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Salzburg Countryside Vienna Imperial

Scenic Carinthia a travellers true experience Austria Tourism & Trade Promotion

In cooperation with the Austrian Embassy, Kuwait

‫د‪ .‬جورج �شتيلفريد‬ ‫�سفري جمهورية النم�سا‬

‫ي�سرين ك�سفري جلمهورية النم�سا لدى الكويت‬ ‫والبحرين وقطــر �أن �أنقل للقارىء الكرمي نبذة‬ ‫خمت�صرة عن بلدي النم�سا الذي يقع يف جنوب‬ ‫و�سط اوروبا‪ ،‬ذلك البلد الذي يتمتع بجمال طبيعي‬ ‫متميز من خالل مناظره اخلالبة وبحرياته‬ ‫ال�صافية وتالله اخل�ضراء وجباله ال�شاخمة وقممه‬ ‫االلبية ال�شاهقة ومراعيه الهادئة وقالعه املهيبة‬ ‫واديرته القدمية‪ ،‬ولع�شاق املو�سيقى �أقول لهم ب�أن‬ ‫للنم�سا تراث مو�سيقي قدمي وغني بعرو�ض االوبرا‬ ‫وامل�سرحيات واملهرجانات العاملية وامل�شهورة يف جميع‬ ‫انحاء العامل‪.‬‬

‫!‪enhance your business....‬‬

‫كلي امل �أن �أكون قد ر�سمت للقارىء الكرمي �صورة‬ ‫يح�صل من خاللها على انطباع جميل عن النم�سا‬ ‫لتكون له يف يوم من االيام حافزا ليقوم بزيارة‬ ‫النم�سا‪.‬‬

‫‪tel: 2492390 / 1 - fax: 2492391‬‬ ‫‪‬‬


A publication of The Austrian Embassy Kuwait Coordinator Attaché Editor Prasana Menon

Mujahid Iqbal Photograpy

The footprints of Vienna’s imperial past are every where.



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The home of sound of music “A piece of paradise” marvelous mountains, lush meadows, green forests, clear lakes….

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ExploreAustriaisamagazineoftheAustrianEmbassyKuwait.The contentandopinionsexpressedhereinarenotnecessarilythoseof thepublishers.Whileeveryeffortismadetoensuretheaccuracyof thecontents,noliabilitycanbeassumedbythepublishersforany inaccuracies.



Styria is also called the “Green Province” Experience Austrian orchard, the “Apple Route” or The flowering showcase “The Flower Route”, the Castle Route…. and the Styrian Spa Region.

Lifestyle in Southern Styria

In Southern Styria gentle hills, quant wine taverns and a mditerrarean climate combile to create a paradise for holidayers.


Known as Alpine Riviera, boasting a worm climate and welcoming lakes lying on a particularly rich line of cool spring explains the wide range of spa’s, health and wellbeing facilities.

A mesmerising sight is the mix of ice and snow, even in summer

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A place to meet people! In Vienna the coffeehouse has been brought to a perfection never equaled else where.



Foto Gulf Co.



Austrian Trade Delegation Visited Kuwait Austria Road Show - (ANTO) Concilium Musicum Wien Kuwait is celebrating the first RedBull Flugtag

Euro 2008 European Football Championship 2008

Eye on Austria

Austria has acquired new and extensive scope for strengthening its position in the world. This is true of the areas of stability, prevention and crisis management, but it also includes international endeavours on behalf of environmental conservation, a field to which Austria attaches supreme importance. Austriaisalsoanidealdestinationforbothbusinesstravellersandtourists. It has an excellent infrastructure, wide-ranging leisure opportunities, breathtaking landscapes and world famous art and culture. Austria’s cities and regions offer a wide range of accommodation options to fit any budget. Local farm produce and the best of home-cooking are the key ingredients to savouring Austria. Austria offers a wide range of opportunities for enjoying your free time. Whether you’re a culture vulture, a sports fanatic or simply want to relax after a long day, Austria has plenty to offer. Austria has a temperate climate and is therefore an ideal destination at any time of year. Kuwait and Austria have excellent ties, and have longstanding trade relations. Exports to Kuwait reached a total of 85.22 million euros, an increase by 31.4 percent compared to 2005. The most important export goods were iron and steel products worth 16.4 million euros, out of which pipes accounted for more than 13.5 million euros. Total Imports from Kuwait to Austria amount to 294 million euros in 2006 and decreased by 17.2 percent compared to 2005. Even in the new conditions which now prevail, Austria can continue to foster its tradition of contributing in a spirit of solidarity to the upholding of peace and security. Mujahid Iqbal

‫اج ــازة مم ـ ـتـ ـ ـ ــازة‬

theatre- and music festivals throughout the year. Every January, the Mozart Festival is held in Salzburg; May/June sees the Vienna Festival and July/August, the Salzburger Festspiele and Bregenz Festival on the floating stage on Lake Constance take centre stage. The Haydn Festival in Eisenstadt, the Schubertiade Festival in Vorarlberg or various Palace Concerts in Innsbruck round off the season.

A Perfect Holiday

The Austrian Alps provide the perfect stage and setting for either a truly relaxing or a more active holiday experience. The several hundred lakes spread throughout the country convert to water sports eldorados during July and August with water temperatures regularly reaching up to 25C. Gentle rolling hills invite to pleasurable walks and the breathtaking alpine peaks with hundreds of marked hiking trails will take you away from the hectic everyday life to experience the holiday of your lifetime. Golfers will want to play some of more than 140 wonderfully manicured courses that Austria offers.

by Ingrid Dexler

Have you ever thought of getting pampered in one of the many Austrian spas with state-of-the-art facilities and professional staff that offer many wellness and relaxation programmes? Like most things in Austria, they offer exceptional value for money!

Austria can pride itself with its outstanding natural beauty and spectacular scenery; crystal clear lakes with drinking water quality ringed by deep green hills and domineering mountains. Wooded hills rising out of lush farmland, Alpine peaks reaching for the sky, peaceful pastures and quaint villages resting at their feet as well as vineyards, ancient castles and grand abbeys. The towns are as varied as the landscape; beautiful cities with architectural sights from the last four centuries, narrow, cobbled stone lanes, wide squares, market towns that have barely changed since the Middle Ages, mountain villages with neat little houses, and flowers overflowing from their balconies. Austria’s richness of musical and cultural heritage has over the years produced an array of internationally acclaimed opera- ,


‫ بجمالها الطبيعي املتميز ومناظرها‬،‫ ولها كل احلق يف ذلك‬،‫تفخر النم�سا‬ ‫اخلالبة ومياه بحرياتها ال�صافية ال�صاحلة لل�شرب والتي حتيط بها تالل‬ ‫ وهناك �أي�ضاً التالل احلر�شية والقمم االلبية التي‬.‫خ�ضراء وجبال �شاخمة‬ ‫تناطح ال�سماء واملراعي الهادئة والقرى اجلذابة الواقعة ا�سفلها باال�ضافة‬ .‫اىل كروم العنب والقالع القدمية واالديرة املهيبة‬

Finally, do not forget to experience the Austrian ‘Gemütlichkeit’! Meet the locals – either in pastry shops, coffee-houses, beer gardens, wine taverns, restaurants or in one of the alpine huts. Savour the warm welcome and cosiness of our luxury hotels, neatly kept apartments, family run inns and atmospheric bed & breakfast places or camp sites and sample a truly varied selection of superb local dishes. Wherever you go and whatever you do – you will soon realise that it is the Austrian people that make the difference:

Austria welcomes you!

‫من جهة �أخرى فان تراث النم�سا الغني يف ما يتعلق باملو�سيقى والثقافة‬ ‫نتجت عنه على مر ال�سنني عرو�ض اوبرا واعمال م�سرحية ومهرجانات‬ ‫ يف �شهر كانون الثاين (يناير) من كل عام يقام‬.‫مو�سيقية عاملية طيلة ال�سنة‬ )‫حزيران (يونيو‬/)‫ ويف �أيـار(مايو‬،‫"مهرجان موت�سارت" يف زالت�سبورغ‬ ‫�آب (اغ�سط�س) يقام مهرجان‬/)‫ ويف متوز (يوليو‬،‫يقام مهرجان فيينا‬ ‫زال�سبورغ املو�سيقي وكذلك مهرجان بريغين�س على امل�سرح العائم على‬ ‫ ومهرجان‬،‫ ويكتمل املو�سم مبهرجان هايدن يف �آيزن�شتات‬.‫بحرية كون�ستان�س‬ ‫ وت�شكل‬.‫�شوبرتياده يف فورارلربغ �أو حفالت مو�سيقية راقية يف ان�سربوك‬ ‫منطقة االلب النم�ساوية مكاناً ممتازاً لال�سرتخاء �أو لتم�ضية اجازة مل�ؤها‬ ‫ حني‬،‫ خالل �شهري متوز (يوليو) و�آب (اغ�سط�س) من كل عام‬.‫الن�شاط‬ ‫ تتحول البحريات املنت�شرة يف خمتلف‬،‫ درجة مئوية‬25 ‫ت�صل احلرارة اىل‬ ‫ لت�صبح مركزاً ال ي�ضارع يف ما‬،‫انحاء النم�سا والتي يبلغ عددها عدة مئات‬ ‫ �أما التالل اخلفيفة االنحدار فتدعوكم ملمار�سة‬.‫يتعلق بالريا�ضات املائية‬ ‫ريا�ضة امل�شي يف جو مريح ومنع�ش يف حني ان القمم االلبية البهية تبعدكم‬ ‫عن متاعب احلياة اليومية وت�سمح لكم بتم�ضية اجازة مميزة قد ال يتوفر‬ ‫ من جهتهم �سيكون هواة الغولف ـ دون �شك ـ‬.‫لكم مثلها يف �أي مكان �آخر‬ ‫راغبني يف ممار�سة هوايتهم على احد املالعب الرائعة املوجودة يف النم�سا‬ .140 ‫والتي يتجاوز عددها الـ‬ ‫هل فكرت يوماً ما يف �أن تر ّوح عن نف�سك يف �أحد املنتجعات النم�ساوية‬ ‫العديدة التي توجد فيها مرافق ممتازة وموظفون متخ�ص�صون مهمتهم‬ ‫و�ضع برامج خا�صة ب�سالمة اجل�سم واال�سرتخاء؟ كما هي احلال بالن�سبة‬ ‫ملعظم اال�شياء املتوفرة يف النم�سا فانك حت�صل على الكثري مقابل مبلغ مايل‬ !‫زهيد‬ ‫�أخرياً ال تن�سوا التعرف على متعة احلياة النم�ساوية! التقوا املواطنني هناك‬ ‫اما يف حمال احللويات �أو املقاهي �أو حدائق اجلعة (البرية) �أو حانات النبيذ‬ ‫ وا�ستمتعوا باجلو الدافئ والرتحيب‬،‫�أو املطاعم �أو يف �أحد الأكواخ االلبية‬ ‫احلار الذي ت�ستقبلون به يف الفنادق الفخمة وال�شقق الرفيعة امل�ستوى‬ ‫واخلانات التي تديرها عائالت وامل�ساكن التي ت�ؤمن لكم املنامة وطعام‬ ‫الفطور �أو مواقع التخييم وتذوقوا جمموعة خمتارة من االطعمة املحلية‬ .‫الرائعة‬ ‫اينما توجهتم ومهما فعلتم فانكم �ستدركون خالل وقت ق�صري �أن ال�شعب‬ .‫النم�ساوي هو العن�صر الذي يعطي النم�سا مكانتها املرموقة‬

!‫النم�سا ترحب بكم‬

‫ واملدن جميلة جلهة‬،‫البلدات هناك خمتلفة الطابع كما املناظر الطبيعية‬ ‫ وهناك االزقة ال�ضيقة‬،‫فن العمارة الذي يعود تاريخه اىل اربعة قرون‬ ‫املر�صوفة باحلجارة وال�ساحات الف�سيحة واال�سواق التي بالكاد تغريت منذ‬ ‫ والقرى املتناثرة على اجلبال حيث البيوت‬،‫ان�شائها يف القرون الو�سطى‬ .‫ال�صغرية احل�سنة الرتتيب والتي تتدىل الزهور من �شرفاتها‬


‫معلومات �أ�سا�سية عن النم�سا‬ ‫امل�ساحة‪ 83.858 :‬م‪2‬‬ ‫عدد ال�سكان‪ 8.2 :‬مليون‬ ‫العا�صمة‪ :‬فيينا‬

‫من الرحالت عرب العديد من الوجهات الأخرى‪ .‬و�إىل جانب ذلك ميكن‬ ‫ال�سفر من و�إىل النم�سا عرب مطار ميونخ الذي ت�ستغرق الرحلة بينه وبني‬ ‫النم�سا نحو ‪� 1.5‬ساعة باحلافلة �أو القطار‪.‬‬

‫اللغة‪ :‬تعد اللغة الأملانية هي اللغة الأوىل يف النم�سا ويتحدثها ‪98%‬‬ ‫من �سكان البالد‪ .‬وتعد اللغة الإجنليزية مبثابة اللغة الثانية يف النظام‬ ‫التعليمي وهي م�ستخدمة على نطاق وا�سع‪.‬‬

‫ت�أ�شريات الزيارة‬


‫تتميز النم�سا بتنوع ت�ضاري�سها وظروفها املناخية واحلياة النباتية فيها‪.‬‬ ‫�إذ تتباين ت�ضاري�سها بني �سل�سلة جبال الألب ذات القمم العالية املغطاة‬ ‫بالثلوج والتالل وال�سهول املنب�سطة‪ .‬ويعد جبل جرو�س غلوكرن �أعلى‬ ‫جبال البالد �إذ يبلغ ارتفاعه ‪ 3.797‬مرتاً‪ 12.530/‬قدماً‪� .‬أما �أطول الأنهار‬ ‫فهو نهر الدانوب الذي يتدفق على امتداد ‪ 350‬كيلومرتاً (‪ 220‬مي ً‬ ‫ال)‬ ‫عرب البالد‪ .‬كما متتاز النم�سا بت�ضمنها ‪ 9000‬بحرية تقريباً‪ ،‬منها ‪5000‬‬ ‫طبيعية و‪ 4000‬من �صنع الإن�سان‪.‬‬ ‫املناخ‪ :‬متتاز النم�سا بطق�س رائع‪ ،‬تتباين فيه الف�صول الأربع ب�شكل‬ ‫وا�ضح‪ ،‬وترتاوح درجات احلرارة خالل مو�سم ال�صيف بني ‪ 15‬درجة (لي ً‬ ‫ال)‬ ‫و ‪ 27‬درجة (نهاراً)‪ ،‬كما �أن الطق�س معتدل ن�سبيا خالل ف�صلي الربيع‬ ‫واخلريف‪� ،‬أما ف�صل ال�شتاء الذي تهطل فيه الثلوج فيعد مثالياً ملمار�سة‬ ‫ريا�ضة التزلج‪.‬‬

‫ال�سفر جوا‬

‫تعد النم�سا �إحدى الدول الأوروبية املرتبطة بنظام ت�أ�شرية الزيارة‬ ‫الأوروبية املوحدة املعروفة با�سم “�شنجن”‪ ،‬لذا يتعني على امل�سافرين‬ ‫�إىل النم�سا تقدمي الطلب للح�صول على ت�أ�شرية “ال�شنجن”‪ .‬وفيما‬ ‫يلي �أرقام الهواتف املحلية لل�سفارات النم�ساوية يف عدد من دول جمل�س‬ ‫التعاون اخلليجي‪:‬‬ ‫• يف الإمارات العربية املتحدة‪971+/2 67 66 611 :‬‬ ‫• يف اململكة العربية ال�سعودية‪966+/1 480 12 17 :‬‬ ‫• يف الكويت (للبحرين وقطر �أي�ضاً)‪965+ 25 52 532:‬‬ ‫• يف �سلطنة عمان‪968+ 24 793 135:‬‬

‫ال�سفر بوا�سطة القطار‬

‫تقوم ال�سكك احلديدية الفيدرالية النم�ساوية بت�سيري رحالتها على‬ ‫�شبكة متتد �إىل ما يزيد على ‪ 5800‬كيلومرتاً‪ .‬وتنطلق القطارات يف‬ ‫�أوقات حمددة‪ ،‬وتتبع معايري عالية يف تقدمي خدماتها با�ستخدام عربات‬ ‫الدرجتني الأوىل والثانية‪ .‬وهناك رحالت مبا�شرة منتظمة تربط بني‬ ‫املدن النم�ساوية و�أخرى تربط النم�سا مع الدول املجاورة‪.‬‬

‫ا�ستئجار ال�سيارات‬

‫تتوفر مراكز يف جميع املطارات الدولية واملدن ويف معظم حمطات ال�سكك‬ ‫احلديدية الرئي�سية‪.‬‬

‫حتظى النم�سا ب�شبكة مكثفة من الرحالت اجلوية املبا�شرة التي تربطها‬ ‫مع خمتلف �أنحاء العامل‪ ،‬حيث توفر اخلطوط اجلوية النم�ساوية والعديد للمزيد من املعلومات يرجى زيارة املوقع ال�شبكي‪:‬‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫من اخلطوط اجلوية العربية والأجنبية مبا فيها طريان الإمارات‪،‬‬ ‫اخلطوط اجلوية القطرية واخلطوط اجلوية ال�صينية (من �أبو ظبي)‬ ‫رحالت مبا�شرة �إىل فيينا‪ ،‬كما توفر العديد من الناقالت خيارات متعددة‬


‫‪Basic facts on Austria‬‬ ‫‪Area: 83,858 km²‬‬ ‫‪Population: 8.2 million‬‬ ‫‪Capital: Vienna‬‬

‫‪Visa:‬‬ ‫‪Austria is one of the Schengen states so travellers to Austria‬‬ ‫‪must apply for a Schengen Visa. Telephone numbers of local‬‬ ‫‪Austrian Embassies:‬‬ ‫‪Language: German is spoken as a first language by 98% of the • In U.A.E.: (+971/2) 67 66 611‬‬ ‫‪Austrian population.‬‬ ‫‪• In Saudi-Arabia: (+966/1) 480 12 17‬‬ ‫‪English is by far the leading second language in the educational • In Kuwait (also for Bahrain and Qatar):‬‬ ‫‪system and is widely spoken.‬‬ ‫‪(+965) 25 52 532‬‬ ‫‪• In Oman: (+968) 24 793 135‬‬ ‫‪Topography: Austria combines a truly unique variety of land‬‬‫‪scapes, climatic conditions and flora. Austria’s landscapes range Rail Travel‬‬ ‫‪from the peaks of the Alps to hill country and plains. Its high- The Austrian Federal Railways operates a total network stretch‬‬‫‪est mountain is the Grossglockner (3,797 metres / 12,530 feet). ing over 5,800 kilometres. Trains are generally on time and of a‬‬ ‫‪Its longest river is the Danube, which flows through Austria for very high standard with carriages available in 1st and 2nd class.‬‬ ‫‪a length of 350 kilometres (220 miles). There are about 9,000 There are frequent direct connections serving Austrian cities‬‬ ‫‪lakes in Austria, of which 5,000 are natural and 4,000 are man and connections with all neighbouring countries.‬‬ ‫‪made.‬‬ ‫‪Car hire:‬‬ ‫‪Climate: At a latitude of 42° North, the climate is moderate and Facilities are available at all international airports in larger cities‬‬ ‫‪generally agreeable. In summer the temperature ranges from and at most of the major railway stations.‬‬ ‫‪15 degrees (night) to 27 degrees (day) Celsius.‬‬ ‫‪More information:‬‬ ‫‪How to get there:‬‬ ‫‪Austria can easily reached by plane. Munich Airport is well con‬‬‫‪nected with every major city in the Middle East. From Munich‬‬ ‫‪it is 1 ½ hours to Austria by bus or train. Austrian Airlines, Emir‬‬‫‪ates, Qatar Airways and China Air (from Abu Dhabi) all operate‬‬ ‫‪direct services between Vienna and the Gulf.‬‬


Luxury hotels Vienna is renowned for its distinctive top-end accommodation. The hotels Sacher, Imperial, Bristol, Palais Coburg and the Grand Hotel are among the most beautiful traditional houses in Vienna. International chains such as Marriott, SAS, InterContinental, Hilton and Le Meridien offer their guests in Vienna the luxurious comfort they expect.

First for fashion

Vienna Imperial Vienna


:‫ف ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـي ـ ـ ـي ـ ـن ــا‬ ،‫فيين ــا االمرباطوريــة‬

Austria’s premier city boasts no end of stunning monuments, abundant parks and major concerts all year round

‫يف العا�صمة النم�ساوية لي�س هناك نهاية للمعامل الأثرية املهمة واحلدائق‬ .‫العامة واحلفالت املو�سيقية الكربى طيلة ال�سنة‬

The footprints of Vienna’s imperial past are everywhere and the splendid Ring Boulevard is a showcase to the former monarchy. In the mid-19th Century, this large-scale boulevard surrounding the historic city centre was built, incorporating representative public buildings, private mansions, public squares and parks, monuments, and elegant cafés. In the centre of the old city, you can see the Imperial Palace from where the Habsburgs ruled their empire for more than seven centuries and the imperial family lived until 1918. The former residence and representational rooms as well as the glittering crown jewels and insignia are on display today. Baroque Schönbrunn Palace served as the summer residence of the Habsburgs. Surrounded by a delightful park landscape with many beautiful carpet beds, a Palm House, and many elaborate fountains, Schönbrunn has enchanted its visitors right up to the present day. In the 250-year-old zoo, right next to the Palace, is a modern tropical Rain Forest House. Another fine specimen of baroque architecture is Belvedere Palace, which consists of two palaces, the Upper and the Lower Belvedere, which frame an extensive park.

‫يف فيينا جتدون ب�صمات املا�ضي العريق لالمرباطورية النم�ساوية يف كل‬ ‫مكان وهناك اجلادة الدائرية الرائعة التي تنعك�س �صورة م�شرقة من حقبة‬ ‫ يف منت�صف القرن التا�سع ع�شر مت بناء هذه اجلادة الهائلة‬.‫امللكية ال�سابقة‬ ‫ وهناك تقوم �أي�ضاً مبان عامة وم�ساكن‬،‫التي حتيط مبركز املدينة التاريخية‬ ‫ يف قلب املدينة‬.‫خا�صة و�ساحات وحدائق عامة ون�صب تذكارية ومقاه فخمة‬ ‫القدمية ترون الق�صر االمرباطوري الذي كان مقر عائلة هاب�سبورغ التي‬ ‫ امل�سكن‬.1918 ‫حكمت تلك االمرباطورية �أكرث من �سبعة قرون حتى عام‬ ‫ ميكن‬،‫ باال�ضافة �إىل جموهرات التاج الرباقة‬،‫ال�سابق وغرفه ال�ساحرة‬ .‫للزوار ر�ؤيتها و�أخذ فكرة عن التاريخ العظيم لتلك االمرباطورية‬ ‫ وذلك الق�صر‬.‫�أما ق�صر �شونربون فقد كان املقر ال�صيفي لعائلة هاب�سبورغ‬ ‫حتيـط به حدائق خالبة والـ” بامل هاو�س” والعديد من الأحوا�ض التي‬ ‫ وما زال ق�صر �شونربون‬.‫تعطيها النوافري الفخمة منظراً ي�سحر الألباب‬ ‫ ويف حديقة احليوانات التي‬.‫حمط �إعجاب الزوار منذ بنائه وحتى اليوم‬ ‫ هناك مبنـى مداري‬،‫ �سنة واملوجودة على مقربة من الق�صر‬250 ‫�أن�شئت قبل‬ ‫ ومن النماذج اجلميلـة‬.”Rain Forest House“ ‫الطابع ي�سمـى‬ ‫ هناك ق�صر بلفيدير الذي ي�ضم‬Baroque‫عن فن العمارة الباروكية‬ ‫ق�صرين هما بلفيدير الأعلى وبلفيدير الأ�سفل اللذان يقعان و�سط حديقة‬ .‫�ضخمة‬

Connoisseurs and lovers of luxurious objects will appreciate the first-class quality of the products of traditional Viennese companies. Tailor-made shoes by Ludwig Reiter, crocodile handbags by Rupert A. Weinberger, exclusive ladies’ handbags by Susanne Kitz as well as hand-embroidered bed and table linen of the Schwäbische Jungfrau on Graben are just a few examples of Viennese crafts with an international reputation. The latter has already fitted out the palaces of oriental princes with fine linen and laces. On Kohlmarkt and Graben you will find the boutiques of international designers such as Hèrmes, Gucci, Chanel, Louis Vuitton and many others. Sparkling jewellery is offered at Tiffany, Cartier, and Haban. The Viennese jeweler Köchert continues the tradition of being the former purveyor to the Imperial court. The main emphasis lays on modern jewelry, but one can also obtain adaptations of the famous stars worn by Empress Elisabeth (“Sisi”) in her hair.

:‫الفنــادق الفخم ــة‬

‫ وفنـادق زاخري وامبرييـال وبري�ستـول‬،‫ت�شتهر فيينا مب�ساكنها الفخمة‬ ‫ وهي من �أجمل امل�ساكن التقليديـة يف‬،”‫وباليه كوبورغ والـ “غراند �أوتيـل‬ ”‫ وتوفر جمموعات الفنادق الدولية كالـ “ماريوت” و”�إ�س اي �إ�س‬.‫فيينـا‬ ‫ لنزالئها الراحة‬،”‫و”انرتكونتيننتـال” والـ” هيلتـون” و” املرييديان‬ .‫التامة والفخامة التي ين�شدون‬

:‫الأولــى فـي جمــال الأزيــاء‬

‫اخلرباء وع�شاق ال�سلع النفي�سة �سيعجبون كثرياً باجلودة العالية ملنتجات‬ ‫ هناك الأحذية املتقنة ال�صنع لدى لودفيغ رايرت‬.‫�شركات فيينا التقليدية‬ ‫ فاينربغر‬.‫وحقائب اليد امل�صنوعة من جلد التما�سيح لدى روبرت �أ‬ ‫ باال�ضافة �إىل‬،‫واحلقائب الن�سائية املتميزة والثمينة لدى �سوزان كيت�س‬ ‫�أغطية كتانية للأ�س َرة والطاوالت واملطرزة باليد لدى �شفيبي�شه يونغفراو‬ ‫ وهذا لي�س �سوى غي�ض من في�ض يف ما يتعلق بالفن‬.‫يف �شـارع غرابن‬ .‫احلريف يف فيينا الذي ا�شتهر بامتيازه على امل�ستوى العاملي‬ ‫ يف‬.‫* وذلك الفن احلريف نرى مناذج منه يف ق�صور �أمراء �شرقيني‬ :‫كوهلماركت وغرابن �ستجدون بوتيكات امل�صممني الدوليني من �أمثال‬ ‫ �أما املجوهرات‬.‫هرم�س وغوت�شي و�شانيل ولوي فويتون وكثريون غريهم‬ ‫ �أما‬.‫ذات الب�صي�ص الباهر فهي معرو�ضة لدى تيفاين وكارتييه وهابان‬ ‫ فيحافظ على التقليد املتبع �إذ �أنه كان‬،‫ ومقره فيينا‬،‫ال�صائغ كوخريت‬ ‫ �أكرث ما يتم الرتكيز عليه هو‬.‫مق�صد البالط الأمرباطوري ال�سابق‬ ‫املجوهرات الع�صرية �إال �أنه من املمكن �أي�ضاً احل�صول على ن�سخ مقلدة‬ ‫للنجوم ال�شهرية التي كانت االمرباطورة اليزابيت (“�سي�سي”) تغرزها يف‬ .‫�شعرها‬


‫اجلبال �ست�سرهم حقيقة �أن امل�سافة الق�صرية من فيينا �إىل جبال “هوي‬ ‫فاند” و”�شنيربغ” و”زميرينغ” ميكن زيارتها خالل يوم واحد فقط‪.‬‬ ‫وميكن جلميع �أفراد العائلة اال�ستمتاع برحلة “توبوغان” ال�صيفية مل�سافة‬ ‫‪ 850‬مرتاً يف مرج “هوي فاند”‪.‬‬

‫‪rages will appreciate the short distance between Vienna and the‬‬ ‫‪mountains Hohe Wand, Schneeberg and Semmering which can‬‬ ‫‪be visited within a day. The entire family can enjoy the 850-me‬‬‫‪tre summer toboggan ride at the Hohe Wand meadow.‬‬

‫من الواحات التي يحيط بها املاء والتي حتظى ب�شعبية كبرية هناك “ لوباو”‬ ‫و”�أولد دانوب” و”دانوب �آيالند” و”دانوب كانال”‪ .‬ونن�صحكم ب�شكل خا�ص‬

‫‪Lobau, Old Danube, Danube Island, and Danube Canal are‬‬ ‫‪popular Viennese oases on the water. Especially recommended‬‬

‫حيــاة اللي ــل‪:‬‬

‫* توفر فيينا‪ ،‬مدينة املو�سيقى االلكرتونية‪ ،‬برناجماً �ضخماً ومنوعاً ملن‬ ‫يرغبون يف ارتياد النوادي‪ .‬هناك “فليك�س” الذي يحظى ب�شهرة عاملية‪،‬‬ ‫وهو ي�شكل نقطة لتالقي �أ�صدقاء “دوب” و”تكنو” و”درام �أن با�س”‪.‬‬ ‫�أما الـ”يو‪ ”4‬فقد بات �أ�شبه باال�سطورة منذ انطالق املوجة اجلديدة‬ ‫يف الثمانينات من القرن املا�ضي‪ .‬وهناك �أي�ضاً ناديان �أكرث فخامة هما‬ ‫“فولك�سغارتن” و “‪. ”Passage‬‬

‫احلدائــق العام ــة‪:‬‬


‫‪Night life‬‬

‫‪Vienna, the city of electronic music, offers a large and varied‬‬ ‫‪programme for clubbing fans. The Flex is an internationally re‬‬‫‪nowned in-spot for friends of Dub, Techno and Drum’n’Bass.‬‬ ‫‪The U4 has been legendary since the new wave era of the‬‬ ‫‪1980s. More elegant but just as hip are the clubs Volksgarten‬‬ ‫‪and Passage.‬‬

‫‪Park life‬‬

‫* تغطي اخل�ضرة حوايل ‪ 50‬باملائة من م�ساحة فيينا مما يجعلها املدينة‬ ‫املثالية ملن ين�شدون الراحة واال�سرتخاء‪.‬‬

‫‪Almost 50 per cent of Vienna is taken up by green space. It is‬‬ ‫‪the ideal city to find rest and relaxation.‬‬

‫* يف �شتاتبارك وفولك�سغارتن وبورغ غارتن ترون مناظر خمتلفة عما ترونه‬ ‫يف و�سط املدينة ولكن تلك املناظر ال ينق�صها اجلمال والروعة‪ .‬واحلدائق‬ ‫الكبرية لق�صري “�شونربون” و “بلفيدير” ميكن الو�صول �إليها ب�سهولة‪.‬‬

‫‪Stadtpark, Volksgarten, and Burggarten offer a welcome change‬‬ ‫‪from sightseeing in the city centre and the grand parks of the‬‬ ‫‪Schönbrunn and Belvedere palaces are easy to reach.‬‬

‫* �إىل ذلك ف�إن حمميتي احليوانات‪ :‬الـ”براتر” والـ” الينت�س” و�أي�ضاً‬ ‫“فيينا وودز” مالئمة متاماً لي�س لهواة امل�شي العادي فح�سب بل �أي�ضاً لهواة‬ ‫امل�شي الطويل وركوب الدراجات والهرولة‪ .‬والذين يرغبون يف التوجه �إىل‬

‫‪The Prater, the Lainz Game Preserve, and the Vienna Woods‬‬ ‫‪are perfectly suited not only for extensive walks but also for‬‬ ‫‪more ambitious hiking, biking, and jogging. Fans of mountain‬‬


Chocolate spa

Every season is suitable for visiting the thermal bath and wellness park Oberlaa or theHammam at Aux Gazelles – you will always find relaxation. The Pure Day Spa in the first district is an exceptional experience even for the most demanding visitors. Many Viennese luxury hotels offer their own wellness areas or spa programs. For instance, you may have yourself covered in delicious chocolate at the Sacher Spa of the Sacher Hotel during their exclusive Chocolate Treatment.

Premier healthcare

Due to the first-class medical care and the high standard of its hospitals, Vienna enjoys the reputation of a world capital with top marks in medicine. Private clinics such as the Privatklinik Döbling and the Wiener Privatklinik offer their patients from Austria and abroad not only optimal medical treatment and care but also the comfort and service of a luxury hotel.

Arab-friendly Vienna

is a day trip with a Danube boat into the picturesque, beautiful Wachau region. An exciting adventure for small visitors is Minopolis, a childrensized city on an area of 6,000 square meters with a Fun Zone and free area. Children from four-to-12 years can dip into the professional world of adults in 25 theme stations.

Winter wonders During December, numerous winter markets invite you to a romantic stroll in front of historic backdrops. The markets in front of City Hall and the Schönbrunn and Belvedere palaces are among the most atmospheric and add sparkle to everyone’s eyes. At the change of the year, winter in Vienna pulls out all the stops for New Year’s Eve. And at the beginning of the New Year, you can ice-skate to your heart’s content at “Ice Dream” in the open air on Rathausplatz.


‫بالقيام برحلة نهارية يف قارب يف الدانوب �إىل منطقة “ فاخاو” التي تتميز‬ .‫مبناظرها اخلالبة والأخاذة‬ ‫ وهي مدينة‬،‫بالن�سبة لل�صغار هناك مدينة “مينوبولي�س” للأطفال‬ ‫ مرت مربع وفيها منطقة للألعاب و�أخرى ميكن‬6000 ‫م�صغرة على م�ساحة‬ ‫ وميكن للأطفال من �سن الرابعة حتى‬.‫للأطفال �أن ي�سرحوا وميرحوا فيها‬ .‫ من جماالت الرتفيه‬25 ‫الثانية ع�شرة م�شاركة الكبار عاملهم يف‬

In Vienna, it is most natural that people with different religions live together. As early as 1912, Austria officially recognized Islam as a religion; and it was strengthened by the founding of an Islamic religious community. In 1979, the mosque at Hubertusdamm in the 21st district was opened. First-class hotels offer their guests the Koran and a compass for daily prayers. Halal dishes can be found at Vienna’s Naschmarkt and Shisha may be smoked, among others, in the cozy atmosphere of the caférestaurant Aux Gazelles.

:‫منتجــع ال�شوكوالتــة‬

‫ميكنكم زيارة احلمامات ال�ساخنة وحديقة “�أوبرال” و”همام” يف “�أو‬ ‫غازيل” يف كافة الف�صول ـ و�ستجدون الراحة يف كل مرة تقومون فيها بتلك‬ ‫” يف املنطقة الأوىل‬Pure Day Spa“‫ وت�شكل زيارة منتجع‬.‫الزيارة‬ ‫جتربة غري عادية حتى بالن�سبة للزوار الذين يعترب �إر�ضا�ؤهم “مهمة‬ ‫ وهناك عدد كبريمن فنادق فيينا الفخمة له مناطقه وبراجمه‬،”‫�شاقة‬ ‫ على �سبيل املثال ميكنك �أن تغطي نف�سك بال�شوكوالتة‬.‫الرتفيهية اخلا�صة‬ ‫ال�شهية يف منتجع “زاخري” يف “زاخري �أوتيل” وهذا العالج بال�شوكوالتة‬ .‫يتوفر ح�صرا يف ذلك الفندق‬

:‫عنايــة �صحيــة مـن الدرجــة الأولــى‬

‫كونها تقدم خدمات طبية من الدرجة الأوىل ونظراً الرتفاع م�ستوى‬ ‫م�ست�شفياتها حتظى فيينا مبكانة مرموقة بني عوا�صم ومدن العامل يف‬ ‫ والعيادات اخلا�صة كالـ “بريفاتكلينيك دوبلنغ” والـ “فيرن‬،‫املجال الطبي‬ ‫ العناية والعالج‬،‫ من النم�سا وخارجها‬،‫بريفاتكلينيك” ال ت�ؤمن ملر�ضاها‬ ‫الطبي املمتاز فح�سب بل �أي�ضاً الراحة واخلدمات الراقية التي توفرها‬ .‫الفنادق الفخمة‬

:‫فيينــا �صديقــة العــرب‬

‫من الطبيعي جداً �أن ترى يف فيينا �أ�شخا�صاً من ديانات خمتلفة يعي�شون‬ ‫ اعرتفت النم�سا بالإ�سالم دينا وعزز ذلك ت�أ�سي�س‬1912 ‫ ففي العام‬.ً‫معا‬ ‫ افتتح امل�سجد يف هوبرتو�سدام يف املنطقة‬1979 ‫ ويف عام‬.‫الرابطة اال�سالمية‬ ‫ وتقدم فنادق الدرجة االوىل لنزالئها القر�آن الكرمي‬.‫احلادية والع�شرين‬ ‫ و�إىل ذلك ميكن احل�صول‬.‫وبو�صلة ليتمكنوا من �أداء �صلواتهم اليومية‬ ‫ كما ميكن تدخني ال�شي�شة‬،‫على الأطعمة احلالل يف “ نا�شماركت” يف فيينا‬ .”‫وغريها يف اجلو الدافئ الذي ي�ؤمنه املقهى ـ املطعم “�أوغازيل‬

:‫عجائــب ف�صــل ال�شتـاء‬

‫خالل ف�صل ال�شتاء يدعوك عدد كبري من الأ�سواق ال�شتوية �إىل جولة‬ ”‫ الأ�سواق املوجودة �أمام الـ “�سيتي هول‬.‫رومن�سية �أمام لوحات تاريخية‬ ‫ تعترب من بني الأروع يف العامل وهي‬،”‫وق�صري “�شونربون” و”بلفيدير‬ ‫ترتك لدى كل من يزورها �أثراً كبرياً وذلك بنتيجة ما تثريه من �إعجاب‬ .‫نظراً لت�ألقها وغناها‬ ‫ويف ليلة ر�أ�س ال�سنة تفتح فيينا ذراعيها لت�ستقبل الزوار برتحيب ال مثيل‬ ‫ ويف بداية العام اجلديد ميكنكم التزلج على اجلليد واال�ستمتاع بذلك‬.‫له‬ ‫�إىل �أبعد احلدود يف م�ضمار تزلج الـ “�آي�س درمي” يف الهواء الطلق يف �سـاحة‬ .”‫بناء البلدية “راتهاو�سبالت�س‬


‫الـمــقاه ــي‬


charge. You may sit and do whatever you are doing for as long as you wish. And it is a place to meet people. Friends meet just to chat or gossip. Business partners negotiate deals involving great sums of money over a Melange. And whatever lobbying is done in Vienna, it is likely to happen in a coffeehouse. Many of them offer meals and delicious pastries are invariably offered at coffeehouses. Some of the most famous coffeehouses are Café Landtmann, on splendid Ring Boulevard, or the the Café Sacher, home of the most famous chocolate cake the “Sachertorte”, located at the pedestrian area of Kaerntner Strasse. Try the Café Griensteidl, which used to be a haven for some of the most famous Austrian writers, artists and philosophers or the lavishly decorated Café Central at Herrengasse, which even offers piano music from time to time.

‫ واال�صدقاء يجتمعون للتحدث �أو مناق�شة‬،‫املقهى مكان تلتقي فيه االخرين‬ ‫ ال�شركاء يف االعمال االجتارية يتداولون يف �صفقات تتعلق‬.‫مو�ضوع ما‬ ‫ ومهما كان مو�ضوع النقا�شات �أو املداوالت يف فيينا‬.‫مببالغ مالية كبرية‬ ‫فانه يرجح لها �أن تتم يف �أحد املقاهي التي يقدم عدد كبري منها وجبات‬ .‫ �أما احللويات اللذيذة ف�إنها تقدم دائما يف تلك املقاهي‬،‫كاملة‬ ،‫من بني ا�شهر املقاهـي هناك “كافيه النتمان” الواقع على جادة رينغ الرائعة‬ ‫ وهو‬،”‫و “كافيه زاخري” الذي ينتج ا�شهر كعكة �شوكوالتة “زاخري تورتي‬ “ ‫ زوروا‬.”‫يقع يف املنطقة املخ�ص�صة للم�شاة يف �شارع “كريترن �شرتا�سه‬ ‫كافيه غرين�شتايدل” التي طاملا كانت املقهى املف�ضل بالن�سبة لعدد من‬ ”‫ او مقهى “كافيه �سنرتال‬،‫ا�شهر الفال�سفة والفنانني والكتاب النم�ساويني‬ .‫يف هريينغا�سه الذي يقدم معزوفات على البيانو من وقت لآخر‬ .‫املقاهي يف فيينا قدمية ولكنها مفعمة بال�شباب واحليوية‬

The Viennese coffeehouse is old - and yet it displays youth and vitality.

How did the exotic coffee-bean find its way into Vienna? Numerous legends abound. One version which seems the most plausible concerns Georg Franz Kolschitzky, who served as a scout between the two opposing camps during the unsuccessful Turkish siege of Vienna in 1683. It seems he was quite fluent in the Turkish language and familiar with Turkish customs. After the end of the siege, Kolschitzky supposedly asked for (and received) large bags of green beans as a reward for his services. In one version, these beans were at first taken to be camel-fodder by the Viennese. However, when roasted and brewed with hot water, they produced a strong aroma and a delightful taste. Kolschitzky eventually opened one of the first coffeehouses in Vienna. Vienna was not the first city to boast a coffeehouse. In fact, the first coffeehouses were built in the harbor cities of Venice and London. But in Vienna, the coffeehouse has been brought to a perfection never equaled elsewhere. Your coffee will arrive on a silver platter accompanied by a small glass of water with a spoon balanced precariously over it. As you sip your coffee, you can read all of the day’s local and a selection of foreign-language newspapers. They are provided free of


‫كيف وجدت حبة النب طريقها اىل فيينا؟ ن�سجت حول هذا املو�ضوع الكثري‬ ،‫ وهي تبدو معقولة �أكرث من �سواها‬،‫ احدى هذه الأ�ساطري‬.‫من الأ�ساطري‬ ‫تتحدث عن غيورغ فرانت�س كول�شيت�سكي الذي عمل كم�ستطلع (خمرب) بني‬ ‫ يبدو‬.1683 ‫مع�سكرين عدوين خالل احل�صار الرتكي الفا�شل لفيينا عام‬ .‫�أن ذلك ال�شخ�ص كان يتكلم الرتكية بطالقة ويعرف العادات الرتكية‬ ‫بعد انتهاء احل�صار قيل �أن كول�شيت�سكي طلب �أكيا�سا كبرية من الفا�صوليا‬ ‫ وقيل �أن �سكان‬.‫اخل�ضراء كمكاف�أة على اخلدمات التي قدمها وكان له ما �أراد‬ ‫ على �أي حال حني‬.‫فيينا �أعتقدوا �أول االمر �أن تلك احلبوب علف للجمال‬ ‫مت حتمي�ص تلك احلبوب وتخمريها يف املاء ال�ساخن فاحت منها رائحة‬ ‫زكية وكان طعم ذلك املاء ال�ساخن لذيذاً الحقاً مما دفع كول�شيت�سكي لفتح‬ .‫�أول مقهى يف فيينا‬ ‫ يف احلقيقة‬.‫على �أي حال لي�ست فيينا املدينة االوىل التي يفتتح فيها مقهى‬ ‫ ولكن مقاهي العا�صمة‬،‫مت افتتاح �أول مقهيني يف مدينتي البندقية ولندن‬ .‫النم�ساوية و�صلت اىل م�ستوى رفيع مل ت�ضارعها فيه �أي مدينة �أخرى‬ ‫ ميكنك‬.‫ي�صلك فنجان القهوة على �صينية ف�ضية مع كوب من املاء وملعقة‬ ‫وانت تر�شف فنجان القهوة قراءة كافة �صحف اليوم املحلية واالجنبية دون‬ .‫مقابل كما �أنه ميكنك اجللو�س وموا�صلة ما تقوم به ملدة تختارها �أنت‬


‫الثقاف ــة‬

‫ت�شكل العا�صمة النم�ساوية فيينا ومدينة زالت�سبورغ (ولي�س �سالزبورغ كما‬ ‫تلفظ خط�أ) مركزين ثقافيني عامليني‪ .‬وزوار النم�سا ي�صبحون يف حرية من‬ ‫�أمرهم حني اتخاذ القرار يف �ش�أن اختيار املراكز ال�سياحية الثقافية والفنية‬ ‫التي يجدر بهم زيارتها وذلك نظراً لكرثتها وروعتها‪ .‬ولع�شاق الثقافة‬ ‫هناك الكثري من املراكز الثقافية التي ميكنهم التعرف عليها عن كثب‪.‬‬


‫معلومــات �سياحيــة هامــة‬ ‫ثقافة دون �أي تكلفة يف فيينا‪ :‬من �أبرز الأن�شطة ال�صيفية يف فيينا مهرجان‬ ‫الأفالم الذي يقام �أمام قاعة مدينة فيينا‪ ،‬وهناك تعر�ض جماناً �أفالم‬ ‫رائعة فازت �أو ر�شحت لنيل الأو�سكار على �شا�شات كبرية معظم الليايل‪.‬‬ ‫و”مهرجان جزيرة الدانوب” مهرجان جماين ي�ستمر ثالثة �أيام تقدم فيه‬ ‫عرو�ض على ‪ 27‬م�سرح وهو يقام يف �شهرحزيران ( يونيو) من كل �سنة‪.‬‬ ‫ومن بني العرو�ض البارزة التي ت�شهدها ليايل ذلك املهرجان ال�ساحرة عر�ض‬ ‫الألعاب النارية الذي يجمع جمهوراً كبرياً كل مرة يقام فيها ومن بدايته‬ ‫حتى نهايته‪.‬‬

‫�إن حي املتاحف (‪ )MQ‬يف فيينا هو �أحد �أكرب ع�شرة �أحياء ثقافية يف‬ ‫العامل وهو جماور للمدينة القدمية يف ا�سطبالت االمرباطورية ال�سابقة‪.‬‬ ‫وهناك جتدون م�ؤ�س�سات فنية خمتلفة ومطاعم ومقاهي وحوانيت وذلك‬ ‫على م�ساحة تتجاوز ‪� 640‬ألف قدم مربع‪.‬‬ ‫هذا ال�صيف �ست�ستمر عرو�ض الأوبرا وامل�سرحيات واحلفالت املو�سيقية يف‬ ‫“ مهرجان زالت�سبورغ” ملدة ت�صل �إىل �ستة �أ�سابيع‪ .‬وهذا املهرجان يجتذب‬ ‫�أف�ضل قواد الفرق املو�سيقية ومديري امل�سارح والفرق املو�سيقية واملغنني‬ ‫واملمثلني والعازفني‪.‬‬ ‫مع �إفتتاح متحف الفن املعا�صر “‪”Museum For Moderne‬‬ ‫حتقق زالت�سبورغ لنف�سها �سمعة ممتازة يف ما يتعلق بالفن املعا�صر‪ .‬وموقع‬

‫املتحف �أعلى جبل مونخ�سربغ يجعله حتفة رائعة‪ ،‬وميكن للزوار ر�ؤية �سري‬ ‫الأعمال بالدخول من خالل ال�صخور بوا�سطة امل�صعد املوجود هناك‪.‬‬ ‫يف مهرجان الرق�ص ال�صيفي يف �إن�سربوك الذي يقام يف حزيران (يونيو)‬ ‫ومتوز(يوليو) هناك برنامج ثقايف �ضخم باال�ضافة �إىل رق�ص معا�صر من‬ ‫الواليات املتحدة ورق�ص الفالمنكو اال�سباين وباليه �أوروبي منوع‪.‬‬ ‫خلفية م�سرح ت�سحر الألباب وجو ودي وفريد من نوعه ووجود جنوم‬ ‫دوليني‪ ،‬كل ذلك يجعل الأم�سية يف” م�سرح قلعة فنكن�شتاين” يف كارينثيا‬ ‫جتربة ال تن�سى‪ .‬وباال�ضافة اىل ذلك ف�إن مو�سيقى البوب والروك والأوبرا‬ ‫تنطلق بان�سجام قل نظريه‪.‬‬


‫مدينة �سالزبورغ‬ ‫مالحظة هامة‬

‫ل�ست بحاجة �إىل االنتظار لفرتة طويلة حل�ضور حفلة مو�سيقية �أو م�شاهدة‬ ‫م�سرحية يف �سالزبورغ �سواء كنتم ترغبون يف التمتع بالثقافة �أو الت�سوق‬ ‫�أو القيام بنزهة طويلة‪� ،‬أو ق�ضاء بع�ض الوقت يف مقهى �أو لق�ضاء يوم يف‬ ‫املدينة‪ ،‬ف�إن �سالزبورغ تتميز بالعديد من الوجوه ال�ساحرة‪ .‬وميكنكم �أن‬ ‫ت�شاهدوا يف هذه املدينة العابقة بالتاريخ معامل تنتمي �إىل العديد من‬ ‫الع�صور التاريخية املتباينة‪ .‬و�إذا ما قمتم بجولة خالل ال�شوارع ال�ضيقة‬ ‫ف�ستجدون فيها مبان تعود �إىل الع�صور الو�سطى‪ ،‬ع�صر الرومان�سية‪ ،‬ع�صر‬ ‫النه�ضة‪ ،‬الع�صر الباروكي بالإ�ضافة �إىل املنازل الكال�سيكية الأنيقة التي‬ ‫تعود �إىل الع�صر امللكي‪ ،‬وكلها جتاور بع�ضها البع�ض‪ .‬وحتتوي املدينة على‬ ‫العديد من املعامل التي يتعني �أن ال تفوت ال�سائح فر�صة زيارتها مثل قلعة‬ ‫هوين �سالزبورغ‪ ،‬الكاتدرائية‪ ،‬ذي ريزدان�س‪ ،‬حدائق مريابيل‪ ،‬ق�صر ونوافري‬ ‫هيلربون ونوافري تريك وق�صر كلي�سهامي‪ .‬وميكنكم القيام بجولة على‬ ‫طول �شارع الت�سوق ال�شهري يف جيرتيد جا�سيه للتمتع بالطابع املميز الذي‬ ‫تت�سم به املدينة‪ .‬كما ميكنكم ق�ضاء بع�ض الوقت يف �أحد املقاهي العديدة‬ ‫بني م�سقط ر�أ�س موتزارت وريزدن�س بالتز والتمتع ب�أجوائها التي تذكر‬ ‫بذلك الزمان الرائع‪.‬‬

‫ع�شق املو�سيقى‬

‫قام املو�سيقار ال�شهري ولفغانغ �أماديو�س موزارت بت�أليف ‪ 350‬من �أروع‬ ‫�أعماله الفنية يف �سالزبورغ‪ ،‬وقد احتفظت املدينة برتاثه املو�سيقي بكثري‬ ‫من احلب‪ .‬هنا يجد الزوار القادمون من كافة �أنحاء العامل �آثار موزارت يف‬ ‫كافة �أنحاء املدينة مثل مكان والدته‪ ،‬م�سكنه ومتثاله‪.‬‬ ‫هناك عالقة حميمة بني �سالزبورغ والفنون حيث ت�ست�ضيف املدينة �أكرث من‬ ‫‪ 4000‬حدث مو�سيقي وم�سرحي على مدار العام‪ ،‬بالإ�ضافة �إىل العديد من‬ ‫الأحداث الثقافية البارزة الأخرى مثل مهرجان ال�صيف‪ ،‬مهرجان اجلاز‬ ‫يف نوفمرب و�أ�سبوع موتزارت يف يناير‪ .‬تتحول �سالزبورغ �إىل مدينة حافلة‬ ‫بالن�شاط والأحداث الهامة يف الأيام التي ت�سبق نهاية العام حيث تنظم‬ ‫العديد من الأحداث مبنا�سبة �أعياد امليالد وعرو�ض “�صوت �سالزبورغ”‪.‬‬

‫جوالت على مواقع ت�صوير الأفالم‬

‫ميكن لع�شاق فيلم “�صوت املو�سيقى” اغتنام فر�صة زيارتهم للمدينة‬ ‫مل�شاهدة الأماكن التي مت فيها ت�صوير ذلك الفيلم ال�شهري يف مدينة‬ ‫�سالزبورغ‪ .‬ويروي الفيلم ق�صة امر�أة تدعى ماريا تهجر �أحد الأديرة‬ ‫النم�ساوية لت�صبح زوجة ل�ضابط �أرمل يعمل يف البحرية‪ ،‬وقد حظي هذا‬ ‫الفيلم مبكانة غري م�سبوقة لدرجة �أن الكثري ممن �شاهدوه يتقاطرون �إىل‬ ‫املنطقة لر�ؤية املكان الذي عا�شت فيه ماريا‪ .‬وت�شمل مواقع ت�صوير الفيلم‪:‬‬ ‫دير نونبريغ‪ ،‬حدائق مريابيل‪ ،‬ميدان ريزدن�س‪� ،‬شارع مون�ش�سبريغ‪ ،‬بركة‬ ‫هور�س‪ ،‬قلعة فرونبورغ وليوبولد�سكرون‪ ،‬كني�سة موند�سي ومبنى �صوت‬ ‫املو�سيقى يف هيلربون‪.‬‬


‫‪Salzburg City‬‬ ‫‪High note‬‬ ‫‪You don’t have to wait long to hear a concert or see a play in‬‬ ‫‪artistic Salzburg Whether you’re coming to enjoy the culture,‬‬ ‫‪go shopping, take a stroll, stop at a café or simply spend a day‬‬ ‫‪in town, Salzburg has many charming facets. No historical age‬‬ ‫‪has failed to leave its mark on this heritage-filled city. Strolling‬‬ ‫‪through the narrow streets you will find buildings dating from‬‬ ‫‪the Middle Ages, Romantic Age, Renaissance, Baroque and the‬‬ ‫‪elegant, classic burgher houses from the monarchy are in close‬‬ ‫‪proximity. Must-see sites include Hohensalzburg Fortress, the‬‬ ‫‪Cathedral, the Residenz, Mirabell Gardens, Hellbrunn Palace‬‬ ‫‪and Trick Fountains and Klessheim Palace. Walk down the shop‬‬‫‪ping street of Getreidegasse and you’ll sense the city’s flair. Stop‬‬ ‫‪off at any of the countless coffee shops between Mozart’s birth‬‬‫‪place and Residenzplatz to soak up the atmosphere.‬‬

‫‪Music mania‬‬ ‫‪The great Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart composed 350 of his finest‬‬ ‫‪works in Salzburg and the city has preserved his musical legacy‬‬ ‫‪with great love and expertise. Visitors from around the world‬‬ ‫‪will find traces of Mozart throughout the city, such as Mozart’s‬‬ ‫‪Birthplace, the Mozart Residence and Mozart Monument.‬‬ ‫‪Salzburg and the arts are inseparable, with the city hosting more‬‬ ‫‪than 4,000 music and theatrical events throughout the year.‬‬ ‫‪Alongside cultural highlights such as the Summer Festival, the‬‬ ‫‪Jazz Festival in November and Mozart Week in January.‬‬ ‫‪Salzburg comes alive at the end of the year with numerable‬‬ ‫‪Advent and New Year’s Eve events, and the Sound of Salzburg‬‬ ‫‪Show.‬‬

‫‪Film set tours‬‬ ‫‪Fans of The Sound of Music must use the opportunity to see‬‬ ‫‪where the famous film was shot in and around Salzburg. The‬‬ ‫‪movie, in which a woman leaves an Austrian convent to become‬‬ ‫‪a governess to a Naval officer widower, has become a cult clas‬‬‫‪sic and many fans still flock to the region to see where Maria‬‬ ‫‪once lived! Film set locations to tick off include the Nonnberg‬‬ ‫‪Convent, Mirabell gardens, Residenz Square, Mönchsberg Ter‬‬‫‪race, Horse pond, Fronburg and Leopoldskron Castle, Mondsee‬‬ ‫‪Church and the Sound of Music gazebo in Hellbrunn.‬‬


ingly popular pursuit is canyoning among the gorges, waterfalls and rock pools and caving, where temperatures remain subzero even in the peak of summer.

‫�أماكن مهمـة ال معـدودة‬

Unlimited high points Author Carl Zuckmayer saw his adopted Salzburgerland homeland as “a piece of paradise” and it’s a view that’s hard to contest. Marvellous mountains, lush meadows, green forests, clear lakes, gourmet foods – this region of Austria ticks so many boxes that tourists are spoilt for choice. Once you have heard a classical concert in Salzburg city, the home of Mozart, leave the sounds behind for the stunning sights beyond. Clear lakes abound in the Salzkammergut region, within the mountain valleys and even on the mountaintops themselves. Take a dip into Wolfgangsee, Fuschlsee, Wallersee, Zeller See or Trumer lakes and feel invigorated. Salzburgerland, Austria’s oldest glacier skiing region, is a magnet for sportsmen in winter and transforms into the ideal terrain for hikers, bikers and climbers in summer. Kitzsteinhorn, in the middle of the ‘Europa-Sportregion Zell am See-Kaprun’ is perfect for relaxing holidays. For 40 years the region has welcomed skiers, sun worshippers and mountain lovers. Come the summer, windsurfing, rafting, kayaking, sailing, diving and water skiing are all available on Lake Zell. An increas-


.‫احلرارة دائما حتت ال�صفر حتى يف �أكرث �أيام ال�صيف حرارة‬

The Grossglockner High Alpine Road, with its 48 kilometres of curves, takes you into the heart of the Hohe Tauern National Park where highlights include the Pasterze, the longest glacier in the eastern Alps, Austria’s highest mountain, the 3,798-metre Grossglockner and the vacation area of Wildkogel.

“ ‫من جهـة ثانية ت�أخذك طريـق الألب العاليـة على جبـل غرو�سـغلوكرن‬ ‫وهذه طريق فيها‬، ”Grossglockner High Alpine Road ‫ �إىل قلب حديقة “هوي تاورن” القومية حيث‬،ً‫ منعطفا‬48 ‫ما ال يقل عن‬ ‫املعامل املهمة ت�شمل “ با�سرتت�سي” وهو �أطول نهر جليدي يف جبال الألب‬ 3798 ‫ وجبل غرو�سغلوكرن ـ �أعلى جبل يف النم�سا وارتفاع قمته‬،‫ال�شرقية‬ .‫مرتاً ـ ومنطقة فيلدكوغل ال�سياحية‬

Those who want a more sky-high experience can fly a glider or hang glider, while at ground level, golfers can ply their skills on two renowned championships courses or the three miniature golf courses.

‫�أولئك الذين يرغبون يف الو�صول �إىل م�ستويات �أعلى ميكنهم الطريان‬ ‫ �أما على الأر�ض ف�إن هواة الغولف ميكنهم ممار�سة‬.‫بطائرة �شراعية‬ ‫هوايتهم واختبار مهارتهم على ملعبني م�شهورين تقام عليهما البطوالت‬ .‫�أو على ثالثة مالعب �أخرى �صغرية‬

The Gastein Valley region built its name on gold but today tourism is the shining star.

،‫بالن�سبة ملنطقة وادي غا�شتاين ف�إن هذه ا�شتهرت يف املا�ضي بف�ضل الذهب‬ ‫ �إىل ذلك لدى باد‬.‫�أما اليوم ف�إن الف�ضل يف �شهرتها يعود �إىل ال�سياحة‬ ‫غا�شتاين وباد هوفغا�شتاين ودورفغا�شتاين الكثري لتقدمه �إىل جميع �أفراد‬ ‫ وقد �أدت وفرة املياه النقية ال�ساخنة �إىل تكاثر املنتجعات واملرافق‬،‫العائلة‬ .‫ذات ال�صلة بال�صحة‬

Bad Gastein, Bad Hofgastein and Dorfgastein have plenty to entertain the whole family and the abundant fresh thermal water has led to a flood of spa and health-related facilities. SalzburgerLand is, without doubt, Austria’s fine dining gourmet destination and more than two thirds of state restaurants have received internationally renowned Gault Millau awards.

‫مما ال �شك فيه �أن زالت�سبورغرالند هي الوجهة املق�صودة يف النم�سا لأولئك‬ ‫ و�أكرث من ثلثي مطاعم تلك الدولة‬،‫الذين يرغبون يف الوجبات النخبوية‬ .ً‫فازت بجوائز “غو ميو” امل�شهورة دوليا‬

‫ر�أى امل�ؤلف كارل ت�سوكماير �أن “زالت�سبورغرالند” التي اختارها موطنا‬ ‫ جبال رائعة ومروج‬.‫ وهذا ر�أي ت�صعب معار�ضته‬،”‫له “قطعة من اجلنة‬ ‫وغابات خ�ضراء وبحريات �صافية وطعام نخبوي ـ هذه املنطقة من النم�سا‬ .‫فيها الكثري مما يجعل ال�سواح يحتارون فيما يختارون‬ ‫ م�سقط ر�أ�س‬،‫* بعد ح�ضورك حفل مو�سيقى كال�سيكية يف مدينة زالت�سبورغ‬ .‫ تنا�سى املو�سيقي ومتتع باملناظر اخلالبة التي تنتظرك‬،‫موت�سارت‬ ‫* البحريات ال�صافية كثرية يف منطقة زالت�سكامرغوت بني الأودية‬ ‫ �إ�سبح يف بحريات ترومر �أو فولفغانغزي‬.ً‫وحتى على قمم اجلبال �أي�ضا‬ ‫ ومنطقة‬.‫�أو فو�شلزي �أو فالرزي �أو ت�سللر زي لت�شعر بالن�شاط واحليوية‬ ‫ �أ�شبه‬،‫ وهي �أقدم مركز تزلج على نهر جليدي يف النم�سا‬،‫زالت�سبورغرالند‬ ‫ما تكون بـ “مغناطي�س” يجذب الريا�ضيني يف ال�شتاء ويتحول يف ال�صيف‬ .‫لي�صري املنطقة املثالية لهواة امل�شي وركوب الدراجات وع�شاق اجلبال‬ ‫* �أما منطقة كيت�س�شتاينهـورن الواقعة يف و�سـط منطقة �أوروبا الريا�ضية‬ Europa – Sportregion Zell am ”‫ كابرون‬- ‫“ت�سيل �أم زي‬ ‫ وملدة‬.‫ فهي ممتازة يف ما يتعلق ب�إجازات اال�ستجمام‬See – Kaprun ‫ املتزجلني وحمبي �أ�شعة‬،‫ وبرتحيب كبري‬،‫ �سنة ا�ستقبلت هذه املنطقة‬40 .‫ال�شم�س واجلبال‬ ‫حني ي�أتي ال�صيف تنتع�ش الريا�ضات املائية كالتزلج على املاء وركوب الرمث‬ .”‫ يف بحرية “ت�سـل‬،‫ باال�ضافة �إىل الغط�س‬،‫( �أو الطوف) والكاياك واملراكب‬ ‫ومن بني الريا�ضات التي حتظى ب�شعبية متزايدة التغلغل يف املمرات ال�ضيقة‬ ‫ حيث‬،‫والذهاب �إىل م�ساقط املياه والربك املوجودة بني ال�صخور والكهوف‬


‫‪Leisure on the lake‬‬

‫ا�ستجمام على البحرية‬ ‫ت�ستقطب بحرية زيل عدداً كبرياً من ع�شاق الإبحار من املحرتفني والهواة‬ ‫يف كل عام‪ ،‬وهي تتمتع بطبيعة �ساحرة تعززها �أجواء احلفاوة ودفء ال�ضيافة‬ ‫مما جعل منها وجهة مثالية لل�سياح العرب‬ ‫وتقع بحرية زيل بني جبال كيتز�شتاينهورن و�شميتنهوه و�سط منطقة‬ ‫�أوروبا الريا�ضية “يوروبا �سبورتريجن”‪ ،‬وهي ت�ستقطب �أعداداً متنامية‬ ‫من الزوار الباحثني عن ق�ضاء عطالت ممتعة �ضمن اجواء فريدة‪ .‬ومتتد‬ ‫البحرية على م�ساحة ‪ 4.7‬كيلومرتاً مربعاً‪ ،‬لتوفر بذلك خيارات ترفيهية‬ ‫رائعة للزوار‪ ،‬ف�إىل جانب النزهات على �شواطئها الرائعة ميكنكم القيام‬ ‫برحلة يف قارب �صغري او القيام برحلة على منت �سفينة “�إم �إ�س �شمينت‬ ‫هيهه”‪ ،‬و�صو ًال �إىل �شواطئ �سونهوف وثامري�سباخ‪ ،‬والتمتع بتناول‬ ‫ت�شكيالت من �أ�شهى امل�أكوالت على منت ال�سفينة‪.‬‬

‫معامل جذب رائعة‬ ‫تزخر املنطقة بالعديد من املعامل التي ت�ست�أثر باهتمام الزوار كما �أنها‬ ‫تتمتع بطبيعة خالبة‪ .‬مثل التي توفرها منطقة خزانات املياه الألبية يف‬ ‫كابرون‪ .‬وميكنكم االن�ضمام �إىل رحلة برفقة دليل �سياحي للتعرف على‬ ‫ال�سد الذي يحتجز ‪ 81.2‬مليون مرت مكعب من املياه‪ ،‬و�ستدركون مدى‬ ‫روعة هذه الأعجوبة املائية‪ .‬و�إذا ما خطر لكم القيام بنزهة على املمر‬ ‫اخل�شبي التقليدي ل�سيجموند ثون كالم ف�إنكم �ست�شعرون بالت�أكيد بجريان‬ ‫النهر الهادئ يدغدغ �أحا�سي�سكم‪.‬‬

‫وميكن الو�صول ب�سهولة �إىل يوروبا �سبورتريجن‪ ،‬حيث �أن حمطة زيل‬ ‫لل�سكة احلديد تربط املنطقة ب�شبكة جيدة من القطارات املحلية وقطارات‬ ‫الرحالت الطويلة‪ .‬عالوة على �أن زيل حتتوي على مدرج �صغري للطائرات‬ ‫لأولئك الذين يف�ضلون ال�سفر يف طائراتهم اخلا�صة‪ .‬وميكنكم ال�سفر من‬ ‫وال ي�ستغرق الأمر �أكرث من ب�ضعة دقائق لالنتقال من ال�شاطئ املفتوح و�إىل املدينة بال�سيارة ب�سهولة وي�سر من ميونيخ‪ ،‬فيينا‪ ،‬و�سالزبورغ‪ ،‬يف رحلة‬ ‫للبحرية �إىل قمة كيتز�شتاينهورن املهيبة‪ ،‬حيث ميكنكم التمتع مب�شاهدة متر عرب بع�ض من �أروع املناطق الطبيعية مبا فيها جرو�س جلوكرن‪� ،‬أعلى‬ ‫�أروع املناظر الطبيعية لقمم كيتز�شتاينهورن البالغ ارتفاعها ‪ 2.900‬مرتاً جبل يف النم�سا‪ ،‬ولهذا ين�صح الزوار با�صحاب كامريا معهم اللتقاط ما‬ ‫املغطاة بالثلوج حتى يف ال�صيف‪ ،‬وميكنكم ركوب زالجات املنحدرات يف املو�سم يحلو لهم من �صور خالبة‪.‬‬ ‫الدافئ مما يوفر متعة حقيقية لل�صغار والكبار على حد �سواء‪ .‬وت�ساهم هذه‬ ‫الأجواء الفريدة والأن�شطة اجلذابة يف تعزيز جاذبية هذه املنطقة بالن�سبة‬ ‫لأعداد متزايدة من ال�سياح العرب الذين يف�ضلون الأجواء املعتدلة‪.‬‬ ‫ومن البديهي �أي�ضاً القيام برحلة الأحالم �إىل “زيل �أم �سي” التي تزخر‬ ‫باملتاجر املتخ�ص�صة الواقعة �ضمن �شوارع �ضيقة يف مركز املدينة القدمية‪،‬‬ ‫والتي ت�ستقطب الزوار ال�ستك�شاف كل جديد وبهيج‪ .‬و�إىل جانب اخلدمة‬ ‫املتميزة‪ ،‬توفر هذه املتاجر �أي�ضاً كل ما ميكن �أن حتتاجونه لق�ضاء عطلة‬ ‫مثالية‪ .‬ويتعني �أن ال تفوت ال�سائح فر�صة زيارة املتاجر التي ت�صطف بني‬ ‫املطاعم واملباين وفق طراز عريق يعزز متعة الت�سوق فيها‪.‬‬

‫‪The region is surrounded by many easily accessible visitor at‬‬‫‪tractions and beauty spots. The Alpine reservoirs in Kaprun are‬‬ ‫‪an impressive sight. Take a guided tour through the inner life‬‬ ‫‪of the dam that holds back 81.2 million cubic metres of wa‬‬‫‪ter to really see this aquatic marvel! Walking on the traditional‬‬ ‫‪wooden gangplanks of ‘Sigmund Thun Klamm’ you can feel the‬‬ ‫‪age-old course of the river getting under your skin.‬‬ ‫‪Travelling to the ‘Europa-Sportregion’ is really no problem. Zell‬‬ ‫‪railway station links the region to a good network of local and‬‬ ‫‪long-distance trains. Zell even has a small airfield for people‬‬ ‫‪who prefer to travel in their own plane. The journey is also eas‬‬‫‪ily done by car on the motorways from Munich, Vienna, and‬‬ ‫‪Salzburg. Make sure you have your camera at the ready to take‬‬ ‫‪a photo of proud Grossglockner, Austria’s highest mountain.‬‬

‫‪Lake Zell attracts its fair share of experienced sailors and keen‬‬ ‫‪amateurs each year and the surrounding area’s warm hospital‬‬‫‪ity continues to create waves with Arab travellers‬‬ ‫‪Lake Zell, located between the Kitzsteinhorn and Schmitten‬‬‫‪höhe mountains in the centre of the ‘Europa-Sportregion’,‬‬ ‫‪draws visitors each year in the same way that holidaymakers‬‬ ‫‪flock to the Gulf ’s shoreline. The 4.7 square kilometres of the‬‬ ‫‪lake invite you to go on a leisurely boat trip. A voyage aboard‬‬ ‫‪MS Schmittenhöhe, for instance, takes you to the shores of‬‬ ‫‪Sonnhof and Thumersbach as well as on a culinary journey with‬‬ ‫‪the on-board catering.‬‬ ‫‪It just takes you a few minutes to get from the lakeside lido‬‬ ‫‪to the summit of majestic Kitzsteinhorn. There is finest snow‬‬ ‫‪on the 2,900-metre top of Kitzsteinhorn even in summer - a‬‬ ‫‪toboggan ride in the middle of the warm season will provide a‬‬ ‫‪real adventure for all children. This might be one reason why‬‬ ‫‪this region has struck a chord with warm weather-loving Arab‬‬ ‫‪travellers in recent years.‬‬ ‫‪Naturally, a visit to dreamy Zell am See is a must, too. There‬‬ ‫‪are numerous specialist shops in the narrow streets of the old‬‬ ‫‪town centre that invite you to go exploring. Apart from their‬‬ ‫‪excellent service, they offer everything you might need for a‬‬ ‫‪perfect holiday. The shops tucked in between the restaurants‬‬ ‫‪and buildings in the style of days long gone make your shop‬‬‫‪ping spree a real treat.‬‬ ‫‪Central location‬‬




Swarovski A trip to Swarovski Crystal Worlds is a treat for the eyes and ears Swarovski Kristallwelten, or Swarovski Crystal Worlds, is a memorable exhibition experience consisting of an imaginative, underground Chambers of Wonder centred around a crystal theme. The most visited tourist attraction in Tyrol, located in Wattens, 15 kilometres east of Innsbruck, incorporates magical rooms that evoke exciting sensory impressions of crystal. More than five million visitors have had their eyes lit up by the stunning displays since the complex opened in 1995. What originally set out to be an extraordinary gesture to mark the 100-year anniversary of the founding of the Swarovski Crystal company, has developed into a real crowd-puller in the 12 years of its existence. Guarding the entrance is a water-spouting giant who welcomes all visitors, and once inside, you will see sparkling contemporary art and all manner of famous Swarovski crystal objects. You round off the experience with the chance to shop at the largest Swarovski Shop globally. Swarovski presents its multi-faceted range of products from the spheres of objects, décor, jewellery and fashion. Visual highlights include the 590-mirror Crystal Dome, the Planet of Crystals, which has a sophisticated blend of 3D projections and the Floating Poem, which has no beginning or end. Brian Eno, co-founder of Roxy Music, has created a Quiet Club audiovisual section which is designed to induce a meditation effect. You will certainly feel mesmerised after looking at all the opulent pieces of Swarovski Jewellery, accessories and crystal objects from the Daniel Swarovski Paris line and crystal figures from Swarovski Silver Crystal or Crystal Moments. If you want to make your social status crystal clear, sign up to


the Swarovski Crystal Society (SCS) and receive VIP treatment when visiting Crystal Worlds. Not only do you have free admission, but you will be greeted with a drink of your choice in the exclusive VIP Lounge. Swarovski Crystal Worlds is open daily from 9am-6pm, although it will be closed between October 1-November 30 2007, and December 25-January 1 2008. Admission costs adults €8 each and €7 per head for groups of 10 persons and more. The Shuttlebus runs four times daily between Innsbruck and Kristallwelten.

“ ‫�إذا �أردت �أن تظهر منزلتـك االجتماعيـة بو�ضـوح تـام انت�ســب �إىل‬ ‫ “ فيتم ا�ستقبالـك ك�شخ�صية‬S C S ،‫�سفاروف�سكي كري�ستال �سو�ساييتي‬ ‫ هناك لن‬.”‫ ) حني تزور “عوامل الكري�سـتال‬V I P( ً‫مهمة جدا‬ ‫تعطى الإذن بالدخول دون مقابل فح�سب بل �سيقدم لك �أي�ضاً امل�شروب‬ .ً‫الذي تختاره يف البهو املخ�ص�ص ح�صراً لل�شخ�صيات املهمة جدا‬ ً‫يفتح معر�ض “عوامل �سفاروف�سكي للكري�سـتال” يومياً من التا�سعة �صباحا‬ 30‫ ت�شرين االول ( �أكتوبر) و‬1 ‫حتى ال�ساد�سة م�ساء �إال �أنه �سيقفل ما بني‬ )‫ كانون الأول( دي�سمرب‬25 ‫ و�أي�ضاً ما بني‬،2007 )‫ت�شرين الثاين ( نوفمرب‬ ‫ يورو‬8 ‫ تعرفة الدخول للبالغني‬. 2008 )‫ كانون الثاين ( يناير‬1 ‫ و‬2007 ‫ يورو لل�شخ�ص الواحد اذا كان �ضمن جمموعة ت�ضم ع�شرة �أ�شخا�ص �أو‬7‫و‬ .‫�أكرث‬ ً ‫ويقوم “ البا�ص ـ املكوك” ب�أربع رحالت يوميا بني �إن�سربوك وعوامل‬ .”‫الكري�سـتال “كري�ستالفلنت‬

.‫زيارة معر�ض “عوامل �سفاروف�سكي للكري�سـتال” متعة للنظر وال�سمع‬ ‫ت�شكل زيارة معر�ض “عوامل �سفاروف�سكي للكري�سـتال” جتربة ال تن�سى ذلك‬ ‫لأنها ت�شمل غرفاً حتت الأر�ض خيالية بالعجائب التي حتويها ومو�ضوعها‬ .‫الأ�سا�سي الكري�سـتال‬ ً ‫وذلك املعر�ض الذي هو النقطة ال�سياحية الأكرث جذبا لزوار منطقة تريول‬ ‫ ي�ضم‬،‫ كلم �إىل ال�شرق من ان�سربوك‬15 ‫والكائن يف فاتين�س الواقعة على بعد‬ ‫ وهناك‬.‫“غرفاً �سحرية” ترتك انطباعات م�ؤثرة وهائلة عن الكري�سـتال‬ ‫املجمع‬ ّ ‫�أكرث من خم�سة ماليني زائر بهرهم ذلك املعر�ض املذهل منذ افتتاح‬ .1995 ‫عام‬ ‫وما كان مقرراً �أ�سا�ساً �أن يكون بادرة غري عادية لالحتفال بالذكرى املئوية‬ ً‫ �صار بالفعل يف ما بعد مركزا‬،‫لت�أ�سي�س �شركة �سفاروف�سكي للكري�سـتال‬ ‫مهماً اجتذب عدداً كبرياً من الزوار خالل ال�سنوات االثنتي ع�شرة التي تلت‬ .‫ت�أ�سي�سه‬ .‫على مدخل هذا املعر�ض هناك مارد تتدفق منه املياه يرحب بالزوار‬ ‫ومبجرد دخولكم �إىل املعر�ض ترون الفن املعا�صر املت�ألق وكافة �أمناط‬ ‫ ويف ختام هذه الزيارة ميكنكم‬.‫حتف �سفاروف�سكي امل�صنوعة من الكري�سـتال‬ .‫الت�سوق يف �أكرب حمالت �سفاروف�سكي يف العامل‬ ‫يقدم �سفاروف�سكي ت�شكيلته الوا�سعة واملتنوعة من التحف و�أدوات الديكور‬ .‫واملجوهرات والأزياء‬ ‫ وكوكـب‬،‫ مر�آة‬590 ‫من بني �أبرز ما ميكنكم ر�ؤيته قبـة الكري�سـتال ذات الـ‬ ‫ وهذا يتميز مبزج رائع بني عرو�ض �ضوئية ثالثية الأبعاد‬،‫الكري�سـتال‬ ‫” �أي الق�صيدة الطائفة التي لي�س لها‬Floating Poem “ ‫والـ‬ Roxy“ ‫ الذي �شارك يف ابتكار‬،‫ �أن�شـ�أ الفنان بريـان �إينـو‬.‫بداية �أو نهاية‬ ‫” هدفه �إطالق‬Quiet Club“ ‫”ق�سـماً �سـمعياً ب�صرياً يف الـ‬Music .‫الت�أمالت �إىل مداها الأق�صى‬ ‫ال �شك يف �أنكم �ستكونون م�شدوهني بعد ر�ؤية كافة املجوهرات التي يعر�ضها‬ ‫ وقطع الأك�س�سوار وحتف الكري�سـتال من “دانيال �سفاروف�سكي‬،‫�سفاروف�سكي‬ ‫باري�س الين” ومتاثيل الكري�سـتال من “�سفاروف�سكي �سيلفر كري�ستال” �أو‬ .”‫“كري�ستال مومنت�س‬


Carinthia Natural harmony Carinthians love to sing their hearts out – and they are in tune with wellness tourism. Carinthian could be twinned with the GCC as its rich history has been one of co-operation with neighbours Italy and Slovenia. Today, the links are closer than ever: the Slovenian capital, Ljubljana, is just an hour’s drive away and you can set off from the southern Austria province after breakfast and be in Venice for lunch.


Another similarity with the Arab world is the pleasant temperatures, with Carinthia – known as the ‘Alpine Riviera’ – boasting a warm climate and welcoming lakes. Getting around this visitor-friendly region isn’t a problem. In Klagenfurt, a network of cycle paths criss-cross the town, taking you past 22 historic buildings and castles. Call in at Schloss Hallegg, Viktring Abbey and the idyllic Hochosterwitz Castle. Wherever you are in the province, the mountains are never far away – from the rolling hills in the Nock Mountains National Park to the rocky peaks of the Hohe Tauern National Park.

‫احلرارة املعتدلة حيث تتميز كارينثيا ـ املعروفة بـ” الريفييـرا الألبيـة” ـ‬ .‫مبناخ دافئ وبحريات جذابة‬ ‫ ففي‬.‫التنقل يف هذه املنطقة املحبة للـزوار وال�سيـاح ال ي�شكل �أي م�شكلة‬ ‫ قلعة ومبنى‬22 ‫كالغننفورت هناك �شبكة من املمرات التي متر على‬ ”‫ وهي فكرة ممتازة �أن تزوروا “�شلو�س هاليغ” ودير “فيكرتينغ‬،‫تاريخي‬ .‫وقلعة “هوخو�شرتفيت�س” ال�ساحرة‬ ‫حيثما تكونون يف كارينثيا جتدون جبالها قريبة منكم بدءاً من تالل‬ ‫حديقة جبال نوك القومية وانتهاء بالقمم ال�صخرية حلديقة “هوي‬ .‫تاورن” القومية‬

‫كـارينثيـ ــا‬ ‫التناغــم الطبيعــي‬

‫يحب الكارينثيون الغناء كثرياً وهم ناجحون جداً يف جمال ال�سياحة‬ .‫�أي�ضا‬ ‫ميكن تو�أمة كارينثيا مع جمل�س التعاون اخلليجي اذ �أن تاريخها الغني كان‬ ‫ واليوم نرى الرتابط �أكرث‬.‫يتميز بالتعاون مع جارتيها ايطاليا و�سلوفينيا‬ ‫ فالعا�صمة ال�سلوفينية ليوبليانا تبعد م�سافة‬.‫وثوقاً من �أي وقت م�ضى‬ ‫ وميكن االنطالق من هذه املقاطعة النم�ساوية‬،‫�ساعة واحدة فقط بال�سيارة‬ ‫اجلنوبية بعد تناول الفطور والو�صول �إىل البندقية يف الوقت املنا�سب‬ ‫ وهناك �أي�ضاً ت�شابه مع العامل العربي من جهة درجات‬.‫لتناول طعام الغداء‬


Carinthians love nothing better than to sing, with 300 choirs and host of choral societies among its 550,000 residents. A Carinthian Summer music festival is held each year at Villach’s Congress Centre and Ossiach Abbey.

Southern Spas Carinthia isn’t your standard spa destination. New ideas for head-to-toe pampering are constantly being introduced, such as hay baths in wooden tubs to Ayurveda treatments and Schroth diets. In addition to its 1,270 scenic lakes and mountains – 200 of which are clean and warm enough to drink and swim in – Carinthia also has an excellent infrastructure with 23 mineral springs, spa health centres, wellbeing oases, dedicated hotels and clinics. Central Carinthia lies on a particularly rich line of hot springs, which explains the wide range of spa, health and wellbeing facilities. Carinthia’s national parks, Hohe Tauern and Nock Mountains,


are always popular with hikers and increasingly mountain bikers. When your limbs are tired from riding, you can sink yourself into hammocks which are dotted around the beauty spots. Visitors staying at one of the 59 participating hotels in the Hohe Tauern National Park Region receive a free Nationalpark Kärnten Card, which gives access to over 100 attractions. Carinthia not only boasts great skiing but also white-water rafting and numerous golf courses and driving ranges.

.‫يف الأراجيح ال�شبكية املنت�شرة بكرثة هناك‬ ‫يح�صل نزالء �أي من الفنادق الت�سعة واخلم�سني امل�شاركة يف منطقة حديقة‬ ”Nationalpark Kärnten “ ‫“هوي تاورن” القومية على بطاقة‬ .‫ معلم �سياحي بارز‬100 ‫دون مقابل وهذه تخولهم زيارة �أكرث من‬ ً‫وال تفخر كارينثيا ب�أن�شطة التزلج الكبرية واجلذابة فح�سب بل �أي�ضا‬ ‫باجلوالت يف القوارب على املياه ال�صافية النظيفة والعديد من مالعب‬ .‫الغولف وجماالت التنزه بال�سيارة‬

‫ جوقة مو�سيقية‬300 ‫ وهناك‬،‫ال يحب الكارينثيانيون �شيئاً �أكرث من الغناء‬ ‫ �ألف‬550 ‫وعدد كبري من املجموعات ال�سكانية التي تهوى الغناء من بني‬ ‫ ويف كل �صيف يقام يف تلك املقاطعة مهرجان‬.‫�شخ�ص يقيمون يف كارينثيا‬ .”‫مو�سيقي يف مركز “فيالخ” لالجتماعات ويف دير “�أو�سياخ‬

‫املنتجعـات اجلنوبيــة‬ ‫كارينثيا لي�ست وجهة مق�صودة ثابتة ذلك لأن الأفكار اجلديدة يتم تقدميها‬ ‫با�ستمرار وهي ت�شمل كل ما يوفر الراحة وال�سرور لل�سواح كحمامات التنب‬ ”‫يف املغاط�س اخل�شبية والعالج عن طريق “الأيورفيدا “ وبرامج “ �شروت‬ .‫الغذائية‬ ‫ بحرية‬200 ‫ جبل وبحرية ت�سحر الأنظار ـ من بينها‬1270 ‫بالإ�ضافة اىل‬ ‫ما�ؤها نقي ودافئ ميكن �شربه واال�ستحمام فيه ـ ف�إن لكارنثيا بنية حتتية‬ ‫ نبع مياه معدنية ومركز �صحي وواحات جميلة وفنادق‬23 ‫ممتازة بوجود‬ .‫وعيادات تخ�ص�صية‬ ،‫�أما املنطقة الو�سطى من كارينثيا ففيها عدد كبري من الينابيع احلارة‬ .‫وهذا ما يف�سر انت�شار املنتجعات واملرافق ال�صحية ومراكز اال�ستجمام‬ ‫وحتظى احلدائق القومية يف كارينثيـا ـ هوي تاورن وحدائق جبـال نوك ـ‬ ‫ب�شعبية كبرية لدى هواة امل�شي و�أي�ضاً لدى هواة ركوب الدراجات ل�صعود‬ ‫ حني ت�شعر �أن �أطرافك متعبة بعد قياة الدراجة ميكنك اال�سرتخاء‬.‫اجلبال‬


An Alpine Jewel sparkles in Europe’s heart Meadows of the deepest emerald green, mountains that rise gently to 2,400 metres. Three enchanting mountain lakes. Mountain springs that gush cool, crystal-clear water on even the hottest of summer days. A ski region for snowy wintertime holidays from December right through April. And a resort unique in the Alps.

100 guest rooms, which has been owned and managed by the same family since opening in 1929, is a favourite with guests and watched with attentive interest by half of Europe’s hotel professionals.

Spring, Summer and Autumn on the Mountain From the end of May to November the Turracher Höhe presents In the Austrian Alps halfway between Vienna and Venice glows a a fascinating pageant of the many faces of the Alpine summer: holiday jewel that sparkles with greater lustre from year to year: When winter finally retreats in late May in these high altitudes, the Turracher Höhe – a gentle high plateau located at 1,763 the most beautiful time of year starts on the Turracher Höhe metres above sea-level and ringed by the magnificent peaks – the mountain spring. Starting in late May, Mother Nature of the Nockberge range. In winter, the region offers some of unfolds her multicoloured splendour, with one high point the best snow conditions in the Alps, while in spring, summer following the other through the middle of July: everything and autumn it is ideal for varied holidays in the airy mountain blossoms and grows more quickly and with greater exuberance world. than in the valley below. The Turracher Höhe’s shine owes much to one of the Alps’ Mid-July sees the height of summer arrive and with it long, lovely leading and most innovative hotels: the Hochschober with warm days that are never oppressive and humid as they may


be at lower altitudes. Guests delight in the bracing mountain air even though temperatures may reach 25-30° C. Nights are refreshingly cool, perfect for relaxing sleep wrapped in a cozy blanket. In September, the landscape gradually dons its lovely autumn hues that glow warmly until November.

older guidebooks describe the area as Europe’s largest rock pine forest, locals today are more modest and lay claim only to the Turracher being Austria’s most extensive rock pine forest.

The rock pine’s environment, like the larch’s, is confined to altitudes around the tree-line. The rock pine can, however, survive at altitudes 200-300 metres above the maximum limit of Whatever the season, winter may decide to put in an unexpected the larch. Rock pines grow very slowly: trees that are fifty-years appearance at 1,763 metres, with snowfall dusting the peaks in old are often just two metres in height, and they may blossom white. Snow at the height of the mountain summer is just one only at an age of sixty to seventy years. As a consequence, rock of the many unforgettable experiences for guests. But you have pine wood has extremely narrow rings and is resistant to pests. to be quick to organize a snowball fight or build a snowman, The trees can withstand temperatures of up to minus 40° C, as because the snow usually melts away in a couple of hours. well as powerful storms, and commonly reach a very great age, and indeed may live as long as 1000 years. The oldest rock pines Austria’s Largest Pine Forest on the Turracher Höhe are believed to be 500 years old. The rock pine is the king of conifers: although not found widely in other climes, the rock pine can survive at high altitudes. The Hotels, Bed & Breakfasts, Chalets landscape of the Turrach is characterised by this rare tree. While The Turracher Höhe has some 1,700 guest beds and is famed for


its superior hotels, in particular the Hotel Hochschober. Other excellent hotels include the Jägerwirt, Seewirt and Kornock. Friendly, individually run pensions and inns are typical of the region. A close-to-nature holiday with plenty of Alpine atmosphere can be had at one of the several chalets that house vacation apartments. For more Information, contact: Tourismusverein Turracher Höhe A-8864 Turracher Höhe 218 Tel: +43-(0)4275-8392-0 • Fax: +43-(0)4275-8392-10 e-mail:

delighted in bathing in the lake’s pure water. For some, it is the delightful, fresh smell of the crystal-clear water, for some it is the view out onto the Nockberge peaks, while for others it is the water’s soft and gentle effect on the body, and for others still it is the uniqueness of the experience itself. The lake-pool is the heart of the Hochschober’s “Nocky Mountains Riviera”. Here guests can enjoy a combination of Mediterranean flair and Alpine panorama. Boats and water bicycles invite guests to explore the lake.

Hochschober guests can indulge in an exceptional swimming experience in the 25 by 10-metre lake-pool heated by a system based on the physical principal that water is heaviest at a The best holiday on the mountain all year round temperature of 4° C; warmer water thus floats on a colder layer Ever since opening in 1929, Hotel Hochschober has set out below. The lake-pool is open all year round, so guests can enjoy to offer the best holiday on the mountain all year round. The a dip even in the depths of winter when the rest of the Turracher family-owned and run hotel is always coming up with new See is covered by a thick layer of ice. This intriguing contrast ideas and offers for every season that are unique world-wide, of extremes—bathing in the lake while all around skaters and for example, the spectacular Turracher See “lake-pool” and the skiers glide across its frozen surface—can be experienced from Hochschober’s own Chinese pagoda. And guests appreciate late November to early May. “Hochschobering”, the hotel’s philosophy, which is a synonym for relaxing and enjoying. Chinese Pagoda by the Turracher See A little bit of China transported to Carinthia’s Nockberge? Lake-Pool & Chinese Tower in the Alps An authentic four-story Chinese pagoda on the shore of the The Hochschober’s lake-pool heats the otherwise icy waters of Turracher See? Professor Zhang, Henan province’s foremost the Turracher See to a comfortable 30° C. A unique, patented historic landmark expert, as planner? Chinese craftsmen system makes it possible. The era of year-round swimming in flown in to create intricate carved details and roof? The same the Turracher See dawned in 1995. Ever since, hotel guests have ceramic roof tiles used in renovating Beijing’s former imperial


quarters, the Forbidden City? Hotel staff skilled in performing the Gongfu-cha tea ceremony? The idea behind the building of an authentic Chinese teahouse on the Turracher See was to give Hochschober guests the opportunity to immerse themselves in the spirit of the traditional Chinese tea ceremony, a source of well-being as unique as it is little known in the West.

NORDIC WORLD: The contrast of cold and warm are at the heart of the Hochschober’s Nordic World with its variety of saunas, including the rock-pine sauna on the Turracher See, steam bath and Celtic oven, or tepidarium. And there are cozy rooms, as well as an open-air area, to which guests can retire for quiet relaxation.

After several years of planning, the four-story pagoda—the heart of the Hochschober’s Far Eastern World—was built in fourteen months of meticulous construction. “The Beautiful Teahouse on the Mountain” on the pagoda’s top floor with its authentic atmosphere and enchanting view over Turracher See and Nockberge mountains creates an incomparable location to experience classical Chinese tea culture.

MEDITERRANEAN WORLD: The Hochschober lakepool in the Turracher See is the centerpiece of the Mediterranean World. There are also three outdoor jacuzzis. In summer, guests flock to the “Nocky Mountains Alpine Riviera”.

Also part of the Mediterranean World is the “Green Salon” with indoor pool and salt-water basin, a pool for kids, special showers and the “Sleeping Bag by the Lake”, an extensive oasis The floor below the teahouse has been designed as a bright, of tranquility perfect for laying back and unwinding. welcoming, typically Far-Eastern meditation room. One floor of the pagoda is set aside for Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), ORIENTAL WORLD: The Hochschober hamam, or Oriental bath, where guests can consult a Chinese practitioner. The ground is unique in design, quality, size and authenticity. Constructed floor is used for a variety of activities both intellectual and in close collaboration with experts from the Orient, it is the physical, from calligraphy to readings. centre of the Hochschober’s Oriental World. A large main bath with warm “belly stone”, smaller warm rooms, the “Sultan’s Four Cultures of Well-Being Chamber” for tranquil relaxation, as well as authentic hamam The Hochschober “World of Water, Warmth and Well-Being” treatments whisk guests away to the world of 1001 Nights. harmoniously melds relaxing ideas from four of the world’s great cultures. Water—warm and cold—paired with heat in all of FAR-EASTERN WORLD: The Hochschober’s Far-Eastern World its many soothing variations, plays the leading role. Guests can is at home in the authentic lake-side Chinese pagoda. experience Nordic, Mediterranean, Oriental and Far-Eastern worlds.


‫الينابيـ ــع ال�شافيــة‬

‫غا�شتاي ــن‬

Gastein Spring Cleaning

and openness expressed in a charming way at a place for leisure, relaxation and shopping in the middle of the Gastein mountain area. Dorfgastein is a symbol of mountain romanticism, friendly habits, indigenous hospitality, fun, entertainment for whole family with the Pongi kids club. In summer the Alpen Solarbad offers families with small children great bathing fun. Shopping and Culture of International cities like Salzburg (1h), Munich (2h) and Venice (3h) invite for day-excursion.

‫روح عن نف�سك و�أرح ج�سمك يف املياه ال�ساخنة يف منطقة وادي غا�شتاين‬ .‫وا�ستمتع مبا يقدمه املنتجع هناك من خدمات ال ت�ضاهى‬ ‫من ينابيع ذلك املنتجع يتدفق ما ال يقل عن خم�سة ماليني لرت من املياه‬ ‫ واجتماع املياه ال�ساخنة ال�شافية مع اجلو االلبي هو من‬،‫ال�ساخنة كل يوم‬ ‫ املياه ال�ساخنة املوجودة هناك‬.‫العالمات املميزة لهذه املنطقة الريفية‬ ‫ ومن �أبرز اال�شخا�ص‬.ً‫والغنية بعن�صر الرادون الطبيعي تن�شط اجل�سم كثريا‬ .‫الذين جربوا هذه املياه ال�شافية ملوك �سعوديون و�شاه ايران‬

‫منتجعــات راقيــة‬

‫املياه ال�ساخنة يف غا�شتاين تريح اجل�سم وت�ؤمن ا�سرتخاءه باال�ضافة اىل‬ ‫ ويقدم "�آلبني تريمه" مبياهه الدافئة‬.‫توفريها �أجواء من املرح والن�شاط‬ ،‫وامل�ؤلف من �ستة �أق�سام على م�ساحة تبلغ �أربعة ع�شر الف مرت مربع‬ ‫ برناجماً منوعاً ومتعدد االهداف‬،‫للراغبني يف املغامرة واالهتمام ب�صحتهم‬ ‫ �أما غايزر�س وهو مركز �ألعاب‬.‫ وكل ذلك حتت �سقف واحد‬،‫لكافة الأعمار‬ ‫مائية كـ "الوادي الربي" يف دبي في�شـكل متعة هائلة لل�صغار وفيه منزلق‬ ‫ كما ميكن لالمهات زيارة عامل ال�سيدات املذهل الذي ي�ضم‬.ً‫ مرتا‬70 ‫طوله‬ ‫غرفاً �شم�سية و�أق�ساما خا�صة بالزينة والتجميل ال ي�سمح بدخولها �إال‬ .‫للن�ساء‬ ‫ويتميز اجلو الفريد يف نيو فل�سن تريمه غا�شتاين باملياه وال�صخور وفن‬ ‫ وي�شعر الزوار العرب براحة تامة يف املنطقة البانورامية املخ�ص�صة‬،‫العمارة‬ .‫للعناية بال�صحة والتي حتوي �سبعة مراكز خمتلفة لل�سونا‬

‫واد واحــد ـ ثــالث قــرى‬

Restore your mind and body in the healing thermal waters of the Gastein valley region and unwind in the unrivalled spa facilities A staggering five million litres of thermal water bubble up each day from the healing springs of Gastein and the combination of healing water and Alpine atmosphere are the defining hallmarks of this idyllic region. Rich with the natural element Radon, the thermal water has a vitalising effect on the human body and its self-healing ability. Leading advocates of the thermal experience include Saudi kings and Iran’s Shah.

Sublime spas Gasteins thermal waters are not only well known for its healing power but also for relaxation as well as fun and action. Alpen Therme, which comprises six Adventure and Health Worlds covering 14,000 sq metres, takes wellness pleasure to new heights. The ‘thermal spa of senses’ offers a multi-functional


programme for all age groups under one roof. Geysers and a water attraction like Dubai’s Wild Wadi, which features a 70metre slide, are greatest joy for the kids. Mum can completely spoil herself in the Ladies World, which contains solariums and beauty and cosmetic sections, amenable only for women. The unique atmosphere in the New Felsen Therme Gastein is characterised by water, rocks and architecture. Arabian guests will feel at home in the warm Panorama Wellness Area which contains seven different saunas.

One Valley – Three Villages The Gastein Valley, surrounded also in summer by snowcapped mountains, has three villages with three different characters. Throughout centuries Bad Gastein has been the meeting point for aristocracy and artists. Today Bad Gastein still pampers its guests with complete comfort, unique Belle-Époque architecture romance and a new 18-hole golf course. In the sports-oriented and modern Bad Hofgastein, guests find vitality

‫ حتى يف‬،‫ي�ضم وادي غا�شتاين الذي حتيط به جبال تكلل قممها الثلوج‬ ‫ على مر القرون كانت‬.‫ ثالث قرى لكل منها طابعها اخلا�ص‬،‫ف�صل ال�صيف‬ ‫ واليوم ما تزال باد غا�شتاين‬،‫باد غا�شتاين ملتقى االر�ستقراطيني والفنانني‬ Belle ‫ت�ستقبل �ضيوفها وتوفر لهم الراحة التامة حيث فن العمارة‬ .‫ الرومن�سي وملعب غولف جديد فيه ثماين ع�شرة حفرة‬Epoque ‫ويف باد هوفغا�شتاين احلديثة التي تهوى الريا�ضة يعي�ش الزوار احليوية‬ ‫واالنفتاح ب�أبهى �صورهما يف مركز الرتفيه واال�ستجمام والت�سوق يف و�سط‬ ‫ �أما دورفغا�شتاين فهي رمز للرومن�سية الريفية‬.‫منطقة غا�شتاين اجلبلية‬ ‫والعادات الودية املحببة وح�سن ال�ضيافة املت�أ�صل وهي ت�شيع املرح وت�ؤمن‬ ‫ يف‬.‫الرتفيه والت�سلية جلميع افراد العائلة بوجود نادي "بوجني" لالطفال‬ ‫ال�صيف ي�ؤمن "�آلبني زوالرباد" للعائالت التي ي�أتي برفقتها �أطفال �صغار‬ .‫متعة كبرية حني اال�ستحمام‬ ‫اىل ذلك فان الت�سوق والثقافة يف مدن عاملية مثل زالت�سبورغ (م�سافة �ساعة‬ ‫واحدة) وميونيخ (�ساعتان) والبندقية (ثالث �ساعات) ترغبكم يف القيام‬ .‫برحلة ق�صرية ال ت�ستغرق �أكرث من يوم واحد‬


Krampus, St. Nicholas and Advent Calendars

Advent in Vienna

Advent is also the season for a custom that actually has nothing to do with Christmas at all — St. Nicholas (Nikolaus) Day on December 6, which is celebrated the evening before i.e. on December 5. The good bishop and his evil companion Krampus go from house to house, rewarding the good children and punishing the bad. Krampus, in his furry black garb, armed with a rod and a jangling chain, is a terrifying fellow. By contrast St. Nicholas appears in magnificent gold-embroidered robes complete with miter and crook. In a resounding voice he asks the children “Have you all been good?” When they answer “Yes” he gives them sweets, nuts, red apples and dates from his big sack. For kids Advent is a great test of patience. The time leading up to Christmas Eve passes all too slowly even when each day they are allowed to open one of the 24 windows on their Advent calendar to discover little pictures or gifts. Still, they can hardly wait till Christmas to see if their letters to the Christ Child (Christkind) have been answered: “Dear Christ Child, I drink my cocoa every morning and don’t pull the cat’s tail. Please bring me a railway set.”

The Magic of Advent in Vienna and Christmas Markets

Children who listen carefully might even hear the wings of a busy Christmas angel here or there, maybe at one of Vienna’s Christmas markets. These markets enchant young and old alike, bringing a sparkle to their eyes and a healthy red glow to their cheeks, whisking them off into a world of cinnamon aromas, shiny glass baubles, wooden rocking horses and the soft tinkling of bells. The Magic of Advent in front of Vienna’s City Hall transforms the park around the festively lit edifice into a fairy tale world for children, where golden leaves, luminous hearts, giant candies and glittering stars hang from the trees. The tiny tots ride the old Viennese carousel, the mini railway and the cute ponies, or explore the animal Christmas market in an idyllic wintry town. Eagerly they bake sweet Christmas cookies at the Christmas Workshop inside City Hall or create hand-made gifts. And there is also plenty to inspire adults; they will find beautiful gifts and mouth-watering delicacies at dozens of stalls at Vienna’s largest Christmas market.

No sooner has November drawn a thick curtain of drizzle and fog across the heavens and the days become steadily shorter, then some places sink into a deep melancholy. But not Vienna. Here the weeks leading up to Christmas are romantic and idyllic. The city shimmers in a mild glow of candles while the sweet aromas of gingerbread, mulled wine and Christmas baking pervade the air. The streets and shops are festively decorated and Christmas markets enchant young and old alike. Year in, year out.

imaginative Christmas illuminations that transform the main shopping thoroughfares Mariahilfer Strasse and Landstrasser Hauptstrasse into a festive sea of light. Many shop fronts are decorated with pine branches and colorful silk ribbons while gentle Christmas music wafts through the shopping arcades and sweet fragrances tempt passers-by to the numerous stands selling hot punch. In Viennese homes the candles atop Advent garlands are gradually lit: one candle for each of the last four Sundays leading Advent brings out the romantic side of Vienna in an air of up to Christmas. The long evenings are spent recounting tales expectant anticipation of Christmas. Downtown, garlands to one another, singing carols and making straw Christmas stars. of glistening lights span the sky above Kärntner Strasse, Dark fruit bread is a favorite for those who like to nibble, as are Graben and Kohlmarkt. Thousands of tiny lights make up the plates decked with mandarins, nuts and dried figs.



Stall after stall lines the narrow lanes of Spittelberg, a revitalized Biedermeier district, for its Christmas market. It is said that this is where the Christ Child himself often comes to shop. You can browse fine arts and crafts, ceramics, hand-blown glass, rugs, batik and silk paintings, or even find a piece of silver, enamel or brass jewelry. And if you still can’t make up your mind, you can then head to the arts and crafts market in front of the Church of St. Charles Borromeo (Karlskirche) or the Christmas villages at Belvedere Palace, between the museums of fine arts and natural history, and at Uni-Campus. There is also plenty to see at the traditional Christmas market on Freyung square. Here, the Christ Child feels particularly at home in an ambience of almost celestial beauty. Traditionally decorated stalls are dotted around the famous Austria fountain against the backdrop of magnificent palace façades. Bathed in flickering candlelight and cloaked by the aromas of gingerbread, baked apples, honey and punch, you are spoilt for choice between hand-painted candles for the Christmas tree, wooden toys and woven wickerwork.

Dancing Snowflakes and Heavenly Choirs

As the first snowflakes fall gently from the sky, dancing in the soft glow of the lanterns, there is not a more romantic place to visit than the Christmas and arts market in front of Schönbrunn Palace. There, you can stop for a while to take in the delightful backdrop of the imperial residence before finishing your remaining shopping: traditionally crafted items, handmade jewelry, rural specialties such as self-distilled schnapps, smoked


meat, sweet or spicy bread and cakes, and rustic Christmas tree decorations are all available. Music is of special importance during Advent. There are choirs singing Christmas carols, concerts in abundance and family music. Apart from hinting at the joys to come it leaves a warming resonance. There is international carol singing at City Hall, afternoon choral concerts and brass ensemble performances on Freyung square every afternoon, and the daily Advent concerts in front of Schönbrunn Palace. The Christ Child himself only knows these artistic pleasures from hearsay. The closer Christmas Eve draws, the more stressed he gets, and he cannot spare a single moment. There is the mail to be taken care of — letters like “Dear Christ Child, Please don’t give me a railway set, I’d rather have a talking teddy bear” that require new arrangements. Finally, there is the cooking and baking for the Christmas celebrations. And there is still no Christmas tree, either!

Unwrapping Gifts beneath the Christmas Tree

Eventually the big day arrives. Christmas Eve has come, dusk is falling, Dad and the kids are in the park, and the Christ Child has all the time in the world to decorate the tree, with shining, colorful glitter balls, tinsel, sweets wrapped in colored tissue paper, and candles. He puts beautifully wrapped gifts under the tree, and then he is off to the next family.

As soon as Dad and the kids are back there is a mysterious rustle, a bell softly tinkles, the doors to the living room open and the children run to stand in front of the glittering tree. Together the family sings a Christmas song, usually Silent Night before opening their presents. What excitement - a railway set and a talking teddy bear! Thank you, Christ Child!

Christmas Goose and Stollen Fruit Loaf

When it comes to Christmas dinner, the Viennese fall into two groups. One half swears by Christmas carp, the other by Christmas goose. But everyone agrees on what makes up a classic plate of Christmas cookies: vanilla crescents, aniseed biscuits, meringue, cinnamon stars and Stollen fruit loaf are all essentials. Late in the evening, sometimes as late as midnight, the faithful go to church to attend a candle-lit mass celebrating the birth of Jesus. This is the time when many churches set up nativity scenes, their tiny figures depicting the birth in the Bethlehem stable with the infant Jesus, Joseph and Mary, the donkey, cow and the three kings. Nativity scenes have a long tradition in Austria, also a forbidden one: Emperor Josef II banned them in churches, but then their presence increased in homes. The imperial ban has now been forgotten and many churches have lovingly crafted scenes on show. The most beautiful ones can be seen in the crypt of St. Peter’s in the city center.

Christmas Eve is followed by two public holidays, Christmas Day, when families usually remain among themselves and enjoy a festive meal, and Stefanitag (Boxing Day), which is traditionally reserved for visits to relatives. This is followed by a couple of work or rest days before Vienna springs to life again just before the coming of the New Year. New Year’s Eve sees thousands on a celebratory pilgrimage through the streets to the chiming of the Pummerin, the sonorous grand old bell in St. Stephen’s Cathedral. As the revelers ring in the New Year, their thoughts are already turning to the pleasures of the next Advent... For all those who want to enjoy a little Viennese Christmas atmosphere at home, here is one of the many recipes for vanilla crescents: Take 180g of butter, 70g of shelled and ground almonds, 50g of sugar, 2 egg yolks and 210g of plain flour. Quickly mix all the ingredients to a short-crust dough and leave it in a cool place for one hour. Roll out the dough to a thickness of about 1 cm before cutting into small pieces and forming crescentshaped cookies. Place the cookies on an ungreased baking tray and bake at a moderate temperature (200°C) for around ten minutes or until they turn a light brown color. Mix icing sugar and vanilla sugar together, then toss the hot cookies in the mix. Store the cookies in a sealed tin for several days for them to become crumbly. But make sure they’re well hidden so nobody gets at them in advance.


‫ال�صحــة والعنايــة بهــا‬

‫‪Health & Well-being‬‬ ‫املنتجعات يف النم�سا ال جمال ملقارنتها باملنتجعات العادية ـ فلوائح العالج‬ ‫و�أ�ساليبه متنوعة جداً‪ ،‬ومن بني �أكرث العالجات متيزاً حمامات ‪Moor‬‬ ‫‪ .Peat‬ومن املمكن �أي�ضاً القفز مبا�شرة من املنزلقات اىل املنتجعات الأمر‬ ‫الذي يربز ب�شكل وا�ضح امكانية اجلمع بني متعة التزلج واال�سرتخاء املريح‬ ‫يف �آن معاً‪ .‬عالوة على ذلك ت�ؤمن منتجعات النم�سا �إ�شرافاً طبياً من الدرجة‬ ‫االوىل وعرو�ضا ممتازة للعناية باجل�سم‪.‬‬

‫معلومــات �سياحيــة هامــة‪:‬‬

‫ي�ضم �أحدث منتجع �أوروبي يف منطقة الألب “�آلبني تريمه” يف باد‬ ‫هوفغا�شتاتني وزالت�سبورغرالند” �ستة مراكز ملن ين�شد املغامرات �أو العناية‬ ‫بال�صحة م�ساحتها ‪ 14000‬مرت مربع‪ .‬ومركز ‪Thermal Spa of‬‬ ‫‪ Senses‬مكان ممتاز ال�ستعادة الن�شاط‪ ،‬والنوافذ الزجاجية بارتفاع‬ ‫ع�شرة امتار تعك�س املناظر االلبية اخلالبة‪www.alpentherme.(.‬‬ ‫‪)com/en‬‬ ‫* مقاطعة كارينثيا الواقعة يف �أق�صى جنوب النم�سا هي مبثابة “مغناطي�س”‬ ‫يجذب الزوار الراغبني يف اال�ستفادة من مراكز العناية ال�صحية بوجود‬ ‫‪ 1000‬نهر رقراق و‪ 1270‬بحرية و‪ 23‬ينبوع ماء معدنية و�ساخنة‪www.( .‬‬ ‫‪)‬‬

‫* يوفر فندق “ زالت�سبورغرهوف”‪ ،‬ت�سيل �آم زي‪ ،‬عناية �صحية ال مثيل‬ ‫لها وم�ساكن فخمة يف احدى �أجمل املناطق االلبية على االطالق‪ .‬وقد فاز‬ ‫جممع املنتجعات املتميز”‪ ،”Wellness-Schlössl‬ب�أهم جـائزة وهي‬ ‫الـ‪ Relax Lily‬ذات الأربع جنوم‪ ،‬وهو ي�شيع �أجواء �أقرب �إىل عامل‬ ‫اخليال‪.‬‬ ‫(‪)‬‬ ‫ويجتمع االمتياز الطبي والريا�ضي يف الـ ‪ Aqua Dome‬يف‬ ‫لينغينفيلد‪ ،‬تريول‪ .‬هذا املبنى الذي ي�شكل عالمة بارزة يعك�س املناظر‬ ‫اخلالبة واجلبال املحيطة به وهو من املراكز االوىل فيما يتعلق بال�صحة‬ ‫والعناية بها‪)‬‬ ‫بعد تناولك كعكة الـ “زاخري تورتي” ال�شهية ميكنك تغطية ج�سمك مبا‬ ‫تبقى منها! يف فندق “زاخري”‪ ،‬الذي هو �أ�شهر فنادق النم�سا العاملية‪ ،‬ي�شكل‬ ‫العالج بال�شوكوالتة ال�ساخنة يف منتجع “زاخري” الذي تبلغ م�ساحته ‪300‬‬ ‫مرت مربع‪ ،‬طريقة �سليمة الر�ضاء وا�شباع رغبتك يف احللويات‪.‬‬ ‫(‪)‬‬


‫تريول‪ ..‬ال�ساحرة‬ ‫على الرغم من �أن النم�سا ت�شتهر بالطبيعة اخلالبة ملختلف املناطق فيها‪،‬‬ ‫ف�إن منطقة تريول لها طابع مميز يف هذا املجال ملا تتمتع به من جمال‬ ‫طبيعي �ساحر وموقع رائع‪� ،‬إذ تقع تريول يف و�سط النم�سا و�أوروبا بحيث‬ ‫ي�سهل الو�صول �إليها من �أملانيا يف ال�شمال‪� ،‬إيطاليا يف اجلنوب و�سوي�سرا‬ ‫يف الغرب‪.‬‬ ‫و�إذا كنتم قد بد�أمت جولتكم يف تريول من �إن�سربوك‪ ،‬كما يفعل الكثريون‪،‬‬ ‫ميكنكم م�شاهدة العديد من املعامل املتميزة مثل جولدن روف يف املدينة‬ ‫التاريخية القدمية �أو موقع التزلج احلديث يف بريجي�سيل‪ .‬وعلى مقربة‬ ‫منها ميكنكم زيارة عوامل الكري�ستال لدار �سواروف�سكي يف واتينز التي‬ ‫تعترب �إحدى �أبرز املواقع ال�سياحية التي تتم زيارتها بانتظام يف النم�سا‪ .‬و�إذا‬ ‫تابعتم رحلتكم �إىل ال�شرق ت�صلون �إىل م�صنع ريديل للزجاج يف كوف�شتاين‬ ‫الذي يتيح لكم م�شاهدة العاملني وهم يقومون بنفخ الزجاج والنق�ش علية‬ ‫وتلوينه‪.‬‬ ‫ومن امل�شاهد اخلالبة الأخرى تلك التي يجتمع فيها الثلج واجلليد معاً‬ ‫حتى يف ال�صيف قرب �أعلى مطعم يف النم�سا واملطل على نهر �ستوباي‬ ‫اجلليدي على قمة تريول‪ ،‬حيث ميكنكم التمتع مب�شاهدة مناظر طبيعية‬ ‫�ساحرة لهذه املناطق اجلبلية الأخاذة‪.‬‬ ‫كما ميكنكم زيارة قلعة تراتزبريغ التي يعود تاريخها �إىل عام ‪ 1500‬وتعد‬ ‫�إحدى �أروع التحف املعمارية يف النم�سا‪ .‬وميكنكم التجول �ضمن قاعات‬ ‫القلعة التي تعود ت�صاميمها �إىل ع�صر النه�ضة والغرف امل�ؤثثة بالأثاث‬ ‫القوطي واال�ستمتاع بالعرو�ض الب�صرية وال�سمعية‪.‬‬ ‫وت�شمل املنا�سبات والأحداث الثقافية الرئي�سية التي يتم تنظيمها يف‬ ‫هذه املنطقة مهرجان الرق�ص “�إن�سربوكر تانز�سومر”‪ ،‬ومهرجان �إيريل‬ ‫ميوزيك املو�سيقي ومهرجان تريولري في�ست�سبيل املو�سيقي يف �إيرل‪.‬‬ ‫و�إىل جانب طبيعتها ال�ساحرة و�شهرتها العاملية الوا�سعة كوجهة مثالية‬ ‫للتزلج ومقر للعديد من املنتجعات املتميزة‪ ،‬ف�إن تريول تتيح لزوارها‬ ‫فر�صة ممار�سة جمموعة وا�سعة من الأن�شطة الريا�ضية فهي ت�ضم ‪19‬‬ ‫ملعباً للجولف‪ ،‬من �أ�شهرها كيتزبوهيل و�إن�سربوك و�سيفيلد‪ ،‬كما تعد‬ ‫موقعا مف�ض ً‬ ‫ال للنزهات على الدروب اجلبلية وركوب الدراجات الهوائية‪.‬‬ ‫وتعد تريول موقعا مثاليا لال�سرتخاء واال�ستجمام يف �أح�ضان الطبيعة‬ ‫اخلالبة‪� ،‬إذ ال تزيد امل�ساحة امل�سكونة على ‪ 13‬باملائة من �إجمايل م�ساحة‬ ‫تريول‪ ،‬مما يجعل منها وجهة مثالية لكافة الزوار‪ ،‬وتوفر خيارات تتنا�سب‬ ‫مع خمتلف املتطلبات وهو ما يتج�سد يف خيارات الإقامة فيها والتي ترتاوح‬ ‫بني الفنادق الفاخرة من فئة اخلم�س جنوم والإقامة يف منزل ريفي‬ ‫ب�سيط‪.‬‬ ‫كما يحظى زوار تريول بفر�صة تذوق �أ�شهى اللحوم والأجبان يف هذه‬ ‫املنطقة التي ترعى فيها املا�شية يف مراع خ�ضراء‪ ،‬وحيث ميكن للزوار‬ ‫تناول ت�شكيالت متنوعة من �أ�شهى امل�أكوالت يف �أي من املطاعم املنت�شرة يف‬ ‫املنطقة‪ ،‬مبا فيها العديد من املطاعم الراقية املدرجة �ضمن دليل جولت‬ ‫ميالو للمطاعم الفاخرة املميزة‪ .‬ويوفر “�أجنريير �أمل” الواقع على قمة‬ ‫كيتزبوهلر على ارتفاع ‪ 1300‬مرت عن �سطح البحر‪� ،‬أجواء متميزة جتمع‬ ‫بني الإطاللة ال�ساحرة وبع�ض من �أ�شهى الأطعمة يف الألب‪.‬‬


‫‪Tirol ... Centre of attention‬‬ ‫‪Other high notes in the cultural calendar include Innsbrucker‬‬ ‫‪Tanzsommer dance festival, the Early Music Festival and the Ti‬‬‫‪roler Festspiele music festival in Erl.‬‬ ‫‪On a sporting front, Tirol has far more than its world-renowned‬‬ ‫‪skiing pistes and resorts.‬‬ ‫‪It boasts 19 golf courses, with Kitzbühel, Innsbruck and Seefeld‬‬ ‫‪among the most popular, as well as abundant hiking, cycling‬‬ ‫‪and mountain biking opportunities.‬‬ ‫‪There’s always plenty of chance to unwind in Tirol as only 13‬‬ ‫‪per cent of the land area is habitable. Tirol is suitable for all‬‬ ‫‪travellers, whether you are looking to stay in a stylish five-star‬‬ ‫‪hotel or simple farmhouse.‬‬ ‫‪Gastronomes can devour the delicious meats and cheeses – a‬‬ ‫‪result of livestock weaned on the freshest of grassy pastures‬‬ ‫‪– in the numerable quality venues which are listed in the Gault‬‬ ‫‪Millau restaurant guide.‬‬ ‫‪Angerer Alm on the Kitzbüheler Horn, a cool 1,300 metres above‬‬ ‫’‪sea level, brings a new meaning to the phrase ‘bottle chiller‬‬ ‫‪and boasts one of the best-appointed cellars in the Alps.‬‬

‫‪Beautiful scenery is a given throughout Austria. What makes‬‬ ‫‪the Tirol region unique is its beauty and centrality, as it is not‬‬ ‫‪only at the heart of Austria but also of Europe, enjoying close‬‬ ‫‪connections to Germany to the north, Italy to the south and‬‬ ‫‪Swizterland to the west.‬‬ ‫‪It’s likely your Tirol tour will start at Innsbruck where you can‬‬ ‫‪tick off interesting sights such as the Golden Roof in the his‬‬‫‪toric old town or modern Bergisel ski jump.‬‬ ‫‪The famous Swarovski Crystal Worlds in Wattens is nearby – one‬‬ ‫‪of the most frequently visited sites in Austria – and continue‬‬ ‫‪further east to the Riedel Glass Factory in Kufstein to see glass‬‬ ‫‪blowers, cutters, engravers and painters at work.‬‬ ‫‪Another mesmerising sight is the mix of ice and snow, even in‬‬ ‫‪summer, besides the highest Austrian restaurant on Stubai gla‬‬‫‪cier at the Top of Tyrol, which has magnificant mountain views.‬‬ ‫‪Tratzberg Castle, built in 1500, is one of Austria’s architectural‬‬ ‫‪jewels. You can walk through the Renaissance rooms and origi‬‬‫‪nally furnished Gothic chambers and enjoy audio-visual dis‬‬‫‪plays.‬‬


‫�إن�سربوك والقرى املحيطة بها‬ ‫وجهة مثالية للعطالت‬

‫وتت�ألق هذه املدينة التي يعود تاريخها �إىل القرون الو�سطى بقرابة ‪ 800‬عام‬ ‫�سحر الطبيعة يف كل مكان حولك‬ ‫من العراقة ولها طابع فريد يتمازج فيه القدمي واحلديث حيث تقف فيها‬ ‫�سواء كنتم من ع�شاق التزلج املثري �أو من رواد ال�سياحة الثقافية �أو ت�سعون املباين الأثرية القدمية �إىل جانب املباين احلديثة يف تنا�سق فريد‪.‬‬ ‫لال�سرتخاء يف �أح�ضان الطبيعة ال�ساحرة‪ ،‬ف�إن �إن�سربوك توفر لكم كل ما‬ ‫وت�شمل ابرز املعامل يف املدينة “جولدن روف” الذي ميثل عالمة بارزة‬ ‫تتطلعون �إليه و�أكرث‪.‬‬ ‫و�شهرية‪ ،‬ومتاحف الفن والق�صور التي تتجاور مع العمارة احلديثة ومن�ش�آت‬ ‫فما �إن تذكر النم�سا لأي من مواطني دول ال�شرق الأو�سط حتى تقفز املدينة الأوملبية واجلامعية‪.‬‬ ‫�إن�سربوك �إىل ذهنه ملا تتميز به من طبيعة جبلية خالبة ومناطق تزلج و�أينما توجهت بنظرك‪ ،‬ترى اجلبال �أمامك مما ي�ضفي على املدينة طابعاً‬ ‫ذات �شهرة عاملية‪ .‬فقد وهب اهلل هذه املنطقة جما ًال فريداً‪ ،‬جت�سده �سال�سل فريداً‪ .‬حيث ميكن للمرء تناول وجبة الغداء يف املدينة والت�سوق يف متاجرها‬ ‫اجلبال الرائعة ذات القمم املغطاة بالثلوج وال�سفوح املزدانة باخل�ضرة مما ومن ثم التوجه �إىل مطعم جبلي على ارتفاع ‪ 2000‬مرتاً لتناول قهوة امل�ساء‬ ‫يجعلها مكانا مثاليا للنزهات واال�سرتخاء وممار�سة الكثري من الريا�ضات والتمتع باملناظر البانورامية الن�سربوك واجلبال املحيطة بها‪ .‬وال ميكنك‬ ‫بالت�أكيد �أن جتد مكاناً �آخر يف �أوروبا يوفر هذا التباين بني املدينة واجلبال‬ ‫والأن�شطة املمتعة مبا فيها لعب اجلولف يف ال�صيف‪.‬‬ ‫بهذا الأ�سلوب املميز‪.‬‬


‫وتتمثل �أف�ضل طريقة للتجول يف �شراء بطاقة ان�سربوك احل�صرية التي‬ ‫تخول حاملها ا�ستخدام جميع و�سائل النقل العامة وخم�س م�صاعد‬ ‫كهربائية للقمم اجلبلية وحافلة اجلوالت ال�سياحية‪ ،‬وتتوفر هذه التذاكر‬ ‫ملدة يوم واحد �أو اثنني �أو ثالثة‪ .‬وهي تتيح حلاملها �أي�ضاً �إمكانية الدخول‬ ‫�إىل املتاحف واملعامل اجلميلة يف �إن�سربوك‪ ،‬مبا يف ذلك متحف عوامل‬ ‫�سواروف�سكي للكري�ستال بالإ�ضافة �إىل تناول كوب من املرطبات جماناً يف‬ ‫كازينو �إن�سربوك‪.‬‬

‫جمال الريف‬ ‫ت�شمل منطقة العطالت يف �إن�سربوك ‪ 25‬قرية وادعة تقع يف �أح�ضان اجلبال‪،‬‬ ‫وحتتل هذه املنطقة مركزاً متقدماً �ضمن قائمة �أروع ‪ 245‬منطقة عطالت‬ ‫�أوروبية بالنظر �إىل الطبيعة ال�ساحرة التي حتظى بها‪ ،‬ف�ض ً‬ ‫ال عن توفريها‬

‫ملختلف م�ستلزمات الراحة وال�سالمة‪ ،‬وذلك وفقاً لدرا�سة نفذها املعهد‬ ‫الأملاين “�إمربيكا ديال�سا�سي” يف كولون‪.‬‬ ‫�إيجلز‪ :‬تبعد نحو خم�سة كيلومرتات فقط عن املدينة‪ ،‬وهي قرية من قرى‬ ‫الأحالم متتد على �سهل �أخ�ضر وحتيط بها الغابات‪ .‬وميكنكم هنا الإقامة‬ ‫يف �سبورت هوتل �إيجلز �أو �شولزهوتل ‪ ،2‬وهو فندق فاخر من فئة اخلم�س‬ ‫جنوم يقع �ضمن حدائق خالبة‪.‬‬ ‫وتتميز قريتا �إيجلز والنز بت�ضمنهما العديد من املراكز ال�صحية رفيعة‬ ‫امل�ستوى والفنادق الراقية مثل باركهوتل �إيجلز‪� ،‬ألباين ويلفيت‪ ،‬هوتل‬ ‫�إيجلز �أ�ستوريا ومركز الن�سريهوف للرعاية ال�صحية‪ ،‬وقد ح�صل الأخري‬ ‫على لقب �أف�ضل مركز �صحي يف جملة ريالك�س جايد للمرة اخلام�سة‪.‬‬



‫بالع�شب وهي ت�شكل مراكز ممتازة للتزلج حتى حني تكون طبقة الثلج رقيقة‬ ‫ م�صعدا ومركبات‬56‫ وهناك �أربع مدار�س لكافة امل�ستويات و‬.‫�إىل حد ما‬ .‫�سلكية كهربائية متطورة جدا ل�صعود ونزول املنحدرات‬

‫االطعمــة وال�ضيافــة‬

‫بعد يوم يتجدد فيه ن�شاطكم يف �أح�ضان الطبيعة بنتيجة تن�شق الهواء االلبي‬ ‫املنع�ش تذوقوا الطعام ال�شهي الذي يقدمه "كوليناري كيت�س" والذي ي�شكل‬ ‫ الكبار يق�ضون �أوقات مل�ؤها املرح والبهجة �أما ال�صغار‬.‫م�صدر متعة كبرية‬ ‫ يف فرتة الع�صر خالل املدة الواقعة‬Kitz4kids ‫فقد اعدت لهم برامج‬ ‫ ت�شمل نزهات يف الهواء‬،)‫بني منت�صف �شهر متوز( يوليو) و�أيلول(�سبتمرب‬ .‫الطلق‬

‫هــل تعلــم؟‬

،‫ مرت عن �سطح البحر‬2363‫ و‬800 ‫�أنه حني تكون على ارتفاع يرتاوح ما بني‬ ‫ فان ج�سمكم يفرز هرمونات مفيدة مما يزيد‬،‫كما هي احلال يف كيت�سبول‬ .‫�سعادتكم ومدى ا�ستمتاعكم باالجازة‬

:‫الو�صــول الـى هنــاك‬

Kitz perfectly Kitzbuehel is an exhilarating destination on so many fronts, with its breathtaking scenery, stunning ski slopes and vibrant cultural scene drawing visitors all year round. Little wonder that this small cosmopolitan town has a standing as tall as the Alps, with its outdoor leisure pursuits, sophisticated hotels, appetising restaurants and lively nightlife proving popular with everyone from A-list celebrities to ordinary tourists. It’s the great outdoors where Kitzbuehel, many of which have free guides who will help you explore the lush meadows and forests. Hiking highlights include the Alpenblumenweg (Alpine Flower Path) at the foot of the Kitzbueheler Horn, which has more than 300 plants from the Tyrol, and the 90-minute Bauernhausmuseumsweg (Farmhouse Museum Route), which takes in the famous Kitzbueheler Horn cable car and historic five-star Tennerhof Hotel before ending at the 16th-century museum. On the slopes behind, the stars of the international ski scene usually do their slalom turns at the legendary Hahnenkamm downhill ski race. Tennis lovers are generously supplied with indoor and outdoor courts while golfers can take their pick from two excellent 18hole and two nine-hole courses.


Winter wonders

‫ميكن الو�صول اىل كيت�سبول عن طريق مدن كبرية وم�شهورة عاملياً مثل‬ ،)‫ كلم‬160( ‫ كلم) �أو ميونيخ‬90( ‫ كلم �أو ان�سربوك‬80 ‫زالت�سبورغ التي تبعد‬ ‫وب�سهولة كبرية با�ستخدام و�سائل النقل املكوكية �أو القطار �أو عن طريق‬ .‫ا�ستئجار �سيارة �سياحية‬

‫كيتــ�س �صـورة م�شرقــة‬ ‫ ففيه املناظر التي ت�سحر االلباب‬،‫�إن كيت�سبول مكان رائع من عدة نواح‬ ‫ومنحدرات التزلج املذهلة باال�ضافة اىل احلياة الثقافية املتميزة مما‬ ‫ لذا ال عجب �أن يكون لهذه املدينة ال�صغرية‬.‫يجذب الزوار طيلة ال�سنة‬ ‫ فالنزهات‬.‫التي يجتمع فيها خليط من خمتلف �أنحاء العامل مكانة رفيعة‬ ‫ والفنادق الفخمة واملطاعم التي تقدم امل�أكوالت ال�شهية‬،‫يف الهواء الطلق‬ ‫واحلياة الليلية ال�صاخبة حتقق لهذه املدينة �شعبية كبرية لدى امل�شاهري‬ ‫ ويف معظم النزهات يف الهواء الطلق يكون‬.‫وال�سواح العاديني على حد �سواء‬ .‫هناك دليل ي�ساعدكم على ا�ستك�شاف الغابات واملروج اخل�ضراء‬ "‫ولعــل �أبــرز مـا مييـز ريــا�ضة امل�شـي "ممـر الزهـور االلبي‬ ‫ نبتة من‬300 ‫ الذي توجد فيه �أكرث من‬Alpenblumenweg ‫ و"طريق املتحف الزراعي" حيث تنطلق بكم �إىل هناك‬،‫منطقة تريول‬ ‫ وفندق تيرنهوف التاريخي (خم�س جنوم) قبل‬،‫مركبة �سلكية كهربائية‬ .‫الو�صول اىل متحف القرن ال�ساد�س ع�شر‬ ً ‫على املنحدرات خلفكم تقام م�سابقات التزلج الدولية خ�صو�صا �سباق التزلج‬ ‫ �أما لع�شاق التن�س فهناك مالعب مقفلة ومفتوحة كما‬.‫ال�شهري هانينكام‬ ‫ حفرة‬18 ‫�أنه ميكن لهواة الغولف �أن يختاروا ما بني ملعبني يف كل منهما‬ .‫ حفر‬9 ‫و�آخرين يف كل منهما‬

‫عجائــب ف�صــل ال�شتــاء‬

‫ مرت وهذه مغطاة‬2000 ‫ي�صل ارتفاع منحدرات جبال كيت�سبول االلبية �إىل‬

The mountains of the Kitzbuehel Alps have gently contoured grassy slopes up to a height of 2,000 metres, ensuring perfect conditions for skiing and boarding even when snowfalls are light. Four schools cater for all abilities and 56 ultra-modern ski lifts and cablecars plying the slopes.

Eats and treats

After a revitalising day of natural beauty and fresh Alpine air, savour the joys of ‘Culinary Kitz’ which takes fine dining to a higher plane. While the adults have fun, kids will also have plenty on their plate, with the Kitz4Kids afternoon programmes between mid-July and September provide stimulating outdoor expeditions.

Did you know?

When you are at an altitude of between 800-2,363 metres above sea level, as you are in Kitzbuhel, your body stimulates the production of positive hormones, which will make your holiday even happier!

Getting there

Kitzbuehel enjoys close links to international gateways such as Salzburg (80kms), Innsbruck (90kms) and Munich (160kms) and can easily be reached by shuttle service, rail or hire car.



Styria is Austria’s second largest province. Because of its extensive forests, Styria is also called the „Green Province“. 56% of the province’s territory is forested. Threequarters of Styria is mountain terrain. The landscape offers winter sports enthusiasts as well as mountain bikers and hikers the perfect terrain for their favourite pursuits. And the Styrians value not only their mountains and meadows, but also their traditions. Most regions speak the local Bavarian/Austrian dialect and cherish the old traditions, for example the „Perchtenlauf“ around the feast of Epiphany. In this custom, a few villagers dress up with wooden devil’s masks and get up to all sorts of mischief. Traditional costume too is no anachronism, but a fixture in many people’s lives both for everyday wear and on festive occasions.


The rural areas are especially fond of preserving their historical roots. This includes preserving the characteristic farmhouse architecture in the different regions. While there have been periods, mostly in the recent past, in which an enthusiasm for anything new resulted in the building of houses and barns without regard for traditional architecture, the old designs have come into their own again today. Old houses are lovingly renovated while new houses are built according to traditional building styles. The Styrian capital Graz, whose roots date back to the Roman age, lies on both sides of the River Mur. The 2003 European Capital of Culture offers a lot for everyone … Graz is dominated by the Schlossberg, a forested mountain which rises over the medieval town centre and is crisscrossed with walks from all sides. At the top is a bell tower which formed part of the now demolished castle and once was the emblem of the city. Graz’ new landmark, the Kunsthaus (House of Modern Art) was constructed right next to the River Mur in 2003 where it floats like a giant, bluish bubble.

Graz, which has a population of 250,000, has a great number of interesting sights ranging from old and time-honored to dynamic and modern. The late-gothic cathedral is reminiscent of the times when Graz still was imperial seat. The baroque Mausoleum of Emperor Kaiser Ferdinand II next door is an impressive sight. The 5-story Landeszeughaus (provincial armory) houses an incredible 32,000 historic armor and weapons. The Landhaus with its Renaissance arcaded courtyard almost looks like a Venetian palazzo. Joanneum, donated by prince Johann at the beginning of the 19th century, is Austria’s largest provincial museum and spotlights nature, culture and arts in Styria. The Murinsel is an artificial floating platform in the middle of the Mur. It was constructed by the New York artist and designer Vito Acconci on the occasion of Graz becoming the 2003 European Capital of Culture. Special events include the “Styriarte”, a music festival dedicated

mainly to early music, the “Steirischer Herbst” (Styrian Fall), a festival spotlighting theater, the fine arts, literature and music, the Jazz Summer, and the Eggenberg Palace Concerts. Event centers like Kunsthaus, Stadthalle, the Opera, the theater and forum stadtpark host great cultural activities throughout the year.


What other city can boast a tree-clad mountain right in its centre - wonderful to wander? The Schlossberg. A castle standing on a rock ledge of this hill more than 1,000 years ago gave the city its name. Although the clockworks in the tower have struck the hours accurately since 1712. Standing at the romantic landmark of Graz you could be forgetting time. The fortified medieval tower got its present shape around 1560. And its characteristic wooden gallery as a fire station. Three bells are ringing from the Clock Tower. Three coats of arms decorate the walls. People often come here in pairs. To dream or to kiss. A truly uplifting feeling.


Styrian Water Route

The Castle Route

Fascination and romance in the strongholds of the knights Visitors to Styria’s Water Route can absorb the life forces which ...Fascination and romance in the strongholds of the knights ... emanate from the water. In the water and at the water’s edge there are plenty of opportunities to relax or to work off surplus The Styrian Castle Route is lined with countless imposing edienergy. Crystal-clear mountain water flows through lush mead- fices. Many of these architectural masterpieces are open to the ows, over rocks and through ravines in this region, which has public, though some still serve as private residences. However, the most abundant water sources in Central Europe. The region all the castles are worth a visit, as the façades and gardens too is perfect for swimming, fishing, kayaking and ice climbing. are a feast for the eyes.

Schlossbergbahn: This funicular is the stylish way to get up the Schloßberg. It has been trundling up and down its tracks on a 61% gradient since 1894. Take your time to explore the paths twined around the hill. A puzzle: can you work out how the cars of the Schloßbergbahn sidestep past each other? If you find the right spot on the path, maybe... For a spectacular descent, try the “Kriegssteig” — the staircase that zig-zags down the cliff face to the Schloßbergplatz.

Route. At the heart of this landscape lies the apple village of Puch. Besides making honey, mead and Schnapps, the area also has a long tradition of handicrafts, pottery, carving and basket weaving. In addition to apples, farmers along the Apple Route also grow strawberries, pears, peaches and other fruit.

A flowering showcase ... The Flower Route

The Styrian Flower Route links the nine most beautiful flower Styria consists of regions which differ not only in their landscape, villages in Styria - Miesenbach, Mönichwald, Pöllauberg, St. Jakob im Walde, St. Lorenzen am Wechsel, St. Kathrein am Ofbut also in their traditional costume and rural architecture. fenegg, Strallegg, Vorau and Wenigzell. The Styrian flower comAustria’s orchard ... The Apple Route petition, which has been held since 1959, is the only one of its kind in Austria. Over a million fruit trees grow along the 25km Styrian Apple Central Europe’s most abundant water supply ...



Lifestyle in Southern Styria In southern Styria gentle hills, quaint wine taverns and a Mediterranean climate combine to create a paradise for holidayers. Special plus for those in search of peaceful relaxation: southeast of Graz there are five spa and health resorts including Rogner-Bad Blumau, the Loipersdorf family spa and the Bad Waltersdorf health resort. The Styrian Spa Region is a paradise for health fanatics and those who simply enjoy life – it’s an oasis of well being. Dive in and be revived. Our guests can benefit from a great variety of offers ranging from individual therapy to challenging outdoor activities. The gentle hills of the Styrian Spa Region invite everyone to be active in their own way: No matter whether you prefer family outings by bike our more challenging tours – everything is possible on 3,000 km of well marked cycling routes. The bike trail R 12 stretches along 148 km and offers a great combination of cycling in a wonderful landscape. It starts on the border to Lower Austria and finishes in Bad Radkersburg. On your way


you will find countless castles and fortresses, vineyards, forests and meadows. For relaxation on the way you could always dive into the waters of one of the five spa resorts. Originally, drills in the eastern corner of Austria were after petrol. Instead of petrol, hot spring water with all its healthy and soothing properties was found, some of it rising from a depth of up to 3,000 metres. The spa resorts provide a wide spectrum of spa and holiday activities, which mainly focus on total well-being. Every guest is guaranteed to find their own favourite activity or treatment in spacious thermal and bathing areas, therapeutic treatment centres, beauty salons and relaxation areas.

BLUMAU and The one-of-a-kind spa hotel, the spa Blumau and Vulkania® hot spring in Styria, architecturally designed by Austrian artist Friedensreich Hundertwasser, promises unforgettable experi-

ences of well-being and fun. Five attractive golf courses in near vicinity guarantee unbound golf pleasures. Spend relaxing holidays under the lush green roof-tops in Austria. Immerse, relax ... ... and get a new feeling of being alive. The core of the facility is the unique hot springs area with about 2.724 m² of water area. Comfortably warm indoor and outdoor hot pools fed by the Melchior spring, a fresh-water wave pool and a sauna area help you to make your bathing day something very special. Through a connective path you can get access to our latest attraction, the Vulkania© hot spring. A thermal suite and other attractions make your bathing day very special. More nature, pleasure and well-being Nestled in the gently rolling hills of the Styrian Spa World lies the world’s largest habitable work of art. Unrestricted shapes, grass-covered roof-tops and facades in the colours of the rainbow change this modern hotel complex into a fairytale world for all senses.


Bathing in the most powerful curative waters ...

The most fortifying water of the Styrian Spa region offers guests regeneration for body and soul. The Vulkania lake, for thousands of years fed by pure curative water from the 2.843 m deep Vulkania hot spring, guarantees unparalleled bathing pleasures. Total relaxation can be found in the garden of the 4 elements, where leisurely hammocks invite to refresh your soul by simply letting go.


Being in harmony with the universe ... Water has always been connected with creative power, purification and healing properties. In Rogner-Bad Blumau it is the equivalent for the holistic concept of well-being for body, mind and spirit. A 8.500 m² spa temple, including 2.724 m² water surface, apart from the two different curative waters of the Melchior and the Vulkania spring. A comprehensive list of beauty

treatments and fitness offers guarantee the guests’ individual relaxation and well-being.

More quietly and more relaxed ... Heated chairs and benches in the waiting room of the new spa reception provide a peaceful heaven and will make the time between your treatments worth while. The therapy and mas-

sage rooms present themselves in a new light where improved air-conditioning and an indirect lighting system create a harmonious atmosphere. Experience the combination of tension and relaxation Six conference and banquet rooms and state-of-the-art seminar technology seat up to 250 people and offer unique prerequisites for successful events. Stress management units, active


regeneration breaks such as Qui Gong drum massage, active brain balance and individual relaxation units, as well as a unique spectrum of well-being offers contribute to a perfect seminar day for the participants. For paradise is just around the corner ... More nature, pleasure and well-being LOIPERSDORF For more than 20 years Bad Loipersdorf has been one of the Meccas of relaxation and health for all generations. Whether you prefer a stress free atmosphere of peace and quiet or family fun in the hot springs the first-class infrastructure of the facility offers something for every taste and preference. The pure thermal water makes blocked energy flow inside you. Its bubbling warmth awakens feelings of purity, release and well being. The highly mineralised thermal water and organic fango mud packs form the basis of a comprehensive treatment for therapy, fitness and well being. Loipersdorf offers classic, alternative and


far eastern methods of treatment. For an energizing work-out you will find all you need in the fitness studio ‘Galaxy’. The beautiful surrounding countryside with its gently undulating hills, blooming orchards, lush green meadows, vineyards and castles is also known as the Styrian Tuscany and will enchant you and bring new joy of life. Live it by hiking, running, cycling, or on the golf course or the tennis court or on a balloon ride if you feel more adventurous.

Better aging

‘Some people grow older, “I’m growing older and better”, has been the motto of Bad Loipersdorf since October 2004. It is attributed to and endorsed by Thomas Muster who as a former tennis star is indeed a credible role model. What is the idea behind this new initiative? – Everyone can release tension, relax and follow a healthy diet at home. The new health institute at Bad Loipersdorf goes a decisive step beyond: Under the medical guidance of Dr. Lindschinger, senior doctor, the new institute is based on the principles of regenerative medicine to support better aging, an aspect which is increasingly important under the focus of rising life expectancy.

Thermal Spa of Bad Waltersdorf – The source of joy! Well-being instead of adventure stress, enjoyment instead of holiday hassle: In Bad Waltersdorf every guest will find their individual recipe for well-being. Nestled in the gentle hills of East Styria, the spa facility prides itself on having one of the most powerful hot springs in Austria. It is 10,000 years old, rises from two boreholes at a depth of 1,200 metres and has a temperature of 62 C. An incredible 1,9 million litres of pure spring water per day flow into the seven thermal bathing and swimming pools. The temperature has by then cooled down to a pleasant 28 to 37°C. The core of the facility is the unique hot springs area with about 4,000 m² of water for thermal bathing, swimming and simple well-being. The unique combination of healing spring water with a wide range of treatments and activities to choose from offers unlimited ways of indulging and getting an overall feeling of well-being and vitality.

The spring contains natrium, hydrogen carbonate and chloride and thus has an anti-inflammatory effect. It also promotes detoxication and purification. Its pH value of 7,09 smoothes the skin and stimulates digestion and circulation. The spacious sauna facilities will impress you with 12 sauna cabins: Finnish-style sauna, rock sauna, Roman sweat bath, herbal steam bath, infra-red cabin – you name it. Purify body and soul in the sauna and cool down in the cold water pool. Every Tuesday and Thursday evening from 6 to 8:00pm we offer special infusions with salt, honey or snow flakes. The Styrian Spa Centre at Bad Waltersdorf offers guidance in therapy, regeneration of energy, beauty and nutrition. Our specially trained team (certified lifestyle coaches) try to find the sources of problems and imbalances. In a relaxed atmosphere an individual programme is designed for every guest which aims at increasing joy of life and finding inner balance. The service comprises therapeutic and energetic treatments, beauty treatments and guidelines for a healthy diet.


Schladming Austria Located in the very heart of Austria ( 300km west of Vienna, 90km east of Salzburg) and conveniently reachable from all directions – this is Schladming, the renowned place for tourism and sports. In this scenic resort (5.000 inhabitants), nestling among the impressive countryside of the Dachstein-Tauern Region, the Sporthotel Royer has established its traditional as well as unparalleled reputation; Sporthotel Royer is located only a stone’s throw from the ground- station of the famous Planai, the mountain having become known worldwide due to its TV- covered hosting of big scale sports events. All 130 hotel rooms are combining an inviting atmosphere with high standards. Individual hospitality at Sporthotel Royer also boasts a wide variety of cuisines and hand selected wines – delicacies for the palate and the eye – which are the ingredients that make you want to enjoy one of three restaurants and two enchanting hotel bars. Eight seminar rooms and state of the art equipment provide the perfect setting for incentives and events no matter whether business or private.


“Everything under one roof ” – is our philosophy that makes Sporthotel Royer the leading hotel of the region with a wide variety of leisure and sports facilities: scenic indoor and outdoor swimming pool, relax area with finish sauna, tepidarium, steam bath, infrared cabine, massage and relaxing room, solarium, beauty parlour, 3 indoor tennis courts, 2 outdoor tennis courts (rackets and shoes for rent), 3 bowling alleys, squash box, indoor rifle range, fitnessroom, golf training ground, table tennis, billard, dart, bicycles and mountain bikes, funroom, internet corner, childrens´s playing room, pony riding for children during summer, childrens nanny during Austrian holiday periods, inline skates, Nordic walking,….. parking garage, own helipad The family focus of our hotel has a long tradition and attracts regular customers as well as new guests each and every year. Sporthotel Royer has become a popular place to get together and to stay for many a celebrity from sports, politics, culture, economy and the movie and media world over the past few years.



AustriaFebruary Road Show 2007 Step to promote Austria as a travel destination By Mujahid Iqbal The Austrian National Tourist Office –ANTO– is the national marketing organization for the promotion of Austria as a leisure and business travel destination. Austria has for long maintained strong tourism relations with the GCC countries. The Austrian Tourist Officer (ANTO) is the national tourism marketing organization for country of Austria. The ANTO receives its base funding form Austrian Federal Government (75%) and the Austrian Chamber of Commerce (25%), but also act as free-base marketing agency for Austrian tourism interests. We operates 34 offices worldwide with representation responsible for tourism marketing in 60 countries. Every year we implement about 1500 marketing activities, ranging from advertising, public relations efforts, event marketing, trade shows and travels trade efforts, on line promotions and more. In 2007 ANTO opens its first branch office in the Middle East, in Dubai. The Austrian National Tourism Office held a Austria Roadshow in Sheraton Kuwait to promote some of the best tourist products of Austria. This roadshow is a part of the Austria Roadshow, which was held in Dubai, Qatar and which is now in Kuwait.


There were about 14 different tour operators from different regions of Austria, who were showcasing their products and the unique benefits of each region. The roadshow was attended by Klaus Ehrenbrandtner, the marketing manager Middle East at the Austrian National Tourist Office, Dubai, Dr. Peter Firhelinger, the marketing manager Overseas Market at Austrian National Tourist Office, Dr. OttoHartmann, the director sales & marketing / tours & travel at Austrian Hotels International, Essa Azzam, sales arab department at Botros Incoming, Sabina Palitsuh, the deputy director at Grand Pak Hotel, Sandra Gensbichler, the sales & marketing manager at Alberg Hospiz Hotels & Restaurants, Gerlinde Trampitsch, the area manager at Carinthian Tourist Office, Alexander Csurda, the director of sales at Mondale Destination Management, Jan Hendrik Van Billen, the managing director at Palais Coburg Residenz GmbH, Esnestine Mittendorfer, the head of incoming department at Springer Reisen, Petra Reifeltshammer, the business development manager at Travel Marketing, GesmbH, Gerhard Leskover, the marketing manager at Salzburger Land Tourismus GmbH, Hermann Gruber, the managing director at Top Hotels Dechstein– Tauern, Jean Jacques Boyer, the director international sales at VIT – Promotion, Andrea Stifter, the director at Vorderegger Travel, Erika Nowak, the market & media manager at Vienna Tourist Board.

like the Vienna Imperial, Salzburg Countryside, Senic Carinthia "In our visits to over Kuwait, we will be meeting with travels and Strya where its nice and cool compared to the hot weather professionals such as tour operators and travels agencies were in Kuwait." we can discuss business opportunities and promote Austria as travel destinations. The finale of the roadshow was a lucky draw, the Emirates Airlines had sponsored 2 return air tickets of Austria and three Mr. Abbas Modak – Acting Sales Manager of Emirates, opened nights stay. his speech acknowledging the support of the travel community in promoting Emirates to Austria. Emirates open daily airbus services to Vienna from Dubai and this summer would be increasing its frequency from Kuwait 16 to 18 flights a week. This is the third time that ANTO is conducting this roadshow along with Emirates Airlines in Kuwait. ANTO was immensely pleased with the organization of the road show which brought together many tour operators as well as target audience all under one roof. It was an opportunity to elaborate on their various seasonal tour packages to Austria. According to Mr. Klaus Ehrenbrandtner –ANTO, the number of visitors from the GCC, especially from Kuwait have almost doubled year after year. Vienna is a well known tourist destination for the Middle East travelers, who get away from the high temperature in their home countries to enjoy cooler climate of Austria countryside and ski slopes. Kuwait comes only second to KSA in terms of numbers of tourists who visit Europe every year. Austria is also a major destination for health tourism with its world renowned spas. Klaus Ehrenbrandtner was than ask about the number of people from Kuwait visiting Austria and he claimed, "According to statistics, around 250,000 of the visitors to Austria are from the Middle East, while in summer people from Kuwait prefer places



Austrian trade delegation in Kuwait

By: Mujahid Iqbal The Austrian trade delegation visited the Kuwait Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI) where they met their counterparts and discussed ways and means to improve trade and business ties. Hilal Mishari Al-Mutairi, The vice-chairmans of the Kuwait Chamber of Commerce and Industry, welcomed the visitors headed by Dr. Richard Schenz, the vice-president of the Austria Federal Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Around 14 multinational companies represented the delegation in products ranging from textiles to windmills as well as jewellery. Al-Mutairi commended the excellent Kuwaiti-Austrian relations in almost all aspects although he mentioned the need to improve trade and investment ties. The Austrian Ambassador Georg Stillfried and several members of the KCCI also attended the meeting. Schenz introduced the Austrian Chamber members to their Kuwaiti counterparts and spoke of all the successes they achieved in the Chamber’s 60-year-old history. He also announced his country’s remarkable participation in the ongoing self-reliant Saudi Programme where the Chamber provides the Saudi merchants with professional training and conducts seminars with about 500,000 Saudi nationals. He also said the Austrian Chamber’s members have also over the year gradually increased and now account for an unprecedented 300,000. “We represent the best interests of the Austrian Industry


team Sheikh Mubarak Al-Abdullah Al-Sabah attended the ceremony. A Kuwait-Austrian Businessmen Council to boost economic and trade ties between both the countries was formed on the occasion and Sheikh Mubarak AlAbduallah Al-Sabah was appointed Chairman of the council.

and are proud to say that we are completely independent form government bureaucracy. We help the needs of the Austrian business community by providing training and vocational courses for young and ambitious new business entrepreneurs,” He noted. The trade delegation’s chairman also encouraged Kuwaiti business men to venture forth and seek their business fortune in Austria saying that the business atmosphere in Vienna is one the best in Europe. He admitted to not having any large-scale investments yet in Kuwait but vowed to organise an annual fact-finding business team to determinedly examine the excellent opportunities here. “We are looking forward to a stronger presence in Kuwait. We believe that the business environment and opportunities here are booming on a gigantic scale and it’s good to be part of an economic revolution taking place in this region,” he added. The visiting delegation also invited their counterparts on the same mission to examine the business opportunities in Vienna. “We invite you as well in Austria - Vienna is a very attractive business location were situated in the heart of Central Europe, in a visibly good position compared to other countries in Europe, you will never be disappointed,” he promised. Austrian Trade delegation was given a grand welcome at the Holiday Inn recently. Austrian Ambassador to Kuwait and the leader to the Kuwaiti businessmen



Concilium Musicum Wien

The Austrian Embassy in association with the National Council for Culture Arts and Letters (NCCAL) held a musical concert entitled ‘Concilium musicum Wien’ (Playing period instruments) at the Al-Maidan Cultural Centre, Abdullah Al-Salem School Maidan Hawally – Kuwait. The event was well attended by the diplomatic corps, media personnel, arts and several other people. The concert featured Paul Angerer on the violin, Astrid Braunsperger also on the violin, Christoph Angerer on the viola and viola d’amore, Gunter Schagerl on the

cello and Florian Wieninger on the double bass. The program included performances of musical compositions of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (17561791), Johann Georg Albrechtsberger (1736-1809), Joseph Haydn (1732-1809) and Franz Schubert (17971828) The ensemble was established in 1982 by Paul and Christoph Angerer with an aim to compose and perform periodic music of the 18th century in the exact manner and style that it was originally performed during its time. Over the course of its existence the ensemble’s repertoire expanded its range and scope to include baroque and dance music of the 19th century. The ensemble features rare manuscripts forgotten in the eons of times and breathes fresh and fragrant life into those as well as the works of lesser known classical maestros of their time on original and vintage periodic instruments. The Concilium musicum Wien has enjoyed stupendous successes in performing concerts all over Europe in large cities as well as small towns, fortresses, castles, cloisters, churches as well as international festivals. During the past years they have performed over 2300 concerts in over 500 cities at over 46 different venues playing more than 535 works by 219 different composers including 111 works by Joseph Haydn, 41 by Johann Michael Haydn and 86 by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

Willibald Gluck’s opera Le Corona performed on the occasion of the International Gluck Congress at Vienna’s Schonbrunn Palace, concerts with the Austrian Church Music at the festival Prague Spring and the Music Festival Dresden, the performance of Joseph Haydn’s oratorio, The Seven Last Words of the Redeemer on the Cross in a chorus version and the orchestral version in a premiere at Cadiz, Spain as well as Joseph Haydn’s cantata Applausus. They even ventured further and performed in a concert tour covering five weeks in China and Southeast Asia and the first ever European ensemble to have ever performed in Libya.

They then recorded a CD and did a stint on TV of a Christmas Concert with the Mexican Tenor Ramon Vargas: Musical Cruises on the Rivers Danube Vlatava and Elbe. Soon after followed concerts at the renowned Mozart Festivals at Witzburg, Chemnitz, Royal Palace at Stockholm, an orchestral concert with the Viennese Dance Music from Haydn un Ziebrer in Leipzig, a CD production and orchestral concert with the Strauss in the Golden Hall of the Wiener Musikverein to celebrate the International Philatelist’s Stamp Exhibition 2000 in Vienna as also an orchestral concert at the Wiener Konzerthaus.

Their most successful productions prompting special importance include the world premiere of Christoph




are of course judged on how far they go but also on whether or not they can put on a good show – which means creativity and showmanship. Besides the trophies, first winner prize takes home a pilot’s training, second place can learn to paraglide, and third place receive a parachute course. These prizes can be replaced with cash. While folks here will be the newest members of amateur aviators, they follow their earlier Flugtaggers, whom spread their wings in Vienna, Austria, for the first time in 1991. Since then, more than 35 Red Bull Flugtags have been held around the world attracting up to 300,000 spectators at one event! The international record for the farthest flight todate currently stands at 59.4m set in 2000 at Red Bull Flugtag Austria.

Kuwait is celebrating the first Red Bull Flugtag On the 2nd of November, Red Bull Flugtag, the outrageous human-powered flying competition, will make its way for the first time to Kuwait. Flugtag, or “flying day” in German, is an international event whereby participants fly their homemade machine from a six-meter ramp into the water. Flugtag dares creative individuals to prove they are real inventors and can construct an original and creative flying machine never dreamt up by anyone before. 40 teams have been carefully selected to get prepared to participate in the first Red Bull Flugtag in Kuwait. Faced with a difficult process to achieve, the selection process was based on the difficult collection of several criteria: innovation, creativity, execution and flying skills. The teams of daredevils and ingénues were finally picked and informed in the first gathering hosted at the Kuwait


The sky’s the limit on imagination, but being in a competition, there are still a few rules and regulations. First, all flying machines must be entirely human-powered (no external energy sources or stored power). Second,

all crafts must be less than 8 meters wide. And finally, no matter what they say, size does matter – therefore, all crafts must weigh no more than 180kgs (excluding the pilot). This extraordinary flying contest will be held on Friday November 2, 2007 at Marina Waves where a six meter high by 25 meter long and eight meter width launching ramp is constructed. The show will start at 1:30pm. For more information, visit:

Science Club, where they were briefed of rules and regulations, met with members of the media, and were given the green light to start building their flying machine for the Flugtag. The selection hosts teams from as far as Bahrain, as well as from the heart of Kuwait with a common goal inmind: to achieve their dream of a human-powered flight! “Flugtag”, or“flying day”in German, will put all teams to the test, challenging them to launch their homemade flying machines off a six meter high ramp. Inadditiontotheinspirationalideas,uniquenessofconcept, color mixes and artistic reproductions, some designs also displayed high technicalities with clear engineering skills, putting the principles of aviation physics in-action. So what does it take to be a top Flugtag finisher? Teams


Austrian Apple Strudel Recipe for the Dough:

Gerhard Debriacher Austrian Baker & Pastry Chef

Gerhard Debriacher 38 years, Austrian. Grown up in Austrian, Velden am Wörtersee were we own one Bakery & Pastry shop Family business over four generation. Married to New Zealand Lady, Have two kids: Christiane 4years and Andre 2years.

My Professional Background: Four years apprentice ship with Certification to be qualified Bakery & Konditor (Pastry) Educational –Background & Qualifications (Professional College) Master Degree for Baker & Konditor (Pastry Chef ) Advanced Kitchen Management Program

My Career: 1984-1989 Apprenticeship as Baker & Pastry Chef in Bäckerei Piber in Villach Austria, 1990-1997 Bäckerei – Konditorei – Cafe Debriacher


Velden Austria (Managed Family Business) 1997-1998 Bakery and Pastry Factory Edlinger in Sydney – Australia (Production Manager for my Uncle) 1998-1999 M/S Deutschland, very famous German Cruise ship, (Executive Bakery & Pastry Chef ) Moved 1999 to Saudi Arabia to work for Prince Abdulla (Bakery & Pastry Production Manager for Saudi Arabian Airlines in Riyadh up to October 2001; October 2001 up to June 2006 I worked for Emirates Airlines as Bakery & Pastry Production Manager in Emirates Flight Catering Dubai June 2006 up to June 2007 worked as Operation Director for La-Baguette Kuwait. September 2007 opened my own business in Kuwait Company called”Target” Bakery & Pastry Combination Middle East.

500g white flour 50g whole egg 62g olive oil 5g wine vinegar 250g hand warm water 5g salt 1.Method: Mix Flour, egg, oil, vinegar, water and salt very carefully and knead for at least 7minutes. The result should be smooth, not to soft dough. Place the dough on an oiled plate and cover the surface of it as well. Now cover with a glass-bowl and put it at a warm place, let it rest for minimum 40minutes, this is essential, otherwise the dough will be braking when pulling over on the table to proceed.

Filling: 400g fine sliced apples 125g sugar 125g sultana 125g sweet crumbs 10g lemon zest 10g ground cinnamon 5g vanilla essence 125g butter 125g milk 2.Method: Take the fine sliced apples; add sultanas, sugar, lemon zest, cinnamon, and vanilla essence. Mix it and squeeze lightly, so apples take more on of the flavours. Prepare the filling three hours before using.

Work Off: Now take a clean kitchen towel and spread it over your working place, e.g. the table, flour it and place the hand warm dough-ball on it. First, start with a rolling pin and later pull the dough with floured hands-backs over the table. At the end, the dough has to be thin as a sheet (you can see through). Brush the entire dough area with melted butter, spread sweet crumbs over the dough, so a 7.5cm border remains free. Bring the filling on the crumbs. Now take the towel to help you rolling the strudel. For that take two corners of the towel and lift it a little, so strudel starts to roll up. Proceed until it is roll up, place on oven tray, which needs lightly buttered, and brushes it again with little melted butter and egg wash. Now get it in the preheated oven, bake it by 200C. Temperatures for around 25-30 minutes pour lightly milk over the strudel and bake it for 5minutes more

Tip: After baking, serve it warm. Do not wait to long, it is best, when the strudel is still warm. Serve it with Vanilla ice cream.


Duo of smoked salmon

Josef Umenberger Austrian Executive Chef

Name: Josef Umenberger Profession: Executive Chef Home Address: Hartkirchen ,Upper Austria

nutritional balanced food which is served this one of a kind Hospital where is celebrated “ redefining Hospitality in Hospital�

Josef started out his culinary career with the age of 15 as an Chef Apprentice at the Schloegener Donauschlinge Hotel in Haibach ,Upper Austria. After successfully completing his Apprentice he moved on to work in several Restaurant in Upper Austria, Tirol ,Carinthia and Salzburg area.

Josef is married to Debora and both are very proud of their Daughter Denise which his first hobby. His second hobby which is his professional attitude takes him beyond his duty where is in his time is searching for new recipes and do research for new dishes which he can implement to serve is valued customers

The first assignment out of Austria took him to Kempthal Switzerland from there was sailing the 7 Ocean on a 5 star Luxury Royal Viking Cruise line.

Josef Umenberger Phone: +9656931045 or +9659810385 e-Fax: +1 630 839 2732 e-mail: e-mail: e-mail: skype: jumenberger Webpage:

Further his career took him to work in 10 different countries and 3 Continents at present Josef works at the Royale Hayat Hospital in the position as Executive Chef where he is responsible for the artistic and


Smoked Trout aspic : 200 Milli liter 4 12 4 leaves 4 piece 12

Fish fond Smoked trout filet Green asparagus dips Basils leaves Grilled tomato Gelantine white Salt pepper to taste

Preparation : 1. reduce the fish fond to the half add the in cold water soaked gelantine leaves and let it disolves keep warm to not let it become solid , cut 6 pieces of the smoked trout filet for the forms ,grill the skinned tomato with olive oil ,cut the asparagus spears in short size clean the basil 2. take the timbale forms add some butter and give them an equal layer of butter spread out with plastic film add the a 2 ml high gelantine mix and each of the timbale place it in the Chiller to be come solid take out after around 20 minutes first place the tomato place on top the cut smoked trout fillet fill up with gelantine add 3 pce of the Asparagus spears add basil leave top up with the last smoked Trout filet fill up with gelantine mix repeat this procedure for each of the timbale let it rest for 24 hours and it is ready for serving place when serving in small dish top with balsamic reduction

Smoked trout tartar 4 servings 100 gr Smoked trout 20 gr Onions finley chopped 5 gr Chopped Parsley 2 table spoon Sour cream 1 tsp Horseradish sauce 4 pieces Brown toast

Preparation : 1. take the Trout filet and chop them very finely add the finely chopped onion ,Parsley mix them with the sour cream and Horse radish sauce the cut toasted brown toast bread in a ring add up with the smoked trout tartar garnish with cherry tomato 3. combine the smoked trout aspic and smoked trout filet on the plate add a salad bouquet some horseradish sauce garnish all of with balsamic vinaigrette and a fresh chive straw Ming on the top the are ready and take out and place into ice water


During the Habsburg Empire of Austria and Hungaria, the making of the Beef Broth reached it’s highest levels. Only the best Beef in the monarchy was used to prepare the finest essence of broth, the ’’ Consomme ‘’. It was rule that boiled meat was given to the servants and the Consomme was reserved for royalty. Since that time the saying goes: The Servants get the meat and the Royals gout.

Beef Broth

3,5 l Water 1,5kg Beef bones 100gr Onions with peel 70gr each of Carrots, Leek, Celery, Turnips Parsley stalks 10 Peppercorns Salt, Bayleaf, Chopped chives Method: Wash bones with warm water, and bring it to the boil with cold water. Always remove the raising foam from the water. In a pan fry the onion halves to a very dark color, and add to the soup. After 1,5 hours add the washed and cut vegetables and the spices. Add additional water to reach 1,5 liters. Strain the soup and add Salt to taste, garnish with chopped chives. Time: 2,5 hours Yield: 6 portions Tip: Don’t let the soup boil to strongly.

Rene Engelmaier

Austrian Renowned Chef

RENE ENGELMAIER The founder of Alimentos-consulting has 25 years of international hotel and catering experience. He started his international career in South Africa with the Westin Carlton Hotel, then worked in 5 star hotels in Switzerland, Argentina and Spain. Rene spent 5 years working with the most prestigious cruise lines, like Seabourn Cruises, Royal Viking and Hanseatic. Since 2003 in Kuwait, he worked for Kuwait Airways and the Amiri Fleet. ALIMENTOS International Catering Developments & Consulting



2 Liter of Beef Broth , no fat, and cold ( above recipe) 600 gr lean minced beef 4 Egg whites 1 TL Tomato paste 100 gr Carrots, Celery, and Leek finely minced Salt Method: Mix Mince meat, Vegetables, Egg whites, Salt and Tomato paste with ½ liter of Beef broth and let stand for ½ hour. Add the additional soup and bring to a soft boil. At the boiling point, let it stand for 2 hours. Strain the Consomme , using a fine sieve or a cloth. Add salt to taste.

Method Soak the Toastbread in water, and than squeeze out all liquid.Fry the onions in alittle oil, set aside. Mince the liver, kidneyfat, toastbread and onions, add all other ingredients. Keep for ½ hour in the fridge. Bring a lot of water to the boil and add salt. Form dumplings wit wet hands and let them cook for a few minutes. ( approx. 8 minutes )

Griessnockerl ( Semolina dumplings )

80gr Semolina 40gr Butter 1 Ei Salt, Nutmeg Method Whisk handwarm Butter until creamy, add the egg and mix it in well. Combine the egg and butter mixture with the semolina, nutmeg and salt. Keep in refrigerator for 15 minutes. With 2 spoons form small dumplings. Drop them in boiling saltwater or soup, and boil for 3 minutes. Pull the pot aside and let the dumplings soak for 10 minutes.

Sliced Pancakes ( Fritatten )

2 Eggs 60gr Flour 100ml Milk Oil, Parsley chopped, Salt Method Whisk milk and egg togheter, slowly add flour, parsley and salt. Mix well, let rest for 5 minutes. In a pan heat up some oil and slowly add the dough mixture in a circular motion. The pancakes have to be thin. Turnover and fry until goldenbrown. Repeat until dough is finished. Let the pancakes cool down, and slice in small strips. Add to the soup at the last moment, before serving.

Leberknoedel ( Liverdumplings )

100gr Beef Liver 40gr Breadcrumbs 30gr Kidneyfat 20gr Toastbread 1 Egg 20gr chopped Onions Oil, Salt, Garlic minced, Parsley chopped, Pepper, Majoran


‫يورو ‪2008‬‬ ‫كل �شيء يدور حول كرة القدم‬ ‫باقي �سنة لتنطلق ال يورو ‪2008‬‬

‫!‪EURO 2008‬‬ ‫القدم التمتع مبباريات اليورو ‪ 2008‬ودعم فرقهم واالحتفال على الطريقـة‬ ‫الفيينـاوية‪.‬‬

‫خالل بطولة �أوروبا لكرة القدم التي �ستقام يف الفرتة من ‪ 29 – 8‬يونيو باال�ضافة اىل منطقة امل�شجعني توجد اي�ضا خم�سة �أماكن عامة للم�شاهدة‬ ‫‪� ، 2008‬ستكون مدينة فيينـا هي مركز عامل كرة القدم‪ .‬لي�س هناك مكان بها �شا�شات عر�ض كبرية من�صوبة يف اماكن خمتلفة يف فيينـا‪.‬‬ ‫اخر يف العامل �سي�ضم مزيجا من املكان الرائع واحلدث الريا�ضي كما هو‬ ‫احلال يف مدينة فيينـا‪ .‬يف امليدان اخلا�ص بامل�شجعني املمتد على طول �شارع من اكرب املهرجانات يف اوروبا التي تقام بالهـواء الطلـق هو مهرجـان يطلق‬ ‫رينغ�شرتا�سه يف املنطقة الواقع بها مبنى اليون�سكو يف و�سط مدينة فيينـا عليـه ا�سم "دوناوانزل في�ست" و�سيقام هذا االحتفال يف نف�س الفرتة التي‬ ‫�ستكون بطولة اليورو ‪ 2008‬جتربة لن ين�ساها م�شجعي كرة القـدم‪.‬‬ ‫�ستكون بها بطولة اوروبا لكرة القدم ‪ 2008‬حيث �سيتم خالل هذا املهرجان‬ ‫يف الفرتة من ‪ 15-13‬يونيو تقدمي العديد من احلفالت املو�سيقية العادية‬ ‫�سبع مباريات مبا فيها املبارة النهائية �سوف جتذب مئات االالف من والكال�سيكية‪.‬‬ ‫امل�شجعني للذهاب اىل املدينة ايل تقع على نهــر الدانوب‪.‬‬ ‫حتى �أن �أحد متعهدي مباريات اليورو يخطط الر�ساء �سفينة يف قناة نهر‬ ‫‪ 50000‬من حاملـي التذاكر املحظوظني فـي كل مبـاراة �سيكون لهم احلـق الدانوب ليبني على ظهرها ملعبا لكرة القدم‪ .‬مابني املباريات �سيكون لدى‬ ‫التواجـد فـي ا�ستاد "ارن�ست هابل" ‪ .‬على اية حال يتوقع املنظمون ح�ضور الزائرين العديد من الفر�ص لالنغما�س احلقيقي للعي�ش بنمط احلياة‬ ‫‪ 250000‬زائر اىل فيينـا يف كل مباراة‪.‬‬ ‫(اليف �ستايل) اخلا�ص مبدينة فيينـا‪.‬‬ ‫ان م�شروع قرية امل�شجعني يف ميدان البلدية (راتهاو�س بالت�س) وميدان‬ ‫جتمع امل�شجعني املمتد من ميدان البلدية (راتهاو�س بالت�س) مرورا ب‬ ‫رينغ �شرتا�سه بفخامته االمرباطورية و�صوال اىل هيلدن بالت�س حيث ان‬ ‫امليدان التاريخي امام ق�صـر هوفبورغ �سوف يوفر م�ساحة ل ‪ 120000‬م�شجع‬ ‫وي�ضمن لهم جوا رائعا واقامة م�سليــة يف املدينــة‪ .‬عرو�ض فنية على الهواء‬ ‫مبا�شرة وطعاما من الدرجة االوىل وكذلك ت�سع حوائط �ضخمة لعر�ض ان املدرب امل�شهور "اوتوريهاكل" الذي قاد منتخب اليونان لكرة القدم اىل‬ ‫الفيديو �سوف ت�أمن بثا حيا مبا�شرا للمباريات‪ .‬وهذا ي�شكل احتفاال فريدا ال�صدارة وح�صوله على لقب بطل اوروبا لكرة القدم عام ‪ 2004‬مقتنعا ب�أن "‬ ‫من نوعه يقام يف و�سط مدينة فيينـا وبذلك �سيكون بامكان م�شجعي كرة هناك الكثري للم�شاهدة واالطالع يف فيينـا‪ .‬فيينـا انها مدينة رائعة "‪.‬‬ ‫ان القيام بزيارة حلديقة براتر وهي �أكرب حديقة ترفيهية يف املدينة �أو‬ ‫زيارة حانات النبيذ التقليدية امل�سماه بـ(هويريغر) �أو التواجد يف �أحد‬ ‫امل�سابح املفتوحة لعدة �ساعات �سوف تعمل على م�ساعدة �أي �شخ�ص ليتنف�س‬ ‫ال�صعداء واال�سرتخاء واال�سرتاحة قبل انطالق املباراة املثرية التالية‪.‬‬


‫‪shows, first-rate catering and nine gigantic video walls will‬‬ ‫‪ensure fascinating live broadcasts of the matches- a real party‬‬ ‫‪in the unique setting of Viennas city center. So football fans can‬‬ ‫‪enjoy the games experience EURO 2008, support their teams‬‬ ‫!‪and celebrate – Vienna style‬‬ ‫‪In addition to the fan zone there will be five other public viewing‬‬ ‫‪sites with big screens at various locations in Vienna. Europes‬‬ ‫‪biggest open-air festival, the Donauinselfest, also takes place at‬‬ ‫‪the same time as EURO 2008 and offers many live concerts and‬‬ ‫‪parties from 13 to 15 June. One EURO sponsor even plans to‬‬ ‫‪anchor a football ship with its own football field on the Danube‬‬ ‫‪Canal. In between matches the many visitors will have countless‬‬ ‫‪opportunities to indulge in true Viennese lifestyle. Avisit to the‬‬ ‫‪Prater, the citys biggest amusement park, or to a typical wine‬‬ ‫‪tavern (called Heuriger) or a few hours at one of the inviting‬‬ ‫‪open-air swimming pools will help everyone to wind down,‬‬ ‫‪chill out and relax before the next thrilling match.‬‬ ‫‪Star trainer Otto Rehhagel, who led the ruling European‬‬ ‫‪champions Greece to victory in 2004, is convinced, “There is so‬‬ ‫”‪much to do and see here. Vienna is a wonderful City.‬‬

‫‪Everything revolves around‬‬ ‫‪football‬‬ ‫!‪one year to go until EURO 2008‬‬ ‫‪Vienna will be the centre of the football world during the‬‬ ‫‪European Championship from 8 to 29 june 2008. Nowhere‬‬ ‫‪else in the world will a splendid setting and a modern sport‬‬ ‫‪event blend into each other like in Vienna. With the fan mile‬‬ ‫‪on Ringstrasse boulevard in the UNESCO World Heritage‬‬ ‫‪zone in Viennas inner city EURO 2008 will be an unforgettable‬‬ ‫‪experience for all football fans.‬‬ ‫‪Seven matches, including the final, will attract hundreds of‬‬ ‫‪thousands of fans to the city on the Danube.‬‬ ‫‪50.000 lucky tickt holders per game will be right where the‬‬ ‫‪action is at Ernst Happel Stadium. However, the organisers‬‬ ‫‪expect up to 250.000 visitors in Vienna on every match day. The‬‬ ‫‪planned fan village on Rathausplatz and the fan mile stretching‬‬ ‫‪from Rathausplatz via Ringstrasse boulevard with its imperial‬‬ ‫‪splendour to Heldenplatz, the huge historic square in front of‬‬ ‫‪Hofburg Palace, will over room for 120.000 fans and guarantee‬‬ ‫‪a great atmosphere and an entertaining stay in the city. Live‬‬


The ENERGY DRINK that provides you with strength & excitement POWER HORSE backs a concept which reaped sweeping success in more than 30 countries worldwide – the myth of the „horse“, the release of our elemental energy and strength. When it comes to the effect it produces, POWER HORSE does every justice to the claim „Free your Energy“. The drink features a special mix of taurine, caffeine and the vitamins B12, B2 and B6. This is what releases the energy of the consumer, the power waiting to be set free in each and every one of us. The drink’s very appearance (a stocky and powerful can) demonstrates that POWER HORSE is for every day people. People, who work hard every day and having to perform. A product ideal in its taste and performance. A „concentrated form of energy“suitable for adults.

Malek Harzallah - Area Manager Gulf/Levant

The energ y drink to give you “real power” The target group for POWER HORSE is not primarily youngsters but rather high- performing adults. In this way POWER HORSE has taken up the original positioning of the Energy Drink in Asia: to provide energy to hard working people (slogan „free your energy“). When compared with its major competitors, POWER HORSE is definitely on an equal footing: the sugar-free variant tends to come in first. A drink for those free in their thoughts, successful, competitive, energetic, sophisticated and those who like to act. It is aimed at critically-minded and energetic people who have to hold their own day after day. POWER HORSE makes you mobile: situations always arise in daily life, whether it be in our leisure time or at work, in which we could do with a small „Energy-Kick“ to be able to master mental and physical demands. For a fresh start to the day, before important examinations, instead of taking a relaxing nap at lunch-time or in the afternoon when tiredness sets in (classical „After-Lunch-Lag“). An energy boost before we have to perform in sports, before embarking on a long trip on the motorway, as a reward for a hard day at work or before we go out. POWER HORSE releases the energy dormant in each and every one of us and it is a delicious and outstanding refreshment to boot.


POWER HORSE clearly stands out from its competitors due to its unique positioning. The company invests in advertising a and performs product promotions adequate for the market. And since POWER HORSE significantly enhances the powers of concentration, stamina and the reactions, movement is to be expected in the market! For more information about the POWER HORSE Energ y Drink, please visit our website: POWER HORSE Energy Drinks GmbH, a subsidiary of S. Spitz GmbH (active in the food and beverage industry since 1857), is a young and innovative company with its headquarters in Linz/ Austria which markets its Energy Drink at international level. A company comparable with the UN: an international team of 38 employees from 12 different nations. The company has branch offices in Dubai/United Arab Emirates, San Francisco/California and Mumbai/India. It is the undisputed market leader in the premium segment in markets such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Yemen. The POWER HORSE Energy Drink was developed by S. Spitz KG/Attnang-Puchheim in 1993 and is a protected trade mark.

My new found passion is called Wien

AHDI My decision to visit Austria was decided in the spare of the moment, I wanted to experience something new, and I have so much love for culture, art, and music.. and where else can you find a rich culture, Gustav Klimt original paintings, and the history of Beethoven anywhere else but in Vienna? This country took my breath away, the nature is indescribable, the people are the most appropriate and tranquil I have ever met. If you asked me about the food, I would sit for weeks listing all the restaurants that I found exceptionally good, as a matter of fact, I never went to any restaurant in Wien and didn’t find the food exquisite no matter what your taste in food is. The transportation is the most efficient I have ever experienced. And the friendliest people will help you in anyway they can. I have fallen in love.. and it is not with a woman, I have fallen in love with a palace called Belvedere. It’s a place from which you see beauty, and when you stand in the second floor window, you can actually see the whole city right in front of you.. a breath taking experience. Believe it or not, but a month later, after coming back home, I found my self missing Austria, and I hopped on the first plane to get back there.. there is so much to discover, so much to see, and so much to learn about this great culture. I think I have found a new passion, I think my passion is growing with every time I step on Wien’s grounds. Tschuess


Marina Mall 224 4885 - Arraya Center 299 7696 - Salhiya 299 6423 at Catwalk

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