My Disney Stars and Friends - Teacher's Book1

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My toys 7

Unit Overview


ball, block, car, doll, teddy bear

I’m sad, four, I share my toys


I like my (ball)

Key GSE Learning Objectives


• Can recite a short, simple rhyme or chant.

• Can use a few basic words to say how they feel, if supported by pictures.

• Can use cardinal numbers up to ten.

• Can use a few basic words and phrases to talk about a familiar topic.


• Can understand a few basic words and fixed expressions in a story that is read aloud to them, if supported by pictures.

• Can recognize a few basic words and phrases, if spoken slowly and clearly and supported by pictures.

• Can follow basic classroom instructions.

Phonics and letters

• Bb; ball

Sulley is a monster from Monstropolis. He looks scary, but he is very kind. He looks after Boo.

Boo is a sweet, curious, two-year-old girl. She can’t speak properly yet because she’s so young. She first met Sulley and Mike when she went to Monstropolis, and now they are great friends.

Mike Wazowski is also a monster from Monstropolis. He's generous and funny, and is a good friend of Sulley and Boo.

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Frozen Disney movie lesson

Lesson 1 Vocabulary


Lesson aims

• to introduce the main unit characters

• to introduce the topic and vocabulary of toys in context

Target language

• ball, block, car, doll, teddy bear

Main GSE Learning Objective

• Can repeat single words, if spoken slowly and clearly.

Future Skills

• Persistence and growth


• Unit 7 Picture Cards (ball, block, car, doll, teddy bear)

• Sticker (Little Mikey)

• Mickey Mouse puppet

Extra resources

• a doll, a teddy bear, building blocks, a toy car, and a ball

• cloth/paper shopping bags

• play money (optional)


Doll, doll Car, car Teddy bear, teddy bear Ball, ball Blocks, blocks 7.2 Toys

A ball, ball, ball.

A car, car, car.

A teddy bear, teddy bear, teddy bear.

Blocks, blocks, blocks.

A doll, doll, doll. Toys, toys, everywhere!

Student’s Book Workbook


1 7.1 Listen and say.

Circle time

•Make Mickey come out of his home and greet you and the students.

•Show Mickey and the students the toys and make Mickey look enthusiastic. Look, Mickey, I have toys! This is a ball!

•Have Mickey repeat the word ball.

•Repeat with the other words.

•Make Mickey choose one of the toys and hold it, saying I have a (teddy bear).

• Show the Unit 7 Picture Cards to students one by one and have them say the words.

• Play a game from the Games bank (see page 16) to practice the new vocabulary.

0.1 Greet students and sing the Hello song. Book time

In this activity we review the grammar structures This is … and I have a … .

•Play the audio. Point to the toys on the page as you hear them.

•Play the audio again. Have students point to the pictures on the page and say the words.

2 7.2 Toys Chant and move.

•Play the chant and mime actions for each toy (e.g., ball: mime bouncing a ball; car: mime driving; teddy bear: mime hugging a teddy bear; blocks: mime building a tower with blocks; doll: mime hugging a doll).

•Play the chant again. Students join in with actions and noises, and saying the words.

3 Stick.

•Have students find the sticker of the stuffed toy monster (Little Mikey).

•Students can stick it anywhere on the page.

Persistence and growth

4 Toy Store Play.

•Create a toy store in the classroom. Arrange some of the toys (balls, cars, teddy bears, dolls, and blocks) on a table as if they are for sale in a store.

•Give shopping bags to students.

•Play the role of the shopkeeper. Students point to a toy and ask for it: A ball, please.

A ball? Yes! Here you are.

•Remind students to say Thank you.

Student’s Book p52

•Have students open their Student’s Books. Point to each of the characters in turn and ask Who’s this? Elicit their names if possible, then say Hello to each character and encourage students to do the same.


•You could extend this by adding a money transaction.

A ball? Yes! Here you are. One (dollar), please.

•Students give you play money and repeat, One dollar. Remember to thank them.

•When students are confident, they can play the role of the shopkeeper. They can also play the game in smaller groups.

If you don’t have real toys, this game also works using the Picture Cards.

What’s missing (See page 16)

Place the five toys or the five Picture Cards on a table. Cover them with a cloth. Say Close your eyes! Secretly remove one of the toys and hide it behind your back.

Say Open your eyes. Look! What’s missing? Let students work out which toy is missing and say that word. Repeat with other toys.

This activity involves the critical-thinking skills of observation and deduction.

Workbook p50

1 Match and say.

•Look together at the toys in the circles and have students name them.

•Point to the red car in the circle on the left and say Car. Point to the silhouette of the ball below and say Car? Car? (No)

•Repeat with the silhouette of the car. (Yes)

•Show students how to trace the line between the two pictures.

•Repeat for the other toys.

0.2 Sing the Goodbye song.


Lesson 2 Grammar

I like my ball

Lesson aims

• to introduce the grammar structure I like …

Target language

• I like my (ball )

Recycled language

• ball, block, car, doll, teddy bear

Main GSE Learning Objective

• Can recite a short, simple rhyme or chant.

Future Skills

• Social awareness Materials

• Unit 7 Picture Cards (ball, blocks, car, doll, teddy bear)

• Mickey Mouse puppet

Extra resources

• teddy bears, dolls, cars, blocks, balls

• gift wrap or paper bags


A: I like my blocks! B: I like my ball!

7.4 I like my doll! I like my doll, I like my blocks, I like my teddy bear! I like my car, I like my ball, I like my teddy bear!

Let’s play and share, Let’s play and share, Play and share!

Student’s Book Workbook


0.1 Greet students and sing the Hello song.

Circle time

•Have a toy ready to give to Mickey. Show it to students.

Look. It’s a teddy bear. It’s for Mickey!

•Make Mickey come out of his home and greet you and the students.

•Show Mickey and the students the Picture Cards to review the vocabulary.

Look, Mickey! A teddy bear. A teddy bear for you!

•Make Mickey say Thank you! and play. Make him say I like my teddy bear!

Oh, good. I’m happy that you like your teddy bear, Mickey!

•Put some toys in the middle of the circle. Look thoughtfully at them, then pick one up. Say It’s a (ball). I like my (ball)!

•Invite students to choose a toy. Help them say I like my (block).

Keep Mickey’s new toy to use in Lesson 3.

Let students sit down holding the toys they’ve chosen. Hold up a Picture Card and say Look! It’s a (doll)! All students who are holding dolls stand up and say I like my (doll!) Repeat with all the toys.

Book time

Student’s Book p53

1 7.3 Listen and say.

•Play the audio. Point to each child in the Student's Book as they speak.

•Play the audio again. Have students point to the pictures in their Student’s Books and repeat what they hear.



I like my doll!

Sing and move.

•Play the video and join in with the actions on the screen.

•Play the video again. Students join in doing the actions and singing the song if they can.

3 Thank you Play.

Social awareness: This game helps teach the vocabulary while reinforcing the values of generosity, politeness, and sharing. Giving presents is part of the concept of sharing. While they are not sharing their own toys (which is harder to learn), they are still learning generosity.

•Place several toys in individual paper bags, or wrap them in gift wrap.

•Invite a student to give one of these presents to you. Help them say It’s for you! Then open it.

It’s a (ball). Thank you! I like my (ball).

•Give one of the presents to a student. Let them open it and help them say Thank you! I like my (teddy bear).

•When students have understood the game, let them play it independently.

If you use bags instead of gift wrap, you can easily repeat the game using the same toys and bags.

Have students draw their favorite toy from home. Have them tell you about it. I like my (car).

Students’ favorite toys might not be ones whose names they’ve learned. If they draw another toy, accept this and tell them what it’s called in English.

Workbook p51

1 Trace.

•Look at the pictures at the bottom of the page and have students name the toys.

•Point to the boy.

I like …?

•Have students use their fingers to trace the line from the boy to the doll. (Doll!)

•Repeat with the girl.

•Students trace the lines with their pencils.

2 Say.

•Have students point to the people and say I like my ... .

Boy: I like my doll.; Girl: I like my teddy bear.


0.2 Sing the Goodbye song.

•You can now do the Unit 7 Phonics lesson (see Student's Book page 79 and Teacher's Book page 189).

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Lesson 3 Feelings

Lesson aim

• to introduce the word sad and recognize, understand, and express the feeling of sadness

Target language

• I’m sad

Recycled language

• happy, scared, upset, excited, tired, curious

Main GSE Learning Objective

• Can use a few basic words to say how they feel, if supported by pictures.

Future Skills

• Self-awareness

• Persistence and growth

• Social awareness


• Sticker (Sulley)

• Mickey Mouse puppet

• Feelings poster

Extra resources

• Mickey's toy from Lesson 2


Picture 1:

A: Are you OK?

A: Why?

B: No. I’m sad.

B: My hand, ow!

A: Oh, here … there, it’s OK.

B: OK. Thank you, Daddy.

Picture 2:

A: Oh … what’s the matter?

B: I’m sad. Where’s my teddy bear?

A: Oh dear … your teddy bear. Look! Your teddy bear!

Picture 3:

Oh! My ice cream! I’m sad. I’m sad!

Picture 4:

A: I have my ball. I like my ball. Let’s play!

B: Not today.

A: Oh! I’m sad!

B: Yes. It’s OK.

7.6 I’m sad

I’m sad, I’m sad, I’m sad today.

I’m sad, I’m sad, I’m sad today.

I’m sad today. It’s OK.


I’m sad
Student’s Book

Book time Hello

0.1 Greet students and sing the Hello song.



Self-awareness: Children often equate being sad with crying. But we don’t always express it like that. Often, we move more slowly, and we don’t jump or play. Children might not see or understand a difference between being sad and being upset.

•Hide Mickey's toy from Lesson 2.

•Make Mickey come out of his home and greet you and the students. Make him look and sound very sad.

Oh, Mickey? Are you OK?

•Make Mickey say No. I’m sad.

Oh, Mickey. You’re sad. Why?

•Make Mickey say I don’t have my toy. Where’s my toy?

Oh, no! Let’s find Mickey’s toy.

•Have students find it, then make Mickey look very happy and say My toy! Thank you! I'm not sad now. I'm happy!

•Have students close their eyes. Make a sad face. Have them open their eyes. Say Happy or sad? (Sad)

•Repeat with happy.

•Then invite students to make a face.

Keep Mickey’s toy to use in Lesson 5B.


Book p54

•Look at the pictures together. Point to each person or item as you mention them.

Look at the girl. She’s with her daddy. She isn’t happy. She’s sad. I wonder why? Is it her hand?

Look at the girl. She’s with her mommy. She’s sad. I wonder why? Maybe she wants her teddy bear?

Look at the girl. Look at the ice cream. Oh, no. The girl is sad.

Look at the boy. He has a ball. Oh, look, it’s raining. Oh, no. The boy is sad.

Students will gradually pick out the words they know from your Teacher Talk. Use expression in your voice to help with comprehension.

1 7.5 Listen.

•Play the audio. Point to the pictures as you listen.

•Play the audio again. Have students join in and say I’m sad.

2 7.6 I’m sad Sing and move.

•Play the song and mime being sad.

•Play the song again. Have students join in with the actions and words.

Let students express themselves by moving in a way which the music suggests to them. Letting them mime the feeling in any way they choose helps them understand the feeling.

3 Stick.

The sticker shows Sulley looking sad because he misses his friend Boo.

•Have students find the sad sticker. Is he sad?(Yes)

•Help students find the correct place on the page to stick their sticker.

Persistence and growth

Feelings poster

•Help students identify the sad face on the Feelings poster.

•As a review activity, have them find the happy, scared, upset, excited, tired, and curious faces, too.

•Congratulate them for completing this observation activity.

0.6 Sing the Good Job song and encourage students to feel proud.

Workbook p52

1 Who is sad?Circle.


•Look at the pictures together and have students decide who looks sad.

•Have them trace circles around the sad pictures with their fingers, then with a pencil.

Social awareness

2 Say.

•Have students point to the sad pictures and say I’m sad.

0.2 Sing the Goodbye song.


Lesson aims

• to recognize and count four

• to review one, two, and three

Target language

• four

Recycled language

• one, two, three

Main GSE Learning Objective

• Can use cardinal numbers up to ten.

Future Skills

• Persistence and growth


• Number Cards

• Mickey Mouse puppet

Extra resources

• four each of several different items, e.g., four blocks, crayons, books, pencils, etc.

• four toy tenpins or plastic bottles

• a ball



One, two, three, four! Four.

One, two, three, four! Four.

One, two, three, four! Four.

One, two, three, four! Four.

7.8 Numbers

Four, four, number four! Four, four, number four! Four, four, number four! Four balls! Four teddy bears! Four blocks! One, two, three, FOUR!

Lesson 4 Numbers
Student’s Book

Book time Hello

0.1 Greet students and sing the Hello song.

Student’s Book p55

1 7.7 Listen and say.

•Play the audio. Point to the groups of toys on the page as you hear the words.

Circle time

•Have some sets of four similar classroom items or toys ready.

•Make Mickey come out of his home. Show him a block.

A block. One block.

• Repeat with two, three and then four blocks. Look, Mickey! One, two, three, four! Four blocks!

•Make Mickey count the items, and say Very good, Mickey!

•Hold up Number Cards for 1, 2, 3, and 4 and say the words.

•Put a lot of crayons, pencils, blocks, etc. in the middle of the circle.

•Pick up a crayon and say One crayon. Pick up more crayons, one by one, counting as you do, until you have four.

•Show the crayons to students and count them. Have students count with you.

•Invite students to find and pick up sets of four items. Have them count.

Count the hands of two students, One, two. One, two. Have them put their hands next to each other and count all the hands together. One, two, three, four. Four hands! Repeat with legs. Then have students stand in pairs and do the same.

•Play the audio again. Have students point to the pictures in their Student’s Books and say Four.

•Count the toys: One, two, three, four (balls). Have students count with you.

2 7.8 Numbers Chant and move.

•Play the chant and have students mime playing with the toys as they hear the words.

•Play the chant again. Have students join in with the actions and the words.

If you have four of each of these toys, place them in sets so that the students can point to them as they chant. Alternatively, point to the pictures in the Student's Book.

3 Circle.

•Say Four and have students point to number 4 in their Student's Books.

•Have them trace the circle around the number with their fingers.

•Then have them draw a circle around the number.

Have students find the Disney character (Boo’s doll)and elicit how many legs it has (four).



Bowling Play.

•Stand four tenpins (or paper cups, boxes, plastic bottles, etc.) at one end of the classroom.

•Give one student a ball and show them how to roll the ball and try to knock over all four tenpins.

•Have the other students count how many they knock over. Repeat, and make sure everyone has a turn.

Persistence and growth

Workbook p53

1 Point and say.

•Have students look at the sets of toys on the page and count them.

Three? Where are three blocks? Four? Where are four balls?

•Students point to the objects and say Three blocks! Four balls!

2 Trace.

•Have students trace the number with their finger, then with a pencil.

3 Mark four.

•Point to the first picture and say Four? (No)

•Repeat with the other picture. (Yes)

•Have students mark the circle under the picture with four balls.

4 Color.

•Students color the four balls.

0.2 Sing the Goodbye song.


Boo shares toys

Lesson aim

• to understand the target language in the context of a story

Target language

• ball, block, car, doll, teddy bear, I like my …, sad

Recycled language

• bedroom, happy, I have a …

Main GSE Learning Objective

• Can understand a few basic words and fixed expressions in a story that is read aloud to them, if supported by pictures.

Future Skills

• Social awareness Materials

• Story Cards

• Mickey Mouse puppet

7.9 Boo shares toys

1: Look at Boo! She is in her bedroom. Oh, no! Boo is sad.

Boo likes her friends. Boo likes Sulley and Mike. “Where are Sulley and Mike?” thinks Boo.

2: Oh, look! Who is it? It’s Sulley and Mike!

“My friends,” thinks Boo. Hooray!

Boo is happy!

3: “I have toys,” says Mike!

“I have blocks, a ball, and a car!”

4: “I have a teddy bear,” says Sulley.

“And I have a doll,” thinks Boo.

“I like toys,” thinks Boo.

5: “Let’s go and play in Monstropolis!” says Sulley.

“Let’s share! Let’s share the toys!”

“Yes!” thinks Boo.

6: “I like my friends! I like my toys! I share my toys!” thinks Boo!


“I have toys,” says Mike!

“I have blocks, a ball, and a car!”

Look at Boo! She is in her bedroom. Oh, no! Boo is sad. Boo likes her friends. Boo likes Sulley and Mike. “Where are Sulley and Mike?” thinks Boo.

5A Storytime
Student’s Book Workbook
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Book time Hello

0.1 Greet students and sing the Hello song.



Story synopsis

This story starts with Boo feeling sad; she is missing her funny monster friends from Monstropolis, Sulley and Mike. Then they appear and Boo immediately cheers up. They have toys with them, too. That makes Boo even happier. Sulley has the idea of meeting up with other friends from Monstropolis and sharing the toys. Using wonderful Disney magic they go to Monstropolis and everyone shares Boo's toys and plays together.


•Make Mickey come out of his home and greet you and the students.

Mickey, sit down. It’s storytime.

•Make Mickey look excited and make him sit down. Praise Mickey, then show him the Story Cards.

•Show the Story Cards to students, one by one. Have them point and say any words in English that occur to them. It’s storytime!

•Read the story to students or play the audio without pausing. Show them each Story Card in turn, and point to objects and characters as they are mentioned.

•Read or play the story again. If students are struggling to understand, ask some of the key questions on the Story Cards.

Student’s Book pp 56–57

1 Point and say.

•Have students open their Student's Books and look at the story again.

Look. Can you see a ball?

•Students point and say Ball. Repeat with car and doll.

Look. Can you see blocks?

•Students point and say Blocks. Say Let’s count the blocks! Have students count them with you.

Who is excited?Can you see someone excited?

•Students point to Boo in frame 3 or any of the characters in frame 5, and say Excited.

2 7.9 Look and listen.

•Play the story again. Help students follow the story in their Student’s Books by pointing to the correct pictures.

Social awareness

3 Who is sad? Find.

•Look at the story together. Ask Who is sad?

•Have students point to the sad character.

Boo is sad in frame 1.

Social awareness


Mickey says (see page 17). Have Mickey say Happy, Sad, Excited, and Tired. When Mickey says Mickey says "Happy," have students act as if they are tired, dancing and jumping up and down. When Mickey says Mickey says "Sad," have students act as if they are sad, like Boo in the story. Have students act in appropriate ways when Mickey says that they should be tired or excited.



1 7.10 Listen and mark.

•Point to the top two pictures and say Listen.

•Play the audio.

•Point to the pictures again and ask Which picture? Students point to the correct picture.

•Show them how to indicate the correct answer by marking the circle by that picture, then have them mark the picture.

•Repeat with the bottom two pictures.

0.2 Sing the Goodbye song.


I share my toys

Lesson aims

• to review the story

• to evaluate the story and give a personal response to it

• to recognize and understand the value I share my toys

Target language

• I share

Recycled language

• ball, block, car, doll, teddy bear, I like my …, sad

Main GSE Learning Objective

• Can use a few basic words and phrases to talk about a familiar topic.

Future Skills

• Social awareness

• Persistence and growth


• Story Cards

• Sticker (Boo)

• Mickey Mouse puppet

• Values poster

Extra resources

• Mickey's toy from Lesson 2

Student’s Book

7.9 Boo shares toys

1: Look at Boo! She is in her bedroom. Oh, no! Boo is sad.

Boo likes her friends. Boo likes Sulley and Mike. “Where are Sulley and Mike?” thinks Boo.

2: Oh, look! Who is it? It’s Sulley and Mike! “My friends,” thinks Boo. Hooray! Boo is happy!

3: “I have toys,” says Mike!

“I have blocks, a ball, and a car!”

4: “I have a teddy bear,” says Sulley.

“And I have a doll,” thinks Boo.

“I like toys,” thinks Boo.

5: “Let’s go and play in Monstropolis!” says Sulley.

“Let’s share! Let’s share the toys!”

“Yes!” thinks Boo.

6: “I like my friends! I like my toys! I share my toys!” thinks Boo!


I share my toys, I share my toys, I share my toys! I share my toys, I share my toys, I share my toys! I share my toys, I share my toys, I share my toys!

Lesson 5B Values

Book time Hello

0.1 Greet students and sing the Hello song.



Social awareness: When children realize that they are not losing something by sharing an item temporarily, it becomes easier for them to manage their actions and feelings.

•Place Mickey's toy from Lesson 2 in his home.

•Make Mickey come out of his home with his toy, and greet you and the students.

Oh, Mickey! I like your teddy bear! I don’t have a teddy bear.

•Make Mickey give you his toy and say Oh, you’re sad. Here. My teddy bear.

Oh, thank you, Mickey! You share your toys!

•Make Mickey say Yes, I share my toys!

Can you remember who shares their toys in the story? Accept all answers.

Let’s listen to the story again.


•Read or play the story to students, using the Story Cards.

•Read or play the story again. Pause the audio after each frame and ask students questions to check their understanding.

Who shares her toys in the story? (Boo)

Student’s Book pp 56–57

1 7.9 Look and listen.

•Play the story again. Help students follow the story in their Student's Books by pointing to the correct picture.

2 Choose and circle.

•Point to the happy, neutral, and sad face icons on the blue panel, one by one.

I like this story (look happy). It’s OK (look neutral). I don’t like this story (look unhappy).

•Students decide which of the three icons reflects their opinion and circle that icon.


and growth

3 I share my toys Find.

•Point to frame 6 and have students find Boo’s toys.

Boo shares her teddy bear. Where is Boo's teddy bear?

I share. I share. I share.

•Repeat the sentence and have students say it with you.

4 7.11 Chant and move.

•Play the chant and mime giving something to someone else.

•Play the chant again. Have students join in with the actions and words.

5 Stick.

The sticker shows Boo sharing her toys.


•Have students find the I share sticker.

•Help students find the correct place on the page to stick their sticker.

Persistence and growth

Values poster

• Help students identify the character sharing on the Values poster.

•Congratulate them for completing this observation activity.



1 I share my toys Circle.

•Look at the pictures together and have students identify and point to the picture that shows Boo sharing her toys.

•Have them trace the circle around the picture with their finger, then with a pencil.

Social awareness

2 Say.

•Have students point to the correct picture and say I share.

0.2 Sing the Goodbye song.


Lesson aim

• to consolidate unit language and themes in a real-world context

Recycled language

• ball, block, car, doll, teddy bear, four

• one, two, three


GSE Learning Objective

• Can recognize a few basic words and phrases, if spoken slowly and clearly and supported by pictures.

Our toys Student’s Book

Future Skills

• Social awareness Materials

• Mickey Mouse puppet

Extra resources

• a ball


Picture 1:

A: I like my ball!

B: Me too!


A: Let’s share and play!

B: OK!

Picture 2:

A: Look, I have two teddy bears.

B: I like your teddy bears.

A: Let’s share. One for me. One for you.

B: Thank you!

Picture 3:

A: I have a red car.

B: I have a red car, too.

A: Yes, two cars. One, two!

B: Yes! My car. Your car.

Picture 4:

A: One, two, three blocks!

B: One, two, three, four! Let’s share!

A: Yes! Four blocks. Thank you!

Lesson 6 Real world


0.1 Greet students and sing the Hello song.

Circle time

Lesson summary

These pictures show children playing with friends and sharing toys. The idea is to help students understand that we all need to share things, and that sharing our own things can make us happy.

•Make Mickey come out of his home and greet you and the students.

•Hold up your Student’s Book so Mickey and the students can see.

Look, Mickey. Toys! Look at the girls. One, two girls. They’re sharing the ball.

Look. One, two teddy bears. They’re playing and sharing their toys.

Look at the boys. They have cars. I like the cars!

Look. One, two, three, four … a lot of blocks! The boys are sharing the blocks.

•Make Mickey look with interest.

Can you see a ball?

•Make Mickey find a ball and say Ball. Have students say it after him.

• Repeat with blocks, teddy bears, and cars.

Make Mickey say the plurals of the words where appropriate. If students pick it up, they can repeat what Mickey says.

Book time

Student’s Book p58

1 Look and say.

•Have students look at the pictures in their Student's Books and say any words they know (happy, excited, ball, car, blocks, teddy bear, one, two, three, four, red, green, blue ).

2 7.12 Look and listen.

•Play the audio.

•Have students follow the listening path with their fingers as they listen.

•Play the audio again, pausing it after each section. Have students repeat the toy words.

3 Mark your favorite picture.

•Act as if you are thinking and then point to one of the pictures and smile.

I like this picture! I like the (ball). The (girls) are happy. Which picture do you like?

•Help students think, decide, and mark the picture they have chosen. They may just copy your answer, but that’s OK.

4 Your ball Play.

•Have students stand in a circle. Hold the ball.

•Look directly at one student. Say (Daniel), your ball! Roll the ball into the middle of the circle.

•That student gets the ball and takes it back to their place in the circle.

•The student with the ball looks at another child. Help him/her say (Maria), your ball! and roll the ball into the circle.

•Continue until everyone has had a turn.


To ensure that everyone has a turn, have students sit down after their turn. The ball must be passed to someone who is standing up.

Social awareness: This game encourages sharing. When we throw a ball to another child, it is momentarily their ball. Then they throw it back again. This helps children realize that when we share, we are not giving something away permanently; it often comes back again.



1 Point and say.

•Look at the pictures together and have students point and say any words they know.

2 Which picture is different? Mark.

•Point to the first picture and ask Is it a toy? (No)

•Repeat with the other pictures.

•Ask students which picture is different and have them point to it.

•Have students mark the circle under the picture that is different.

0.2 Sing the Goodbye song.


Make and Remember

Lesson aims

• to review the unit language through project-based learning

• to make a project linked to the theme of the unit

Recycled language

• ball, block, car, doll, teddy bear, I like my …, I’m sad, four, I share

Main GSE Learning Objective

• Can use a few basic words and phrases to talk about a familiar topic.

Future Skills

• Persistence and growth

• Social awareness


• Unit 7 Picture Cards (ball, blocks, car, doll, teddy bear)

• Sticker (Mike)

• Press-outs

• Mickey Mouse puppet


7.13 I like my doll! I like my doll, I like my blocks, I like my teddy bear!

I like my car, I like my ball, I like my teddy bear!

Let’s play and share, Let’s play and share, Play and share!

7.14 Car, car Ball, ball Teddy bear, teddy bear Doll, doll Blocks, blocks

Lesson 7 Review
Student’s Book Workbook


0.1 Greet students and sing the Hello song.

Circle time

•Make Mickey come out of his home and greet you and the students.

•Show students your Student’s Book and look through the whole of Unit 7 together.

•Make Mickey point to pictures and say words and phrases. Pause before Mickey speaks so that students can speak first.

•Show admiration at how clever Mickey and the students are and at how much they can remember.

Book time

Student’s Book p59

1 7.13 I like my doll! Sing and move.

•Play the video and join in with the actions on the screen.

•Play the video again. Students join in doing the actions and singing the song if they can.

•Encourage students to have fun with the actions and not to worry if they struggle to remember the words.

•If you can’t play the video in class, play the audio version of the song instead and do the actions from Lesson 2.

About the project

This project develops students’ fine and gross motor skills as they press out and play with their Monsters, Inc. matching pairs card game. The game demands concentration and observation and develops short-term memory skills. Students have to focus on the position and image of the cards in order to find the pairs.

2 Make.

•Help students press out their cards.

•Lay one set of ten cards on a table, face down.

•Turn over two cards. If they are the same, collect them up and say the name of the toy. If not, turn the cards over and try again.

•Once students understand the concept, they can play in groups or pairs.

•At the end of the game, have students show the pairs of toys they have won and say A ball! I like my ball!

Persistence and growth

Social awareness: When children play with others, they have to be patient, waiting for their turn, and must learn to accept possible defeat; both important life skills.

The game takes a lot of concentration at first. Students have to learn the rules and the procedure, as well as remembering where each card is. At first, students might not want (or be able) to say the toy words when they find a pair. That's OK.

3 Show and tell.

•Have students lay the cards on a table so that the pictures are showing.

•Ask Where’s the ball?

•Have them point to the two cards, then name the toys on each card.


Put the five toy Picture Cards, or actual toys (a ball, a block, a teddy bear, a doll, and a car) on a table. Have students choose one toy. They can do this in pairs, groups, or one at a time, depending on how they feel. Have each student pick one card or one toy, hold it up, and say I like my (doll).

4 Stick.

•Help students find and stick the star-shaped Mike sticker as a reward for completing the unit.

Persistence and growth

Workbook p57

1 7.14 Listen and mark.

•Play the first part of the audio, then pause it and check to see that students can point to the correct picture.

•Help them mark the correct picture (car).

•Repeat for the rest of the audio.

2 Color your star.

•Tell students they have done a good job and they can color their star.

0.2 Sing the Goodbye song.

You can now do the Unit 7 Disney movie lesson (see Teacher's Book page 146).




Look, it’s Elsa. She sleeps well!

Look, it’s Anna.

Anna and Elsa are sisters.

Anna wants to play! She loves her sister. Anna wants to make a snowman!

Look at Elsa! She has a ball of ice!

Elsa and Anna are happy!

Look! It’s a snowman! The sisters share the snowman.

Anna is in the bedroom.

Anna is sad. Elsa can’t play today.

Look, snow!

Anna wants to make a snowman. Anna likes her dolls!

Look at Anna and Elsa now!

Elsa loves her sister.

Look! It’s the snowman. It’s Olaf! Elsa and Anna share and have fun.

•ball, doll, like, sad, share

•happy, sister, bedroom, sleep well

•snowman (extra) Language


0.1 Greet students and sing the Hello song.

Circle time

•Make Mickey come out of his home and greet you and the students.

•Make Mickey hold up the doll Picture Card and show students.

•Have students call out the word.

•Make Mickey praise them. Good job! Yes! That’s right!

•Show the movie still of the video clip.

Look! It’s Frozen! Let’s watch!

Video time

About the clip

In the first part of the clip, we see two sisters, Princess Elsa and Princess Anna, playing in their palace as children. In the second part of the clip, we see the sisters as young adults. They ice-skate around the palace courtyard together, having lots of fun.

•Play the clip and let students watch carefully. Good? (Yes/No)

• Start the clip again and pause at 00.26: Elsa.


•Unit 7 Picture Cards (ball, blocks, car, doll, teddy bear)

•Mickey Mouse puppet

•drawing paper and crayons

Who’s this? (Elsa)

•Pause at 00.33: Anna on Elsa's back.

Who’s this? (Anna)

Elsa and Anna are sisters.

•Have students join in with the word sisters

•Pause at 01.33: the snowman (Olaf).

It’s a snowman!

•Have students join in with the word snowman

•Pause at 01.48: Anna in the bedroom.

Is Anna in the bedroom? (Yes)

•Pause at 01.55: Anna looking sad.

Is Anna sad? (Yes)

Elsa can’t play today. Oh dear.

•Pause at 02.19: Anna with her dolls.

How many dolls? (two)

•Pause at 02.42: Anna and Elsa when they are older.

Who’s this? (Anna; Elsa)

•Play the clip again, without pausing.


•Hand out drawing paper and crayons.

Draw Elsa, Anna, and the snowman.

•Let students draw anything they wish from the clip.


0.2 Sing the Goodbye song.

Disney movie lesson
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