03 Weldfab Tech Times Dec 2017 - Jan 2018

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Aluminum Welding Wire For Heavy Duty Applications

When it comes to high production aluminum welding, not all aluminum welding wires are created equal. In demanding welding environments, standard aluminum wire can result in inconsistent wire feeding and poor arc characteristics resulting in costly downtime. IndalcoÂŽ welding wire was developed to address those common problems and make the aluminum welding process easier.

Standard Aluminum Wire


Even in the most demanding aluminum applications, Indalco ensures smooth and trouble-free wire feeding without wire shavings. When it comes to the most demanding aluminum applications, let Indalco do the heavy lifting. Authorized Distributor: Cotmac Industrial Trading Pvt. Ltd. www.cotmactrading.com Contact Person: Arjun Sirur Mobile: +91 98231 20220 Email: arjun.sirur@cotmac.io

Wire shavings during the feeding process with standard aluminum wire versus Indalco


WELDFAB TECH TIMES www.weldfabtechtimes.com

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WELDFAB TECH TIMES : India’s only magazine on Welding After the successful introduction of the two editions globally, we can now proudly declare that WeldFab Tech Times is the ‘One and Only’ magazine in India focusing on Welding. WeldFab Tech Times has taken a step to get the entire welding industry under one roof, and the mission is moving on successfully. A special thanks to the Welding Industry for your trust and support. The motive of WeldFab Tech Times is to make the welding industry alert on various happenings into the segment, product advancements, information on various projects, etc. We are pleased to publish all the information related to welding. Requesting all to be a part of WeldFab Tech Times either by contributing article, product write-ups, advertisement, etc.

EAA Publication Registered Office : Gauri Estate, Ekdant, B-3/503, Near Gauri Hall, Manjarli, Badlapur ( West ) - 421503. Dist. - Thane. State - Maharashtra, India. Mob: + 91 9975580309 / 9172546460 Email: eliza@weldfabtechtimes.com / eliza.weldfabtechtimes@gmail.com Website: www.weldfabtechtimes.com All rights reserved. While all efforts are made to ensure that the information published is correct, WeldFab Tech Times holds no responsibility for any unlikely errors that might occur. Printed, Owned & Published by Eliza Amol Bhalerao on behalf of EAA Publication, Printed at Anitha Art Printers, 29/30, "Oasis", Next to Vakola Market, Santacruz (East), Mumbai 55, India and Published from B-3/503, Ekdanth, Gauri Estate, Near Gauri Hall, Manjarli, Badlapur (W), Dist.: Thane – Ulhasnagar - 421503, Maharashtra, India. Editor: Amol A. Bhalerao The information on products on offer is being provided for the reference of readers. However, readers are cautioned to make inquires and take their decision on purchase or investment after consulting experts on the subject. WeldFab Tech Times holds no responsibility for any decision taken by readers on the basis of information provided herein.



Impart your knowledge to the industry and help the others upgrade into the segment. WeldFab Tech Times promises to be always at your service. Stay Connected...

Eliza Bhalerao Publisher & Editor




Development of Accuracy Evaluation System for Curved Shell Plates using Laser Scanners



Advances in GAS Tungsten ARC Welding Processes


Welding Data Monitoring & Analysis Made Simple



ISO 3834 – The Quality Requirements for Welding





The most commonly used welding process in Romania is MAG welding

WRIST-project: Innovative welding processes for new rail infrastructures



“There is an acute shortage of well trained downhill welders in India.”




The new SnapWeld collaborative welding robot by Universal Robots



“Our current focus is into developing automation solutions for metal cutting.”


08 56 61

Ajitkumar Nair, CEO, Pro-Arc Welding & Cutting Systems







The Road to Welding Automation – Why & When to take the journey



eXtended Reality (XR)bringing eXactness to vocational training.....




Pemamek to supply Welding Automation to 'Shipyard of the Future' initiative


emamek Ltd. delivers

largest military shipbuilding

stations uses laser-hybrid

software, PEMA WeldControl

hi-tech PEMA

company and provider of

arc welding (LHAW) process

200. The software guarantees

welding automation

professional services to

combined with tandem MAG

effortless management and

to Mississippi-based Ingalls

partners in government and

and is capable of welding

communication between

Shipbuilding’s Pascagoula

industry. The agreed large-

plates up to 60 ft in length

material, machinery and

shipyard. The extensive and

scale automation solutions

from one side and starting


technologically advanced

are described as the most

from thicknesses as low as 4

automation solutions provide

advanced not only in America,

mm. The advanced welding

fully customized and they are

Ingalls improved panel

but in the entire world.

processes together with

outcome from the close two-

Each of the solutions is

integrated milling will provide

year collaboration including

work flow. To signal its

encompasses a state-of-

precise seam preparation and

detailed discussions and

decisiveness to maintain the

art plate lengthening line,

efficient welding for the entire

careful planning between

position as the world’s leading

enable to feed two complete

length of plates.

the teams of Ingalls and

and most modern shipyard,

modern flat panel lines

in 2014 the Mississippi-based

simultaneously, and several

line, one of the advanced

Ingalls Shipbuilding kicked

other highly advanced

features is a fully automated

entirely a turn-key project,

off the extensive “Shipyard of

solutions like robotized

robotized welding of

so in addition to all-round

the Future” initiative. Ingalls

welding and integrated

entire panel stiffening. The

installation and training

Shipbuilding is a subsidiary

milling and welding

solution includes multiple

services, also technical and

of the Huntington Ingalls


robots utilizing the hi-tech

production support services

programming and control

are included.

production and enhanced

Industries, which is America’s

The extensive delivery

One of the plate joining

In the LHAW panel

Pemamek. The delivery overseas is

Shipping ministry offers grant to JNPT, Karwar port


he Ministry of

and a maximum of Rs 10 crore

The project at the Jawaharlal

Shipping has

for construction of platforms

Nehru port, with a cost of an

sanctioned Rs 25

and jetties for hovercraft and

estimated Rs 170 crore, will

crore as grants-in-aid to

seaplanes by ports and state

be completed by March 2019.

the Jawaharlal Nehru Port

governments and passenger

It involves construction of a

Trust and another Rs 50

jetties in National Waterways

coastal berth and port craft

crore to the Government of

and islands by states, among

jetty, reclamation and capital

others. The other conditions

dredging in coastal berth.

port for developing their

either by sea or national

involve a maximum of

The Karwar port project,

infrastructure under the

waterways. The permissible

Rs 15 crore for mechanisation

which involves extension

Coastal Berth Scheme of

financial support from the

of berths by major and non-

of the existing southern

its flagship programme

Centre is 50 per cent of the

major ports, a maximum of

breakwater by 145 metres

‘Sagarmala’. The Coastal

total cost of the project

Rs 50 crore for capital

and construction of a

Berth Scheme aims to provide

subject to a maximum of

dredging of operational non-

new north breakwater of

financial assistance to ports

Rs 25 crore for projects

major ports and a maximum

1,160 metres, is likely to be

or states in order to create

relating to construction and

of Rs 50 crore in order to

completed in three years,

infrastructure for movement

upgradation of coastal berths

construct breakwater for

the estimated cost of the

of cargo and passengers

by major and non-major ports

existing and greenfield ports.

project is Rs 215 crore.

Karnataka for the Karwar


Source: economictimes.indiatimes.com




Pentagon Plastics Group brings laser welding technology in house


he Pentagon Plastics

clamping, and integrated

Group, an injection

extraction and laser wire

molding specialist

feed system. The bulk of the

Swiss-Type Lathe equipped with Lasers for Cutting, Welding

based in Horsham, UK,

purchase was self-funded

recently announced an

by the team at Phoenix

investment in a £130,000

Engineering and will enable

state-of-the-art laser welder.

internal and sub-contract

The group, comprising

work. Laser welding had


Pentagon Plastics Ltd. and

been a major subcontracting

fully integrated SPI lasers, one

Phoenix Engineering Ltd.,

expense across the group.

for laser cutting and one for

installed the new addition

The new machine will allow

welding. The machine is the

to its extensive set of plant

it to reduce lead times for

first in its series to incorporate

tooling work and offer an

laser welding. The company

machinery in the Phoenix

Source: www.plasticstoday.com

sugami’s new LaserSwiss SS207-5AX is a 20-mm, seven-axis

Swiss-type CNC lathe with two

Engineering factory. The

the ALT 500 Laser Welder, a

improved workflow for new

says that this additional

TLM Laser purchase included

tiltable turntable, magnetic

and existing clients.

welding head provides flexibility for operators, who can now reflow a swaged

U.S. Army and Kuwait Coast Guard practices underwater welding skills


tube end, or weld two pieces together and then machine them. The laser-cutting and laser-welding heads can be

.S. Army divers and

mounted on either the X1 and

Kuwait Coast Guard

Y1 axis or B axis, and customers

personnel practiced

can choose lasers ranging

their underwater welding

from 200 to 400 W. All laser

skills on November 29,

operations are programmed

2017 at Kuwait Naval Base,

and driven from the machine’s

Kuwait. These soldiers and

FANUC 31i-B5 control, and

the Kuwait coast guard were

each laser’s frequency, pulse

taking part in a class to help

width, focus and power are

them become salvage divers.

adjustable. Additionally,

The class starts by getting

users can adjust the assist gas

divers acquainted with the

pressure from 5 to 350 psi,

surface supply diving helmet.

enabling the use of different

This is a primary part of

pressures for piercing, cutting

salvage diving equipment.

Source: www.army.mil

and welding.

These helmets allow divers to get air from the surface,

welding portion starts on

the project. The class not

which in turn allows them to

dry land refining their skills

only gives the troops the edge

work longer under the water.

before going underneath the

during underwater salvage

Students also get hands on

water. One American and

missions but it also lets the

skills in using hydraulic tools

one Kuwaiti diver enter the

divers from both countries

for underwater work. The

water together to complete

learn to work together.


Source: www.mmsonline.com




MTI and Siemens join forces to lead the way in welding technology for the axle market


LOBAL joining

machine, the double axle

CpK of 1.33 or above to satisfy

friction welder, the machine

solutions provider

friction welder eliminates

most automotive customers.

is the first of its kind to utilise

MTI has collaborated

slow and manual part load

The impressive friction

Siemens’ SIMOTION high-

with technology company

and unload operations.

welder also features

end motion control system

HMK, the Siemens motion

Specifically designed for the


along with the latest motor

partner, to pioneer the

axle market, fully finished

clamps and offers near-

and drive technology from

development of a double axle

axles for multiple applications

unlimited recipes through

Siemens’ SINAMICS range

friction welding machine,

are delivered with precision

its PC interface, allowing

which is Industry 4.0 ready.

worth in excess of £2 million,

part accuracy and statistical

different axle production

MTI's friction-welding

for one of the world’s leading

data monitoring for the

runs to be scheduled on one

kernel has been architected

trailer manufacturers. The

quality process. Surpassing

machine. This eliminates

to maximise its use of the

16m friction welding machine,

rigid industry specifications,

the need to juggle schedules

SIMOTION platform. By

which was delivered in

the machine delivers

across multiple, single-weld

fully utilising the available

February, welds a complete

workpiece orientation to less

machines. Several other

powerful task architecture and

axle in just one cycle.

than ±1° and achieves TIR up

complex features have been

execution system available,

to 0.25 mm.

designed into the machine

the system can adjust the

The machine sets a new

to allow the customer

priority of tasks within the

reducing cycle times by up

also features a CpK rating of

to enhance its patented

processor according to

to 10 percent and potentially

1.67, a critical performance

technology developments for

when their execution is at its

reducing the requirement of a

measurement utilised by the

future axle designs. As MTI’s

most critical for the friction-

third shift. A fully automated

industry which demands a

most advanced double axle

welding process.

standard for the axle industry,

The double axle machine

Miller Welding & Machine names new President Pennsylvania), a strategic

all operations across the

services to full strategic OEM

metals manufacturing partner

company’s three plants in

fabrication. Ms. Elensky

for OEMs, has named Eric

Brookville and Homer City,

served in the United States

D. Miller president, marking

Pennsylvania. He has held

Army Reserves before joining

the third generation of

various roles over the past

the company, where she has

leadership for the family-

23 years, including clerk,

acted as buyer, materials

owned business. Eric

IT specialist, and customer

manager and inventory

Miller will report to former

service and purchasing

manager. Over the last 50

president David K. Miller,

positions. Most recently, he

years, the company has

who will take on the role of

was Vice President of Sales

evolved from a three-person

Chairman of the Board. Cathy

and Marketing. David K.

operation into a single-

Elensky, previously Inventory

Miller joined the company

source supplier for metal

Manager, has been promoted

more than 40 years ago,

manufacturing needs. It

iller Welding

to Chief Financial Officer.

eventually leading the

employs approximately

& Machine

As president, Eric Miller

business in its shift from

400 people in Western


will be responsible for

repair and refurbishment


Source: www.prweb.com

M 10




BMW tests optical coherence SANDVIK materials tomography for better technology divests its welding welding wire business



ermany’s Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

have backed a project to

andvik Materials

the welding wire business

Technology has signed

amounted to 470 million

an agreement to divest

SEK in 2016. The cash flow

the welding wire operations

impact from the transaction

to ESAB, a global leader in

is expected to be positive.

coherence tomography (OCT)

Blackbird scanner comprising

the welding industry and part

Closing of the divestment is

to improve remote laser

an ‘intelliWELD’ PR scan head

of Colfax Corporation. The

estimated to be completed

welding in car production.

provided by Scanlab, a control

agreement completes the

within 2-4 months, following

Funded under the country’s

unit, and an integrated OCT

main step in the divestment

customary closing conditions.

‘Photonics Research Germany’

scanner. The team adds that

plan for welding wire and

The process to exit the

program, the effort include

imaging relies on ultra-fast

stainless wire. The deal

stainless wire business, with

representatives from auto giant

workpiece scanning with

includes the production

about 270 million SEK in sales

BMW, who will work alongside

a dedicated OCT scanner

units in Sandviken, Sweden

2016, is progressing according

laser welding and OCT

coaxially coupled in the weld

and Scranton, US as well as

to plan.

experts at Precitec, Blackbird

scanner. This welding solution

the global sales and product

Robotersysteme, Emil Bucher,

provides integrated edge

management organization;

and the Technical University of

tracking and seam topology

in total approximately 120

Munich. The project utilizes a


employees. Revenues for

explore the potential of optical

Source: optics.org

Indian Central Railway launches new welding tech to repair rails


he Nagpur division

block duration. The progress

and the material of the weld

of Central Railway

will further increase with

is chemically identical to

successfully carried

the experience gained. Under

the parent body of the rails,

out welding of rails with the

the process, a fully self-

which means its strength

help of latest Mobile Flash

contained flash butt welding

and other characteristics are

Butt Welding (MFBW) plant

unit mounted on a rail-

identical to those of the body

on Katol-Metpanjra section.

cum-road vehicle is required

of the rails. Flash butt welding

Divisional Railway Manager

to carry out the job," says

also typically results in fewer

(DRM) BK Gupta said flash


defects. Earlier, Through

butt welding process is

Gupta hailed the leadership

Weld Renewal (TWR) welding

desirable to repair weld

of general manager DK

was done by aluminium

failures, to avoid repeated

Sharma, and guidance of

thermic (AT) process which

problems. A trial block of 2.30

principal chief engineer SK

has its inherent disadvantages

Central Railway aims to wipe

hours was taken in which six

Agarwal for putting the latest

of quality.

out arrears of TWR in quick

welds were in 60-metre length

technology to use. Gupta said

rail. "The progress rose to 11

the new welding technology

slow in TWR by AT welds.

also been asked to take up

welds a day later in the same

is essentially a forging process

With the latest process,

this process.


The speed of work was also

Source: timesofindia.indiatimes.com

time. The other divisions have




L&T to sell welding products unit to UK’s ESAB for $80 mn


arsen and Toubro Ltd

of Rs 211.2 crore for the

ESAB India Ltd. ESAB India

(L&T), India’s biggest

year through March 2017.

started its operations in 1987

engineering company,

This is about 0.19% of L&T’s

by acquiring the welding

has agreed to sell unit EWAC

consolidated revenue. ESAB

business of Peico Electronics

makes a range of products

& Electricals Ltd (now Philips

ESAB Holdings Ltd for Rs 522

products such as electrodes,

for welding and cutting

India Ltd), according to its

crore ($80 million). This is

gas brazing rods, welding

processes. The company’s

website. In 1991, it bought

L&T’s second sale of a wholly

torches and accessories at

origin dates back more than

Indian Oxygen Ltd’s welding

owned subsidiary within

its factory in Ankleshwar,

a hundred years when it

business and a year later

two months; it had agreed to

Gujarat. The company was

was started by a Swedish

purchased Flotech Welding

sell unit L&T Cutting Tools

started as a joint venture of

engineer in 1904. It shifted

& Cutting Systems Ltd. This

Ltd to a company owned

L&T and Germany’s Messer

its headquarters to the UK

was followed by the merger

by billionaire US investor

Eutectic Castolin Group.

in 2002 and was acquired

of Maharashtra Weldaids Ltd

Warren Buffett-led Berkshire

In 2011, it became a wholly

by US-based Colfax Corp in

in 1994, the website shows.

Hathaway Inc for Rs 174

owned subsidiary of L&T. L&T

2012. The group operates in

ESAB India has factories in

crore. EWAC makes welding

said EWAC posted revenue

India through Mumbai-listed

Kolkata, Chennai and Nagpur.

Alloys Ltd to the UK-based

Wallace Female Welding ABB unveils newest member Students Get $5000 Donation of the YuMi family



a donation of $5,000 from

its newest collaborative

its compactness, is easily

Altec to assist female welding

robot, with a single arm, at

integrated into existing

students in completing their

the International Robotics

assembly lines, increasing

education at Wallace State

Exhibition (iREX) 2017

productivity. The new robot

Community College.

in Tokyo. As their name

also features lead-through

he Wallace State Future Foundation recently received

introduced in 2015, the

technology leader

new robot has a payload of

is now previewing

500 grams and, thanks to

suggests, collaborative

programming, eliminating the

manufacturer of utility

$1,250 per semester for each

robots are designed to work

need for specialized training

equipment such as

recipient. To qualify for the

alongside humans on the

for operators.

bucket trucks, cranes, tree

scholarship, a student must

factory floor to

equipment, etc., and employs

have completed one semester

raise productivity

a number of graduates from

in the welding program;

and support the

the Wallace State Welding

have a 2.75 GPA or higher;

transition to mass


demonstrate financial need;


Altec is a leading

Source: cullmantoday.com

apply each semester; and

The robot will be

Altec will help pay tuition,

provide an essay explaining

officially launched

fees, books and supplies for a

their need for scholarship

in 2018. Like YuMi,

female welding student. The

assistance and why they chose

a small-parts

scholarship will provide up to

welding as a career.

assembly robot

The $5,000 donated by


BB, a pioneering


Source: new.abb.com



Advances in GAS Tungsten ARC Welding Processes A. Santhakumari, Addl. General Manager, Welding Research Institute, Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd, Tiruchirappalli.


he gas shielded welding processes

process by means of hot wire addition

viz. Gas Metal Arc Welding

and twin or tandem wire techniques and

(GMAW), Gas Tungsten Arc

also by means of automation efforts. This

Chromium Molybdenum steels and

Welding (GTAW) and Plasma Arc

article intends to highlight few of the

Nickel based alloys are being developed

Welding (PAW) are widely used in all

recent advances in GTAW process.

to increase the efficiency of the product.

More advanced ferritic- martensitic

As more and more newer materials have

fabrication industries. These processes are the work horses in power, energy,


been developed there is a necessity

automotive and other strategic sectors

Fusion welding processes can be broadly

arises to improve joining technologies

because of high quality welds produced

classified as Flux Shielded Welding

or introduce advance techniques in

by these processes.

Processes, Gas Shielded Welding

the current welding processes. With

Processes and Beam Welding Processes.

the advent of power electronics and

quality but low productive process

Each process is unique and finds wider

controlling devices, number of welding

due to the slow travel speed and lower

application across industry.

power source manufacturers have

GTAW is observed generally as high

The Gas shielded welding processes -

started developing various techniques

Hence it has been considered only for

Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW), Gas

to meet the demanding requirements

root pass welding and thin sheet welding

Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) and Plasma

of joining of these newer materials.

in the past.

Arc Welding (PAW) are widely used in

Development of new variants like hot

almost all fabrication industry.

wire GTAW, activated TIG, continuous

deposition rate with the filler additions.

The choice of one would be TIG when there is chance of choosing the welding

Of the three, Gas tungsten arc welding

wire feed GTAW, etc. leads to higher

process for fabrication of consumer

is used in industries where uniform

productivity and enhanced the scope for

products because of its high quality and

root penetration is desired. GTAW

its application in wide range of fields.

pleasing appearance. For the products

process can be used to weld almost all

that call for code requirements including

metals. It is especially useful for joining

Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Process

strategic applications always select

aluminum and magnesium, which form

For at least six decades, traditional gas

TIG as an effective process for root

refractory oxides, and also for joining

tungsten arc welding (GTAW or TIG) has

pass application. And in some cases

reactive metals titanium and zirconium.

been considered the process of choice

which require high quality bonding for

This process is extensively used to join

for attaining high quality welds in any

multipass application TIG process alone

stainless steels, copper, alloy steel and

metal application. However, this process

is being adapted for reasons of precision

carbon steels.

than the faster MIG welding. In the past,

In carbon steels, it is primarily used for

pulsed GTAW, Orbital GTAW, etc. have

root pass welding with the application

been developed to make the process

of consumable inserts or open root

as semi-automatic process, but the

techniques on pipes. This process finds

lower deposition rate and speed restricts

applications where quality and reliability

its applications.

of welded joint is more important than

Significant improvements have been


nuclear industries.

only cost considerations. TIG welding is

made in the recent past to improve the

widely used to produce high quality

deposition rate to match with GMAW

joints required in the aerospace and


Figure 01: GTAW Process Set up.



has certain drawbacks, such as the weld

Figure 03 shows the facility at WRI and

energy limitation influenced by the weld

dissimilar weld made by the process is

pool dynamics and typically slow manual

shown in Figure 04.

titanium can be welded by narrow gap hot wire GTAW. Hotwire narrow gap GTAW offers

wire feed rates. Manual GTAW requires

excellent mechanical properties, high

highly skilled operators who possess

weld quality and high efficiency. The

the dexterity necessary to feed the wire.

volume of weld metal deposited and total

Manual GTAW techniques vary, and

heat input to the weld are lower than

the weld-wire-to-arc and weld puddle

conventional TIG. The process offers

placement are inconsistent.

better economy because of reduced consumable requirements and shorter

The recent advances in GTAW which are resulting in enhanced productivity

welding times. There is low angular

without compromising the quality are

distortion because the joint preparation

being discussed below.

Figure 03: Hot Wire TIG Facility at WRI.

is almost parallel-sided. Figures 05 & 06 show a typical arrangement for hot wire

Recent Advances in GTAW Process

narrow gap GTAW and the process.

Hot Wire GTAW & Narrow Gap Hot Wire GTAW Historically, the advantages of the high-quality welds possible with GTAW have been offset by the process’s low deposition rates. But the hot wire method speeds up those rates, making GTAW feasible in many applications where it wasn’t before.

Figure 04: A typical dissimilar weld by this process.

Unlike traditional GTAW, in which the filler wire is added cold and arc energy

With increasing applications for newer

heats it, hot wire GTAW systems use a

breed of Creep Strength Enhanced

second power source to resistance-heat

Ferritic Steels and Ni-base alloys for high

the wire so that it's already near the

temperature application, the technology

melting point when it's added to the weld

offers the best solution for tube and pipe

puddle. This results in a much faster

joints, more so in the case of dissimilar

travel speed, compared to the cold wire

weld joints.

method. Increased wire feed rates enable

Figure 05: Narrow Gap Hot Wire TIG Facility.

To further enhance the productivity

higher weld current per application,

of Hot Wire GTAW, the Narrow Gap Hot

which reduces the likelihood of internal

Wire GTAW process has been developed

weld defects and weld fusion. The typical

as a high productive technology. In

arrangement for hot wire GTAW is shown

Narrow Gap GTAW, consistent side wall

in Figure 02.

fusion is able to achieve with special torch, power source and controller. Number of techniques such as tilting, twisting the tungsten electrode have been developed to ensure side wall fusion in narrow gap. This can be used for heavy wall thickness jobs of pipes, turbine Rotor Shaft, ship building, etc. Stainless steel, duplex stainless steels, nickelFigure 02


based alloys, and reactive metals such as

Figure 06: Welding in progress (Courtesy: Polysoude).




mm thick stainless steel can be welded in a single pass. This also reduces weld shrinkage and distortion, as filler metal is not needed. There is also reduction in welding time, as welding is done with square butt weld edge preparation.

Automated Wire Feeding in GTAW Process Emergence of this process changed the thinking of people about GTAW. Figure 07.

Figure 08.

Orbital Hot Wire GTAW

first reported by the E.O Paton Welding

automated GTAW wire feed control

Orbital GTAW process became practical

Institute (PWI), Ukraine in the middle

combined with a hot-wire power source

for many industries when combination

of 1960s and got popularized in the

that operates with any GTAW. Suitable

power supply/control system were

2000s. More recently the Edison Welding

for all-position welding on materials of

developed /operated from 110 V AC. A

Institute (EWI), US, has developed an

any thickness, the process addresses

mechanism was developed in which the

alternative range of Active Flux. Recently

traditional GTAW limitations and can

arc from a tungsten electrode was rotated

the Welding Research Institute (WRI)

enhance both manual and automated

around the tubing weld joint whereas the

and IGCAR India have developed their

TIG weld quality and productivity. GTAW

work piece is kept constant. An Orbital

indigenous flux for stainless steel grade

with automated wire feeding known

welding system consists of power supply

material. The Activated TIG (A-TIG)

by trade names viz. TipTIG / TopTIG

and an orbital weld head. The Orbital

welding process involves application of

has been developed to overcome the

welding heads are of mainly three types -

a thin coating of flux material onto the

directional limitation posed by the cold/

Fully Enclosed Fusion Weld Head; Open

joint surface prior to welding to enhance

hot wire GTAW process and enables the

Arc weld heads; wire feed weld heads.

the weld penetration.

completion of manual, semi-automated

Orbital Welding System gives the higher

Applying of a thin layer of active flux

and/or automated welds, with traditional

productivity, quality, consistency; lower

on the top surface of the weld seam

GTAW weld quality and productivity

skill level and lesser space for access are

(Figure 07) and then running the TIG

levels approaching other wire feed

some of the advantages of the process. If

arc over that is found to enhance the

processes like GMAW. TipTIG enable

you cannot rotate the job, then the next

penetration two to three times. However

automation of cold/hot wire GTAW

best option is rotating the torch.The space

each material such as carbon steel,

process. Additionally this also attracts

constraint may be an issue in some cases

stainless steel, aluminum requires

manual applications of the process

to use the method. The equipment is also

active flux of different composition.

for pipe welding and also for repair

expensive. All the same, there are many

This process works well in automated

welding. The advantage is a high-speed

successful examples of its usage in aircraft

TIG welding only as the penetration is

linear oscillation of the four-roll drive

& aerospace Industry, nuclear, boiler and

the ATIG process is sensitive the arc

plate that is super-imposed onto the

high pressure tubes, etc.

length variation. The process is found

wire. This dynamic oscillation creates

to be beneficial in orbital pipe welding

a vibration when filler is introduced to


the molten weld pool, defeating surface

The advent of hot wire GTAW process lead to development of orbital hot wire GTAWprocess and is being used for

The activated TIG fluxes are

tension. This enables better fusion,

productive applications. Figure 07

commercially available for C-Mn steel,

allows impurities and gases to escape

shows a typical set up for orbital hot wire

Low Alloy Steel, Cr-Mo steel, Stainless

more readily, and improves wetting and

GTAW of pipes.

Steel and Nickel Alloys.

overall weld-ability resulting in higher

Activated TIG Welding

the process. The A-TIG process offers

Activated TIG or ATIG Welding was

increased depth of penetration, up to 12

Figure 08 shows the application of


This welding process, is a manual and


deposition rates. Figure 09 shows the root pass welded by Tip TIG process and Tip TIG is found



Figure 09: Root pass welding by continuous wire feed GTAW Process. “difficult to weld� materials such as super-alloys of gas turbine components.

Figure 13: (Courtesy: KTIG- Australia)

It also allows out of chamber welding of titanium with minimal trailing shield

is intentional increase in arc pressure to

protection. In Figures 09 and 10, the

the point where it extends the crater to

DC TIG arc and the inter pulse arc are

the bottom of the pool. The surface of

compared. It can be observed that the

the weld pool will become anchored to

inter pulse arc is constricted and results

both top and bottom surfaces to form a

in small HAZ.

stable structure. This stable arc is moved along the weld path as keyhole. Figure 12

Figure 10: DC TIG Arc 85 Amps (Average Current) Note. Large arc and extended HAZ

Figure 11: Inter Pulse Arc 85 Amps Average Current Note. Constricted arc and small HAZ.

K-TIG Welding

shows a typical KTIG arc and the macro

K-TIG (Keyhole TIG) Technology a

of a weld is shown in Figure 13.

single-pass, full-penetration keyhole developed by Dr. Laurie Jarvis in 1990-

Twin Wire / Tandem GTA cladding Process

93 (in Australia). CSIRO, which had

For cladding applications, GTA process

quickly recognised the potential of

was not recommended widely due to low

keyhole welding, took steps to patent the

productivity though we could achieve

system. The first successful generation

lower dilution level with this method.

welding technologywas originally

of a GTA keyhole was achieved on 5 mm

Increasing GTAW performance or

duplex stainless steel. The first industrial

weld deposition rate is regularly joined

application began in late 1997 for the

by increasing weld current, rising arc

welding of rail wagons. The process is

force or arc pressure, respectively.

now being used by various industries in

The later again is susceptible to cause

Australia, USA, Europe and Korea.

weld defects, such as undercut or bead

The fundamental behind this process

humping. To cope with these limitations

Figure 12

Figure 14

to give much uniform bead shape at 3 times faster welding speed.

Inter Pulse TIG Welding Inter Pulse TIG is a patented technology from VBC Group, UK. The specially designed Inter Pulse TIG power source provides a highly constricted, fine welding arc which enables welding of





inputs. This is difficult to achieve as the flow of the weld pool in the vertical (2 G welding position) is governed by gravitational forces and surface tension effects.

Internal TIG welding There are requirement for fabrication product such as Pipe to stub tubes in which the stubs have to be welded on

Figure 15. Figure 16.

the pipe with the required geometrical dimensions. To join the stub tube to pipe

Yamada in the late 1990’s developed and

50% comparing to conventional GTA

an Internal TIG welding system (Figure

patented a novel high-efficiency GTAW

cladding. Typical applications of this

17) has been developed by WRI with

method. Both electrodes, independently

process includes Subsea components,

a servo motor drive with operational

operated by two power supplies and

Valve components, Bearing seal surfaces,

control governed by a Programmable

electrically insulated to each other are

Pump components, Turbine blades, CRA

Logic Controller (PLC) handling all

paired in one weld torch. Feeding hot-

pipes, elbows, Extruders, Mining bits,

inputs and outputs. The inputs to PLC

wire to the weld pool allows for increased

Forging dies, Rolls, etc. Figure 14 shows

are welding voltage, welding current

weld performance; i.e. weld deposition

the cladding in progress and Figure 15

and gas flow rate. There is provision in

rate e.g. in producing large 9% Ni-steel

shows the typical electrode and wire

PLC for handling expansion options for

storage tanks. Electrode geometry


communication ports, other analog and digital outputs. All operating parameters

and adjustment are stated among the

In another related variant as shown

specifics of this method. This method

in Figure 16, two torches are attached

are also connected to the remote

also known as multi-cathode GTA, has

to the same weld head to produce two

control module for ease of operation

early been tested to improve both process

individual TIG arcs. The two arcs are

and control. The operations can thus be

efficiency and weld quality. Multi-

positioned diametrically opposite and

accessed through either remote pendant

cathode GTA capable of significantly

hence have little heating influence on

or from the PLC main panel of control

increasing weld travel speed and, by

each other. An important requirement

board. Torches are designed to a specific

elongating the weld pool, preventing

in weld cladding is that the two arcs

height with an option of tolerance

weld defects such as undercut.

produce weld deposits with similar

catering to Âą 10 mm. This may be used to

fusion levels, iron content and heat

adjust the tolerance of stub dimensions

Further research leads to development of tandem GTA cladding process with

and positioning. The stubs with 28 mm

twin hot wire. Two tungsten cathodes

inner diameter have been tried out

combined with two preheated welding

and complete fusion inside have been

wires, all independently controlled,

achieved with this development.

to create one molten pool allows less penetration while enabling faster


welding speeds and a much higher

Many of the developments mentioned

deposition rate. Maximum productivity

above are being exploited commercially

is guaranteed, especially when welding

and the tandem overlay and internal TIG

larger components.

and clad processes are peeping into the

Increased welding speed of about 120

shop floors. The above high performance

cm / min and deposition rate of 6 kg / hr

processes will result in enhanced

could be obtained by tis high productive process with gas consumption about



productivity with the highest quality of Figure 17.

GTAW process.



Development of Accuracy Evaluation System for Curved Shell Plates using Laser Scanners

Measurement of curved shell plates with FARO Laser Scanner.


or some, the round contours and

the ship body. There are a few methods

curved shell plates. The new approach

elegant hulls of a ship resemble

to achieve curvature in a steel plate, and

involves a 3D laser scanner, and is a

a woman’s figure. That might

one traditional method to compare and

stark improvement from the wooden

be why ships have been classified as

evaluate curved shell plates is through

templates, providing users with higher

feminine objects in gender-specific

using bent wooden templates.

levels of accuracy and speed. This story resulted from an interview with SHIME

languages since antiquity. What gives a

in Yokosuka, Kanagawa, Japan, and was

shell plates” made from large, thick

Joint Research Supported by ClassNK

plates of steel, covering the entire ship

Under a joint research programme

the research using FARO Laser Scanner

from stern to bow with complex three-

supported by ClassNK, the University of


dimensional (3D) curves. Hundreds of

Tokyo and Sumitomo Heavy Industries

shell plates are utilized in the structure

Marine & Engineering Co Ltd (SHIME)

of a ship, but only two of them are made

came together with ClassNK to develop

Challenges with Wooden Template Evaluations

to be similar, one used on each side of

a new method of evaluation for

For a long time now, the accuracy of the

ship its shapely exteriors are the “curved



based on the company’s participation in



evaluation process using the traditional

As a result of these difficulties, the

wooden template method has been an

team set out to develop a system that

area of concern. Evaluation is tricky

is able to handle evaluations more

mainly because the curved shell plates

objectively and accurately using laser

are pressed and quenched manually by

scanners. The workflow of the new

craftsmen, who may possess different

approach involved comparing CAD

skill levels. There is a high level of

data of design plans with measurement

reliance on the experience of individual

data obtained with the Focus3D, as

craftsmen (e.g. visual judgment and

well as preparing and feeding collected

Sugawara from SHIME’s Construction

design of process plans), and this

data through Pupulpit (provided by

Management Division, Production

produces considerable variation in the

UNICUS Co., Ltd), a large point cloud

Department – Production Control

finished product.

processing platform. On top of that, the

Group explained, “Before, we had to rely

Scanner Graph.

team also generated color maps to chart

heavily on our technicians’ know-how

evaluate parts of the plate, over which

the accuracy levels of the shell plate

and subjective perception to achieve the

the wooden templates fit. Errors on the

under inspection; problem-solved issues

right shape for final fit. However, with

shell plate that go ‘unnoticed’ by the

linked to laser scanner deployment; and

this new approach, we are confident that

wooden templates may only be detected

reviewed the usage of measurement data

more of our staff will be able to achieve

later during assembly. Reworking it then

during this study.

good, consistent results – even if they

In addition, the old method can only

may cause significant time wastage,

With the new approach, SHIME

depending on the complexity of the

managed to increase efficiency and

piece itself.

achieve higher accuracy levels in

Besides, these wooden templates

its curved shell plates. Mr. Akiyoshi

possess less experience.”

Tangible benefits with new approach

need to be customized and cannot be

The new approach of evaluating curved

used across ships. This means, that a

shell plates using laser scanner has been

large number of different templates

well received, and a growing number of

would then be required, incurring costs

companies are choosing to adopt this

in materials and time. Along with that


also comes the need for storage and maintenance, which would add to the outlay in the long run.

Since implementing the new

Curved shell plates.

system, the time expended on revising errors, have decreased significantly, demonstrating the efficacy of the laser scanner for the evaluation process. Mr. Sugawara shared, “With the assistance of the Focus3D, we are able to scan curved shell plates instantly by simply narrowing the scan range and changing the resolution to suit the plate size. The color maps provide convenience, as it lets us pick out the points that require more curvature easily. There are more possibilities with the new technology that we yearn to uncover.” SHIME looks forward to the day that curved shell plates can be

Evaluation of curved shell plates with traditional bent wooden templates.


manufactured without the use of bent wooden templates.



Pro Pro MIG ProTIG(DC) Pro -- MIG MIGPro Pro --- TIG(DC) MIG

Pro Pro Pro -- TIG TIG (AC/DC) (AC/DC) Pro - TI TI

Duty Duty cycle cycle 100% 100%

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Modular 100% @ 40˚C Modular 100% @ 40˚C Architecture Architecture

Special Special Programs Special Special Programs Programs Programs


Advanced AC/DC, Advanced AC/DC, DC DC Pulse Pulse TIG, TIG, Synergic Synergic MIG MIG and and Advan Advan ROOT-MD ROOT-MD Pulse MIG power Sources with value added Pulse Pulse MIG power Sources with value added Pulse R-PIPE R-PIPE features such as Parameter locking, Data Logging and features such as Parameter locking, Data Loggingfeatur featur and PULSE PULSE Online monitoring. Online Online monitoring. Online


Electronics Electronics Devices Devices Worldwide Worldwide Pvt. Pvt. Ltd. Ltd. Electronics Electronics D D 31, Mistry Industrial Complex, Cross Road 31, ‘A’,M.I.D.C., Mistry Ind 31, Mistry Industrial Complex, Cross Road 31, ‘A’,M.I.D.C., Mistry Ind Andheri [E], Mumbai 400093. INDIA. Andheri Andheri [E], Mumbai 400093. INDIA. Andheri [E], [E], M M Tel: +91-22-45410600/ 601 Service: +91-22-45410625 Tel: +91-22-4 Tel: +91-22-45410600/ 601 Service: +91-22-45410625 Tel: +91-22-4 Email: sigmaweld@edmail.in Email: Email: sigmaweld@edmail.in Email: sigmaw sigmaw Web: Web: Web: www.electronicsdevices.com, www.electronicsdevices.com, www.sigmaweld.com www.sigmaweld.com Web: www.ele www.ele

Induction Induction Based Based

Preweld / Postweld heat treatment

O O e kke a BBa n ggeen o ddrro y || H Hy t eeaat H sstt H o || PPo t aat e e H ee H r PPr

Sales Sales & & Marketing Marketing office: office: 608, 6th Floor, Windfall, 608, 6th Floor, Windfall, Sahar Sahar Plaza, Plaza, Next Next to to Kohinoor Kohinoor Hotel, Hotel, Jb Jb Nagar, Nagar, Metro Metro Station, Station, Andheri Andheri East East Sales Tel: +91-22-45410500 Sales - Tel: +91-22-45410500

cllee y c t CCy t a eea H H eedd z iiz m ttoom s CCuus | uutt |



Welding Data Monitoring & Analysis Made Simple


arcing time of each welder) 3. Job Reports (Welding Parameters, Time taken to complete the welding of the job, Welders that worked on the job, machines that were used to weld this

ach company wants to be able to

to the ‘DMS’ and enter his Name or Welder

make the most of the resources

ID and choose the welding consumable he

available to them. Often when out of

is welding with (wire size and wire type in

You can now add a node of the DMS on

turn orders are expected or a sudden surge

case of MIG/ SAW). The DMS records at

each of the welding equipments you have

in volume is likely to hit after a lean patch,

regular intervals (once / twice a minute)

(new / old) and connect them all to a single

the first reaction is to increase capacity,

the welding parameters, the welding

DMS Server Solution using wired LAN

increase productivity at any cost. Usually,

consumable used in the weld joint, the

connection or WiFi.

this hits the pockets a bit hard and affects

welder name who did the welding and

the bottom line. There isn’t enough time

if required also the job number (part he

to think about and know for sure if we are

is welding).

particular job, consumables used on the job).

using the resources we have to the hilt. More often the case is lack of enough data on the utility of resources. How much are the machines used, how many hours did the welder actually weld on the job. Sometimes you are doing a critical job and

The latest generation of machines have

the customer wants to know exactly what

these features inbuilt such as our SigmaPro

parameters, welding consumables have

Second step is taking this data from the DMS to the computer, this can be done

DMS Server Solutions allow you to have

job progressed? How are you ensuring that

using a USB stick or via wifi directly on

all these smart features and analysis done

the WPS is being followed?

to the DMS Server. Once all the data is

on your existing machines, any make , any

in place the system does some internal

type. This authentic data and reservoirs

importantly its analysis is available on your

calculations to give you smart analysis

of this data over a period of time can help

finger tips all the time?

What if all this data and more

such as Heat Input during the welding,

show many trends and patterns. This will

First step for any of this to happen is to

Total Arcing time, Welding Consumables

help you view your factory setup live from

have the DATA in place real time or stored

Consumed in KGs, along with the average

any location and understand the utility of

for each machine, each operator. This is

welding current & voltage during welding.

your shop floor better. Are your machines loaded enough, are your welders arcing

now easily possible to have a DMS (Data Monitoring System) that works like a black

The Third and final step

enough are all your jobs being welded as

box and sits on your existing machines

Having made the setup now, you have your

per the WPS suggested?

collecting data. Each time the machine is

data and calculated data being recorded as

switched on it starts accumulating the data.

it happens. Once the data is transferred to

In case of welding equipments, critical

the server side, you can now have all kinds

data such as welding parameters like

of analysis done on the data and get smart

Welding Current, Welding Voltage, Wire

reports that can help you understand your

Speed (In case of MIG / SAW) can be easily

shopfloor better. For example you can

logged against a timestamp. Additional

have the following reports generated as a

sensors can help add Gas flow, Wire Speed

production head,

For More Info:

and Welding Speed (in case of automation).

1. Machine On time VS Actual Welding

Electronics Devices Worldwide Pvt Ltd

This can be also accompanied with the

Time (Amount of time the machine is

Tel: 022 45410500

welder and machine data, so when the

used to arc each day, week, month)

Email: sigmaweld@edmail.in

welder is about to start the day he can login


series, however the SigmaWeld DMS and

been used to do the job. How far has the


2. Welder Report (Daily, Weekly, Monthly




For the coming years, a clear evolution towards the mechanization, automation and robotization of welding is foreseen and as a result, a significant increase of the welding mechanisation level is expected.

The most commonly used welding process in Romania is MAG welding the welding market. It is usual to relate the size of the

welding mechanisation level is expected.

volume. The consumption of crude steel

With 4,8% annual economic increase

in 2016 was 4.34 million tons, while the

in 2016, Romania has one of the highest

volume of steel production being of 3.4

growth rates in the European Union

million tons. The annual production

with forecasts maintaining a positive

volume of welded structures can be

outlook. Current forecasts estimated an

approximated to 2 million tons.

economic growth of 5.5% in 2017 and

The most commonly used welding


as a result a significant increase of the

welding market to the steel consumption

process in Romania is MAG welding

Dorin Dehelean, Executive Director, ASR, Romanian Welding Society

robotization of welding is foreseen and

over 4% in 2018. The GDP amounted in 2016 to about

with a tendency for an increasing use

188 billion USD by a population of 19.6

of tubular wires (especially in the naval

million. The annual inflation rate is

sector). However, the average level of

relatively low (1.8%, September 2017), the

mechanization of the welding production

unemployment rate being at about 5.0%

is about 60%, but there are a number of

(September 2017).

industrial sectors, such as automotive

The manufacturing industry which is

elding is a key technology for

industry or rolling stock production

including the welding sector has grown

a number of industrial sectors

where the level of mechanization

slightly in recent years. There was an

in Romania. An estimation

exceeds 95%.

increase in 2016 of manufacturing

of the Romanian market size in welding

The labour productivity index per

industry by 3.5% compared to 2015. A

is a difficult task, as official statistic does

employee in metal construction increased

higher increase for the same period (8.7%)

not contain concrete data on this sector.

in the last years, as for example by about

was registered in the metal construction

As such, an appreciation can be made

4.2% in 2016 compared to 2015. For the

industry where a large part of the welded

indirectly by using indicators, as well as

coming years, a clear evolution towards

structures is located. At the same time, the

by trying to directly assess the volume of

the mechanization, automation and

metallurgical industry is declining. The





volume of investments is relatively low.

profession can be obtained both in initial

offer of equipment and material for

The total investments in 2015 being 8,9

vocational education and in continuous

welding and related processes, assured

billion USD, of which 45.4% represents

adult education.

by few local producers and many

the investment in manufacturing

Unfortunately, the attractiveness of a

distributors of the leading companies

industry and 19.8%the investment in

career in welding is low, which makes very

in the world. Virtually, all major world


few children heading towards vocation

producers of welding equipment and

schools and to a career as Welder. A

materials are present in Romania.

Ongoing major welding projects in Romania

similar situation is in continuous training. At the same time, as already mentioned,

producing welding material (solid

The major welding projects in Romania

a large number of people qualified in the

and tubular wires, electrodes, fluxes).

are related to the automotive (direct

field of welding are working abroad.

The most welding equipment is

producers and their suppliers),

acquired from abroad but there are

shipbuilding, rolling stock sector, as well

many companies cooperate in a dual

also Romanian producers of specialised

as the civil and industrial construction

education system with vocational schools

welding equipment.

sector. It is also worth mentioning the

to provide children with a scholarship

current interest for the sector of industrial

and practice place in the field of welding.

Safety in welding

equipment manufacture and the

Other companies have created their

An increasing attention is being paid

manufacture of pipelines. An example of

own welding schools and qualify their

nowadays to occupational health and

a major project which will be realised in

execution staff.

safety issues in all areas, including

the near future is the erection of the new

However, in some cases, large welding

welding. There are many Romanian

BRUA European gas pipeline which will

firms, for example, a number of shipyards

standards harmonized at European

connect Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and

are required to hire welders from abroad.

(EN) and / or international (ISO) level

Austria and where welding represents an important part.

Challenges in Romania’s welding market

Regarding the higher levels of

covering health and safety aspects such

qualification, several universities such as

as SR EN ISO 15011 or 15012 series.

in Bucharest, Brasov, Constanta, Galati or

Most of the welding industrial

Timisoara offer a B.Sc. specialization in

companies have implemented

welding engineering.

and certified quality management

The volume of new investments in

At the same time, the harmonized

systems (SR EN ISO 3834), as well as

the country is relatively low. Infact,

system for the qualification of welding

environmental management systems

many industrial companies are forced

personnel at European level (of the

(ISO 14000) and occupational health and

to work for foreign beneficiaries.The

European Welding Federation EWF) and

safety management systems (ISO 18000).

relatively low cost of the person's level of

international level (of the International

education represents one of Romania's

Welding Institute, IIW) has been

strengths, especially in terms of language,

implemented in Romania for about 25

Any collaboration with other countries into welding segment

proficiency and sciences. Romania's

years. More than 900 European and 1200

In general, a high number of companies

overall tax burden is comparatively low.

international welding diplomas have

collaborate with institutions in other

been awarded; the most of the owners

countries. Collaboration refers to

low wage earnings, there is a threat of

of these diplomas acting as welding

the endowment with equipment

an influx of qualified staff to European

coordinators in enterprises. A great

and materials for welding and non-

countries with higher wages.

interest is also shown by the industry

destructive examinations, the joint

for the international qualification of

realization of some projects, as well as

Is availability of skilled manpower a challenge in Romania

international welding inspectors.

the contracting and subcontracting of

As in other European countries, there is

Demand and supply scenario

currently an acute shortage of welding

The welding market is growing in the last

Romania almost all national standards

personnel at all levels, primarily a lack of

5 years with an annual growth index of

are harmonized with European (EN)

welders. A qualification in the welding

about 5-6%. There is a rich and varied

and international standards (ISO),

At the same time, due to relatively


In order to overcome this situation,

One big Romanian company is


some works. It is worth mentioning that in



which effectively supports international collaboration in the field of welding. There is also a serious involvement of Romanian institutions in the activities

• Promoting modern methods for

that brings together over 700

welding training, using of virtual

members (individuals, industrial

reality and welding simulators.

firms and universities), grouped in

• Launching a campaign to promote

16 regional branches.

of the European Welding Federation

career in the field of welding through

EWF and of the International Institute

conferences, professional contests,

Welding Federation EWF as well as of

of Welding IIW, especially in those

advertising materials (posters,

the International Institute of Welding

related to the development and

posters, video films), examples of

IIW and collaborate with various

implementation of the harmonized

successful stories transmitted on

welding associations around the world,

qualification and certification system

different paths, including through

such as AWS (USA), DVS (Germany) or

for welding personnel.

media channels.

WTIA (Australia).

ASR is a member of the European

There is also a very active player

Strong cooperation is carried out at

New technical advancements introduced

in the welding area, namely ISIM

East European Technology Transfer Network in Welding, SEENET, the main

Welding firms are interested in ensuring

Institute for Welding and Material

partner being the welding associations

high-quality manufacturing and

Testing. The institute has contributed

from Bulgaria, Romania and Serbia. Next

increased economic efficiency. This

since more than 45 years to the

year, SEENET is organising the 4th IIW

justify their interest for implementing

implementation of many major welding

South-East European Welding Congress

new welding and cutting processes.

projects in the industry.

in Belgrade (Serbia) between 10-12

At the same time, the realization of

October 2018, an event bringing together

structures from new materials implies

Closing Note

specialists from industry, research and

the use of suitable joining techniques.

The Romanian welding industry

the regional level through the South-

education from the region.

Timisoara, the National Research

As a result, two tendencies have been

occupies an important place in the

identified in the last years. First of all, it

manufacturing industry, making a

Romania’s efforts to encourage welding as a career

is intended to improve the conditions

significant contribution to the creation

for the use of classical welding processes

of added value in the economy.

There is a concerted program to improve

(like MAG welding) in terms of quality

the attractiveness of a welding career, a

and productivity by using modern MAG

program supported by the qualification

welding techniques (pulse welding,

authorities, the welding schools and the

CMT, STT, tandem welding) as well as by

Community represented by the

industry through the Romanian Welding

robotic welding.

Romanian Welding Society has proposed

Society ASR. The program envisages: • Revision of welding training standards

The second trend is the industrial implementation of new welding or

An increase of the size of the welding market is foreseen for the future. Considering this, the Welding

in its recent strategy as main objectives: • To support the increase of the

and their adaptation to qualification

cutting processes, such as laser welding,

level of development of welding in

requirements at European and

hybrid laser arc welding, friction stir

Romania by promoting the use of high

international level.

welding, laser or water jet cutting.

efficiency welding processes,

• Increasing the number of vocational

The monitoring of welding process by

schools to apply dual education

special monitoring systems, the use of

in welding in collaboration with

simulators in the training of welders are

industrial enterprises.

other examples of the implementation of

• Promoting the possibility of

new technical advancement in the field.

• to improve the image of welding and increase the attractiveness to a welding career at all skill levels and • to extend the implementation the European / international harmonized qualification /

qualification by informal means. institutions for inclusion in M.Sc.

Associations working for the benefits of welding segment

For achieving this, in a global economy,

programs of the possibility of

The Romanian Welding Society, ASR,

the cooperation of all players in the

obtaining the international welding

which is acting in Romania for almost

field is needed. ASR is open to such

engineer qualification.

30 years, is a professional organization


• Co-operation with higher education


certification of welding personnel.




“Our current focus is into developing automation solutions for metal cutting.” Q1. Pro-Arc Welding & Cutting Systems has completed 25 years in the welding and cutting industry. Please let us know about your formative years and how has the journey been till date?

there. We also arranged various

We began our journey in 1991 as a

machines have evolved

control panel manufacturer providing

drastically and technological

electrical panels for welding automation

advances have made the

requirements of the automotive

machines more affordable.

industry. This was an interesting time

seminars for leading fabricators and consultants to educate them about the machine’s capabilities. In the last 10-12 years, the CNC profile cutting

Today, with the large

since the Indian markets had opened up

installation base of these

to the western world post liberalization.

machines and growing awareness

It became easy for us to import welding

about the benefits of these

torches/ components and other

machines, the demand for

technologies from the West during this

these machines is

period. We started manufacturing MIG,


TIG, Arc welding machines soon after


since we felt the need to have our own product. By mid-nineties we entered the cutting automation spectrum by launching CNC profile cutting machines. We have been able to use this early mover advantage to our benefit and have been able to consolidate a good position and market share within the industry.

Q2. What were the major challenges faced since ProArc’s inception? How did you manage to overcome them? When we started manufacturing CNC profile cutting machines, the market awareness for these products were low. Also time taken for decision making was much higher. We used to participate at various trade shows and showcase our products



Ajitkumar Nair, CEO, Pro-Arc Welding & Cutting Systems



Q3. Could you brief us on your product range?

and welding fixtures for increasing productivity. We also have a strong

public sector companies such as Indian

Our current focus is into developing

design and development team which

Railways, BHEL, Department of Atomic

automation solutions for metal cutting.

complements the manufacturing setup.

Energy, NTPC-BHEL Power Projects,

Our marquee customers include

Ordnance Factories, Mazagon Dock,

We manufacture CNC oxyfuel, plasma

Q6. Could you list down your major clients?

Naval Dockyard and large corporations

machines are used for cutting steel plates and circular, square and rectangular

Our products cater to small and large

HCC, ISGEC, Kalpataru Power and Case

tubes. We offer solutions for cutting

fabricators. We have supplied numerous

New Holland.

carbon steel and non-ferrous materials

machines to industries such as railways,

for a large range of thicknesses. We

automobiles, shipbuilding, aerospace,

also offer niche solutions such as

transmission tower manufacturers,

Q7. Which market do you predominantly serve?

CNC operated bevel heads for weld-

windmill tower and component

We are the largest Indian manufacturer

preparation on plates and pipe, CNC

manufacturers, large boiler and heat-

of CNC oxy fuel and plasma cutting

plate processing machines that combine

exchanger manufacturers, plate and

machines. We have a Pan-India

drilling and tapping solutions with plate

pipe mills and large EPC contractors.

presence. Our sales and service network

cutting and differing CNC controlled

We have also sold machines to

is distributed all over India to cater to

marking solutions on plates and pipes.

manufacturers of construction

customers in the remotest regions of

Our range includes special purpose

equipments, earth movers, agricultural

the country. We have also exported

machines for cutting automation,

implements, pre-engineered buildings,

CNC machines to USA, middle-east,

downdraft fume extraction tables and

sugar mill machinery, pollution control

Kazakhstan and Bangladesh.

underwater plasma cutting.

equipments, compressors, gensets,

and laser cutting machines. These

such as Godrej & Boyce, Tata Motors,

Q4. What is the company’s turnover? How much do you expect in coming time?

equipments, pharma and chemical

Q8. What kind of after sales service do your offer to your customers?

equipments, road-construction

After sales service plays an important role

equipments, mining equipments and

for capital equipment manufacturers. A

We achieved Rs. 30 crore turnover last


strong after-sales service capability goes

transformers, machinery, process

fiscal year and are anticipating a 25% growth this year. Our goal is to be a Rs. 100 crore company by 2020.

Q5. Could you brief us about your manufacturing facility? Any further expansion plans? We shifted to our current facility in Chimbli, Pune in 2016. This large manufacturing facility has helped us churn out large quantities of CNC profile cutting machines and helped reduce our lead times. We sold more than 100 numbers of CNC profile cutting machines last fiscal year and have already crossed this number by December of this fiscal year. Our fabrication setup includes CNC machines manufactured by us





a long way in increasing revenues due

have become very stable and so we

automation is constantly improving

to repeat orders from satisfied clients.

feel the need to expand our reach to

in India. Every industry is looking to

We have a strong sales and service

other geographies too. We are already

enhance productivity and reduce costs

network spread across India. We regularly

providing service support to shipyards in

by embracing automation. With the

arrange trainings for our service team in

Bangladesh in addition to the machine

increase in demand, the competition

order to improve their competence. We

that we have supplied there.

too is increasing in this industry. A few years back CNC laser cutting machines

encourage our customers to avail regular

Q11. Tell us about any new developments at Pro-Arc.

were mostly unaffordable. Today, these

maintenance contracts. We stock spares and consumables with us and with our

We are constantly looking to innovate

small job-shoppers. In the current

dealers in order to improve our service

at Pro-Arc. We have recently started

market scenario, it is important for

turnaround time.

manufacturing of CNC laser cutting

every organization to keep improving

preventive maintenance and annual

machines are being used by many

machines. We have also developed a

their products and focus on making

Q9. What are the major regions/ sectors that you have targeted?

plate processing machine with drilling

technology cheaper so that the reach can

spindle and plasma rotary bevel head.

be widened.

We see a lot of potential in the

We are showcasing these developments

infrastructure and construction

at IMTEX exhibition in Bangalore, 2018.

machinery industry. Renewable energy

Recently Pro-Arc completed 25 years

sector also has a lot of promise for the

of existence. We have done a rebranding

Q13. What are your expectations from the Indian government to boost business in this segment?

future. A stable political climate has

exercise to commemorate our 25 years

The taxation reforms in the form of

ensured that the orders from public

of existence. As part of this exercise we

GST have boosted the confidence of the

sector undertaking too are on a rise.

have created a new brand identity which

manufacturers. This single tax structure

showcases our rich experience and our

has replaced multiple taxes and cess,

Q10. Do you have any plans to expand your reach globally?

desire to learn new things and innovate.

thereby making life simpler. One area

We have developed dealers in West Asia

spending on research and development.

this region for targeting the middle-east

Q12. What is the current market scenario for welding & cutting machines industry in India?

and African countries. Our products

The demand for welding and cutting

encourage research and development in

and plan to build a service network in

that the government needs to focus is it’s Research in India is not too evolved. Government needs to develop a plan to different fields pertaining to technology.

Q14. What are your future plans? We plan to incorporate IT systems for our manufacturing, inventory and after-sales service verticals so that it works as a strategic differentiator. We are focusing on improving our customer experience. We are expanding our focus from improvement in product to improvements in the complete customer experience.





Tandem Gas Metal Arc Welding Process - A high performance variant

Dr. A. Raja, Former AGM, Welding Research Institute (WRI).

several wire electrodes at feed rates of

not a new one. The tandem and other

more than 15 m/min (individually or in

multi-wire welding is a technology well

total) are regarded as high-performance

established in Submerged Arc Welding

welding methods [1]. As per above

process for decades. As mentioned

guideline, Dual Wire GMAW and Hybrid

earlier, the availability of high-powered

Laser-GMAW can be considered as high

inverter power sources and Waveform

performance arc welding processes.

Control Technology has created interest

Development of these advanced arc

and enabled dual-wire or Tandem GMA

welding processes has been made

Welding using the GMAW process as

possible by the advancements in arc

the basis. Tandem GMAW is one of the

welding power sources and computer

high performance variant of the GMAW

technology. Particularly the inverter

process. In this process typically two

power sources with software control and

1.2 diameter wires are fed through the

digital communication has enabled the

torch body designed to accommodate

process development. The dual-wire

two electrically isolated contact tips.

GMAW equipment is available under

The shielding gas required to protect

different names e.g., TIME TWIN GMAW

the common weld-pool created by the


[Fronius, Austria], Tandem MIG [Lincoln,

two arcs is also supplied through the

Arc welding occupies the most

USA], Tandem Weld [Carl Cloos,

same torch. The two electric arcs created

important position among the fusion

Germany] and others. Tandem GMAW

during welding, are independently

welding processes, due to its flexibility

equipment continues to be developed

powered from two separate GMAW

and cost effectiveness. It has become

and most of the main manufacturers

power sources and each of the power

an indispensable technology for

now have commercially available

sources have its own control and

the construction of steel structures,

tandem GMAW systems. The dual-wire

regulation system, an independently

shipbuilding, automotive vehicle

GMAW process is referred to as ―Tandem

controllable wire feeders. In reality, in

manufacture, power plant equipment

GMAW’ in this paper as a generic name

Tandem GMAW one wire is positioned

manufacture and other industries. The

only. The Tandem GMAW is intended for

normal and the other wire is positioned

global industrial competition demands

use in robot integrated automatic mode

slightly at an angle towards the first

shorter cycle time and increased

or SPM automated mode of welding only,

wire. While welding any wire can be the

productivity in production operations.

as manual handling of these processes

leading or lagging, depending on the

The increasing demand for higher

is difficult due to the too high amperage

direction of travel.

productivity and quality in welding

and welding speed involved in this

has been partly addressed by the

process. The working principle, process

with single consumable electrode wire

development of "high performance arc

capability, applications and advantages

and in this method the process can

welding" processes. Most of these high

of Tandem GMAW, a high performance

offer a deposition rate of up to 6 kg/

performance arc-welding processes or

arc welding process are discussed in

hr. This limitation on the deposition

process variants have been developed

this paper.

rate is imposed by the current carrying

Conventional GMAW process operates

capacity limitation of the single wire.

with the Gas Metal Arc Welding [GMAW]

Tandem GMAW Process Description:

It can be reasoned out that when the

DVS 0909, all the GMAW processes or process variants which use one or

The idea of welding with two wires is

rises very rapidly, making the weld

as the basis. According to the work sheet


power is increased, the arc pressure




pool difficult to control. For instance

the option of pulse synchronization

maximum travel speed is limited and the

with a 1.2 mm diameter AlMg wire

between the two power supplies.

robustness of the process is reduced.

electrode, in conventional GMAW the

Pulse synchronization can be used to

amperage limit beyond which weld-

stabilize the arc by reducing interference


pool control becomes critical will be

between the two welding circuits.

The Tandem GMAW equipment

found between approx. 320 and 350 A

Whether pulse synchronization is

comprises of two GMAW power sources,

at a wire feed speed of 20 to 22 m/min

necessary depends on the specific

two wire feeders with a special torch for

[2]. When the welding current exceeds

application. Operators should not

accommodating the two wires coming

this limit, the arc becomes somewhat

assume that pulse synchronization is

from the two wire feeders. The torch

violent accompanied by spatter and

always necessary.

houses two contact tips which are

humpy bead formation. Tandem GMAW

The Tandem GMAW process employs

electrically isolated from each other

process overcomes the above limitation

two electrically isolated wire electrodes

(Fig.2). The two contact tips that are

by having two consumable electrode

positioned in line, one behind the

contained within a common torch body

wires operating in close proximity in

other, in the direction of welding. The

is surrounded by a common gas nozzle.

the same torch with a common molten

first electrode is referred to as the lead

The two contact tips are angled in such

pool. In Tandem MIG, with two wires

electrode and the second electrode in

a way that during welding, the two wires

operating simultaneously the deposition

line is referred to as the trail electrode.

actually share the same arc, and a single

rate is increased by more than two

The spacing between the two wires is

molten puddle is formed. Although the

times (e.g.15Kg/hour can be achieved

usually less than 12 mm so that both

tandem welding torch is larger than a

at travel speeds of 5m/min)[3]. In other

welding arcs are delivering to a common

standard single-wire torch, equipment

words, Tandem GMAW extends the

weld puddle. The function of the lead

suppliers have developed slim, compact

welding productivity range beyond what

wire is to generate the majority of the

torch designs. This enables good access

is normally possible with conventional

base plate penetration, while the trail

into many types of weld joints. Generally,

single-wire GMAW process.

wire performs the function of controlling

the tandem welding process is used

the weld puddle for bead contour, edge

in such a way that one welding wire

comprises two completely independent

wetting and adding to the overall weld

follows directly behind the other in the

welding circuits, each with its own power

metal deposit rate.

welding joint, although this is not always

The tandem welding process

source, torch cable, wire drive, and

The process works best with a

necessary. The tandem welding process

contact tip (Figure 1). Optionally, a push-

large diameter lead wire and a small

is effective on carbon steels, stainless

pull system is available for aluminum

diameter trail wire. The larger lead wire

steels, and aluminum. For aluminum

applications. Tandem welding systems

may represent as much as 65% of the

applications, push-pull torches are

use independent circuits to run the

total deposition rate, while providing

available to ensure reliable wire feeding.

operation. Some manufacturers provide

greater penetration [3]. The smaller, trail welding wire is focused on the trail edge of the weld puddle. The trail wire is typically smaller in diameter and therefore draws less current. This helps to control the shared weld puddle and aids in keeping it cool. A common compromise is to specify the lead and trail welding wires to be the same diameter typically 1.2 mm diameter to satisfy inventory constraints or because the direction of welding must be reversed somewhere on the weld seam. Satisfactory operation may be

Fig1. Schematic of Tandem GMAW Process.



achieved with this compromise but the

Fig.2. Tandem GMAW Torch [Courtesy: Carl Cloos].



Tandem GMAW Operating Modes:

is not uncommon to find travel speeds

In conventional GMAW process, three

of more than 2.5 m/min. For thicker

different modes of metal transfers viz.

sections of material where multiple pass

Short circuit transfer, Globular Transfer

welding is necessary, the deposition rate

and Spray Transfer- can be set-up by

for tandem GMAW can vary from 9 to 21

proper selection of process parameters

kg/hr. The arc travel speeds range from

and shielding gas combination. Since

0.6–1.2 m/min. To achieve anticipated

in Tandem two arcs are operating

mechanical properties, Tandem GMAW

simultaneously several combinations

may require the use of special welding

of metal transfer modes are possible.

techniques [5,6].

Besides the natural transfer modes, the

Fig.3. LPG Cylinder Welding by TIME Twin Process. [Courtesy: WRI, BHEL, Trichy].

choose. Thus using the spray and pulsed

Applications of Tandem GMAW process:

spray mode, the possible combinations

The Tandem GMAW with two wires and

Tandem GMAW is employed for welding

of modes of metal transfers that can

separately controllable metal transfers

of car wheel rim made of AlMg alloy.

be employed in Tandem GMAW are as

enables welding at higher amperages

In this application, Tandem GMAW

follows [4]:

and thus higher welding speeds. As a

provides higher welding speed; low

• Axial Spray Transfer Lead Arc + Axial

rule, a slightly higher power is set for

spatter, good fusion and fine weld

the leading arc. The cold base metal

shape [7-9]. Tandem GMAW found

is thus thoroughly melted and exact

advantageous for welding of LPG

fusion takes place into the root. The

cylinders. This application benefits

weld-metal deposit from the second

from the good gap bridging capability

electrode fills the weld pool. Also, the

of Tandem GMAW besides the higher

trailing arc prolongs the weld-pool

welding speed. Tandem GMAW when

degasification time, lessening the pore-

applied for the circumferential seam

formation sensitivity.

welding of the LPG cylinder, the welding

pulsed spray mode is another option to

Spray Transfer Trail Arc • Axial Spray Transfer Lead Arc + Pulsed Spray Transfer Trail Arc • Pulsed Spray Transfer Lead Arc + Pulsed Spray Transfer Trail Arc In pulsed arc mode, Tandem delivers

The main process benefits of Tandem

speed could be more than doubled

short-circuit-free, low-spatter metal

GMAW based on the author’s experience

while meeting all the requirements

transfer in which one droplet of weld-

and claims made in literatures are

of mechanical properties. The

filler per pulse is shed from the wire

increased welding speed, deposition

welding speed that was 0.85 rpm with

electrode and into the weld pool [4]. This

rate, penetration, reduced porosity and

conventional GMAW could be

pulsing technology enables a virtually

better tolerance to variations in joint

increased to 2.0 rpm with Tandem

constant size of droplet to be set,

fit-up compared to conventional single

GMAW [9]. Besides the Tandem GMAW

regardless of the arc power. This greatly

wire GMA welding. Travel speeds and

process exhibited its wider tolerance

improves the weld quality. The lead arc,

deposition rates are typically 2-3 times

to fit-up variations.

in all cases, determines the penetration

higher than for conventional single

When installing a tandem GMA

level of the weld, and the trail arc

wire GMA welding. The process has

welding process on robots, it also is

provides the final bead shape and weld

been chiefly applied to steels, and some

important to have the ability to weld in

bead reinforcement.

aluminium alloys with thicknesses in

either direction. In other words, either

the range 1.5 to 25mm for steel, and 2 to

wire should be able to act as the lead

6mm for aluminium.

wire. This provides great flexibility

The development of tandem GMAW had higher welding speed as its core objective in sheet metal welding.

Tandem GMAW process finds

when writing a robotic welding program

The welding speed on sheet metal

application in automobile, shipbuilding,

and allows a programmer to take full

applications is usually 1.5 to 1.9 times

boiler manufacturing, construction

advantage of the robot's working range.

the travel speed for a single arc, and it

and other areas. In automobile sector,

It also is helpful in some circumstances





to turn one wire off and weld with a

the productivity. EWI has developed

single wire only.

a prototype Tandem GMAW welding

Flexibility of Pulsed Spray Transfer.

3. Jeff Nadzam: Tandem GMAW: The

Through-arc tracking always should

torch and demonstrated its benefits.

Welding Innovation Vol. XIX, No. 2,

be done with the lead wire, so the system

They could achieve deposition rates


must have the ability to switch tracking

surpassing 9 kg/hr on HSLA-100 base

capability freely from one wire to the

materials at a travel speed of 381 mm/

other. Trying to perform through-arc

min. This is over 900% increase of the

tracking with the trailing wire can lead to

deposition rate of the baseline, narrow-

inconsistent tracking results.

groove cold-wire GTAW process typically

5. Jim Berge: Using Tandem welding

used with these joint configurations and

process to your advantage. The

materials [10].

facbricator.com, April 2002.

Remember that the same limitations apply to through-arc tracking when

4. Tandem MIG Process: www. lincolnelectric.com.

welding with tandem wires as when welding with a single wire—the robot


must use a weave pattern during welding

Tandem GMAW is truly a high

Tandem MIG welding for

to read both sides of the weld joint. If the

performance welding process due to

improved productivity. Presented

application is sheet metal or some other

its higher deposition rate and welding

at EUROJOIN4 - 4th European

joint in which weaving is not feasible,

speed associated with it. Besides, the

Conference on Welding, joining and

then laser tracking or some other option

Tandem GMAW has a wider tolerance to

cutting. Development of welding

must be considered [3,4].

fit-up variations a feature facilitated by

and allied processes at the beginning

the two arcs operating in close proximity.

of the new millennium. Cavtat-

Narrow Groove Tandem GMAW:

Tandem GMAW can only be employed

Dubrovnik, Croatia, 24-26 May 2001,

Thick-section components are often

as a robot integrated system or SPM

pp 313-318 (ISBN 953-96454-0-9).

joined using high deposition rate welding

integrated equipment and that is the

processes such as GMAW and SAW with

way to gain the full potential of

conventional open-groove designs.

the process. Though several Tandem

Tandem MIG welding of aluminum

Although these processes are considered

GMAW equipment are already in use

alloys. Welding International 2005 19

"high deposition rate" processes, they

in the Indian industry and many

(12) 945–949.

are not necessarily "high productivity"

more applications in Shipbuilding,

processes due to the large number of

Heavy engineering, Earth Moving

weld beads that are required to fill a

equipment are still to be explored.

Using the Time Twin Process to

conventional single or double-V-groove

Matching the right applications for

Improve Quality and Reduce Cost in

joint. Narrow-groove joint configurations

Tandem GMAW would be the key

High Deposition Welding of Thick

are advantageous as they reduce

to success.

Section Aluminum. Proceedings of

6. G. B. Melton and S J Mulligan:

7. T. Matsumoto and S. Sasabe:

8. S. Egerland, G. Hills, W. Humer:

the IIW International Conference

the overall volume of the weld joint; however, lack of fusion into the sidewall


on Advances in Welding and Allied

is a common concern in Narrow-groove

1. Dzelnitzki D, Increasing the


welding. This can prevent the successful

deposition volume or the welding

application of many conventional high

speed? -Advantages of heavy-duty

deposition rate arc welding processes.

MAG welding, Schweissen and

"Double wire MAG welding of LPG

While mechanized GTAW is used

Schneiden, September 1999.

cylinders" - IWS 2k5, Hyderabad.

9. A. Raja, K. L. Rohira & S. Manoharan:

successfully in narrow grooves, its relatively low deposition rate limits overall productivity. Applying Tandem GMAW in narrowgroove welding can significantly increase



2. Karin Himmelbauer, TIME

10. Marc Purslow, Steve Massey and

Twin digital–top deposition rate

Ian Harris: Tandem Gas Metal Arc

thanks to two wire electrodes,

Welding for Structural and Heavy

Fronius, Austria.

Fabrication. EWI Report.



WRIST-project: Innovative welding processes for new rail infrastructures

- Koen Faes, Research Team Leader, Belgian Welding Institute


RIST is a research and

mechanise and automate work processes

rail steels that possess a greater

which are today carried out manually

under the Mobility for Growth

resistance to the key degradation

by the welder. This will involve that

mechanism of rolling contact fatigue.

on the one hand the welder is relieved

2014-2015 work program of the European Commission. The objective of WRIST is

3. Permit the achievement of lower life

from heavy routine work and on the

to develop and demonstrate flexible and

cycle costs for track maintenance and

other hand that the quality of the weld

cost-effective joining processes for rail

renewal by eliminating the source of

is less dependent on the abilities of the

products, and in particular for the more

higher dynamic forces at ‘cupped’ or

respective welder.

recently introduced bainitic rail steels, for

irregular geometry welds. These are

which currently-available conventional

responsible for the more rapid loss

forged aluminothermic welding is being

welding techniques are inadequate. The

of track geometry and necessitate

developed, which enhances the internal

project will offer a step change in the joint

expensive maintenance tamping

integrity by modifying the cast structure.

performance and reliability, providing


At the same time, the total delivery time

an extended in-service life for a range of

4. Enable an increased use of more

A revolutionary methodology for hot-

is reduced by ensuring process control

rail materials, which are facing increasing

environmental-friendly joining

and quality verification immediately

demands due to the increasing speed and

processes, such as friction welding.

after welding, rather than the current

growth of the railway’s load.

5. Deliver environmental benefits by

practice of a follow-up inspection

reducing the use of carbon fuels and

visit. The process will be automated

Project objectives

gas, reduction of exposure to noise,

and will include in-process quality

The project has five key objectives:

dust and vibrations by automating and

monitoring systems coupled to remote

1. Develop two innovative methods for

incorporating in-process monitoring

data management and diagnostic tools

joining rails; automatic forged alumina

of the aluminothermic process, more

to maximise reliability and operational

thermic welding and orbital friction

efficient preheating and reduction


welding, which will both reduce

in remedial grinding to achieve the

the width of the Heat Affected Zone


2. Facilitate an increased use of bainitic

innovation project, funded

required straightness.

To enable rails to be welded using orbital friction welding and to be able

(HAZ) and will minimise the loss of

The WRIST project will serve to help and

to exploit the benefits of this welding

mechanical properties in the weld zone.

develop basic technologies designed to

process, a new variant of the orbital




friction welding process is developed. It

an advanced 3D laser measurement

In order to control this system, a control

will be demonstrated that this process is a

prototype developed within the project.

unit was developed which allows the

valuable alternative for realising high-

The use of such measurements can

input of information and that uses other

performance rail joints.

open the door for a more advanced and

information to generate a data record of

reliable control of the weld geometry by

the weld. The data record can be saved

Requirement analysis

accounting for the true wheel-rail motion

or made available to other users. In

When the project started in May 2015

across the weld. Bespoke tests, additional

addition to the work steps realised by

and throughout the first year, the

to those mandated in European

the main ALFONS module, an additional

consortium performed a requirement

specifications, have been recommended

system named GRIMLI was developed,

analysis process, led by the University

to better assess the resistance of the

which is added as a module to ALFONS

of Huddersfield. The choice of materials

welds produced by the proposed welding

and automatically grinds the weld.

and the weld performance target was

process developments to the known

GRIMLI stands for GRInding, Milling und

determined through simulations,

degradation mechanisms.

Linishing. A protoype was also realised for

laboratory tests and feedback from

Following the requirement analysis,

the selective and accelerated cooling of

the end users andrail infrastructure

the development of the two new

managers. By acquisition of finished

welding processes has started; the

weld geometries and dynamic vehicle

aluminothermic welding process and the

the development of this process were the

simulations, the optimum weld profile,

orbital friction welding method.

process control system, the controlled

the weld using sprayed on water. The main four achievements under

compressive forces, the enhanced cooling

which minimises dynamic forces and subsequent weld degradation, was

Aluminothermic welding process

determined. This process was broken

The objectives of the new aluminothermic

down into four tasks; the selection of

welding processis to deliver a step change

Controlled compressive forces

rail sections and grades, acquisition

by development of a technology for

This is the main development and the first

of weld geometries, vehicle dynamics

automation, including the capability

prototype (Module 1) has been designed

simulations and finally a review of current

of applying compressive forces and

and constructed.

welding methods and determination

enhanced cooling of the weld during

of performance requirements and

and after welding, for improvements

geometric alignment of the rail ends with


of productivity and weld quality. The

respect to each other, the introduction

The requirement analysis was based

system and weld finishing technology.

The task of achieving the relative

Goldschmidt Thermit Group also

of directed forces for compression or

on the existing state-of-the-art. The goal

developed a weld finishing technology

forging of the weld joint and the shearing

was to independently demonstrate the

for application within the automated

of excess weld material has been achieved

benefits of more sophisticated techniques

welding process. Also a reporting, data

with the development of an automated

for finishing the weld geometry, with

management and online quality control

rail alignment unit, forging unit and

respect to forces executed on the rails,

process to facilitate weld acceptance

shearing unit (ALFONS, module 1.0).

and subsequently on rail damage. By

was developed. The work, led by the

The final module consists of a metallic,

doing so, associated deficiencies in the

Goldschmidt Thermit Group, involves not

highly-rigid supporting skeleton, a

existing relevant European standards

only developing the processes but also

hydraulic cylinder for generating the

have been highlighted. Consequently

building a prototype of equipment able

necessary drive and pressing forces, as

recommendations for the review of the

to apply controlled compressive forces to

well as a sensor system for controlling the

geometric controls of the finished weld

aluminothermic welds.

process. This module 1.0 has also been

geometry in the relevant standards have been made. The work has derived two possible

The main system is realised as a hydraulically-driven forging manipulator to enable the alignment of the rails, the

methods for assessing currently

shearing process after the weld and the

uncontrolled aspects of the finished weld

forging action. The main system was

geometry. A number of welds have been

therefore given the name ALFONS, which

measured in unprecedented detail, using

stands for Aligning, Forging and Shearing.


designed so that in addition to weld tests,

ALFONS (module 1).




development tests can also be performed.

Enhanced cooling system

In this way, it is possible to amend in a

The final prototype of the enhanced

later stage the concept of the clamping

cooling system has been developed, as

cylinders to provide less clamping force,

pictured below. This new cooling system

thereby reducing the number of clamping

brings several benefits to welding teams in

units and thus approaching more closely

the field, in order to enhance productivity,

to a manageable final weight for in-the-

as it helps to create a geometrically stable

field welding operations.

joint enabling accurate profile grinding of the welds. It also provides the ability to

Process control system

complete the final weld inspection within

The process and machine control system

a welding shift. It enables a shorter time

collate all the incoming data from the

in application and removal of hydraulic

welding process and documents the

tensors at the stress-free temperature

manual inputs of the operator, the

(i.e. closure welds) and ensures high

specified process parameters and the

integrity welds with fully pearlitic

measured values from sensors during the

microstructures. Finally, as it is portable

sequence of the automated process steps.

and robust, it is simple to use and easy

Furthermore, it records the consumables

to train welders in its use.

Weld finishing tool.

usedin order to enhance quality assurance and traceability. The prototype of the process control module can be seen

The weld finishing tool used with ALFONS (Module 1.0).

in the images below.

welds for subsequent static and dynamic detructive testing such as 3-point bending or fatiguetests are planned, which will then be analysed by the project participants. The system for the accelerated cooling is positioned on top of the weld after the 3 nozzle mist spray enhanced cooling head.

The use of the automated system enables

The weld finishing technology is a machine

the setting of the flow rate. The accelerated

that ensures that the contours and surfaces

cooling however must be matched to the

are restored after the aluminothermic

rail steel to be cooled due to the fact that

welding process, to comply with standards,

a radical cooling can lead to a martensitic

and the accelerated cooling of the welded

microstructure. Correct application can

joint. Moreover, the profile must be

shorten the waiting time for the final

monitored during the process and the

grinding process. It can contribute to a

surface must be monitored and evaluated

selective cooling to realise the required


microstructure for welding of bainitic

ALFONS has been used to carry out



cloud of spray consisting of water and air.

Weld finishing technology

welding trials in the welding laboratory.

Process control tool and interface.

welding operation. It cools the weld with a

steels. Using ALFONS, the weld can be

These serve to gain experience with

compressed during the welding process

ALFONS and to carry out the first

or after solidification has taken place,

parameter studies to improve the forging

whereby a transformation of the cast

process. In further welding experiments,

thermite steel takes place. This can be



precisely control, reproduce and record the process cycle parameters and performance, to develop a reproducible and effective weld process that meets the operational needs of the rail industry. A prototype was built that will confirm and validate the overall systems integration. The work was broken down into four tasks, starting with a determination of process boundary conditions. This was followed by the design and construction of the orbital motion mechanism and the clamping mechanism followed by final installation and tests. During the first project year, Jackweld Project partners inspect ALFONS. controlled and monitored via the ALFONS

analysed afterwards.

prepared the first designs for the device, based on data which was gathered

control panel. On the control panel, it

Final testing will be done in 2018 in a

is possible to set different parameters

portion of freight track in the Netherlands,

parameters windows for orbital friction

including the forging force, forging path

where it is expected that over 20 megatons

welding. The major challenge has been

or time of the forging. Sensors on the

will pass over the welds.

to apply the orbital process at a large

regarding the process parameters and

industrial scale, requiring practically every

hydraulic cylinders record the resulting forces and displacements. The control

Orbital friction welding method

aspect and component to be researched

panel can record these parameters during

The new orbital friction welding method

and designed from first principles, to

the welding process so that they are

was developed by the partner Jackweld,

ensure the machinery will perform as

available for further analysis. This database

using the existing FRIEX welding system


is ultimately planned for the provision of

from the industrial partner Denys. The

the weld parameters and saving of process

prototype can generate orbital friction

capable of generating the parameters

data. This information will be made

welds with a high degree of reproducibility.

necessary to achieve an orbital friction

available via internet.It is planned that

Work was carried out to pre-define,

weld over the cross-sectional area of a UIC

The machine has been designed to be

the welder will scan the barcode on the thermite portion, to enable the system to obtain information relating to the portion. This information, in combination with further input of the conditions, will allow the system to provide the appropriate welding recommendations to the welder. During the welding process, the system records the parameters and these can be saved to a database with clear weld identification. Subsequently, all the data related to the weld such as geometrical data from position measurements or grinding, etc. can be recorded in a type of sequence record of the welding process and can also be recorded in a database and


Orbital friction gearbox.




of residualstresses, deformations,

friction welding of thin-walled pipes

microstructures and hardness. These

have been carried out to validate the heat

numerical models serve as a tool

generation model for the welding phase

which can be used to optimise both

used in the FE-analysis.

weldingprocesses in order to produce

For the aluminothermic welding

high-quality joints. The models are

process, a 3D FE-model has been

also useful to study theeffect of process

developed which comprises temperature

parameters on the weld quality, when

and mechanical simulations of six steps;

introducing new railmaterials. The

pre-heating, tapping, mould filling,

work is broken down into three tasks:

forging, shearing of excess material

FE-modelling of the orbital friction

and cooling to room temperature. The

weldingprocess; FE-modelling of the

heat generated during pre-heating

60 rail with an interface normal contact

aluminothermic welding process; and

and temperatures in the rail during

pressure of 100 N/mm2 and a tangential

process developmentand optimisation

the preheating and welding have been

velocity of 1m/s.

based on FE simulations.

calibrated against experimental data

Orbital friction gearbox cover.

This challenge faced for the design and

Work on the thermal and mechanical

provided by GTG. The Figures below

construction of the WRIST mechanism

FE-model (in ABAQUS) is ongoing for the

show calculated vertical stresses in the

has been a lot larger than originally

orbital friction welding process. Three

weld and railsafter filling the mould,

envisaged. As well as the mechanism

modelling steps have been incorporated;

and after completion of the weld cycle.

itself, a substantial gearbox and hydraulic

welding, forging and cooling. A qualitative

In the Figures, red means tensile,

system had to be designed, manufactured

study of heat generation models has

green means zero and blue means

and integrated with the orbital friction

also been carried out. For the models,

compressive stresses.

mechanism. This has caused some delays

temperature-dependent properties and

with the testing of the machine on bars

effects of phase transformations have

and rails, which will now start at the end

currently been incorporated, based

WRIST has received

of 2017. As can be seen from the two

on data found in literature, but will be

funding from the

photographs, which show the gearbox

updated as the project moves forward.

European Union’s

and the corresponding cover, the scale

Complementary experiments on rotary

Horizon 2020 research


of this undertaking has increased hugely since the initial designs were proposed. In the coming year, the project will test thenew orbital friction welding method

and innovation program under the agreement No. 636164. The WRIST consortium consists of

through detailed laboratory testing and

specialists in complementary fields

rail simulations.

particularly well qualified for the development the joining technologies,

Finite-element modelling of the welding processes

testing and simulation, rail-wheel

Numerical models for the new welding

railway construction and maintenance.

processes are developed.In order to

The project partners are: Belgian Welding

do this, the ChalmersUniversity of

Institute (coordinator, Belgium), the

Technology, is developing thermo-

University of Huddersfield (UK), TU Delft

mechanical finite-element (FE) models

university (the Netherlands), ProRail (the

thatcan predict the temperature history,

Netherlands), the Goldschmidt Thermit

residual stress/strain fields and heat

Group (Germany), Denys (Belgium),

affected zones.

Jackweld (UK), Chalmers University

This allows the consortium to study cooling after welding and build-up



interaction, finite-element modelling and

of Technology (Sweden), ID2 bv (the Netherlands) and ARTTIC (France).



The Road to Welding Automation – Why & When to take the journey The benefits of Automation

the next question is ‘How can our

• Labour accounts for 70 % of welded

Company automate?’ We will now try

part cost. Automation system has

to look at this. However, there are a few

the potential to reduce this cost

questions that need to be answered


first. One of the first things to ask when

• A robot can typically do the work of 2 to 4 people without attention, defects or absenteeism.

considering welding automation is: a. Does the company have a blue print, preferably electronic blue print of the components? If it doesn’t, it

The flip side of automation:

probably will not meet the basic

• A skilled technician is needed to

criterion necessary to ensure the part

program the equipment Asit Sinha, Managing Director, Ate Welding Engineering Robotics & Automation Pvt. Ltd.

• Relocation of existing work force could create HR issues

repeatability’s the key to automation. b. An automated system whether robotic or fixed needs to weld in the same place

With the right automation system; a

every time. If there are gaps or fit up

oday, more than ever before,

company can significantly improve weld

issues then it can leave to increase in

most of the companies’ are going

quality, reduce need for scraping or

in for Automation Solutions. The

reworking parts, minimize or eliminate


rework and scrap. c. If a company completely relies on its

reasons could be.

spatter. In fact, if a company is using

welding operator to compensate for fit

• Address welder shortage

workers for applying anti spatter or post

up issues, it will need to look upstream

• Improve quality

weld, then it may be able to free up that

in the manufacturing process to ensure

• Decrease waste and rework

manpower for other more productive

consistency. What processes will need

• Increase productivity

uses elsewhere.

to change to make sure uniform parts

• Improve quality

An automation system can reduce over

are sent down stream by these welding

welding common occurrence with semi

operators. Or if vendors supply the

Not all Companies, but those who

automatic MIG process. E.g. if a company

components, can they guarantee that

attempt the automation journey are

has welder who welds a bead i.e.3mm

consistent quality?

successful. In fact the one’s that begin

too large on every pass, it can potentially

without a well thought of road map are

double the cost of welding – both for

Robotics or Fixed Automation

risking valuable time and investments.

labour & consumable. Also, over welding

There is no single automation solution

They are likely to miss the full benefits of

may adversely affect the integrity of the

that is best for every company. The best

welding automation.

part. Automation can prevent this part.

solution will depend on many factors

On the other hand, company’s that

Finally, robots are fast. They don’t have

including the expected life time of the

begin with a careful examination of their

to weld all day to be profitable; they only

job, the cost of tooling involved and the

welding needs and current processes

have to weld more quickly than a manual

flexibility offered.

– including an accurate assessment

welder. And they do. Faster welding means

of work flow and an evaluation of the

increase in productivity creating same

the most efficient and cost effective way

potential ROI and develop a detailed plan

number of parts in a shorter time and

to weld most components such as those

with clearly established goals are likely

consequent decrease in labour cost and

requiring simple straight weld or round

to achieve a high degree of success in

increased profitability.

weld, where the part is rotated on a lathe.

welding automation.


• Additional training to upgrade skills

or components is repeatable, and


Now that we understand the benefits,

Fixed automation, as we all know is

For a company that wants to redeploy the



assets when the current job ends, a robotic

the welding department to ensure your

welding system offers more flexibility. A

Company can accommodate a smooth flow

robot can also hold programs for multiple

of materials. It would make little sense to

jobs. Depending on volume, it may be

invest in an automated system to increase

able to handle the tasks of several fixed

productivity and then place it in a corner

automation systems.

where each part has to be handled twice.

It may be cautioned here that robotic

Companies need to have a dependable

automation can be justified on;

supply of parts to avoid moving a

a. An accurate assessment of goals

bottleneck from one area to another and

b. Determine volume of work flow

should also look at the expected cycle

c. Identify 2 or 3 components that can be

time of the robot. A robot should not be


sitting idle waiting for components to

Now although the robot is more expensive

come down the line – this is costly and

than a fix automation system, companies


need to be sure to consider the cost of

It is important to determine who will

• Help determine if parts are suitable for automation, and, if not, what is required to make them suitable • Analyze the work flow and facility to identify potential road blocks • Determine the potential pay back on the investment in automation • Help identify the goals and develop a precise plan and time table to achieve those goals • Explain automation options and help select those that best fit the Company’s needs • Help select a welding power source that has the flexibility to maximize travel

necessary tooling before deciding. Fixed

oversee the automated system. Equally

speed, minimize spatter, eliminate

automation system can become quite

or rather more important is the training.

overheating, provide good arc starting

expensive if extensive changes are required

Most robot integrators will offer a week

characteristics and increase first pass

to retool a part to ensure it can be welded

long training course on how to operate the

weld quality preferably sourced from


equipment. Simply put there is more to

indigenous manufacturing companies.

welding automation than just purchasing

Please remember there is no single path

Ready to Automate?

a robot or partnering with a competent

to successful robotic welding automation.

A streamlined work flow is one of the

intergrator. Only an automation specialist

Still, a well thought out plan that included

key benefits to automation. However, to

can help ensure success.

accurate evaluations is a good start to

achieve this it is necessary to look beyond


Typically, the automation specialist will;

the journey!







Date (2017)




10th to 12th February, 2018


2 Way Advertising

Secutech India

06th to 08th April, 2018

Bombay Exhibition Center, Mumbai, India

Zak Trade Fairs & Exhibitions Pvt. Ltd.

WorldBuild India

19th to 21st April, 2018

Bombay Exhibition Center

Asian Business exhibition & Conferences Ltd

Concrete Show India

17th to 19th May, 2018

Bombay Exhibition Center

UBM’s global exhibition

Roof India Exhibition 2018

7th - 9th June, 2018

Chennai Trade Centre


OSH India, India’s Occupational Safety and Health Exhibition

28th - 29th June, 2018

Hitex Exhibition Centre, Hyderabad, India

UBM India Pvt Ltd


29th - 31st August, 2018

Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, India



29th - 31st August, 2018

Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, India


GRI India Summit

11th - 12th September, 2018

Bombay Convention & Exhibition Centre

Global Real Estate Institute

Capex 2018

19th - 21st September, 2018

Bombay Exhibition Center

Fairfest Media Ltd

Economic Times Acetech Mumbai

15th - 18th November, 2018

Bombay Exhibition Center

Asian Business Exhibition & Conferences Ltd

India Essen Welding & Cutting

27th - 29th November, 2018


Messe Essen GmbH

Wire & Cable India Mumbai

27th - 29th November, 2018

Bombay Convention & Exhibition Centre

Messe Düsseldorf GmbH

Zak Doors & Windows Expo & Windows Expo

06th - 09th December, 2018

MMRDA, Mumbai, India

Zak Trade Fairs & Exhibitions Pvt. Ltd.


11th December, 2018


Messe München GmbH

India Machine Tools Show IMTOS

14th - 17th June, 2019

New Delhi, India






Date (2017)



Metalwork and Welding Show

30th January to 01st February, 2018


Krasnoyarsk Fair Exhibition Co.


15th to 18th March, 2018


Hannover Fairs Turkey Fuarcilik

Nordic Welding Expo

20th to 22nd March, 2018

Tampere, Finland

Tampereen Messut Oy

Welding and Cutting

10th to 12th April, 2018

Minsk, Belarus

International Trade & Exhibitions India Pvt. Ltd

Welding Int'l Fair of Welding Technology And Equipment

10th to 12th April, 2018

Kielce, Poland

Targi Kielce's Industrial Spring

Welding Fair

24th to 27th April, 2018

Zagreb, Croatia

Zagreb Fair

For Weld

15th to 18th May, 2018

Prague, Czech Republic

ABF a.s.

Elmia Welding & Joining Technology

15th to 18th May, 2018

Joenkoeping, Sweden



22nd to 25th May, 2018

Nitra, Slovakia

Agrokomplex-Vystavnictvo Nitra

Welding Int'l Welding Exhibition

5th to 8th June, 2018

Poznan, Poland

Poznań International Fair (MTP)

The leading international maritime trade fair

4th - 7th September, 2018


Hamburg Fair and congress GMBH

BI-MU Machine Tools, Robots and Automation

9th to 13th October, 2018

Milan, Italy


ExpoWelding Int'l Welding Fair

16th to 19th October, 2018

Gliwice, Poland

Expo Silesia

Weldex Int'l specialized Exhibition of Equipment, Technologies and Materials for Welding

16th to 19th October, 2018

Moscow, Russia

MVK International Exhibitions

Welding. Monitoring and Testing

20th to 22th November, 2018

Ekaterinburg, Russia

Ural Exhibitions

The Big 5 Construction

26th to 29th November, 2018

Dubai World Trade Centre

dmg events Middle East







n the occasion of International

was an apt forum for the manufacturers

stainless steels, aluminum and other

Congress 2017, the Indian

and dealers of conventional and

advanced materials; welding safety

Institute of Welding had

advanced welding equipment like:

equipments; non-destructive inspection

organized an International Welding

electron beam, laser; magnetic pulse

and testing equipments; electron and

Exhibition, known as WELD INDIA 2017,

and diffusion welding equipments;

optical microscopes; welding education,

during 7th to 9th December 2017 at

equipments for joining of nano materials,

training and consultancy, to display

Chennai Trade Centre, Chennai. After

ceramics; plastics etc., welding and hard

the latest in the area of welding and its

a gap of 6 years, WELD INDIA was back

facing consumables; weld repair and

allied technologies.

in Chennai.

maintenance equipments; computer aided welding equipments; welding

material producers, consumables and

great platform for welding consumables

robots and CNC machines; soldering and

equipment suppliers, end-users and

and equipment, and other allied

brazing equipments; gas, plasma and

the Industry at large, under one roof

industries such as NDT, micro structural

laser cutting machines; gas equipments

to provide comprehensive insight of

and properties characterization, to display

and accessories; grinding and cutting

technology and the markets. Along

their products and services. The Expo

tools; heat treatment furnaces; industrial

with the exhibition, the conference

attracted visitors from the national and

gases; manufacturing and fabrication

focusing on welding as a subject, was

international markets. WELD INDIA 2017

technologies; materials including steels,

also largely appreciated.

WELD INDIA 2017 stood out to be a


The exhibition brought together raw




Tips for Improving Gas-Tungsten-ArcWelding Productivity direct current (DC) back and forth at a very high rate of speed—up to 50,000 times/sec. The overall result is a smooth arc that provides consistent welding performance. Inverters also have frequency controls C Sridhar, Director-Technical, Advance Institute of Welding Technology, Chennai, Tamilnadu


that allow the welder to determine the length of time that it takes the unit to complete one full current cycle (the combined time spent on electrode

y its very nature, gas-tungsten-arc

positive electrode negative), and to adjust

welding (GTAW) is a relatively

the frequency from 20 to 400 Hz.

slow process. But it also is a very

versatile one. In fact, it can be used to

application. Inverters also feature a balance control,

(Note: transformer-based power sources

which allows the welder to adjust how

weld more materials than any other

only produce an output of 60 Hz, the same

long the current spends in each part

process, even exotic and heavier alloyed

frequency that comes from a wall power

of the AC cycle—particularly useful

metals. It’s also ideal for thin materials,


when welding aluminum. He can adjust

as it results in a relatively low amount of heat input, to prevent burn through.

the balance control more toward the The inverter’s frequency feature helps

electrode-positive portion of the cycle,

Plus, no matter the application, when

improve welding efficiency by narrowing

which helps to remove the oxide layer

performed properly GTAW can provide

the focus of the arc, creating a narrow

on the aluminum workpiece (referred to

extremely high weld quality.

weld bead and minimal heat-affected

as ‘cleaning action’), or more toward the

zone (HAZ). With this feature, welders

electrode-negative portion of the cycle,

however, is not always easy—success is as

will spend less time and consume less

which increases weld penetration and

much a matter of training and practice as

filler metal completing each weld. A

travel speed.

it is simple patience. Fortunately, arming

smaller HAZ minimizes the likelihood of

yourself with a few tips along the can help

burn through and the need for rework—a

Tip 2: Stay Cool and Flexible

you greatly improve the effectiveness of

definite cost saver in any welding

Selecting the right GTAW torch for the

Achieving such positive results,

the process. After all, you don’t want an

application also can help make the

already slow welding process to become

process more efficient. First, select a torch

even slower.

with good insulation. Silicon-rubber insulation, for example, protects against

Tip 1: Invert the Process

high-frequency leakage and cracking that

Using an inverter power source is one

can lead to premature torch failure and

of the first steps a metal former can take

downtime for torch changeover.

to improve GTAW efficiency. Inverters


Also consider whether an air- or water-

operate by switching high-voltage low-

cooled GTAW torch is best suited to the

amperage alternating current (AC) into

application. Air-cooled models prove




useful for low-amperage applications, say

associated rework ensures that the welder

strength. It often results from poor

below 200 A, for welding materials less

can spend more time in production and

joint fitup or preparation, improper

than 8.0 mm. thick, or for shops where

less time fixing defects.

welding parameters or from simple

welders tend to move around a lot, since

Gas lenses also allow the welder to

overcompensation —the welder believing

these torches do not require an external

extend the tungsten electrode further out

that he needs more weld metal to fill the

cooler. Conversely, consider a water-

from the nozzle. This additional electrode

joint than is necessary.

cooled GTAW torch for applications

extension gives the welder a clearer look

Overwelding wastes shielding gas and

in excess of 200 A. These torches help

at the joint and arc, allowing him to have

filler metal, and increases welding time.

prevent overheating and allow welders to

greater torch control and achieve better

For example, overwelding a fillet weld by

achieve faster travel speeds.

weld quality, particularly on critical

a mere 1.5 mm can increase arc-on time

applications or in hard-to-reach areas

by as much as 30 to 40 percent for a 10.00

such as T, K and Y joints.

mm fillet weld and 80 to 90 percent for a

When selecting a GTAW torch, also consider the angles at which the welders must weld, since maneuvering around

Gas lenses—which can be used with

3.00 mm weld. In addition, overwelding

difficult joints can be time-consuming,

any shielding gas and are available for

increases the amount of heat input into

not to mention uncomfortable. Most

air- and water-cooled torches—also

the base material, raising the risk of

GTAW-torch manufacturers offer models

prove particularly helpful when welding

burnthrough or distortion and leading

with flexible necks that make the job

on alloys highly reactive to atmospheric

to costly and time-consuming rework. It

easier in awkward positions.

contaminants or for materials used in

may even increase the need for grinding

high-temperature applications.

and finishing which again an additional

Some torch-body styles also feature a

operation and increases cost of weld

modular design, which allows the welder to add a flexible neck and different head

Tip 4: Less can be more

metal by another 20 to 25 percentage and

angles to an existing torch. These kits

Taking steps to prevent overwelding

also adds time factor.

provide good joint access and can lower

will significantly improve GTAW

downtime associated with changing

efficiency, and save money. Overwelding

designing weld joints–do not use a

over different torches for multiple

occurs when the welder deposits

larger joint than is necessary to gain the

applications. Plus, you can save money on

more weld metal in a joint than is

appropriate strength for the application.

extra inventory.

required to obtain the necessary weld

A good rule of thumb: Make the leg of a

To prevent overwelding, avoid over-

fillet weld no wider than the thickness

Tip 3: Cover Yourself

of the thinnest workpiece, and weld

When possible, use a gas lens to replace

accordingly. For example, when joining

the collet body of a standard GTAW torch.

a 3.00 mm thick plate to a 6.00 mm plate,

A gas lens helps hold the tungsten in

a 3.00 mm weld bead suffices unless, the

place and creates the electrical contact

weld is designed for a dissimilar leg size.

necessary for proper current transfer. It

Also, know the size of the joint being

also provides two other functions that

welded. When in doubt, don’t guess—use

can help improve efficiency: It improves

a fillet gauge. Lastly, proper joint preparation and

shielding-gas coverage (see photos) and

tight fitup provide good defenses against

improves weld-joint accessibility.

overwelding, as does welding in the

Gas lenses typically consist of a copper

vertical-down position on thin materials.

or brass body that contains a layered mesh of stainless-steel screens. These

Tip 5: Use Pulsed TIG process with fast pulse

screens distribute the shielding gas evenly around the tungsten electrode and along the weld puddle and arc to help prevent oxygen contamination that could lead to weld defects. As in any welding application, minimizing defects and their


Adding a gas lens to the GTAW torch (left) provides for an even flow of shielding gas when compared to a torch without a gas lens (right).

When welding thin metal, the main objective is to avoid warping, burnthrough and excessive heat affected zones while still ensuring the weld has sufficient




mechanical strength for the application. The welding processes that provide the most control over heat is pulsed MIG, pulsed TIG. For fabricators and others with bottom line goals, welding sheet metal often means a constant battle between productivity and equipment investment vs. burn-through, warping, excessive heat affected zones (HAZ) and weld appearance. For the individual occasionally welding sheet metal, success can be as simple as learning the proper techniques. Pulsed Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Pulsing between a high peak current and a low background current at frequencies of 100 to 500 pulses per second (PPS)— allows operators to accomplish one or more of the following:

DC TIG Comparisons: Slow travel speeds increase the width of heat-affected zone and can cause carbide precipitation on the backside of the weldment. Faster travel speeds, produced by high speed pulsed TIG, can alleviate weld quality issues while improving productivity.

• Reduce the bead width by upto 52 per cent • Increase penetration by upto 34 per cent • Reduce heat in-put by upto 60 per cent • Increase welding travel speed upto 35 per cent • Promote better weld quality

Straight TIG, Pulsed TIG : The pulsed TIG weld bead took 30 percent less time to weld and it requires almost no clean-up. It also clearly indicates the reduced heat-affected zone. selected and the type of material being

grinding wheel specially designated for

welded—as well as the shape of the

the job. Alternatively use a fine grain

electrode tip can significantly impact

wheel with 100 to 120 grit size. Never use

process efficiency.

your bench grinder which has a coarse

For AC and DC welding using an inverter power source and either a

serrations and spoils the shape of taper

ceriated, lanthanated or thoriated

and also consume tungsten metal. It also

tungsten electrode, grind the electrode

results in low focus of arc power on the

to create a pointed or truncated tip. This

job and diversion of current / heat. Next,

provides the stable arc needed to achieve

grind the taper on Grind the taper on the

good welding performance and quality,

tungsten-electrode tip to the electrode

Tip 6: Get to the Point

while preventing contamination or arc

tip to a distance no more than 2.5 times

The type of tungsten used—which

wandering. To achieve this shape, grind

taper on the tungsten-electrode tip to

depends on the kind of power source

the tungsten on a borazon or diamond

a distance the electrode diameter. For

Pulsed TIG Waveforms: Operators set four variables when programming a pulsed TIG output: peak amperage, background amperage, pulses per second (PPS) & peak time.


grain (grit size 40 or 60) wheel as it causes




example, for 3.0 mm electrode, no more

capacity than does pure tungsten before

than 2.5 times the electrode diameter

it begins to melt.

(A), grind a surface 6.00 to 8.00 mm long. The tip design will, for example, using a 3.0 mm electrode, grind a ease arc

Note. Do not use a balled tungsten electrode tip for such an application.

starting and help create a more focused arc surface 6.0 to 8.0 mm long. This tip

On higher-current applications,

design will ease when welding with low

grinding the tungsten to a truncated tip

amperage on thin materials (1.00 arc

can help improve welding performance

starting and help create a more focused

by preventing the tungsten from balling.

arc to 3.00mm thick) grind the tungsten to

First grind the tungsten to a taper (as

a point. Don’t grind circumferentially (C);

explained above), then grind a 0.30 to 0.80

grind longitudinally (B).

mm flat land on the end of the tungsten.

This will allows welding current to transfer in a focused arc and helps


Note: When grinding throated tungsten,

to prevent bdistortion. In particular,

be sure to control and collect any grinding

a pointed ceriated helps to prevent

dust, provide operators with an adequate

distortion. In particular, a pointed

ventilation system at the grinding

ceriated tungsten electrode works well

station, and follow any manufacture’s

when welding Aluminum, as it provide

warnings, instructions and material

30 to 40 per cent more amperage

safety datasheets.




“There is an acute shortage of well trained downhill welders in India.”

D Subhash Jadhav, Sr. Welder from Mumbai.



uring the year 70’s – 80’s,

Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers

there was a rising demand for

Limited (RCF). During 1983-84, I started

Welders. Many Indian Welders

working abroad as a Welder. It was after

started working in Gulf countries for

I started working in abroad, I learned a

mega infrastructure projects like oil

lot about different welding processes.

refineries, civil construction, etc. There

From this period onwards, my life took

was a huge scope for welders in abroad,

a positive turn. I have worked in many

thus I starting my career as a Welder.

American, German, Gulf companies.

Working abroad as a Welder was my

Today, I hold a total experience of

dream. Inorder to fulfill my dream, I

around 40 years into welding, and I still

discontinued with a permanent job in

weld. Currently, I am working on small



downhill welders get a better package

Tbilisi–Ceyhan (BTC) pipeline is a

as compared to uphill welders. The

1,768 kilometres (1,099 mi) long crude

downhill welding is welded in a position

oil pipeline from the Azeri–Chirag–

from up to down. Into one of the oil

Gunashli oil field in the Caspian Sea to

pipeline of 150 km project, we had

the Mediterranean Sea. The first oil was

a team of 32 welders. The downhill

pumped during May 2006.

welding is mostly not done by 1 welder.

Recently, I also completed welding

It requires 2 welders since the root is

for a drinking water plant project in

welded first then the second welder

Muscat. In India, I have worked on many

welds hot pass and moves further.

projects, especially the gas pipeline

Thereafter, the other batch acts as

projects. But as compared to other

fillers, capping, etc. such method is

countries, the scopes are less in India.

been used to weld a pipe. We have a

The Government needs to motivate

set targets, ie within 8 hours we weld

the technical experts from the country

around 30-40 joints.

including welder’s. They need to be

There is another type of welding

well paid. India has skilled welders but,

known as PWT Welding. It is similar

the scenario enforces them to work

to downhill welding but, the machine

internationally leaving behind the

is attached (machine is attached to

untrained welders in India.

what ???) which has rods on top of the machine. This type of welding is very

Precautions in Welding

quick, as it uses CO2 and Argon gas.

I would like to share an experience as I

I learnt PWT welding in Russia.

was working for a pipeline project which

The PWT welding is very harmful for

is been extended towards Mecca Madina

human health. It can affect the welders

in Saudi. Due to the sudden climatic

lungs. But at the same time it is a well

changes, the sand sank along with me

paid process.

and my collogue.. leaving behind my

The need for skilled welders is high

head as I had worn a safety helmet.

though there are many modernized

Luckly, we were rescued by the rescue

machines in the market.

team. Today, I am alive only because of safety precautions which are must

Source- awsweldlink.org

pipeline projects in India.

Project experience

in foreign countries India too needs to

In 2003, I travelled to Kazakhstan in

give priority to safety. Safe work leads to

Russia for one of the oil refinery

quality work.

Initially, I started working with uphill

pipeline project. The climate in Russia is

welding. Thereafter, I got an opportunity

usually –18oC . Into such a cold climate,

Closing message

for downhill welding into an oil refinery

I was working on a project using a rod

There is an utmost need of skilled welders

project. There is an acute shortage of

called 8080. For the 8080 rod, only

in India. The Indian market should offer

well trained downhill welders in India.

downhill welding is required. Thus,

good opportunity for our skilled welders.

The private institutes have trainings for

through this project, I learnt downhill

A last message to all the young crowd

downhill welding, while the government

welding process.

– Welding is an exciting career, go for

Thereafter, I worked on downhill

it. It has a wider scope in international

for uphill welding. India needs to focus

with repair for a Baku–Tbilisi–Ceyhan

markets, and soon will generate great

more on downhill welding. Infact, the

(BTC) pipeline project. The Baku–

opportunities in India too.

institutes like ITI have trainings only





The new SnapWeld collaborative welding robot by Universal Robots

Pradeep David, General Manager, Universal Robots – South Asia.


utomation has been indispensable


are designed to work with humans and

welding provides repeatable input

assist them with a variety of tasks which

parameters for more repeatable output.

help automate and streamline repetitive

Semiautomatic and fully automatic

and potentially unsafe processes thus,

systems increase output by eliminating

ensuring a safe work environment while

the human factor from the welding

increasing productivity and efficiency. With

process. Production weld speeds are

the small and medium-sized enterprises

set at a percentage of maximum by the

(SMEs) set to grow, they are eager to adopt

machine, not by an operator. With minimal

this technology. Universal Robots has

setup time and higher weld speeds, a

pioneered the concept of cobots and has

mechanized welding system can easily

deployed them globally in a wide range

outpace a skilled manual welder.

of industries ranging from automotive,

Automating the torch or part motions,

packaging, pharmaceuticals, consumer

and part placement, reduces the possibility

goods, metal working, and manufacturing.

of human error. A weld takes place only

Some of the advantages of automated

when all requirements are satisfied.

to the manufacturing industry

welding are Automated welding systems

With manual welding, reject welds often

for the last decade. Collaborative

ensure weld integrity through electronic

increase when welders become fatigued.

robots or cobots are the latest

weld process controllers. Combining

Depending on the value of the parts when

advancement making the automation

mechanized torch and part motions with

they arrive at the welding station, the cost

processes easier in the manufacturing

electronic recall of welding parameters

savings in scrap alone may justify the

industry. They are light – weight, easy

results in a higher quality weld than can

purchase of an automated welding system.

to use robotic arms, first developed by

be accomplished manually. This offers

Automation should also be considered

Universal Robots in 2008. Their latest

instantaneous quality control. Leak testing

when assemblers need to minimize the risk

technological advancement is in sync

and vision systems can be integrated

of shipping a bad part to a customer.

with Industry 4.0 – automated revolution

into fully automated systems to provide

in the manufacturing industry. Cobots

additional quality control. Mechanized


Lastly, reliance on human welders can dramatically increase a manufacturer’s



labor costs. When planning for labor costs,

repeatability, these systems can also handle

source and a Universal Robots robot arm.

manufacturers must consider the time that

long runs with consistent quality. Welding

The built-in safety system continuously

welders spend producing assemblies.

tasks can be programmed in as little as half-

checks the operator’s safety and can be

an-hour by workers who have no previous

tailored to individual needs. External safety

tools and Universal Robots along with ARC

experience and programs can be saved

components, such as welding curtains or

Specialties launched their MIG welding

and reused, saving the expense of trained

screens, can be used with the CoWelder.

system at FABTECH 2017 in Chicago.

robot operators. Lightweight cobot welders

It optimizes efficiency and ensures

The next logical step for cobots is to start

can be mounted on tabletops, hung from

uniformity in series production, but it is

tackling the tasks handled by industrial

ceilings, or installed into existing welding

so easy to re-program that it also pays off

robots. This involves heavy assembly and

booths, offering more flexibility than

to weld small batches with this automated

more delicate tasks like welding. Welding

manual welders or traditional fixed robots

solution. CoWelder delivers uniform and

is especially in demand now, as many

and speaking of manual welders, these will

continuously high quality and improves

skilled workers are retiring and not being

be increasingly harder to find.

work efficiency.

Cobots are now reaching for welding

replaced. The American Welding Society

The SnapWeld Collaborative Robot

Industrial end users have been the

updated its forecast this year, predicting an

Welding package consists of a Profax wire

driving force behind this integration of

estimated shortage of 3,72,000 welders by

feeder and a water-cooled torch enabling

welding systems and cobots.

2026. Thus, it should come as no surprise

which can weld up to 600 amps—featuring

that Universal Robots (UR) is working

a torch bracket, cables, and hoses. The

change, innovation and investment

together with ARC Specialties, and have

simplified programming is developed

in new processes throughout Indian

recently introduced a new attachment to its

with and verified by Universal Robots

manufacturing, not least in the field of

UR+ line that offers welding capabilities.

through the UR+ platform facilitating

welding and joining technologies. These

The ‘Make in India’ campaign is driving

Small job shops struggling with

direct software integration into the UR

technologies have been developed over

the budget, programming and space

programming environment, enabling

many years, often in western economies,

requirements of traditional welding robots

advanced settings to be easily programmed

at a time when India was less well placed

now have an alternative solution. The new

directly on the robots’ teach pendant.

to invest. Conversely, India can now

SnapWeld Collaborative Robot Welding

Another cobot welding system, the

maximize its own investment strategies

package is an interactive welding system

CoWelder, is available from Migatronic in

by leapfrogging intermediate welding

that can be deployed easily and flexibly

Denmark. The CoWelder system includes

technologies and acquiring, or developing

in existing, manual welding booths,

a UR5 or UR10 robot—depending on

for itself, state-of-the-art processes,

eliminating the need for costly new robotic

payload and reach requirements—along

especially for greenfield manufacturing

cells. The ability to operate without a cage

with a Migatronic power source, start/stop

sites.In a global welding equipment market

is one of the major benefits of cobots.

safety box, and Migatronic welding torch

of around $18 billion, more than $13 billion

The inherent safety features built into

and torch holder.

is still spent on arc welding machines.

the robots allows them to safely operate

The complete welding robot solution

In India, as in many other countries,

near human operators as the idea is for

fits on any table in any workshop as the

more than 80% of all welding is arc welding

humans and robots to be inter-dependent

flexible set-up is easy to move around

ranging from traditional ‘stick’ electrode

and achieve what each of them does best.

making it ideal for even the smallest shops,

methods to more sophisticated automated

Thus, it should come as no surprise that

with simple set-up and programming for

systems, such as orbital TIG welding for

Universal Robots (UR), working together

significant savings over traditional complex

critical parts including aerospace and

with ARC Specialties, recently introduced a

robotic systems. The robotic welder

pressure vessels.There is increased

new attachment to its UR+ line that offers

ensures uniformity in series production,

demand for ensuring best practice in

welding capabilities.

but it is so fast and easy to reprogram that it

traditional welding procedures. This

provides value even for small batches.

creates good business for training

The flexibility and ease-of-programming of cobot-based welding systems make

CoWelder is the smallest and smartest

providers, and fresh impetus for Indian home grown welding research.

them especially well-suited for low-

automated welding solution on the market.

volume/high-mix environments, as well

It is ideal for welding simple work pieces,

as custom or small-template welding

no matter the quantity and frequency. The

end users of welding is making a major

processes. With high accuracy and

solution consists of a Migatronic power

up-skilling drive inevitable.


All this technology push and the pull of




ESAB iSeries Plasma Cutting Systems


SAB India has

mild steel, which

launched the

in turn reduces cut

iSeries power

cost per meter.

sources with the high performance cutting


machine Combirex

The iSeries is

CXL for automated

available in 100

plasma cutting as

to 400-amp

part of its integrated

configurations for

system of components

cutting plate up

that deliver higher

to 50mm thick. All

productivity and lower

models feature a

cutting costs. The

common cabinet

iSeries is the most

and components as

advanced power supply

well as StepUp™

available today. This

modular technology,

next generation series

allowing users to

not only provides

increase the output

exceptional cost-

from 100 amps all the

performance benefits,

way up to 400 amps

but also allows you to

by adding inverter

upgrade the unit as

blocks. Its modular

you grow.

design minimizes reducing bevel and the need

the cost per cut by using

parts inventory and repair

Higher productivity and superior cut quality

for post-cut finishing.

XTremeLife™ Wear Parts

time. An LED error display

for cutting at 300 and 400

indicates machine status to

Featuring HeavyCut®

(WMS™) process, which

amps. These consumables

accelerate troubleshooting,

technology to improve

incorporates nitrogen as the

use a multiple hafnium

and should an inverter block

cut quality and precision

plasma gas and ordinary tap

insert as opposed to a single

malfunction, cutting can

performance, the iSeries

water for shielding, produces

insert and feature a two-

continue with the remaining

superior cut quality

superior cut quality and

piece tip that runs cooler.


enables parts to go directly

a lower cost per cut on

Better cooling extends parts

from the cutting table

non-ferrous materials. On

life and cut accuracy across

blocks means fabricators

to welding, painting or

stainless steel, the WMS

the life of the tip, especially

never have to worry about

assembly without expensive

process cuts up to 300

when piercing at higher

purchasing a system that

secondary operations. It also

percent faster and lowers

amperages. These combined

does not have enough

provides piercing capacity

cost-per cut by 20 percent or

features can lower operating

capacity to meet future

up to 50 mm at 400A on all

more compared to systems

cost up to 30 percent on


materials including stainless

that use Argon-Hydrogen for

steel and aluminum. The

the plasma gas.

The Water Mist Secondary

iSeries delivers ISO Class material from gauge to

Lowering cost on thicker cuts

50 mm thick, noticeably

The iSeries also lowers

3 or better cuts on any



The ability to add inverter

For More Info: ESAB INDIA LIMITED Plot No.13, 3rd Main Road, Industrial Estate, Ambattur, Chennai - 600 058. Tel: +91 - 44 - 42281100



Miller expands ClearLight™ Lens Technology to all digital welding helmets Technology optimizes contrast and clarity in welding and light states, reducing eye strain.


iller Electric Mfg.

often produce a view with a

Co., a leading

greenish-yellow or blue tint,


a ClearLight lens provides

manufacturer of arc welding

truer colors during welding.

equipment, is expanding

This means operators

its ClearLight Lens

see more contrast among

Technology to all digital

objects in the viewing area,

welding helmets. ClearLight

resulting in reduced eye

optimizes clarity for welding

strain and fatigue. In addition, the 1/1/1/2

operators so they can

optical clarity rating of

produce better welds with less rework.

work. ClearLight Lens

ClearLight lenses allows

performance.” Previously, only available

a true 3.0 light state. This

ClearLight™ Lens

Technology optimizes

Technology is a high-

contrast and clarity in

in Miller® T94™ Series

brighter light state when

definition optics for

both welding and light

auto-darkening helmets,

the operator isn’t welding

precision arc recognition.

states — so operators see

ClearLight has now been

enhances the ability for

It is designed by welders,

natural color tones and

expanded to all Miller

operators to keep their hood

for welders. Engineered

get a crisp, high-definition

digital helmets to include

down as much as possible,

to complement the colors

view of the workpiece,”

Digital Infinity™, Digital

which improves safety and

emitted from the welding

said Sam Harvey, Product

Elite™ and Digital


arc for enhanced clarity and

Manager — Welding Safety

Performance™ models.

natural color — so that you

& Health, Miller Electric

can see more detail.

Mfg. Co. “This innovative

Technology enhances

ClearLight Lens Technology

helmet technology reduces

clarity by allowing more

allows more colors of the

weld, operators need to

eye fatigue, increases

colors to come through the

visible light spectrum to

be able to clearly see their

productivity and improves

lens. Where other lenses

come through the lens for

“To achieve the perfect

Lens Tint Matters

ClearLight Lens

Miller Electric Mfg. Co. is expanding its ClearLight™ Lens Technology to all digital welding helmets. The technology optimizes clarity for welding operators, so they can produce better welds with less rework. These images show the colors and clarity of ClearLight lenses compared to traditional lenses.





increased eye fatigue.


Brightness Counts

rating provides a 3.0 light

Auto-darkening welding

state that allows welders to

lenses block light even

keep the helmet down in

when a welder isn’t striking

between welds and for non-

an arc. ClearLight Lens

welding tasks, increasing

Technology is designed to

productivity and helping to

minimize light blockage —

prevent eye injuries. Learn

giving welders a brighter

more by reading the article

light state to see their

on new lens enhancements.

Our 1/1/1/2 optical clarity

natural, accurate tones. Many other lenses have an artificial blue or yellow

tint, which doesn’t provide as much contrast or clarity and can lead to

For More Info: Visit MillerWelds.com/ClearLight.

KR CYBERTECH: Streamlined robot for high speed and maximum reach


he KUKA industrial

category of 20 kg. This was

robot - KR

impossible for predecessor


models. The economical use

answer to the ever-increasing

of materials also reduces

requirements in automation.

energy consumption and


supports sustainability. “It

well suitable product for

is designed to be fast and

machining and handling

agile, reliable and precise.

large components as well

The robot also has to cover

benchmark in performance

as for assembly, palletizing

a large workspace and be

and power density. With

and arc welding. The

extremely flexible in terms

its utmost precision

product has won the Red Dot

of deployment so that it is

and a repeatability of 40

Award 2017 in the “Product

ideally suited for use in many

micrometers, it can exploit its

able to gain the user’s full

Design” category. With its

applications in industrial

strengths to the full – even at

trust if it exudes reliability

streamlined, elongated

production and can tap into

maximum speed. Customers

and sophistication. After

silhouette – stretches the

new sectors,” says industrial

profit from the volume-

all, an impressive, high-

limits of possibility in terms

designer Mario Selic. The

reducing compactness

quality appearance is the first

of speed and reach.

robot can be installed on the

and outstanding freedom

effective communication

floor, wall or ceiling, or at a

in production: the robot

of technical performance,”

certain angle.

masterfully unlocks a

says Mario Selic, Industrial

workspace of 23 m3 in

Designer, KUKA Robotics.

Economical use of materials reduces energy consumption the robot covers extremely

Customers profit from the compactness of the KR CYBERTECH robot

large distances for its payload

The product sets a new

With a reach of 2,100 mm,



volume. “A product is only

For More Info: KUKA Robotics India Pvt Ltd Tel: +91 124 4635776 Website: www.kuka.com



eXtended Reality (XR)- bringing eXactness to vocational training simulations that AR/VR could not De-jargonifying simulation technologies for welding training.

Sabarinath C Nair, Founder & amp; CEO, Skillveri Training Solutions Pvt Ltd.


to a training centre for welding or spray

fact that unlike simulators in the aviation

in welding training, we can arrive at

painting. Most important is, forget

sector or the medical sector, the welding

the following pyramidal structure of

all these "jargons" of Virtual Reality,

training field has not seen much success


Augmented Reality, etc - finally do the

with simulation. The intentions have

simulators for welding deliver value to my

been good, but the technological back-

one needs to look at the simplest

training centre or shop floor?

end has not been up to the mark.

possible solution at the most affordable

lot of questions arise in the minds of a buyer, who would like to get the benefits of a simulator

The doubts are complicated by the

If we look at the needs of simulation

For each of these training levels,

prices, instead of complicating the usage for everyone. The one-size-fits-all approach ended up everyone blindly using virtual reality and its variants. With the advent of Augmented Reality, there was renewed interest in simulation, because AR could make things appear more "real" than VR. A lot of tools in AR ended up not going beyond amusement level (Apple's ARKit mostly puts a dinosaur in your room which you can go around poking!) The way Augmented Reality Simulators work is, the dummy objects (plastic plates instead of actual metal plates, welding





torches) have markers that are seen by a camera, and a software program overlays welding effect (beads, molten pool, sparks) over and above the camera's output. It works well for amusement on the day of inauguration of the welding simulator, but creates problems during usage if one attempts for actual training: • The live image processing creates more lag than Virtual Reality, to the tune of 500 milliseconds. Any lag greater than 30 ms confuses our brain • The field of view of the camera is very different from the field of view of human eyes, therefore, depth and size perception doesn't work during simulation, again confusing the brain • Simulation/cyber sickness within 10 minutes, which prevents any

in identifying aspects that have to be real,

superset of VR, AR, MR, etc. The main

continuous practice required to learn

and aspects that could be virtual, and also

difference in application of XR as fine-

welding, because a typical multi-pass

in fine-tuning the mix between real and

tuned by Skillveri is to match the real

weld joint requires at least 20 minutes,


world with the virtual world, in terms of

sometimes even hours to complete Given these challenges, we at Skillveri over the last 5+ years, spent a lot of effort

For simpler hand-skills involving one

depth, distance and orientation, so that

single hand action in a 2D surface, a zero-

the learner does not feel as if entering

learning-curve tool is most suited.

a different world with a different scale.

What is eXtended Reality (XR)? It is a

Instead of using a camera (vulnerable to scale errors, lag errors) Skillveri's XR uses low-latency sensors which exactly position the physical objects inside the virtual world. There is no need to remove the HD 3-D vision helmet to interact with physical objects in real world. In addition, there is the unique ability to cut the welding joint across any plane and analyze the cross-section or microstructure of the beads. What's more, with Skillveri's XR, it is possible to add customized welding/ painting jobs, which are up to 5 metres in length!





Refinery-cum petrochemicals complex at Babulwadi in Ratnagiri


ndian Oil Corporation (IOC), Hindustan Petroleum Corp (HPCL) and Bharat Petroleum (BPCL) signed a Joint Venture

World's Largest: Jubail II Construction


ith more than 20,000 workers during its peak season and investing more that $4 billion in infrastructure, the area will

(JV) agreement to create the world’s largest refinery-cum

be turned into a large industrial park, larger than what it is right

petrochemicals complex at Babulwadi, Taluka Rajpur in

now. The work encompasses miles and miles of roads, utilities,

Ratnagiri district at the cost of $ 40 bn and a refining capacity

water, wastewater and all required infrastructure. About $18 billion

of 60 million tonne per annum (MMTPA). The refinery-cum

dollars are being designed to build the industrial city, extending

petrochemicals complex is designed to produce Euro-IV &

from the existing industrial park to Kuwait-RasTanura corridor. The

above grade transportation fuels, the refinery will have in-

construction process is so large and wide that the project has been

built flexibility for processing a wide spectrum of light and

broken into four phases. Over 50,000 residential units will be added

heavy crude oil grades, utilizing various blending techniques.

by 2026 as part of the expansion process. The RCJY has asked

According to the MoU, Phase-1 of the project will cost between

Bechtel, which handled Jubail 1, to manage Jubail II. This 22-year

Rs. 1.2 lakh crore and Rs. 1.5 lakh crore. It is expected to come

long industrial city project began its second phase in 2014 with an

up in 5-6 years from the date of land acquisition. The first phase

$11 billion expansion. It comprises at least 100 industrial plants, an

will be a 40 mt unit with an aromatic complex, naphtha cracker

800,000 cubic meter desalination plant, miles of railways, roads and

& polymer complex. Phase-2 of the project is expected to cost

highways, and an oil refinery producing at least 350,000 barrels per

approximately Rs. 50,000 crore to Rs. 60,000 crore.

day. The entire project is slated to be finished in 2024.

IOC gas pipeline to run from Gujarat to Gorakhpur


ahamana Express linking Vadodara with Varanasi wasn't the only connection made between Modi's Gujarat

with Yogi's UP. On the day the Prime Minister flagged off the train between both his constituencies, Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) announced that it will lay a gas pipeline from Kandla to Gorakhpur. The LPG pipeline, which is one of the biggest investments planned by the leading oil marketing company, will pass through IOC's bottling plants at Allahabad, Lucknow, Kanpur, Varanasi and Gorakhpur. The total investment is estimated to be around Rs. 1,261 crore. IOC also plans to invest Rs, 140 crore to upgrade its Trisundi bottling plant. It will also set up a new terminal at Mirzapur (relocation of Mughalsarai and Allahabad terminals) for better storage and distribution of fuel. The investment on this terminal will be Rs. 650 crore. IOC will be setting up a bottling plant at Gorakhpur and Hindustan Petroleum at Gonda and Varanasi at a total cost of Rs. 463 crore.





Company: Ordnance Factory Board

Company: Vijaya Bank

Location: GCF Jabalpur

Location: Ludhiana

Nature of Work: procurement of drawbar to pt no 1143440 as per annexure no dhanush 1143440/2017.

Nature of Work: E-Auction sale notice for the properties of Goodwill Trading Company mortgaged to Vijaya Bank and taken possession under the provisions of SARFEASI Act 2002.

Due Date: 8 February 2018 Due Date: 9 February 2018 Tender Cost: Rs 10,26,138/Tender Cost: Rs 15,30,000/EMD: Rs 30785/EMD: Rs. 1,53,000/Contact: Prashant Prasanna, THE Sr General Manager, GUN Carriage Factory, Jabalpur-482011 Email: pv-gcf.ofb@ofb.gov.in Tel: 07612712442

Company: Centralised Waste Management Facility, BARC Location: CWMF, BARC, Kalpakkam Nature of Work: Fabrication and erection of SS breathing air line and SS effluent treatment pipeline at CWMF. Due Date: 9 February 2018 Tender Cost: Rs 5,25,500/EMD: Rs. 10510/-

Contact: WSanthosh Aili, Vijaya Bank, Head Office,41/2, Trinity Circle,M.G. Road, Bangalore - 560 001, Karnatka Email: cbsprog11@vijayabank.co.in, Tel: 08025584066. Company: Vijaya Bank Location: Ludhiana Nature of Work: E-Auction sale notice for the properties of Jai Maa Luxmi Traders mortgaged to Vijaya Bank and taken possession under the provisions of SARFEASI Act 2002. Due Date: 9 February 2018 Tender Cost: Rs 16,45,000/EMD: Rs. 1,64,500/-

Contact: T S S Raghavan, Nuclear Recycle Board, BARC, Kalpakkam, Tamil Nadu - 603102 Email: raghavan@igcar.gov.in Tel: 04427480063

Contact: WSanthosh Aili, Vijaya Bank, Head Office,41/2, Trinity Circle,M.G. Road, Bangalore - 560 001, Karnatka Email: cbsprog11@vijayabank.co.in, Tel: 08025584066.

Company: North Central Railway

Company: Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Kalpakkam

Location: Allahabad

Location: Kalpakkam

Nature of Work: Supply of welding portions for Maintenance of Track in the section of Sr.DEN / V / ALD.

Nature of Work: Hot and Cold insulation in Duct & pipe of WIP(K). Due Date: 15 February 2018

Due Date: 21 February 2018 Tender Cost: Rs 24,33,760/Tender Cost: Rs 2,49,72,000/EMD: Rs.48,675/EMD: Rs. 2,74,860/Contact: Sr DEN Coord., EDP Centre, DRM Office Complex, North Central Railway, Nawab Yusuf Road, Allahabad Email: sredpm@ald.railnet.gov.in, Tel: 0532-2601265



Contact: K Eakavalli, Scientific Assistant Communication and PPS, KNRPC, BARC, Kalpakkam, Tamilnadu -603102 Email: eakavalli@igcar.gov.in Tel: 04427480140 / 43938


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Robotic Line Automation/ Cell• Complete turn key robotic welding & handling solution • SPOT/MIG/TIG/LASER welding robotic line • Plasma/Laser robotic cutting system

Owner, Printer & Publisher – Eliza Amol Bhalerao Published At - B-3/503, Ekdanth, Gauri Estate, Near Gauri Hall, Manjarli, Badlapur (W), Dist.: Thane – Ulhasnagar - 421503, Maharashtra, India. Editor – Amol A. Bhalerao TC No.- MAHENG14325

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