Fall 2016 newsletter

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LIVING AND MOVING AND HAVING OUR BEING IN HIM By Donna Milham Living and moving and having our being in Him!!! This is something we learn, a lifestyle, not just an encounter or experience. When Jesus’ feet were washed by Mary she was one who was captured by Him……..nothing and no one could stop her………she lived for Him, in Him, with Him. She had to be up close…..she had to pour herself out on Him……no matter the cost in the natural, the costly nard…..or the price of the looks and opinions of men and whatever reputation this would mean for her ………..what mattered was Jesus……..what mattered was her heart’s drawing….to Him……to be in His Breath Zone….up close! She followed the Cross, along the bloody trail ......she was at Golgotha…..she watched Him pour out His Life’s Breath for her to have Eternal Breath within and around………she watched Him take on all of her sins in exchange for His righteousness. She breathed in the air of ‘hell’ that surrounded the atmosphere where the devil thought he was about to win……the putrid smell of demonic activity….pain, torment…..the realms they feed on and live in…… BUT she focused her heart and eyes on HIM the Living and Willing Sacrifice. She would be there when they took down His body….she would be at the tomb……..she would cry out for Him and ask the gardener - who was actually Jesus- He would speak her name……….she would cling to Him. He would stop His ascension for THIS ONE’S DESIRE…….to live close to Him…….in Him, with Him………He is drawn to holy desires of the heart and spirit……AMAZING……… stopping His ascension for her love, her tears, her hearts cry. We often cry out for God to move and He is crying out to us for us to move. He is in us, He is with us……and He wants us to know the reality -In Him we live and move and have our being! He just wants us to DO what we know to do!!! IF we don’t extend our hands in faith how will anyone get healed? IF we keep our eyes on ourselves we won’t do it……..that is for someone else……….BUT IT IS HIS HANDS WE EXTEND THROUGH OURS. We need to repent of our mindsets and keeping GOD IN THE BOX INSIDE OF US – HE IS CRYING LET ME OUT……….LET ME FREE……LET ME OUT OF YOUR BOX……..LET ME BE WILD IN HOLY LOVE DISPLAYS! We have the commission, we know what we are to do…… THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD IS UPON ME…….. Luke 4:18-19 18 "The Spirit of the LORD is upon me, for he has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the oppressed will be set free, 19 and that the time of the LORD's favor has come."

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WE are the ones who hold ourselves back, our fears, our insecurities, God is not ashamed of us, He is not saying they can’t do it…….HE IS SAYING DO IT – STRETCH FORTH YOUR HANDS……. What is in your hand………..Moses a rod a staff of authority….. What is in your hand………Jesus’s nail scarred Hands inside of yours waiting to be stretched forth…… What is in your mouth to say……..Jesus’ Words of Life………Jesus’ words of Love……… healing…….. Open wide and speak what you hear……..speak what you know in your heart…..speak what He speaks through you…….. What is in your heart – sing the song that overflows……… What is within your being – dance the dance that reveals His Kingdom Paint the canvas of His Glories and mysteries…….. Write the poem that reveals His Heart…… ARISE ARISE – STAND UP - ARISE – AND DO what you/we have been put here to do. NO MORE EXCUSES!!!!!!!!! Today it is time for excuses to GO!!!!!!!! Let God out of the box of our mental excuses……… Do NOT apologize for who you are………HE IS IN YOU…….you are a carrier of the KING………you are a SON OF GOD…….you are ROYALTY…….lift up your head……….lift up your eyes……..SEE HIM IN HIS GLORY! Let us be released into the fullness of His Dreams and Desires for our lives! For in Him we live and move and have our being!!! GO AND PREACH THE KINGDOM…… Mark 16:12-20 12 Afterward he appeared in a different form to two of his followers who were walking from Jerusalem into the country. 13 They rushed back to tell the others, but no one believed them. 14 Still later he appeared to the eleven disciples as they were eating together. He rebuked them for their stubborn unbelief because they refused to believe those who had seen him after he had been raised from the dead. 15 And then he told them, "Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone. 16 Anyone who believes and is baptized will be saved. But anyone who refuses to believe will be condemned. 17 These miraculous signs will accompany those who believe: They will cast out demons in my name, and they will speak in new languages. 18 They will be able to handle snakes with safety, and if they drink anything poisonous, it won't hurt them. They will be able to place their hands on the sick, and they will be healed." 19 When the Lord Jesus had finished talking with them, he was taken up into heaven and sat down in the place of honor at God's right hand. 20 And the disciples went everywhere and preached, and the Lord worked through them, confirming what they said by many miraculous signs.

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Photo © by Chickie Taylor

A Thankful Farmer By Chickie Taylor I never thought of myself as a farmer, but reviewing this last season of my life, I see that I have become one. For a year, I have struggled through a tear in my left shoulder rotator cuff tendon, and finally got it repaired recently. I looked up tear/tare in the dictionary to see if there was any relation between the two words. If you look through a farmer lens, there is. Tare - an undesirable element, a weed in grain fields that can be used to feed farm animals and also be grown for manure. Tear - has two meanings: to separate parts or pull apart; to divide or disrupt by the pull of contrary forces… or, a drop of clear saline fluid secreted to moisten the parts of the eye and facilitate their motion. Simply put, the tear in my tendon became a tare in my life that brought physical tears throughout the season (year). But, our Father does not waste anything when you look through the lens of thankfulness. Through it all, I learned how to live one day at a time, patience, to remain grateful even for the seemingly little things in life, that rather than healing me by His mighty right hand, He had lessons and blessings to teach me while going through this season, to keep sowing into people's lives and await reaping time, to remember my assignment is whoever/whatever He put in my path each day, to remember that He has asked to "guard the deposit entrusted to me" (1 Tim 6:20) - the gospel, and the gifting He gave me to proclaim it and live it. And lastly, that I become a happy farmer while pressing toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:14). Can you see the farmer in you? Be thankful for your farm and what you have already reaped and will continue to reap.

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Artwork © by David Kieller

The Bride

By Karen Elliott

Adorned in His nature Arrayed in His character A display of His love Marked with righteousness And endowed with justice Royal, Holy, Priesthood, Nation A Beauty to behold Like a glorious city coming Down from Heaven Transparent, transcendent, transformed Prepared for Him She has made herself ready In her pure and spotless gown Made clean in His Blood Seated with Him in the Heavenly places Equally yoked, shining brightly, reflecting His image espoused to one Husband All rejoice and are glad for She has taken His Name The wife of The Lamb

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Death’s Greatest Defeat By Jen Brinton

The day of Jesus's death on the cross, hell rejoiced. Every last demon and unclean spirit was having a party. Though it was daytime, the sky darkened over, and the earth shook in agony as Yahweh, the Creator God, poured out every drop of His blood. Roman soldiers — the most fearsome military force at that time in history — quaked in their boots, humbled by what had previously appeared to be a normal, everyday execution. All of creation shuddered with the impact of this terrible event. It looked like it was the end of everything. Raucous laughter and harsh cackling filled every inch of hell as every sickness and disease, every sin, and every evil thing was piled onto the shoulders of Jesus — but it was short-lived. I wonder — what emotions were running through the Father's heart during all of this? Did He chuckle to Himself, saying to the angels, "Just wait. You're gonna' love this!" Was He barely able to contain Himself, knowing what was next? Was He grieving because He felt the weight of what Jesus was going through? I'd love to know. Jesus's followers and family tried to go back to their daily lives and make sense of everything. I can only try to imagine what that was like. I mean, He wasn't just a friend and family to them. He was so much more than that. But after three days of grieving and despair, something glorious happened, because… What looked like the biggest defeat since the fall of man turned out to be the greatest victory of all eternity. Jesus in His suffering is prophetically described in Psalm 22 as being barely recognizable as human. Through the eyes of the unredeemed world, it looked as though satan had won — but in truth, hell was just about to suffer the utmost defeat, because absolutely nothing could hold back the Resurrection power of the One who declared LET THERE BE LIGHT! Love Himself could not be held back by the darkness! Light always overtakes the darkness! The Lion of Judah, who laid down His life as the Lamb, crushed death beneath His mighty heel. He released us from the grip of hell, breaking off every chain of darkness that had taken hold since the fall of man. Because of Jesus, we have access to the Most Holy of Holies. What was lost in the Garden of Eden was restored because of Him. Because of Jesus, we have the privilege to carry the Holy Spirit wherever we go. Because of Jesus, we have the authority to do what He did and more! Relationship with the Father restored. Full healing and restoration of body, soul, and spirit. Resurrection power. Authority in the spirit realm. These are the things He bought for us with His blood! As it says in Philippians 3: 21:

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"The transformation of His body took place at His resurrection so that our bodies would also share in the same power, transforming us into the identical likeness of His glorified body. And by His matchless power, He continually subdues all that is within us to Himself." (TPT) In many parts of the Bible — or perhaps throughout its entirety — there is a beautiful truth that no matter what state your life is in, God still loves you and has plans to bring you into the fullness of who He intended you to be — if you let Him. It is clear to me now that a world without Jesus is a world without hope. I've been vaguely aware of it up until this point, but it's become more and more obvious over time. The enemy would love for humanity to drown in the mire of despair and sorrow — to give up on life, to give up on hope, to give in to half-truths and outright lies. But that is not where we belong! The Lord keeps bringing this back to me over and over again, and I cannot stop declaring it. God created the human race to walk with Him and to rule and reign over the earth, to be in relationship with Him as our Father — to be His sons! His goodness and mercy pursues us all the days of our lives, no matter whether we notice it or not — and God, please help us to notice! No other god is like Him! No god but Yahweh loves you so much that He gave up His throne in heaven for thirty three years to live as a man — starting from babyhood — and die a horrible death, to descend to hell for three days and then be resurrected, that you might have life abundantly and that you might have an intimate relationship with Him! He's the only One who has ever done this — who will ever do this! I admonish you to rejoice in the victory of Christ! Rejoice in Him, and reach out in faith to rejoice in the victory of what He is going to do in your life and the lives of others! Live in hopeful expectation that He will turn your mourning into dancing, and your defeat into victory!

Artwork © by Jen Brinton Pg 8

Ministry Updates and Opportunities Judah’s Roar Church & Worship Center

Weekly Meetings • Every Saturday • 7-10pm Gloucester United Methodist Church 436 Washington St Gloucester, MA 01930 Directions: From Route 128 North to Gloucester - At rotary, take 3rd exit off the rotary towards Pigeon Cove/Annisquam. Drive one mile, and the Gloucester United Methodist Church is on the left. Parking is along Washington Street on either side of the street. Please note that the parking spaces at the church are for the worship team. Please do not park in these spaces. Thank you!

Monday Prayer Meeting - A Call to the Gate:

Mondays, 9:30am-12noon (Please feel free to join us for all or part of these meetings) Please call or email for location. Contact: Donna Milham • 978-283-9111 • eagleanddove@comcast.net

Monthly Apostolic Training & Equipping Meetings:

Training & Equipping Meetings are held one Saturday a month. Please check our website for date and location. Call for more information: Donna Milham • 978-283-9111


We are calling for those who have a heart for this ministry to prayerfully consider becoming an intercessor for this work. If that is you, please call Karen Elliott at 978-621-6285 or Donna Milham at 978-283-9111

Financial Gifts:

If you would like to give to this ministry, we would greatly appreciate your support and prayers. Checks should be made payable to Eagle & Dove Ministries, PO Box 7094, Gloucester, MA 01930. You may also go to our website and use PayPal to make a donation online. Thank you!

Visit us on Facebook!

Eagle & Dove has a Facebook page! Feel free to “Like” us and check out our updates, videos, photos, special events, and more!

We are now on Cape Ann TV!

The times that the weekly program entitled – ‘Judah’s Roar’ will be shown are as follows: Channel 20 Sunday at Noon and Wednesday at 3pm Channel 12 Monday at 10pm We hope that you enjoy our TV program and will share with your friends!

Email/Mailing List:

To be added to our weekly email list, please send your email address to eagleanddove@comcast.net or sign up on our website at www.eagledove.com To be added to our mailing list, please send your address to the same email. For more information or directions, please contact Donna Milham: 978-283-9111 • www.eagledove.com • eagleanddove@comcast.net

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