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November 26, 2014

Purdue – 87 BYU – 85 An interview with:

COACH ROSE ANSON WINDER NATE AUSTIN THE MODERATOR: We welcome Coach Rose, Anson Winder, and Nate Austin to the media room. Coach, an opening statement on today's game? COACH ROSE: Well, it was a good college basketball game. I think both teams fought really hard. It was kind of interesting how the game kind of went in stretches for each team. I think that both battled really hard. They made a couple big plays down the stretch, especially on the offensive end, rebounding the ball. We got a miss and didn't secure the defensive rebound. But we made some really big plays on the other end. I think our guys all left it out there. We just didn't have enough to get the win. So I think the most important thing for us is when you look forward, is the fact that these are three days where we learned a lot about ourselves and I think we got better as a team and hopefully that will help us down the stretch. Q. Anson, can you expound a little bit on what Coach just finished with there, with two obviously overtime losses? What's this going to do for you guys? ANSON WINDER: Definitely a team builder. We'll take what we learned here and we learned about ourselves and grow from it. It's different if you come here and you lose by 20 and you have a lot of things that you have to work on, but here you come and you lose in two overtimes, there are a few things we have things to tune-up and close it out.

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Q. Nate, what was your game plan and how do you think you executed? NATE AUSTIN: Our game plan to make them get tough passes and we were going to get around the post. We made them make tough passes out of the double team. I thought their bigs did a good job of getting good catches and easy scores. I think we did it, and we did a little better job of making it a little tougher for them to get catches. But I think the game was called pretty tight. So any physicality down low was called for a foul. So it was a little tough to push them out or get around because a lot of fouls were called. Q. Anson, you're a senior and you've seen a lot of these games. What do you have to do to win these close ones? ANSON WINDER: I think it's just the rebounding, like Coach said, on the defensive end. We gave up one too many towards the end. I think as these games go along, rebounding is the main factor. That's how you close out games. THE MODERATOR: Questions for Coach. Q. Same question to Anson was about closing out close games. You have a senior group and probably expect them to make those plays? COACH ROSE: Well, it's really important when you get into games where it comes down to the last couple of possessions that they execute. I think that offensively we've got pretty good looks. In these games, the game against San Diego State, I think that second overtime we probably settled for too many perimeter shots on some pretty tired legs after double overtime. Tonight I thought we did a pretty good job of getting good shots. We're still trying to find that guy in the post where we can throw it in the post with his back to the basket and come up with some points. But you've got to, on that defensive end, we had the lead a few times, and with that lead you get a

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couple stops and then you can finish these things off. We got the miss, and you just need to secure the ball and get the rebound. Q. Coach, could you talk about that final possession regulation Tyler got the shot. It looked like he had an open look but it just didn't fall down. Can you talk about that? COACH ROSE: Yeah, we've seen Ty make that shot many times. He'll get it again, and he'll shoot it again, and next time hopefully it goes in. He read that thing perfectly, and they jumped out on that ball screen, and he refused it, and went to the baseline and shot in good rhythm. You know, maybe could have shot it a little bit earlier with what we talked about in the timeouts. We'd have a chance to get an offensive rebound if we had a miss, but it was a clean look, good shot. Q. You limited Collinsworth’s minutes early in the season, now he has the most minutes out of anybody on the team. What did you see from him this tournament, and how do you think you'll use that going forward? COACH ROSE: Well, when you think about our team coming in and now our team leaving going back, we have two losses so that seems like maybe kind of a waste of time. But the fact is the minutes that we played, and you would think it would be from the two losses, 80 minutes, but turned out to be 95 minutes, that we've learned a lot about our team, like I said earlier. The fact that Kyle has kind of found himself, and we've got some good play off of our bench, different guys, different nights. We'll go home and kind of regroup and get started on Saturday with Eastern Kentucky, and then a really tough December. I mean, our December is a really brutal schedule, so we'll see how we do. But these three games here I think have really helped us find a little more about our team. FastScripts by ASAP Sports

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