One Hour Prayer Movement Covenant Commitment

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One Hour Prayer Covenant Commitment Pray and see if you can agree to keep a methodical pattern of devotional prayer and Bible reading on a daily basis. If so, fill in this form and put it on a place where it can remind you to keep this covenant with God.

The following Covenant Commitment with God and with one another will help us in our daily living. All of us have a degree of order in our lives. We have appointed times for meeting daily needs. Regularity is necessary in our day-by-day living. This Covenant Commitment with the Lord will help us grow spiritually and fulfill the most important area of our lives – fellowship with our Creator and with our Savior Jesus Christ.

The Covenant Commitment is: As a Christian in the Lord’s ministry, I will give one hour or more of every day, conscientiously and consistently, in private devotional Bible reading and prayer. I understand this to be any combination of Bible reading and prayer, as I may be led.

At this time I will seek our Lord’s

guidance and blessing for my own life, and will pray for my family and others as the Lord leads.

I will endeavor to make this hour the most

important hour of each day. I will seek to give it first place in my daily schedule.

If with my family I will be a part of family devotions, they will

be in addition to this hour of devotional Bible reading and prayer.

NAME ____________________________________________________________________

SIGNATURE _______________________________

DATE ______________________

Please sign your name and give the date. “ Revive us, and we will call on your name. ” (Psalm 80:18)

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