East final

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Education is Different here


May 2016

By Skylar Whisnant

Arc GIS/GPS The newest fashion magazine that will leave you breathless

Summary of success, failures, and more!

PSA video Sharing the message in a fun way 1

Table on Contents

Page 1- Title Page Page 2- Table of Contents Page 3- What is EAST? Page 4- Arc GIS/GPS works and wonders Page 5/6- PSA Video Page 7- Magazine


What is EAST? EAST is a “project-based, service-learning oriented program that provides students with high-end technology available in the most progressive fields in the world�. The name EAST stands for Environmental And Spatial Technologies. It is very hands on and provides the opportunity for students to do their own work at their own pace. In an EAST classroom there is lots of different types of technology, resources, and a teacher to make sure the students are going in the right Direction. EAST is very special for reasons like it gives people who might not do as well as the Would like in school a chance to teach and direct what they are learning and the pace they need in Order to best accomplish things. There is many different things with EAST to get involved in such as conference and trainings for different systems. Since EAST was first developed in 1996 there have been over 200 programs set up over the U.S., and in 5 different states. EAST is a nonprofit organization as well. EAST encourages things such as teamwork, problem solving, technology skills, and many more thing. EAST is a growing program that is improving our world in an amazing way.


Arc GIS/GPS (works and wonders) I chose to do this particular project because I tend to be pretty good with directions and things of

that nature and I thought it would be useful in my future to learn use these programs. It was a great decision because I was able to learn and grown in knowledge of maps and the GPS system. For this program I had to learn to use the GIS and GPS devices by using online training and manuals in order to help me figure our complications. This project could have involved the community because if we had continued to use and learn it better we could have made maps and other things that would help the city. I did this program with Taylor Thomas as a partner. This system was actually quite complicated and we ran into many problems that we got solutions to by submitting help tickets, watching videos, and asking Mrs. McCormack. We got quite far in the problem but never quite finished setting everything up because of complications anybody was able to help us figure out. We completed this project somewhere around the end if the second nine weeks. During this project I used several EAST standards in order to help me be more successful. The first one I incorporated was problem solving. This was a pretty complex project that had strict rules and things often went wrong but we used problem solving skills to overcome them. Another EAST standard I used was collaboration. Me and Taylor had to be able to communicate well with each other in order to get more done in our limited time and not repeat steps.


PSA Video (Say NO to drugs) I selected to make a PSA video as a project first of all because it was a grade and second because I think there is lots of messages that need to be spread in the world. Our video is about drugs which is a growing problem in the United States. I believed it was important to make this in hopes of getting to people and helping them realize the consequences. In order to complete this project I worked with Jasmine Hill and Taylor Thomas. We used a video camera, and movie maker to shoot and edit the film. Before we shot it we used word to write a story line. Our video did not directly involve the community but the outcome of it cold if seen by the right people. It was not a complicated project the only problems we ran into was Jasmine being gone the day we shot which made us find a replacement for her that day, and having to reformat the video because it wouldn’t open thru movie maker. We were able to complete this project around 5/10/16 This was a very successful project not only because we can teach people but also because it displayed many of the EAST standards. The first EAST standard we displayed was Demonstrate confidence in our own abilities to meet the challenges of the 21st century. We had to have personal improvement, contribute to the community without regard to personal gain, and have confidence in ability to overcome challenges. Another EAST standard we could fall under for this project was collaborating as a productive team member. Because the day we shot and edited the video we were missing one of our group members I and the present one had to be productive team members in order to finish on time.

It’s after reading facts like these that gave us the inspirations to make the video.



Magazine (Attraction) I completed this project with Taylor Thomas and Jasmine Hill. We chose to complete it so we could get a good grade and so we could use our creativity in a positive way. We designed a magazine cover and a few articles to go along with it using all the technology skills and creativity we have. To complete this project we used Photoshop and Microsoft word. This is one project that didn’t involve the community mainly because it was more of a fun project that as for a grade. It was a pretty self-explanatory project which meant we didn’t really run into any problems that we went able to overcome. It took us about two class periods in order to brainstorm, create, and complete this project leaving us to finish around 5/2/16 We displayed several EAST standards while completing this project some of which include problem solving and self-directing. I’m not the best with technology which means that it takes me a long time to do things on the computer, and I have many complications and questions that come as well. Instead of annoying everyone with my problems I worked to figure them out for myself. We displayed self-directing because we knew and completed the steps required in order to complete the project. I also took creative approaches sin order to best complete the project.


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