2 minute read




At what stage in your life did you first move to Ealing?

In 2019, I was living in Shepherd's Bush with my two kids in a lovely, but quite small house They shared a room, which had worked really well but, as they turned into bigger, louder human beings and felt it would be amazing to move somewhere they could have their own space Plus I was starting to crave a garden and trees I didn't know Ealing at all but once I started looking I fell in love! It is green and beautiful - the road up to my house feels like being in the countryside It's so peaceful I then found a house that ticked all my boxes I knew it would be somewhere I would live for a very, very long time I could envision the kids growing into smelly teenagers there and having their own space to make Tik Toks and play loud music And there was a garden for me to escape to Unfortunately, I had the double whammy of a tricky selling situation and Covid down looming but was so lucky to have brilliant estate agents (shout out to sh and Parsons on Askew Road!) that t above and beyond not just to sell my perty but helped when buying the Ealing perty became problematic as well It was a simple process to get the house - I ht have had a few teary moments let's just that! I still wake up and have coffee in my hen and can't believe I actually live here!

ou were telling someone about Ealing had never visited, how would you cribe it?

ike having your cake and eating it There much green and space that sometimes it sn't feel like being in London Where I live e is a real sense of commu ks to an amazing man calle y brings people together er Bunny, part Santa! I abs street I live on Yet whils ng of being in the country a mainline train station, the Piccadilly line, tons of buses abeth line (don't get me sta derful that is!) It's actually e et into Central London from from Askew Road where I e are also tons of great shop eat - I sound like an estate y! I am still in the honeymoon p

Do you have a favourite watering hole?

We absolutely love The Grange - it has the best roasts in London I know that's big chat but I stand by it! We go often and spend hours playing board games - it's such a cosy, friendly spot - they have such a lovely team

Where have you had your best Ealing meal?

Sorry to be boring but it's The Grange first and foremost, followed by Ta Ke near Ealing Common tube station They have the best sushi I have ever eaten Again, big chat but just go and try it

Is there a part of Ealing that you find particularly inspirational or where you find peace?

I love the area around Walpole Park - the park itself is absolutely beautiful and the little boutique shops and cafes make it feel so peaceful and relaxing

Tell us what you ' re up to and what's next for you

Series 7 of Inside the Factory is on nowyou can watch it on BBC2 at 8pm on Tuesdays I'm also writing a book at the moment that will be out in January next year but I'm not allowed to say more than that at the moment! I also run a course to teach people the techniques of how to manifest powerfully, how to grow in confidence and work out what they want from life (in a nutshell!) and we have our next one starting on May 1st You can get tickets via the bio on my instagram