

crops, and food. NOT to grow garbage! It will not take more than a few minutes to take your grass clipping to the recycle location in town. Dropping your crap off in our fields is not nice or cool, just stupid! As is dropping your unwanted animals off near a farm yard, figuring that one more dog or cat on a farm is not a big deal, BUT that is another rant! Jocelyn Harrold

Liberals fear mongering on changes to OAS Dear Editor, Having read the recent Letters to the Editor from the Liberal Party regarding Old Age Security, I felt it important to ensure the facts are actually reported,

rather than only the Opposition’s fearmongering. The Liberals and NDP, as they always have, believe that there is a never-ending trough of tax money that will continue to flow incessantly.

5038 - 50 Avenue Box 1079, Lamont, AB, T0B 2R0 Phone 895-2780 - Fax 895-2705 Email:

The truth is that Canada is undergoing a significant demographic shift and soon the number of seniors will nearly double. The ratio of workers to seniors is also changing. Currently, we have four working Canadians

Kerry Anderson Publisher

for every senior; by 2030, that will be reduced to two workers per senior. OAS will disappear completely if we do not do something to make it sustainable. I think it is also important to note that

Michelle Pinon Editor

when it was first implemented, in 1952, the Liberal government established OAS as a $40-a-month universal, flat-rate payment for Canadians 70 years of age and over. In 1969 (after a five-year transi-

tion) the age of eligibility was reduced to 65. Two years later, the GIS was introduced to further help pensioners who had little or no other income. See LETTER P. 9

Tracy Harding Office Manager/ Ad Sales

Published every Tuesday at Lamont, AB

*Advertisements designed, set and produced by The Lamont Leader, as well as pictures, news, editorial content and other printed material are protected by copyright and may not be used without the written permission of the The Lamont Leader.

Serving the Communities of Andrew, Bruderheim, Chipman, Hilliard, Lamont, Mundare, RR4 Tofield, Star and St. Michael

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Sylvia McDonald Ad Composition

The Lamont Leader (Lamont, Alberta), May 22, 2012 - 5

Sports Athlete of the week Lamont sharpshooter developing passion for sport of archery By Michelle Pinon Editor

A visit to the neighbours last summer has led one Lamont youth in an very interesting direction, and inspired others to follow suit. Blake Fjelds and his brother Trent were in Murray Laronde’s garage when they got a first hand look at some targets and bows. Curiosity took hold, and before they knew it the boys were trying their hand at archery. Pretty soon they were practicing out in the green space, and loving every minute trying to hit the bull’s-eye. “Right from the first day, Murray said Blake’s onto something,” says Blake’s mom Melissa. While she and her husband Shane may have been shocked to discover how adept Blake is at archery, they weren’t

surprised in another way in that he has really good hand-eye co-ordination that has come into play with hockey, soccer, and ball. “If it wasn’t for Murray, we wouldn’t have thought about archery,” points out Melissa. Blake convinced Trent to attend archery night at Bruderheim School recently, and both boys have been coming every other Thursday evening for the past month or so. Murray has also been kind enough to lend bows and arrows to the youth so they could learn the sport. Both the kids and Murray’s excitement has propelled other youth and adults to join in the fun and challenging sport. “It gives them both something to look forward to,” adds Melissa. It hasn’t taken long for Bake to develop a growing passion for archery,

Bethlehem Lutheran Church 5008 - 50 St. Bruderheim 780-796-3543 Pastor Richard Williams Bethelehem Lutheran Church Sunday Service 9:30 am Bruderheim, Ab. Bethany Lutheran Church Sunday Service 11:00 am Beaver Hills, Ab. “Come as a guest, leave as a friend”

Orthodox V Parishes Sunday Divine Liturgy 10:00 am 780-895-2149

Thursday, May 24 - Ascension Day - Skaro - 10 am Sunday, May 27 - Tone 6 - Sunday of Holy Fathers - Peno - 10 am Visit our website

and he is most proud of the fact he has been able to hit the bull’s-eye twice already. Archery is one of those sports where you are constantly challenging yourself to do better. “You are always trying to out do yourself,” says Melissa, who can see the competitive spirit within her boys. Archery has never been offered in the local area before, and members of the Fjeld family are grateful for Murray, and a couple of other enthusiasts for making the opportunity available to them. They are also hoping there will be more than enough participants to keep the archery night at Bruderheim School an ongoing activity. One thing’s for sure, Blake and his brother Trent, and fellow friends will be sharpening their skills over the course of the summer.

Eight-year-old sharpshooter Blake Fjelds had no problem hitting the bull’s-eye during archery night held recently at Bruderheim School.

Lamont United Church

5306 - 51 Ave., Lamont 780-895-2145 Sunday Worship time 11:15 a.m. Everyone Welcome Rev. Deborah Brill Next church supper May 25, 5 - 7 pm In partnership with Lamont Health Care Centre 100 years. Community Church Service June 3, 9:30 am. Pancake breakfast to follow in the curling rink 11 am. AA meeting Thursdays at 8:30 pm

Lamont Alliance Church

44 st. & 50 Ave. 780-895-2879 Pastor Ron Wurtz Sunday Service 10:00 am “Children and families are a top priority for us, come join us!” Current Events -New Sermon series “50 days of prayer” -Nursery and Children’s Church every Sunday -Bible studies for men, women and couples -Courageous Men, met Wednesday nights at 7 pm -Men’s breakfast 8 am last Saturday of each month -Youth are going to YC again this year Call the Church for more information

Church Calendar

Bruderheim Moravian Church Welcomes You! 780-796-3775 Pastor Jay Petrella Sunday Worship 10:30 am Sunday School 9:15 am Located at the 4-way stop in Bruderheim

Roman Catholic Church Cluster of Parishes of Our Lady of Angels Fort Saskatchewan Roman Catholic Services Lamont Auxiliary Hospital Saturday Evenings 4:00 pm Our Lady of Good Counsel - Skaro 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays 9:00 am St. Michael the Archangel - St. Michael 2nd and 4th Sundays 11:00 am For further information please call O.L.A. Fort Saskatchewan at 780-998-3288

For more information call 780-895-2780

6 - The Lamont Leader (Lamont, Alberta), Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Local students hear Smart Risk message By Michelle Pinon Editor

Kyle Gieni knows the difference between smart risk and stupid risk, and lives with the devastating consequences everyday. The quadriplegic also wanted local youth to realize the huge impact risk-taking can have before they find out first hand for themselves. It was a message the Two Hills & District Victim Services unit also wanted to get across to teens, and that’s why they sponsored the recent presentation at Andrew School. A bus load of high school students from Lamont were also in attendance for the three part presentation that talked about and illustrated through video the life altering consequences of risky behaviours. “There are so many things we regret; but some things cannot be undone.” Gieni was on his way to a job interview nine years ago when the

Correction Please note that in the May 15 issue under “Lamont County approves 2012 budget” that it stated administration salaries were projected to be $1,891,938 when it should have stated administration department expenditures were projected to be $1,891,938.

Read us online at

brakes on his bike failed. An avid athlete, who planned on a career in the military, had his dreams cut short because of the accident. “My bike was in a few pieces, and so was I.” He was discovered by a passer by

lying face down in a pool of his blood. While he was considered “lucky to be alive;” Gieni said that after months and months of recovery and physiotherapy, and the heartbreaking realization that he’d never walk again, he seriously wondered if it wouldn’t have been better to die. Today, he feels differently, but he wouldn’t wish the same

fate on his worst enemy. “I am lucky to be alive, but day to day living doesn’t come easy for someone in a wheelchair.” He also wanted the youth to know that in nearly all accidental cases, the accidents were predictable and preventable. “It was the biggest mistake of my life; one that I can’t take back.” The video presentation contrasted the stupid risks with smart risks, and covered things such as seat belts, safety equipment and training, not drinking and driving, not driving and texting, and looking ahead and being aware of your surroundings as well as realizing your capabilities and limitations. Gieni reiterated the importance of self protection, but also taking responsibility for your own actions. “I’d do anything to keep you from getting hurt, but the only thing I can do is give you the facts, and leave it up to you. Only you can be responsible for your life; but make smart risks.”

Thank You

Thank you to all the staff and council of the Town of Bruderheim and Lamont County, as well as everyone else who sent me condolences on the death of my son Robert Jones.

Special thanks to my daughters Michelle and Kelsey.

Kathleen MacKintosh

Lamont Community Playschool Open House and 2012/2013 Registration Night

Tuesday, June 5 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Lamont Lions' Den Children welcome $20 non-refundable registration fee Please bring a copy of the child's birth certificate Note: Children must be at least 3 years old as of September 1, 2012 and potty trained to register For more info call: Katie 780-242-1045 or Karen 780-796-3018

Lamont High School guidance counsellor Dianna Graziano talks with Gieni.

Chemical Information and BBQ at

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Lamont, Alberta

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Celebrating over 50 years of service

The Lamont Leader (Lamont, Alberta), May 22, 2012 - 7

Andrew School showcases artwork and extends hospitality during Education Week open house By Michelle Pinon Editor

Staff and students at Andrew School put out the welcome mat for volunteers and visitors alike during its annual open house on May 1st. Held in conjunction

with Education Week, the event had more than 30 participants who enjoyed a light supper which was followed by transition presentations and hands on activities. There were cool demonstrations in the science lab, a TELUS World of Science mobile

There was a wide assortment of school yearbooks available for sale during the open house.

planetarium in the gymnasium, individual classroom exhibits, door prizes and more. Former student and geologist Terry Levicki showcased a great selection of his rocks and minerals. The Andrew resident graciously shared his samples and indepth knowledge with students, staff, parents and prospective students. There were exhibits and demos in the science lab along with math activities and storyboard stories in various classrooms. Principal Sharon McLean was pleased with the turn out as well as the students handiwork and projects that were beautifully showcased.


Former geologist Terry Levicki showcased a great selection of rocks and minerals from his personal collection during the school’s annual open house May 1. Looking on with great interest is Grade 3 student Lincoln Doering.

100th 1 00th Anniversary

Celebrate the Lamont Health Care Centre’s 100th Anniversary at the following public events: June 3, 2012 Ecumenical Church Service 9:30 AM Lamont United Church

June 3, 2012 Pancake Breakfast 11:00 AM Lamont Curling Rink

July 28, 2012 Town of Lamont Summer Sizzler Parade Theme is “Lamont Health Care Centre Celebrates 100 Years” Historical display at the Arena

June 28, 2012 Annual General Meeting – Public Welcome 7:00 PM Lamont Health Care Centre – Morley Young Manner Rotunda

September 1, 2012 Centennial Banquet & Dance 6:00 PM Semi Formal Gala Silent Auction

The Lamont Health Care Centre has openings for Sponsors to purchase medical equipment for the Centre. For information on sponsorships contact Ryerson Christie at 780-886-5849. SPONSORS TO DATE: Platinum $10,000+ •Lamont & District Agricultural Society Silver $5,000 - $7,499 •Bruderheim Agricultural Society Bronze$2,500 - $4,999 •Fort Saskatchewan Record •Conexus

Supporter $1,000 - $2,499 •Larry Dobson •Lamont Leader •Town of Lamont Friend $100 - $999 •Town of Mundare •Beaver Creek Co-op Ltd. •Lamont Home Hardware

•Lamont United Church Women •Valuemed Professional Products Ltd. •St. Michael Community & District Agricultural Society •Patricia & Emil Kottke •Stawnichy Meat Processors •MCS Net

8 - The Lamont Leader (Lamont, Alberta), Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Bruderheim’s future focus of open house By Michelle Pinon Editor

All good plans are well thought out. And elected officials with the Town of Bruderheim are thinking well into the future to help create a community that will continue to thrive. Town councillors are working hand in hand with planners and the public to lay the groundwork that will serve as the foundation for growth and development over the next 20 years. This past Wednesday, the town hosted a public open house inviting residents to share their ideas about what kind of development they would like to see and what would they like the town to look like in 25 years. Around 20 people took the town up on its offer to attend the open house that featured a presentation by planner Jane Dauphinee of Municipal Planning Services Ltd., question and answer period, and working session where residents could submit their ideas. “The reason we called you out here is to get information,” said Mayor Karl Hauch, who welcomed attendees before introducing Dauphinee. “This is your document. It represents who you are and where you want to go. That’s why it’s important to share your ideas and opinions,” stated Dauphinee. Dauphinee was directly referring to the

Municipal Development Plan (MDP), a document that provides municipalities with land use and development direction. “We also need direction from you to identify goals and objectives.” Mayor Hauch was very pleased with the turn out. “It was good to see a good turn out of folks that obviously care deeply about our community, as evidenced by their attendance at this very important open house. “We thought the open house was a great success. We had lots of great questions and feedback from residents, and the information from our municipal planner was great.” The open house is the first of two that will be held this year. “This fits in perfectly with our new strategic plan. It is important to have our planning documents in order to help us achieve the goals laid out in the strategic plan. The strategic plan lays out goals with respect to our economy and our community, and we need to ensure we plan and grow according to our vision,” added Hauch. The main goals outlined in the new strategic plan titled Vision 2035 are: *To be a community of choice for people to live and do business. *To enhance existing partnerships and create new ones with stakeholders. *To enhance existing programs and develop new programs for citizens of all ages; toddlers to seniors.

*To upgrade and maintain the town’s infrastructure. *To be a steward of the environment and a green community. “The goals laid out in the strategic plan will be achieved by ensuring we properly plan and budget to meet our needs. We will revisit the strategic plan annually prior to the start of the budget planning process each year and review what we have achieved, and what are the highest priority needs to be addressed as laid out in the plan. Hauch went on to say that: “We believe it is always important to reflect on the direction of the town. We are in the middle of a heavy industrial area which has huge implications on the town. We are subject to inflationary pressures, environmental impacts, and impacts to our economy and the town infrastructure. “In order to be successful, we need to understand the implications of the changes happening around us and respond as proactively as we can, rather than be victims of our environment. We also want to make sure we have a balanced approach to our spending so we don’t fall behind in any particular area.” Hauch says this is just the beginning of the process, and is looking forward to rolling up his sleeves, along with other members of council and staff, to help propel Bruderheim towards a bright and prosperous future.


Bruderheim residents Alexia Robillard, 10, and Ashley Sayer, 13, were not in the least bit shy to share their ideas and opinions at the Town of Bruderheim’s public open house at the community hall on May 16. Another open house will be held later in the year after a draft plan has been completed.


Coming Full Circle 41 st Annual Concert


Andrew School parent advisory council hosted a family magic show May 7th to raise money for a new playground. A total of $375 was raised during the fun filled evening of entertainment provided by magician John Kaplan.

Saturday May 26th at 6:30 p.m. Dow Centennial Centre Fort Saskatchewan

The Lamont Leader (Lamont, Alberta), May 22, 2012 - 9

Liberal MP accuses Letter Benoit of recklessness Continued from page 4

Dear Editor, MP Leon Benoit is acting recklessly, putting his community members’ health at risk. He is supporting legislation that will reduce food safety oversight and make major cuts to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA). Canadians remember the devastating impact on many families from deaths caused by the Listeriosis outbreaks. We know that more needs to be done to protect consumers, but in a callous and misguided move the Conservatives are making the problem worse. They have decided to cut food inspectors and eliminate programs designed to proactively identify unsafe meat and other food products.

Bowing to industry pressure, Conservatives are also eliminating enforcement of product labelling in spite of widespread violations.

nies’ claims about nutritional information, such as levels of cholesterol, sodium and sugar, are true. For those with serious health conditions like peanut allergies or diabetes, false claims could prove deadly. Waiting for Canadians to get sick is not a food safety strategy.

Leon Benoit, MP for the Vegreville-Wainwright constituency is under fire by fellow Liberal MP. Consumers will now be responsible for determining whether compa-

Liberals are opposing these cuts because Canadians deserve to know that food they buy at the grocery store is safe and that manufacturers’ health claims are true. I encourage Mr. Benoit to reverse his reckless position and put Canadians’ health first. Frank Valeriote, MP Liberal Party Critic for Agriculture

OAS is the largest individual transfer made to Canadians by the government and is completely funded by tax revenues. On its current path, OAS is unsustainable. If we do not act now, the Chief Actuary has projected the annual cost of OAS to increase from $38 billion in 2011 to $108 billion in 2030. That will account for nearly 25% of all federal program funding and is unsustainable. However, we are committed to ensuring the sustainability of the Old Age Security program for future generations. As recently announced, the age of eligibility for OAS will be gradually increased to age 67, beginning in 2023 and fully implemented by 2029. This means that Canadians who are 54 or

older on March 31, 2012 (born on or before March 31, 1958) will see no change and will still be eligible to apply for OAS at age 65. There will be no reductions to the amount collected, and Canadians who are currently collecting benefits will not be affected. These changes will not affect the Canada Pension Plan (CPP). The CPP has been adjusted over the years and is sustainable for the long-term. Is making changes to OAS an easy decision to make? Of course not. Is it necessary? Without question. However, we are addressing the problem in a manner which will allow these changes to be gradual enough that no one should be left in crisis as a result. We have ensured that the changes will be made with substantial notice and an adjustment period so that Canadians can plan for their retirement. We also introduced two new measures for

OAS. In January 2013, we will start to proactively enrol seniors for OAS and GIS, eliminating the need for them to apply for these benefits. As of July 2013, Canadians will have the option to choose to delay receiving their OAS benefit for up to five years. For every month an individual delays receiving OAS, their monthly payment will be increased for the remainder of their retirement. The Opposition’s reckless and irresponsible approach to Canada’s finances would put future seniors’ retirement benefits at risk. In contrast, our Government is determined to take responsible, fair and prudent action to ensure that the OAS program is sustainable for all Canadians, now and into the future. For more information on how we are safeguarding the OAS program, please visit www.servicecanada.gc.c a/retirement.

Many Happy Returns This plant recipe is meant for a 10” to 12” pot, and is for full sun exposure. You will need one Calibrachoa Superbells Yellow Chiffon, one Calibrachoa Superbells Cherry Star, and one Sweet Potato Vine Sweet Caroline Raven. Plant the plants in a triangle pattern near the edge of the pot, for a full pot by mid summer. From

Zachoda s Berry Farm and Greenhouses

Great Selection of Hanging Baskets, Blooming Pots, and Bedding Plants l


With stunning clarity and amazing detail, local photographer Arlene Keppler captures the essence and beauty of spring.

a eci p S sn o s tatoe a e S o es All eed P arieti lb S 5 V 00 / 5 $4.

Hours: 10 a.m. to 8p.m. 7 days a week 780-896-3933 Located 10 miles north of St. Michael on RR 184 and 1/2 mile east on TWP 5 8 0 Or from Lamont 15 miles north on 831 then easy 6.5 miles on TWP 580

10 - The Lamont Leader (Lamont, Alberta), Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Chipman Fair Days June 9 & 10

Parade - Saturday Morning Pancake Breakfast - Saturday Morning Chipman Golden Senior’s Hall Cattle Penning - Both Days Concession & Beer Gardens - Both Days One act plays - Saturday Champions of Chipman by the Chipman fire Department - Saturday Dance with a D.J. - Saturday Night Pancake Breakfast Sunday Morning at Fair Grounds

For the Kids: Petting Zoo Glitter Tattoos $100.00 Money Sand Pile Please bring your donations for the Food Bank! Call Jen at (780)363-3962 for more information.

The Lamont Leader (Lamont, Alberta), May 22, 2012 - 11

Bruderheim School target of vandalism Evidence of spray painting on school and traffic signs By Michelle Pinon Editor

Bruderheim School was the recent target of a spray can toting vandal who painted the words “Never Stop Loving,” on the brick facade. Even though students were not in class at the time of the incident, Principal Sven Danzinger is concerned about the incident. “Although these issues don’t specifically affect teaching and learning, they do affect the operation of the school. Vandalism also adds significantly to school board maintenance and facility costs.” The graffiti had to be soda blasted off the side of the school, Danzinger said money that could have went towards other facilities, projects or the classroom instead of offsetting the costs of vandalism. Danzinger also noted that several stop signs were also vandalized in several different areas of town around the same time about a month and a half ago. This isn’t the first time the school has been the target of vandalism. It was spray painted once before, and had several windows broken. After school closes at the end of June, all the windows at the school have to be boarded up to prevent the windows from being smashed in. That measure was taken several years ago following another vandalism spree. If anyone has any information regarding these incidents, which occurred about a month ago, they are asked to contact the Fort Saskatchewan RCMP.

Archer’s invited Local Fish & Game clubs have created a recreation opportunity for Bruderheim youth. The clubs have paid for equipment and insurance to provide a semiweekly archery program. It is always great to see our youth have the chance to develop skills and have some fun,î says Bruderheim Mayor, Karl Hauch. The program is a partnership between Elk Island Public Schools, Fort Saskatchewan Fish & Game, Lamont Fish & Game, and the Town of†Bruderheim. The next archery nights are May 24th, June 6th, and June 20th at 7:00 pm. The program will start up again in the fall, possibly on a weekly basis. The plan is to apply for grants to purchase more equipment. We really encourage everyone to come check out this fun, safe, family recreation,î says Hauch. Children of all ages can attend with adult supervision. Some equipment is available, but if you have it, it is best if you bring your own gear.

Employment Opportunity

Bruderheim School was the recent target of vandals who sprayed painted one of the walls with the words Never Stop Loving.

Town of Mundare 2012 Combined Assessment/Tax Notices Notice is hereby given that the combined assessment/tax notices were mailed to all property owners within the Town of Mundare on May 18, 2012. All persons are deemed to have received their combined assessment/tax notice as a result of this notice.

Manager, Business Development Based in Fort Saskatchewan, this exciting position will develop marketing strategies, promotional materials, and business engagement processes to build awareness and advance business investment in Alberta’s Industrial Heartland. Preferred qualifications: •Undergraduate degree related to economic development, business or marketing •5 to 10 years experience in business development, marketing, and industrial development •Direct experience developing promotional materials in multiple sources of media •Certification as an economic developer (Ec.D) is considered an asset View full description at Application deadline: May 31, 2012 Email resumes in confidence to Neil Shelly, Executive Director:

The assessment roll is available for inspection at the Town of Mundare Administration Office at 5128 – 50 Street, Mundare, Alberta from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday to Friday. Any person who objects to the assessment value placed upon a property must lodge their complaint(s) on the prescribed form by July 17, 2012, with a $50 fee/complaint to:

The Town of Mundare Box 348 Mundare, Alberta, T0B 3H0 5128-50 Street The assessment complaint form can be obtained at the Town office or at The 2012 taxes are due and payable on or before July 31, 2012. Unpaid taxes are subject to a 10% penalty on August 1, 2012 and a 10% penalty on January 1, 2013.

Please note: Making a complaint against the assessment does not exempt you from payment of the taxes levied by July 31, 2012. Penalties will be applied against any unpaid taxes. Colin Zyla CAO

12 - The Lamont Leader (Lamont, Alberta), Tuesday, May 22, 2012



‘Business Directory AUTOMOTIVE


PEDICURIST Angelss Pedicures Goodd forr yourr Sole!

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LAWN & GARDEN Where your Yard is the Star! • Rototilling • Grass Mowing • Snow Clearing • Yard Clean up

Trisha Karpiuk Owner Operator

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PROFESSIONAL Motor Vehicle Accidents, Fatal Accidents, Wills & More Elizabeth J. Tatchyn, B.A., LL.B BARRISTER & SOLICITOR at the Elk Island Insurance Agency By appointment only * Speaks Ukrainian * Lamont 780-895-2100 Edmonton: 780-425-5800




Trevor Taylor

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ADVERTISING RATES 2 x 2 - $80/month 2 x 1 - $40/month

Agent/Owner Home A & L INSURANCE AGENCIES LTD. Auto Box 112, 5012-52nd St Andrew, AB T0B 0C0 Life Bus: (780)365-3803 Fax: (780) 365-2331 Investments Toll Free: 1-866-895-2475 (Andrew) Group After Hours Emergency Service: 1-800-465-2667 Business email: Internet: Farm 5122A - 50th Ave Lamont, AB T0B 2R0 Travel Bus: (780) 895-7303 Fax: (780) 895-7308

Trevor Schinkinger Trucking Ltd. • Sand, Gravel & Top Soil • Loading & Hauling • Landscaping • Excavating • Demolition Ph: 780-895-2349

Cell: 780-220-5405

Box 412 Lamont, Alberta T0B-2R0

780-895-2780 or take advantage of our special and receive sign up for 6 months and receive the 7th month for free Just $65 a month!

The Lamont Leader (Lamont, Alberta), May 22, 2012 - 13

Classifieds Classifieds

The The Lamont Tofield Mercury Leader Classified Ad Rates ALL CLASSIFIED ADS MUST BE PREPAID BEFORE INSERTION For your convenience we accept cash, cheque, Mastercard, VISA and Interac. CLASSIFIED RATE $10.75 minimum for first 25 words, plus .54 GST, total $11.29. and 39¢ per extra word. Customers are responsible for verifying the accuracy of repeat ads. For bolding add an extra $5 LEGAL NOTICE RATES 74¢ per agate line, plus GST. DEADLINE FOR ADVERTISING IS FRIDAY by 5 p.m. All advertising is subject to the approval of the Editor/Publisher. Phone: 780-662-4046 Fax: 780662-3735. Email:

Announcements Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. Thursday evening 8 pm - 9 pm at Bardo Lutheran Church (downstairs) Please use back door. 473757 Ave Tofield. For more info please call 780-977-0517 TFN ____________________________ John K. Lehman August 4, 1951 January 5, 2012. A memorial will be held on June 2 at 11 a.m. at the Westlock Memorial Hall 9904 106th St. Westlock, Alberta 38/40p

Coming Events Spilstead Community Church services at Spilstead Hall. Times: 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month at 2:30 pm for more info contact Pastor Ken Stumph 780-662-4656 c32-40 ____________________________ Country Marketplace on May 26th and May 27th from 10 am to 5 pm at Fultonvale. Showcasing over 30 vendors. Kids Craft Area and Face Painting. FREE ADMISSION. For more information email or call 780-446-9932. 38/39p ____________________________ Horse Showcase 2012 - May 26th and May 27th at Fultonvale. Join us for a weekend of FREE family fun including a Charity Horse Show in support of the Rescue 100 Foundation on Saturday, and a World Of Horses Presentation, featuring over 25 different breeds of horses, on Sunday. Great kids activities and prize draws! For a complete line up of events visit, email or call (780) 446-9932 38/39p ____________________________ You are invited to a bridal shower for Nicole Rempel, future bride of Scott A. Stauffer at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 29 at Bardo Community Centre on 834 South of Tofield, Township road 500. Everyone Welcome. 39p ____________________________ COWBOY CHURCH at Viking Auction Market, Jct. of Hwy 36 and 26. Fri., May 25, 7:30 p.m. All Welcome. Call Terry at (780) 3842114 or (780) 336-2224 39c ____________________________ An open house has been planned in honour of Norman Weber who is celebrating his 90th birthday. It will be held at the Tofield Community Hall on Saturday, June 9, from 7 8:30 p.m. There will be a short program at 7:30. All welcome to attend. No gifts please. 39/41p ____________________________

To Place your Classified To placead: your Call: (780)895-2780 classified ad: Fax:Call: (780)895-2705 780-662-4046 Email: Fax: 780-662-3735 deadline for ads is Email: Deadline for ads is Friday Fridayatby5:00 5:00pm p.m.

Coming Events

For Sale

In Memoriam

13th Annual Hicks in the Stix Summer Jamboree. At the Kinsella Hall 1 block off Highway 14. July 13,14 and 15, 2012. Admission at the door. Lots of dance space. Friday, Jamboree 1 p.m. cold plate supper. Saturday, pancake breakfast 9 a.m., Jamboree 12 noon, band scramble, roast beef supper. Sunday, pancake breakfast 9 a.m. Gospel music. Free camping, silent auction, concession, door prizes. For more information call Doug 780-336-2157, Clarence 780-7262254, Hilda 780-336-3060, Bruce 780-208-3848. Everyone welcome, bring lawn chairs, bring your dancing shoes. 39p

Coca Cola memorabilia collection, over 1100 pieces from all around the world, from cans, bottles, signs, to vending machines. Glen 780-384-3087 38/40-cp ____________________________ 1995 Kit Companion 5th wheel holiday trailer. 25.5’ bunk model. Air conditioning, awning, dual batteries, microwave, fridge and freezer. Outside shower and rear trailer hitch. Good condition. $8,200 O.B.O phone 780-983-5167 39p ____________________________ Pressure Washer. 5 H.P Honda Pressure Washer 2600 PSI Max. pressure. Used very little. $275 780-662-2754 or 780-718-4596 39p ____________________________ Grain Auger 4” x 16 ft. Westfeld Grain Auger c/w 3/4 H.P. Electric motor. Excellent condition $350 780-662-2754 or 780-718-4596 39p

Grinde, Reinold Oct. 3, 1930 - May 27, 2001. Everyday in some small way memories of you come our way. Though absent, you are ever near. Still missed, loved, always dear. Forever missed, wife Jean and all your family. 39p

Feed and Seed Rugby Canola Seed.- Treated, Bagged and Delivered $4.25/ lb (till May 15th ) Haralie Seed Farm 780662-2617 TFN ____________________________ Certified Seed Wheat - AC Elsa, Superb, Barley - Chigwell, Gadsby, Ponoka and Cowboy Oats - Ac Lu, Murphy Peas -CDC Patrick Haralie Seed Farm 780-662-2617 ____________________________ Superb Seed Wheat Good Germ and Vigor call 780-405-8089 tfn ____________________________ Oats for sale cleaned. Phone 780688-3917 Holden Seed Cleaning Plant. 39/40wr

For Rent Suite in 4-plex, large open concept 2 bdrm, 1 1/2 baths, fridge, stove, washer, dryer, $975 month includes heat in Tofield 780-662-2688 tfn ____________________________ 1 and 2 bedroom apartments for rent. Starting at $600 plus DD Heat and Water included. Adult Building only. On Main St. Tofield. Also Office space available for rent. For Inquires call 780-662-0051 p37-40 ____________________________ Spacious newly renovated one, two, and three bedroom apartments. Includes laminate flooring, ceramic tile, new appliances, cable, heat, and water. Rents starting at $550 with rental incentives on a one year lease. Call 587-783-5661 or 780-662-3396 TFN ____________________________ Large 1 bedroom $750 per month $750 DD and 2 bedroom $800 per month $800 DD Available immediately in Mundare. Debbie 780-7643740 p35-42 ____________________________ FOR RENT IN TOFIELD 2 Bedroom suite in Fourplex close to Shopping and Library. In suite laundry. $750 per month plus $750 security deposit. Includes heat and water. No smoking, no pets. References required. Call 780-9959339 39tfn ____________________________ FOR RENT IN TOFIELD - 3 Bedroom main floor of house close to Shopping and Library. $750 per month plus $750 security deposit. Includes heat. No smoking, no pets. References required. Call 780-9959339 39tfn ____________________________ For rent- pasture for 8 - 10 cow-calf pairs. Also wanting to buy 6 early spring calves..780-803-8754 39/40p

For Sale Rebuilt Transmission from a transport mini van $500 call 780-9661132 tfn/nc

Found Old vehicle key found in front of the old video store in Lamont. If yours please contact the Lamont Leader at 780-895-2780

Garage Sale Huge multi family garage sale. a variety of household, outdoor, tools, clothes, camping, sports, 1969 450 Honda, 50 and 80 Honda riding lawn mower and misc. items. 581031 Rge. Rd. 190 4 miles east of Hwy 831. Come and check us out. Friday, May 25 - Sunday, May 27, 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. 39ll ____________________________ Downsizing garage sale - Friday, May 25, 1- 8 p.m. and Saturday, May 26 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Furniture, household & gardening items, painting / art supplies, surplus renovation materials, 350 International tractor and more. 18419 Township Road 504 ( 6 kms east of Tofield on south side of Highway 14) 39p Cook needed to start immediately.

Help Wanted Apply at The Garage Pub and Grill in Tofield or email ctfn ____________________________ Busy safety sign manufacturer in Andrew, AB currently has an opening for a full-time screen printer. Experience preferred but not a necessity. Ultra modern shop with fully automated equipment and therefore offering a competitive salary and full benefit package. Hours of operation full days Monday to Thursdays and half days on Friday. Resumes only accepted by fax or e-mail. Fax 780-702-8483 Email: 38/39ll ____________________________ Needed for oilfiend service company office assistant / safety / data entry / spreadsheet. Knowledge of Microsoft Office / Simply Accounting an asset. Email resume to: 38/39p ____________________________ Auto dismantling business requires a mechanically inclined person to work in the yard and to serve customers. Welding experience an asset. Wages will depend on experience. Hours of work 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m., Mon - Fri. Please include references with resume. Fax 780-6633750, email FORT AUTO SALES LTD. RR3, Tofield 39/40c

Livestock 2 year old Gelbvieh Bull. Papers $3,000 O.B.O 780-662-2424 p38/39 ____________________________ 2 year old Red Factor Charolais bulls for sale. Delivery available 780-365-2079 or 780-719-0264 39ll

Place your classified ad here and have it read by both Beaver and Lamont County residents.

Real Estate Hobby farm for sale 80 acres of land, fences & cross fences, large 2 storey house, front and back decks, Double car garage, 5 sheds, 1 small barn. Cistern and bored well. Please contact 780-662-4267 p36-40

Services Roy’s Handiman Services. Flooring, trimwork, basement finishing, decks, fences, kitchen cabinet installs and carpentry work. 780662-0146 or 780-232-3097 tfn ____________________________ Massage & Reflexology. 1 hour treatments. Marge 780-662-3066. 18tfn ____________________________ Bruce’s Landscape and Supplies. Retaining walls & blocks. Grass cutting in Tofield. Call 780-8784647 39/40p ____________________________ Cathy’s Housekeeping. Ardrossan, Lindbrook, Tofield and surrounding areas. For all your residential needs call 780-662-3025 39/40p

In Tofield area call 780-662-4046 In Lamont area call 780-895-2780

Office Supplies Stop into the Mercury or Lamont Leader to see our new assortment of business inventory!

Wanted Wanted standing hay cash or shares. Call 78-497-1633 leave a message TFN ____________________________ Looking to rent. Single senior, non smoker. Prefer 1 bdrm basement suite in Fort Sask, Lamont, Bruderheim area. Call Roger at 780-237-1712 39ll

Subscriptions $33.50/year (in Canada)

Insert a Display Ad in the Paper $8.85 per column inch $7.79 per column inch (6 months or longer discount)

Email a finished design or leave the work to us • Perfect for events and announcements • Your choice on presentation • Great way to publicize

Costs vary by size, and colour Call or stop in to receive price information



14 - The Lamont Leader (Lamont, Alberta), Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Blanket Alberta Ads take approximately 10 days to process

AUCTIONS ____________________________ COLLECTOR CAR AUCTION. Canada's Largest Classic Car Auction Company! Calgary 5th Annual Premier Auction, June 8 10. White Tent Event, Grey Eagle Casino. Consign early. Todd 1888-296-0528 ext. 102; EGauc ____________________________ MEIER GUN AUCTION, Sat., June 2, 11 a.m., 6016 - 72A Ave., Edmonton. 150 handguns, rifles, and shotguns. Call Meier Auctions to consign 780-440-1860. ____________________________ COUNTRY LANE ANTIQUES. Saturday, May 26, 10 a.m., MAS Sales Centre, Blackfalds, Alberta. This is a complete store closeout auction including antique furniture, fine china, antique & collectible glassware, lamps, pictures, memorabilia, etc. See www.montgomery or 1-800-371-6963. ____________________________ AUTO PARTS ____________________________ SCRAP BATTERIES WANTED. Buying scrap batteries from cars, trucks & heavy equipment. Minimum $5/each. Free pick-up greater Calgary & Edmonton area. Minimum 10. Toll free 1-877-3342288. ____________________________ AUTOS ____________________________ 2011 CHEV IMPALA! Like new condition. Low mileage. Balance new car warranty! Financing available! Good or bad credit! Bankrupt? Will deliver! Call G.O. 403-888-5593. ____________________________ GET YOUR FOOT in the Garage Door. Learn basic engine theory, power train, suspension, job safety. First step to Automotive/Heavy Duty Apprenticeships. GPRC Fairview College Campus. 1-888999-7882; view. ____________________________ EXCLUSIVE "THINKBIG" FINNING/Caterpillar Mechanic Training. GPRC Fairview Campus. $1000. entrance scholarship. Paid practicum with Finning. High school diploma, mechanical aptitude required. Opportunity Alberta Apprenticeship. 1-888-999-7882; ____________________________ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ____________________________ ONE-THIRD PARTNER sought for professionally managed new 36 foot fully equipped luxury sailing vessel with prime downtown Vancouver moorage. Skippering/ training available. $70K. 604-6692248 ext. 2; ____________________________ HARDISTY LAUNDRY SERVICE. Busy oil town, excellent opportunity, room for expansion. All furnishing, machines, accessories included. Asking $85,000. For more information call Marg 780-888-2448. ____________________________ MONEYMAKER. Local route, no selling on your part. For more info call 1-866-978-2569. ____________________________ FREE FREE vending machines. Just collect the cash up to $100,000. + per year. Exclusive protected territories. For full details call now 1-866-668-6629. Website: ____________________________ SEISMIC DRILLING EQUIPMENT for sale. Turnkey purchase opportunity could position you for entry into lucrative seismic drilling sector for reasonable investment. Low impact equipment, support vehicles, extensive parts and drilling supply + available. Contact Seller: for complete details.

DO YOU HAVE gravel/aggregate deposits on your property? We specialize in marketing, mining, managing and reclaiming aggregate resources. Contact Tom 1-888-7844400 for more information. ____________________________ CAREER TRAINING ____________________________ LOOKING FOR A Powerful Career? Great wages? Year round work? Power Engineering program. GPRC Fairview Campus. On-campus boiler lab, affordable residences. Call Brent. 1-888-9997882; ____________________________ MILLWRIGHT AND MACHINIST Program Combined. 16 week course gives entry level skills. Write 1st year millwright and/or machinist apprenticeship exam. GPRC Grande Prairie Campus. 1888-539-2934; ____________________________ COMING EVENTS ____________________________ 4TH FLATLANDER MOTORCYCLE RALLEY. Celebrating 100 years Youngstown Hotel, Youngstown, Alberta. June 8 - 10. Rock 'N Roll Poker Run, Saturday, Noon. Show 'N Shine. Hospitality at its best. 403-779-3833. ____________________________ STAMP SHOW - Royal 2012 Royale. June 1 - 3, West Edmonton Mall, 3rd floor above Europa Boulevard. Stamps for sale, Sam Steele Exhibit. Lt. Governor awarding Stamp Design Contest winners; www.royal2012royale. com. ____________________________ EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES ____________________________ AN ALBERTA CONSTRUCTION Company is hiring dozer, excavator and rock truck operators. Preference will be given to operators that are experienced in oilfield road and lease construction. Lodging and meals provided. The work is in the vicinity of Edson, Alberta. Call Contour Construction at 780-723-5051. ____________________________ AN EARTHMOVING COMPANY in Alberta is looking for a 3rd year or Journeyman Heavy Duty Mechanic. You will be part of a team maintaining and servicing our fleet of Cat dozers, graders and rock trucks plus Deere/Hitachi excavators. You will work at our Modern Shop at Edson, Alberta with some associated field work. Call Contour Construction at 780723-5051. ____________________________ SERVICE ADVISOR. Brown's Chrysler Ltd. Westlock, Alberta is looking for an above average individual skilled in customer service. Duties to include: effective communication with customers, recommend scheduled maintenance and schedule work. Qualifications shall include: knowledge of vehicles and the automotive industry. Sales experience is considered an asset, strong interpersonal, organizational and communication skills, ability to work in a fast paced environment with tight time constraints, computer literate and posses a valid drivers licence. Apply to: Dale Marshall - Service Manager. Phone 1-780-349-5566. Fax 1-780349-6493 or email: dalem@browns ____________________________ SERVICE MANAGER REQUIRED for GM Dealership. Must be a driven motivated individual with good leadership skills and a proven track record in customer service. Great working environment with excellent benefits. Submit resume to: Alan Hunter, Hunter Motors Ltd., Athabasca, Alberta. Fax 780675-3415. Email:

These blanket classified ads are produced through a joint agreement by The Lamont Leader and Alberta Weekly Newspaper Association (AWNA). These ads appear in all AWNA member papers (120 papers) for the cost of $259.00 for the first 25 words, $8.00 per word over 25. To place a blanket classified, call The Lamont Leader at (780) 895-2780. BUSY OILFIELD Trucking Company now hiring: Class 3 or 1 Drivers, Licensed & apprentice heavy duty mechanics (must have proven experience). Hot Oiler Operator. Pressure Truck Operator. Please contact Rob, 780-542-5879. ____________________________ INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT Operator School. Sites in Alberta & BC. Hands on real world machine training. No simulators. Start any Monday. Funding options; 1866-399-3853. ____________________________ BARRHEAD CO-OP is hiring an Assistant Home Centre Manager. Must be a team leader with communication and organizational skills, knowledge of construction and agriculture required. Submit resume to:; for info. ____________________________ MEDICAL OFFICE TRAINEES needed! Hospitals & Doctors need certified staff. No experience? Local job training & placement is available. Call to pre-qualify. 1888-778-0459. ____________________________ FABRICATION SHOP MANAGER/Estimator. Schroder Oilfield Services, a growing oilfield piping/construction business with nearly 200 staff, headquartered in Wabasca, seeks experienced Manager/Estimator. Must have extensive experience in oilfield fabrication (piping, spools, structural, mods, etc.) and estimating. Full-time permanent position, Monday to Friday. Accommodation and benefit plan offered. Send resume with salary expectations and 3 work references to Felix.Schroder@schroderoilfield. com. Fax 780-891-3107. ____________________________ EXPERIENCED WINCH TRACTOR and Bed Truck Drivers for drilling, rig moving trucking company. Phone, fax, email or mail. Email: Phone 780-842-6444. Fax 780-842-6581. H & E Oilfield Services Ltd., 2202 - 1 Ave., Wainwright, AB, T9W 1L7. ____________________________ EXPERIENCED CLASS 3 Water Truck Driver. Rainbow Lake, Alberta. Accommodation supplied. Competitive wages and benefits. H2S and First Aid tickets required. Fax resume with driver's abstract to 780-956-3028 or email: ____________________________ ACTION PLUMBING & Excavating currently seeking Labourers, Plumbers & Sheet Metal Workers. Experience an asset. Full benefit package and RRSP Plan. Fax resume 403-7421826. ____________________________ HEAVY EQUIPMENT REPAIR in Slave Lake, Alberta requires Heavy Duty Mechanic and Industrial Parts Person. Experienced apprentices may apply. Call Herb 780-849-0416. Fax resume to 780-849-4453. ____________________________ PROFESSIONAL SALES CONSULTANTS required. Be a part of Central Alberta's largest volume Ford dealer. We offer a competitive pay plan with aggressive bonus structures, vehicle allowance and Central Alberta's largest inventory of new and used vehicles. Relocation assistance and salary guarantee available to the right candidate. If you are looking to be part of our winning team: Please forward your resume: Attention: Dean Brackenbury, GSM. Email: Fax 780-352-0986. Toll free 1-800232-7255.

AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIAN. Journeyman Automotive Service Technician required. 45 minutes North of Edmonton, Alberta. Busy flat rate Chrysler dealership. Above average wages to commensurate with training level achieved. Chrysler experience an asset but not essential. 4th year apprentice considered. Apply to: Dale Marshall - Service Manager. Phone 1-780-349-5566. Fax 1-780-3496493 or email: dalem@browns ____________________________ A&B PIPELINERS is accepting resumes from applicants with Pipeline Construction experience: Field Safety Officer (CSO preferred), Quality Control Inspectors (CWB Cert. CSA Z662 and B31.3 experience required). Truck Drivers (Class 1, loading/unloading equipment, Jeep, Booster, lowbed and wheeler experience required). Visit: for more details regarding these positions. Send resumes to: Fax 403-265-0922. Email: hr@abpipe ____________________________ ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OFFICER for Two Hills Region. Full employment description contact: Email: Phone 780-657-3512. Fax 780657-2359. Submit resume by June 15, 2012. ____________________________ PC VACATIONS, #1 Resort & Travel Club in Canada growing! Need 4 full-time Sales Closers, 4 part-time Travel Survey Reps. No investment required. You have excellent communication skills, professional appearance, ability to work flexible schedule and not afraid of earning 5 - 10,000+/ month. 403-992-2290; 1-866-6580888; ____________________________ GO TO YOUR NEXT JOB interview with 2nd Year Heavy Duty Mechanic Skills. GPRC, Fairview Campus. Heavy Equipment Certificate program - 34 weeks. Apprenticeship opportunity. Hands-on training. Safety courses. On-campus residences. 1-888-9997882; ____________________________ NOW - NEW 8 week courses covering small engine, snowmobile, quad or marine outboard repair. Take one course or all - fit your interest and your timeline. GPRC Fairview Campus. Affordable residences. 1-888-999-7882; www. ____________________________ INTERESTED IN the Community Newspaper business? Alberta's weekly newspapers are looking for people like you. Post your resume online. FREE. Visit: www.awna. com/resumes_add.php. ____________________________ EQUIPMENT FOR SALE ____________________________ SKILLED WORKERS Always in Demand. Pre-employment Welder program. 16 weeks and write first year apprenticeship exam. Be ready for high paying, in demand trades jobs. Fall studies. GPRC Grande Prairie Campus. 1-888999-7882; view. ____________________________ FEED AND SEED ____________________________ HEATED CANOLA buying Green, Heated or Springthrashed Canola. Buying: oats, barley, wheat & peas for feed. Buying damaged or offgrade grain. "On Farm Pickup" Westcan Feed & Grain, 1-877-250-5252.

FOR SALE ____________________________ SAWMILLS from only $3997. Make money & save money with your own bandmill. Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & DVD; www.Nor 1-800566-6899 ext. 400OT. ____________________________ METAL ROOFING & SIDING. Best prices! 36" Hi-Tensile TUFFRib 29ga. Galvalume $.67 sq. ft. Colours $.82 sq. ft. 40 Year Warranty. ALTA-WIDE Builders Supplies 1-888-263-8254. ____________________________ SEE UFC-149 LIVE. Saturday, July 21, Calgary. Hotel or dinner packages or just tickets are on sale now. For complete details go online to or call Dash Tours and Tickets 1-800265-0000. ____________________________ DISCONNECTED PHONE? Phone Factory Home Phone Service. No one refused! Low monthly rate! Calling features and unlimited long distance available. Call Phone Factory today! 1-877336-2274; ____________________________ STEEL BUILDING - Blowout Sale! 20x26 $5,199. 25x28 $5,799. 30x42 $8,390. 32x56 $11,700. 40x50 $14,480. 47x76 $20,325. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422; www.pio ____________________________ Home Phone Reconnect. Call 1866-287-1348. Prepaid long distance specials! Feature package specials! Referral program! Don't be without a home phone. Call to connect! 1-866-287-1348. ____________________________ GORGEOUS SPRUCE TREES 4 6', $37.00. Includes machine planting, fertilizer, bark mulch. Minimum order of 20. Delivery fee: $75 - $100. Quality guaranteed. Crystal Springs 403-8200961. ____________________________ COLORADO BLUE SPRUCE, 2 year old: $1.49/each for a box of 100 ($149). Also full range of trees, shrubs, cherries & berries. Free shipping. 1-866-873-3846 or ____________________________ LIVESTOCK FOR SALE ____________________________ BULLS FOR SALE. One Gelbvieh Angus, three yearlings, one Simmental, one Charolais, one Angus-cross. Phone 780-305-0184. Evenings 780-786-2700, Mayerthorpe. Reasonably priced. ____________________________ LOVE ANIMALS? Love your Career! Animal Health Technology diploma program. GPRC Fairview Campus. On-campus working farm. On-site large and companion animals. On-campus residences. 1888-999-7882; ____________________________ MANUFACTURED HOMES ____________________________ JANDEL HOMES. Up to $10,000 off stock homes. 12 models to choose from. 20 year warranty. Immediate delivery available. Alberta's Best Value Since 1974; ____________________________ NEED TO ADVERTISE? Province wide classifieds. Reach over 1 million readers weekly. Only $259. + GST (based on 25 words or less). Call this newspaper NOW for details or call 1-800-282-6903 ext. 228. ____________________________ $99,900 PROMOTION ON 20'X 75' select moduline floorplans. Sale ends June 1, 2012. Call Craig's Home Sales at 1-855-380-2266;

SUNSHINE HOMES. Now open in Millet. Save $20,000. on the "Round Kitchen". Custom Modular Homes starting at $169,000. 90 day delivery. Call now 1-855-8882254. ____________________________ 1978 MOBILE HOME In Pembrooke Estates, Calgary. 911 sq. ft., 2 bedrooms, huge kitchen/ dining room. New hot water tank & flooring. 6 appliances, garden shed, deck. Asking $23,900. For photos email: 403529-2871. ____________________________ SPRING PROMOTION! (2) 1755 sq. ft. homes from $167,820. and $162,994. Includes 9' ceilings, 6:12 roof pitch, Hardie Board Siding! Call 1-877-945-1272 or www. ____________________________ NEWSFLASH! SRI "Southwood Summit" has arrived. 20' X 80'. 4 bedroom, loaded, including "wow" kitchen, real oak, 8.0' ceilings, etc. Limited time offer. $114, 900 (100 miles). Bonus: Free skirting/jetted tub! 1877-341-4422. ____________________________ MOTORCYCLES ____________________________ THE ONE AND ONLY Harley Davidson Technician Training Program in Canada. GPRC Fairview Campus. 15 week program. Current H-D motorcycle training aids. Affordable residences. 1-888-999-7882; www. ____________________________ TWO WHEELIN' EXCITEMENT! Motorcycle Mechanic Program, GPRC Fairview College Campus. Hands-on training - street, off-road, dual sport bikes. Challenge Apprenticeship exam. 1-888-999-7882; ____________________________ PERSONALS ____________________________ WAIST AWAY the summer days in a new bathing suit. Get your 1st 9 weeks for $99. Proven results! Call Herbal Magic right now. 1800-854-5176. ____________________________ TRUE ADVICE! True clarity! True Psychics! 1-877-342-3036 or 1-900-528-6258 or mobile #4486. (18+) $3.19/minute; www.truepsy ____________________________ DATING SERVICE. Longterm/short-term relationships. Free to try! 1-877-297-9883. Live intimate conversation, Call #7878 or 1-888-534-6984. Live adult 1on1 Call 1-866-311-9640 or #5015. Meet local single ladies. 1-877804-5381. (18+). ____________________________ REAL ESTATE ____________________________ BIG VALLEY ACRES. An incomparable, one-of-a-king property in Saskatchewan's Qu'Appelle Valley, 30 minutes from Regina. A 11 acre serviced lot and a 45 acre parcel overlooking a 1,600 acre bird sanctuary and a 552 acre nature preserve. For complete details go online to: or call Reg Forster at Santana Realty in Lumsden 1-306-7312556. ____________________________ BLOWOUT SALE on fully serviced Lake Lots starting as low as $49,900. Elinor Lake Resort, 2.5 hours North East of Edmonton. Sale ends June 30, 2012. 1-877623-3990. ____________________________ SNOWBIRD-INVESTOR? Bungalow-style nests large lots, $133,900. 17.6 acres 26 homes $4.5 M. More acreages around Alberta. Big, small-we've got'em all! Professional Realty Group Ltd. 780-266-3888, Angela.

The Lamont Leader (Lamont, Alberta), May 22, 2012 - 15

Despite staff cuts, park official assures there will be no adverse effects to public programs or services at EINP By Michelle Pinon Editor

Impacts from the federal government’s recent budget cuts to Parks Canada have resulted in administrative and staffing changes at neighbouring Elk Island National Park (EINP); but a key official says it will not have adverse effects on the programs or services it provides to the public. Alan Fehr, field unit superintendent for national parks in Elk Island and Prince Albert told the Lamont Leader that in order to meet the financial targets that were set out they would have to restructure and improve efficiency. To that end, nine positions have been eliminated at EINP. Of those nine, three have chosen voluntary lay offs, and the remaining six were declared surplus, and employees will have a four month window to decide whether to remain on priority status within Parks Canada, apply for educational assistance support, receive a transition payment or opt for alternation job placement. While they’ve had to reduce costs by cutting the number of managers on staff, Fehr says they

will continue to maintain the same number of frontline staff and services, so there will be no visible impact on the public. “We will be looking at programs, and renewing the product,” added Fehr. “It’s up to us to make those adjustments and protect the public services.” He was careful to point out there would be no changes to the bison program. Over the course of the next year or two, Fehr says they will be reviewing priorities, management, programs, and services as well as developing new initiatives to renew the product, and revamp the parks at the same time. One of the recent changes at EINP has been the installation of new directional and point of interest signs. Staff also completed brush clearing around the visitor centre to improve visibility in addition to lightening up the interior of the visitor centre and adding more product to the gift shop. Gary Harrold, chairman of the Friends of Elk Island Society, says he doesn’t know the extent of the cutbacks, or how it will affect the types of assistance, projects or services it offers; but he does say members will

not be looking too far ahead in project planning. “I just hope it won’t affect the visitor experience,” says Harrold. He does know there will be some impact on Canada Day celebrations in terms of not hosting a citizenship ceremony, but says volunteers will still be assisting with cake cutting and various activities during the upcoming holiday. “I just don’t want to see irreparable damage to the park system.” He fears they may loose interpretive programs or could possibly jeopardize its biosphere project, but he will know more for sure after the society meets in the next couple of weeks. Harrold, who has lived close to the park all his life, fears a possible loss of staff, programs, and/or services will have negative affects, and may not allow future generations to know or understand the invaluable history of EINP as well as other parks throughout the country. He calls the cuts “shortsighted,” and is adamant when he states that he doesn’t want such an invaluable resourse, one so vital in nature to be diminished by a lack of foresight.


New signs greeted visitors to Elk Island Park this past weekend. An official with Parks Canada assures members of the public everything is business as usual despite recent cutbacks in staff.


This solitary figure cuts an interesting path into the past as they make their way towards the train tracks at the Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village during the opening weekend of the outdoor living history museum’s summer season.

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16 - The Lamont Leader (Lamont, Alberta), Tuesday, May 22, 2012

In Focus FCSS




Lamont County will be beginning our annual spraying programs. These programs include our roadside spraying program, reverse fenceline spraying program and spot spraying program. These programs are designed to target highly invasive weeds such as Scentless Chamomile, White Cockle, Tansy, Tall Buttercup, Toadflax and Woolly Burdock. Please note that Lamont County spray crew’s DO NOT spray areas which are: -Within 100 metres of a residential dwelling -Within 30 metres of a body of water (except when in compliance with the Environmental Code of Practice for Pesticides) -Within 50 metres of a planted shelterbelt or a dugout -Adjacent to gardens, nurseries, or greenhouses -Posted with a Lamont County issued "Do Not Spray" sign All certified organic producers should provide a copy of their certificate to the Agricultural Service Department. Lamont County’s spraying program is projected to take place around June 1st, weather depending. If you have any questions regarding any of the above, please do not hesitate to contact the Lamont County Agricultural Service Department at 780-895-2585.

Collect Stickers during Lamont County’s 7th Annual Doors Open Weekend PASSPORT CONTEST Friday, June 1- Sunday, June 3 for up to 5 chances at great prizes •28 Churches •4 Museums •Gospel Music in the ParkAndrew •Food Venues •Doors Open Market •Farmers Market


•Chuck & Chariot RacesBruderheim •County-wide Garage Sale •Chipman Car Show & Bike Rally •‘Churches of Lamont County’ Photo

Exhibit & Opening Night Dessert Reception at Basilian Fathers Museum RSVP 780-764-3887 by May 25 Call 780-365-2434 or check for a downloadable brochure


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