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Dr Natasha Ezrow is a Senior Lecturer in Government at the University of Essex. She has recently completed a new book Failed States and Institutional Decay, and she published two books in 2011 on dictatorships. In her TEDx talk she explains types of dictatorship and which one is less likely to take down, she also speaks about the importance of instituions and how can they make or break a revolution.


If the launching organisation is weak, and different institutions are weak to inexistant, the dictator will concentrate power into his own hands and the regime is completely deinstituionalized and completely personalized like Qadafi(lybia), Saddam(Iraq),Idi Amin(Uganda), revolutions in personalist dictatorship tend to create violent mode of exit of this dictators and create anarchy and chaos because of inexistant or eliminated juducial and legistiature institutions to run the transition into democracy we can take example of what happening in Lybia.

Fig. 9 Dr N, Ezrow TEDx talk (2011)



they tend to be the smoothest form of dictatorship and less klyptocratic, Monarchies like in saudia arabia and single party regimes like the communitst party in china have institutionalized the mode of succession,therefore, the leader is not paranoid nor he is able to hoard as much of the state ' s assets. and other members of the party are more likely to keep the leader accounatable, breaking down of this regime tend be be rare if not inexistant, because unlike personalist dictatoship, they tend to hoard less of the state ' s assets and they work toward country economic and social growth. 6.1.3- MILITARY REGIMES

the process of democratization is extremely bumby and tend to go ZIg ZAG fashion, means they seize power quickly in a coup. hold it for 1 or 2 years, then give it to civilian facade, especially if their corporate unity has been threathned,or htey are no longer unified, the civilian facade run the countryand must create unanimity inside the military. also another reason why they give power to a civilian facade, it is to keep their ligitimacy since their maain tasks is tbe in the barracks and not do politics, as long as they have a large miliary budget, they are happy staying in the shadow.


Mubarak lead a military regime, his fall and the raise of the muslim brotherhood was just a zig zag, meaning the military went back to the baracks, give power to democraticaly elected President Morsi, but the same legistiture and judical instituion and media who were under Mubark and controlled by the military were still in place, and Morsi along muslim Brotherhood had a hard time enforcing their policies and transitioning into democratie, since they spent most of their time fighting the existing mubarak regime, inevitably they lost power due to military coup by Sissi, and egypt human right sitution became far worse than with mubarak. however tunsia had a single party regime and had the best chance for change,Tunisia has experienced remarkable political gains and significant improvement in freedom of the press and civil society, An essay by Princeton historian L. Carl Brown offered a few explanations as Brown puts it, “ ethnically, religiously and linguistically unified. ” So it was always less likely to see the sectarian divides and competing power centers that have plagued Yemen and Libya. also The country ’ s military was also less integral to Ben Ali’ s power structure than in Egypt, and did little to either protect him or try to take power once he left. 6.3-DIFFERENT INSTITUION MUST BE CREATED DURING THE REVOLUTION

6.3.1CREATE EXECUTIVE, JUDICIAL AND LEGISIATIVE INSIf theTAITITlgeriaIONn revolution learn from its counterpart in Egypt, Tunisia, Lybia, it should be clear that creating different institutions during the revolution and not after is a must for its success, legisitave institution can be departed equally between Rachad(ZItout and Dhina), MJC(nekkas),UDS(K.Tabou), and add some non party affiliated members, the legisiative institution will create the judicial institution by using their lawyers, judges and using its networks to recruit sincere and honest new judicial members, the excutive institution will be the GPRA, it will composed of president, vice president and the cabinets( a board of advisors that head different agencies like an Algerian intelligence agency and ministery of defense that follow the comands of GPRA and are part of excutive institution is more than advised. 6.3.2WHY CREATE THE DI -th F e F di ERE fferen N t li T git IN ima S te T a IT nd UTI newl O y NS NOW A cr N ea D te NOTd institui LA ons T w Eill R take over the regime ' s ones, so we can smoothly transitionne into a democracy without counter revolution risks like in Egypt. -the excuse of chaos, anarchy, security used by western media will fall apart. -a strongly, organized, and legitimate regime will lower current regime credibility and influence. There will more a chance for this regime to accept negociation on it' s departure when in front of organized leadership backed by the people, do you think France would have left in 1962 if there was no GPRA, FLN, ALN

6.4-ORGANISING To e PRlect GPRA presidESIDENT e I nt, A I w L ould really reE comLEmeC nt T usinIO g t Nhe S VoatzTH apRp, iUt was already the statVOA used e of v TZ in mu irgina APnicipal and wiP e ll lec be tions test i in n 2020 presidential elections for military personals overseas. the main reason for organizing the election is to deligitimate the actual regime thru the high participation rates, it is not really important who will get elected president. The Voatz application uses a permissioned blockchain based on the HyperLedger framework first created by IBM and now supported by the Linux Foundation. In the election, verified validating nodes (servers) are used, split evenly between AWS and Microsoft Azure, each of which are geographically distributed, according to Voatz.Military personnel and their families who used the Voatz app only need an Apple or Android smartphone and a state or federal ID.VoatzVoatz iPhone mobile voting application.On the Voatz app, authentication is a three-step process that uses the smartphone ' s camera and its biometric feature (either fingerprint or facial recognition). First, the voter scans their state driver ' s license or passport; then they take a live facial snapshot (a video " selfie "), and finally they touch the fingerprint reader on the smartphone, which ties the device to the specific voter.Once a voter is authenticated, the app matches the voter ' s " selfie " to the facial picture on their passport or driver ' s license and confirms eligibility to vote by checking the state ' s voter registration database.han advised.


The GPRA should create embassies in the most strategic countries, countries with a high number of algerian immigrants like France, US, England, Belgium, Canada. The GPRA Thru its representants in these countries will be able to launch different pacific forms of protest that are well organized and have precise goals, also another reason to have this embassies, it is for the organisation of the presidential election, people inside Algeria will probably use Voatz app, while algerian immigrants across the globe will be able to vote in a physical location and it will covered by international media so it show the contrast between The illigitimate elections of the regime and the ligitimate election organized and isolate the regime internationally. also

Fig. 10 The Voatz app ' s work process