Alex and Pancho have a Mission

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We value responsibility, helping other∫ and doing teamwork.


Alex’∫ mother i∫ going shopping today and she leave∫ him in charge. “You are the man of the house now while fl’m out, Alex. You must look after your twin sister∫ and have your evening snack. They are sleeping now, so you are in charge of making sure all i∫ silent here, okay?” “What fun!” Alex exclaimed. fl’m the bos∫ today. 3

Alex went to hi∫ room to look for a bos∫ costume. He’ll keep hi∫ sister∫ safe from any danger. Suddenly he heard a noise. “What i∫ that?” Thump, thump, thump! Hi∫ friend i∫ here! “Let’∫ make a tower?” Pancho asked. 4

“fl can’t! Today fl’m bos∫ and fl must look after my sister∫. Do you want to help me?” “Sure! That sound∫ like fun! But…what do we have to do?” “We need some costume∫ to be bosse∫,” Alex explained while he wa∫ looking in hi∫ toy box.


And in a flash…they are ready for the mission! “fl’m the bos∫ of the house!” Alex exclaimed wearing a cowboy hat, a sheriff plaque and some handcuff∫. Pancho wa∫ wearing a strange colourful hat, a cape and a torch. “Pancho, what are you dressed a∫?” Alex exclaimed laughing while Pancho admired himself proudly in the mirror.



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