WeldFab Tech Times - April - May 2018

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Aluminum Welding Wire For Heavy Duty Applications

When it comes to high production aluminum welding, not all aluminum welding wires are created equal. In demanding welding environments, standard aluminum wire can result in inconsistent wire feeding and poor arc characteristics resulting in costly downtime. IndalcoÂŽ welding wire was developed to address those common problems and make the aluminum welding process easier.

Standard Aluminum Wire


Even in the most demanding aluminum applications, Indalco ensures smooth and trouble-free wire feeding without wire shavings. When it comes to the most demanding aluminum applications, let Indalco do the heavy lifting. Authorized Distributor: Cotmac Industrial Trading Pvt. Ltd. www.cotmactrading.com Contact Person: Arjun Sirur Mobile: +91 98231 20220 Email: arjun.sirur@cotmac.io

Wire shavings during the feeding process with standard aluminum wire versus Indalco


WELDFAB TECH TIMES www.weldfabtechtimes.com

Publisher & Editor Eliza Bhalerao eliza@weldfabtechtimes.com Group Managing Editor Amol Bhalerao amol@weldfabtechtimes.com Assistant Editor Marilyn Dias editorial@weldfabtechtimes.com Business Development Manager Monica Waghmare monica@weldfabtechtimes.com Designer Deepa Warang design@weldfabtechtimes.com Advertisement marketing@weldfabtechtimes.com Mob : +91-9975580309 Subscription subscription@weldfabtechtimes.com Mob : +91-9730904259

New Horizons for women in Welding!! These days, there are increasing opportunities in the field of trade for women. For those women, who aim for a new and interesting career, welding can be one among the best choices. Welding is a promising industry and a career that can offer various benefits like decent wages, job variety, advancements in working patterns, job stability and the chance to work in a non-traditional environment. There is a rising demand for skilled and certified welders. As welding becomes a more high-tech trade, demand may especially increase for welders with robotics, engineering and computer programming knowledge. The women in India make minimal percent of welders, as compared to other countries. Women welders are becoming more common in other communities /countries. One of the reasons could be due to the programmes designed specifically for their success, no community

EAA Publication Registered Office : Gauri Estate, Ekdant, B-3/503, Near Gauri Hall, Manjarli, Badlapur ( West ) - 421503. Dist. - Thane. State - Maharashtra, India. Mob: + 91 9975580309 / 9172546460 Email: eliza@weldfabtechtimes.com / eliza.weldfabtechtimes@gmail.com Website: www.weldfabtechtimes.com All rights reserved. While all efforts are made to ensure that the information published is correct, WeldFab Tech Times holds no responsibility for any unlikely errors that might occur. Printed, Owned & Published by Eliza Amol Bhalerao on behalf of EAA Publication, Printed at Printpoint Shop no - 5, Ground Floor, Sangeeta Skill Mill, Press bazaar, Near Shivaji Chowk, Opp. Bharat Green Lawn, Ulhasnagar - 421003 and Published from B-3/503, Ekdanth, Gauri Estate, Near Gauri Hall, Manjarli, Badlapur (W), Dist.: Thane – Ulhasnagar - 421503, Maharashtra, India. Editor: Amol A. Bhalerao The information on products on offer is being provided for the reference of readers. However, readers are cautioned to make inquires and take their decision on purchase or investment after consulting experts on the subject. WeldFab Tech Times holds no responsibility for any decision taken by readers on the basis of information provided herein.



barrier, etc. Many institutes internationally are aiming to offer an apprenticeship welders programme for women to help close a genderbased skills gap and give them a boost in the economic standing. Both men and women are finding success in becoming professional welders. While men take up majority of the positions across the country, yet the demand for professionally trained welders has led many women to enter this field. Cheers to all the women, who are into welding and have plans to opt for this career in the near future‌.

Eliza Bhalerao Publisher & Editor




Welding robots complete 3D-printed steel bridge



International standards for welder qualification





ISO 3834 – The Quality Requirements for Welding



New ArcTig Welding Process from Fronius

36 22


Kemppi’s new Robotic Center in India and China



Safety in focus





Training and Certification in Welding


34 Copper: Reign of the metal Sanjeev Ranjan, Managing Director, International Copper Association, India



11 Reasons: Why Welders Don't Follow Welding Procedures

08 STUDENTS 14 CORNER 26 50 60

Annamalai University plans to start UNICPROSPER: Need support and guidance




Improve Weld Quality with Precision Ground Tungsten Electrodes


mprove weld quality

can be extra hazardous not

with other sizes catered for on

with precision ground

only for safety, but also for


Tungsten Electrodes

personal health. To overcome

Savings can be achieved

using non-radiotoxic

these conditions, whilst

because of the increased

MultiStrikes and The TEG-

maintaining a very high life

life of properly ground

1000 Tungsten Electrode

expectancy for the Tungsten

Tungsten Electrodes. With


Electrode we manufacture

the special collect accessory

Back by popular demand,

on the TEG-1000, shorter

blue-tipped MultiStrike

Huntingdon Fusion

Tungsten Electrodes that

for welding aluminium with

Tungsten Electrodes can be

Techniques HFT had re-

contain non-radioactive rare

the AC process, as well as

held significantly increasing

initiated the manufacturing of

earth elements, eliminating

steels and alloys with the DC

the length of life of each

the famous TEG-2 Tungsten

the risk to health posed by red

process, which allows the

Tungsten Electrode before it

Electrode Grinder, under the

tipped radiotoxic thoriated

welder to have just one type

is discarded.

new name of TEG-1000.

Tungsten Electrodes.”

of Tungsten Electrode to

Repeatable high quality

weld all materials and reduce

TIG welding requires

HFT said, “Ensuring your

work at higher temperatures

the amount of stocks and

Tungsten Electrodes to

Tungsten Electrodes are

so their oxide additions

purchasing requisitions.

have perfectly ground and

sharpened correctly can help

(mostly radioactive) burn

to improve weld quality.

out, or evaporate much faster

Grinder with HFT’s well

1000 provides these, time

Tungsten Electrode Grinders

than those non-radioactive

established and technically

after time, to exactly the

are a convenient, safer and

ingredients in MultiStrike,

popular Multi Strike Tungsten

same size and shape. The

more accurate way than other

so much so that MultiStrikes

Electrodes will give repeatable

diamond wheel grinds

methods of grinding Tungsten

give at least 10 times more

Tungsten Electrode points

the Tungsten Electrodes


arc striking capacity over

every time, enabling

longitudinally, preventing arc

other Tungsten Electrodes,

consistent repeatable arc

flicker or wander caused by

Tungsten Electrodes with

when tested under the same

performance and welding

circumferential lines or ridges

open air belt and disc


results. Sizes 1.0 to 3.2 mm

found on electrodes, which

can be ground as standard,

have been ground incorrectly.

Ron Sewell, Chairman for

“Grinding thoriated

grinding tools for example

Other Tungsten Electrodes

MultiStrikes can be used

The use of the TEG-1000

polished tips. HFT’s TEG-

Dukane acquires KVT


lastics welding

nice cosmetic appearance

equipment supplier

Maresch shows a part with

and the ability to join

Dukane announced

complicated geometry

complicated geometries. Hot

at NPE2018 that it has

bonded using hot gas

gas welding delivers on all

acquired German plastics


three requirements,” said

bonding equipment provider


Dukane's Vanessa

“Industry wants

Johnston. There is global demand

Dukane's Vanessa Maresch shows a part with complicated geometry bonded using hot gas welding.

KVT (Bielefeld). KVT offers

particulate-free assembly

a wide variety of bonding

technology,” said Dukane

for hot gas welding, added

technologies, the most

CEO and President Mike

Johnston, and KVT has been

important of which is its

Johnston during a press

successful in marketing the

suggest that KVT will double

patented hot gas welding

conference at booth W3763.

technology worldwide. In

its revenue in 2018, according


“It also wants parts with a

fact, current projections

to Dukane.


Source: www.plasticstoday.com



Airgas recognized by Boeing with ‘Supplier of the Year’ Award

Improve Weld Quality with a low cost Trailing Shield®

Trailing Shields ATS PHO 68C Titanium Tube Weld Using ATS.

T Source: www.businesswire.com


Trailing Shields ATS PHO 71C ATS Group with TIG torch.

he quality of welds on

connected to the argon gas

tubes, pipes and flat

supply, diffusing gas evenly

sheet metal can be

without turbulence through the

dramatically improved with

multi layers of stainless steel

the addition of a low cost Weld

mesh built into the body of the

Trailing Shield®.

shield. At each side, replaceable

Experts in Weld Purging,

silicone rubber side shields

irgas, an Air Liquide

being recognized for modeling

company, has

a zero-injury mindset,

Huntingdon Fusion

provide a barrier to prevent

been recognized as

investing in and implementing

Techniques HFT® have

the argon escaping sideways

‘Supplier of the Year’ in the

a formal, measurable safety

designed and developed flat

and remaining over the weld

Safety category by The Boeing

program. Airgas has been a

and radiused Trailing Shields®

metal. As the welding torch

Company. Airgas was one of

supplier to Boeing for more

which simply attach onto any

is moved forward, the weld

13 companies honored on

than 25 years and provides

TIG/GTAW, PAW/Plasma and

remains under an argon gas

April 11, 2018 for distinguished

industrial gases, welding hard

MIG/GMAW welding torch,

shield until the welded metal

performance in working with

goods, safety products, and

providing an additional inert

has cooled below its oxidation

Boeing. As the award recipient

dry ice to support key projects

gas coverage duringthe seam


in the Safety category, Airgas is

across the full enterprise.

welding of stainless steel,

Forney introduces four new welding machines

Trailing Shields® are

duplexes, titanium and any

reusable, with a temperature

other reactive metal where

resistance of up to 230ºC. They

discolouration or oxidation

prevent re-work, eliminate the

needs to be eliminated.

need for an expensive purge

Luke Keane, Technical

chamberand allow for faster


Support for HFT said: “These

welding. For manual welding,

Industries has

the 140 FC-i flux-

lightweight, easy to use Trailing

the welder finds that with this


cored inverter

Shields® pay for themselves in

lightweight and low cost tool,

four new machines

machine, which

just one weld! They are perfect

there is no difficulty in dragging

to expand its Easy

welds plate up to

for manual welders, as well as

it along the surface being

Weld line. These

¼ in.; the 140 MP

automatic machines by helping

welded. One further benefit is

to cover the weld with an inert

that it carries the welding torch

gas coverage during and after

at 90º to the weld.


The line includes

Source: www. for GMAW, SMAW, cutting machines are canadianmetalworking. and GTAW with com

welding and plasma

0.030-in.-dia. wire;


welding, producing bright,

Radiused Shields are

yourselfers, auto enthusiasts,

the 100 ST SMAW and lift-arc

shiny, oxide free welds time

designed to suit the exact

metalworking artists, and

GTAW machine that welds

and time again and eliminating

diameter of the pipe or vessels

hobbyists. The machines

up to 5/16 in.; and the 20 P

the expensive post weld

being welded. Flat models are

can be used in a garage with

plasma cutter, which cuts up

cleaning process.”

available for sheet and plate

standard 120-V power.

to ¼-in. mild steel.

suitable for do-it-


The Trailing Shield is ®





TÜV Rheinland India to spur its ‘Make in India’ initiative by investing in testing facility within AMTZ TÜV Rheinland India has now

significantly reduce the

opted for the Andhra Pradesh

cost manufacturing thereby

MedTech Zone (AMTZ) to

creating world class diagnosis

pursue its Make in India

with quality products

programme by investing in

accessible to the common

testing facility within the

man at affordable prices.

Kapurthala Rail Coach Factory orders welding wire, gets bricks, stones instead

Varma also expressed that

complex. During the recent

the quality of service rendered

CII Partnership summit, Andhra Pradesh chief minister

Source: www.businesswire.com

Chandrababu Naidu, honored

from TÜV Rheinland facility in AMTZ, Visakhapatnam

Source: www.nyoooz.com

TÜV Rheinland India with the

“Medical equipment

concessionaire agreements of

manufacturers can have

as having testing and

both EMI/EMC & Electrical

various advantages,

certifications from any of

Safety and Bio-material

incentives and opportunities

the TÜV Rheinland branches


scientific projects.

by having their production


bricks and stones in at least

The company had signed

facility within the AMTZ,

will carry the same credibility

He also appreciated the

ail Coach Factory (RCF), Kapurthala, one of the largest in

the country, has received five sealed cartons instead of

an agreement and entered

the country’s first Medical

concept of having complete

Stainless Steel (SS) welding

into a partnership with

Technology Manufacturing

medical equipment

wire, which they had ordered

AMTZ last year to set-up a

Park, established at

ecosystem under one roof

from a Mumbai-based

comprehensive state-of-

Visakhapatnam over an

of AMTZ which would

company. Thereafter, a stock

the art facility providing

area of 270 acres by the

reduce the overall product

of 243 cartons, kept at the

one-stop shop solutions for

government of Andhra

developmental life cycle,

shop, was checked jointly in

a wide variety of medical

Pradesh,” said Kalyan Varma,

logistics charges and

the presence of store officials

devices. The facility will

Vice President-Products,

turnaround time to market

and stones were found in three

have a 5 meter measurement

TÜV Rheinland India, a

thereby reduction in cost for

more welding wire cartons.

table with 5 tonnes capacity

service provider in the

total healthcare.

The matter came to light a

Electro-Magnetic Interference

testing, training, inspection,

(EMI/EMC), Electrical Safety

consulting and certification

facilities will help the medical

sealed cartons of SS welding

& Biomaterial scientific


equipment manufacturers

wire spools of 1.2 mm diameter

meet the international

were received by the RCF.

facilities. It will also include

AMTZ will house modern

“Our world class testing

few days ago when around 81

one 10m Semi Anechoic

250-300 independent

standards for quality and

“The incident clearly proves a

chamber with a measurement

manufacturing units,

safety. AMTZ along with

highly unethical, irresponsible,

range upto 40GHz, two 3m

each over a built-in ready

TÜV Rheinland is taking

malafide intention and willful

semi Anechoic chamber with

to use area at a very cost

initiatives to educate

fraudulent act of the concerned

a measurement range upto

effective long-term lease. In

medical manufacturers on

firm supplying the SS welding

40GHz, precision acoustics

addition the park will have

the new regulations as well

wire to our organisation,

facility for measuring sound

in-house high investment

as inform on the testing

having an international repute.

pressure and sound power

scientific facilities,

facilities available in AMTZ”,

Though the RCF authorities

from medical devices and

including state-of-the-art

said Thomas Fuhrmann,

did not reveal the cost of these

many other testing facilities

testing laboratories, which

Managing Director, TÜV

boxes, they said that it is a

within the zone.

would help manufacturers

Rheinland India.

matter of breach of trust by a renowned supplier.





Build with Blue Spring Savings: Featuring Rebates up to $700


• Syncrowave® 210 TIG

iller Electric Mfg. LLC, a leading

Welder ($2,539 after $300


rebate): Ideal for both

manufacturer of arc welding

light-industrial applications

equipment, is offering its spring

and personal users, the

rebate program just in time for

Syncrowave 210 does not

Father’s Day and graduation.

compromise power or

With the Build with Blue Spring

performance for affordable

Savings promotion, customers

inverter technology.

can take advantage of two

Source: www.millerwelds.com

rebates totaling up to $700. Now through June 30, 2018,

of products:

those purchasing a qualifying

• Millermatic 211 MIG

• Trailblazer® 325 EFI ($5,629 after $300 rebate): No other

cutter can be used on the

compact, engine-driven

job or at home. At just 19

machine in the 300-amp

Miller product will receive a

Welder ($1,149 after $50

pounds, the Spectrum 375

class delivers more welding

rebate of up to $500. By adding

rebate) : Welds material

offers easy connection to

power or more auxiliary

other Miller accessories or

from 24 gauge to 3/8-inch-

120V or 240V and can cut up

power with better fuel

Hobart filler metal, customers

thick in a single pass.

to 3/8-inch mild steel.

efficiency and less noise.

may qualify for another rebate

Multi-Voltage Plug (MVP™)

of up to $200. This offer is

provides the versatility to

Welder ($1,639 after $500

Customers can also take

valid only at authorized Miller

use 120 V or 240 V input

rebate): Perfect for the

advantage of more savings


personal user, this AC/DC

when purchasing additional

TIG machine upgrade has

Miller accessories and Hobart

distributors. Customers are eligible for


• Spectrum® 375 X-TREME™

• Diversion™ 180 TIG

the following rebates when

($1,319 after $100 rebate):

both 115V and 230V input

filler metals (excludes welders

purchasing from the below list

This lightweight air plasma

power capability.

and plasma cutters).

Moraine company sold to international firm


irgas, which has about

into its business,

Cichocki, Airgas Chief

18,000 employees

including a new fill

Operating Officer.

at 1,100 locations,

plant, which opened

Jim Weiler,

has acquired Weiler Welding

in May 2014, that let

President of

Company’s assets and

it control its costs,

Weiler Welding,

operations as of April 30.

turn around orders

said that,“the

Weiler Welding is a Moraine-

faster, and blend

joining of the two

based gas distributor that

gases in-house for

companies will

caters to the welding industry,

specific orders.

create tremendous

craft brewers and more. Weiler

Airgas, a subsidiary

value for our

Welding has six locations,

of Paris-based Air

associates and our

including its Moraine office,

Liquide, stated that

and services Southwestern

Weiler Welding is the

Ohio and Southwestern

company’s 500th acquisition

and competency for us and we

foster opportunities for our

Indiana. Weiler’s 70 employees

since it was founded in 1982.

remain committed to pursuing

associates and we look forward

acquisition opportunities in

to continuing to serve our

the years to come,” stated Andy

customers as a part of Airgas.”

are now part of Airgas. Weiler

“Growth through acquisition

has made recent investments

has always been a core strategy


customers. We feel Source: www.whio.com

that this culture will




Robotic welding arms cut ship construction time and costs


outh Korean

$4.2 m in construction costs

shipbuilding companies

for each vessel, and have

Hyundai Heavy

prompted development of an

Industries and Daewoo

even smaller welding robot

Shipbuilding & Marine

weighing 14.5 kg.

Engineering are using

Some Hyundai Heavy

robotic welding arms to

vessels require 200 people

reduce welding times and cut

to build, unlike the car

construction costs.

manufacturing industry,

Hyundai Heavy’s 670

where around 70% of tasks

kg industrial robot, which

are completed by machines.

resembles a robotic arm, can

The shipbuilding industry

curve and weld steel plates

has adopted automation

for the front and back of

more slowly than other

vessels, and is controlled using

manufacturing industries

separate design software. The

due to variations in the

arm was designed and tested

specifications and functions of

in-house, and is scheduled to

individual ships.

begin operation next year. The

Bombardier receives EN 15085 Railway Applications for Welding

Falling ship prices and

Welding at Bombardiers, Dandenong site in Australia. Source: www.marketwired.com


ail technology

to manufacture carbodies

leader, Bombardier

to the latest European

Transportation in

Standards. Bombardier offers

Australia has received EN

welding courses for internal

15085 Railway Applications

and external candidates and

arm will cut welding time by

increased demand have

for Welding of Railway

the Dandenong facility has

two-thirds and save around

forced the industry to adapt.

Vehicles and Components

trained and qualified over

$9.4 m annually, according to

A 10% fall in ship prices since

Certification, the first rail

40 Bombardier welders in

a company spokesperson.

2014 has made employing

company in Australia to

addition to several key supply partners.

large numbers of staff

achieve this certification.

has been using five 16 kg

unsustainable, and both

With the announcement, the

robotic arms since 2016

Hyundai Heavy and Daewoo

Welding Training Centre at

has been active in Australia

to weld steel parts in the

Shipbuilding have received

Bombardier's Dandenong

for more than 60 years as

construction of ice-breaking

more contracts – 29 up

site in Victoria is now

a complete rail solution

natural gas carriers. The

from 21 and 21 up from four

an accredited facility for

provider. With local design,

arms, nicknamed ‘Caddy’,

respectively – this year than in

securing and growing local

engineering, manufacturing

have saved the company

the same period in 2017.

welding capabilities and for

and delivery capabilities, it

delivering industry-recognized

also provides solutions for

certifications to staff, external

signaling, propulsion and

suppliers, and industry

control technology, asset

partners in Australia.

management and through-life

Daewoo Shipbuilding

Over the years,

Source: www.ship-technology.com


Con Sakellaridis, Lead Welding Engineer, Bombardier Transportation, Australia.


Bombardier Transportation

support to our customers. With

Certification EN 15085 has

more than 1,000 employees

become the standard for

spread across every state,

railway manufacture and

Bombardier has delivered an

repair worldwide. This

extensive and diverse portfolio

certification enables the

of winning mobility solutions

Dandenong site in Australia

for Australia's rail ecosystem.



X8 MIG Guns: Ergonomically designed industrial MIG welding guns with great performance


8 MIG Guns

is available as an

welds. With design, mobility

are a powerful

accessory for adjusting

and stability, X8 MIG Guns

combination of

welding parameters

maximize ergonomics.

and managing memory

Their innovative design

ergonomic and technical


reduces wrist loading and

Strong gun shield hose

welder fatigue, while the

Available in both gas-cooled

material optimizes cable

cable's ball-and-socket joint

and water-cooled models,

mobility by reducing

balances the welding gun.

the X8 MIG Guns feature


Add a perfect touch on the

The gas-cooled X8 MIG

trigger, and welding has

Gun range features

never felt better.

welding performance for •

industrial MIG welding.

interchangeable spare parts, and consumables that are easy to fit and maintain. Their innovative

spare parts •

Just wait until you get your

easy to fit and maintain

Excellent Welding Performance

Improved cooling and

The X8 MIG Guns are in

Guns are equipped with an

gas shield compared to

their own league compared

integrated LED work light,

consumables that are

precise operation of the •

compared to standard MIG guns. Designed with superb

balance, the X8 MIG Guns reduce wrist loading and welder fatigue. The

detachable pistol grip handle provides stability

hands on this one. X8 MIG

standard MIG guns

to standard MIG guns. Their

which illuminates the area

Excellent arc ignition

innovative neck design and

around the welding gun's

with the Touch Sense

structure enable precise

tip whenever you need it

Ignition feature

wire line operation, a stable

the most. This feature is

LED work light for

shield gas flow, and better

especially helpful when

illuminating the area

cooling. With 20% lower

doing pre-weld positioning

near the tip of the pistol

gas nozzle and 30% lower

or post-weld inspections.

K emppi Gun Connector

contact tip temperatures,

Never again will dim lighting

welding longer welds while

guarantees a firm

X8 MIG Gun consumables

ruin your welds.

ensuring perfect touch of the

connection to the

last longer and stay in better

trigger. An additional remote

wire feeder and offers

shape. Less costs, better

Key Applications

control is also available for

enhanced mechanical

bottom line.

General Mechanical

easy adjustment of welding

and electrical properties

parameters. For dimly lit

together with real arc

Ergonomics to the Max


Pressure Vessels And

and extra comfort for

work conditions, the X8 MIG


voltage measurement

The welding gun is the

The cable’s ball-and-

welder's most important

work light to aid pre-weld

socket joint balances the

tool in creating quality

positioning and post-weld

welding gun and reduces


torque on the welder’s

Guns feature a handy LED


Benefits •

Detachable pistol

Available in both

grip handle improves

gas-cooled and

ergonomics in different

water-cooled models

welding positions

with interchangeable


Light It Up

High quality

neck technology guarantees wire line and better cooling

exchangeable necks

Manufactu¬ring Boilers.

For More Info: Kemppi India Pvt .Ltd. Ms. Shamna 3/462, 1st St, Phase-1, Kazura Garden, Palavakkam, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600041 Tel: 044 45671217 Email: sales.india@kemppi.com

X8 Gun Remote Control




Introducing Fiberstar CNC Laser Systems


aserStar presents the

cuts and/or laser

Software. This air

laser system configuration

3901 & 3903 Series

welds on a wide

cooled CNC laser

to accomplish the desired

FiberStar CNC Laser

variety of materials,

system is available

results. Designed and built in

System. The state-of-the-

while maintaining

in 150 & 300 Watt


art CNC laser platform is a

low operating costs


benchtop System (available

for rapid return on

in two sizes) with the ability

investment. The

solution provider,

to laser cut or laser weld using



an interchangeable laser

fully integrated laser source

Applications Specialists will

head for material processing.

provides excellent beam

evaluate your laser welding

Aerospace and Electronics

This system provides a

quality while producing many

or cutting requirements,

Automotive and Micro

compact footprint and offers

years of reliable performance.

define the application goals

FiberStar systems come

an economical option for

Medical Device and Instruments

As a turnkey

Prototyping Components Jewelry (Gold, Silver, Platinum, Titanium)


and objectives, specify and

Complex Industrial Alloys

businesses, while providing

with 4-Axis (X/Y/Z and

verify the correct technology,

Tool & Die Components

one machine than can both

optional Rotary) CNC system

and define a complete

Ceramics and Plastics.

cut and weld.

controller, an integrated For More Info: LaserStar Technologies Corporation Website: www.laserstar.net

computer with Windows

FiberStar CNC Laser Systems produce high quality,

operating system and ready-

dimensionally accurate laser

to-use LaserStar MotionFX

Gouging Torch / Gouging Electrode Holder (DSH Series) Model DSH Series


Max. Carbon

DSH - 22D

2200 Amps

20 mm Ø Carbon

DSH - 22P

2200 Amps

25.4 mm Ø Carbon

DSH – 22G

2200 Amps

20 mm Ø Carbon


An ordinary Arc Welding machine, DC Motor Generator

or Engine Driven Welder and

Strike the arc on the job

can be used. Most application

and maintain adequate

require 80 to 100 lbs PSI

arc gap. Adjust hand

air pressure. For higher

travel speed to produce

duty torches 80 PSI may

continuous hissing sound

be adequate. Heavy Duty

for smooth cutting action.

Torches would require as

To shut down, turn off

much 125 Ibs PSI. Air hose

electrical power first.

should have minimum base of

Turn off air supply after

¼ inches diameter.

Air Compressor capable of

the air connection nipple

electrical power is shut

giving a pressure of 80/125lbs

and the joint should be


Set the correct amperage


considered only as general

in accordance with the

An ordinary air compressor



diameter of electrode

being used as per

The current cables from

recommended currents.

the power supply should be of adequate capacity,

valve on the Torch fully.

insulation damages. The compressed air line is to be firmly attached onto


Turn on the compressed air supply and open the air

free of joints, kinks and •

conditions and should be

free of leaks.

PSI will be required for using the Metal Arc Torches.

NOTE: The above data is based on the following

Turn on the current supply.

Electrode stick out

90 mm

Air pressure

80/100 lbs PSI

Torch to west angle


Arc Volts

35 to 45 volts

For More Info: B.R. Kumar & Sons 499 Haveli Haider Kuli, Chandni Chowk, Delhi 110006 E-mail: sales@metalarc.in / sales.west@metalarc.in Ph.: 0011 43080688, M: +91 9810100911 / +91 9890882033




Lincoln Electric Launches VIKING 3250D Welding Helmet Enhanced field of view and safety offered with 4C lens technologya


incoln Electric's

windows. These features can

quality standard in the world


not only reduce the amount

(EN 379). The 12.5-square-

Welding Helmet

of time needed to conduct

inch auto-darkening viewing

features an Integrated Flip-

material setup, inspection

area is the largest for this

Up Grind Shield to increase

and weld operations, but

product type industry wide,

the operator’s field of view

may minimize any potential

making it ideal for a range of

in both open and closed

hazards that come from

industries that use multiple


having to frequently remove

welding processes.

Cleveland – Lincoln Electric® has introduces a new single helmet solution to

the helmet and store it at the worksite. The VIKING 3250D FGS

Lincoln Electric designed

4C stands for the following attributes:

this VIKING helmet

with a multitude of key

help enhance productivity,

Welding Helmet also boasts

Clarity – Optical clarity

features that can improve

safety and optic clarity: the

an industry leading optic

at the highest EN379

productivity, enhance optic


design, 4C® Lens Technology,

1/1/1/1 levels

quality, revamp comfort and

Welding Helmet.

which eliminates blur,

Color – Real color view

promote safety to position

distortion and eye strain by

Carat – Lightweight auto-

the VIKING 3250D FGS

darkening filter

Welding Helmet as the only

Cut – Even shade from

welding helmet professionals

any angle

will ever need.

Designed for the professional welder, this

reducing color saturation

helmet features a Flip-Up

in the liquid crystal display

Grind Shield to increase the

(LCD) while also providing

operator’s field of view in both

a consistent shade at any

open and closed positions

angle. This technology scores

through the integration of

a perfect 1/1/1/1 rating on

a clear face shield and side

the only auto-darkening lens

For More Info: Lincoln Electric Company (India) Private Limited Website: www.lincolnelectric.com

Shape Cut Easy Series



arpp Engineers

Cut Easy & Shape Cut Fine

Pvt. Ltd.,

Series CNC cutting systems

a leading

which can be configured for

solution for welding and

either flame, plasma or for

cutting industry has wide

both. These cutting systems

range of cutting solution

can be built with different

to different industry need.

controller and different

automization will go a long

product quality, consistency

We understand that cutting

plasma power source as per

way in increasing your

and productivity.

is the first step to move

customer requirement. Our

towards automatic welding

20 years of experience in

and to help industry take

welding and cutting industry

their first step towards the

backed by good pre and

automation. Warpp has come

post sales service will ensure

out with Portable Shape

that your first step towards


For More Info: Warpp Engineers Pvt Ltd Survey no 36, House no 15/3, Unique Industrial complex, Dhual Nagar,Waliv, Vasai (E), Palghar - 401208 Tel: 08080808737 , Email: salessupport@warpp.co.in Website: www.warpp.co.in



International standards for welder qualification "ISO 9606 series- Qualification test of welders -Fusion welding-Part 2: Aluminum and aluminum alloys�: Non-Conformities the pipe must be fixed , the weld axis is vertical and weld is horizontal (Figure 1). Alireza Samimi Mottaghi, Welding Engineer-Responsible Welding Coordinator, Precision Metal Group Aust., SydneyAustralia

The question is why the pipe must be fixed, and what if it is rotating and the weld axis is vertical and weld is horizontal, is n, t it PC position, if we have a component that is rotating on a welding positioner then what is the welding position and on the other hand, in ISO 6947 that is the Welds-Working positions-Definitions of angles of slope and rotations there is not mentioned that in PC position the pipe must be fixed


(Figure 2). SO 9606 standards are series of international standards

The point is that the same notification is in AWS standard but

for welder qualification on different materials. Therefore,

not in ASME standard. This non-conformity is repeated in 1998

the welder who is qualified according to these standards

and 2004 versions of this standard.

shall fulfill the requirements of these standards independently from the place, examiner and the type of product. However, in this review we will discuss about non-conformities in these international standards and their results that could cause differences in the condition of qualification according to examiner decision with refer to unclearness and mismatches in these standards. These non-conformities are about the use of shielding gasses, range of approvals, normative references and evaluation of imperfections etc.

Introduction Welder qualification standards define the qualification tests for welders. These standards must provide a set of technical rules for a systematic qualification test of welder, and enables such

Figure 1: Butt welding position on pipe ISO9606-2:1994.

qualifications to be uniformly accepted independently of the type of product, location and examiner/examining body. When qualifying welders, the emphasis is placed on welder ability to manually manipulate the electrode/welding torch/ welding blowpipe and thereby producing a weld of acceptable quality.

Welding positions In 1994 version of this standard we have some pictures that clear the welding positions for qualifying the welders , we have butt welding on pipe in PC position and it is written that


Figure 2: Butt welding position on pipe ISO6947:1990.




Welder approval test certificate Annex A

However, in ISO9606-2: 2004-dashed line are added in the

According to ISO 9606-2:1994 and 1998, the table of range of

table of range of approval for shielding gasses and auxiliaries

approval is empty to fill according to the standard (Figure 3).

(Figure 2). There are two deductions from this dash line in this table: The dash lines mean that only the gas used in the welder qualification test is acceptable and the welder is not permitted to weld with any other gases, in result there is no meaning for the grouping system of the welding gases according to the EN 439 standard if a welder test is with one of the gas mixtures it is not acceptable to weld with the other one and etc. The second deduction could be a very superficial conclusion that the dash lines mean there is no limitation for the welder to use any type, percentage, or mixture of gases while there are deep differences when a welder use for example an Ar gas or He in welding of aluminum. These changes are made from 2004, the dash lines are added to this table, why, what is the main reason, and meaning is a question.

J-L welding positions In all these years and different versions of this standard from 1994 to 2004 we cannot find J-L positions that are inclined position with fixed axis of pipe and welding in downward position we can find H-L045 (inclined position with fixed axis of pipe and welding in upward position in this standard), figure 1, however we have the downward welding position PG and PJ for aluminum but there is no signification of this welding Figure 3: ISO 9606-2:1994, 1998 Annex A.

position (Figure 5, 6). As an international standard, we can find it in AWS D1.2 that is for welding of aluminum.

Figure 5: J-L045 in ISO6947.

Range of qualification for welding positions In normative references in ISO9606-2:2004, there is EN ISO 6947 :1993 represented as the reference standard for welding positions (see figure 7).In this standard , PE and PC welding positions are pictured for butt welded joint and not for fillet Figure 4: ISO 9606-2:2004 Annex A.



welds. (Figure 8)



Figure 6: Table 6 of ISO9606-2.

Figure 8: EN ISO 6947:1993.

While there were no mismatches in 1994 and 1998 in range of qualification for welding positions (figure 9), according to ISO 9606-2:2004 where a welder weld in PD position, the welder is qualified to weld in PA, PB, PC, PD, PE, PF (plate ), see table 6, Figure 10. On the other hand when we look more precisely in table 7, we can see there is a note " b" for welding in PB and PD positions that is: "welding position PB and PD are only used for fillet welds (see 5.4 b) and can only qualify fillet welds in other welding positions�, while PE and PC are qualified and these positions were shown for butt weld. When welding engineers are confronted with these mismatches, some of them draw a conclusion that PE and PC welding positions can be used also for fillet welds, but on the other side the reference standard show something else and in result, it is important that on which side you are, contractor or subcontractor? In addition, who you are dealing with. This

Figure 9: Table 6 of ISO 9606-2:1994.

could result in a need to a new welder qualification test or an acceptance according to a self-decision, not according to the standard.

Figure 10: Table 6 of ISO 9606-2:2004.

Figure 7: Normative references of ISO 9606-2:2004.

Forward of 9606 parts In Figure 11, you can see the mistake happen in the definition


Figure 11: Page IV of 9606-2:1994 and 1998.




of the 9606 parts in 1994 and 1998 in the left side of the picture and on right side of picture, the correct one that must be.

Repeated non-conformities If we try to exaggerating mismatches , there are a lot of minor mismatches, there are some non conformities in this standard and other versions that are repeated for many years and different revisions which results in self decisions, discussions and ‌ . Example No.1: There is a sentence in this standard shown in Figure 12.

Figure 14: Normative references of ISO9606-2:2004.

Figure 12: Part 6.3 of 9606-2:1994, 1998, 2004. In this part, we have a sentence that refer to minor imperfections but what are the MINOR IMPERFECTIONS and where that have been defined. Who must decide between two welding engineer that for example an imperfection seems a minor imperfection for one of them and for the other one is not a minor imperfection. Example No.2: is another sentence repeated in 1994 and 1998 table 7 note 4 that was up to the examiner to decide if PT test is required for supporting fracture test or not (Figure 13). Again, it was a cause to discuss always between the contractors and subcontractors, if it is necessary, there is no reason to make any doubt in standard and if not, it should be omitted from the standards as if it happened in 2004.

Figure 15: Normative references of 9606-2:1994, 1998. Figure 13: Table 7 of 9606-2:1994, 1998.

Acceptance criteria

ranges for example less than 3mm thicknesses (Figure 17). In conclusion, standards must be clear in a way that users do

In Normative references of 9606-2 (figure 14, 15) quality

not need to interpret and discuss, furthermore if the standard

Level for imperfections are according to EN 30042 or

is a new one so there could be some missing, faults and needs

ISO10042:1992 .according to the scope of this standard

to improve corrections. So, it can be suggested to improve new

(figure 16) the material thickness is between 3 to 63 millimeter.

ways to decrease repeated mismatches in worldwide mostly

However, the range of qualification of welders are out of


this range and what if we want to qualify a welder on thickness


used welding standards.



Figure 16: Scope of ISO 10042:1992.

Figure 17: Range of qualification of material thickness.

References 1. Qualification test of welders - Fusion welding-Part 2: Aluminium and aluminum alloys ISO 9606: first edition 1994 2. Qualification test of welders - Fusion welding-Part 2: Aluminium and aluminum alloys ISO 9606: edition 1998 3. Qualification test of welders -Fusion welding-Part 2: Aluminium and aluminum alloys ISO 9606: edition 2004 4. Welding & allied processes - Welding Positions ISO 6947:1993 5. Arc-welded joint in aluminum and its weldable alloysGuidance on quality level for imperfections, ISO 10042 : first edition 1992.





Kemppi’s new Robotic Center in India and China


emppi opens up a robotic

processes. The visitors can also try the A7

welding application center in

MIG Welder’s unique web browser-based

Pune, India to respond to the

interface in practice and experience its

Kemppi’s wide range of robotic welding

increasing needs for welding automation.

ease of use and how much it saves time in

equipment and robots from well-known

The center provides complete and

system setup.

robot manufacturers. In the center the

innovative solutions and services to the

A similar robotic welding application

continues. The center in China is equipped with

visitors can see the state of the art A7 MIG

integrators and end customers. Kemppi’s

center was opened in Beijing, China

Welder, KempArc Pulse 450 and KempArc

experienced welding engineers help the

during December 2017. “Robotic welding

SYN 500 welding automation systems in

customers to optimize their welding

and Asia are both strategic focus areas for

action. They can witness the efficiency

applications, and offer comprehensive

Kemppi. Kemppi made its first deliveries

and quality reached with Kemppi’s

training, covering all aspects of welding.

to China already in the late 1980s and has

application-optimized Wise welding

invested significantly

processes, try how easy the unique, web

helps to speed up our growth in Asia,

in the development

browser based user interface for A7 MIG

which is one of Kemppi’s strategic target

of robotic welding

Welder is to use, and how much it saves

areas. Kemppi India Private Ltd. started

solutions during the

time in setup.

its operations in Chennai in 2011, and the

past years. The robotic

“The robotic welding application center

new application center is a natural next

welding application

robotic welding”, says Ville Vuori. “The

Hannu Jokela, center is a natural Vice President APAC and Export next step in serving Sales, Kemppi Oy. the important and

center gives insight to increase customer

fast-growing robotic welding markets in

understanding and helps in serving the

China and Southeast Asia even better”,

important markets in India even better.

says Hannu Jokela. “Local expertise is

Local expertise is a key business factor for

the key business factor for Kemppi,” he

step in the market where the accelerating automation increases the popularity of

A7 MIG Welder

Kemppi”, he continues. The Pune center is equipped with Kemppi’s state-of-the-art A7 MIG Welder and KempArc robotic welding systems integrated with robots from well-known robot manufacturers. The systems are presented in action to demonstrate the efficiency and quality that can be reached with Kemppi’s Wise optimized welding





Safety in focus CLOOS robots weld children's vehicles by Puky



for many decades. Recently, Puky put

always represented ‘unique

two new QR-CC-6 compact cells by

safety’ in children's vehicles.

CLOOS into operation where the QIROX

In the case of welding, the company

robots weld the handlebars and frames

has trusted in technologies by CLOOS

for the children's bicycles. The use of the two new compact cells guarantees high process reliability and an excellent product quality.

development, construction and

Because of the two-station design, the machine can be charged alternately – an enormous saving in time for the process run.

production of vehicles for children. Since

110 employees at the headquarters in

its foundation in 1949, the company

Wülfrath Puky produces more than

has steadily grown, at first with the

700,000 children's vehicles per year. The

brand name Puck and from 1956 on

product range comprises small ride-

with the name Puky. With more than

on vehicles, tricycles and learner bikes

Puky GmbH & Co. KG has more than 68 years of experience in the

The CLOOS robots weld the frames and handlebars for the children's bicycles by Puky.





cells by CLOOS. These are turnkey systems and dispose of a 2-station workpiece positioned with horizontal change and turning and swiveling movement. The loading area is protected by a lateral safety fence and a light barrier during the cycle. All robot and

The welding robots guarantee a constant process quality.

positioned axes are fully synchronised.

The vehicles must have perfect weld seam in order to fulfill the high safety standards.

as well as 24" bicycles. All vehicles are

Maximum process safety at high flexibility

designed, constructed and produced in

The two CLOOS systems are currently

with the new systems. "We estimate the


used to the full in two-shift operation.

easy operation of the robot systems,"

Safety is the first priority

The robots of one compact cell are

says Guss. Even employees with

The Puky vehicles have a high-quality,

welding about 140 bicycle handlebars

less robot experience could quickly

well-thought-out and child-friendly

per hour.


design. "Safety is our top priority",

Due to the change to automated

Puky completely trusts in CLOOS

explains Florian Guss, Industrial

welding, Puky is now able to further

regarding welding. Beside the two robot

Engineer at Puky. Thanks to the high

increase the safety of the production

systems, they also work with more than

quality standard, the Puky vehicles

processes. Thanks to the exactly

30 manual welding power sources of the

have a high resale value. To ensure

reproducible welding results the

Haiger welding specialists. On-the-spot

the high product quality Puky has its

expenditures for reworks could be

support is provided by long-standing

own monitoring and test laboratory.

reduced considerably. Besides, the

CLOOS sales and service partner Lixfeld

Furthermore, the production is oriented

company benefits from the flexible

Schweisstechnik which guarantees short

at the Kaizen system with which the

application possibilities of the compact

reaction times.

production processes are continuously

cells. Bicycle handlebars and frames


can be welded on both systems. In

extensive tests of sample components

addition, the welding robots can be used

in the CLOOS Technology Centre in

Automated welding with flexible compact cells

spontaneously for other components

Haiger over design up to production

and also for small batch sizes. "As the

and service, CLOOS as market leader

Due to increasing quantities Puky

product life cycles become shorter and

in the field of welding technology

has strongly invested in automated

shorter we need systems which can be

offers everything from a single source,"

production technology for the last years.

flexibly adapted to our components,"

emphasis Guss. "From the beginning we

In the past, the vehicles were all welded

explains Guss.

have been cooperating very faithfully

manually. For the production of the

Last but not least Puky could

bicycle handlebars and frames Puky now

considerably increase the production

works with two QR-CC-6 QIROX compact

capacities by means of automated

"Starting from the planning with

and are looking forward to continuing this in future."

welding. Thus, the company does not longer depend on subcontractors and suppliers. As they now produce according to their needs, they could also reduce the inhouse inventory significantly. For More Info:

The workpiece positioner consistently brings the component into the optimum welding position.


Single source supply

Carl Cloos Schweisstechnik GmbH

CLOOS trained the Puky employees

Tel. +49 (0)2773 85-478

comprehensively to familiarise them

E-Mail: stefanie.nuechtern@cloos.de




Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macau Bridge

Lagos-Calabar coastal railway line



islands, spanning the Lingdingyang channel, that connects Hong

comprise Port-Harcourt, Calabar, uyo and Aba. However, the first

Kong with Macau and Zhuhai, three major cities on the Pearl

segment of the rail project is expected to be ready within 2 years.

River Deltain China. The 55-kilometre (34 mi) link is expected to

Additionally, when completed, the proposed coastal railway line in

cost 110 billion yuan ($15.9 billion). It is among the longest fixed-

Nigeria will link all sea ports. The project is also expected to create

links in the world and is a major landmark in the area. Originally

business hubs meant for commercial activities.

he Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macau Bridge (HKZMB) is a Bridge– tunnel system, which consists of a series of three cable-

stayed bridges and one undersea tunnel, as well as 3 artificial

igeria and China have concluded a contract agreement worth US$11.117bn for the construction of the Lagos-Calabar

coastal railway line in Nigeria. The first segment of the rail line will

set to be opened to traffic in October 2016, the structure was completed during November 2017 and is planned to open to vehicular traffic in July 2018.

Thalkirchen geothermal heating project

Telangana Super Thermal Power Project


onstruction has started on the Thalkirchen geothermal heating project in the city of Munich in Bavaria/ Germany.



With a planned 50 MW of thermal, the plant when ready will not

elangana Super Thermal Power Project (TSTPP) is located at

be only the largest geothermal heating plant in Munich, but also in

Ramagundam in Telangana, India. The power plant is under

Germany. The plant is planned to supply geothermal heating to up

construction with power capacity of 1600 MW (2x800 MW) in first

to 80,000 residents of Munich. For the new geothermal plant, a total

phase and in total planned capacity of 4000 MW. It is the second

of six drill wells will be drilled in a star shape from a drilling site to

the coal based power plant in the Ramagundam of National

a depth of 2,800 to 3,100 meters. After 900 meters, they are to be

Thermal Power Corporation. The first power plant is NTPC

drilled horizontally. The drilling work should be completed by the

Ramagundam with installed capacity of 2600 MW. The first unit

end of 2019. Then the plant will be built. Subsequently, long-term

of 800MW is expected to be completed by May 2020 and the next

pumping experiments and the fine adjustment of the system begin.

would follow in six months.

By 2020, it will finally go online.




WELDING ERGONOMICS and Method to suit worker capabilities

physiology, biomechanics, psychology,

and not changing worker. It does not try

anthropometry, industrial hygiene and

to make workers adjust to the workplace.


When a workplace is designed properly, the worker feels comfortable. Quality and production increase. Everyone benefits.

OBJECTIVES OF ERGONOMICS • Reduce injuries and disorders • Ensure worker Safety • Ensure worker Health S. K. Gupta, Technical Director, Jupiter Wagons and Jupiter Alloys & Steel India Ltd. Director Quivan Skills Empowerment Pvt. Ltd.

• Reduce Absenteeism • Ensure worker Productivity



• Bending

The word Ergonomics has several

• Heavy Lifting

meanings. The first is literal. Derived

• Using continuous Force

from two Greek words: Ergo = work; and

• Working with Vibrating Equipment

Nomos = laws. Therefore, ergonomics

• Repetitive Motions

literally means the laws of work. But the

• Awkward Postures

practical meaning of Ergonomics is fitting

• Temperature

the task and work environment to the try to design tasks and workplaces to suit


the capability of the human. In most

• Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSD)

of our workplaces layout design and

• Repetitive Motion Injury

selection of production processes there

• Worker Dissatisfaction

are many tasks, work environments, and

• Increased Absenteeism

even products, which do not take human

• Increased Turnover rates

human physical limitations. Ergonomists

capabilities into consideration. Ergonomics is the science of designing


and arranging plant, machinery,

• Less Gripping strength

equipment and positioning of job

• Less Range of Motion

for efficient and effective workout by

• Loss of Muscle function

operators. It is also named as Human

• Painful Joints

Factors Engineering. It is the science and

• Pain, Numbness in body Limbs

relationship interaction between worker

• Shooting or Stabbing Pains

and workplace environment. Ergonomics

• Swelling or Inflammation

attempts to make the workplace

• Stiffness or Burning sensation


with minimum fatigue of body and limbs.

Ergonomics includes many different

Discomfort and pain are common in

Ergonomics focuses on designing Process

scientific disciplines such as:

human-work activities. Workers working

comfortable to the operators to work





in the industrial sector are prone to be

likely to cause MSD problems include the

of the shoulders, arms, hands, wrists,

exposed to such risk of discomfort and


backs, and legs of workers during a typical

pain resulting injuries. Occupational

• Exerting excessive force more than

working day. When present for a sufficient

risk factors are the most common entity to cause health problems. Exposure to occupational hazards adversely affect the functioning of human body and in turn reduce worker productivity and product/

normal; • Continuous and excessive repetition of movements that can irritate tendons and increase pressure on nerves; • Forced awkward postures, or

duration, frequency, or magnitude MSDs will result from these risk factors. Additionally, environmental conditions such as working in extreme temperatures may contribute to the quick development

work quality and increase musculoskeletal

unsupported positions that stretch

of WMSDs. Personal risk factors, such as


physical limits, can compress nerves

physical conditioning, preexisting health

and irritate tendons;

problems, gender, age, work technique,

MSDs, or musculoskeletal disorders,

hobbies and organizational factors (e.g.,

are injuries and disorders of the soft

• Static postures, or positions that a

tissues of the human body (muscles,

worker must hold for long periods

job autonomy, quotas, deadlines) may

tendons, ligaments, joints, and cartilage)

of time, can restrict blood flow and

also contribute to, but do not cause,

damage muscles;

development of WMSDs.

including the nerves and tendon sheaths, and most frequently involve the arms

• Abrupt motion, such as increased speed

and back. Occupational safety and health

or acceleration when bending and

The Nature of Welding

professionals have called these disorders

twisting, can increase the amount of

Welding is a versatile manufacturing

in variety names such as:

force exerted on the body;

process in metal fabrication industry and

• Cumulative trauma disorders

• Compressive forces from grasping sharp

plays a vital role to produce almost all the

• Repeated trauma

edges like tool handles, can concentrate

Engineering products. Welding is estimated

• Repetitive stress injuries

force on small areas of the body, reduce

to contribute to almost 50% of the nation’s

• Occupational overexertion syndrome.

blood flow and nerve transmission, and

gross national product.

These are painful, and often occur as

damage tendons and tendon sheaths;

disabling injuries. Such injuries generally

• Inadequate recovery time for tissue

Welding often requires awkward body positions continued over a long period of

develop gradually over a period of weeks,

repair due to overtime, lack of breaks,

time thereby causing high prevalence of

months and years. MSDs usually result

and failure to vary tasks.

musculoskeletal complaints and injuries

from exposure to multiple risk factors

• Continuous and excessive vibration,

including back injuries, shoulder pain,

that can cause or accelerate the disorders.

usually from vibrating tools, can

tendonitis, and reduced muscle strength.

MSDs are not caused from a single event

decrease blood flow, damage nerves,

On this context, there is lot of scope for

and contribute to muscle fatigue.

improvement in the operating (welding)

or trauma such as a fall, collision, or entanglement. Frequently, workers lose

• Vibration of the whole-body such

postures which in turn will help to reduce

time from work to recover; some never

as from driving trucks or operating

discomfort and pain, thereby increasing

regain full health. MSDs can cause a

subways, or continuous chipping can

productivity, worker safety and quality of

number of conditions, including pain,

affect skeletal muscles and cause low-

work in welding-industry. Problems are

numbness, tingling, stiff joints, difficulty

back pain; and

actually in the mismatches between man

moving, muscle loss, and sometimes

• Working in extreme hot or cold

and machine, improper layout design,

paralysis .These disorders include:

temperatures can adversely affect a

unhealthy work environment and mainly

• Carpal tunnel syndrome

worker’s coordination and manual

ignorance among top to bottom.

• Tendinitis

dexterity and cause a worker to use

• Sciatica

more force than necessary to perform

dictated by the design of the item being

• Herniated discs

a task.

worked. In almost all cases welding in

• Low back pains

Most of the tasks welders perform are

the field requires the welder to adapt to These risk factors, either alone or in

the workplace, rather than adapting the

Work Related Musculoskeletal Disorders

combination, can cause thousands of

workplace to the welder. This is because in

repetitive twisting, forceful, or flexing

many cases, the materials are big, heavy,

Work situations and conditions that are

motions to the muscles, tendons, cartilages

and might be covered with dirt, rust, and/





or grime and it is easier to have the welder

Ergonomics Stressors Compression: Leaning on a hard surface Awkward & Static Posture: Holding the arms away from the body for long durations

assume an awkward posture, than move the Job. Welding also is hot work and generates harmful metal fumes. The use of proven ergonomic principles can improve the way a particular task is performed, thereby reducing welder exposure to risk factors. This generally translates to a healthier workforce, improved morale, greater productivity and

Welding with the hands in front of the body.

increased product quality. Common WMSDs for welders include:

Ergonomics Stressors: Awkward & Static Posture: Extension of the neck, static loading in the arms and shoulders.

• Back Injuries – From strains and sprains to degradation of the vertebral disks. • Bursitis – Inflammation of a saclike bodily cavity, containing a viscous lubricating fluid located between a tendon and a bone or at points of friction between moving structures (i.e. inflammation of a bursa). • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – A complex disorder that starts with the inflammation of the tendon sheaths in the wrist and progresses into the degradation of median nerve • Tendonitis – Inflammation of the tendons. • Tenosynovitis – Inflammation of tendon sheath. • Thoracic Outlet Syndrome – A disorder in which blood vessels and nerves in the upper shoulder region are compressed and cause pain. This condition is sometimes caused by chronic postures associated with overhead work. • Trigger Finger – Tendons in the fingers ‘lock down’ due to injury to the tendons. Spinal disc and vertebra


Consider lower back vertebral disk

out and can place pressure on a spinal

degeneration. The vertebral disk is made of

nerve causing severe pain.

flexible cartilage and contains a semi-liquid gel. The cartilage is in the form of rings.

Ergonomics Stressors: Awkward & Static Posture

When a person performs lifts beyond their

A few of the following photographs show

capability, these rings can degrade. If the

various awkward and strained body

person continues performing such lifts the

postures during welding which invariably

disk can rupture. When it ruptures it bulges

cause ergonomic stresses.


Welding at ground level



Ergonomics Stressors: Awkward & Static Posture: Extension of the neck, static loading in the arms and shoulders

Ergonomics Stressors: Awkward & Static Posture: Statically Holding a stooped

Such welding postures can be avoided by improvements in Jigs, Fixtures and Positional welding. This is absolutely essential where manufacturing / production of welded parts , components and sub assemblies are conducted day in and day out for weeks, months and sometimes in years together.

Working in a stooped posture

ERGONOMIC SOLUTION APPROACH Welding above shoulder height Ergonomics Stressors: Awkward & Static Posture: Hot work in a static posture caused by the constrained space Compression: Leaning on a hard surface

Ergonomics Stressors: Awkward & Static Posture: Working with the back bent forward and holding the arms away from the body Compression: Resting the arms on a hard surfaces

Ergonomic solutions for welders describe changes to equipment, work practices and procedures (administrative controls) that can address ergonomics-related risk factors, help control costs, and reduce employee turnover. These changes will also increase employee productivity and efficiency because they eliminate unnecessary movements and reduce heavy manual work.

Working with the back bent forward Welding in constrained spaces

However, there are numerous job aids such as fixtures, jigs, and part holders

Ergonomics Stressors: Awkward & Static Posture: Working with the back bent forward and wrist in extension Compression: Leaning on a hard, sharp surface

Welding with back bent forward Ergonomics Stressors: Awkward & Static Posture: Working with the back bent

Working with the back bent forward





available to aid welders in doing their jobs and reduce the risk of injury. In addition, special chairs and/or creepers are available that provide body support while performing tasks so that an awkward posture is avoided.

• Have any improvements created new risks or other problems?

• Provide sufficient rest. • Utilize jigs and fixtures.

• Have any improvements impacted production or quality? • Are implemented improvements supported by training?

Action Plan for Implementing Solutions

WORKSTATION DESIGN FACTORS Some factors to consider: • Position of the work. • Physical ability of the worker.


• Design and weight of the tools.

of the work for acceptable Ergonomic

• Body mechanics of the operation.

Step 1: Look for clues

Postures as shown in the photographs

• Type of protective equipment used.

• Observe work activities


• Workspace / environment (size,

to Reduce Workplace Risk Factors;

• Risk factors

lighting, temperature, noise, vibration,

• Tool / equipment modifications


• Increased absenteeism

• Recognize that often Repetitive Motion

• Worker fatigue

• Decreased production

Injury is mistakenly felt to be a type of

• Bottlenecks / missed deadlines

short-term weakness or fatigue. Actually

• Talk to workers (form ergonomics

it is the start of potentially more serious

action teams or designate an ergonomic

etc.). • Physical requirements of the job (lifting, turning, reaching, etc,). • Mental requirements (motivation, alertness, concentration). • Strength and size of the workers.

injuries. • Address complaints in a timely manner.


• Use assessment tools

• Get employee input.

In India, small, medium and large scale

• Risk factor physical check list.

• Interact with the worker. Discuss

industries using welding as Manufacturing

point of contact)

possible solutions. Give the employee

Process must understand and appreciate

Step 2: Prioritize job for improvement:

ownership of any new plans. Promote

the fact that “Welding Is A Special Process”


employee acceptance of solutions.

and Welders are human beings with

• Frequency & severity of the risk factors

• Redesign the workstation with the

specially trained skills carrying out the

• Frequency & severity of complaints

employees’ help. Employees should feel

said process. In order to aim for higher

• Injuries

part of the process.

productivity and better quality we must

• Workers’ ideas

• Utilize gravity when it can help move

• Timeframe for making improvements

material to the work area or station. This

• Difficulty in making improvements

helps to prevent unnecessary

nurture the well being of the welders for maintaining and improving the skills.

material handling. Step 3: Make improvements – Improve

• Talk to various employees


• Contact other industries

• Avoid fixed work positions.

the fit between task demands & worker capabilities

• Consult ergonomics experts • Use internet resources

They reduce the blood supply to muscles. • Keep elbows close to the

Step 4: Follow-up: • Has each improvement reduced or

• Avoid positions where arms

eliminated the risk factors, fatigue,

are raised above shoulder

discomfort symptoms or injury


reporting? • Has each improvement been accepted by the workers?




• Use lighter hand tools. • Suspend tools. • Support your elbows.




Reign of the metal

Sanjeev Ranjan, Managing Director, International Copper Association, India

Q1. How according to you is the overall copper market in India?

decrease the operational costs across all

wiring, electrification of vehicles, etc.

industries. It is important to note that

This not only gives a boost to their

The copper market has seen a steady

the performance of the copper industry

madden project, “Make in India” but

growth in the country, a major boost

is highly dependent on the performance

it also lifts the copper sector in the

for the industry has come in from the

of sectors like power, construction,

country. With this rate and progress, we

implementation of GST, which was

telecom, and automobiles; thus, they

are assertive that copper in the Indian

probably the most awaited reform to-be

cannot be overlooked.

markets will soon become a game-

implemented by the Government of


The government has positively

changing metal.

India. Though GST is still in its early

encouraged various push into numerous

stage, it has simplified the tax structure

sectors for the growth of renewable

and thus has improved the ‘ease of doing

energy making India energy efficient

Q2. Is the industry on par with the international markets?

business’, it has also been planned to

by 2022, norms for safer circuitry and

Copper markets will continue to see




persistent growth in demand from

~1,812 kt by FY26. Incremental demand:

growing young population, rapid

countries like China, India and those

~840 kt. The electricalsector would

urbanization, huge infrastructure

from South East Asia. Indian exports

account for ~56% of the total demand.

projects and investments, proposed

of manufactured / engineering goods

Based on the planned capacity additions,

industrial corridors and electricity

continue to be extremely poor. The

the total capacity for refined copper in

grids. Currently, ~50% of the copper

government of India had signed various

India will increase from present 1,000

demands’ met through supply from

trade agreements with an intention

kt to 1,400 kt. It ismeasuredagainst a

domestic refined copper producers

to scale-up the domestic industry by

total copper demand of ~1,812 kt. ~40%

with ~30% met through imports. Wires

stimulating exports, but it is proving to be

is estimated to be met through supply

and cables account for ~44% of the

highly ineffective. FTAs has led to tax-free

from domestic refined copper producers

electrical products demand. Copper

imports from countries in ASEAN, Japan

with the rest expected to be met through

is widely used in sectors like motors,

which are proving to be cheaper than

imports. There exists a potential gap of

automobiles, transformers, alternators,

domestically produced goods and this is

~230 kt between demand and supply.

agricultural pumps, consumer

impacting the domestic manufacturing

The copper sector in India is constantly

appliances, construction, transportation

sector like copper tubes, copper rods,

blooming and we are sure that in the

and renewable. Almost, 25% of the total

motors and wire/cable markets quite

coming years the market will just get

demands’ met through recycled copper

adversely. The main reason for this is the

bigger for more opportunities and

in the country.

inverted duty structure, which we have in


for their inputs (copper concentrates)

Q4. Which sectors are the major consumers of copper?

Q5. Is the use of copper on demand into the welding sector in India? Your say on this.

compared to imported finished products.

Copper is not only used in our homes

In the past, the Indian welding industry

This is a serious concern as it may

and offices but also in the circuitry,

was dominated by low technology and

render domestic manufacturing to be

connectors and components that make

very rare technological innovation.

uncompetitive and is likely to impact the

virtually all electronic devices function

However, in recent years, the demand

‘Make in India’ policy in the long run.

due to its ductility that is valued for its

for automatic and semi-automatic

place, domestic manufacturers of refined copper end up paying a higher duty

high thermal and electrical conductivity.

welding electrode production machine

Q3. What can be the approximate market size? Expectations in the coming year.

In fact, the metal's usage in a wide-

has been rising. Simultaneously, low

variety of core industries has resulted

budgets and recession have marked

in the investment community turning

the ongoing popularity of manual,

Based on a third-party report

to copper prices as a sign of overall

economical techniques. Increased FDI

commissioned by ICA India, the current

economic health, impelling the name

equity inflow in India has contributed

demand for copper in India is ~970 kt

'Dr. Copper'. Evolving in line with the

to the rise in projects. Just like

with the electrical sector accounting

‘Make in India’ initiative, India has

copper, welding has it key application

for ~54% of the total demand. The total

all the ingredients that can help boost

in segments like automobile &

copper demand is expected to reach

copper demand; given its billion-plus

transportation, building & construction,





marine applications, power sector, oil &

challenges, as the government needs to

fossil fuel vehicles. Thus, demand for

gas, wear plate and other applications

re-examine the Free Trade Agreement

copper from battery electric vehicles will

such as repair & maintenance, and

(FTA) that has created complications

increase. Also because copper is a highly

pipelines among others. The growth

for export and raised customs duty for

efficient conduit, it is used in renewable

and expansion of end-user industries

downstream products so that it does

energy systems to generate power from

such as automobile & transportation,

not affect the domestic industry in

solar, hydro, thermal and wind energy

building & construction has given a

the country. Another, most important

across the world.

boost to both these industries. The

challenge is high capital cost. The

India has one of the best standards

welding and copper industries are

interest rates in India are very high

comparable to the best in the world but

interrelated and interdependent on one

(8-9%) as compared to the European

lack of quality marking and absence of

another. Thus, the rising demand for

countries (1%). High volatility in the

enforcement of standards & codes have

copper is constantly promoting the use

price of copper is also a big challenge.

definitely been significant hurdles for the

of modern and unique uses of copper,

Government’s inverted duty structure

copper industry and its usage in India.

simultaneously increasing the demand

under which finished products are taxed

The copper industry has undergone

of welding equipment in the country.

at lower rates than raw material; which

technological and innovative changes to

hits the manufacturing sector. The

provide better usability to its end users.

Q6. Your expectation from the welding industry, when copper is concern?

government also needs to pay attention

Small diameter (shift from 7mm to 5mm)

as a lot of copper scraps are coming from

inner groove tubes for the condenser coils

producers who do not have machines to

of the room air conditioners will make

Copper welding is not hard. The heat

remove impurities from copper. Copper

the products more cost effective and

required for this type of welding is

scrap, druid, residues and dross get

energy efficient, which will benefit both

approximately twice that required

converted to a low purity wire bar and

– the manufacturer and the consumers.

for steel of similar thickness. Copper

thereafter into low purity copper wires

Similarly, the die-cast copper rotors in

has a high thermal conductivity.

and cables. These cables pose a safety

place of fabricated copper rotors have

... Oxygen-free copper (deoxidized

hazard. In addition, with the usage of

increased the productivity of pump

copper rod) should be used rather than

low-quality copper, energy efficiency level

manufacturers and helped provide better

oxygen-bearing copper for gas welded

will come down and it breaches safety

quality pumps to the farmers.

assemblies. Copper availability in all



As the Indian economy is constantly growing (based on the per capita

forms is not a challenge anymore in India. The use of right quality of copper

Closing message.

income), growth in disposable income,

based on the end application is very

Being a superconductor, copper is

increasing urbanization is resulting in the

essential for providing the best solution

applied to building management, home

formation of large megacities and new

to the end users. This will provide

automation system, data centers and

cities, the infrastructural push led by the

then with a trouble free and reliable

other verticals for its properties. Copper

government through various strategies


demand will proliferate due to surging

and policies. We are sure it would lead

battery electric vehicles as well as

to a rise in copper demand across all

Q7. What are the major challenges the copper industry faces? How do you manage to cope up?

government’s initiative to make India

verticals of businesses. This surge in

energy efficient through renewable

demand will witness more innovation

resources. India and many countries in

that will outgrow the industry to adopt

The copper industry faces many

the world plan to reduce (and even ban)

energy efficient copper alternatives.




Welding robots complete

3D-printed steel bridge


t the airport in San Francisco, on

are bound to discover new techniques.

our new workshop. It has been great to

our way to discuss with our first

Autodesk, too, was thrilled to come

add ArcelorMittal, ABB Robotics, Lenovo

main sponsor Autodesk their

aboard, and the project was born during

and Air Liquide to our team!

involvement in MX3D, we brainstormed about what the ultimate poster project

June 2015. October 2015 marks the official

The final location was set in December 2015, upon the crossing of the Oudezijds

would be for showcasing all of the

launch of the Bridge Project. A big thank

Achterburgwal and the Stoofsteeg. In

facets of our technology. We reached

you goes out to the City of Amsterdam

other project-related news, we are proud

the conclusion that a bridge over one

for becoming an actual customer of

to add Plymovent and Oerlikon to the

of the old canals in Amsterdam would

this unique bridge. And thank you to

team! And thank you Leap3D for making

be a fantastic metaphor for connecting

Elderwoman Kasja Ollongren and CEO of

this scan!

the technology of the future with the

Heijmans, Bert van der Els, for opening

We finalised the design at last during

beautiful city’s past in a way that would reveal the best aspects of both worlds. It would look like it defies gravity; layer by layer we deposite metal that solidifies until the bridge is ready. The bridge project, to a large extent, was a learning process; wherein we were unaware how long it will take, but we are certain we can develop the software and hardware to make this project happen. In any case, it was a great adventure and we





much as possible. Hoping to make this happen quickly!

Solution After a serious setback, we were back on track at last. In order to reduce complexity, we employed an entirely new approach. In November 2016, Arup joined our rockstar team and we began discussing a sheet-construction approach rather than the previouslyattempted one centred around volume optimization. The benefits of the sheet concept were that it works primarily with compression forces using stress analysis software to generate force lines through the object. A highly detailed 3D scan demonstrated that the bridge heads are not entirely parallel. As a result of this new found information, we chose to give the bridge an asymmetrical shape, inplan. This increases the dynamic shape and allows showing that our proprietary technology is not bound by traditional, symmetrical forms. By making the entire bridge design parametric, the design adapts automatically with every design iteration; believe it or not, we could even make changes to the design after the May 2016! The initial design concept was

software and 3D printing, clashed

focused on a very pure application of

with the traditional world of typical

topological optimization. This particular

construction engineering. The

technique was employed extensively early

engineering software used to address

on in Joris Laarman Lab’s pioneering

the various functional, and safety

process of engineering, designing, re-

Bone Furniture collection. The software

requirements could not handle our

engineering, re-designing, discovering

is programmed to reduce the required

complex geometry. Additionally, there

the world behind permits, safety

material to a minimum when generating

remained many unknowns yet to be

measures, canal wall renovation, re-

the most efficient shape for a specific

taken into account; amongst other

designing, programming, fundraising,

task – just as a bone will optimize itself

factors. It was unclear how much

test printing, re-designing and re-

in nature. The Bridge design employed

stress the medieval canal walls could

programming, the actual printing of the

Autodesk’s Dreamcatcher software

withstand and it also turned out to be

bridge finally started during March 2017.

in collaboration with the engineering

near-impossible to define the material

We are printed large parts of roughly

expertise of Heijmans.

properties of the printed geometries.

one metre, which were then assembled

robots start printing! The final design was finished in February 2017! After a challenging 18 month-long

This means, we have to start all over

together after they’ve been printed. The


again… Basically, we had to reduce

initial production pace was fast enough

The modern world of optimisation

complexity and avoid tension stresses as

to finish by early 2018 – exciting times!





The first tests with the robot printing in-situ were promising. We managed to print a nice part horizontally; but there were still many issues to resolve. Soon, we attempt to move the robot on the bridge and allow it to continue to print. With close to a third of the bridge printed at the time of writing, we were well on track to be finished printing early 2018. By now, we’ve also mounted a robot directly on the bridge. What a great moment!

stainless steel, along with 1,100 km (684 miles) of wire.

At Present

The bridge will now be subjected to

In April 2018, the full span of the bridge

load tests in order to verify its structural

has been finalized, although it still has

integrity, before being installed at the

to actually be placed over the water. To


build the bridge, the company used four of its MX3D-Metal robots. These consist

MX3D Bridge

Laarman Lab, Arup is the lead structural

of a robotic welding arm that lays down a

MX3D is 3D printing a fully functional

engineer, ArcelorMittal provides the

blob of molten metal, then adds another

stainless steel bridge to cross one of the

metallurgical expertise, Autodesk

blob on top of it once it's hardened, and

oldest and most famous canals in the

assists with their knowledge on digital

continues that process until it's created

center of Amsterdam, the Oudezijds

production tools, Heijmans is our

an entire metal column. By controlling

Achterburgwal. We equip typical

construction expert, Lenovosupports

the point in space at which the welds

industrial robots with purpose-built

us with computational hardware, ABB

are made, it's possible to control the

tools and develop the software to control

is the robotics specialist, Air Liquide

orientation of the columns, even getting

them. The unique approach allows us to

& Oerlikon know everything about

them to interlace with one another. No

3D print strong, complex and graceful

welding and lastly, Plymovent protects

supporting materials are needed, and

structures out of metal. The goal of the

the air our employees breath whilst AMS

quite large structures can be created.

MX3D Bridge project is to showcase the

and TU Delft do invaluable research.

potential applications of our multi-axis

Gemeente Amsterdamis the first

3D printing technology.

customer of our collaborative bridge

The finished bridge is 12.5 meters long (41 ft), and took six months to print. It's composed of 4,500 kg (9,921 lb) of

The Bridge is designed by Joris

building department.






New ArcTig


Process from Fronius

Exceptional cooling to ensure the best possible welding results.




hen welding, it is not only

The ArcTig welding process from

seam quality that matters,

Fronius is based on the principle of

speed plays a significant

tungsten inert gas welding, or TIG

role too. Both of these help the welder

welding for short. In this process, an arc

to work more efficiently and so reduce

burns between a non-melting tungsten

costs. With the modified TIG process,

electrode and the metallic workpiece

ArcTig, Fronius has developed an

in an oxygen-free, reactionless gas

innovation for mechanised joint welding

atmosphere. The current flow heats the

that addresses these requirements. A

electrode, resulting in an electron flow.

special welding torch allows the TIG

This reduces the combined resistance,

arc to be focused in a targeted manner

producing a soft, wide arc. The inert

and its energy density is significantly

protective gas shield means there are no

increased. Users can weld up to ten-

chemical reactions with the liquid weld

millimetre-thick, high-alloy sheets

pool. This enables users to produce a

and pipes without extensive seam

perfect weld-seam appearance without

preparation, to an exceptionally high

tempering colours and spatter as well as

quality standard and much quicker.

the best weave pattern. TIG welding is



suited to a variety of different materials

equipment required is the new welding

and applications, including tricky

torch and an additional heat exchanger

materials like titanium.

to provide the cooling capacity and the

The ArcTig welding process is designed for applications in container and pipeline construction, in the

required temperature stability. ArcTig is also available as a complete system. The electrode is extensively stretched

manufacture of turbines and the

with the aid of the newly developed

construction of special machines, cranes

electrode clamping system. Only one

and tanks. The key innovation here

clamping element is needed for simple

is the optimised welding torch with

clamping and changing of the electrode

is required for the ArcTig process.

an electrode clamping system, which

(minimum length 20mm). Moreover, the

This cuts down on rework to a large

enables the electrode to be cooled right

electrode end is freely adjustable, what

extent, since the weld seam is raised

to the tip. This increases the combined

changes the characteristics of the arc or

to a minimal degree and there is very

resistance and creates a high arc voltage.

achieves improved accessibility.

little distortion due to the reduced heat

Electron emission now takes place over

Tolerances for prefabrication are

input. This enables users to accelerate

a small area but at an extremely high

around +/- 10 % of the material thickness

processing times considerably, while

density. This makes the arc narrower

for gap and offset (similar to plasma).

the welding process also permits higher

and more targeted, allowing the user to

In combination with a water chiller,

welding speeds. What's more, material

achieve exceptional weld seam quality.

the electrode is strongly cooled as the

costs are lowered as the weld seam

Another advantage of the cooling is that

water chiller enables increased cooling

volume is reduced.

it prevents overheating of the electrode

performances and temperature stability.

during welding, providing increased arc

This in turn leads to an even more

terms of operation: because it is very

stability and ensuring a longer service

focused arc and improved welding

similar to TIG welding, users do not

life and improved ignition. Users can


have to adjust to a new process and

upgrade all TIG power sources from Fronius above an output of 220 amperes to the ArcTig process with ease. The only

The ArcTig process also impresses in

can weld immediately without carrying

Shorter processing times and lower filler metal costs

out any time-consuming teaching-in.

The focussed and high-pressure arc

and prevents incorrect operation by

means the ArcTig can be used to weld

the welder, as just a few parameters

components in one layer to a material

need to be set. Users can make use of

thickness of up to ten millimetres. In

standard TIG electrodes that are quick

conventional TIG welding, several layers

to change and can easily be re-ground as

are often needed. Additionally, it is

necessary. The new electrode clamping

frequently the case that users no longer

system clamps the electrode over a

need to do time-consuming preparation

large area. To make the weld seam

work on parts. As there is no gap during

more accessible and enable the arc to

seam preparation, no weld pool support

be manipulated better, the free end of

This minimises the need for training

the electrode can be adjusted as desired depending on the requirements. For more Info: Fronius India Private Limited Mr. Amlan Saha Gat No 312, Nanekarwadi, Chakan, Khed District, Pune - 410501, India Mobile: +91 73 9109 5722 Email: saha.amlan@fronius.com






Date (2018)



Roof India Exhibition 2018

7th - 9th June, 2018

Chennai Trade Centre


OSH India India’s Occupational Safety and Health Exhibition

28th - 29th June, 2018

Hitex Exhibition Centre, Hyderabad, India

UBM India Pvt.Ltd


03rd - 04st August, 2018

Vadodara, Gujarat


29th - 31st August, 2018

Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, India



29th - 31st August, 2018

Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, India


Indexpo Hyderabad 2018

31st August - 2nd Sept, 2018

Hitex, Hyderabad

Indore Infoline Pvt. Ltd.

GRI India Summit

11th - 12th September, 2018

Bombay Convention & Exhibition Centre

Global Real Estate Institute

Capex 2018

19th - 21st September, 2018

Bombay Exhibition Center

Fairfest Media Limited.

Economic Times Acetech Mumbai

15th - 18th November, 2018

Bombay Exhibition Center

Asian Business Exhibition & Conferences Ltd.

The Big 5 Construction

26th - 29th November, 2018

Dubai World Trade Centre

dmg events Middle East




Date (2018)



Welding Poznan 2018

5th to 8th June, 2018

Poznan, Poland

Poznan International Fair Ltd.

Welding Int'l Welding Exhibition

5th to 8th June, 2018

Poznan, Poland

Pozna International Fair (MTP)


19th - 21st September, 2018


UBM Trust Co Ltd

26th KIOGE – Kazakhstan International "Oil & Gas" Exhibition and Conference

3rd to 5th October, 2018

Atakent Expo, Almaty, Kazakhstan

ITE Eurasian Exhibitions FZ LLC and Comnet Exhibitions

BI-MU Machine Tools, Robots and Automation

9th to 13th October, 2018

Milan, Italy


ExpoWelding Int'l Welding Fair

16th to 18th October, 2018

Gliwice, Poland

Expo Silesia

Weldex Int'l specialized Exhibition of Equipment, Technologies and Materials for Welding

16th to 19th October, 2018

Moscow, Russia

MVK International Exhibitions

Welding. Monitoring and Testing

20th to 22th November, 2018

Ekaterinburg, Russia

Ural Exhibitions




Show Preview – CWE 2018


WE is an internationally

fabricators for technology & knowledge

renowned series of exhibitions

transfer, identifying alternate suppliers

focusing on welding technology,

of machinery & spares, new source of

already geared up to exhibit their latest

robotics, welding automation, welding

investments, face to face interaction with

technologies at the exhibition with new

consumables, materials testing, non-

industry players, identifying new market

applications offered, focusing on Industry

destructive testing and allied industries.

opportunities etc.

4.0 including robots and automation

The world's leaders in the sector are

It is the only comprehensive business

CWE series of international events

platform serving the welding industry

have played a major role in showcasing

and over the years, this leading business

the strength of the Indian Welding,

A complete conclave of CEOs,

event has become the perfect platform

Cutting and allied Industry by attracting

Plant Managers, Material Manager,

for showcasing the entire spectrum of

global attention to these technological

Maintenance Managers, Welders &

products and services relating to the

advancements. CWE event has established

Welding Heads, Factory Managers, Quality

welding and allied industries.

itself as a “Business Festival of the Welding

Heads, Production Managers, Industry

Industry” and support the overall growth

Experts and Distributors associated with

Welding industry there is an urgent need

of manufacturing & fabricating industry in

Design, Metal Working, Metal Forming &

for a Unified Business Platform which can

the country.

By keeping in mind the growth of Indian

connect the Welding Industry of India


and allied Industry sector.

CWE 2018 edition once again will

with the Global Welding Industry. The key

showcase the latest trend in the cutting,

objective of this business platform to help

welding & joining Industry to fulfil the

the Indian manufacturing industry and

demands of ever increasing manufacturing


technologies. Over the years, CWE has become-

CWE – The Trusted Platform to Showcase and Buy Solutions for the Manufacturing & Fabricating Industry in India!



Fabricating and Allied Industries. CWE series of exhibitions have always received appreciation from all over the industry and proved to be the best

opportunities for Suppliers of Welding Automation, Welding Consumables, Finishing Tools etc. 4. Expected 12,000+ Quality Business

business platform for the Cutting &

Visitors/Direct Buyers form the various

Welding in India. CWE 2018, 8th edition

business segments of Manufacturing,

is planned with other 5 specialized

Metal Working, Metal Forming and

concurrent exhibitions for creating a Mega Business platform for Metal Working,

The event is jointly organized by World Metal Forum and ITEI, the Indian subsidiary of ITE Group PLC (UK) with support of Rajkot Engineering Association and Society of Manufacturers of Electric Vehicles (SMEV).

Fabricating Industry 5. From the Industry Segments i.e.

working, metal working and

Metal Forming, Manufacturing and

Aerospace, Agriculture Machinery,

manufacturing solutions in Asia as well as

Engineering Solutions.

Automotive & Automotive

in CIS Countries. Some of the exhibition

Components, Boilers, Construction

brands include METALTECH – Malaysia,

Few Highlights of the events are:

& Infrastructure, Defence, EPC


1. The pure B2B platform in the region

Companies, HVAC, Plants (Cement,

Kazakhstan, AUTOMEX – Malaysia,

serving Design, Metal Working, Metal

Power, Sugar etc.), Railways & Rail


Forming, Fabricating and Allied

Coach Factories, Refineries, Fabricators

ASIA – Uzbekistan, WELDEX – Russia and


and many other.

many more………..

2. A complete showcase of cutting, welding & finishing industry 3. CWE – provides un-paralleled business


ITE Group specializes in organizing

Get detailed information about all events

international exhibitions for metal

at www.ite-exhibitions.com




India Essen Welding and Cutting



Symposium (IWS 2K18) staged by

the leading Trade Fair in the Indian

IWS- Indian Welding Society and DVS -

market for Joining, Cutting and

German Welding Society. The conference

Surfacing Technology will take place

will promote the exchange of knowledge

at Bombay Convention and Exhibition

between manufacturers, users and

Centre, Mumbai from November 27-29,

researchers. The Metallurgy India, Tube India and


the wire & Cable India will also be held

IEWC is jointly organised by Messe Essen and Messe Duesseldorf India.

concurrently with the INDIA ESSEN

The event will also be supported by DVS

WELDING & CUTTING. Together these event portfolio form India's largest

- German Welding Society and IWS – Indian Welding Society. The 8th edition of IEWC will attract

The USP of the show is Vendor

metal fair platform for welding, cutting, surfacing, tubes, pipes and metallurgy

over 140 exhibitors from 7 countries

Development Program which would

with an anticipated audience size of

provide an opportunity for the

14,000. The event would be a prominent

manufacturers to understand the

will be an incredible meeting point for

platform for exhibitors to present

procurement processes of PSUS like L&T,

exhibitors and visitors to learn, exchange

their latest products, services and

Golden Rock Workshop Railways, BHEL

ideas and network with the Welding

technologies related to Automation

Haridwar, Navel Research Materials


industry, Robotics, CNC machines,

Laboratory, Godrej & Boyce, NPCIL etc.

Cutting Machines, Surfacing, Laser


Measurement and Testing Technology.

Anotherhighlight of the event will


For further information on

Cutting Machines, Safety Equipment,

be a first-class, specialized supporting

India Essen Welding & Cutting,

Health and Safety, Quality Assurance,

programme, International Welding

visit: http://www.iewc.in




Annamalai University plans to start UNIC-PROSPER: Need support and guidance


nnamalai University established


a “Centre for Materials Joining


relevant projects in industry;

2007 under AICTE-NAFETIC scheme.

ii. Providing opportunities to B.E/M.E/

This Centre is carrying out Research & Development (R&D) work on Materials

Ph.D students to undergo one month

Joining (Welding) field for the last

Inplant Training during summer or winter vacation;

15 years with the support of various

iii. Organizing Guest Lectures/Expert

funding agencies such as DST, DRDO, DAE, ISRO, UGC, AICTE etc. So far, the

industries. Some of the industries such as

Lectures by the Industry People for

University has completed more than 30

ADOR Welding, Fronius India, Weldwell

the benefit of students, scholars and

R&D project works worth of Rs. 10 crores

Speciality, Honovar Electrodes, Mailam


and 5 more project works worth of Rs. 3

India, MATCON, R.V. Machine Tools

crores are being implemented. Through

supported this program. Each contributed

drive to the B.E/M.E/Ph.d students

this project, world class welding, testing

Rs. 2 lakhs towards the fellowship and

to assure 100% Placement to the

and characterization facilities have been

thus 15 students were admitted in 2016

students those pursuing Welding

created in the Centre. Moreover, there

and they are all in 4thsemester now

Education & Research;

are good numbers of qualified faculty

doing project work at industries. Also,

members expertised in this field.

during the second batch, 15 students

Industry Relevant R&D projects and

were admitted and they are in first

submitting to the funding agencies

utilize the infrastructure facilities and

semester. This program is a huge hit

as a Joint Projects to get financial

expertise of faculties available in the

among the Universities and all the visiting


Centre effectively, a new PG program on

accreditation committees appreciated

Welding Engineering, i.e., M.E (Welding

this novel effort in an industrially

Programs on specific topics for the

Engineering) was started in 2016. The

backward area.

benefit of Practicing Engineers as well

Under these circumstances, to

concept of this program is; during the


Providing opportunities to the B.E/M.E/Ph.D students to do industry

& Research (CEMAJOR)” in

In continuation to this effort,

iv. Conducting on-campus recruitment

v. Providing Inputs to formulate

vi. Conducting Short Term Training

as to the University/College Teachers; vii. Conducting National Level Annual

first two semesters, the students will be

Annamalai University have planned

studying at Annamalai University and

to start a consortium of Annamalai

Convention for the students and

they have to complete 14 theory papers

University and Industries (mainly welding

scholars to display their inventions

and 2 labs. In the next two semesters,

and fabrication related industries) to

and innovations related to welding

students will go to welding or fabrication

support this program in long run. For

industry and do project work. So at the

this purpose, Annamalai University

end of the two years, student will be

look forward for your support and

students on the importance and

awarded PG Degree and through this

guidance. The consortium will be named

opportunities in welding education

scheme the student will have a PG Degree

as “University-Industry Consortium

and research by conducting Quiz

with one year industry experience. For

for Providing Opportunities & Support

Programs, Technical Seminars;

these students, Annamalai University

for Pursuing Welding Education and

offers a stipend of Rs. 6,000 per month

Research (UNIC-PROSPER)”. Through

Programs on Welding Inspectors,

and these stipend were sponsored by

this consortium, following activities are

Welding Supervisors, Welding


and fabrication; viii.Creating awareness among the

ix. Conducting Certificate/Diploma



The permanent members are requested

Engineers through Centre for Skill

Chennai and 75 km south of Pondicherry

Development, Annamalai University;

amd 200 km north of Tiruchirappalli),

to donate or contribute Rs. 25,000 every

a humble request to all the esteemed

year, for the effective functioning of this

indigenous development of processes,

readers, to become the Permanent

consortium, preferably before 30th May

consumables, equipments etc related

Member of this Consortium inorder to

every year.

to welding and fabrication industries;

support, help and guide the students.

x. Creating an Incubation Center for the

xi. Providing Financial Support to the

Annamalai University has planned

Annamalai University is a State Government University and all your

Students those who are doing Welding

to inaugurate this Consortium during

donations will be exempted from TAX

related projects (For UG students: Rs.

1st week of July 2018. Members of the

under 80-G. Your donations will be used

2,500 per month; For PG students:

Consortium will meet at Annamalai

to carry out the above listed activities

Rs. 5,000 per month and For Ph.D

University once in six months (July

under the banner of the consortium

scholars: Rs. 10,000 per month)

and January) to assess the activities


xii. Providing solutions to the problems

of the consortium. Please accept

of Welding and Fabrication Industries

this noble and novel initiative and

For More Details:

through Consultancy projects.

support magnanimously to uplift the

Dr. V. Balasubramanian

downtrodden student community.

Professor & Director,

As the University is geographically

Expecting your willingness to become a

Centre for Materials Joining &

located in a socially, economically and

Permanent Member of this Consortium

Research (CEMAJOR) Department of

industrially backward area (located in

and swift response in this regard is very

Manufacturing Engineering,

Chidambaram which is 250 km south of

much appreciated before 15th May 2018.

Annamalai University





Training and Certification in Welding Welding Applications

without using some sort of transportation.

Welding is a very diverse trade; there are

Welding is very important to our

more than 80 processes with all kinds


of conditions, from working in an airconditioned shop to working in the air or

Importance of welding

even on the ocean floor.

Welding is both an art and a technology

Welding fabrication has grown rapidly

weld pool and a thorough knowledge of

major industrial groups that represent the

welding processes and the characteristics

welding industry use welding extensively

of the type of material being used. The

but in different ways under different

reliability and safety of many products

working conditions on different metals

depends on the integrity of welding and

and according to different codes and



K. Suresh Kumar, Welding Engineer, Sumeka Welding Institute

requiring the skillful manipulation of the

because of its speed and economy. The

We can assume that in the 21st century

Welding has made a significant

continued widespread use of welding

impact on quite a large number of major

technology and ever – increasing global

industries, by raising the operational

competition will create new challenges


efficiency, productivity and service life of

for employers and welding professionals.

Welding is one of the most common

the plant and equipment involved. A few

So welding professionals will need

method of joining metal parts. Heat is

of them which are highly relevant to India

to be better educated to fill new job

applied to the pieces to be joined, melting

are listed below: (Fig-2)

categories and be more flexible so they

and fusing them to form a permanent

can respond to the changing knowledge

bond. Welding is a precise, reliable,

and skill requirements of existing jobs.

cost-effective and high-tech method for

Welding professionals include welders,

joining materials. No other technique is

supervisors, educators, inspectors and

as widely used by manufacturers to join

engineers. Workers who do the actual welding

metals and alloys efficiently and to add

have usually learned their skills on

value to their products. Welding is a regular process in any

Fig – 2

engineering industry. Many people think

the job, only occasionally through apprenticeships or formal welder training.

that welding is just putting two pieces

1. Structural

Others employed in the industrial field

of metal together, but there is a lot more

2. Field-erected vertical storage tanks

have been educated in a variety of

analysis put into welding engineering. It

3. Pressure vessels

disciplines, but rarely in welding.For our

requires high amount of skill, patience

4. Piping and pipelines

industry to grow and prosper, individuals

and commitment to accomplish a good

5. Power generating plant

capable of becoming trained and

weldment. (Fig-1)

6. Chemical plant

qualified are needed for all job categories.

7. Ships 8. Railways

Welding Career

9. Automotive

Among job candidates, there is a negative

10. Machinery construction

perception of welding trade. This is

11. Oil refineries

especially true of welding field, which have long struggled with an unpleasant

Welding touches nearly every aspect

Fig – 1



of our lives. We don’t leave our homes

and dangerous working conditions. Due to the misguided view many



people hold towards any type of manual or skilled worker, parents and others who

and procedures. The training of welders and welding

above the ground and underwater. They use a large number of welding and cutting processes.

guide individuals toward a career choice

technologists will be more comprehensive

are directing young people away from the

and scientific. The welding industry is

welding, technical and construction fields

very much aware of the need to improve

procedures, a welder should acquire

and directing them toward white collar

trainee skills.

as much technical and theoretical

professions, many of which do not pay

Training defined as “the act, process

In addition to the manipulative

information related to welding as

as much or offer the same employment

or method to impart knowledge or

possible. This knowledge is most helpful


experience to acquire or to teach as to

in learning the craft of pipe welding and

make fit, qualified or proficient. This

in progressing upward on the job.

In truth, there are tremendous opportunities within manufacturing

teaching type refers to a particular

A skilled, certified welder with

and present jobs in this sector are more

set of skills. Well-educated welding

additional training, education and

demanding than ever of modern and

engineers and scientists need well-trained

experience can lead to supervisory

developing skill sets.Each type and level

technicians and operators to do their jobs.

positions such as welding inspectors,

of welding application has increased

Welding is creative, challenging and

instructors. A steady hand and attention

earnings potential for those who advance

interesting. Nevertheless, the need for

to detail could land you a great career

through various levels of supervision and

practical education persists.

in an industry that’s heating up the job market.

management. Being successful in the welding fields


requires only three things:

The most important part of the welding

Welder Shortage

• Willingness to learn new techniques

system is the welder. Welders are

Trade professions like welders and

• A good work ethic

people who must have skill and ability

carpenters are seeing a shortage all

• To not be afraid of hardwork and

to manipulate equipment to produce

over the country. The power plants that


produce electricity, automobiles are

getting dirty.

welded together. Everybody wants their A career in welding technology might be

child to be very successful, not knowing

a great fit for you. Job opportunities are

that you can be very successful in the

wide ranging. Some of the possibilities

welding trades.

include working in fabrication shops,

For the past ten years, an increasing

maintenance shops, steel erection

number of high school students have

operations, ship building yards or oil

diverting industrial training institutes

fields.You could even open your own

(ITI) in order to get a three-year diploma.

shop and be your own boss. India has opportunities waiting for welding professionals like you all over

Fig – 3 : Welder Welding is unique in the intense level

For fabrication like welding, that means fewer qualified employees. The welding industry is facing a problem. It’s quickly

the region in a variety of industries.The

of eye / hand coordination required. To

losing its older workforce and we haven’t

welding industry is a place where higher

be able put on a helmet, block out the rest

had an influx of enough students to make

pay is possible.

of the world and concentrate on creating

up for that. Welding is learned through

uniform ripples in molten metal where

hands-on training and practice. That


any variation or loss of concentration is

being said, there are no DVD’s, videos,

The success of a project involving

evident for the discontinuities.

simulators, books or websites that can

welding as a critical component is highly

The welder maintains the arc, feeds the

teach you how to weld without real life practice. It’s just like driving a car!

dependent on the skill and talents of

filler metal and provides travel and joint

the personnel involved and relies on a

guidance. This requires a high degree of

team (welding professionals) effort. They

manipulative skill. Welders work under a

and takes 1000’s of hours to learn. Anyone

have to know the basics and understand

variety of conditions: outdoors, indoors

who can master and perfect this skill can

welding safety, interpretation of drawing

in open areas, in confined spaces, high

easily make a doctor’s salary or more!


Welding is a very highly skilled trade




Welders are among the high paying jobs

a) It is important that a welding instructor

maintaining related equipment, but

that do not require a degree. Personally,

be able to actually weld the welding the

the soft skills of safe conduct, respect

there are plenty of work opportunities

process they are teaching, that they can

for fellow employees, attentiveness to

here in India and abroad.

do effective demonstrations of the right

responsibilities, engagement.

and wrong ways to do a weld.

Welder training

There are a host instructors out there

e) It is ideal than an instructor be able to

Teaching welding class with about five to

who have golden arms and can make high

weld, to be proficient in the areas he are

ten students in each class. The benefit of

level welds, but do not have the ability to

teaching and to be fully engaged with

having small classes is that instructor can

communicate their riches in talent to the

their students for safety and instructional

spend more one-on-one time with each

student learners.


individual student. It would appear that in most training facilities that offer the basic shielded

There are less skilled intructors that

Most pipe welders can make a stop

have better measured results because

then restart with no problem, but these

they are well trained or gifted as teachers.

locations are sites for possible defects. At each of these locations, there is an

metal arc welding training, the end result is that the trainee pass a particular weld

b) It is important that an instructor spend

increased risk for slag inclusions and

assessment for entry level welders.

time in the welding booth watching

other quality defects that might have to be

students weld, so they can critique and

repaired at a later date. If we don’t teach

correct important techniques. (Fig-4)

that to the youth, they won’t know any

A good example would be a course of 250 hours would result in successful


qualification with 15 mm plate in 1G, 2G,

“Stay focused on your work. Once the

3G, 4G positions with the E 7018. How one gets to that point is generally the

helmet comes down, let go of all of your

direction of the instructor, who following

problems and just focus on welding”. Skilled welders aren’t easy to find.

a set curriculum of objectives, guides the student to successful qualification.

Completing the training program in

This training will hopefully become the

weeks instead of months is not achieved

foundation to a successful career allowing

by cutting corners in safety and quality.

the individual to progress with a variety of processes.

Fig – 4 : Welding Instruction. Students need daily reinforcement

The Fifteen Essentials There is no better career path for

Welding Instructor

of the safety and the hazards they are

yougsters than ‘welding’. Teaching

Welding instructor generally should

working with and how to use the tools

welding theory is necessary and

have coupons that they personally weld

they are being introducedto.

important, but job-ready welding skills are learned in the workshop, not in the

up with their welds staggered to show layering and proper build up as well

c) An instructor should have some

classroom. Following are 15 important

as different techniques to achieve the

experience in more than one

things to train beginner welder, to help

desired results. They should have pipe

environment. The basic environments

them improve their skills and stay safe in

that was welded in 6G that they did one

where welder / instructor can work:

the process. (Fig-5)

side with stringers and one side with a

fabrication shop and field work in

1. Make safety a first priority

weave, same for plate groove welds.

the manufacturing of pressure parts,

2. Know the material properties

structural, piping, pipelines and

3. Understand the importance of filler

The students like that, and gives them something to look at and compare.



Keep in mind that we do not only teach


practical based welding classes but also

d) One of the most important elements of

fabrication, drawing reading, tools, safety,

instruction, is modeling professional work

theory and much more. We have to be

place behavior. This is not just limited

able to communicate effectively in all

to the hard skills, such as producing


acceptable welds and setting up and


Fig – 5 : Weld Beads.



4. Handle consumables properly

by radiography or by bend tests

a qualification test to a specific code.

5. Selection of correct electrode

and found acceptable meeting the

It implies that a testing organization,

acceptance criteria. (Fig-7)

manufacturer, contractor has witnessed

diameter 6. Welding current

the preparation of test welds, has

7. Welding arc length and its effect

conducted the prescribed testing of the

8. Travel speed

welds and has recorded the successful

9. Electrode angles

results of a test in accordance with

10. Cleanliness is critical

prescribed accepted standards. Welders cannot be qualified or certified

11. Follow welding procedures 12. Stay comfortable

on their own. Normally manufacturers,

13. Visual inspection of welds

contractors certify that a welder is qualified on successful completion of

14. Learn how to troubleshoot

Fig – 7 : Radiographic Images.

15. Maintenance makes a difference

specific test welds. This means that

The bend specimens were removed

recertification or qualification is normally

Welder Qualification Program

from the correct location and same

required when welders change employers.

Welder training and qualification tests

test coupon. Weld reinforcement and

Certification adds value to a person’s

are given to ensure that each welder has

backing, if any, may be removed flush

marketability in the work place. Further

adequate skill and is able to produce

with the surface of the specimen. The

these certifications allow you to prove you

sound welds. Welders are, therefore,

specimens were bent in the test jig

are qualified without the need for further

constantly being tested for their

(180o). (Fig-8)

training. Certification is not an assurance of future competence or ability. What

qualification. Each manufacturer shall qualify

the customer needs is not a certificate

each welder for each welding process

to be shown to him but provision of an

to be used in production welding. The

improved product and service which

welder qualification test shall be welded

Fig – 8 : Bend Test.

in accordance with qualified welding procedure specification (WPS).

is by itself the best certificate that any organization can get.

h. If all test results are satisfactory, the welder is deemed qualified to perform


welding within the limits of that

Safety should always come first on thejob


site and investment in preventative

The results of the tests, as well as a

measures is vital in eliminating accidents

description of thewelding procedure

and maintaining job site efficiency. Work

used, are listed on a report form to

place safety starts from the footwear. The

d. Fill passes monitoring

certify that the welder has satisfied the

welding work may require heavy personal

e. The final (cover) pass visual

qualification requirements.

protective equipment for working with

inspection met with the acceptance

Certification, however applies

molten metal and suitable clothing for

criteria without requiring repair to do

to document which support this

working outdoors.



a. Test coupon fit-up met with the WPS requirements. b. Test coupon position was maintained from start to finish


c. The root pass visual inspection and found acceptable


To start a positive safety culture, people

Each qualified welder shall be

must learn how to “see” safety problems

assigned an identifying number by the

and know what it takes to resolve them


without hindering overall productivity.

k. Monitor production welding

• Provide appropriate personnel

Welder Certification

• Comply with appropriate standards


Fig – 6 : Cover Pass. f.

Have strict time limits on welding

In the welding field the certification is


the signed document that attests to the

g. The test coupons may be examined


fact the welder has successfully passed

and regulations. • Communicating with senior management




An accident also has indirect costs, such

the training policy and coordinating

all arc welding processes as per applicable

as plant floor interruptions, time that

vocational training throughout India.

codes such as IBR, AWS, BS, ISO, API, etc.

it takes supervisors to manage a safety

Welder trade under CTS is one of the

situation and the time it takes to do an

most popular courses running on pan

The Indian Institute of Welding – IIW

accident report. Combine ergonomics

India through Government and Private


with safety to increase productivity. Good

Industrial Training Institute (ITI). The

The IIW is a professional body devoted

safety is good business. Good safety

day-to-day administration of the ITI is

to the promotion and advancement of

practices should build the foundation of a

rests with the State Governments/Union

welding science and technology in India.

modern manufacturer’s culture.


Established in 1966, with its head quarters

The course is of one year (02 semesters) duration. It mainly consists of trade (skills and knowledge) and core area (workshop

in Kolkata, operates through 13 branches spread across the country. IIW organizing workshops, seminars,

calculation and science, engineering

refresher courses, training programmes,

drawing and employability skills).After

conferences and exhibitions across

passing out of the training programme,

India. A division of IIW India has been

the trainee is awarded National Trade

accredited by International Institute

Certificate (NTC) by NCVT which is

of Welding (IIW) as its only Authorized

recognized worldwide.

National Body in India to operates its above international scheme and award

Advanced Training Institute – ATI

International Diplomas to welding

Advanced Training Institutes are running

personnel at various levels from

in our country for the last 50 years and

skilled welder to the highest level of

conducting Craft Instructor Training


Scheme (CITS). There are 14 institutes

Fig – 9 : Welder PPE.

Training Organizations in India and Abroad

imparting training in 34 trades (including

Indian Welding Society – IWS

welder) of long term and more than 100

The IWS, a leading professional body

nos short-term courses were skillfully

dedicated to the cause of welding in India,

designed for students passing out from

was formed by welding professionals

ITI, Polytechnic, Engineering colleges

from the fabrication industries,


welding equipment and consumable

Industrial Training Institute – ITI

manufacturers, educational and research

In the Government of India, the

Foremen Training Institute – FTI

institutes, etc. with the idea of providing a

Ministry of Skill Development and

Two years Technical Diploma in Welding

forum for propagating the developments

Entrepreneurship is an apex organization

Technology course is proposed to be

in welding technology.

for the development and coordination

introduced in the FTI, Bengaluru.

The Ministry conducts the vocational

Welding Research Institute – WRI

consisting of different regional centres in

training programmes through the

The WRI was established in the year

the north, east, west, south and central

Craftsmen Training Scheme (CTS),

1975 under the joint auspieces of the

zones of India.

Apprenticeship Training Scheme (ATS),

Government of India and Bharat Heavy

Modular Employable Skills (MES) and

Electricals Ltd as an adjunct to the

organizing courses on welding and allied

Craftsmen Instructor Training Scheme

complex of BHEL, Tiruchirappalli.

areas, national/international wokshops

(CITS) to cater the needs of different segments of the labour market. The National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT) acts as a central agency to advise Govt of India in framing


With its head quarters at New Delhi, the society has a federal structure

for the vocational training in our country.


WRI offers training in welding and

Since its inception in 2002, it has been

/seminars, symposium, evening lecture

allied areas through in – house short term

programmes, training programmes,

certified programmes for engineers and

throughout the year.

supervisors. Training and certification of welders in

American Welding Society – AWS



One of the best ways to advance your

The situation today is a lack of quality

the one great fact in the universe, then

welding career is by earning a specialized


alone with doubts vanishes and crooked

certification. This opens up opportunities

Sumeka Welding Institute which was

things become straight. This is true

for more money, leadership roles and

established in 2007 is imparting education


higher level career challenges. AWS is the

in the field of welding technology and

• Our business is to educate the welding

source for qualification and certification

this institute is an industry oriented

of welding personnel.

training and becoming a leader in welding

AWS offers nine different certification categories from inspectors, supervisors

technology and expertise. (Fig – 10) SWI is located at Perambalur, 55 kms

and educators to radiographic

away from ‘Temple of Welding’ Trichy,

interpreters, welding engineers and


technology. • A career in welding offers numerous opportunities to advance in the industry. The participants of our course, are an ambitions bunch and the SWI perfectly understand this and has an array of


courses to prepare them for the real

For those who are interested in the inspection side of welding and the

welding world. The course details are

certification of welding personnel, there

followed here for your information.

are the AWS certification programs,

Fig – 10 : Welder Training.

featuring the AWS certified welding

4. Course timings

inspector, the AWS certified welder and

2. Aim

The session timing will be from 10.00 am

the AWS accredited test facility. AWS

Education and training increase the

to 5.00 pm.

is doing a great job in educating and

knowledge base of all people employed

training others around the world.

in the welding industry, at every level,

5. Evaluation

enabling them to make decisions that will

At the end of the training programme,

The Welding Institute – TWI

result in utilization of the best welding

the participants would have to undergo a

The certification scheme for welding

technology for each application.

written test in multiple choice questions

inspection personnel (CSWIP) is a comprehensive scheme which provides for the examination and certification of individuals seeking to demonstrate their knowledge and/or competence

To attract more people to the field of welding in the workplace and in academia

to determine participants understanding of welding technology.

To train more specialists in fields related to welding A work force that is appropriately

6. Certification Certification adds value to a person’s marketability in the work place.

in their field of operation. The scope of

educated at all levels will drive a

CSWIP includes among others, welding

technological revolution in welding for

inspectors, welding supervisors, welding

our country. The prestige and promise of

be issued on successful completion of

instructors, etc., CSWIP is administered

welding as a career will grow as welders

training. (Fig – 11)

by The Welding Institute (TWI), United

are certified to gurantee their capabilities


and engineers gain greater appreciation

Certificate and welder identity card will

of the potential use of welding.


3. About the course

1. Introduction

We read many books, but that does

Welding plays a key role in every

not bring us knowledge. Theoretical


manufacturing process in a wide range

knowledge is easy enough to get, any one

“Welding is a building block for one’s

of industries. To sustain in the global

may get that. What we want is practical.

future. Most welding professionals go

competition, industries are looking for

Our idea is practical works.

on to expand their careers through

enhancing the quality of their product.

There is no knowledge without

One of the ways of enhancing quality

experience. You can get the welding

is by improving the practical and

knowledge here by practical experience.

theoretical skill of welding professionals.


When man has come face to face with

Fig – 11 Welder ID Card.

continuous education and experience”. We have a workshop, equipments, welding consumables, technical support details and faculty with more than




30 years of experiences in the weld

themselves, their work and people at the

different. Make a difference. SWI, calling

fabrication industries worked in India and


for welding education, training. For

SWI aims to provide relevant content

abroad. One of the aspects of SWI’s program is

detailed information, visit us at www. sumekawelding.org.

the blend of hands-on with the theoretical

content is focused on welding technology


required for faster career growth.


SWI could help individuals become

Quality is needed at every step of the

employable with articles from industry

welding process. Welders are a critical

The institute offers the following welding technology courses: Sl. No

part of the process. If we do not have

Course Title



Welding Technology for Fresh Engineers

6 Days

and development, specifications,


Welding Technology for Supervisors

6 Days

procedures and management techniques will produce a quality product.

welders of quality, no amount of research


Welding Inspection Technology

6 Days


WPS/PQR/Welder Qualification

5 Days

An effective welding professional


Quality Assurance/Control

4 Days

should be able to make a right quality



1 Year

weld at the first time and every time so


Evening course on Welding Technology

15 Days

that we can reduce the cost of scrap,

SWI specializes in producing welding related services like: Perform welding inspection of various

experts. We want them to get familiar with what they will do on the job site. But

reworks and warranty. The quality will be there if the welders/supervisors are properly informed and trained. Industries turning out the next

products in accordance with industry

it’s not just practical skills that SWI

generation of welding professionals and

codes, customer provided specifications

instructors help trainees with, they also

it is our duty to produce the best qualified

or design drawings.

try to instill the right attitude to have on

workforce that our resources/institutions

the job. (Fig – 12)

will allow.

Develop written quality systems for organizations utilizing welding as a part

SumekaWelding Institute wants to

of their manufacturing, construction or

partner with many industries such as


manufacturing, construction as well as

• Provide vendor survey inspections

with the trades, educational institutions,

in accordance with customer requirements. • Develop course outlines and

Fig – 12 SWI Training Shop. “It’s not just a job, it’s a career”. Most

individuals and government entities. By working together, we can face the future with confidence that the

supporting content for welding

training centres teach “how” to weld, but

infrastructure of welding society will

inspection and qa/qc topics.

rarely teach “about” welding and metals.

be improved.

• Prepare written procedures supporting quality policies related to welding and fabrication. • Provide training on the AWS-CWI, TWI-CSWIP preparation. • Preparation and review of WPS/PQR/ WQT documents.

How SWI is Skilling Young India

There is a big difference. It is one thing to learn “how” to do something and another “what” to do with what you have learned. We teach ‘both’. We should be willing to explain why we are proud to say ‘I got my career start by welding and this profession has provided

1. AWS Welding Journals Dec 2000, Apr 2003, April, June 2013, Dec 2015, Nov 2017 2. AWS Membership Network dated 24/08/2016 and 01/11/2016 3. Weldwell Spectrum Apr – June 2013

Join the Sumeka Welding Institute. It

4. Paul.W.Cameron article ‘Become the

not only trains, educates and employs

of the workforce comprises of young

you, but also gives you a lifestyle that’s

professionals. It is critical that they are

enviable and honourable.



me and my family a solid life for 34 years’. In India, approximately 50 percent

ready with required skills to manage


for those young professionals. The

Don’t settle for anything less. Be

Qualification Guru of Choice’ dated 21/09/2016 5. AWS Inspection Trends – Jan 2012 6. The Fabricator Nov – 2017.



A woman welder often welds better than most of the men in the piping trades. I served 4 years apprenticeship program and graduated.

Q4. Any welding processes you specialize into? I believe my best work is w/heliarc, TIG and MIG welding. I can weld almost all the phases. I have my own cutting rig.

Kathleen Boyle Kennedy, Retired Welder, USA

Q1. What made you choose welding as a career, which is a highly male dominated segment?

any of my safety equipments when on job.

Q5. Could you please share your experience of some of the mega project you worked upon?

Welding is an interested and a risky work,

Welding for a nuclear powerhouse is


among the mega projects. I have welded

and a welder have to first consider safety, and it’s only after that, you can offer better What kind of challenges did you come

Initially, I was into the welding of

SS Pipes for nuclear power projects. I

across and how do you manage to cope

ornamental plant and pot holders. One

have also done structural welding, w/

up with the same? Have you anytime

fine day, my brother informed me that

stick welding using both 6010 and 7018

faced gender discrimination on site, as the

locally 230 plumbers and pipefitters were

series rods depending on the job. I can also

stream is male dominated?

hired on apprentices. This incident took

handle welding stick w/, the largest rod.

place during 1974, after the law in US was

And my currently project is of welding the

a challenge. Accepting a woman as a

passed for apprentice. Thus, I too applied

boot racks, and lawn art projects. I am also

welder was indigestible, but there was no

for the pass, and luckily I was able to

designing and making ornamental small

other choice, as during my time, there

succeed in almost all the tests. I was rated

hen houses.

was an acute shortage of skilled welders. There was a project of drilling oil and gas

2nd in the eye hand coordination test w/200. My motive was to earn, inorder to support myself and family.

Q2. Could you brief us on your journey so far into welding?

Gender discrimination was always

Q6. When on site, what are the key points you follow during welding for any project?

pipelines. The project wanted welders, and

The most important point, I always

Closing note.

consider is Safety on Site.

When I started welding, a female welder

I could fit in the criteria.

was not so common, just the way we find

Currently I am at the age of 64, and a

it now. I feel proud to see more and more

welding is still the same. I have not given

Q7. What is your say on health and safety in welding?

up. I am now welding boot racks, just to

Health and safety is one of the important

If a woman is a good welder, and wants to

keep me connected with welding. During

aspects for welders. I never miss to use

be a welder, she will have no problems on

retired female Welder. But my passion for

female entering into welding as a career.

my welding journey, I was a welding

job, as the employer always look for good

teacher, along with an experience of

welders. It does take a lot of time, efforts

practical welding on sites. I am a certified

and practice to become a good welder.

MIG, TIG, STICK and gas welding.

But do not give up. In fact, I believe, that a woman welder often welds better than


Q3. Could you quickly take us to your qualification background?

most of the men, especially the heliarc

I hold 4 years college accredited degree



welding. Best of luck to all the WOMEN



Welding program for women in town


ix Nations Polytechnic

include career awareness,

will offer an

team building, soft and life

apprenticeship welders

skills, welding, employment

program for women at its

readiness and empowerment

Brantford campus to help

and a paid work placement.

close a gender-based skills

The curriculum content plus

gap and give them a boost in

workshops and resources

economic standing.

aim to remove barriers, build

Polytech has been approved

First Class Graduates from New Prison Welding Program

confidence, acquire skills

for funding up to a maximum

and prepare participants

of $307,295 over two years to

for a career as a welder. The

deliver the We Are Welders

program is offered tuition-

Program to low-income

free and the first cohort is set

women under the Women’s

to start in June. Interested

Economic Security Program,

applicants will soon be able to

Rebecca Jamieson, President

apply through Polytech and


hours of hands-on training to

in two weeks. Brackett hopes,

and CEO, announced.

community agencies.

obtain an American Welding

as a single mother of three,

Society certification through

the training will allow her to

the program. Jessica Brackett

provide for her kids.

The 28-week course is made up of six modules that

Source: www.brantfordexpositor.ca

RPCC awards first female welder apprenticeship


he welding program at the

he women from

is one of the graduates. She

Madison Correctional

already has a job lined up for

Facility underwent 80

when she starts work release

West Virginia Northern Community College appoints Killeen


River Parishes

Community College Technical College

s a student in West

student and

Virginia Northern


Community College’s

to switch

Gonzales Campus

welding technology program,

over. I

awarded the first female

Brandy Killeen has now

worked for

apprenticeship to Kaitlyn

become the teacher. The

Williams Lea as a legal

Purpera of Sunshine. She

college recently hired Killeen

document specialist for five

as its first female welding

years. I was working there

technology instructor. The

while I was getting my degree

received scholarships

Source: www.weeklycitizen.com

through the American Welding

Source: www.theintelligencer.net

Society and Zachry, meaning

Purpera noted that being a

welding technology graduate

here,” Killeen said. One of

her education is now entirely

woman in a male-dominated

— and now educator — is a

Killeen’s goals for the college

paid for. Purpera currently

field comes with added

single mother to a 5-year-old

is to attract more female

works two days a week at

pressure. She said she wants

son. “I actually started here

students in all applied science

Zachry, and she spends the

to show other girls who are

for business at Northern and

classes. She is proud to be the

rest of her time in school

interested in the field that they

realized that they had welding

first woman to lead the way in

finishing her education.

can achieve great things too.

classes while I was a business

this profession at the school.





11 Reasons: Why Welders Don't Follow Welding Procedures of any welding quality management

equipment. Chances are the arc voltage

system. So why is it that many welders

will be within range, but the welding

don’t follow them? Here are the top 11

machine will be reading something much

reasons we run into in the field as to why

higher. Inspectors will not measure your

welders do not follow WPSs. These are not

arc voltage, they will take the machine

in any particular order.

reading. They may go a step further and measure the output at the studs, but this

Reason #1: There are no welding procedures specifications.

does not account for voltage losses in the welding lead or work cable.

As important as it is to have written WPSs most fabricators don’t have them.

Reason #5: The welder wants to increase productivity.

Reason #2: They are not given a copy at their work station.

We are yet to walk into a shop where a

This is very common at fab shops where

or slow as desired, and to not worry if the

welding procedures specifications are

daily quota is met. A welding procedure

only developed to satisfy a customer

will dictate your maximum deposition

requirement. Copies of these WPSs are

rate, the rate at which you deposit weld

kept on file at the front office and never

metal. This deposition rate has a huge

ailing an audit due to welding

make it out the welders. The welders are

bearing on productivity. A welding

outside of WPSs can be a big

left with no choice but to select whatever

procedure limits this so it limits how fast

problem that can cause delays

welding parameters they feel are best.

something can be welded. In order to

C Sridhar, Director-Technical, Advance Institute of Welding Technology, Chennai, Tamilnadu


speed up, welders have to make changes

and huge losses in lost production blame think again. Most of the time it is

Reason #3: Following the WPS creates problems.

management's fault. The main reasons

This can be spatter, an inconsistent

why some of our customers fail audits.

arc, cold lap, burn through and many

Reason #6: Welders know better.

other problems. This is a sign of a poorly

They may actually know how to develop a

procedures specifications (WPS) is to

written WPS. The welder then has to make

better welding procedure; however, being

ensure quality. This is accomplished

adjustments that puts him or her outside

in violation of a WPS is never

by giving the welder a detailed set of

of the ranges allowed by the welding

good. Some welding procedures have

instruction on how to deposit weld metal

procedures in order to deposit a good

limits to comply with the rules and

for a specific joint. Consistent quality can


requirements of a prequalified welding

time. If you think welders are always to

The purpose of having welding

be achieved, but there is one caveat. The

that put them outside of the welding parameters set in the WPS.

procedure specification. Others have limits to prevent excessive heat input (or

A poorly written welding procedure

Reason #4: The welding equipment is faulty.

can be as bad, or worse, than having no

A well written WPS will have tight ranges

that make no sense. When a welder

welding procedures at all. Other than

for different variables such as amperage,

increases his parameters because the

ensuring quality a welding procedure can

voltage, travel speed, etc. However, if the

ones on the WPS seem to hamper

have a significant impact (and it usually

equipment is in disrepair and the welder

production, he or she may be exceeding

does) on productivity.

is experiencing problems such as voltage

or not meeting other requirements. The

drop, he or she will be forced to adjust the

welder is trying to help, but this can

welding procedures must be well written.

Welding procedures are the foundation


welder is told to take his time, weld as fast


not enough). Others have limits



development of a WPS will have a list of

Reason #7: They have never had a failure.

Reason #9:Management does not provide adequate training and/or information as to why the WPS must be followed.

We see this a lot. A shop finally

If welders are told a compelling reason as

decides to develop WPSs and get them

to why they should always abide by the

implemented. The welder may be used

WPS provided they typically will. However,

Reason #11: The welding machine is not capable to run procedures called for in the WPS.

to running parameters which are not

in some shops the welders believe the WPS

If a WPS calls for 1.2 mmER70S-6 GMAW

allowed by the new WPS. Since the welder

is simply a recommendation or a starting

wire at 10. 50 mt per minute, wire feed

has never had any problems with his or

point, not a requirement.

speed and a contact tip to work distance of

create a violation of welding procedures.

her own procedures they opt to disregard

changes to essential variables that would require a separate WPS.

20 mm, the resulting current will be about

the WPS.

Reason #10: The welder makes a change to an essential variable.

310-330 amps. If the welder has to use a

Reason #8:Management does not enforce the WPSs.

A welder may be running wire feed speed,


This is very common too. A WPS may be

angle and work angle all according to

of a contract, or a catastrophic failure for

in place but management dare not mess

the WPS. But instead of welding vertical

management to realize the importance of

with the welders. They depend so heavily

up he or she welds vertical down. Unless

developing sound welding procedures and

on the welders that they don’t want to

there is a separate WPS for this change

implementing them in their shop. Don’t

rock the boat. This problem arises from

in weld progression the welder would be

wait for that to happen. Look into your

the lack of understanding of the welding

in violation of the WPS. Whatever code

welding procedures, if any, and how they

process by people running the company.

or standard has been followed for the

are being followed (or not) in your shop.


voltage, contact tip to work distance, travel

250 Amps machine he cannot get to this In many cases it takes an audit, the loss




ISO 3834 - Need of Fabrication Industry addition to Quality Management System.

alone and with or without the use of filler

Some of the European Standards like EN


1090 & EN 15085 are recommending ISO

According to ISO 9001: 2008, section

3834 as their prerequisite to their sector

7.5.2, the validation of any processes for

specific quality requirements.

production is necessary in which the

The need, necessity, advantages and

conformity to the requirement of the

application of ISO 3834 is discussed in

resulting product cannot beverified by

this paper taking into consideration

subsequent monitoring or measurements

fabrication industry at large.

and as a consequence the deficiencies become apparent only after the product is

Mr. Satish Keskar, International Welding Technologist, AWSCertified Welding Inspector, Welding Trainer, ISO 3834 Trainer / Consultant / Auditor, Pune, INDIA.

Introduction of ISO 3834:

in use. Such processes are generally called

American Welding Society (AWS) defines

as “Special Process”

fusion as "a materials joining process

When Special processes like Welding

which produces coalescence of materials

and Heat Treatment are used in the

by heating them to suitable temperatures

product manufacturing, it is difficult to

with or without the application of

ensure the quality of finished products

pressure or by the application of pressure

only through final inspection. ISO


elding is the most important pprocessing fabrication industry and also called as a

“Special Process”. Traditionally, welding was looked in a limited way and covered qualifying welding procedures and certifying welders. Besides this, no much more attention was given in fabrication industry. It was resulting into increase in rework cost to fabricators and third party inspection cost to clients. ISO (International Organization for Standardization) introduced first revision of ISO 3834 in the year 1994 and laid down Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials. The current revision of this ISO 3834:2005 and contains six parts providing complete set of requirements of welding quality and helping fabrication industry many ways. ISO 3834 is complimentary to ISO 9001 requirements and brings together a complete solution of Quality requirements related with welding in





3834 helps in validation of Welding

implementing ISO 3834

process and specifies down the quality requirements for welding. However, ISO 3834 is not replacing to ISO 9001.

• By manufacturers - establishing

Advantages of ISO 3834 to Fabricators : • Less rework hence job completion on

ISO 3834 series of standards: ISO 3834: 2005 “Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials” consists of 6 parts: • ISO 3834-1:2005- Criteria for the selection of the appropriate level of quality requirements • ISO 3834-2:2005 : Comprehensive quality requirements • ISO 3834-3:2005 : Standard quality requirements • ISO 3834-4:2005 : Elementary quality requirements

time • Local & international recognition as a competent organization • More efficient coordination of welding activities

ISO 3834-4 • ISO/TR 3834-6:2007 : Guidelines on

and maintenance of welding quality requirements • By committees drafting manufacturing codes or application standards - by specification of welding quality requirements • By organizations assessing welding quality performance, e.g. third parties,

• More pro-active and responsible workforce • Increased opportunities and capability to bid on jobs • Cost savings – more efficient technology • Reduced surveillance audits and inspections by purchasers

• ISO 3834-5:2015 : Documentations to claim part ISO 3834-2 or ISO3834-3 or

of welding quality requirements

Steps for obtaining ISO 3834 Certification : • Appointment of Responsible Welding Coordinator (RWC) • Gap analysis by RWC or Certification body, • Training to Welding related staff, Welders, including suppliers if needed

Advantages of ISO 3834 to Purchasers:

• Documentation of all welding related

• More assurance of contract delivery

• Review, upgrade & approve existing /

dates • Greater assurance of the quality of welded products • Greater reliability and performance of products • Reduction in maintenance costs after installation • Reduction or elimination of third party inspection costs • More competent suppliers of welded products

activities new suppliers • Own welding related personnel: Dy.Welding Coordinator, Inspectors, Supervisors, NDT personnel etc. • Qualification of WPS, Certification of welders/ Welding Operators • Review, audit & upgrade present welding related requirements • Appointment of Certification Body • 1st Stage Certification Audit by Certification Body • 2nd Stage Certificationaudit by

Applications of ISO 3834:

Certification Body

• In Fabrication Industries

• Award of Certificate (Validity : 5 years)

• In Construction companies i.e. on-site

• Surveillance audits (every year)



• In Repair and maintenance contractors


• For Manufacturers of products

The fabrication industry needs to upgrade

• Perquisite for other standards e.g. EN

their Welding Processes in line with

1090, EN 15085 (Railway applications)

the requirements of ISO 3834 and get



Uses of ISO 3834 in following situations:


• In contractual situations - specification

2. ISO 3834 : 2005.

1. ISO 9001 : 2008






Page No.

WeldFab Tech Times


Cotmac Industrial Trading Pvt. Ltd.


Klinweld Wires Pvt. Ltd.

Page No.

Tungsten Electrodes





Veepees India


Air Liquide company


Rilox Weld Equipments


Forney Industries


Noble Alchem Pvt. Ltd.


Warpp Engineers


Air Liquide company


Omega Weldrod Systems


TÜV Rheinland India


Sharp Electrodes Pvt. Ltd.


Miller Electric


Pro-Arc Welding And Cutting System


Kemppi India

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Cutting & Welding Equipment Expo


India Essen Welding and Cutting


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LaserStar Technologies Corporation


B.R. Kumar & Sons


Weldwell Speciality Pvt. Ltd.


Lincoln Electric Company


Kemppi India Pvt. Ltd.


Warpp Engineers


Precision Metal Group


Quivan Skills Empowerment


International Welding Technologist


Carl Cloos Schweisstechnik


International Copper Association, India


Fronius India


CWE 2018


India Essen Welding and Cutting


Annamalai University


Sumeka Welding Institute


Retired Welder


River Parishes Community College


West Virginia Northern Community College


Advance Institute of Welding Technology


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Owner, Printer & Publisher - Eliza Amol Bhalerao Published At - B-3/503, Ekdanth, Gauri Estate, Near Gauri Hall, Manjarli, Badlapur (W), Dist.: Thane – Ulhasnagar - 421503, Maharashtra, India. Editor – Amol A. Bhalerao, RNI No.- MAHENG/2017/75007

Kemppi India Pvt Ltd Lakshmi Towers, 2/770 Kazura Garden, First Street Neelankarai, Chennai, Tamil nadu 600041

Kemppi India Pvt Ltd Robotic Welding Application Center Plot No P-84, D II Block, MIDC, Chinchwad, Pune, Maharashtra, 411019. E-mail: sales.india@kemppi.com

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